His True Colors Novel Chapter 331 – 334

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Chapter 331

Jiang’s family was unwilling to pack their luggage. Everyone blamed Jiang Sheng, even Jiang Fengjing. They had the opportunity to settle in Basin City, and they entered Amelia Su’s company to change their destiny. But now, it’s a short-lived opportunity. It was ruined because of Jiang Sheng’s momentary confusion.

When everyone gathered in the living room, the eyes looking at Jiang Sheng were full of hatred.

“Jiang Sheng, these are all good things you did.”

“If it weren’t for you. How could we have fallen into this situation.”

“With rubbish like you, what right do you have to do right with George Han.”

At this time, no one seemed to treat George Han as a waste.

Why doesn’t Jiang Sheng regret it?

He couldn’t wait to kneel down and apologize to George Han. As long as he can stay in Basin City and work in Amelia Su’s company, he is willing to do anything. It’s a pity that George Han would never give him a chance in this situation.

“Auntie Lily, can’t you persuade you to welcome Xia again?” Jiang Sheng looked at Lily Jiang hopefully.

Lily Jiang shook his head feebly. Just now Amelia Su had already said very clearly. If she wanted to intercede with the Jiang family, she could only leave with them. How could she use her happiness to take risks?

“I can’t do it.” Lily Jiang said.

Jiang Hong sighed helplessly. He didn’t dare to rely on the old to sell the old at this time, because George Han’s remarks were not just to scare him. The death of Liu Hua is the best proof.

Before, he felt that George Han was suppressed by Lily Jiang, and he could use this to stay in Basin City, but from what just happened, George Han was not controlled by Lily Jiang, but George Han gave Lily Jiang face. So I didn’t care about it.

Now that Jiang Sheng has done such a stupid thing, George Han refuses to give Lily Jiang face, such a result, even Lily Jiang cannot change.

“Lily Jiang, go back to Bin County when you have time.” Jiang Hong said.

After the group of people left, Lily Jiang sat on the sofa blankly, and she began to think about one thing.

Although Lily Jiang was very afraid of Nangong Qianqiu’s affairs, as time passed by, Lily Jiang’s fear was gradually diminishing. Even if she felt that she was Amelia Su’s mother, she could take advantage of this. Three thousand in the eyes.

She thought that George Han could not be strong in front of her, but now thinking about what George Han said before leaving, he was not strong at home, just because he did not touch the bottom line.

Lily Jiang understands that there are some things that George Han can regress, but some things are not. She has to make a clear distinction. Otherwise, it is very likely that she will become the second Nangong Qianqiu.

Both grandmothers can be killed. What’s more, she is still an unrelated mother-in-law.

After George Han left the Villa, he found Mo Yang to help investigate where He Ting’s hometown is. Although he has Jiang Yingying’s contact information, he can directly ask if he makes a phone call. However, Jiang Yingying is still in Rong City now. If she does this, she is sure Will worry about He Ting’s situation.

Mo Yang would meet all of George Han’s requirements and directly sent a group of people out.

“George, look at you, you are very angry, what happened?” Mo Yang could feel George Han’s anger, but he was very strange. What is worthy of George Han’s anger?

George Han already controlled himself very much, otherwise Jiang Sheng would have died in the mountainside Villa.

It didn’t matter that he was beaten, but He Ting was innocent, and He Ting was beaten because he didn’t compromise with Jiang Sheng. This made George Han more and more angry.

“Nothing, a little thing.” George Han said.

Mo Yang shrugged helplessly. Since George Han didn’t say anything, he didn’t ask much.

He Ting’s hometown.

There are many rotten cabbage and rotten eggs at the door, and some people even throw dung in the yard, because many villagers think that He Ting will shame them in this village and tarnish the reputation of the village. Want to drive He Ting away.

Now those rumors have almost been made true by the people who chewed their tongues, and everyone believes that He Ting must have done something unseen outside, and that’s why they were retaliated by others.

Seeing the garbage in the courtyard and even the smelly dung water, He Ting sat weakly at the door of the hall. Since her husband died, some people said that the widow’s door was not clean and that any man appeared at her house. People would say that she stole the man.

After He Ting knew these taboos, in order to maintain her reputation, she would not contact any man in the village, nor let any man appear at her house, but even so, she still couldn’t stop those people from gossiping.

Those words lingered in He Ting’s mind like a curse. She was forced to go out to work, and even spent money to rent a house, just to not hear the villagers chewing their tongues.

This time, He Ting was not willing to come back unless she had to. But without a job, where can she go?

“He Ting, you such a bad woman, who is messing around outside, has the face to return to the village. Shame us all the villagers.”

“You hurry up and get out, don’t tarnish the reputation of our village, we don’t want to live in a village with you, a stubborn bitch.”

“People like you really don’t know how to be ashamed, and don’t know how many men hooked up outside, who knows if someone will come to trouble you, what if we get tired.”

“Harmful, get out and get out of here.”

Outside the door, outside the courtyard, there were constant shouts of curse. He Ting could only cover her ears, pretending that she didn’t hear anything.

This is her home, how could she leave here, even if it is a temporary escape, she can’t never return.

And those people outside the door, what right do they have to drive her away!

“The village head is here, the village head is here.”

“Village Chief, you must find a way to get He Ting out of our village, or she will lose all face of the whole village.”

“This kind of shameless woman can’t let her stay in our village.”

Yang Fu is a middle-aged man with a big belly. He has heard about He Ting. He used to think about He Ting very much. He didn’t know that He Ting was unwilling to follow him. He had long wanted to find an excuse to retaliate and threaten He Ting, but he never had a chance.

This time, God opened his eyes and created a chance for him.

When he walked to the door, Yang Fu said in a lofty manner: “He Ting, what are you doing while hiding at home? If you don’t make it clear, I can only use the village chief to drive you away.” Liu Fu said.

Although He Ting covered her ears, her voice was not completely insulated. When she heard Liu Fu’s words, she was even more desperate.

After all, Liu Fu is the village head. His words are more important than other villagers. If Liu Fu wants to drive her away, maybe she really can’t stay here.

“He Ting, it’s useless for you to hide, I’m the village chief, even if I forcefully break in. You can’t do anything to me, you should come out honestly.” Liu Fu continued at the door.

He Ting stood up and took a deep breath. It was indeed not the solution to keep escaping like this.

open the door. He Ting saw countless scornful eyes betting on herself, and everyone had a look in judgment.

“At an average age, he is still so uncomfortable and still messing around outside.”

“It’s really embarrassing to our women, even if we want to raise a daughter. You don’t have to betray your body.”

Liu Fu looked at He Ting coldly. He didn’t follow any method he used before, but now he acts as a junior for others to seduce men, which makes him very unhappy.

A stinky bitch. Actually, there was still an archway in front of him.

“He Ting, I have heard about your scandals outside. Now you have seriously affected the reputation of our village, and you have seen it. No one wants you to stay in the village. I advise you to move out as soon as possible. Right.” Liu Fu said.

He Ting had grievances in the past, and she would silently endure it, because she had no man and no one would support her, and she wanted to raise Jiang Yingying peacefully without causing trouble.

But now, with such a dirty hat on her head, He Ting would never admit it.

“Liu Fu, what ugly things have I done? These are their rumors. Do you have any evidence?” He Ting said.

“Need more evidence? People have come to the door, this is the best evidence.”

“If it wasn’t for you to seduce people outside, how could someone come and hit you.”

“Could it be that you have to sleep with someone else, do we have to see it?”

Chapter 332

“He Ting, if you look at the current situation, no one believes you at all. Why should you stay here sullenly.” Liu Fu said with a smile. What kind of evidence is there at this time? The public’s attitude is the most direct. .

“I don’t need them to believe that this is my home, and I have the right to stay here.” He Ting gritted her teeth and said.

“Look. Look, this is shameless, brazen.”

“If you don’t leave, do we have to lose face with you?”

“He Ting, you are guilty outside yourself, don’t bother us and get scolded with you. If this is known by the neighboring village, we will all be laughed at. You are a wicked person, can you do something good?”

When everyone saw that He Ting was unwilling to leave, they scolded and accused him. Some even threw stones at He Ting.

He Ting was beaten so that her body hurts. There was a trace of pain in his expression.

“I didn’t do anything shameless. It was your rumor. Would it become a fact if you just said a few words?” He Ting gritted his teeth unwillingly.

At this time, a piercing sound of sudden brake came.

Everyone turned their heads involuntarily, and an Audi A6 stopped not far away.

Liu Fu was taken aback for a moment. This is a good car. At most, there are only a hundred thousand cars in the village. How could such a luxury car appear here?

When George Han walked out of the car with a calm face, He Ting’s eyes were suddenly full of tears.

George Han saw the situation where He Ting was beaten just now, which made his heart more hostile. If it weren’t for him, how could He Ting be so wronged!

Pushing Liu Fu away, George Han walked to He Ting with an apologetic expression.

Liu Fu was not happy at this time. He was also the village head in what he said. This guy with unknown origin dared to push him directly.

“Who are you?” Liu Fu asked George Han.

“Aunt He, I’m sorry.” George Han ignored Liu Fu. Said to He Ting.

He Ting shook her head. George Han had helped her a lot, so how could she be sorry for her.

“It doesn’t matter to you, it’s Aunt He who has nothing to do with herself.” He Ting said.

“Boy, you dare to ignore me and know who I am?” Liu Fu scolded George Han.

George Han turned his head, looked at Liu Fu coldly, and said, “What are you, do I need to know who you are?”

The villagers were shocked when they heard this. Liu Fu was the biggest figure in their village, but this young man didn’t take him seriously.

In the presence of so many people, Liu Fu was said to be something, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

“Young man, don’t be so arrogant. Some people are not something you can offend.” Liu Fu said coldly.

“For example, are you? I want to try, do I have the right to offend you.” George Han said.

“I am the village chief here, and the most powerful person in the village. Don’t think that you can be deceived by driving a broken car.” Liu Fu said triumphantly. In his opinion, he exposed his identity, and the boy in front of him was not scared It’s so pissing, at least not dare to continue arrogant in front of him.

When Mo Yang heard these words, he couldn’t help but sneered. Just a village chief, he dared to play with his identity in front of George Han. This was a hilarious joke.

“I advise you to get out of the way, otherwise your identity as the village head will not be preserved.” George Han said with disdain.

Liu Fu’s eyes widened. This guy is not afraid to know that he is the village chief. Could it be that he is some powerful person in the city?

But ashamed in front of so many people, Liu Fu would not have any face in front of the villagers in the future.

“Boy, you’re so f*cking arrogant, come from the city? Don’t think that you can be lawless if you have a little money at home. You are a domineering rich second generation, I have seen a lot, although I am only a village chief, but there are also in my city People.” said the village head.

“Yo. I didn’t expect you to be so good, there are still people in the city, who?” Mo Yang walked to the village chief and said with a smile on his face.

With a proud smile on his face, the village chief said, “Who should I tell you? Just know that I, Liu Fu, is not an annoying person. If you are here to trouble He Ting, take this stinky Take away bitch. I don’t want to ruin the reputation of the village because of her.”


At the moment when Liu Fu’s voice fell, George Han kicked Liu Fu with a thunderous kick.

A strong kick directly caused Liu Fu to retreat a few steps and then fell to the ground.

Those villagers were dumbfounded for an instant, this guy even dared to beat Liu Fu, he wouldn’t kill him.

In the entire village, no one knows Liu Fujui’s must-have character. Whoever provokes him will not end well.

“Young man, I advise you to apologize to the village chief, he is not someone you can provoke.” A certain villager warned George Han.

“I advise you, it’s best to all kneel down and apologize to He Ting. I am also an easy person.” George Han said lightly.

“Kneel down to He Ting? Kid, are you cramping?”

“Let us apologize to this bitch, how is it possible.”

“Where is the arrogant boy, what qualifications do you have for us to apologize.”

“You don’t know what kind of dirty work He Ting did outside. Such a lowly woman would be immersed in a pig cage in ancient times.”

George Han didn’t know the rumors in the village, but he knew that He Ting was not the kind of people these people said. What they said was all slander against He Ting.

“Open your mouth to slander people at will, can you bear the price?” George Han asked coldly.

As far as he could see, the spoilers bowed their heads.

They dare not look directly at George Han’s cold eyes because of this feeling. It’s like looking at death.

At this time, Liu Fu eased from the pain, and said to George Han with a grim look: “Boy, I want you to pay for what you did today.”

Mo Yang walked to Liu Fu. Kneeling down on Liu Fu’s shoulders, before he could speak, Liu Fu said: “Don’t get close to me, it’s useless now. I want him to kneel and apologize to me!”

“It’s close?” Mo Yang couldn’t help but laugh. How could he be close to this kind of rubbish, and said: “Village Chief, you really value yourself. Can Mo Yang not even be able to deal with a village head?”

“What Mo Yang, I have never heard of it.” Liu Fu said with disdain.

“Didn’t you listen? Or if you think about it, don’t these two words make you feel familiar?” Mo Yang said with an injured face. If Liu Fu really didn’t know him, it would be a failure.

Liu Fu showed a mocking expression on his face, and he was taken aback for an instant.

Don’t say it, these two words are indeed a bit familiar, I really want to hear it somewhere.

Mo Yang?

Mo Yang!

Suddenly, Liu Fu looked at Mo Yang in disbelief, his body trembling slightly and asked: “You…you are Mo Yang!”

Mo Yang smiled relieved, but fortunately this guy knew him, otherwise it would be too shameful.

In other words, he is now the number one person in the gray area of ”‹”‹Cloud City. The self-registration number is already a low price. If the other party does not know him, it will lose face.

“Remembered? This is a good thing. Go and kneel for him first.” Mo Yang patted Liu Fu on the shoulder and said in a flat tone.

Liu Fu was already scared and his teeth trembled. Mo Yang was in Basin City. He was the top figure. If he really was Mo Yang’s deity, a small village chief, how could he fight him.

is that true?

With Mo Yang’s position, no one would dare to impersonate him!

Liu Fu’s mouth was dry, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he felt sore in his throat.

Looking at George Han’s eyes again, he didn’t dare to look down upon him.

If he can get Mo Yang to come forward, he must also be a big figure in Basin City.

Is it a member of the heavenly family?

Thinking of this, Liu Fu’s scalp numb, even if he has something to do in Basin City, but it is a dead end to provoke the heavenly family!

Liu Fulian crawled in front of George Han, knelt on his knees, and said with regret: “Sorry, I don’t know you are such a powerful character, please let me go.”

The villagers were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Liu Fu was in the village. He was a very arrogant person. When did he whisper to others, let alone kneel and apologize! This is simply incredible.

At this time, everyone looked at George Han with different eyes, and when they looked at He Ting, their eyes also changed.

“It’s just you kneeling down?” George Han said to Liu Fu.

Chapter 333

Liu Fu understood the meaning of George Han’s words, and said to the other villagers in a panic: “What are you doing in a daze, don’t hurry down and apologize.”

The villagers thought it had nothing to do with them, didn’t they just threw some rotten vegetables and rotten eggs? As for kneeling down to apologize so badly?

Seeing that no one was willing to kneel down, Liu Fu said grimly: “If you don’t kneel, don’t blame me Liu Fu for making trouble for you in the future. If I can’t keep the hat on your head, don’t think about it!”

The villagers were not afraid of George Han, because they could not feel the power of George Han. But Liu Fu’s threatening words made them afraid to take it lightly, because Liu Fu was closer to their level, and they had seen Liu Fu’s revenge. If they were targeted by him, it would be difficult to move in the village in the future!

“Give you the last three seconds.” Liu Fu glanced at George Han from the corner of the eye. The coldness on his face made Liu Fu shudder unconsciously.

Under Liu Fu’s threat, the villagers knelt down unwillingly.

He Ting looked at George Han gratefully. After helping out again and again, she didn’t know how she could repay George Han.

“Three thousand, thank you.” He Ting said.

“Aunt He, come with me, no one will make things difficult for you in the future.” George Han said.

He Ting looked tangled. Although she was forced to leave, part of the reason was because she did not want to destroy George Han’s family harmony, and did not want more conflicts between him and Lily Jiang.

“Three thousand, Aunt He can find a job, don’t worry.” He Ting said.

George Han shook his head firmly. This matter was not He Ting’s fault. Why should she bear such a result?

“There is no disharmony between me and Lily Jiang because of your existence. I have always had conflicts with her. I just thought that she was Amelia’s mother, so I didn’t care about her and had nothing to do with you. “George Han explained.

He Ting has long understood what kind of personality Lily Jiang is like. Every time a contradiction arises, Lily Jiang takes the initiative to ask for trouble. This is what He Ting sees.

“But without me…”

Before He Ting finished speaking, George Han interrupted: “Without you, nothing will change. Your nature is hard to change. Lily Jiang is not good at learning.”

Maybe she will converge a bit recently, but after a long time, Lily Jiang will still restore her original face, just like Lily Jiang has been honest for a while after experiencing Nangong Qianqiu.

This is her character, it is almost impossible for her to change.

George Han turned around. Looking at the villagers who were kneeling on the ground Qi Qi continued: “I don’t know what misunderstandings you have about Aunt He, but she is definitely not the kind of person you say. I don’t care about what happened today, but who If you dare to speak ill of Aunt He behind your back, I will tear your mouth apart.”

“No, no, no, if anyone dares to talk nonsense, I’m the first Liu Fu to let him go.” Liu Fu said quickly.

George Han walked to Liu Fu and said in a cold voice: “If you want to bully others, you must have a certain identity, and you are not worthy!”

“Yes, yes, I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy.” Liu Fu didn’t dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction. Even an astonishing big figure like Mo Yang came forward, he was nothing.

Mo Yang stood on the side, with strong appreciation in his eyes. Since knowing George Han, he is like a treasure boy, always able to unearth surprises.

For example, this time, He Ting is just a servant, but George Han is willing to spend his energy to help her. If it is replaced by any rich second generation, it will never be possible to do such insignificant things.

Three views are right, so that people can be convinced and appreciated.

Although Mo Yang was forced to re-emerge. But at this moment, he felt that his decision was very correct. Without George Han, how could there be such a wonderful scene?

Maybe in the future, the arena will be even more exciting.

After George Han returned home and helped He Ting pick up the luggage, the group drove away.

Liu Fu, sweating coldly, finally breathed a sigh of relief, sighed heavily, stood up and said to the villagers: “You have heard what he said just now, don’t chew your tongue anymore, if you let me hear it, don’t blame me for being polite. “

“The village chief, who are they, can’t even you fight?” a villager asked Liu Fu.

Liu Fu is not afraid of shame, after all, it is not a shame that he can’t fight against someone like Mo Yang.

“You unseen guys, Mo Yang is the most powerful person in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City right now. This young man, I am afraid, belongs to the heavenly family.” Liu Fu said.

Tianjia’s position in Basin City is deeply entrenched, and there are no people who don’t know him, so when the villagers heard that George Han might be Tianjia. All were stunned.

“f*ck, he is actually a member of the Heavenly Clan, He Ting doesn’t work in the Clan Clan.”

“She’s got some shit luck to get into the heaven.”

“What about the Heavenly Family? Isn’t it just how much money? It has nothing to do with He Ting. No matter how rich the family was that day, it wouldn’t belong to her.” Someone said with a weird yin and yang, a sour smell permeated.

Everyone is envious in their hearts, but very few people are willing to admit it.

This is the normal state of the country, and the life is not good. Most people are willing to laugh at a few words cheerfully, and even care about it hypocritically.

But when you have a better life than him, they will not have any blessings, and may even curse secretly.

Back to the mountainside Villa. Lily Jiang took the initiative to walk in front of He Ting. Since she had been found by George Han, she still had to get along in the future, and Lily Jiang hoped to show her attitude in front of George Han, so she apologized to He Ting.

Facing Lily Jiang’s apology, He Ting didn’t believe it in her heart, but on the surface, she still had to make an understanding. After all, she was a servant, and Lily Jiang was the master of this family.

Amelia Su took George Han to the room. She knew that George Han was very angry today, so she had to find a way to put George Han out of the fire.

Of course, Amelia Su was also very annoyed. When he saw the scene of George Han being beaten by Jiang Sheng, the first thought in his heart wanted to kill Jiang Sheng.

“I’m very angry, can I make up for it?” Amelia Su asked George Han directly.

George Han smiled, no matter how hostile he was, as long as he was in front of Amelia Su, he would all converge, and this matter was not Amelia Su’s fault, how could he let Amelia Su make up for it.

“I’m fine, but Aunt He suffered a lot of wrongs. When I went to her house, she was also beaten and injured on her body. It is estimated that she was beaten before I went.” George Han said.

Amelia Su gritted her teeth, and He Ting was diligent at home, but received such treatment.

“Let’s think of a way to compensate her, and not let her be wronged in vain.” Amelia Su said.

George Han shook his head. With He Ting’s character, how could they be compensated, but there is something to do.

“Go and tell mom, don’t make things difficult for Aunt He in the future, Aunt He will not be easy.” George Han said.

“En.” Amelia Su nodded heavily. Said: “I will tell mom clearly, and I will never let her mess around again.”

Amelia Su had such a determination, but George Han knew that Lily Jiang wanted to change but it was not that simple. He only hoped that she could really restrain herself.

“I still have something to do. Come to the door, go find mom.” George Han said. Just now Mo Yang said that someone was looking for him in Cloud City and was waiting for him at the Peninsula Hotel. But Mo Yang hasn’t found out who the other party is.

Asking him by name and surname made George Han wonder who the other party was and what he wanted to do, so he had to meet him.

“You won’t get hurt.” Amelia Su asked worriedly.

George Han smiled helplessly, and said: “I don’t always go out to fight, how can I get hurt so easily.”

Amelia Su pouted her mouth and said, “You have been hospitalized twice, are you not easily injured? How long is this?”

This made George Han a little embarrassed. These two incidents were unexpected. George Han didn’t think about it, and he didn’t know what would happen this time. After all, he didn’t even know who the other party was. , Maybe, there is a real possibility of injury.

“Don’t worry, I won’t go alone this time.” George Han said.

Chapter 334

In the Peninsula Hotel, Qi Yiyun with light makeup is more beautiful and moving, as if she shouldn’t exist in the world, but like a fairy in the sky. People like her are destined to make other women feel ashamed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, her slender legs are stacked on top of each other, revealing the advantage of her long legs. Charming mind.

Dong Hao lowered his head, even Yu Guang did not dare to stay on Qi Yiyun, because for him, it was a kind of blasphemy against the young lady.

“Miss, how come Han Feng appeared here? I remember they never returned to China.” Dong Hao said with a puzzled look.

The Han family is a top-notch presence in the American Chinese area, and almost all Chinese know about it, so Qi Yiyun is very familiar with the Han family. And this time the Qi family’s troubles were more or less related to the Han family, and she deliberately went to know the Han family.

The Han family established a foothold in the U.S. Chinese area a long time ago and is a family with a history of over a century. The background is extremely deep, but they have never returned to China. Qi Yiyun previously guessed that the Han family might have some taboo in this regard.

But today, Dong Hao saw Han Feng, which surprised Qi Yiyun.

“They came to China for a reason, maybe the Han family is planning to go back to China for development.” Qi Yiyun said.

“But I heard that the Han family simply looked down on Huaxia’s business, how could such a decision suddenly be made?” Dong Hao wondered.

“Today’s Huaxia is not comparable to before. Huaxia’s international influence is no longer inferior to that of any country. It is understandable that the Han family has begun to attach importance to the market here, but…” Qi Yiyun frowned and stopped talking. .

“But what?” Dong Hao asked curiously.

“I think this matter is not as simple as I thought. Han Feng is not a person capable of doing great things. It is possible that not only Han Feng is here. There is also Han Yan.” Qi Yiyun said, although Han Feng is a man, But his ability cannot be compared with Han Yan, and in the Han family, Han Yan is also higher than Han Feng. If you really want to come to China to develop, it should be Han Yan.

“Do I need to investigate it?” Dong Hao asked.

“No.” Qi Yiyun shook his head without hesitation, and said: “The way I am now, even if I pass by them, they definitely don’t know each other. There is no need to startle the snake.”

“I arranged for the eyeliner to be outside the hotel. If Han Yan does come, she will definitely show up and we will be able to know.” Dong Hao said.

As soon as the voice fell, Dong Hao’s cell phone rang.

After the two looked at each other, Dong Hao answered the phone.

“Miss, George Han has come to the hotel.” Dong Hao said.

George Han!

What did he come to the hotel for no reason.

Han family!

Qi Yiyun’s eyelids jumped, although there are many people surnamed Han, but her instinct tells him this. Perhaps it is not as simple as a coincidence.

“Could it be… what is the relationship between George Han and the Han family?” Qi Yiyun said in shock. She has been trying to find out the identity of George Han, but there are very few eyeliners in China, and the resources that Donghao can use are very limited. Therefore, it has not been possible to find out the true details of George Han.

But now, the Han family lives here, and George Han can never come to her, so the only explanation is that George Han wants to meet Han Feng or Han Yan.

Donghao found Qi Yiyun’s hand trembling slightly, and asked worriedly: “Miss, are you feeling well?”

Qi Yiyun shook her head. It was not that she was unwell, but rather excited.

If George Han is a member of the Han family, then he will be more capable of helping Qi family, which also shows that Qi Yiyun did not choose the wrong person!

Outside the Peninsula Hotel. Mo Yang had been waiting here long ago.

With the experience of being beaten up at a banquet alone last time, George Han was very careful this time. He didn’t want to be calculated by others. One occurrence in life is enough.

“There is no news, but the other party’s background should not be small, otherwise, nothing will be found out.” Mo Yang said.

“No need to check, it’s a person or a ghost, just look at it.” George Han said, he had some guesses about this matter in his heart, but he was not sure yet.

At this moment. A woman walked up to George Han with an arrogant attitude. Although she was not taller than George Han, her attitude was superior.

“You’re George Han?” The woman’s name is Han Qing. Although her surname is Han, she does not have Han ancestry. She grew up in Han. Taking care of Han Yan’s life trivial matters, the identity position is just the Han family’s maid.

“Who are you?” George Han asked.

Han Qing looked at George Han disdainfully, and said, “My name is Han Qing. Our lady wants to see you, but she doesn’t want to see irrelevant people.”

This irrelevant person is naturally Mo Yang.

Mo Yang smiled bitterly, and this little girl had an overbearing aura and didn’t know what kind of environment she developed in.

Miss? It’s just a woman.

Since he was a woman, George Han didn’t worry so much, and he was almost certain who the other party was, and said to Mo Yang, “You wait for me here.”

“En.” Mo Yang nodded without objection.

Han Qing looked at George Han mockingly, and said, “I didn’t expect people like you to have subordinates.”

“This is a brother, not a subordinate.” George Han said lightly.

Han Qing glanced at Mo Yang disdainfully. In her world, everything is related to interests, so-called brothers. In other words, it sounds good.

George Han can feel her domineering arrogance from Han Qing. It seems that the Han family in the United States has a strong sense of superiority in their bones, and that’s why a subordinate is so arrogant.

Follow Han Qing upstairs. In the room, Han Yan’s light pajamas outlined the perfect curve of her body.

“If you dare to look into your eyes, I dug your eyeballs.” Han Yan’s first sentence was very rude, but it seemed normal to her. Han Family, a family branch that shouldn’t exist for a long time, how could she care about it.

George Han smiled faintly, arrogant. The master interprets the arrogance vividly.

“Why are you looking for me?” George Han asked lightly.

“Who am I, do you know?” Han Yan squinted at George Han, she was a little surprised at George Han’s appearance, but she was only a little surprised. After all, she knew so many handsome guys in the U.S. .

“If I guess right, you are from the Korean family in the US,” George Han said.

Han Yan laughed and said, “You still remember us. It seems that you have always planned to cling to the Korean family in the United States.”

“Confidence is a good thing, but blind self-confidence will only make you look ridiculous.” George Han said, clinging to the Korean family in the United States, this is something he has never thought of, and he doesn’t need it.

“You call me ridiculous?” When Han Yan heard these words, she was immediately angry, looked at George Han with a grim expression, and continued: “You are just a waste of a branch family. What right do you have to call me ridiculous.”

“Kneel down and apologize to Miss.” Han Qing whispered from the side.

George Han frowned. It must be a kind of family that can be educated. He doesn’t know how to respect people, and he doesn’t put anyone in his eyes.

“Has the Han family only taught you arrogance? Then did your elders tell you that arrogance comes at a price.” George Han said coldly.

“You will pay the price for being disrespectful to me, but I am too lazy to care about rubbish like you. In my eyes, you are just useless rubbish.” Han Yan said.

“Since I am a trash, what are you doing to me?” George Han said.

“My dad is afraid that you will discredit the surname Han, so I came to this place to warn you, do you think I am willing to come to China, compared with the United States, it will only make me sick.” Han Yan said with disdain.

This sentence made George Han sneer. No matter where she grew up, the blood of Huaxia was flowing in her body, but she slandered Huaxia in such a way that she did not deserve to have Yanhuang blood!

“As a Chinese, I should be proud of it and feel fortunate.” George Han gritted his teeth.

Han Yan burst into laughter and said, “I am proud of this? Only incompetent waste like you will feel honored. I have never seen the world. I don’t know how good the outside world is. I can understand you.”

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