His True Colors Novel Chapter 3402 – 3403

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Chapter 3402

George Han was shocked, but at this time he wanted to withdraw his hand again, obviously it was too late.

George Han was frantically pinching himself up and down as if he had put his hand in the crusher.

Not only was his left hand completely immobile, but even his own left hand felt extremely painful at this time, and a wave of energy seemed to want to madly hit his body directly through his left hand.

“Damn it!”

With a low voice, George Han realized at this time that he thought that this girl had revealed a flaw, but now it seems that he is obviously careless and was given a living routine by Ziqing. The flaw is just a trap she deliberately set, Just waiting to dig in.

This is really a capsize in the gutter. George Han, who has always been extremely experienced, has suffered a dark loss in this fight.


despite this , George Han did not panic at all, and directly instilled the energy in his body into his left hand, not only to directly resist the energy that was trying to enter, but even to use this energy to directly drag Ziqing towards himself. control.


The energy of black gold burst out from the body, and the energy in the body was madly attacked directly from the left hand.


Almost at the same time, the energy on the left hand did not knock Ziqing back in the instant George Han imagined, but suddenly encountered some huge resistance, and when he raised his eyes, I saw that the purple love at this time was already full of white energy, and it was in a confrontation with George Han’s black and gold power, and the contrast was stark.

On the ground, a group of people are watching closely, all of them are completely fixed, Liu Sha has a faint proud smile on her face, it seems that Ziqing’s expression is silky now.

She was not surprised, and she was even extremely satisfied.

Mo Beitian frowned, looking at the two fighting in the sky, he couldn’t help but wonder: “Damn, who is this woman in the sky? So fierce?

” Qian Guo has so many tricks?” Qing Ji was also a little puzzled.

After all, even the two of them are not confident that they can fight George Han like this in the air.

“Furthermore, it seems that this woman is still not at a disadvantage. It’s a miracle, it’s really a miracle.” Mo Beitian smiled bitterly with interest.

There are sighs, but there are also acid that cannot be hidden.

After all, he has cultivated for an unknown number of years before he achieved this achievement, but the woman in front of him, who is only twenty years old, can achieve such a level of cultivation.

“It’s easy to say, the old Qi Ziqing among the seven monsters in Jiangbei.” Liu Sha said proudly after

hearing the words of Mo Beitian and Qing Ji. A group of people had known each other before, but Zi Qing, who was relatively gentle and shy by nature, was obviously not included in this range.

“Jiangbei seven monsters? Or the old seventh?” Mo Beitian was a little angry and funny. The old seven were so fierce, so the first few should not be so violent? I had met their boss Dabingtian at the dinner table before, but I never thought they were so strong. What kind of person are George Han looking for? ! “My old sister, cow, brother.”

Dabingtian also showed off at this time: “Our sister has a holy body, so that’s not ordinary.” “Holy body?” Mo Beitian and Qing Ji Er When the people heard this, they couldn’t help but look at each other strangely at the same time, and then, Qing Ji suddenly laughed, looking at the somewhat stunned Mo Beitian, Qing Ji smiled helplessly: “That’s no wonder.”

Mo Beitian looked at Qing Ji, without avoiding embarrassment, he moved a few steps to Qing Ji’s side, bumped her slightly with his elbow, and asked in a low voice, “What is a holy body? Why do you seem to know, but I don’t know anything about it? Don’t you know?”

Qing Ji gently hooked her hand, Mo Beitian immediately put her ear close, and then, Qing Ji whispered something in his ear, and Mo Beitian was stunned on the spot after listening to it. in place.

“Isn’t my mother-in-law?” Mo Beitian reflected for a long time, looking at Qing Ji like a ghost.

Qing Ji just put her finger to her mouth and made a silent motion.

At this time, above the sky, the struggle between black and white energy has become incandescent. With a sudden explosion, the two forces exploded directly…

Chapter 3403

George Han directly retreated a few dozen meters in mid-air to stabilize his body, and Ziqing almost flew upside down. It took 100 meters to stabilize their figure slightly, and the two looked at each other again, one was dumbfounded, the other was smiling.

George Han was a bit of a ghost. He had just fought against Ziqing, but the final result was a narrow victory, although he admitted that because the opponent was Ziqing, he did not use his ultimate move and all his strength.

But it is undeniable that even so, George Han is confident that these skills are enough for most of the top experts to drink a pot.

But unfortunately, Zi Qing couldn’t help but carry it down, and she could even do it to this extent.

This simply made George Han feel extremely unbelievable.

This must be too fucking crap, isn’t it?

How long have we been apart? This Ziqing’s cultivation level is

like sitting on a cloud-piercing arrow, even fiercer than that fucking Ye Shijun.

And the smile on Ziqing’s side, naturally, there is no need to say more.

“It’s kind of interesting.” George Han retracted his energy slightly, looked at Ziqing opposite, and couldn’t help sighing.

“Then I have to thank my brother for helping me.” Zi Qing also received magical powers, and the shadows flew to George Han.

“Interesting.” George Han looked at her and couldn’t help but smile, and was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

“Brother George Han, are you satisfied?” Zi Qing said: “If you are satisfied, can you let me in?”

George Han frowned slightly, not knowing what she meant.

“I saw that Sister Amelia Su was in a coma. I wanted to try it. Maybe I could help her. But you haven’t seen me for so long. I’m afraid your thinking is still stuck in the past. If I don’t

prove myself, how can you agree?” Zi Qing smiled.

Thinking back to the time when she was dealing with the nightmare, Ziqing gave her a huge help at a critical moment, and she had a special body, coupled with her current strong internal strength, not to mention, this girl really succeeded in moving her.

George Han didn’t speak, he turned around and flew into the bamboo house. Ziqing naturally knew that George Han had agreed, and immediately followed.

Everyone really wanted to follow the past to see, but thinking of Amelia Su’s current situation, they could only give up angrily, so as not to disturb her.

However, for Liu Sha and the other five monsters, it’s enough. Anyway, there are cows that can be blown back to the wooden house.

And just after the group of people dispersed, there were two hearty laughter above the sky.


yes , it seems that George Han’s efforts have paid off.” The sweeping old man smiled softly.

The Eight Desolate Book of Heaven nodded: “It’s just that this stupid boy doesn’t know what kind of existence some people and things around him are like. In short, when you come, you will come when you come,

and if you keep it, you will keep it. This world will not be inexplicable and wonderful. If you meet some irrelevant people, anyone who appears around you must have a meaning for their existence.”

“It’s like a table of side dishes, this is this, that is that, but once you find a way to accompany you, That is a gluttonous feast.”

“What’s the hurry? One day, he will understand.” The old sweeper smiled lightly: “I believe that as more and more things surface, this guy will even know Gradually I began to understand that Amelia Su’s existence has her meaning.” The

Eight Wilderness

Heaven Book nodded: “Everything is beginning to approach, and everything is beginning to awaken. To be honest, I am looking forward to it.”

“Don’t I look forward to it?” The old sweeper nodded and agreed completely: “Compared to you, I have worked a lot more, and naturally I won’t give in at all.”

“However, he is still one thing worse. “The old man sweeping the floor suddenly looked at the Book of Eight Desolations.

The Eight Desolate Book of Heaven smiled, and naturally knew what the old sweeper was talking about, and smiled slightly: “It’s coming soon, what should come will always come, don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal.”

“With such a thing, although the gluttonous feast has not yet arrived, But at least the good soup for the appetizers before the meal is ready.” As soon as

the words fell, the two laughed loudly.

At this time, in the bamboo house, George Han came to Amelia Su’s bedside with Ziqing…

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