His True Colors Novel Chapter 3400 – 3401

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Chapter 3400

Is it for yourself?

On the surface, it seems that the other party is targeting Amelia Su, but everyone knows who Amelia Su is, and everyone knows how important Amelia Su is to them.

So to a certain extent, targeting Amelia Su is actually targeting himself.

If this is the case, it seems that a lot of things can be understood clearly.

Moreover, if this is the case, it can explain everything at the same time, but also explain a huge problem.

All of them seem to have nothing to do on the surface, but if they are grouped together, they are quite related to each other, and finally form a giant net that directly blows at the face.

Right now, it seems very likely.

And almost at the same time, George Han suddenly remembered something, looked at Su Yan, and said, “Can you show me the map of the day?”

Su Yan nodded, and

then took out the map of the day. , George Han took a look at the map, and the target above was indeed the most central area of ”‹”‹the Demon Land – Burning Bone City.

“It’s Burning Bone City again.” George Han couldn’t help but sneer when he saw it.

It really was as he expected, all the seemingly unrelated things finally converged and pointed to the central point of himself.

“If you want to solve the rootless poison, see you in Burning Bone City!” Qing Ji and Mo Beitian also frowned when they saw the words on it.

“What do you mean by this? Can someone solve the rootless poison?” Qing Ji frowned slightly.

The rootless poison has no solution at all, how can there be such a mark on this map?

“Could it be a trick at all?” Qing Ji doubted.

Mo Beitian didn’t answer immediately, just frowned, as if thinking about something.

After a while, he shook his head: “Theoretically, it shouldn’t be? Although

I also doubt the authenticity of this statement, but on the other hand, since we all know the intractability of this poison, if the other party still wants to do this kind of thing. Deception, doesn’t it seem stupid and nonsense?”

George Han nodded, Mo Beitian’s words are not unreasonable, if you just want to deceive someone, there is absolutely no need to come to this kind of poison that everyone knows can’t be cured. , even if you are looking for it, it should be other kinds of poison, so George Han and Mo Beitian are more inclined to believe the words on this map.

Another important point is that this place leads him to Bone Burning City, which is completely in line with his previous estimation. To a certain extent, it does seem that it is really aimed at him.

Moreover, George Han is also willing to believe such a result, because at least in this case, he can be sure that Amelia Su’s poisoning situation is not too

desperate .

Rolling up the map again, George Han handed it over to Su Yan, and smiled lightly: “Forget it, whether it’s a plan or not, I have to go this trip. I know there are tigers in the mountains, so I just go to Hushan Mountain. Let’s see what kind of tiger is waiting for me.”

“Walking around in such a big circle, it seems like I’m afraid I won’t go.”

As George Han said to Amelia Su before, Fen If he doesn’t go to Gucheng, I’m afraid he will only cause more trouble. Now it seems that his worries are not for nothing.

“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.” Su Yan took back the map and kept it carefully, with a trace of guilt on her face.

“It’s none of your business, even if it’s not you, it will be someone else. Since the fate is calamity, then let it come.” After George Han finished speaking, he glanced at Amelia Su on the bed, and as the temperature rose, Although she still

In a coma, but obviously his face looks much better.

Even George Han can rest assured at least for now. At least the map tells him to go to Burning Bone City to detoxify, which means that at least before he reaches Burning Bone City, Amelia Su’s life will definitely not be any problem.

“Okay, you all go out, do whatever you need to do, don’t worry about this side.” After the

words were finished, George Han turned slightly and sat beside Amelia Su.

The three of them looked at each other and saw that George Han had already made up his mind, no more words, and they all withdrew.

The room suddenly returned to silence, but this silence only lasted for a moment, and then the sound of footsteps suddenly came. George Han didn’t look back, just a little impatient, and said, “Didn’t you let you go out?

” Echo, when George Han turned around again, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment: “Why are you here?”

Chapter 3401

“Three thousand brother.”

Seeing George Han, the visitor bowed his head slightly, both shy and worried.

“Sit down.” George Han said.

She didn’t speak, she didn’t sit, she just shook her head.

“What’s the matter?” George Han lost his temper and gave a bitter smile.

He never dreamed that Ziqing would run into the house at this time, and she was actually alone this time. You must know that this girl, Liu Sha, is always with her.

“Sister Amelia Su, she…” Zi Qing glanced at Amelia Su lying on the bed and said worriedly.

“It’s okay.” George Han replied.

Zi Qing nodded, silent for a moment, squeezed her hands slightly, and finally walked out of the house slowly.

Seeing her leaving, George Han didn’t say much. He just wanted to sit back by the bed, but suddenly his brows wrinkled. Both his consciousness and consciousness were warning him at the same time

that there was danger.

Sure enough, when he was following his instinct, a beam of energy just happened to brush George Han’s side face in a millimeter, and swept across the bamboo wall beside him.

For a while, although there was no sound, the bombarded bamboo wall turned into a huge hole about the size of a bowl in an instant.

The hole is round and unusually tidy, which is enough to show that this energy, which seems to be quiet and not moving, is actually unusually strong, even unusually fierce.

George Han couldn’t help turning his head to look in shock.

Zi Qing raised her hand slightly, obviously the energy just now came from her hand. At this time, not only did she not stop at all, on the contrary, she picked up a knot in her hand and aimed at Amelia Su and was about to attack.

George Han’s brows were furrowed, and he shouted that he was crazy, and he was not polite at all.


The two held their palms directly. Seeing that the aftermath between the palms was about to explode, George Han directly propped up a barrier with the other hand, directly blocking all the aftermath of the explosion in the energy barrier.

And almost at the same time, Ziqing couldn’t make a single blow, and her palms kept slamming towards George Han between her retreats.

Han 3000 is going to defend and push forward crazily, trying to catch Ziqing directly, so as not to cause him chaos again.

This is how the two of them retreated all the way from the house to the outside. After that, they fought furiously from the ground to mid-air. Wherever they passed, explosions and smoke billowed.

On the ground, everyone has not retreated, and they looked up in surprise to watch the two fighting like water and fire.

George Han’s offensive is not ruthless, but it is definitely fierce. The moves are not to kill Ziqing, but to capture this troublemaker alive, while Ziqing fights and retreats without reducing the intensity of the offensive. The explosions in the

sky Suddenly, George Han suddenly smiled and found Ziqing’s flaws. He immediately opened up his energy and attacked directly towards the right side of Ziqing. Long time no see, this girl has not only grown from mediocrity to a glimpse,

but now she can actually fight with her for nearly a hundred rounds, which really makes George Han secretly sigh and at the same time quite surprised. However, even so, it does not mean that she has fully grown into a super master. At least, the flaws exposed so far are caused by inexperience. “break!”

As soon as George Han’s voice fell, his body was already rushing to the right side of Ziqing, his left hand suddenly stretched out and buckled on Ziqing’s waist, this time, let’s see how you can hide from me.

However, just when George Han thought

he was going to win the game, Ziqing suddenly backhanded and slapped her right palm directly on George Han’s left hand. Half of the waist, on the contrary, was afraid that George Han would pull out his hand because of this.

George Han frowned suddenly, what is this girl doing?

Being caught by herself, not only did she not want to break free, but she did the opposite. Did she want to trap herself?

If this is the case, then George Han is really disappointed for a while. After all, this method is too stupid, and it is no longer just a matter of inexperience.

But just when George Han thought this, suddenly, he suddenly felt that his left hand grabbing her waist suddenly had an incomparably huge force suddenly spreading from the inside and outside, frantically attacking his left hand.


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