His True Colors Novel Chapter 3168 – 3169

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Chapter 3168

someone is in your house?” The lonely master roared, then turned around and walked towards Xiaochunhua’s house abruptly.

At almost the same time, the pangolin in the room was ready to launch an attack at any time. As long as the guy dared to make any mistakes, he would immediately kill him with a blow without hesitation.

Xiaochunhong was visibly taken aback, how could she think of it, at this critical moment, suddenly something went wrong in the room and made a noise?

But after he recovered in a blink of an eye, she suddenly became sober, and then hurriedly followed in the footsteps of the lonely master, gently pulled him, and said: “Guy, it’s… some ground mice.”

“Ground mouse? Xiaochun Hua, do you think your lonely master is a fool? You start to open it for me.” When the words fell, the lonely master opened Xiaochunhua with a rude palm, and Huhu came to the front of the house a few steps.

The pangolin also hurriedly took the three of them and hid me to the door, leaving George Han there. Once this person enters the house and his sight is on George Han, he can directly launch an attack.

But while holding her breath, Xiao Chunhua, who was pushed away, hurriedly crawled back to the Gu Ye again, and when he was about to kick his leg towards the door of the earthen house, he directly hugged his leg. live.

“Master Gu, no…no, no.” Xiao Chunhua clasped his thigh tightly with her hands, looking at Master Gu and begged.

“Go away.” Gu Ye was angry, shouting angrily.

“I won’t let it go.” Xiaochunhua still refused to give up.

Gu Ye looked at her coldly, saw her stubborn appearance, frowned, pointed to the room and said: “You’d better tell me honestly what is in the room. I tell you, you can’t hide. “Live”

Xiao Chunhua looked up at him, lowered her head, and gritted her teeth: “You really want to know?”


“Okay, let me tell you, it’s a man.”

“Man?” Gu Ye was taken aback, staring at Xiao Chunhua steadily.

“Today I was arranged to go out to arrest people. Although they were caught, I have never seen the Central Plains human race, let alone the long and beautiful Central Plains human race, so…”

“So you brought him back. ? ” “

Yes, my dog outside and the team a good discussion, and then secretly put the belt back. “

hearing the explanation of small flowers, solitary God did not speak, his mind rapid rotation, careful thought, it seems that This is indeed the most reasonable explanation. after all, this can directly explain why she saw Xiaochunhua sneaking shut her door.

It turned out that after a long time, it was this nymphomaniac who was guilty of guilt and played a golden house.

“Xiao Chunhua, you are so fucking sassy, ”‹”‹you hide a man in private?” The lonely master looked at Xiao Chunhua, and said coldly: “On weekdays, you fucking pretend to be noble, I thought you were What an icy and jade woman, it’s just that right now.”

Facing this scolding, the pangolin and others in the house were a little angry, but Xiao Chunhua didn’t care at all, as if she didn’t hear her at all.

“If you are upset, you can tell the people above. But, my dear, don’t blame Xiao Chunhua for not reminding you. Since I can bring people down, it must be agreed by some people. Once things get bigger, some people are not. You can be involved.” Xiao Chunhua looked at him with an unusually indifferent expression.

The acting skills required outside the city all the year round were naturally tempered, and she couldn’t see the slightest flaw in her.

“You fucking girl, you threaten Lao Tzu!” The lonely master was furious, and even slapped his hand to slap him.

But when he volleyed, his hand stopped there.

Xiaochunhua was right. If she could bring people down, how could there be no acquiescence from some people on it? Therefore, if he sues, the matter will inevitably make a big deal, and if it involves someone he can’t afford, his consequences will obviously be extremely disastrous.

He had nothing but irritation, and even when he hit Xiaochunhua at this time, he didn’t dare to start. Because since the people above have acquiesced, it is obviously the relationship that this stinky lady betrayed her body.

“You bitch.” He withdrew his hand suddenly, staring at Xiao Chunhua viciously with his eyes: “Don’t think that I dare not touch you. You can be comfortable with a man, but I want to stay alone and enjoy loneliness. Don’t dream.”

“Follow me to my room now, otherwise, don’t think about it.”

Xiaochunhua was obviously taken aback when she heard this, her eyes were full of disgust, but at this time she knew she could not refuse, right? When I knew what to do, a sound of footsteps came from the room.

The two couldn’t help looking back at the same time, and the three in the room also looked at the figure in shock…It

was George Han!

Chapter 3169

Although George Han only regained his consciousness, but the pangolin and others could hear the sound outside, how could he not hear it?

Therefore, when necessary, George Han naturally stood up.


As the Tumen was slowly opened, a figure quickly stood at the door. Although the seal of the earth was restarted, George Han’s expression was not very good, but he was not in this dark environment. Not easy to be noticed.

With exquisite facial features and outstanding temperament, even the lonely master can’t help but frown when he sees it at this time. Not to mention his ugliness. Even if he looks good, it is indeed true compared to George Han. Bad and bad.

It’s no wonder that Xiaochunhua can bring people down to play with Jinwu Zangjiao, it turns out that there are indeed a few brushes.

However, even so, the strong sense of comparison and dissatisfaction and the dignity of men are still mixed together, creating a different anger in the heart of the lonely master. He pointed at George Han, and looked at Xiaochunhua disdainfully, with a cold voice. He said: “Oh? Just the fucking little boy?”

“I don’t know what the hell do you think of him. Seeing his appearance as a weak dog, I can slap him back to his grandma’s house with a slap. “

After that, the lonely master looked at George Han provocatively, and there was always an urge that Laozi wanted to beat you now in his eyes.

If the lonely master had said this before, Xiao Chunhua would naturally nod her head repeatedly.

Unfortunately, after seeing Han Sanqianyi punching Fei Xiongren and others, Xiao Chunhua not only didn’t believe it at all, but even wanted to laugh.

Slap someone back to your grandma’s house with one slap. I’m afraid that someone else slapped your grandma back to your grandma’s house.

Seeing the slight smile from the corner of Xiaochunhua’s mouth, the lonely master was angry, and his dignity as a man made him fiercely angry: “You don’t believe it?” When the

words fell, he rushed towards Han three thousand steps.

Inside the room, the pangolin, who had been hiding behind the door, wanted to shoot in an instant, but George Han reached out his hand and signaled that he didn’t need it.

As he got closer, George Han also saw clearly what this guy looked like. He was about the same height as the pigman, but he looked honest. If the pigman is considered honest and honest, then this guy is a typical gangster. “Wow!”

He rushed in front of George Han, then grabbed his collar directly, and lifted George Han directly up like a chicken, his eyes filled It was full of anger, wishing to swallow George Han alive.

“Just him?” Mentioning George Han, Gu Ye looked back at Xiao Chunhua coldly.

“You stop me.” Seeing this, Xiao Chunhua yelled anxiously.

Gu Ye didn’t intend to let go, and even secretly lifted George Han even higher.

“What do you want?” Seeing him like this, Xiao Chunhua stared at him angrily, and said coldly.

“I’ve been chasing you for a long time, but I’ve never got you. Right now, this rubbish is going to play with you upside down. Naturally, I’m not a damn heart.” The Lord was in a much better mood, but his words were still cold.

“I said, if you want to be happy, you have to be happy, otherwise, don’t even think about it.” When the

words fell, he stared at Xiao Chunhua with a smile in his eyes.

Obviously, his intentions have been very obvious.

Xiaochunhua hates the lonely master. Not only does he look ugly, but he is also known to everyone. She has always avoided him, and only because of her survival can she reluctantly maintain a certain surface with him. Relationship, but what to do with him, Xiao Chunhua never thought about it.

But at the moment, she doesn’t know exactly what happened to George Han. She only knew from the pangolin that George Han’s old injury had relapsed. Although the pangolin said that there was nothing wrong with it, how could someone like Xiaochunhua who survived the blood licking and licking his blood know? What is the inside story of this matter?

But just when Xiao Chunhua was about to nod, George Han smiled suddenly: “What is this person’s name…Is it an orphan?”

“It seems that I forgot to tell you, I just came out to tell you, do you want Xiaochunhua to accompany you? There is no door.”

Hearing this, the lonely master suddenly became furious, but he turned his eyes back at George Han, only to realize this. Although Shane George Han was lifted by him, his eyes never showed any panic or fear, some just stared indifferently…

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