His True Colors Novel Chapter 3144 – 3145

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Chapter 3144

This is obviously no problem, the woman also explained clearly, and the contents of the box are clear to everyone.

George Han is still like this, it really makes people…

“This is too ruthless.” The pangolin looked at George Han depressedly, and muttered.

Xia Wei is not good to say anything, but if she has to comment, she also thinks that George Han is indeed too ruthless.

Letting her be such a woman in such a place is actually almost no different from waiting to die.

The old man did not speak, and walked silently next to George Han.

“No… don’t go, I beg you.”

Behind her, the woman cried hoarse, and the whole person fell to the ground in despair. Looking at the back of the four people, she couldn’t cry for a while.

Weeping desperate and compassionate, so that those who hear it can’t help but feel sad.

The pangolin couldn’t help it anymore, with a fist and a gritted teeth, he rushed to George Han in a few steps and blocked his way.

Looking at George Han, the pangolin was furious, gritted his teeth, and sternly shouted: “Old Han.”

George Han stopped slightly and raised his eyes to look at the emotional pangolin. He was not angry, but just stared at him faintly.

“I have been with you for so long. To be honest, you can see that I have always regarded you as a good brother and a good role model. In my heart, you are a smart, loving and righteous gentleman.”

“So Along the way, no matter what dangers and difficulties we encounter, my pangolin has made up my mind to live and die with you. I will resolutely carry out any words you say, but today, you let me down a bit. “

Looking at the agitated pangolin, speaking so bluntly and unceremoniously, Xia Wei was a little anxious, and quickly walked to the side of the pangolin and persuaded him not to talk to George Han like this.

The pangolin waved his hand gently and signaled Xia Wei to leave it alone. Today, he is determined to have a good fight with George Han.

“Are you finished?” George Han calmly said softly: “If we are finished, let’s continue on the journey.”

Hearing George Han’s words, the pangolin not only did not calm down, but became even more annoyed: “Old Han, you really are. So ruthless?”

George Han did not speak, just tried to comfort him with his eyes, but at this time the pangolin had already become emotionally agitated because of anger. He hadn’t paid attention to this at all, but said very angrily: “Okay, you don’t care. I don’t care. If you want to go, go first. You don’t have to wait for me.” When the

words fell, the pangolin had to walk to the rear sideways. Xia Wei hurriedly grabbed the pangolin and hurriedly persuaded: “Brother pangolin, don’t be so excited, three Brother Qian did this, although it is indeed unacceptable.”

“However, I believe he must have his reason for doing this. From our journey, don’t Brother Three Qian always protect us well? We should believe it. He.” The

pangolin smiled coldly and looked at Xia Wei: “You like him, of course he is right in everything he said.” When the

words fell, the pangolin pulled Xia Wei’s hand and was about to walk back.

When Xia Wei was unwilling to give up and still tried to hold the pangolin again, George Han spoke up at this time: “You have been with me for so long, and

you are not as good as Xia Wei at the critical moment.” “You treat me. Disappointed, I’m still disappointed in you, Xia Wei, let him go.”

“But…” Xia Wei looked at George Han worriedly. If just let the pangolin go, what should I do if something happens. good?

The most important thing is that if we go this way, even if there is nothing wrong with each other, will the relationship between the two people be cracked in the future?

She expected George Han to say some soft words to ease the atmosphere at this time, but at this time, George Han’s eyes became a little cold, and he raised his eyes to look straight ahead, not at all what Xia Wei expected.

Looking back at the pangolin, he was equally emotional at this time, even with dissatisfaction, and it was obviously impossible for him to change his attitude.

“Can’t you hear what I said? Or, you can also go with him.” George Han said calmly.

Hearing this, even if Xia Wei had ten thousand unwillings, she had no choice but to let go. After all, if she had to make a choice between the two, then there was no doubt that her choice was only George Han. It is impossible for Qianjue to have anyone else.

The pangolin gave George Han a cold look, then turned and walked towards the woman behind. George Han raised his foot almost at the same time and strode forward…

Chapter 3145

Xia Wei looked at the two brothers who were going in the opposite direction, and was full of sorrows. How sweet it was once, how painful it is to part ways now.

With a long sigh, Xia Wei glanced at the old man, followed George Han, and walked quickly forward.

Before taking a few steps, George Han glanced at Xia Wei slightly. Xia Wei muttered her mouth and lowered her head: “Brother George Han.”

George Han smiled. Just about to speak, Xia Wei interrupted and said: “In fact, Brother George Han, you don’t need to explain.”

“I can understand your thoughts. The seal in your body may be re-emerged at any time. Seizing the time to leave here is indeed responsible for everyone.”

“However, you don’t want to I’m too angry with Big Pangolin. Although he is really impulsive, his starting point is good. He just wants to save people.”

After that, Xia Wei looked at George Han.

“I believe Brother George Han would want to save too, but there is no other way.”

“You are wrong.” George Han shook his head: “I don’t want to save her.”

“Huh?” Hearing this, Xia Wei For a moment.

“It’s weird, isn’t it?” George Han smiled.

Xia Wei said nothing, but the old man chuckled, “George Han should not trust that woman, right?”

“The old man is right.” George Han nodded. People with experience look at problems from a different perspective. , Seniors live deep in the mountains, this kind of vigilance is stronger than others.

“But, she is just a woman, even if it is malicious, it shouldn’t constitute a big threat, right?” Xia Wei said.

A woman, on the surface, does not pose much threat, George Han also agrees.

But what if it is another kind? !

“Have you looked around carefully?” George Han smiled slightly.

Xia Wei nodded, of course she had noticed this.

However, it was precisely because she had paid special attention to it, so she didn’t think there was any problem.

Seeing her puzzled, George Han smiled lightly, stopped slightly, and looked at the ground.

Xia Wei followed his gaze and bowed her head, but saw that the ground was covered with sand, and there was nothing surprising.

George Han glanced at Xia Wei: “Try this sand.”

Although Xia Wei was puzzled, she still knelt down and gently grabbed some sand with her jade hand, holding it in her hand and feeling it slightly.

After a while, Xia Wei had an answer: “It’s still soft.”

“Isn’t that right?” George Han said softly.

Xia Wei was taken aback, what was right?

But the next second, when she looked at the old man, she found that even the old man smiled slightly. She seemed to understand something suddenly: “Brother George Han, you mean…”

“There are people in the sand?”

George Han said leisurely: “This city Outside the gate, there are rolling hills, but only the area around the gate of the city is relatively flat, so it is surrounded.”

“If you want to ambush people, is this kind of terrain the best terrain?”

The mountain-like ditch shape The topography is indeed the best place to set up ambushes. Throughout the ages, as long as you are a normal person, you know it is good when you encounter this type of terrain. This is not surprising.

“There are natural walls on both sides. It is indeed the best place to ambush.” ”‹”‹Xia Wei nodded: “However, when we were flying in the air, there were no people around.”

But the words fall, there is no need for George Han to say a word, Xia Wei Wei had already reflected, and she finally understood why George Han had to try the sand on her own.

So, those ambushes hidden in the sand? !

Seeing Xia Wei’s basic understanding, George Han smiled.

“However, those people are hiding in the sand at a high place. Once we enter the deep ditch, they can do it, so why bother to get a woman into a trap.” Xia Wei puzzled.

The old man chuckled, “What if it’s not just people in the sand at high places?”

“Tigers and lions are also mighty, but when hunting, they often move out close to each other. That is to have full control of their prey. “When

she heard this, Xia Wei’s eyes widened. In other words, there is also an ambush beside that woman? !

Once close to that woman, there will be fierce opportunities around the woman. At the same time, countless people ambushing on high ground also attack from the outside. Isn’t it the same as being filled with dumplings, and it is difficult to fly with wings?

Thinking of this, Xia Wei hurriedly turned her head back with great worry…

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