His True Colors Novel Chapter 3022 – 3023

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Chapter 3022

Although the light on the peacock’s body has dissipated, there is still afterglow.

Reminiscing about the matter of talent, George Han murmured coldly: “I understand.” After a long time

, there was a super assistant behind this Dapeng.

Whether it is resurrection or other gains, it is this peacock who is helping.

Catch the thief first, catch the king, and fight the team first to assist.

Since you are making small moves behind your back, you are the one who makes the first move.

As soon as the voice fell, Han’s three thousand eight golden bodies retracted, and the sky fire moon wheel suddenly attacked the Dapeng. At the same time, he drank in his hand and opened the sword formation.

“Help.” George Han yelled at the pangolin, and in the next second, the figure had turned into an afterimage.

The pangolin was almost slow at this time, and after receiving George Han’s order, he ran directly to the Dapeng.

Seeing that Dapeng had already started a fight, and the two sides were attacked, the light on his body suddenly appeared again, and he was about to help Dapeng, but at this moment, an afterimage suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes.

“Just waiting for you to take action.” George Han snorted coldly, and Yu Jian had already volleyed in the air.

The peacock was shocked, but at this time he wanted to dodge, but it was too late, so he could only look at the blade of the sword as it got closer and closer to him.


Almost at this moment, a violent wind blows, and George Han, who is about to succeed, is suddenly blown to the ground. When he looks up again, the big four-winged and eight-tailed bird has already flew behind the peacock. .

“Three thousand, be careful to catch the wind, he can destroy the house and pull out the tree with his wings. It is very powerful.” The pangolin roared, and with a move of his hand, he attacked directly towards the Dapeng.

Han three thousand nodded, looked like the arrogance of the general looked at his jug, Han three thousand cold smile:. “Very good, again a”

. “I do not control your jug jug”

“block me, die “As

soon as the voice fell, George Han’s figure turned into an afterimage and rushed again.

The wind opened his eyes slightly, and between the flapping wings, there was a violent wind that violently struck George Han away.

“You have it, but I don’t have it?” George Han’s expression was cold, and his hands moved: “No phase magic.”


The huge wind that had hit George Han suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared out of thin air in the next second, it had already hit Fengfeng and the peacock.the

wind was half-opened eyes. When the strong wind hits suddenly, he can’t help but suddenly open, hurriedly waved his wings to generate the wind, and directly resisted.

“Huh!” The

two winds collided.

But at almost the same time, a light and shadow had passed through. In the next second, Zhao Feng only heard a scream behind him, but when he looked back, he saw the peacock fall. The head was in a different place, and only George Han was holding a jade sword. Stand proudly.

“Clean it up, and you are the only one left.” George Han smiled coldly, his eyes full of bloodthirsty.

The wind froze for a moment, suddenly flapped its wings, and another huge wind struck.

George Han replayed the old trick, but almost immediately when Zhaofeng was about to spread its wings again, suddenly, a trace of surprise flashed in its eyes.

The huge wind hit, but the afterimage was shattered. When he opened his eyes again, George Han had already rushed from the left.

If there is speed, I will fight with you and force you to go hand-in-hand. If there is a huge wind, I will not fight you hard, instead, I will use the speed advantage and madly harass.

The wind giant bird can escape in a hurry, but without the speed advantage of ShangGeorge Han, the hasty escape will only reveal bigger flaws.

As George Han speeded up, the 72-way Divine Sword suddenly slashed in four styles, only to hear a few mournful screams, four wings had three wings, eight tails had five tails, and he fled into the distance incomparably. Landed in embarrassment, he could only watch George Han getting closer and closer.


Just as George Han was about to approach, a beam of fire suddenly struck. Even if George Han hurriedly retracted, many flames were directly on his body, and George Han was in pain.

Looking back, a flaming phoenix was already standing not far away from him, his whole body jumping with flames, majestic and mighty.

“Another one?” George Han smiled coldly, retracted the offensive, and adjusted to Huofeng.

However, as soon as Fang turned around, George Han suddenly felt something attacking him. As soon as he hid on his side subconsciously, an icicle plunged into the ground like an arrow under his feet.

After looking back, George Han’s eyes became more bloodthirsty…

Chapter 3023

“The Snow Owl is here too.”

“An ice and a fire, it looks worthy of me.” George Han smiled strangely, since you are going to fight, then have a good time!


George Han’s eyes suddenly became blood red, and the black energy suddenly covered the golden energy.


“Roar!” The

phoenix roared twice, and the fire phoenix opened his mouth, and suddenly flames struck the sky, and the snow owl breathed fiercely. Suddenly the air condensed and the ice and snow rushed.


George Han was full of devilish energy, leaving a few afterimages, and finally united in mid-air, directly facing the ice and fire.


As soon as the three contacted, the time seemed to stagnate in the air. George Han held the Five Elements Divine Stone with one hand and faced the attack of ice and fire.

“I want to play with ice and fire? I will play with you.” As soon as the voice fell, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the huge devilish energy was carried by one hand, and he suddenly shot into the god stone.


The Five Elements God Stone suddenly enlarged, the fire that confronted it began to fade, and the ice that confronted it began to melt.

A stagnation, as if out of control and still.

In the next second, a flood of water rushed in the fire, and a fire dragon screamed in the snow!


The fire phoenix was suddenly washed away by the flood, and the snow owl was also swallowed by the fire.

When the water is over, the fire and phoenix will not have the arrogance of the previous, a lively chicken. The snowy owl is white all over, just like a phoenix in the ice.

George Han turned the shadow of the fall and appeared again, already holding a long sword, stepping on the snowy owl with one foot, and a sword reaching Huofeng’s throat.

“The dragon is in the sky, and the phoenix is ”‹”‹in the earth, how can you be allowed to offend you more.”

At this moment, a nice voice came. At the moment of confusion, I saw the cyan phoenix slowly flying over, with cyan light on his body, which was extraordinary at a glance.

“Even Qingluan is here.” George Han smiled, looking at the phoenix above his head, only the golden phoenix and the blue giant bird and Baimingyi were hovering.

Among them, the giant blue bird, even the enchanted George Han, couldn’t help but feel a little awe. Compared with the other eight phoenixes, this guy is really huge in size, flying above the sky, occupying almost half of the space, and looking into the distance, it looks like a blue starry sky and a deep seabed.

As soon as Qingluan moved, a green light floated from his body, entwining Huofeng and Snowy Owl. Suddenly, the two of them dissipated in embarrassment and restored to their previous appearance, but each moved, one broke away from George Han’s foot. , A golden light from the neck flashed away from George Han’s long sword, two giant birds had already flown in the sky, and then they concealed their shape.

“Are you going to fight alone with me?” George Han didn’t care about Huofeng and Xueyue, just staring at Qingluan indifferently.

Qing Luan said softly: “I never quarrel with people, but I just don’t get used to seeing you humiliate my race under your feet.”

“However, if I don’t fight you, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing else that doesn’t fight you.” “

George Han smiled. At this time, he looked up at the huge Lan Fu and the elegant Bai Ming above his head, and said, “Is Lan Fu or Bai Ming? Or are they together?”

Qing Luan seemed to be smiling. , And did not speak. When George Han raised his head slightly at this time, he saw that the sky above his head changed like a wind and cloud, and the huge Lan Fu began to move slightly.

In the next second, only a long roar suddenly appeared in the hole, which was very ear-sounding, and its momentum was also extremely attractive.

The pangolin and Dapeng who were fighting over there almost stopped their movements at the same time and looked sideways.

At this time, on the top of the big cave, Lan Fu slowly flew down from the cave until he was in the air.

Although George Han was still quite a bit away from this guy at this time, he could still feel the tremendous pressure brought by it.

This feeling is extremely rare for today’s George Han. If he had to say under what circumstances he felt such a feeling, George Han could almost think of it without much thinking.

When facing the two true gods…

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