His True Colors Novel Chapter 3302 – 3303

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Chapter 3302

“Wow!” In the

next second, all the lights turned on again, and the entire space instantly returned to its original appearance.

Only, on the most central stand. A dwarf who was less than three feet tall was standing there at some point.

“Everyone, we meet again.” The dwarf raised his head. Although he was a child, he had an old man’s face full of wrinkles, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Plus a gray skin. It seems disgusting how he grows.

However, George Han looked extremely uncomfortable. The others did not have the slightest influence, and instead fell into a boil as the guy shouted.

Is he the vampire?

“Okay, let’s not talk nonsense, it’s an old rule, there are 30 things, the three who buy the most items can enjoy the services of the Emperor Space.” After the words were finished, the lights in the whole space shook, and the rhythmic music also followed. Since then, the atmosphere of the scene is directly full.

Immediately afterwards, a few sexy girls slowly stepped onto the stage pushing a thing, which was covered by a red cloth. Can’t see what’s inside.

But as soon as the thing arrived on the stage, the dwarf started directly. The red cloth was lifted on the spot.

Under the red cloth, in an iron cage about one meter long, a woman with almost full fruit in the cage lowered her head and hugged her body. shivering.

The most striking thing about her is the long pink ears on her head, which are a little offbeat. But also some nice ones.

“The best rabbit girl, the starting price is an amethyst, and someone who wants it will shout.” As soon as

the words fell, the audience immediately raised their hands wildly. The price has also been directly raised from one amethyst to three thousand amethyst.

George Han frowned. Is this an auction? !

“To take down the services of the Imperial Space.” At this moment, Zhu Yan’er, who was on the side, whispered in George Han’s ear, and then continued. She raised her hand and shouted softly, “Ten thousand.”

With her shout. As soon as the price came out, the already lively place was instantly cooled down a lot. Not only the dwarf looked over quickly, but even many other people at the scene turned their heads in unison.

Ten thousand amethyst is not a lot, but it is more than three times higher than the highest price directly.

The gang of bastards around him. At this time, each and everyone’s eyes became more thirsty. Who would have thought that this girl is not only the best looking, but also his mother is so rich? !

But if you think about it carefully, if it is not a rich family. Who would support such a weak and innocent little white face like George Han?

“Fifty thousand!”

At this moment, the man beside Zhu Yan’er who just called Jiu said.

Zhu Yan’er was very angry. She had already asked for a high price, but what she didn’t expect was that there would be people grabbing it, and the price was even more outrageous.

There is no need to think too much about it, the other party made it clear that he came to her on purpose. not really want to buy.

Seeing Zhu Yaner’s stalwart rising and falling because of his anger, that guy was very happy.

This beauty is already close to the water tower, and naturally wants to get the moon by herself. Although 50,000 Amethyst is a little distressed, as the saying goes, it is good. Can’t bear to let the child get a wolf?

Spend a little more money, and be angry with this chick. It doesn’t matter if he shows off, in any case, he has attracted her attention.

“I mean, fifty thousand. Brother Ma, come on, is there anything higher than fifty thousand.” The dwarf was very happy. The auctioneer naturally wanted the price to be raised as high as possible.

“Fifty-five thousand.” Zhu Yan’er suppressed her anger and spoke again.

“Sixty thousand.” The guy was in no hurry and kept up with the price with great equanimity.

Zhu Yan’er’s face was extremely flushed, and her whole body clenched her fists: “Sixty thousand.”

“Seventy thousand.” He still spoke slowly.

Zhu Yan’er finally couldn’t bear it any longer: “You sincerely can’t get along with me, right?”

The man smiled lightly: “The girl likes it, and Ma also likes it. If the girl doesn’t want me to bid, it’s okay.” When he finished, he pointed to his face and motioned for Zhu Yaner to give him a kiss.

Zhu Yan’er was very angry, but she really didn’t know what to do when she saw the faces of these rogues.

“Do you like to increase the price so much? I’ll play with you, one million.”

But at this moment, a very indifferent voice suddenly sounded behind Zhu Yan’er, and a figure slowly stood up.

Chapter 3303

One million? !

When hearing this offer, even Zhu Yan’er was stunned. The price cannot be said to be outrageous.

One million amethysts. Not to mention buying a rabbit girl, even if it is used to buy the big stuff every night, it can be bought for several nights.

Is this man crazy?

With a face full of surprise, Zhu Yan’er turned around, but when she saw the person who was bidding, she was even more surprised.

It was George Han!

At this moment, he stood up slightly and raised his hand slightly. He didn’t even look at the guy named Ma.

Not only Zhu Yan’er, but everyone present. Including the dwarf, he was completely dumbfounded. After working here for many years, he has seen a lot of rich people, who are generous and increase their prices generously, but he is still the head when he encounters such a arrogant person who doesn’t even regard money as the owner of money at all. See you again.

One million amethysts!

It can be said without hesitation that it can cover 30 items for the entire auction night.

“Damn it, you kid, are you fucking sick?” The guy surnamed Ma couldn’t sit still, he got up from his seat in a hurry, fingering George Han and scolding angrily.

“You fucking hillbilly, you haven’t played auctions, have you? Just fuck a million.”

“Stinky boy, you have to pay for the price. Instead of playing haha ”‹”‹here, it’s better than telling me Remind you, in our place, if you pay the price and win the auction and you can’t pay it, you will die very badly.” The

old horse said a word, and several of his brothers around him immediately choked up. sounded. They yelled at George Han.

At this time, the dwarf also reminded appropriately: “This gentleman is very familiar. I think he has never been here before. In this case, I need to tell you the rules. How much strength is there? How much price, if the last If you grab the auction but can’t pay, then I’m sorry, according to our rules. You can only compensate with your life.”

“So, are you sure you really want to bid one million?”

Although this price is indeed tempting people. The auctioneer also hopes that things can be auctioned at this price. After all, this is the ultimate goal of the auction.

But after all, the price is attractive and obviously outrageous. Don’t get busy for a while and get nothing, which will affect your business.

George Han nodded: “Since what he said, naturally he will not regret it at will.” The

dwarf nodded, and then swept the crowd: “This gentleman made one million, may I ask, is there anyone higher than him?

“one million. the first time. ” As soon as

the words fell, the scene was still extremely quiet, and no one would make any noise at this time. That bunny girl is really good. However, within 50,000, you can win it, and this million is completely killing a lot of people. Hope.

Don’t even say one million, even if one hundred thousand, many people at the scene will definitely not participate in it.

“Wait a minute. “

However, at this moment. A voice came, and even George Han followed the sound rather strangely. Could it be that there is a higher bid than him?

But when George Han turned his head, he found The voice of this bid is not someone else, but a person named Ma who has been with them endlessly.

“Do you want to bid? “Although it is very strange. But George Han asked very indifferently.

“What? You idiot is scared now, wish someone else would rush to snatch it from you? Stop fucking dreaming. As an adult, you have to learn to take responsibility for your own words. “

George Han smiled slightly, lazy to talk to such an idiot, if you ask, he can think of some things that he can’t touch.

Seeing that George Han didn’t speak, the guy was even more arrogant, and the anti-Buddha was already winning: “I just want to remind the little dwarf, it’s better not to wait for all the auctions to collect money today, it’s better to hurry up after the auction is over. Do it first, otherwise, I’m afraid that you won’t be recognized by this rabbit girl tonight.” When the

words were finished, everyone laughed.

The old dwarf wanted to laugh very much, but he still suppressed the smile and continued: “Okay, one million for the second time.”

“Then I will wait.” At this moment, George Han suddenly raised his hand , with a confident smile on his face.

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