His True Colors Novel Chapter 3320 – 3321

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Chapter 3320

George Han stopped slightly, looked at him in surprise, then stopped and put away the giant axe in his hand.

“What do you want to say?” George Han said indifferently.

“Damn it, out of the three, why did you only hit me? My mother*** didn’t offend you.” Venerable Bigfoot was very depressed, and even shouted at George Han with suffocation.

He doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand.

At any rate, you can soak them in the rain and dew, hit them once, and beat them to death by yourself.

Isn’t my mother born? !

“You mean, let me hit them?” George Han laughed.

Venerable Bigfoot glanced at the Black Mountain Demon Girl and the old immortal Fengji, thought for a while, then gritted his teeth. Although it was a bit embarrassing, he still nodded: “That’s right.”

“Why should I listen to you?” George Han Thousands of disdain smiles: “You are all together, who to fight is not to fight?”

In a word, Venerable Bigfoot was choked in his throat. He wanted to refute but didn’t know where to start, but at this moment, he suddenly raised He saw George Han’s eyes looking at him.

He was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what he meant, and then nodded quickly.

George Han’s eyes are obviously telling him unless he doesn’t interfere.

Venerable Bigfoot was out of breath after being beaten, and the Black Mountain Demon Girl and Phoenix Chicken Old Immortal were slow to take action. He had long complained in his heart, and even he himself wished George Han would beat up those few. , I watched the show well, mad at the two bastards, and let them feel their own despair.

Now that George Han has thrown out the olive branch, he naturally can’t ask for it.

“Okay.” George Han smiled lightly, the words fell, and looked back at the Black Mountain Demon Girl and the Phoenix Chicken Old Immortal.

The Black Mountain Demon Girl had fought against him, and he failed without attacking at the

time. Although he was covering his face, the series of performances that he wanted to come here had already made him roughly guess his identity. Therefore, she You must be afraid of yourself.

He had already obtained the effect that George Han wanted from the Black Mountain Demon Girl. Naturally, it seemed meaningless to beat her again. Therefore, he set his last eyes on Fengji Lao Xian.

The old immortal Fengji and the demon girl of Montenegro were following George Han’s buttocks at a safe distance, looking like they were about to make a move but didn’t make a move. Seeing that George Han’s attack on Venerable Bigfoot stopped, their hearts shuddered. At this time, when he suddenly saw George Han looking at him, he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

While the Black Mountain Demon Girl let out a sigh of relief, she took a few steps back, and she couldn’t help but feel a little secretly happy in her heart.

In the case of choosing one of the two, isn’t it worth being happy that you didn’t choose yourself?

On the other hand, the old immortal

Fengji wanted to yell at you, don’t come here, but he was not allowed to do so because of his face, so he could only retreat slightly vigilantly, looking at George Han a little bit. Fear carried energy.

“It’s your turn.”

Although he knew, when George Han said this, it was still like a heavy hammer in his heart. Fengji Lao Xian raised his eyes and glanced at the Black Mountain Demon Girl, obviously he was in Seek the aid of the Black Mountain Enchantress.

“You don’t have to look, let me tell you, now it’s the two of you that are left, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold, so let’s go together.”

Hearing this, the old immortal Fengji was obviously taken aback. I was afraid that George Han was here. Once he said it, it might lead to a more ferocious blow from George Han.

However, now that it has been said, the old fairy phoenix is ”‹”‹naturally

It’s okay, just look directly at the Black Mountain Demon Girl.

The Black Mountain Demon Girl is also hesitating in her heart. She is indeed afraid of George Han’s strength, but what George Han said is not unreasonable. As the saying goes, one monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks will There is no water to drink.

Right now, Venerable Bigfoot has been beaten, and only she and the old fairy Feng Qi are left. Both of them are indeed the people who jointly carry the water. Their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. If one of them loses, it will be a fatal blow to the other.

Thinking of this, the Black Mountain Demon Girl nodded.

With the approval of the Black Mountain Demon Girl, the dangling heart of Fengji Lao Xian finally let go a lot at this moment, looking at George Han and said coldly: “Then don’t blame us for two against one, more people bully less people. “

Two against one?” George Han smiled and said, “I’m afraid you made a mistake.” After the

words fell, the little self-confidence that Fengji had just recovered, collapsed in an instant…

Chapter 3321

What the


“F***! What the f*** is this doing?”

While scolding and secretly rejoicing, at this time, it was not one George Han, but a total of eight.

“It’s not necessarily the one who bullies the least.” George Han said coldly.

Feng Ji Lao Xian almost didn’t recover from the old blood. He thought that he would fight two to one, but his mother had an eight-to-two in the blink of an eye.

But just when the old immortal Fengji was shocked and angry, the eight George Han over there rushed over in a hurry.

“Do you think I’ll be afraid of you? It’s just seven phantoms pulled out, not a single blow!”

Facing Han’s 3,008 attacks, the old fairy Fengji had no choice. Several afterimages were formed, and they were almost bombarded directly towards George Han at a faster speed. The Black Mountain Enchantress

attacked from behind, and the

black energy in her hands was very turbulent, but when she saw the old immortal Fengji attacking so fiercely, she couldn’t help shouting: “Be careful, his defense is extremely invincible.”

Ji Laoxian didn’t have time to change the offensive.

As the two fought for the first time, the old immortal Fengji was shocked, and with a fierce offensive in his hands, he hit the body of George Han in front of him firmly.

He was almost certain that he had hit his real body, but the result was just beyond all his expectations. Not only was George Han not repelled at all, but he was as motionless as Mount Tai. What was even more terrifying was that he seemed to be unaffected at all. The impact is average, carrying a giant axe and slashing directly.

How could the old immortal Fengji expect this? He hurriedly withdrew. Although he escaped the attack of the big axe, he was still directly hit by the Heavenly Fire Moon Wheel that rushed to the left. Is grinning.

And after

the demon girl of Montenegro knew that the reminder was fruitless, she had no choice, and directly aimed at George Han was a black energy call.

Just as he was about to hit George Han’s back, George Han suddenly turned around, and his hand suddenly moved, and Wuxiang’s magical power was directly activated, and at the same time that the attack of the Black Mountain Demon Girl was neutralized in the backhand, the backhand copied the black energy. Hit it directly.

Although the Black Mountain Demon Girl hurriedly dodged, she was also quite apprehensive about George Han’s extremely bizarre attack, and looked at George Han with a shocked expression.

However, at this time, George Han did not stop at all, and his body suddenly re-harvested a figure, and then his body suddenly turned into a black-gold light and rushed towards the phoenix old immortal.

In the black and golden light, there is the roar of the dragon’s voice and the soaring of the dragon’s shadow.


Long Ying opened his mouth wide, coercing the world and attacking directly.


Even though the old immortal Fengji hurriedly deployed the defense, the black energy in his body turned

into the black phoenix, but he was only stalemate for a moment before being directly broken by the black dragon!

As a mouthful of old blood spurted out, the body of the old immortal Fengji retreated several steps in a row, and when he barely stabilized, his legs couldn’t help but soften again and again.

“It’s so strong.”

Even the arrogant and arrogant him, looking at George Han in front of him at this time, couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

This is like a demon who came out of hell, it’s too scary.


At almost the same time, behind him, the Black Mountain Demon Girl’s attack came swiftly and violently.

For George Han at this time, it was almost close at hand, and there was no way to retreat.

Everyone was waiting for how George Han would respond, whether it was from the three masters or from Young Master Ruyu.

In theory, there should be no other way for him to defuse the attack.

“Could it be that he is going to be like today’s martial arts competition? Is he going to take it

hard?” Ruyu Young Master murmured.

He has this ability to do it. After all, he has truly blocked the powerful blow of the Black Mountain Demon Girl. He did it before, and he can do it this time.

But only George Han knew that the same moves against the same people, and when the opponent was a super expert, would hardly have any effect.

Since she can directly let go of her fears and attack directly, she must be ready to fight with all her strength. In this case, George Han still wants to carry it hard, which is obviously difficult. Besides, the little black stick has not had time to get damaged. Recovery, simply defending with existing strength is equivalent to dreaming.

Moreover, even if George Han can carry it, he has no such plan, because obviously, George Han has his abacus.

Thinking of this, George Han not only did not dodge or dodge, but his eyes suddenly turned bloody and terrifying..

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