His True Colors Novel Chapter 307 – 310

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Chapter 307

After Tian Linger appeared, Thomas Tian had no chance to speak. He got in the car and asked George Han to leave, without even saying hello to Thomas Tian.

At this moment, Tian Linger only had George Han in his eyes, and Thomas Tian could only smile at this.

“Where have you been, there hasn’t been any news for so long.” On the car, Tian Linger asked George Han.

“I went to Bedrock Island. I had a wedding shoot with Amelia.” George Han said.

Hearing the words Amelia, Tian Linger’s expression became stiffer. If he had known that he was going to Bedrock Island with Amelia Su, he shouldn’t ask this question.

“Do you know where the place is?” Tian Linger quickly changed the subject.

“I just came back, how would I know, but the place where you can call your eldest heavenly family, should be very good.” George Han said.

“I don’t know how good it is, but the recent advertisement is very powerful. Almost the whole city knows it. I will give you an address and you can follow the route above.” Tian Linger took out the phone and deliberately opened it in front of George Han .

The screensaver is a photo of George Han. Tian Linger quickly opened the navigation, she believed that George Han had seen what she wanted to show to George Han.

George Han did see it too, but it made him very helpless. When he came into contact with Tian Linger, he had no idea about men and women. At most, he treated Tian Linger as a younger sister, so this kind of thing. , He can only pretend that he doesn’t know, maybe there is a chance in the future, and he can tell Tian Linger clearly.

When I came to the restaurant, there were flower baskets in front of the restaurant. It seemed that there was a lot of support here. Of course, it was also possible that the boss paid for it himself, creating a very hot situation.

“Do you want to locate online or offline? If it’s offline, please show your ID card. If it’s online, please show your QR code.” The receptionist at the door said to George Han.

“We have no positioning.” Tian Linger said.

The receptionist smiled and said, “If there is no location. I can only say sorry to the two of you. Our seats are already fully booked. Why don’t you come back next week.”

“I have a meal, and I have to wait for the next week?” Tian Linger frowned unhappy.

The smile on the receptionist’s face was very proud and said: “Because the seats have been reserved for the whole week, I am really sorry.”

“Tell your boss, Tianjia Tian Linger is coming to eat, you can ask him if he has a place.” Tian Linger said.

Seeing Tian Linger’s eldest pie, George Han couldn’t help but laugh. This is the savage waywardness that the wealthy eldest should have. She is usually too well-behaved, and she has no manners at all.

When the receptionist heard the word “Tianjia”, his proud expression instantly converged, and his attitude became a lot more respectful. He quickly said: “Please wait a moment.”

“Miss Tianjia, you are really amazing. It seems that the boss has no position today, so he has to move you out.” George Han smiled.

Tian Linger looked at George Han triumphantly, and said, “You don’t understand this. Popular restaurants like this generally reserve one or two places that are not normally open, just to avoid being like me. People appeared suddenly, and he couldn’t entertain him well.”

This is the ingenuity that many restaurant owners will have, especially the more popular places, the more there will be such a design. Reserve one or two boxes, even if they can only be used once a year, as long as the other party is a big man, then it can Reflect the value of the box.

For example, for people like Tian Linger, the boss sells personal affection, which is more meaningful than making a table of money.

Soon, the reception led the boss to the door. When the boss saw Tian Linger, the smiles on his face were colorful.

He was still suspicious before, but he saw Tian Linger deity. You can be sure that this is indeed Miss Tianjia.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹I didn’t expect that you really came. I had the honor to meet you once in the boxing gym of Father Tian, ”‹”‹I don’t know if you remember.” The boss said with a smile.

“I don’t remember. Do you still have a place here?” Tian Linger said very directly.

Seeing the boss’s embarrassment, George Han’s mouth twitched, Linger is too shameless this day, anyway, take care of the boss’ emotions.

“Yes, yes, of course. Miss Tian, ”‹”‹please follow me.” The boss said quickly, not caring about Tian Linger’s attitude. After all, this is the eldest lady of the Tianjia family, and being able to come to eat has already given him face.

Walking into the restaurant, George Han was looking at the crowds of friends inside. He didn’t expect to see an acquaintance, and the other party also saw him.

“George Han, why is this guy here too.” Song Ji said with a wary look.

“It happens that you can come, and of course he can come.” Dong Shan didn’t think there was any problem. What else can be but a coincidence when you have a meal?

“There can be such a coincidental thing, I don’t think he is deliberately following us, I have said that he is unruly towards you, you still don’t care.” Song Ji said.

Dong Shan shook her head helplessly. George Han and her are at best ordinary friends, and George Han has never shown her attitude in that respect. How could it be wrong to her.

“You really think too much, the girl next to him is several times more beautiful than me.” Dong Shan said.

When Dong Shan said this, Song Ji realized that Tian Linger next to George Han was full of youthful vigor, and she was indeed more beautiful than Dong Shan, and her ponytail was even more sunny.

“This kind of dick can actually know such a beautiful girl. It seems that this little girl is not too old, he could not be fooled.” Song Ji said disdainfully.

“It doesn’t matter to us, eat your own.” Dong Shan said.

Song Ji was not convinced, so he drove a Mercedes. Can only catch up with a woman of Dong Shan’s level, but how can George Han, such a bragging poor dick, be able to soak in such a beautiful woman?

“This kind of scumbag. He will only play tricks on the little girl, and I will break him down later.” Song Ji said.

“Song Ji, don’t mess around.” Dong Shan reminded.

“Don’t worry, why am I messing up? I just drew my sword to help when the road is unfair.” Song Ji sneered, seeming to see how embarrassing George Han was being taken apart by himself.

The boss led George Han and Tian Linger to the only box in the entire restaurant, saving even the waiter, he personally went into battle to serve the two.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹this is the menu.” The boss handed the menu to Tian Linger in a very respectful tone.

“Previous for everything. Anyway, if someone treats him today, what can I do to prevent him from bleeding.” Tian Linger didn’t even look at it. George Han owed this meal so long, how could he easily escape.

The boss looked astonished, and he took a portion of everything. Is this edible?

Looking at George Han, the boss asked with a look of embarrassment: “Sir, do you really want to get all of them?”

“Ms. Tianjia, do you have any questions? Are you afraid we can’t afford to pay?” George Han said.

“No, no, I didn’t mean that, I will arrange the kitchen preparation immediately.” The boss said, it was not George Han who was bleeding. As the host, he would definitely not be able to let them pay for this meal, but the boss was absolutely nothing. Thinking that Tian Linger had such a big appetite.

But if you can spend this little money to please Tian Linger, it is not a disadvantage. Thinking about it this way, the boss’s mood will not be so depressed.

“I am looking for you today, there is another thing I want you to help.” George Han said.

“As expected, would you be so kind to invite me to dinner?” Tian Linger looked at George Han disdainfully.

“Do you know that Basin City has a loving home?” George Han asked.

Tian Linger shook her head. As Miss Tian’s family, she had very little contact with the things at the bottom of Cloud City, and she had never survived the love homeland.

George Han took out his mobile phone and searched for some information about Love Home to show Tian Linger.

“Is there any place like this in Basin City?” Tian Linger said with a surprised expression after reading the information.

“For Miss Tianjia, it is normal to have never heard of this kind of place, but it does exist. This group of children have congenital defects, so they are abandoned by their families, and now they can only live in a loving home.” George Han said.

“But… I’m not a doctor, so what can I help them?” Tian Linger asked in confusion.

“The operation of Caring Home requires money to support it. There used to be…”

Before George Han had time to explain clearly, the box door was suddenly pushed open.

Song Ji walked in carelessly, and said to George Han disdainfully: “I didn’t expect you to cheat even a little girl, George Han, are you too human?”

Chapter 308

Song Ji’s behavior in breaking into the box made Tian Linger very dissatisfied. He finally waited until he had a chance to have a meal with George Han, even Thomas Tian did not dare to disturb him, Song Ji’s appearance was undoubtedly provoking Tian Linger’s bottom line.

“Get out.” Tian Linger said in a deep voice without even looking at Song Ji.

Song Ji looked indifferent and looked good for Tian Linger, and said, “Little girl, do you know who this is? He is trying to lie to you. You are still foolishly fooled. If I hadn’t been righteous, you might have done so. Being cheated of money and s*x.”

Tian Linger wanted to be deceived, but it was a pity that she knew that George Han had no interest in her.

“I will warn you again and get out.” Tian Linger said.

Song Ji was not happy at this time. He did it for the good of the little girl, but she was not polite at all, and looked ignorant of good people.

“Little girl, it’s wrong for you to say that. I’m helping you, but you let me go. Don’t you want to know what kind of person this guy is?” Song Ji said.

Tian Linger glanced at Song Ji and said, “What are you, do I need help from someone like you?”

George Han smiled and watched the good show. Song Ji obviously didn’t know who Tian Linger was, but it was not surprising. Tian Linger is famous in Basin City, but there are not many people who have actually met the eldest lady of Tianjia. How could someone like Song Ji be qualified to come into contact with the first family in Basin City?

“Little girl, speak politely, otherwise I will be angry.” Song Ji said coldly, his heart was also very upset because of Tian Linger’s words, what? Although he is not a powerful person, he is also a person with a few small money. It is more than enough to show superiority in front of people like George Han.

“Angry?” Tian Linger smiled coldly and said: “What about you being angry? Can you do anything to me?”

“I said you, this little girl, is really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. I did it for your own good. Do you think I’m harming you?” Song Ji wanted to expose George Han and also wanted to establish a good image in front of Tian Linger , But he did not expect that Tian Linger not only didn’t appreciate him, but also showed a very disgusting look at him.

“Do you say I am a dog?” Tian Linger sneered.

Song Ji smiled arrogantly and said: “You are so ignorant, what is it if you are not a dog, I was only going to help you reveal the true face of this person, but you are not grateful to me at all, I am a good person doing good deeds.”

“It’s the first time someone scolded me when I grew up.” Tian Linger’s face was frosty. He was obviously really angry.

“What bullshit, who has never been scolded since childhood.” Song Ji said with a smile, obviously not believing what Tian Linger said.

George Han looked at Song Ji, who was reluctant to live and die, and couldn’t help but laugh. Life is long. It is true that everyone will be scolded more or less, but Tian Ling’er is definitely an exception, based on the protection of her It is reasonable for Tian Linger not to be scolded since he was a child. Just imagine the entire Basin City. Who is qualified to scold Miss Tianjia? Even if there is, it is private jealousy, and it will never reach Tian Linger.

“What are you laughing at, you liar, wherever you go, Dong Shan still treats you as a friend, and I will tear you down today.” Song Ji glared at George Han and said.

George Han shrugged helplessly, and said, “Dong Shan and I are just ordinary friends. Why do you have such a hostility towards me?”

Song Ji’s hostility towards George Han did come from Dong Shan, but it was not so strong at the beginning. He didn’t start to hate George Han until he thought that George Han had started bragging, after all. In other words, the word face, George Han brags, directly affected his face problem, so he wanted to expose this matter.

“I just can’t understand you, a liar like you. A dick goes everywhere to eat and drink, and lose our man’s face.” Song Ji said coldly.

With such a big banner of justice, George Han feels helpless for Song Ji’s self-righteous slogan. There are always people who think that they are heroic existences, but in fact they are extremely stupid.

“Are you so sure that I’m a liar?” George Han asked with a smile. Apart from helplessness, he didn’t feel angry, because Song Ji such a small zombie is not worth mentioning in his eyes. How could he be Because this kind of person is angry.

“Yes, and very sure.” Song Ji said arrogantly, but he didn’t actually have any basis at all, he just simply felt that it was the case.

“Hey, you better go, I don’t care about you.” George Han sighed. Although it is easy to squeeze an ant to death, there is no sense of accomplishment, so why waste your energy?

Song Ji sneered and said, “Are you afraid that I will tear you down? Don’t worry, I will definitely tear you down before leaving.”

“I’m giving you a chance. Let you leave safely. Since you are here very much, stay here. I hope you can bear the consequences.” George Han said.

Song Ji looked at George Han calmly and still threatened him with even more disdain in his heart. How could he just leave in front of this kind of rubbish?

At this time, Tian Linger was already extremely angry. It can be said that she had never been so angry because she was born in a greenhouse. No one has ever provoke her so severely.

At this time, the boss came to serve the food in person. When he saw Song Ji, he noticed that the atmosphere in the box seemed a bit wrong. He was frightened for a while, but don’t cause any trouble. Happy, he just opened this, I am afraid he will have to face the crisis of closing.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹what…what is going on?” the boss asked cautiously.

“This short-eyed thing broke into my box. It completely affected my mood for eating.” Tian Linger said coldly.

The boss trembled in his heart, clearly aware that Tian Linger was very angry at the moment, turned his head to look at Song Ji, and asked: “Who are you, dare to disturb Miss Tian eating.”

Song Ji didn’t understand what was going on, and said, “Who are you, a waiter, do you have the qualifications to speak?”

The boss stomped his feet with anger. Where did this dog thing not look long.

“I’m the boss here, am I qualified to talk to you?” In front of Tian Linger, the boss bowed his knees, but in front of Song Ji, the boss wouldn’t have this kind of inferior posture.

Song Ji brows, this…Is this the boss?

After he and Dong Shan entered the store, all their thoughts were on Dong Shan. With Dong Shan for so long, Song Ji just held her hand and was planning to take this opportunity today. After drinking with Dong Shan and getting the business done, I didn’t even notice that the boss was actually very active in the store.

“Are you really the boss?” Song Ji asked cautiously.

“Of course it is true, you get out of me.” the boss said.

“Boss, I’m also a guest. Why do you let me get out, aren’t you afraid that I will give your store a bad review?” Song Ji said that customers are God, and said nonchalantly.

The boss sneered. People who come here can be collectively called guests. But there are also differences between guests. For example, Song Ji and Tian Linger, can they be compared?

“Boy, you offend Miss Tian without looking too long, so get out quickly. Find a temple to pray and pray for yourself.” The boss said.

Miss Tian?

Song Ji tilted his head and glanced at Tian Linger. The young lady seemed to be very powerful this day. Even the boss gave her such a face, but she is so young, can she be so powerful?


Miss Tian.

A consciousness gradually formed in Song Ji’s mind, guessing Tian Linger’s identity.

In Basin City, is the person who can be called Miss Tian belong to the heaven?

Tian Linger!

Song Ji shook his head subconsciously, how could it be possible, how could Tian Linger come to eat in such a place, this is the eldest lady of the first-line family in Basin City.

But, Miss Tian, ”‹”‹who even has such a face to her boss, besides Tian Linger, who else can there be?

Song Ji began to be frightened, his legs felt weak and his face pale.

Seeing the change in Song Ji’s expression, George Han knew that he had guessed the identity of Tian Linger, and didn’t know what this guy’s mood is now. He should regret coming to trouble, right?

Chapter 309

Song Ji looked at Tian Linger, and then at George Han. How could this kind of dick know the eldest lady of the Heavenly Family? He still has a chance to survive, hoping that his guess is wrong, no The person offended Miss Tianjia, and his days in Basin City will be sad.

“What’s your name?” Tian Linger suddenly asked.

Song Ji felt like an electric current rushed through his body, instantly making his scalp numb, is Tian Linger going to check his details?

“God… Miss Tian. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you who ate here.” Song Ji said grimly, his mind was blank, and he didn’t dare to think about the consequences of this incident.

“Am I just a dog in your mouth?” Tian Linger said lightly.


Song Ji knelt directly in front of Tian Linger. He didn’t know Tian Linger’s identity just now, so he dared to say this, but now that he knew who the person in front of him was, he knelt down and apologized. Can’t think of other solutions.

“Miss Tian, ”‹”‹it’s because I have eyes but no beads, I am blind, please forgive me.” Song Ji lowered his head and said.

“Since your dog eyes can’t see anything, what’s the use?” Tian Linger said coldly.

Song Ji trembled in his heart. He didn’t want to be blind, but he knew that if Tian Linger really wanted to do this, no one in Basin City would be able to stop it.

Bang, bang, bang!

Song Ji squatted his head and said: “Miss Tian, ”‹”‹I was wrong, it was me who was damned, I was watching people through the door, please forgive me.”

Tian Linger glanced at George Han, and finally waited for the chance to have dinner with George Han. The atmosphere was destroyed by this inexplicable guy, but there was a remedy now. She didn’t want to waste all time on Song Ji.

“Help me throw him out, and wait until I have eaten to settle this matter.” Tian Linger said to the boss.

The boss quickly responded and took Song Ji out.

Song Ji’s mind was blank, as if his life had come to an end. Offending Tian Linger in Basin City was equivalent to offending Hades. He would never have the chance to live until the fifth watch.

At the entrance of the restaurant, the boss said: “If you want to run, you can, but you’d better be able to hide. I believe you should be very clear about Miss Tian’s ability in Cloud City.”

After speaking, the boss returned to the restaurant, and he had to continue serving Tian Linger.

Where Song Ji dared to run, giving him a hundred bear-hearted leopards would not have the courage, and he knew very well that unless he left Basin City, he would never come back for the rest of his life, otherwise Tian Linger would find him sooner or later.

But everything about him is in Basin City, and if he leaves, he will have nothing.

Song Ji couldn’t think of any other way to let Tian Linger let him go, so he could only kneel at the entrance of the restaurant.

He went to find trouble, taking advantage of Dong Shan’s time to go to the bathroom. At this time, Dong Shan returned to her position and didn’t see Song Ji, so he called Song Ji.

Knowing that Song Ji was at the door of the restaurant, Dong Shan found that he was actually kneeling when he walked to the door, which made Dong Shan very baffled.

“Song Ji, what’s wrong with you, what are you doing here?” Dong Shan asked puzzledly.

Song Ji suddenly grabbed Dong Shan’s hand and said, “Dong Shan, you help me and let George Han intercede for me.”

Dong Shan was confused, Song Ji looked down on George Han very much. How could George Han intercede for him? And what is the matter of pleading?

Song Ji really looked down on George Han and regarded George Han as a dick. But now, he has no other way. Since George Han is a friend of Tian Linger, if he intercedes with him, it may be Can escape this disaster.

“What’s wrong?” Dong Shan asked.

Song Ji told Dong Shan about the offense against Tian Linger. Dong Shan was shocked when she heard it, but her shock was based on George Han’s knowledge of people like Tian Linger.

In Dong Shan’s impression, George Han is a very low-key person. Dong Shan has asked countless times whether George Han has the same name or is the person in the legend, but it is because of George Han. Qian said few words, so she had been holding back without asking. This time George Han exposed things related to his identity in front of Dong Shan for the first time.

Tianjia, a first-line family that is out of reach for ordinary people, George Han is actually Tian Linger’s friend!

“Go and say something nice for me, or I’ll be over.” Song Ji put all his hopes on Dong Shan. Because only George Han could change this matter.

Dong Shan took a deep breath. Such a big figure has been silently by her side all the time. This feeling is like meeting an emperor who visits Weifu privately. And he was so low-key that he never talked about these things, unlike Song Ji, who was just a Mercedes, he would show off the keys wherever he went.

From this point of view, George Han is much better than Song Ji, but Dong Shan knows that her boyfriend is Song Ji, not George Han, so even if George Han is excellent, it has nothing to do with her.

“You get up first, I’ll help you to talk about it.” Dong Shan said.

“Thank you. Thank you, Dong Shan, I can give you any gift you want.” Song Ji said gratefully.

“You are my boyfriend. If I can help, how can I not help you.” Dong Shan sighed.

Outside the box, the boss learned to be smart this time, instead of going to the back kitchen by himself, he waited until the waiter brought the dishes to the door before letting him in. Avoid people with short eyes rushing into the box to disturb Tian Linger eating.

This kind of thing happened once is enough. If it happens again, the boss is afraid that Tian Linger’s anger will affect the fish pond and harm him.

“What are you doing?” Seeing Dong Shan, the boss directly blocked the door of the box.

“My friend is inside, I want to go in and say a few words to him.” Dong Shan said.

“Miss Tian is dining inside. If you are her friend, you can call her first.” The boss said.

Dong Shan smiled bitterly. How could she be qualified to be Tian Linger’s friend? If it weren’t for George Han, she would have never had the chance to come into contact with this kind of superior eldest lady.

“No, my friend is George Han.” Dong Shan said.

“Then I’m sorry, no one can go in without Miss Tian’s consent. If you don’t mind, you can wait at the door and wait until they finish eating.” The boss said firmly.

“Then… well, I’ll go to the door and wait.”

In the box. Tian Linger’s mood eased a bit, and the two chatted about loving home.

Tian Linger gradually realized George Han’s intentions, and said dissatisfied: “You are looking for me to eat today, maybe you just want Tianjia to donate your loving home.”

“Yes.” George Han said directly, playing tricks with Tian Linger was boring. And he is not such a person.

Tian Linger gritted his teeth and looked at George Han angrily, and said, “Can’t you sincerely invite me to dinner? It must have other purposes.”

“I’m very sincere about eating. This matter is just a casual mention. If you are willing to help, it is naturally good. If you don’t want to, I won’t force it.” George Han said.

“No help, the Su family is so great now. You go home and ask your wife for money.” Tian Linger said through gritted teeth.

George Han looked embarrassed and said: “I am eating soft rice now, if I still ask for money, it’s not very good.”

“What’s wrong, if you are willing to eat my soft rice, I can give you all the money.” Tian Linger looked directly at George Han’s eyes, these words can be said to express all her heart. It is equivalent to an alternative confession.

“I treat you as a very good sister.” George Han said, and sooner or later this matter must be made clear to Tian Linger. Since it is now an opportunity, there is no need to procrastinate, and this matter was in Yunding Mountain. George Han also said, but Tian Linger hasn’t given up yet.

Hearing these words, Tian Linger’s pupils were instantly covered with a layer of mist. This was the second time he was nakedly rejected. For a person who has never been in love, the shock can be imagined.

Miss Tianjia, people who pursue her are like crucian carp in the river, as long as she wants, she can find a good boyfriend at will, but she likes George Han, and she also confessed to George Han, but in the end, It is so.

Chapter 310

Tian Linger lowered her head, not wanting to be seen by George Han tearful of herself, her shoulders trembling slightly, her first voluntary confession was ruthlessly rejected, Miss Tian Jia’s mood now is extremely bad.

George Han sighed. Tian Linger is a very good girl, and she doesn’t have a princess stinky temper at all, which is very rare for her birth. It’s a pity that this love is not something he can endure. No matter any woman, it is impossible to replace Amelia Su’s position in George Han’s mind, and he will never do anything to betray Amelia Su.

There was silence in the box for a long time, and Tian Linger with his red eyes wiped away tears and raised his head, and said, “Give me some time, I will treat you like a brother.”

This is a necessary process, so George Han won’t feel distressed, and indecision will only make Tian Linger sink deeper.

“Even as a brother. I can protect you. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, tell me, I will help you.” George Han said.

Tian Linger breathed out a bad breath and said: “I have a question that I don’t understand.”

“Why am I willing to stay at Su’s house? Why do I suffer all the insults. Still like Amelia Su?” George Han said.

“En.” Tian Linger nodded. This is something she has always been very curious about. As a man and such an excellent man, how could George Han be willing to stay in Su’s house and suffer humiliation? With his ability, even if he left the Su family, he would definitely be able to achieve success. It was perhaps only a matter of time before he could get rid of the three words of uselessness.

“The only thing outsiders can see is that I was looked down upon at the Su’s house and was scolded as a waste, but you didn’t know that because of my admission, Amelia Su also received a lot of insults and blindfolded. For more than three years, I endured it. Infamous, isn’t she?” George Han said, and all the original jokes appeared in his mind. Everyone was watching Amelia Su’s jokes. Everyone regarded the wedding as a topic of ridicule. Amelia Su was under pressure. , More and bigger than him.

Since Amelia Su can bear it, why can’t he?

“Does Amelia Su like you too?” Tian Linger continued to ask.

This question made George Han smile unconsciously on his face. He was not sure to answer this question before, but now. He has absolute self-confidence, Amelia Su not only likes him, but also loves him.

“No need to answer, look at your proud expression, you can’t even cover up.” Tian Linger said disdainfully.

George Han smiled and said: “My relationship with her is getting better and better, and the success of the revolution is just around the corner.”

Tian Linger is like a deflated balloon. She knows that she will definitely not have any hope, because she can feel George Han’s love for Amelia Su, and now Amelia Su is also in love with George Han, the two people who are in love, and How could it be separated because of her.

“It seems that I can only be your sister.” Tian Linger said.

“It’s okay to be a sister.” George Han smiled.

“You said that you want to protect me. I will remember these words for a lifetime.” Tian Linger looked at George Han sincerely.

George Han also responded with a sincere expression, saying: “What I have said, I will definitely do it. If anyone bullies you, I will definitely help you out. Even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, I can break his gold. body.”

“You can blow it hard, if there is a big Luo Jinxian, slap you to death.” Tian Linger glared at George Han and said, his mood eased, but his feelings for George Han. It will probably take some time to digest the changes. After all, she has been in unrequited love for so long, and it is impossible to change immediately.

“This… the matter of loving home, do you want to think about it?” George Han said with a smile.

“Does your family have no money? Why do you have to pull me up.” Tian Linger glared at George Han. With the current financial resources of the Su family’s company, what is a caring home?

“This matter is not just about money. I want to let more people pay attention to this matter through the influence of the Heavenly Family in Cloud City. After all, those children in the Love Homeland will face a new social life in the future. The family pays attention to them, and the society of Basin City is also easier to accept them.” George Han said, this is the reason why he is looking for Tian Linger, money is such a small trouble, why bother to do so, after all, he is not short of money. the Lord.

“Unexpectedly, you have already begun to plan ahead, are you true love or fake love?” Tian Linger questioned.

“Regardless of whether it is true or not. I just want to do what I can to help them.” George Han said sincerely.

Tian Linger sighed again in his heart, such a kind and excellent man can only be her brother.

“Alright, I will go back and tell my grandpa and dad. Tianjia will do charity every year to enhance the brand effect in Basin City. This matter can also gain a good reputation for Tianjia. They should not object.” Tian Linger said.

“My good sister, brother toasts you a cup.” George Han said, raising his teacup.

Tian Linger pouted, unwillingly picked up the tea cup and touched George Han.

After they ate and drank enough, they walked to the door of the restaurant and saw Dong Shan and Song Ji who had been waiting for a long time.

Song Ji lowered his head, his face was ugly, he didn’t have the arrogance that he had before. He figured it out clearly. The words of George Han in Aixinjiayuan may not be bragging. If he were an ordinary person, how could he have known a big person like Tian Linger?

Dong Shan felt that George Han suddenly had a strange feeling. This was the first time she felt that George Han was different.

“George Han, Song Ji has already told me what happened just now, and I want to help him plead.” Dong Shan said directly without circumstance.

George Han glanced at Song Ji. Although he didn’t like this guy, he didn’t have to play him to death, but Song Ji didn’t offend him, but Tian Linger.

“Dong Shan, I can’t do this. The person he offended is not me.” George Han said.

Dong Shan looked ugly and lowered her head. If George Han didn’t help, she would have nothing to do.

“Tian Linger, or else, don’t you care about this kind of little person. How do you say it’s also Miss Tian Jia, wasting energy with such a little character, doesn’t it mean that your identity as Miss Tian Jia is lowered?” George Han Said to Tian Linger with a smile.

“Don’t you say that you want to protect me when you are my brother? I was scolded as a dog, and you didn’t help me?” Tian Linger raised his head and said dissatisfied.

George Han was stunned. This little Nizi was quick to use it. It seems that he, the older brother, really can’t do nothing.

Walking to Song Ji, George Han said lightly: “A mistake was made. It’s natural to pay a price?”

Song Ji nodded repeatedly, just about to speak, when suddenly he felt a huge force coming from his lower abdomen, and his whole body flew backwards, losing his center of gravity. He fell heavily to the ground, his face full of pain.

“From now on, keep your eyes open and stop messing with my sister, or I will play you to death.” George Han threatened.

Song Ji burst into cold sweat from the pain, and said, “Yes. I…I know.”

George Han clapped his hands, turned his head and said to Tian Linger: “How about it, are you satisfied?”

Tian Linger said disgustingly: “It’s okay, as the brother, send my sister home. Do you have any opinions?”

“Of course not.” George Han smiled bitterly. Last time she threw Tian Linger on the side of the road, this little Nizi still remembered her grudge.

Seeing George Han walking onto Lamborghini, Song Ji cried and laughed. He went to take photos when he was in Love Homeland. He didn’t expect this car to be George Han’s. Now recall the picture of himself showing off his Mercedes-Benz keys. Song Ji couldn’t help blushing.

People who drive Lamborghini are so low-key, and he is a broken Mercedes, and he can’t wait to hold the key in his hand at any time for everyone to see. This is the gap.

“Are you all right.” Dong Shan walked to Song Ji’s side and asked with her arm.

Song Ji shook his head, looked at the direction Lamborghini was leaving, and said, “Who is this George Han? Could it be possible that besides the useless person in Basin City, there is such a powerful character named George Han?”

Dong Shan’s face was confused, she felt that this was the same person, but the image gap was too big, which made her a little bit unbelievable.

One is a wasteful person who is burdened by the infamy of the whole city, and the other is to meet Miss Tianjia and drive a Lamborghini. Is it possible that the two are the same?

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