His True Colors Novel Chapter 3334 – 3335

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Chapter 3334

Several people looked at each other, obviously also hesitating about this so-called strange, in the end it should be said.

Seeing this, Zhu Yanshuo was a little impatient: “If you have to say it, you can say it if you shouldn’t. I won’t blame you.”

“Yes, the city lord.” The man nodded: “Early this morning, there are some people in the city. Many places are suddenly sold out of breakfast.”

“In recent days, Devil’s Cloud Ghost City has been destroyed, and a large number of slaves from Devil’s Cloud Ghost Town have flooded into the city. It is normal for a shortage of food supply for a while, so why is it strange? Say?” Zhu Yanshuo was a little puzzled.

“Yes, it’s not surprising, but the problem is that there are still many people outside the store who haven’t actually bought breakfast, and even…even the various food stocks in the store for the next few days have been bought clean. Jing, cooked food is one side, even some raw food stores.” The person reported.

Hearing this, Zhu Yanshuo didn’t understand, it was indeed a little abnormal.

Even though there are a large number of people and the supply is not sufficient, the city has not reached the level of famine. Although everyone knows that the refugees in Devil Cloud Ghost City have shared a lot of money, they have enough purchasing power.

But it’s not enough to buy such a large area of ”‹”‹”‹”‹grain without a famine, right? !

“How many stores have this situation happened?”

“Reporting to the city lord, there is basically no store in the city that has not had this situation. We doubt, will it be…”

It is not uncommon for people who are cautious and afraid of being scolded to have such preparations , but if this is the case in all the restaurants in the city, it would be too abnormal.

Could it be that, as his subordinates suspected, they were the people from the Heavenly Demon Palace and the Hundred Demons Palace?

But it shouldn’t, they hurt

Seriously, I should be looking for medicinal herbs. What are you doing with so much food?

If the wounds and illnesses cannot be cured, wouldn’t the amount of food not be the same as waiting for death? !

“City lord, food and population are closely related. The Tianmo Palace and the Hundred Demon Palace are both old and traditional schools of the Demon Race. There will be a lot of comrades and remnants if they are not in good balance. They buy a lot of food. Is it possible to wait for reinforcements? ?” another added.

Hearing this, Zhu Yanshuo’s eyes suddenly lit up, which really reminded him: “Immediately send more people to the city wall, and pay attention to the situation outside the city.”

“This subordinate understands.” The man took the order and hurriedly retreated. go down.

Commanded over these, force is large and look to other people:. “As for you, go check these food are sold to anyone”

. “Yes”

Everyone kicked when we should go down, the force is large and sudden awareness of

the situation may be somewhat No, I hurriedly said: “Wait a minute.”

“What else is the city

lord telling you ?” Zhu Yanshuo raised his head, his brows furrowed: “Send a team to check where the food has gone, and as for the others, step up patrolling. , the focus is still on the medicinal material store.”

Several people were stunned, wondering why City Lord Zhu suddenly changed his mind.

But Zhu Yanshuo is not without his reasons. Food has never been related to people who have been injured in a large area. Therefore, after thinking about it, Zhu Yanshuo believes that this is most likely the other party’s plan to move the tiger away from the mountain.

Because of this, he was suspicious and asked himself to investigate suddenly. If he suddenly went to various medicine stores to buy medicinal materials at this time, wouldn’t he succeed in private?

“What are you still doing?”

Several people nodded, looked at each other, said yes, and went down obediently.

wait a few people

As soon as he left, Zhu Yanshuo’s eyes were quite complicated, his fists were slightly clenched, and he said coldly: “The surnamed Han, play these clever tricks with me, do you really think I’m a fool?”

“Even if I dig three feet in the ground, I You will also be found out, but I am not in a hurry, when they arrive will be your real death.”

At this time, in the ruined temple.

Teams and teams of people and horses are like a lot of traffic, and they are constantly flowing. When everyone comes in, they are holding a lot of food in their hands, and when they go out, they are empty.

But the things inside the ruined temple are accumulating more and more, not only filling the whole ruined temple, but even a lot of piles outside the yard.

A group of monks who were all two feet tall were at a loss and had no idea what George Han was doing. At this time, George Han finally stood up and walked over slowly…

Chapter 3335

for simultaneous reading on mobile phones . “

Zhu San has a fierce temper, and he couldn’t help it at first: “I said, Boss Han, what do you want us to do by buying all the food in the city’s open stores at a high price? You are going to be full. It won’t take so much to beat them, right?” After speaking, the guy

muttered, “Even if it were a thousand pigs, I wouldn’t be able to eat it.”

Yes, but he didn’t stop Zhu San at this time, because he really didn’t understand why George Han was doing this.

At this time, Qing Ji also came over, saluted George Han, and said, “According to your instructions, I have already fed Miss Xia some high-quality supplements

, plus I rested last night, the current situation Much better.”

“What about the rest?” George Han asked.

“Everything is ready.” Qing Ji replied.

If their mission is strange, then Qingji’s mission is probably even more strange. She was also arranged by George Han to buy ingredients, but all ingredients are only high-quality supplements, nothing else, and other people’s requirements should not be compared with quality. Completely the opposite.

And come back early in the morning, let George Han take care of Xia Wei, and even take care of it by himself for a long time.

Although Qing Ji would not ignore George Han’s advice, but she was the dignified Hall Master of the Hundred Demons Hall, but was sent to take care of her people, which was really overkill.

But it’s obviously not him, but the other one…

“I said George Han, do you

really want to do this?” Mo Beitian was very depressed.

Because of this group of people, he is obviously the most boring person.

He was holding an egg in his hand, and his next task was to hold the egg well!

Isn’t that outrageous?

He is the palace lord of the Tianmo Palace. In terms of position, he is a little stronger than Qingji. In terms of cultivation base, no one except George Han can beat him, but he was sent to hatch eggs?

The key is that he is a man.

Isn’t this guy brooding about hatching eggs?

But George Han smiled faintly and nodded with great certainty.

He was completely depressed.

“Okay, then according to the original plan, except for Qingji who stayed to help me take care of Xia Wei, everyone else has dispersed and found a place to escape.” After George Han finished speaking, he said to everyone: ” When it’s

finished, I’ll let Qingji contact you.”

Next, George Han glanced at Young Master Ruyu: “It’s hard work for you next, many soldiers were injured in this battle, and they all need your help.”

“However, that’s the same sentence . , their treatment is from me, you only need to temporarily stabilize their injuries and not spread.” George Han said.

Young Master Ruyu nodded: “Don’t worry, wrap it on my body.”

“Okay, thank you all for your help, I know you have doubts, but please believe in Han, the day when things are done, it will be in the sky.

” After falling, George Han turned around and returned to the broken temple. After the other group of people also looked at each other, they were finally encouraged by George Han’s words. According to the original plan, they withdrew from the temple and dispersed.

At the gate outside the broken temple, only Qing Ji was left waiting


Inside the broken temple house, in a small space, George Han walked in. Seeing George Han come in, Xia Wei sat up.

“Three thousand brothers.”

“Are you ready?”

“Not only are you ready, but you even think you are a little slow.”

“Okay, let’s start.”

Xia Wei nodded.

With the sudden sound of dull thunder in the sky outside the house, the dark clouds pressed down, and the sky seemed to collapse in half during the thunder and lightning.

At this time, outside the falling city, a team holding high the flag of the word leaf also marched towards the falling city in a mighty manner amid the thunder and lightning.

Heavy rain began to pour.

When they arrived at the bottom of the city, accompanied by the sound of a strange horn, the soldiers guarding the city gate hurriedly came under the gate with a very low attitude, opened the city gate wide, and formed two teams, kneeling respectfully to greet each other…

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