His True Colors Novel Chapter 3030 – 3031

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Chapter 3030


entire underwater world is muddy, and the ground is shaking like a cave.

Even the blue luan flying in the air is shaking because of the huge shaking of the water surface, but With the violent shaking in his heart, what is this?

She opened her mouth but couldn’t make a sound for a long time, and her beautiful pair of phoenix eyes were completely shocked and puzzled.

Lan Fu…

Lan Fu lost?

How, how is it possible? !


But the blue mallard seemed to hear her voice, and at this time he roared lowly among the chaotic flowing rocks and flying sand.

But at this moment, this low voice, how can there be any mighty, and how can there be any overbearing? It’s more like a painful wailing and screaming.

When the flowing stone stopped, the flying sand was no longer, and everything on the ground slowly returned to calm, Qing Luan, who was already shocked to the point of speechlessness, could not help but retreated a few steps.

At this time, Lan Fu lost his previous domineering, like an old lion, fell to the ground and lingered.

On the back, a huge hole was already shocking, and beside the wound, George Han stood there coldly holding the cyan Pangu axe.

Do not be angry and prestige.

Immovable and like a god!

It was another stagger, Qing Luan finally recovered slowly, and the next second, his body moved and flew towards the top of the cave, and finally turned into the original hovering appearance, no more movement.


At the same time, Lan Fu who had his back cut by George Han on the ground also wailed again, and in the next second, it turned into a cloud of blue energy and flew to the top of the cave.

George Han looked at him slowly, without a sense of purpose.

“Chasing, chasing, my damn, he just made us like that bear, we fucking can’t do that now, we can take advantage of the victory to chase and kill him.”

Almost at the same time, already The pangolin that was secretly observed suddenly appeared. Looking at Lan Fu who had just dispersed, he chased him out of breath.

George Han smiled bitterly and looked at this guy helplessly.

Almost at this moment, applause rang out.

Under the stunned eyes, the two looked around, only to find that everything was normal everywhere, even the nine young phoenixes hovering at the top of the cave were still motionless. George Han tried to distinguish the sound from where it came from, but found that these sounds didn’t seem to come from somewhere, but more like… all around.

However, unable to find the source of the sound, George Han didn’t panic. He held the axe slightly in his hand and said softly: “You don’t need to clap. If you are interested,

you might as well show up.” “Who are you talking to? “The pangolin didn’t know where the sound came from, and looked depressed, a little confused for a while.

Following George Han’s gaze, the pangolin was even more stupid.

Because the direction George Han faced was nothing else, it was the only initial phoenix among the ten statues that had not changed from beginning to end.

But why do you speak to a stone? Did he think the sound came from the stone?

“Don’t be funny, if the initial Phoenix is ”‹”‹able to move, we both have to finish playing.” The pangolin was speechless and somewhat worried. “If there is a sound, it should be Jinfeng and Baiming who have not done anything.”

After speaking, the pangolin looked over his head.

George Han smiled and shook his head: “No, they did.”

” Did they do it?” The pangolin was taken aback, looking at George Han for unknown reasons.

These two haven’t appeared from beginning to end, so how can you tell them? Could it be that I was wrong?

George Han ignored the confused pangolin, still fixed his gaze on the statue of the original phoenix, and said calmly: “Am I right? The original phoenix?” The

pangolin looked back at the statue depressed, why is it right? NS?


Suddenly, when the pangolin was extremely depressed, at this time, a loud laughter suddenly resounded throughout the cave.

The top of the cave also suddenly changed color, and a burst of white light suddenly hit, like the sun’s rays, making people almost unable to open their eyes.

“Papa.” In the

white light, a strange sound echoed…

Chapter 3031


pangolin and George Han turned their heads subconsciously. After adapting to the light, the white light was also quite dim. At this time, looking back at the surrounding area, there were no caves, but it was a land of wonderland.

Under the feet, it is not the mud, rock, and sand, but the layers of gold bricks. Above the head, it is not the curtain of the cave roof, but the white clouds and blue sky.

The nine young phoenixes lost their real bodies, and turned into countless stars to hang down in the sky, outlining the form they used to be with each other.

The surrounding water has long since disappeared, but it’s just a fairy qi, white clouds.

Directly in front of the two of them, the original phoenix that was supposed to be the statue was already shattered, and a faint golden light shined through it.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the golden light, a golden colored woman slowly walked out, her whole body radiant, like a golden dress, and like a thousand flowers embellishment, indescribable, but very dazzling.

“The world had to move, and tens of thousands of years, between the passage of time, between all things reincarnation, I do not know in detail how many years already, but I do not know a few fine autumn.”

“Energy in here, look me Shuiyuedongtian, you are only two, You are the only one who can break my nine phoenixes. Is your name George Han?” She smiled softly.

His face was fair and his facial features were perfect. He was both unique and beautiful, almost unbelievable.

The pangolin’s saliva flowed out. At this time, George Han was dragged by George Han. In a hurry, he half-kneeled on the ground with George Han.

“It’s George Han, who has seen seniors.”

“Ah, I have seen…” The pangolin was staring at the golden beauty, but suddenly realized that the golden beauty suddenly opened her mouth. , Looks extremely terrifying, and this guy shivered with fright in an instant.

But when he raised his eyes again, there were no monsters. The beauty of the golden body was still the most beautiful in the world. However, after this incident, this guy didn’t dare to stare at it like just now.

“Good name.” She smiled softly: “But why do you know that the applause is from me, and not from others?”

“Because I haven’t triggered the seal of the earth yet.” George Han said.

The beauty of the golden body smiled lightly, it didn’t seem strange, she just looked at George Han faintly, waiting for his next words. “Jinfeng turned into a human and passed on in a line. It’s not surprising that it doesn’t appear, right? In other words, she should be the one who led me in, and she should naturally recognize me.

” Therefore, there should be eight phoenixes.” George Han said.

She nodded and smiled.

“Since entering the cave, Jiufeng transformed into a phantom and stood on the top of the cave, but before that, there was a cry.”

“The cry was very nice, but the situation was chaotic at the time. I didn’t care too much. , But after contacting the other phoenixes, I found that their voices are not the same as the original voices.”

“I heard that Baiming in Jiufeng’s voice is the best, and I doubt it. The most important thing is that I am in my body. The seal of the earth, luck will trigger the seal, but the strange thing is that I have been fighting with them for so long, but the seal has not been triggered. This is exactly what makes me very sure that the sound is made by Baiming. “So

that I later had a bold idea.”

“Any idea?” The golden body smiled softly.

“Illusion or dream.” George Han said.

Only in the illusion, George Han’s luck could be just a hypothesis, and naturally it would not trigger the seal of the earth.

“As the saying goes, good sounds are always fascinating and intoxicating. From that sound, I think everything has entered another state, right?” After speaking, George Han looked down. Seeing that it had been completely beaten so that only the right arm was left.

There is no scar on the right arm at this time, but it is as new as it is.

But this is precisely George Han’s most silent evidence at this time.

The beauty of the golden body smiled softly: “Observing the details and thinking carefully, you little man, you really make me like it the more I look at it.”

“You guessed it, the sound of a hundred sounds is beautiful, and everything can be drunk in it.”

Hearing this, the pangolin still stayed stupidly in place, and understood it, but…

“Then you know, Why should I do this?” She smiled and looked at George Han…

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