His True Colors Novel Chapter 3138 – 3139

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Chapter 3138

Just when Pei Shiyuan was puzzled, the envoy gave a gesture.

Following the special envoy’s gaze, Pei Shiyuan turned his head slightly and looked at his eight ministers.

Although all eight people on the ground were brought over by the power of the special envoy and lay there side by side, only half of them were still dying at this time.

Although they are also very fierce, they are still much worse than Pei Shiyuan’s body against the sky. They were first attacked by the fire and rain, and then fell directly from the sky. How could their mere bodies resist?

Some of them have been attacked by skyfire and moon wheel in mid-air. For example, today’s fire has long been extraordinary skyfire, and the damage caused is far from comparable. After being attacked, these people are basically dying, and fire rain attacks and fires are added. The air wave of the rain explosion had lost his life when he was still in the air.

Looking at this scene, Pei Shiyuan was stunned.

It doesn’t matter if he was defeated by George Han, why…why did the eight big brothers who were so far away also lost their lives at that time?

Although they are his own men, they are actually his brothers.

He couldn’t believe it and crawled to the side of the eight generals in a panic, touched his hand, and sniffed his nose, grief and shock filled his pupils.

“Why… how could this be?” Pei Shiyuan was incredulous, very sad and indignant.

The special envoy did not speak. If it were normal, he would definitely curse this group of trash, so that not only would everyone not be able to catch a mere human, but it would be so terrifying to destroy soldiers and soldiers.

But today, he will not.

As a witness throughout the process, he knew how unexpected this failure was, and he also knew that it was not his incompetence, but the fact that the opponent was too strong.

“Fuck, George Han, if I don’t kill you, I’m not good at Pei Shiyuan.”

“Brothers, wait, wait for the Eleventh Lord to avenge you.” When the words fell, Pei Shiyuan’s eyes were red, and he suddenly got up, and angrily went to find George Han to settle the account.

The hatred of killing my brother, this hatred is not in the sky.

“Everyone, gather all for me.” Pei Shiyuan said, suddenly gritted his teeth to endure the pain of his body, waved his hand, and at the same time made a strange buzzing sound in his mouth.

With the buzzing sound, the momentum seemed to follow.

Even the few generals who were dying on the ground were struggling to get up from the ground at this time.

For them, there is no sound in this world that makes them more worthy of death than this strange sound.

This is the most sacred voice of the patriarch of their tribe, and it is also the topmost command.


However, when a group of subordinates were struggling to gather, the envoy at this time made a cold voice.

Pei Shiyuan looked at the envoy in a puzzled manner, frowning slightly. Obviously, he didn’t understand what the envoy meant to stop him.

The envoy said helplessly, “Look at your help.”

Then, as soon as the special envoy lifted his hand, Pei Shiyuan slowly rose up.

Although it was only a few tens of meters in height, it was enough for him to see clearly the situation in the rear, but when he looked at it, Pei Shiyuan was anxious and spouted blood directly from his mouth.

If it weren’t for the special envoy to control him, I’m afraid he would have to fall down on the spot.

The large army he was proud of had already panicked at this time, and the front was even more scorched, with deadly deaths and wounds, among the front of the ten thousand troops, there was a large empty space.

The ground is fire, the sky is thunder, and the rain of fire falling all over the sky is still spreading among the ten thousand troops.

Tens of thousands of people were killed and wounded, and thousands of people were killed and injured. Even if there are many living people in the rear, they are already like a mess of porridge because of the panic in the front.

“Why… how could this be?” He murmured in surprise.

He now finally understands what the special envoy said.

He rested in panic, his eyes filled with despair.

There are even more warriors gathered from the hordes of masters, but as a result, they have gained such a big defeat.

How can a miserable word be able to describe it?

“That guy…Is the god returning the Buddha?” Pei Shiyuan left a word of horror that didn’t know whether it was admiration or shock, and murmured and shook his head.

With a move of the special envoy, Pei Shiyuan slowly fell, and he let out a long sigh. The two were speechless, but they were better than ten thousand words.

Suddenly, the envoy gave a grinning laugh.

Pei Shiyuan was puzzled and looked at him with great doubts. Then, he followed the eyes of the envoy, and suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

He also laughed…

Chapter 3139

“Special Envoy, you want to…”

Pei Shiyuan followed the special envoy’s gaze, but saw that his gaze was looking at the direction where George Han was going.

The envoy nodded: “Although the fierceness of the evil dog is somewhat unexpected, it is reasonable.”

“I know you look down on the King of Youming, but I think you know how strong he is.”

“So, before killing this son, I was so different from you. I never believed that he would be able to beat a mere hand of you.”

“He naturally has different abilities, doesn’t he?”

Hearing this, Pei Shiyuan no longer had even the slightest arrogance he had before, and some were just full of guilt and embarrassment.

That is more than extraordinary, it is simply extraordinary and holy, such a person, he has never seen such a person in his life, to say which great demon he is, Pei Shiyuan definitely raised his hands in agreement without thinking about it.

After all, he was alone, but he easily abused him and a group of elites.

That was when the guy seemed unwilling to fight.

If he puts it down completely, I’m afraid, his own crowd of 10,000 will not be enough for him to greet him, right?

He was really fortunate that this situation did not happen today, otherwise, he would have been on the road to Huangquan, the King of Netherworld.

“It was the subordinate’s dereliction of duty and the investigation was not thorough. However, it was not that Pei Shiyuan was pleading for his brother, but even if we knew that he was not easy to deal with, we would never think that he would be so ridiculously strong if we rushed to fight him.”

“He is just as thin as the naked eye can see, but he can completely withstand Shane Yuan’s almost full blow by activating his five successful powers. If he hadn’t fought, Shane Yuan would really not believe it.”

“What’s more terrifying is that that kid can actually withstand the combined attack of my eight brothers. You know, when we attacked him, he…” Pei Lan, who was seriously injured but not dead, also endured the pain of the whole body at this time, and said with difficulty. .

He didn’t even defend.

The more humiliating person is that this guy didn’t even look back!

The remaining few warriors also nodded again and again, even though it had happened for a long time, but now in retrospect, the back of the spine is still cold, and it makes people feel shivering when they think of it.

That was the power of eight people. Instead of causing any harm to George Han, he was directly killed by George Han in an instant.

What a terrifying picture is this?

Anyway, these people who are alive have defined it as a nightmare and are unwilling to have any more memories.

“This is exactly what I said, something unexpected.” The envoy nodded slightly, indicating that everyone needn’t say too much, he already understood.

“This dog’s power, I have never thought that Weicheng is like this. It is even more disadvantageous for him to look at his young age.”

“But how do you know that he is far more ferocious than those old dogs who are out of the world, maybe, this is the wave behind the Yangtze River pushing the wave forward.”

Several people nodded again and again.

Pei Shiyuan took a slight step forward and smiled sullenly: “Unfortunately, no matter how fierce a dog is, he will never be a beast. He doesn’t go where there is a way to heaven, but he breaks in if there is no way to hell?”

The envoy smiled lightly, full of pride.

Obviously, he agreed with Pei Shiyuan’s words, otherwise, seeing George Han break through, he did not choose to help, but chose to wait for work and let them test George Han’s strength.

Pei Shiyuan hurriedly complimented and hurriedly said: “Special envoy wise.”

“Now that you know, let’s stop your grievances and follow me to drive away the evil dog.”

Pei Shiyuan immediately took the order: “Shiyuan understands, Shiyuan will do it.”

The envoy nodded and looked at George Han coldly. He smiled and said, “Huh, the land of red soil was not only a death penalty zone for the people of the demons, but now it is also the place of your kid’s burial.”

After speaking, the envoy sneered darkly, and then laughed wildly…

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