His True Colors Novel Chapter 3386 – 3387

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Chapter 3386


When the two women came out first, the atmosphere of the scene, which had been extremely depressing, became active again. Exclamations rang out incessantly.

Even George Han, who looked sideways, couldn’t help but be stunned.

Yes, he had already seen enough of Xia Wei’s face. After all, the many days of getting along with him had already made him commonplace. Even before entering the temple, Zhu Yan’er had this face in front of George Han’s eyes all the time. Shaking.

But sometimes the creations in this world are so magical. The same face, put on Zhu Yan’er’s body can make her transform into a top beauty, but on Xia Wei’s original match, you don’t need to use a top-level beauty. Beauty to describe.

That is simply adding a series of top big beauties in front of the top.

The figure and appearance are simply perfect match to the extreme, absolutely absolutely not a little, not a little, so that people have to sigh that the magic in this world can be so perfect.

Simply beautiful.

Even George Han couldn’t help but smile.

There is the joy of reunion, and there is a kind of enjoyment and appreciation of beauty.

In contrast, Qing Ji was already considered a great beauty, and her unique temperament made her even more attractive, but because she stood beside Xia Wei, not only did Qing Ji not show the slightest beauty, It’s not even ordinary, but it has become a kind of ugly miraculously.

“This is too beautiful, isn’t it?” A group of

people were all dumbfounded.

Perhaps the impulse of the body and the impulse of the mind will be easily regarded as obscene words, then it actually reflects the greatest respect for beauty from some very strange angles.

At this time, the audience, as long as it is a man, will feel dry mouth.

“Damn, I have never seen such a beautiful woman before. Just now, Miss Zhu’s family made me think that she is the ceiling of women’s beauty, but now… she has broken my point of view.”

“No wonder Zhu who looks quite righteous. The city owner would do such filthy things behind his back. In fact, it seems normal to think about it. If I were him, I might have done something even more maddening for this beautiful woman. After all, this woman is worth any risk, including asking me her life.”

“Fuck, it’s so good that you can’t find any flaws, plus her unique temperament, shit, I can’t stand it, this world is so fucking unfair, right? It’s all As human beings, there can be a gap between beauty and ugliness, but such a big gap is really too damn bullshit, right?” A group of

people can sigh, sigh, or hang around, and they all have their own ideas. , each has its own statement, but the one thing that is inseparable is that everyone’s recognition of the beauty of the best is the same.

As the saying goes, radishes and vegetables have their own preferences. Some people think that this kind of beauty is very beautiful, but some people think that it is not beautiful.

But only in Xia Wei, there is nothing unusual.

Futian and Ye Shijun, who were originally lying on the ground, were taking the opportunity to finally catch their breath, but because of the appearance of Xia Wei at this time, their mother immediately stopped breathing.

So beautiful, so beautiful indeed.

The same face, but the gap is still so huge.

Not to mention Ye Shijun looked stupid, even the old bastard Futian suddenly felt that he was a few decades younger than Fangfo, and even had a faint throbbing in his heart.

Ye Shijun gritted his teeth, his mood was extremely complicated.

He had to admit that Xia Wei’s appearance was like a cat constantly fiddling on his heartstrings, making him unable to sit still at all, but also because of Xia Wei’s excessive beauty, which made the hatred in his heart even more numerous.

She…she is George Han’s friend!

In particular, when Xia Wei saw George Han standing not far away, she laughed. Everyone who laughed was almost intoxicated, but Ye Shijun, who was also laughing, was insane.

Because he could see it, Xia Wei didn’t smile tightly. The important thing was that she looked at George Han with exactly that kind of look. .7

But it wasn’t this that completely destroyed his spirit, but at this time, the Zhu Yanshuo brothers and sisters who came out of the ruined temple…

Chapter 3387

Zhu Yanshuo pale, a look of despair.

Behind him, Zhu Yan’er lowered her head and covered her face with her hands, for fear of being seen by others.

But even if she hides it again, Xia Wei has already put on that ugly face for everyone to see clearly, so even if she only sees the outline now, everyone already has a general idea of ”‹”‹what she looks like now.


The sound of vomit continued to rise and fall, and the soldiers who were very close to the temple gate even stepped back unconsciously in order to maintain a certain distance from her.

After all, even Xia Wei’s top-notch figure couldn’t support her face, so it would be easier for people to commit evil if it was replaced by Zhu Yan’er. Although 7K

was covering her face, Zhu Yan’er could clearly feel the reactions of the crowd, especially the sound of vomiting that stimulated her heart madly.

She didn’t want to stay here for even a second, she wanted to get out of this place quickly.

But she also understands that the battle at this time has already caused a sensation in the whole city. If she leaves here rashly, more people will see her ugly appearance now.

She doesn’t want to go, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t go, she just wishes she couldn’t get into the ground with a crack.


Ye Shijun was completely heartbroken, and he sat down on the ground in a slump. He failed. He simply failed and couldn’t fail again.

Looking back on how high-spirited he was back then, how disheartened he is now.

The woman he likes is just an ugly one, and the beautiful woman he really likes is just the woman next to George Han.

He thought he could trample George Han under his feet, but he was far from expecting that until the end, he became a bereaved dog.

Zhu Yanshuo endured the humiliation, glanced at the entourage over there, and nodded at them. At this time, several soldiers also completely loosened the iron chains of the pangolins and others.

Han 3,006 people gathered, and at the same time, Han 3,000’s hand moved slightly, and a burst of energy directly rolled up Futian and Ye Shijun, and threw them out of the courtyard.

Zhu Yanshuo and the others were suddenly shocked. When they responded, they sent people to look for Futian and Ye Shijun, but when they looked back, George Han and others were nowhere to be seen.

And the gluttonous gluttons who fell into a state of armistice in mid-air, almost disappeared in the process that the four masters and a group of elites have been paying attention to the situation below.

“Fuck, fuck.”

Seeing that George Han disappeared, Ye Shijun, who was helped up by a group of people at this time, jumped in anger. George Han took away all his beautiful future. Only the chicken feathers on the ground are left.

He hated it to the core, how could he get rid of his hatred if he didn’t kill George Han?

Many soldiers on the side didn’t speak, they just didn’t dare, but everyone understood that Ye Shijun’s anger at this time was more like an incompetent hysteria.

Zhu Yanshuo also rushed here with a group of people. As a subordinate, he naturally had to endure his depression and cared about Ye Shijun first: “Young Master Ye, are you okay?”

Hearing Zhu Yanshuo’s words, Ye Shijun did not answer, instead his eyes locked on Behind him, on Zhu Yan’er, who was covering his face with his head down, he suddenly ignored his injury and walked over a few steps. Then, using his remaining left hand, he directly pulled on Zhu Yan’er’s hand and made her whole The face is completely presented in front of him.

Although he had foreseen it long ago, there have always been some things that don’t go to the Yellow River. When he saw Zhu Yan’er’s current appearance clearly, he couldn’t help being anxious and angry, the whole person took a few steps back, and was speechless for a while.

Zhu Yaner would rather scolded her and beat her, at least she felt better in her heart, but it was these silent surprises and fears that were the biggest attack and humiliation against her in life. Her tears were filled with tears, and her body was also crying because of her tears. And sobbed softly.

Zhu Yanshuo clenched his teeth and looked up, only to see Futian also nodding at him, he suddenly understood, his eyes flashed vicious and sinister…

And at this time George Han’s side…

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