His True Colors Novel Chapter 335 – 338

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Chapter 335

Han Yan’s contempt for Huaxia was in Han Yan’s bones, which made George Han very angry. He couldn’t understand how a person with Yanhuang blood flowing in his body could say such a thing.

George Han, a fan of foreign and foreigners, has seen a lot, but dislike does not mean she has to deliberately slander, even if she grew up in a foreign country, at least she should know where her roots are.

“This is the education the Han family gave you, so that you don’t even know who you are?” George Han said coldly.

The education Han Yan received from childhood. The attitude of all the relatives in the circle to Hua Xia is almost exactly the same as hers. Those people also look down on Hua Xia in their bones, which led to her current attitude.

She didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with her words, and George Han mentioned the education of the Han family, which was clearly reprimanding the Han family.

The waste of a branch family. What qualifications do you have to blame the Han family?

“Are you questioning the higher education I received? Don’t show off your patriotism in front of me. You have nothing to show, so you can only show yourself very patriotic?” Han Yan mocked Said.

George Han looked at Han Yan with a torch. The clenched fist went white from the knuckles to slowly loosened, which showed that he had experienced intense anger within a short period of time, and then he was relieved.

It is a waste of time to discuss this issue with Han Yan.

“I don’t have time to waste on you. If you have anything to do with me, just talk about it.” George Han said.

“My dad’s request is very simple. Let you refuse to change your surnames and stop surnamed Han from now on. Otherwise, I can only kill you personally to avoid embarrassing your surname Han.” Han Yan said with a smile.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of George Han’s mouth. The overbearing American Han family even asked him to change his surname. Isn’t this a big joke? But they are so justified.

“I don’t change, what can you do to me?” George Han said lightly.

Han Yan smiled slightly and said, “Squeezing you to death is as simple as squeezing an ant. I advise you to think clearly, otherwise you won’t have time to regret it until I make a move.”

“No matter who asked you to do this. Tell him that my George Han was surnamed Han even on the day it turned into ashes. No one is qualified to let me change my surname.” George Han finished speaking, left the room and treated him. This kind of unreasonable demand, what is his need to take care of, if these people really want to deal with him because of this, soldiers will come to block it.

“Miss, this person really doesn’t know good or bad, what qualifications does he have, his surname is Han, and he is so scornful.” After George Han left, Han Qing said with strong contempt in his eyes.

Han Yan was not angry. Instead, she smiled happily and said, “That’s good, otherwise it would be so boring for me to come this time. Since this is a waste of bones, I will let him know how powerful the Han family is.”

“Miss, this kind of trash will kowtow to you sooner or later.”

Mo Yang was a little surprised to see George Han coming out so quickly. Asked: “Is it done so soon?”

George Han smiled bitterly and said, “I’m afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future.”

This is completely a disaster of innocence. Someone inexplicably jumped out to ask him to change his surname, and he had to deal with him if he didn’t change it. This made George Han very helpless, and he couldn’t even dream of such things.

“What’s the matter?” Mo Yang frowned and asked.

George Han shook his head without explaining, and Mo Yang stopped asking more questions.

The energy of the Korean family in the United States, George Han is not very clear, but from what Nangong Qianqiu said before, it should be very powerful, but fortunately their roots are not in China, which makes George Han not too worried. .

Hillwood City Qincheng.

Shen Weng meets Han Jun in the visiting room.

Today’s Han Jun has become a useless person. He hates George Han and can’t wait to kill George Han himself, drink his blood and eat his flesh. Only in this way can he vent his hatred.

“How’s our plan?” Han Jun asked Shen Weng.

“Some people from the Korean family in the U.S. have gone to Basin City, but I can’t guess what they will do.” Shen Weng said, Han Yan’s father called Han Yan. His goal was simple, to establish an opponent for George Han, but Shin Weng didn’t know what the opponent would do.

“Can’t you think of a way to let them kill George Han?” Han Jun gritted his teeth.

With Shinweng’s status, how could he have the right to control what the American Han family did? The only thing he could do was to attract hatred to George Han.

“Han Jun, is this your attitude when talking to me?” Shin Weng said with a cold face.

“I’m sorry. Grandpa Shen, I’m so excited, I just can’t wait to get revenge.” Han Jun lowered his head to apologize, but his eyes showed no regret.

“If you want revenge, this is not something that can be done in a short while. Anyway, you have to stay in jail for a few years now. Don’t worry, he will definitely die. Since the Korean family in the United States has come, it is absolutely impossible to release it easily. Pass him.” Shen Weng said with a sigh.

“During this period, I will find ways to provoke greater conflicts between them.” Shen Weng continued.

“Grandpa Shen, if it weren’t for George Han, grandma would never die. We must not spare him lightly. We must help grandma take revenge.” Han Jun mentioned this matter deliberately because he knew that only grandma could let Shen Weng hated George Han.

Shin Weng took a heavy breath and squeezed his fist and said: “Don’t worry, he will not only die, but I will let him die miserably, and I will let him watch his beloved one die!”

In the Han family compound, Mary sat in the place originally belonged to Nangong Qianqiu. Before, Mary didn’t understand why Nangong Qianqiu would sit here, so since Nangong Qianqiu’s death. She would often observe the Han family compound with Nangong Qianqiu’s vision, but now, she still doesn’t understand why Nangong Qianqiu particularly likes this location.

“Uncle Yan, why would Mom like to sit here?” Mary asked.

Jun Yan stood not far from Mary. He used to protect Nangong Qianqiu in this way.

“This is facing Han Jun’s room.” Yan Jun said lightly.

“Doesn’t she really have one point three thousand in her eyes?” Mary was puzzled. She knew Nangong Qianqiu’s obsession, but even the seat must be facing Han Jun? George Han is also from the Han family. She also has her blood in her body, why should she be treated so unfairly.

“People are dead, does it make sense to care about these things?” Jun Yan said.

Mary sighed and said, “The Korean family of the US has gone to Basin City. Three thousand will definitely be made things difficult again.”

Yan Jun smiled coldly and said, “Isn’t this what you want to see, why should you care about him pretendingly?”

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from Uncle Yan, but this thing has nothing to do with me, not my doing.” Mary said, she is really happy to see such a situation, because only pressure can make George Han become She is stronger, and Han Tianyang’s obsession has a deep influence on her. She also hopes to see the Han family one day be recognized by the Korean family in the United States.

“With 3000’s current ability, suddenly encountering such an opponent is not a good thing for him.” Yan Jun said.

Mary turned to look at Yan Jun, and said unexpectedly: “Don’t you believe him?”

“Of course I trust him unconditionally, but this thing happened at his current stage. It is too difficult. Although Mi Guo Han family has no influence in China, it is easy for them to establish a power. They have Absolute ability to subvert Basin City’s business community and gray areas. Everything that George Han has is like a bubble in front of the Korean family in the United States. It will shatter with a touch.” Yan Jun said.

“Then what should he do?” Mary questioned.

“The best way is to agree to all the conditions put forward by the Korean family of the United States, continue to forbear, and wait for the opportunity.” Yan Jun said.

Mary smiled and said, “But you should be very clear about his character. He would never do this.”

Yan Jun sighed. This was what he worried about the most. Because he knew George Han’s character, he could guess what decision George Han would make.

He can bow his head in front of Amelia Su, but he will never put the Korean Korean family in his eyes!

Chapter 336

George Han and Mo Yang left the Peninsula Hotel together, and asked about Qingyun in the car. During this time, George Han treated Qingyun with a stocking attitude. No matter what he was doing in Basin City, he just asked Mo Yang to arrange someone to stare at. Qingyun.

“Your friend is a talent.” Speaking of Qingyun, Mo Yang showed a helpless smile on his face.

“What’s the matter?” George Han asked puzzledly.

“You tell me first, what kind of fairy talent is this? How would you know such a person?” Mo Yang curiously asked.

“He used to be a deceived Taoist priest. I met by chance, not a friend.” George Han said. The main reason for keeping Qingyun by his side was to see what this guy wanted to do and why he had to stay. By his side.

“Hey.” Mo Yang sighed, and said: “He entered the trumpet. He was indecent three times. There was no evidence for the first two. He escaped by chance, but this time he was not lucky enough and was photographed. It’s probably been closed for a while.”

George Han looked surprised. Although he knew Qingyun was not a good thing and had a strong need for women, George Han never expected that he would do such shameless and indecent things.


No wonder Mo Yang would call him a talent.

“Let’s close it, let him have a long memory.” George Han said.

George Han could not be sure whether Qingyun did this deliberately to portray his own image, or whether he really lacked women, but these little tricks can be watched in a lively manner. As long as Qingyun has a purpose, it will be exposed sooner or later, so George Han does not Anxious.

Qi Yiyun stood by the window of the room, watching George Han’s car leave, frowning with strong suspicion. She had called her father just now and asked her father to check if the Korean family in the US is in China. Kinship, or whether anyone from the Korean family in the United States has returned to China for development.

Only after confirming the identity of George Han, Qi Yiyun knew what to do next.

It didn’t take long before Qi Yiyun’s phone rang.


“Evian, someone from the Han family did return to Huaxia before, but that was already decades ago. He was the younger brother of the previous head of the Han family. Because this matter is too old, many people don’t know. At present, I want to conduct a more in-depth investigation, but it is estimated that nothing can be found out.”

“Dad, it’s enough to know this. Next, I will figure out this matter.” Qi Yiyun said.

“Why are you suddenly interested in these things?”

“The person I selected is likely to be related to the Korean family of the United States. Han Yan arrived in Basin City and met him, but I still don’t know what happened between them.” Qi Yiyun explained.

After hearing Qi Yiyun’s words on the other end of the phone, he was silent for a long time and asked: “Do you suspect that he has something to do with the Korean family who left the U.S.?”

“Yes, otherwise, why did Han Yan look for him? Maybe, he is also from the Han family.” Qi Yiyun guessed that there is currently no evidence to prove this, but her instinct tells her. This guess is not far from ten, otherwise she can’t think of any possibility of Han Yan coming to Basin City.

“Evian, you should know that our opponent has a deep relationship with the Han family. If he is also the Han family…”

“Dad.” Qi Yiyun interrupted: “Don’t worry about this, leave it to me, and in my opinion, they are in the same line, but the relationship is not good.”

“All right, you be careful.”

After hanging up the phone, Qi Yiyun said to Donghao: “Go and help me find out who George Han is. I want to know everything about him in China. It doesn’t matter how much money is. If you can’t find out, you don’t have to come back. .”

Dong Hao nodded and said, “Miss, Dong Hao will not let you down.”

George Han returned home. Seeing Amelia Su sitting in the living room with a worried look, it seemed that something had happened.

“What’s the matter?” George Han approached and asked.

Amelia Su raised her head and said, “Three thousand. Your friend called me just now and said that he is leaving Basin City.”


George Han thought for a while. She should be talking about Qin Lin. At present, the situation of Su’s company has stabilized, and Qin Lin has to return to Hillwood City to manage his Fengqian company.

“He is also the boss of the company, and it is very rare for him to help. Do you still want him to work for you?” George Han said with a smile.

“But he is really great. I have regarded him as an idol. I am afraid that I will not be able to cope without him in the company.” Amelia Su said. Qin Lin’s ability to do things makes Amelia Su very admired, and it is definitely not an idol. It was a joke, so Amelia Su couldn’t accept the news that Qin Lin was leaving suddenly.

These words turned George Han into lemon essence, revealing a sour taste, and Qin Lin was just his puppet. Amelia Su can actually regard him as an idol.

And how can she treat other men as idols.

“Isn’t I good?” George Han said silently.

Seeing George Han’s reaction, Amelia Su couldn’t help but laugh. Just about to speak, her eyes suddenly showed some abusive expressions, and said: “You are also great, but without him, he has reversed the situation of the company. , If it were not for him, the company would have been over.”

George Han immediately regretted letting Qin Lin come to Basin City. This matter was handed over to Zhong Liang and let him operate behind the scenes. Although it would waste some time, it was not impossible. When Qin Lin came, he actually robbed him. All the limelight.

Seeing George Han’s head drooping listlessly, Amelia Su’s smile deepened. Sitting close to George Han, he said softly, holding hands, “Is someone jealous?”

“Yes, it’s so obvious, have you only noticed it now?” George Han admitted openly.

Amelia Su was happy. George Han’s jealousy shows that she cares about her, how could she be unhappy with this feeling of being cared about.

“It’s really stingy, can’t I say that other men are good?” Amelia Su said with a flat mouth.

“If you can. Of course it’s the best. Who wants his woman to talk about other men’s good.” George Han said.

Amelia Su found that George Han looked jealous and was quite cute, so she couldn’t help but continue teasing: “But he is really good. And he is handsome, you don’t know how many people in the company are fascinated to death. Even Shen Lingyao likes him very much and wants to be his girlfriend.”

This guy can have such a charm that even Shen Lingyao likes him?

George Han felt that his decision was wrong, and he shouldn’t let this guy come to Basin City.

In a certain hotel, Qin Lin sneezed inexplicably, and said to himself: “No one will say bad things about me, right?”

Amelia Su watched George Han’s face depressed and did not speak, and suddenly burst into laughter. She wanted to hold back to tease George Han, but she couldn’t bear it anymore. George Han looked aggrieved, like a boudoir. Resentful woman.

“I’m joking with you. No matter how powerful he is, he is not as good as you. You are my idol.” Amelia Su said with a smile.

“You don’t need to comfort me, my heart is broken.” George Han lowered his head feebly, seemingly injured.

Amelia Su lay beside George Han’s ear, exhaled and said, “How can we cure such a serious injury?”

Feeling the heat coming from his ears, George Han’s hairs stood up all over.

Moreover, between Amelia Su’s words, there seemed to be a sense of temptation, which made George Han’s heartbeat speed up and breathless.

At this time, Lily Jiang walked to the living room at an untimely time and said to Amelia Su: “Amelia, tomorrow my sister’s son will get married, and you two will go with me too. When you got married, people also gave gifts. It’s time to return the gift.”

At the wedding three years ago, most people came to jokes. Amelia Su didn’t think this kind of gift was necessary.

“Mom, your sister, can you just go by yourself? What are we going to do.” Amelia Su said.

“I have promised her family will be there. If you don’t go, wouldn’t you not give face? That’s the decision.” Lily Jiang did not give Amelia Su the opportunity to refuse, and went upstairs after speaking.

Amelia Su looked speechless, this was clearly compulsion, and said to George Han: “If you don’t want to go, we won’t go.”

Chapter 337

“Can you refuse?” George Han said with a smile.

“Why can’t I refuse, just don’t go.” Amelia Su pouted.

Seeing Amelia Su’s pouting action, George Han licked her lips unconsciously, and said: “Mom let us go, there must be ulterior motives. If you don’t satisfy her, she will be unhappy.”

Amelia Su knew Lily Jiang would definitely still There are other factors, otherwise, it is impossible to pull the two of them, but it is also because of this. Amelia Su didn’t want to go.

But George Han’s words also make sense. If he doesn’t go, Lily Jiang will definitely be unhappy.

It’s not difficult to satisfy her with such a small matter.

At this time, George Han’s phone rang.

When Qin Lin wanted to leave, he naturally had to report to George Han.

After the call was connected, Qin Lin said: “Mr. Han, I want to…”

“Go away, go away quickly.” George Han finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Qin Lin in the hotel looked dumbfounded. He didn’t know what happened, but from George Han’s tone, he could hear that George Han was very unhappy.

This can’t help but make Qin Lin start to think about all the things that have happened during this period of time. Could it be that he did something wrong that made him unhappy?

Think about it. Qin Lin didn’t know where he had offended George Han, so he quickly called Zhong Liang.

“Zhong Liang, have I done something wrong recently?” Qin Lin asked.

Faced with this inexplicable question, Zhong Youyou wondered: “Why do you say that?”

“I called Mr. Han just now and he was very upset. I must have done something wrong to provoke him.”

“This…what did the young master say?” Zhong Liang asked in confusion.

“I told him to leave Basin City, he told me to get out, get out quickly.” Qin Lin told Zhong Liang what George Han had said.

Zhong Liang said: “He told you to get out, so you can leave quickly. If you really want to be held accountable, you won’t be allowed to leave easily.”

“Yes.” Qin Lin, who originally planned to leave tomorrow, hung up the phone and took it immediately. Get on the luggage and leave the hotel.

And in the mountainside Villa, Amelia Su saw that George Han spoke in such a rude tone, and curiously asked: “Who, why are you so fierce.”

“Mo Yang, he asked me to go to the magic city, saying that there are many young and beautiful people. Girl, can’t I let him go quickly?” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su gritted her teeth and waved her fist and said: “This Mo Yang. You are even asked to do this kind of thing.” In the

magic city, Mo Yang sneezed inexplicably.

The next day, Lily Jiang put on her most expensive clothes, took the most valuable brand-name bags, wore gold and silver, and took all her valuable belongings with her, dressed as a lady.

In comparison, Wilson Su is much more stubborn. The most valuable watch with ordinary dress is also an old model many years ago.

“Amelia, don’t you hurry to change your clothes, you will be late if you don’t go out again.” Seeing Amelia Su in sportswear, Lily Jiang couldn’t wait to urge.

Amelia Su and George Han just came back from a run, it’s only eight o’clock, even if they go to the wedding, don’t worry!

“Mom, take a look at what time it is now, what are you doing in such a hurry.” Amelia Su said helplessly.

Lily Jiang couldn’t wait to show herself. The clothes she had bought were specifically for the wedding, and she has been holding it at home, and can’t wait for this day to come.

“Your mother got up at five o’clock today, and it’s not her son who begs her wife, and she doesn’t know what she is excited about.” Wilson Su said silently, Lily Jiang didn’t say anything when she got up, and woke him up from his dream. At this time, Wilson Su wanted to go back to the room to sleep.

“What do you know.” Lily Jiang stared at Wilson Su and said.

Wilson Su lowered his head feebly. How could he not know Lily Jiang’s thoughts? Isn’t he just going to show off the newly bought clothes? This is her taste. I can’t wait for the whole world to know that she is wearing a brand new style.

“Mom, even if we go now, there is no one in the hotel. People still have to pick up the family. We went so early, isn’t it a joke?” George Han said from the side.

“They didn’t do it in the hotel, they had a farmhouse, we should go to the farmhouse early to play.” Lily Jiang said, the attitude and tone of George Han were obviously softer, not as strong as when speaking to Wilson Su .

“No one has arrived, so you, the guest, arrived. In case no one greets you, where can you put your face.” Amelia Su thought for a while, and continued: “And go later, your sisters are here. You After they appear, they will focus on you, otherwise, who will notice you.”

Lily Jiang suddenly felt reasonable when he heard this. The later you go, the easier it is to attract other people’s attention, and she won’t have to show off intentionally.

“All right, listen to you.” Lily Jiang said.

George Han and Amelia Su returned to the room.

“I’ll take a shower first, do you want to be together?” Amelia Su said.

George Han was so excited by these words that he looked at Amelia Su in disbelief and said, “One… take a bath together?”

“It’s just for fun.” Amelia Su made a face to George Han, then went to the bathroom and locked the door.

Ever since I found some fun with George Han yesterday, Amelia Su has never been tired of this kind of thing. I went to bed last night and asked George Han if he wanted to take off his clothes. But after George Han really took off his clothes, Amelia Su separated him from him and put on different quilts.

George Han was not angry. Although Amelia Su made a lot of jokes, it was not excessive, and it made George Han clearly feel that the relationship between the two was heating up.

For that matter, George Han was not eager to complete it. After all, he had waited for more than three years, and it didn’t matter if he waited.

When Amelia Su walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel and damp hair, Han had dry mouth for three thousand minutes. Even though this scene has been seen many times recently, it still makes his heart beat faster.

“You take a shower, I will pick out the clothes you want to change.” Amelia Su felt George Han’s hot eyes and said without raising her head. Although she likes to molest George Han, she dare not mess around in this situation. Come, I’m afraid that the gun will be out of control.

“En.” George Han replied, and walked into the steamy bathroom, where the fragrance of Amelia Su still remained.

After taking a shower, Amelia Su has changed into her clothes. Simple outing clothes are not so gorgeous. After all, she is only attending as a guest today. If she is dressed too eye-catchingly, it won’t be nice to steal the bride’s limelight.

The clothes Amelia Su found for George Han were also very simple, and he did not let him wear formal clothes, because George Han, who was in a suit and shoes, was also easy to steal the groom’s limelight.

When it was almost ten thirty, under Lily Jiang’s impatient urging, the family of four finally went out.

The wedding was in a farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. This farmhouse covers a very large area, and one of its shareholders is Yang Qi, the owner of Fuyang Fruit Farm.

At this time, several middle-aged women gathered at the entrance of the farmhouse. Everyone is dressed very gorgeously, and no one wants to lose to others.

“How come Lily Jiang hasn’t come yet? She won’t have to deliberately put on airs.”

“She lives in a mountainside Villa now, and Amelia Su’s company is so good. She should have a good air.”

“Hey, this is called Feng Shui turn. Turn, she used to be the worst of our sisters, and I didn’t expect her to be the best now.”

“What’s going on? The jokes made before. Isn’t it funny? Her daughter’s wedding made my stomach laugh and hurt.” At

this time, an Audi stopped at the entrance of the farmhouse. When Lily Jiang got out of the car, the eyes of everyone at the door were on her, which made Lily Jiang’s vanity the greatest satisfaction.

Sure enough, she still had to be the finale. Fortunately, she didn’t arrive early. How could so many people see her?

This set of clothes is worth tens of thousands, and it will not show its value unless more people see it.

“Lily Jiang, sooner or later, we sisters have been waiting for you for a long time.” Ji Chun walked to Lily Jiang and said enthusiastically, she is the mother of the protagonist today, but the enthusiasm is only on the surface. Very dissatisfied, dressed more eye-catchingly than her, isn’t this showing to steal the limelight with her?

Chapter 338

“You won’t become like this in the future.” After George Han parked the car, he looked at several middle-aged women at the door, each dressed more coquettishly, and couldn’t help asking Amelia Su.

Amelia Su severely pinched George Han’s waist, causing George Han to gasp.

“Am I like this in your eyes?” Amelia Su gritted her teeth and said to George Han.

Knowing that he had said something wrong, George Han quickly denied: “Of course not, I just talk about it casually, don’t take it seriously.”

Amelia Su snorted coldly, and said, “Think clearly before speaking, I’m not annoyed.”

George Han smiled bitterly, confirming again that the woman’s personality is changeable. Turning over is faster than turning over a book.

After entering the farmhouse, most of the guests are already seated in the restaurant. The wedding stage is very luxuriously decorated. The wedding host and the two newlyweds finalize the process.

“You came too late. The arranged position was taken by someone else. Those who came were all guests. I can only wrong you a bit and sit here.” Ji Chun took Lily Jiang and the four to the dining table furthest from the stage. Location is obviously the least valued place.

This made Lily Jiang faintly dissatisfied. Ask other people: “Are you all sitting here too?”

“How can it be, we came early, sitting in front, who told you to come late, I can only wrong you.” A sister joke said to Lily Jiang. I can’t help but make you want to make a fuss late, sitting in this least valued position is also deserved.

Ji Chun pretended to have an apologetic expression and said: “Lily Jiang, I am really embarrassed today. I will find another opportunity to make amends for you another day.”

Lily Jiang couldn’t be angry when she said so beautifully, she could only say: “It doesn’t matter, it’s the same wherever I sit. Anyway, I am not interested in weddings.

Ji Chun’s face condensed and said: “Yes, you should have no good feelings about weddings, after all…” Having said that, Ji Chun deliberately slapped his mouth and continued: “Look at my mouth, what is it? If you don’t open the pot, please mention which pot. If you don’t say it, don’t say it, lest you bring up your sadness.”

Lily Jiang bit his posterior molar, Ji Chunbai clearly mentioned it on purpose, and pretended to be hypocritical.

At this time, the bridegroom on the stage suddenly rushed to the door of the restaurant, not knowing what he was doing in a hurry.

“Brother Qi, I didn’t expect you to save face like this.” The bridegroom faced Yang Qi with no promise. Although the current gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City is Moyang’s world, Yang Qi still has a certain status, at least not something he can afford.

After Yang Qi suffered a loss last time, his arrogance has reduced a lot, and he no longer protects Yang Wen from anything. It can be said how low-key it is to be low-key.

“You are a guest of the charter, so I have to save face.” Yang Qi smiled and said. At this time, Yang Qi found George Han, and his body trembled. Why did he come.

Does he know the groom today?

“Brother Qi, come with me, the VIP position has been arranged.” said the groom.

The VIP position is naturally close to the stage, but George Han is sitting in the rearmost position. Yang Qi can’t help but frown. Does this guy have no idea who George Han is?

“No, I can just find a place to sit.” After Yang Qi finished speaking, he walked towards George Han’s dining table.

Upon seeing this, the bridegroom hurriedly followed and said, “George Qi, how can you sit here with your position.”

“Is there any problem here?” Yang Qi asked after sitting down.

The bridegroom was not afraid of being separated by others, and said directly: “This is the place where the most ordinary guests sit, which does not match your identity.”

Yang Qi secretly looked at George Han, the most ordinary guest. It seems that the bridegroom really doesn’t know how powerful George Han is. It is a great honor for Yang Qi to sit at a table with George Han.

“I’m happy to sit here, you don’t have to worry about me, go and work.” Yang Qi said.

The groom looked embarrassed. With Yang Qi’s position, how could he sit here? And he had seen George Han early, although he was not familiar with George Han, but this kind of famous trash, once seen once in a lifetime, how could Yang Qi sit at the same table with this trash!

“Brother Qi, it’s not just that the position is not good, but the people here are not worthy of you.” said the groom.

This sentence made Yang Qi frightened, not worthy of him?

Right now, there are George Han and a family of four. Isn’t this to make it clear that George Han is not worthy to sit at a dinner table with him?

Yang Qi didn’t even dare to think about this kind of rebellious rebellion, but he actually dared to say it directly in front of George Han.

“Cao Nima, Lao Tzu can come to give you face and less damn nonsense. Get out of me.” Yang Qi scolded.

The groom was dumbfounded. He didn’t understand why Yang Qi suddenly made such a big fire. He quickly said: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Brother Qi, if you are willing to sit here. Just sit here.”

“Go away.” Yang Qi said impatiently.

The groom wiped a cold sweat from his forehead and hurried away.

Ji Chun’s expression was very stiff, and all of her sisters had seen this scene, which made her feel a little uncontrollable in face.

But who Yang Qi was, she knew very well, even if she was ashamed, she could only admit it.

“Sit down first, I’m going to be busy.” After Ji Chun finished speaking, he quickly walked away.

The others proudly returned to their positions, the place closest to the stage. It makes them feel like they are superior to Lily Jiang.

What about living in a mountainside Villa? It’s not about falling into a position that is not valued.

“Brother Qi, why are you sitting here?” Amelia Su asked Yang Qi in a puzzled manner. She and Yang Qi had met each other, and with Yang Qi’s status, even if he was sitting on the stage, Ji Chun’s family would Not dare to have any comments, so Amelia Su couldn’t figure out why he would sit at the last table.

“Miss Su, don’t call it that, just call me Xiao Yang.” Yang Qi said quickly. Amelia Su is George Han’s wife. How can he make Amelia Su call him brother?

George Han smiled faintly, and said, “Yang Qi, are you familiar with him?”

Yang Qi shook his head like a rattle, and George Han was afraid that he would have a concussion.

“No, I don’t know him, but there are my shares here, so I give him face.” Yang Qi quickly explained.

George Han nodded his head in understanding, Yang Qi worked well in the Basin City Farmhouse and Manor, and many places had bought shares.

“Without the place where you bought shares, it would have been closed long ago?” George Han said with a smile.

Yang Qi looked embarrassed, thinking that when the orchard was popular, he didn’t know how many shops were opened, but they were all destroyed by Yang Qi’s secret targeting. Those who can survive now are indeed more or less related to him. .

“It’s hard to do business now, so I can only cast the net widely. It’s really compelling and compelling.” Yang Qi said.

At this moment. Amelia Su quietly stepped on George Han’s foot. She didn’t notice what happened last time, but this time, she obviously felt that Yang Qi was very afraid of George Han. Judging from George Han’s acquaintance with Mo Yang and Lin Yong. The classmate would make Yang Wenrongliu kneel, it must be George Han.

“You really did a lot of things behind your back.” Amelia Su looked at George Han complainingly.

George Han knew what Amelia Su meant by many things, and said: “Your classmates are too arrogant and don’t let them suffer. How can they grow. I have done a good thing.”

“Right?” After George Han finished speaking, he immediately turned to look at Yang Qi.

Yang Qi nodded like garlic, and said, “Yes, it’s a good thing, my nephew. Now I am more obedient and more capable, thank you Miss Su.”

Amelia Su felt speechless for a while, and Yang Qi had to thank him for this. In his heart, how scared George Han was!

At the beginning of the wedding, the scene was very lively, but only the five people at the table of George looked particularly deserted, which seemed incompatible with the general environment of the entire restaurant.

At this moment, the host suddenly said: “I just learned that the celebrities from Cloud City are here today. Would you like to see me?”

“Celebrity, is it a star here?”

“I want to see, of course I want to see.”

“Which star is it?”

Seeing the high enthusiasm of the crowd, the host smiled faintly and said: “You have all heard his name, George Han!”

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