His True Colors Novel Chapter 3076 – 3077

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Chapter 3076



As soon as George Han’s “silkworm chrysalis” was vomited, the group of “snakes” bloodworms suddenly became extremely excited in the entire underground space.

They were wriggling towards George Han, either single, or entangled, or drilled out of the ground, or fell from the top of the cave.

At this time, the huge silkworm chrysalis also held up its countless disgusting tentacles, waving them disorderly.

Among the slime, George Han’s eyes widened. Even though he was struggling hard at this time, but the slime was like glue. No matter how George Han used it, it always shrank with force, not only damaging George Han. The strength of George Han was almost exhausted.

Looking at countless huge and disgusting red long worms constantly approaching him, George Han had no choice but to grit his teeth at this time.

It’s nothing more than Huluo Pingyang being deceived by a dog, and now even these underground long worms can do what they want.


Suddenly, at this moment, the silkworm chrysalis suddenly made a strange sound. The next second, the blood worms around them suddenly looked up at George Han like a snake, full of aggressiveness.

“Ha!” There

was another strange sound. The next second, the blood worm leaned back from its neck, and directly rushed towards George Han.

Thousands of “snakes” are coming, terrifying!


Almost at the same time, on the ground and in the hole, numerous blood worms were drilled or dropped for a while, immediately surrounding George Han directly.

Coupled with the blood worms rushing around, they suddenly became a mess, and they seemed to be orderly, intertwined with each other, and they continued to drill into the mucus one by one.

Three thousand times in the slime, countless slippery things hit directly, and at the same time it was extremely disgusting, but it was really irresistible.

Suddenly, a tentacle on a silkworm chrysalis suddenly plunged into the mucus, and the gap above the top of the tentacle suddenly opened, revealing the sharp teeth in the gap, and he took a sip at George Han’s leg.

George Han felt a pain in his leg, and blood spewed out along the wound on the spot.

But before George Han had any reaction, those blood worms that had already penetrated in, or blood worms still wandering outside, after seeing the blood, they suddenly felt like crazy, desperately moving towards the source of blood. Mouth poured in frantically.”Ah!”

George Han could not open his mouth, but still gritted his teeth and groaned painfully. The blood worms that swarmed crazily were not only crazy bloodthirsty, but also extremely greedy, countless blood worms even followed The wound continued to drill into George Han’s body.

In an instant, George Han felt that at least dozens of blood worms were digging into the flesh where he was wounded.

And along with it, more tentacles stretched out from the silkworm chrysalis, facing George Han’s body, about to strike.

However, when the volley was about to go up, those tentacles suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment, after the bloodworms that swarmed in sucked or touched George Han’s blood, their peristalsis slowed down one by one. Part of the body was melted by the poisonous blood, and those who inhaled it even fell directly. The body turned into a pool of black blood.

Even the earliest tentacle, the head melted directly at this time.

The poisonous blood of the body and the toxicity are so strong that it can even melt all things. How can it be compared with the little bloodworm?


The tentacles also seemed to perceive the strangeness in the mucus. After a moment of stagnation, the gaps on the tops of the tentacles suddenly opened with anger, revealing huge, saw-like teeth.

After that, dozens of tentacles turned slightly, and the tentacles that melted their heads suddenly reborn, and in the next second, they suddenly rushed towards George Han.

“Puff, puff, puff!” In the

slime, only the sound of countless meat being torn apart, the mouth of those tentacles, like a hungry wolf, after they pounced on George Han, they bite like crazy.

Suddenly, George Han’s body seemed to have been hit with countless blood holes, and blood spurted wildly everywhere.

With this massive blood spurt, George Han’s bloodworms, which are nearly half a meter high, became even more crazy for a while. From various places, he directly burrowed into the slime, and then rushed towards it. The bloody mouth, as if it were just now, was constantly squeezing inward along the wound while sucking.

For a time, just in the mucus, George Han’s dozens of wounds have carried at least nearly a hundred blood worms.

Even if the poisonous blood continues to poison them, there are still more blood worms that have not eaten the blood are following them in madness… For

a time, the insects devoured the body, and at this time George Han…

Chapter 3077

Pain, the pain of all insects.

But what makes the heart more broken than pain is the shock of the soul.

Countless blood worms tried to madly drill into George Han’s body through the wound.

With their number, George Han believed that it might not be clear whether the poisonous blood could poison them all, but he would definitely be consumed slowly by this group of guys.

Dripping water can penetrate the stone, and even the strongest poisonous blood can be exhausted. Before such a dense number of horrors, everything else is just a paper tiger.

The only way is to break the game.

But how to break the game is a huge and difficult question.

If it can carry real energy, how can the little blood worm have any trouble?

But at this time, George Han seemed to be no different from the waste, let alone resisting, even the slime package could not be rushed out, so what else? !

“Isn’t it okay to marry the daughter of the Phoenix? Ask for trouble.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his mind. Without thinking about it, George Han knew that it was the Devil Dragon.

“That phoenix is ”‹”‹not wrong. You have the blood of my dragon in your body, and you have the power of chaos when you suck it, plus the special physique created by the golden body in your body. If the blood of the phoenix helps you again, Not to mention being invincible, but at least, these ordinary people don’t torture you, even if they want to get close to you, they are just idiotic dreams.”

“Ah, it’s a pity, some people can’t figure it out .” Ah, the other side of infatuation is stupid, it’s you who said it.”

“What? I’m not dead yet, you plan to chant the scriptures here to save me?” George Han shot back.

“Immortality is no different from death, but it’s just a matter of time.” Molong babbled his mouth: “These bugs are all controlled by the old mother bug. The so-called capture the thieves first capture the king. If you want to break the game, you must kill the old mother. Worm.”

“However, I see this situation. If you kill this old female worm, these long worms may not give up. How to play seems to be a dead end.”

Speaking of this, the magic dragon shook his head: “Then you say , What is the difference between you immortal and dying?” “Then please read the sutras you just said to yourself, as if you can still live if I die.” George Han said in an angry voice.

“Hey, look at you, you don’t know the dragon heart.”

“Do you really think I came out to recite the sutra for you? I’m here to help you, you are stupid.”

“Help me? I can’t do anything by myself now, what else can you do if you live in my body?”

“Damn, if you kid can use energy, I can scare the old female worm if I move my blood and show a dragon shadow. “The magic dragon’s mouth was crooked.

George Han helplessly rolled his eyes and said: “If I can use it, I still need you? I killed myself.” The

magic dragon said: “I don’t care, anyway, you can’t lose Lao Tzu’s Long Wei.”

“Good job .” , Brother Long is the most domineering, Brother Long is the most powerful, and die with me when the power is over.”

“…You!” Devil Dragon was angry, and then sighed: “You want to do this again, I won’t help you.

” Do you really have a way?”

“Fuck, I ‘m a dragon, what’s that stuff? It’s just an earthworm. Even if he has cultivated for thousands of years, he is only his mother’s earth dragon after all, what is I? It’s a magic dragon! “

Ten thousand grandpas!”

“Even if I can’t make kung fu, wouldn’t it be a matter of minutes if I want to clean him up?”

Upon hearing this, George Han suddenly changed his previous attitude: “Long Ye Niubi, what should I do now, Lord Long? You won’t let Lao Tzu go out and shout, Grandpa Long is here, right?”

“You!” Devil Dragon Qijie: “Do you fucking want to go out alive ?” ?”

“You said, I will do it.” George Han said, “Anyway, I have made plans, and if necessary, I will still use Zhenneng. The big deal is to be sealed to death, it’s better than being bitten by these disgusting bugs.”

“How can Grandpa Long let it go? Sunzi Han knows he can’t do it?”

“Your uncle!” George Han said speechlessly.

“Be prepared and polish your little ass! Listen up.”

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