His True Colors Novel Chapter 3034 – 3035

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Chapter 3034

the pangolin, who was thunderous just now, suddenly became extremely quiet.

He was stupid directly in place, not only him, but even George Han himself, at this time, his expression was dazed.

what’s the situation? !

He clearly only used about 50% of his power. He has repeatedly confirmed this. Why would she say that it was 10% of his power? !

“Because I guessed that he is your friend, you must not bear the heart to start, so you will not use all your strength, but only use about 50%.” The golden god beauty smiled indifferently.

George Han nodded his head inconspicuously. He really thought and did so.

“However, since the senior guessed that it was 50% strength, why would he say that it was 10% strength?”

She smiled softly and looked at George Han.

George Han patted his head and finally understood: “Yes… is the golden circle?”

She nodded and said, “I know you can’t get your hands off. Besides, the visitor is always a guest, if it really hurts him. , It’s not a way of hospitality, and it will make you more embarrassed. Therefore, I protect him with the power of the phoenix. Generally speaking, it can offset at least 40% of your power.”

“My dear.” George Han It was shocking, the pangolin was already a master in his own eyes, and it was enough to be able to fly him like that.

But what was even more unexpected was that he could even smash that guy’s hard carapace directly.

It needs to be known that the last time a tortoise shell George Han also used a lot of energy, but this will…

“Then… Then I am in front of him, don’t… Isn’t it a waste?” The pangolin said depressed.

He knows his own things best, and he can beat his carapace into a tortoise shell with one effort. This is so irritating and really frightening at the same time? !

“If you play ten percent of your skill, it’s damn, then you don’t want to go to heaven?”

“There are several ancient forces in the world, of which the most domineering is the power of Chaos, the power of Dragon Martial, and the power of Fengming. You need to know these three. Power, any kind of power can change his fate against the sky, and the flying dragon is in the sky. And George Han does have all three of his powers in one. If the combined force is used, the Pangu axe in his hand…” she suddenly smiled coldly, guarding the Buddha’s gaze: “Don’t talk about opening the world, but at least it is enough to destroy the world, and even surrender.”

“Destroy the heavens and destroy the earth?” Mumbling and looking at each other.

“How about splitting him into a secluded city with an axe?” The golden-body beauty smiled.

The mouths of the two people suddenly opened wider, Youming City? !

If destroying the heavens and destroying the earth is only an abstract term, then the city of Youming is what the two of them have seen and experienced.

That is not to say that it is a giant, but at least it stretches for several miles, it is true that it is a big frontier city, this thing…

can it be smashed with a single blow? !

Are you fucking kidding me? !

However, George Han, who has just experienced the integration of three forces, seems to really feel that she is really not joking, but telling the truth.

That means that the next George Han, even if he goes deeper into the land of the demon race, at least one more true trump card in his hand?

Thinking of this, George Han couldn’t help being a little excited.

“Damn, Niubi, George Han, I know you are Niubi, but I didn’t expect you to be like this?” The pangolin scolded, but he was sincere about George Han’s good things. Happy for him.

“This is a small trial. Don’t say you didn’t expect it. Even if it was me, it was far from expected.” The golden-bodied beauty smiled slightly. “It’s over, is virtuous and talented person, but I never thought that this virtuous and talented person even more horrible than the virtuous and talented person.”

“The first man?”

Then, looking at the Han three thousand light gilded beauty , His eyes are full of admiration.

But almost at this time, George Han smiled suddenly, and then, under the shock of the two, suddenly knelt on the ground…

“George Han, what are you doing?”

Chapter 3035

George Han said slightly, “Three thousand just want to ask seniors, how to get the power of the Phoenix?”

“According to the rules of my Phoenix family, the power of the Phoenix is ”‹”‹contained in the daughter of the Phoenix. “The beauty of the golden body said.

“It’s Xia Wei, isn’t it?” George Han said.

Gilded beauty did not answer immediately, he shook his head, sighed: “the birth of, the present there is a dragon, a phoenix, the dragon has nine sons, and Phoenix also have nine sons.”

“This is a well-matched, but nonetheless, the dragon nine sons Each is extraordinary, creating a hundred blessings to mankind, so it is worshipped by gods and praised by others. And my nine sons, although there are sages, there are also evil ones who have committed terrible crimes.”

“As my mother, I am ashamed. between heaven and earth, and therefore, no face to the world common people. I do not have the heart to kill the child Dhamma, and therefore the body make up the world of people, Transformation death, compensation for child crime. ” “

but there are kind-hearted son of nine children, to find Get everything from heaven and earth, and live my Phoenix blood.”

“The golden phoenix is ”‹”‹the incarnation of the Phoenix family, continuing the phoenix incense, after prospering and declining, and then declining, creating the best flesh of the Phoenix family for my Nirvana rebirth. “

Xia Wei, this is the last essence of the Phoenix family.”

George Han nodded, which was almost exactly the same as his previous guess with the pangolin.

“I understand, Xia Wei and her descendants are the beginning of a new era for the Phoenix family, right?” George Han asked.

The golden beauty nodded naturally: “That’s it.”

“So, those trials are qualifications to become Xia Wei’s companions, or, in other words, the rigid requirements of those who breed Phoenix’s newborn.”

“Nurture without education, parents. In the past, the nine sons are defeated, the mother has had the past, and the father has also. Therefore, the key to rebirth is the mother’s need to excel, and the father should choose a hundred choices.”

“That said, you just said that George Han passed, that is to say…” The pangolin finally understood at this time, and then he looked at George Han in amazement: “Brother, my dear, even this All these trials have passed.” The

golden-body beauty smiled slightly: “After Xia Ran tried to understand that you can understand the heart of the golden phoenix, Xia Ran has already passed the Shuiyue Cave Sky, burned to the sky, and presented the Shuiyue Trial. According to the original Regardless, if you can break through the three phoenixes, you will have already met the pass requirements. However, seeing your skills, I can’t help but try more, and the ending is very satisfactory.””Even, it makes me quite gratified.”

“You must be lucky to be resurrected from the dead, and three thousand, you are the great fortune of my Phoenix family.”

“When you are combined with Xia Wei , It was the day I came, and at that time you were the new end of my new Phoenix family. You were the king of ten thousand phoenixes, and after Xia Wei became ten thousand phoenixes, the power of the phoenix was reopened because of you.”

“I rely on you. , George Han, awesome.” The pangolin shouted excitedly.

“One thing I need to tell you is that the power of the phoenix that you just tried in advance is just some of the imprints of my primordial spirit, not the power of the phoenix in the true peak state, and the power of the phoenix has many, many differences. It’s a pity that there is only a trace of my soul in this formation. The remaining time is limited and cannot be detailed for you.”

“However, when you combine with you, after you have the power of the phoenix, you can learn from the heart of the golden phoenix. By prying into the phoenix mystery, everything will gradually become clear, and you will better understand how powerful the true phoenix power is, and how well it fits with your own two powers.”

“Destiny favors my Phoenix family .” , Such a strange child.”

“Destiny favors you such a strange child, leaving you with the power of the phoenix.” As he

said, the golden-body beauty smiled slightly, and her eyes were full of doting when she looked at George Han.

Perhaps, she missed the selection and childrearing, but this time, when facing the vital nirvana rebirth of the Phoenix family, she finally chose an answer that would never make her wrong again.

“Senior’s kindness, Han’s heart, but Han doesn’t…” George Han wanted to explain clearly, but while speaking, she saw the golden beauty gradually disappearing and evaporating out of thin air.

Only the last few afterglows were left, slowly floating in the air.

The afterglows dissipated, and the world was dim. When the light resumed, the two of them were still in the cave they had entered, but they did not see the ten statues or the moon on the top of the cave.

George Han was very depressed, he would not marry anyone outside Amelia Su, but the golden body of the initial Phoenix had disappeared before he finished speaking.

Unlike George Han, the pangolin at this time was already happy as if he were the groom.

And almost at this time, the surrounding water began to turn again…

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