His True Colors Novel Chapter 3372 – 3373

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Chapter 3372

The horn of death is like a death order. If anyone does not obey, he will be killed like a defector.

On the ground, those who were slightly less cultivated, or who were responsible for ground attack and defense, were already moving quickly after the horn sounded. At this time, above the air, the four masters and a group of elites were also a little flustered at this time.

“Going up is dead, not going up is also dead. But at least, there is still a chance to win if you hit the top, or you will have a chance to survive if you fail, but if we violate the death order, we will all be executed.” Heishan enchantress said coldly And the road.

The three masters didn’t make a sound, they gritted their teeth and looked at Evil Taotie not far ahead, and nodded.

“Where are the generals!” The Black Mountain Demon Girl shouted angrily.


Although the voice behind him was obviously lacking in anger, at least the victory was that these guys finally unified the caliber.

“Divided into four teams,

surrounded and attacked from four directions, and charged with me!” After the

words fell, the four masters took the lead in attacking and rushed towards the evil gluttony in four directions.

Seeing that these four bastards finally made their move, Ye Shijun was not idle over there, so he accelerated his speed and attacked George Han as well.

George Han smiled coldly, holding the jade sword in his hand, the sky fire moon wheel directly turned into a ** electric snake and surrounded him, straight at Ye Shijun.

On the other side, the four masters also led their elite troops to besiege Evil Taotie. Evil Taotie did not panic at all, and shouted angrily, like a lion and a tiger directly pounced on it.

Suddenly, in mid-air, explosions erupted, and various spells emerged one after another.

The light of the sky, as well, was completely ignored, and the explosions of these spells instead illuminated them.

The airflow generated by all kinds of explosions even rushed all the way to the entire ground, so that this incomparably big

city ”‹”‹has been in a slow vibration all the time.

At this time, a large number of residents in the city had already stopped and watched on the avenues in front of their gates. Even though they were far apart, they could still feel the incomparably explosive explosion in the air!

“What’s going on here? Is it time for someone to attack the city?” A group of

people pointed, they really didn’t know.

“Is there anyone who would bring such a small number of troops to attack the city? I have a friend who lives not far from the place where the incident happened. I heard that City Lord Zhu brought the VIP who just arrived recently and attacked the goddess in one fell swoop. “

Didn’t the goddess help us destroy Demon Cloud Ghost City? City Lord Zhu was extremely excited to hold a feast to thank him, so why did they fight?

” Shenren was taken away, and early the next morning, his sister was taken back from the inn by City Lord Zhu’s people alone. It is estimated

that Shenren is also a romantic person, and he didn’t admit it, and the two sides started fighting.

” Others were amazed by the remarks, but after thinking about it carefully, it made perfect sense.

At this time, a woman in the crowd quietly retreated after taking a look at the others. If George Han was here at this time, she would definitely be able to recognize who this woman was.


And almost at the moment when the woman retreated, there was another violent explosion in mid-air, and the super-strong aftermath of the explosion fell directly from the sky, almost directly pressing down in a way that was visible to the naked eye.


The air wave was lifted, and the group of people fell together. All kinds of things on the side of the road were also suddenly sitting on the ground, and it was not only here that was similar to this place, but almost the same in other places around.

“This motherfucker is too fierce, isn’t it?”

Someone got up, looked at the explosion in mid-air, and couldn’t help but exclaimed loudly!

The distance between them is a few kilometers away, but even at this distance, they are still affected by the aftermath. It is precisely in response to that sentence that the gods fight and the mortals suffer.

What’s more, they sighed too fiercely. At this time, Zhu Yanshuo and the others who were guarding directly below couldn’t hold back their screams. A large area of ”‹”‹people was directly slapped on the ground by the air waves that came down, and a sturdy dog ”‹”‹came to chew on them. mud.

Some people were even more miserable from the center. They were shot directly to the ground, and then slid away several meters on the ground, hitting them dizzy and screaming.

And almost at this moment, in mid-air, the two people who created the explosion also retreated in the explosion.

The two of them have their own breaths and aura, but the expressions of the two at this time are different from year to year.

George Han was laughing, while Ye Shijun was shocked: “No, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, you… your breath…”

Chapter 3373

George Han smiled and signaled him to continue.

Ye Shijun took a step back and looked at George Han strangely. He was puzzled. The magic energy he cultivated with his special method was already the strongest energy, but why did he face George Han? Not only did he not realize himself at all. The advantage of pure magic energy, on the contrary…

will there be a feeling of faintly falling into the disadvantage?

This is impossible, absolutely impossible.

What I have practiced is the most yin technique in the world, and the method used is also called poisonous, and this guy in front of me, why? !

“Are you very unconvinced?” George Han said with a smile.

Ye Shijun’s ability is indeed extraordinary, especially this guy’s demonic energy, not only has it become extremely ferocious in such a short period of time, but the most important thing is the purity of the demonic energy, which is far beyond George Han’s imagination. .

George Han can even say that since he entered the land

of demons, this guy is definitely the strongest and purest guy he has ever fought against, no one.

Even looking at George Han’s entire Bafang world in the past, there are absolutely not many similar to him.

However, the good thing is that George Han is not bad now.

The Qi of Chaos is the ancestor of all Qi, and its ability naturally far exceeds all breaths.

Although Ye Shijun was fierce, unfortunately, he was unlucky and met someone he shouldn’t have met. Not only did Dao Fangcheng fail to pretend to be successful, but he was immediately pulled up by a certain person and hit the wall directly.

Naturally, there is some self-doubt right now, and it’s not surprising.

“You are just a piece of the earth. With your body and talent, how could you be stronger than me? George Han, what kind of tricks did you use?” Ye Shijun shouted coldly.

George Han shook his head helplessly: “Is it difficult to admit that others are better than

you? One bite of a piece of earth crumbs, what are you?”

“Are you saying it or not?” Ye Shijun shouted coldly.

He naturally didn’t believe that George Han had any ability to surpass him in the purity of his power. He only wanted to believe that George Han must have used some kind of treasure.

After all, waste belongs to waste, but after all, there is still good luck, just like the Pangu axe in his hand.

“Haha.” George Han smiled and said, “Those who don’t know think you’ve won. I’ll tell you a clear answer. I won’t tell you, what can you do?”

“You “…” Ye Shijun was furious.

For so long, he has the final say in the Fuye family. Even outside, with his current relationship, he has long been respected everywhere. Naturally, it is difficult to change his arrogance for a while. Qi and blood surged, and he directly clenched his

teeth rushed towards George Han.

George Han didn’t panic at all, and even changed the previous trend of attacking and defending. Instead, he simply used his speed and footwork to keep dodging.

The meaning of humiliation was almost written on his face.

The two sides are fighting, and the heart is the most important. What George Han wants is Ye Shijun’s anger.

Once a person loses his senses, even if his combat effectiveness will be enhanced by anger, he will easily expose his shortcomings because he is not chaotic.

As for the battle on the other side, although Evil Taotie is not so powerful now, but because of the support of the demonic energy he just swallowed, it is on a par with the four masters and a group of elites.

Of course, the most important point here is that Han Sanqiancai just made a small calculation.

Or rather, they are also obsessed with them.

George Han told the four masters in advance that it was the glutton of evil. Naturally, it was

not a kind reminder, and of course it was not idle time.

He did this, of course, to make these guys fearless when fighting after hearing the name of Evil Taotie. In this way, Evil Taotie dare not say that they will win the game, but at least the scale of victory will be placed on it. That slanted quite a bit.

The fact is just as George Han expected. The four masters have their own thoughts. Now facing the legendary beasts, although they have to be hard on orders, everyone is worried about being hurt by them. The appearance of effort.

With the war situation being delayed over there, George Han naturally had enough time to go one-on-one with Ye Shijun.

With Ye Shijun’s more ferocious attack, all kinds of explosions appeared one after another in mid-air, the nebula moved, and the color of the world changed!

In the sky, the thunder was pounding violently, and the lightning was violent, but at the moment of the thunder, everything suddenly stopped…

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