His True Colors Novel Chapter 295 – 298

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Chapter 295

In People’s Square, George Han faced Jiang Fu’s strong pressure. He never compromised. Instead, he let the old guys kneel down together, shocking the entire Basin City. His knees were neither heaven nor earth. But now he knelt down to Lu Xun. For George Han, this kind of humiliation was almost impossible. But for Amelia Su, he can only do this, and he must do it.

“Hahahahahaha.” Lu Xun laughed happily. No torture made him compromise, but this woman was able to make him surrender, which made Lu Xun very happy and said: “George Han, you are not a hard-headed man. Why? Why don’t you continue to be hard now? Knock me a few times before you say, I will consider whether to let him go.”

George Han hit the floor with his forehead without hesitation. Bang bang.

“Lu Xun, as long as you are willing to let her go, it doesn’t matter if I smash my head. If you win, you will be the final winner. I give up.” George Han said.

Lu Xun deliberately handed the phone to Amelia Su and said, “Look at this trash man. He knelt down and apologized to me for this kind of trash. What are you doing with him? From me, I can show you the upper class. How about your life?”

Amelia Su was too painful to breathe. All of her attention was on George Han. She couldn’t hear what Lu Xun was talking about. Ewha said with rain: “Get up, get up quickly, I don’t want you to kneel down for him.”

Hearing Amelia Su’s words, George Han clenched his fists, his expression was extremely painful, but he didn’t stop kowtow.

Lu Xun suddenly grabbed Amelia Su’s hair and gritted his teeth and said, “Smelly bitch, I want you to tell him in person that you are now mine.”

Amelia Su shook her head and said with tears on her face: “I am his wife, this life will be, and the next life will be too.”

“It’s true, I see how deep you are.” Lu Xun slapped Amelia Su savagely, and continued: “In this case, I will take you home. If you are in front of him, he has nothing to do with him. Look, what else can I do?”

After hanging up the video call, several of his men forced Amelia Su into the car, and a group of people drove away.

Xu Tong slumped on the ground feebly. She didn’t say a word during the incident, because she knew she couldn’t help. After Lu Xun left, she dared to walk to Yang Chen.

“Brother Chen, Brother Chen, wake up soon.” Xu Tong, who was flustered, didn’t know what to do, so she could only shake Yang Chen constantly.

After Yang Chen, who was in a coma, was sober, he asked in the first sentence: “Where is Amelia, where is she?”

“She was taken away by Lu Xun.” Xu Tong said.

Yang Chen looked desperate, after all, he still failed to protect Amelia Su, and failed to complete the task George Han had given him.

“Brother Chen, what shall we do now?” Xu Tong asked.

With Xu Tong’s support, Yang Chen sat up with difficulty, and said, “We can only wait for Mo Yang. Only when he arrives can we solve this matter. I hope it’s still too late. Don’t let Lu Xun succeed, otherwise…otherwise… …”

Yang Chen hesitated to speak and stopped, not daring to imagine if something happened. What are the consequences.

Bedrock Island Airport.

The three hurried people walked out of the airport without any luggage and got into a taxi.

“Master, go to this address.” Mo Yang sat in the co-driver, took out his mobile phone and showed the taxi driver the location that Amelia Su had sent him.

“This is five hundred yuan. Don’t make a detour. We are in a hurry and send us there as soon as possible.” Mo Yang took out five bright red banknotes.

The driver originally planned to pit these three out-of-towners, but it was unnecessary to get 500 yuan. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will take the nearest road and send you there in the fastest time.”

He was silent all the way. After arriving at the homestay, Mo Yang called Amelia Su, but the phone was blocked, which gave him an ominous premonition.

“What to do, Amelia Su’s phone call can’t get through.” Mo Yang said solemnly.

“Go in and take a look.” Dao Twelve finished speaking, and walked towards the hotel first.

Knife Twelve’s working methods are very simple, rude and direct, and even too lazy to knock at the door. Kick away.

Yang Chen and Xu Tong on the sofa in the living room trembled with fright. When Yang Chen saw the twelve swords, they shrank their necks for the first time. They thought it was Lu Xun’s men who came to trouble again, but they saw Mo Yang. when. Yang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Boss Mo, you are finally here.” Yang Chen said.

Mo Yang was too lazy to care who Yang Chen was, and asked, “Where is Amelia Su?”

“I was taken away by Lu Xun. Go to the Lu family soon, otherwise it will be too late.” Yang Chen said.

Mo Yang didn’t know the position of the Lu family on Bedrock Island, but no matter who it was, even if he smashed Bedrock Island into the sky, he still had to rescue George Han and Amelia Su.

“Lu Feng?” At this time, Dao Twelve said.

“Lu Xun is Lu Feng’s son.” Yang Chen explained.

Mo Yang looked at the twelve swords, since he could name Lu Feng. Then he and this Lu family might know each other and asked, “Who is Lu Feng?”

A sneer appeared on Dao Twelve’s face, and said: “You two go to the Lu’s first, I will look for this old thing.”

The chariots left in two ways.

Mo Yang and Lin Yong went to the Lu family, and Mo Yang went to the Lu family’s company.

“Brother Chen, did they really save Amelia Su?” Xu Tong asked worriedly.

Yang Chen shook his head. This is not Basin City. He doesn’t know how much Mo Yang can do. But now all the hope lies in Mo Yang, except for him, it is even more impossible for anyone else to do this.

“Hope, I don’t want them to be hurt either.” Yang Chen said.

“The two of them finally got together, Amelia Su is a must, don’t be Lu Xun…”

Lujia Company.

In the chairman’s office, Lu Feng was processing documents, and the tall secretary rushed into the office without knocking on the door.

“Don’t know how to knock on the door? You won’t use it for work tomorrow.” Lu Feng said coldly.

“Chairman, someone wants to see you, but now the security can’t stop it.” The secretary said anxiously.

Lu Feng looked upset when he heard the words, and said: “What kind of dog did you dare to make trouble at my Lu family company, call a few more people, beat him up before throwing it out.”

As soon as the voice fell, a man’s voice came from the door: “Lu Feng, I haven’t seen you in a few years. You are not too small now. You want to throw me out because of the waste in your company?”

Hearing this sound, Lu Feng’s whole body shook as if he was struck by lightning.

He raised his head in shock. When he saw the twelve swords clearly, his face was instantly pale as paper, and his hands trembled slightly and said to the secretary: “Go out first and close the door.”

The secretary felt Lu Feng’s emotional change and glanced at Dao Twelve in confusion. Who is this fierce big man, even the chairman of the board of directors has put away his anger.

“You… why are you here.” Lu Feng stood up, shaking uncontrollably, because he knew the identity of the person in front of him, five years ago. He should have died in the hands of Twelve Swordsman, but Twelve Swords freed him. On that bloody night, there were corpses in a small town in the United States. This killer was merciful because he was a Chinese native.

Over the past five years, Lu Feng often had nightmares, dreaming of hell-like scenes. To him, the twelve knives were like demons, and his life was harvested like cutting grass.

“Your son arrested my boss, how could I not come, but I didn’t expect that I would still run into an acquaintance like you.” Dao Twelve said.

With a thud in Lu Feng’s mind, Lu Xun grabbed the boss of Twelve Swords, the boss of the murderous god!

“No, how is it possible? There must be some misunderstanding in this.” Lu Feng said quickly. He knew what would happen if he offended such a person. Although he didn’t know the identity of Dao Twelve, he killed countless people that night. It was a veritable murder. God, if this kind of thing happened, even if he wanted to kill everyone in the Lu family, Lu Feng would not doubt it.

“George Han.” Dao Twelve said.

“Han…George Han!” Lu Feng’s face was ashen, George Han turned out to be the boss of the twelve swords.

Lu Feng felt that his heart was about to stop beating, and the person he didn’t care about had such a terrifying identity.

Lu Xun called him just now, saying that he had arrested George Han’s woman, and George Han knelt and kowtow to him. Lu Feng was proud that this basin of ice water completely made him sober.

Chapter 296

Lujia Villa.

When Lu Xun brought Amelia Su to the wine cellar, Amelia Su collapsed completely. George Han, covered in blood, was lying on the ground. Although the blood on her ten fingers had solidified, the serious injuries visible to her eyes made her feel distressed and unable to breathe. After experiencing such a heartache, it was like someone holding a knife, making wounds one after another in her heart.

“George, how are you.” Amelia Su squatted beside George Han, crying bitterly.

George Han looked at Amelia Su. Try to pull out a smile and say: “Nothing, just a little injury.”

Amelia Su’s eyes were red. She knew that George Han said this to prevent her from worrying. Even at this time, George Han was still considering her mood.

“Sorry, I didn’t protect you well.” George Han said.

Amelia Su kept shaking her head and said: “It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault, I’m sorry for you. If I hadn’t chosen to come to Bedrock Island, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen.”

“Stupid you, how can you blame you, I just blame my ability is not strong enough, I said. I will protect you, not let you suffer any harm, now it seems that I have to break my promise.” George Han said.

“You have done well, you are very powerful, in my heart you are the strongest person, I don’t want you to bear so much pain for me.” Amelia Su said.

Lu Xun looked at the pair of distressed mandarin ducks and said with a mockery: “If you have anything you want to talk to each other, please say it quickly, otherwise there will be no chance after a while, George Han, do you regret offending me now? Bedrock Island is my site for Lu Xun, do it right with me, don’t you think about your ability?”

Amelia Su turned around, knelt down to Lu Xun, and said, “Please, let him go. As long as you are willing to let him go, I will promise you everything.”

“Amelia, what are you talking about? This matter has nothing to do with you.” George Han said eagerly.

Seeing Amelia Su’s pitiful appearance, Lu Xun sighed: “I’m not the kind of person who can destroy flowers. If you really promise me everything, I can think about it.”

“What do you want me to do?” Amelia Su said with a cold expression. In more than three years, George Han had paid enough for her. She should return to George Han now.

“Take off your clothes first, right here.” Lu Xun said with a smile.

Amelia Su stiffened and raised her hand with difficulty.

George Han saw this scene and said in a panic: “No, no, Amelia, you can’t do this.”

Amelia Su turned her head and looked at George Han with a smile, and said: “You have done so much for me, now is the time I paid for you. As long as I can save you, I will pay any price.”

George Han’s eyes were full of panic, and said: “Even if you do this, he won’t let me go, no, don’t, I beg you, please don’t.”

For George Han, Amelia Su was the only important person in his life, and he would never be able to watch Amelia Su fall into Lu Xun’s hands.

But in his current state, he didn’t even have the strength to stand up, how could he stop Amelia Su?

“George Han, don’t talk nonsense, it’s so touching. He is willing to pay so much for you. You should be grateful. When I feel comfortable, maybe I will let you go as soon as I am happy.” Lu Xun smiled Said.

“Lu Xun, I want to kill you.” George Han roared with gritted teeth.

“Kill me?” Lu Xun’s eyes were cold, he walked in front of George Han, kicked George Han on his waist, and said, “Look at what your dead dog looks like now. You can’t move me by killing me. Waste.”

George Han exhausted all his strength, struggling to stand up. The pain was numb to him, but how could the physical strength burst from willpower alone support him and Lu Xun’s fight?

When George Han was kicked to the ground again, his expression became desperate because he couldn’t do anything.

“Wasting Lao Tzu’s time, then you will take a good look at how this broken shoe makes waves in front of you.” After Lu Xun finished, he looked at Amelia Su and threatened: “What are you doing in a daze and want him to be beaten? ?”

Amelia Su closed her eyes crying and slowly unbuttoned her coat.

The fair skin gradually exposed, and Lu Xun licked his lips dryly.

“Unexpectedly, your broken shoes are quite attractive. It’s a pity that you were with this kind of trash. If you knew me earlier, it wouldn’t let him take advantage of this trash.” Lu Xun said.

“No, no. Amelia, I beg you, no, even if I die, I don’t want to see him insult you.” George Han who fell on the ground said desperately, with red tears in his eyes.

At this time, a subordinate suddenly came into the basement and said to Lu Xun, “Master Lu, two people broke into the house and said they wanted to see you.”

Disturbed at such a critical time. Lu Xun said impatiently, “No matter who it is, call me, don’t bother me.”

The subordinate glanced at Amelia Su and knew that Lu Xun was on his head, but the two outsiders looked at the momentum and their identity was not simple. Such an unclear attack would be troublesome if the other party’s background was not small.

“Master Lu, looking at their appearance, their identities are not simple, would you like to meet?” the subordinate asked.

Lu Xun cast a coveted look at Amelia Su. A duck that has reached its mouth cannot fly away.

“Give you another chance to talk and wait for me to come back.” After speaking, Lu Xun left the basement.

Amelia Su hurriedly walked to George Han’s side and said, “I called Mo Yang, it is very likely that he is here.”

George Han shook his head. If this is Basin City, Mo Yang can easily solve it, but this is Bedrock Island, Mo Yang has no influence, even if he comes, it is useless.

“How could Lu Xun find you, Yang Chen?” George Han asked.

“When I was taken away, Yang Chen was beaten into a coma.” Amelia Su said.

Yang Chen was beaten, which shows that it was not Yang Chen who betrayed him, but besides Yang Chen, who else would know where they lived?

“Amelia, I know you want to save me, but if you promise Lu Xun, it will be of no use to save me, don’t do such a stupid thing. Ask me to watch him do that to you… , It’s better to kill me directly.” George Han said.

Amelia Su didn’t speak, she knew the consequences of doing this, but as long as she could save George Han, it would be worthwhile for her.

In the living room. Lu Xun saw Mo Yang and Lin Yong’s completely unfamiliar faces. They really didn’t look like ordinary people, but they certainly weren’t strong locals in Bedrock Island. After all, they were big people on Bedrock Island. He knew each other.

“Who are you and why are you looking for me?” Lu Xun asked.

“Now that George Han is released, you still have a chance to survive.” Mo Yang said with a calm face.

Lu Xun smiled and looked at the two of them, and said, “You guys are here for his trash? But what’s the use, there are two extra trash. What’s the threat to me?”

“Do you know who he is?” Mo Yang said.

“I care who he is. As long as he is in my turf, I have to bow my head when he comes. He is a thing. If you two have nothing else to do, get out and don’t disturb my good deeds. Otherwise, even You fight together.” Lu Xun said disdainfully.

“Lu Xun, I would like to advise you. I cry again when I see the coffin, but it’s too late.” Lin Yong said.

“Two idiots, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you and fight me out.” Lu Xun’s impatient opponent said, Amelia Su is already willing to take the initiative to give him a hug, he has no intention of wasting time with two men.

Several subordinates walked towards Mo Yang and Lin Yong.

At this time, the door of the Villa was suddenly pushed open, and Lu Feng walked in panic, with Twelve Swords behind him.

“Dad, these two clowns who didn’t know where they came from actually asked me to release George Han. I’m about to let them go.” Lu Xun said to Lu Feng with a smile.

Lu Feng’s current state of mind is like standing on the edge of a cliff, and there is the possibility of falling to pieces at any time. He now regrets coming out to help Lu Xun solve this matter. If it were not for him, it would not have evolved to such a point. .

“Where is George Han?” Lu Feng walked to Lu Xun and asked.

“Dad, don’t worry, although he was beaten very badly, I still gave him a half-life promotion. He can’t die.”

Just after saying this, Lu Feng slapped Lu Xun in the face.

“Dad, what are you doing!”

Chapter 297

Lu Feng was trembling with fear. If George Han had only half his life left, he would probably not survive the lives of a few members of his Lu family.

Only he himself knew how much Lu Feng regretted at this moment.

He hoped in his heart that this was a dream, if it hadn’t happened, it would be a pity that it could only be a fantasy.

“George Han will be released immediately.” At this moment, Dao Twelve said.

Heard this sentence. Lu Xun looked at Dao Twelve with disdain, and said coldly: “What are you, and you are qualified to order me?”

These words made Lu Feng tremble all over. Lu Xun used this attitude to talk to Dao Twelve, isn’t he looking for death?

“Presumptuous, you shut up, go and bring George Han out immediately.” Lu Feng scolded.

“Dad, did you take the wrong medicine today?” Lu Xun asked puzzledly. Lu Feng seemed to have suddenly changed himself, leaving him puzzled.

Lu Feng took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “Do you remember that I told you about foreign affairs?”

Lu Xun knew about this, but he always felt that Lu Feng was bragging. How could there be such a powerful person who slaughtered corpses all over the floor, could this be something that humans can do?

“Dad, I never took the matter you said seriously. I know you deliberately frightened me.” Lu Xun said nonchalantly.

Seeing Lu Xun’s recklessness, Lu Feng has only now been able to feel the lawlessness of this son. He is so arrogant that even if he doesn’t die in the hands of Twelve Swords this time, he will die in the hands of others in the future.

Muxiuyu and the forest wind will destroy it. How can a person who is too arrogant not pay for it?

“You think I was joking with you, but now this person is standing in front of you. If you don’t want to die, go and bring George Han out for me immediately.” Lu Feng gritted his teeth.

“What!” Lu Xun looked at Lu Feng in shock, and then he thought about Dao Twelve again. Could it be him?

“Hurry up, take him out first, and I will figure out other things.” Lu Feng urged.

Lu Xun was a little frightened. Seeing Lu Feng’s appearance obviously didn’t seem to be joking. If the murderer stood in front of him and came to save George Han, what would happen to him?

Uncontrollably swallowing his saliva, Lu Xun hurried to the wine cellar.

At this moment, Mo Yang frowned. Although he did not look directly at the Twelve Swordsman, Yu Guang was looking at the Twelve Swordsman.

He and Lin Yong were almost driven out, but after the twelve swords came, they reversed the matter almost instantly, and seeing Lu Feng’s appearance, he was very afraid of twelve swords, and his body had been shaking since entering the Villa. This kind of fear was definitely not caused for a while, it should be that he had a huge shadow on the twelve swords.

Mo Yang thought that Dao Twelve was not easy before, but because of George Han’s trust, he did not investigate the identity of Dao Twelve, but his influence has spread to Bedrock Island. This had to make Mo Yang Fang is mindful.

Back in the wine cellar, after seeing Lu Xun, George Han gritted his teeth and said, “Let her go. Something is coming at me.”

Amelia Su stood in front of George Han and said, “Don’t hurt him, I promise you.”

Faced with the mutual protection of the two, Lu Xun lost the ridicule and ridicule before, and his expression was extremely solemn. He kept thinking of the story Lu Feng had told him. The bloody picture only made him express through language. I was on the scene, and Lu Feng said that if you provoke such a killer, there is only one result, and that is death.

Looking at George Han who was seriously injured, Lu Xun seemed to have seen what would happen to him. He did not allow this to happen.

“Take it away.” Lu Xun said to his opponent.

George Han frowned and looked at Lu Feng’s ease of attitude towards them. Could it be said that Mo Yang had found a relationship on Bedrock Island to suppress Lu Xun? If this is the case, it would be too unexpected. Because George Han felt that Mo Yang’s presence was useless.

When George Han and Amelia Su came to the living room, Mo Yang and the three of them saw the miserable situation of George Han, immediately furious, but fortunately. Amelia Su was not injured. Mo Yang knew what this inverse scale meant to George Han. Amelia Su was fine, so his anger had a limit.

“Three thousand, how are you.”

“Brother Three Thousand.”

“Brother Three Thousand.”

Lu Feng’s face became paler when he heard Dao Twelve call out the three words, Brother George. It seemed that George Han was indeed the boss of Dao Twelve, who offended and abused the murderous boss. Lu Feng’s legs were so soft that he was about to lose his feet.

Mo Yang walked toward George Han for the first time, suffering such a serious injury, especially the ten-finger toothpick was shocking, he had to go to the hospital for treatment immediately.

At this time, Lu Xun reacted fiercely and roared: “Don’t come over, otherwise, I will kill him!”

Finished. Lu Xun’s dagger glowing with cold light hit George Han’s throat.

Lu Feng was shocked, his heart almost stopped, and said, “Lu Xun, you rebel, let him go!”

“Dad, is it still useful to let him go now?” Lu Feng gritted his teeth and said, “If I let him go, will he let me go? Do you naively think that he will be fine if you let go?”

Of course, Lu Feng didn’t think that releasing George Han would quell the matter, so he said to find a solution, but the method Lu Xun is using now is absolutely stupid. Using George Han as a threat will only make Dao Twelve is even more angry, and it will only force the Lu Family into a desperate situation.

“You let him go first, dad will find a way to solve this.” Lu Feng said.

Lu Xun shook his head and threatened Sword Twelve: “If you don’t want him to die, you’d better be honest, I know you are great. But if you don’t agree to my request, I will kill him immediately.”

Dao Twelve asked in a deep voice, “What do you want?”

“I want to leave here and wait until I am safe before letting him go.” Lu Xun said, this is the only way he can think of protecting himself. As long as you don’t die, it doesn’t matter if you leave Bedrock Island.

Dao Twelve’s face was cold, and things had already developed to this point, how could he let Lu Xun go.

“If you have the courage, kill him.” Finished. Dao Twelve walked towards Lu Xun.

Lu Xun’s hand holding the dagger couldn’t help shaking, and said in a panic: “Don’t come over, I tell you don’t come over, stop. Don’t force me, or I will really kill him!”

The twelve sides of the knife were sinking like water, and said: “Worthy, do you have the guts to kill? If you kill him, I will make you feel bad for life and die.”

As the Twelve Swords approached, Lu Xun’s expression became more and more ugly. He did not expect that even this method would not threaten Sword Twelve.

He said that killing George Han was just a threat. He never thought of daring to do so. Because George Han died, he would not have any chance to escape.

“Are you really afraid?” Lu Xun said.

Sword Twelve sneered and said, “Do you think I’m afraid?”

Walking in front of George Han, Knife Twelve One grasped on the blade of the dagger. The sharp blade instantly cut through the palm of Knife Twelve’s hand, but this small wound Knife Twelve didn’t even frown.

Taking the dagger abruptly, the twelve sword kicked Lu Xun with one kick. Lu Xun flew upside down like a broken kite, and then slammed heavily on the ground.

Mo Yang and Lin Yong rushed to George Han’s side, helping each other.

“Mo Yang, take Amelia away first.” George Han said weakly.

Mo Yang nodded, and said to Amelia Su: “Brother sister, you can go with me first.”

Amelia Su knew that George Han would not let Lu Xun go, but she couldn’t imagine how George Han would deal with him. George Han asked her to leave, probably because she didn’t want her to see something.

“Three thousand, you have to go to the hospital, don’t wait too long, okay?” Amelia Su said softly.

George Han nodded, supported by Lin Yong and sat on the sofa in the living room.

After Amelia Su left the Villa, Lu Feng knelt down in front of George Han with a thud, and said bitterly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s my Lu family who doesn’t know Taishan, so I don’t know that you are a big man, please. Forgive the Lu family this time, I promise you whatever you want.”

The pain in George Han’s whole body was numb, unable to do anything, just raised his hand in front of Lin Yong.

“Brother George, I know what to do.” Lin Yong said.

Chapter 298

When Lin Yong walked towards Lu Xun, Lu Xun panicked and shouted at his opponents, asking them to stop Lin Yong, but with Twelve Swords in their hands, how could these men be able to stop him?

“Your methods are quite ruthless. The rich second generation can do your arrogance. It seems that your dad has spoiled you. Today I will let you know what it feels like to use ruthless methods on yourself.” Lin Yong said coldly. .

“You…what do you want to do.” Rotation asked in a panic.

“Since you can come up with this kind of torture, don’t you want to experience what it is like?” Lin Yong sneered.

“I was wrong, I was wrong. No, I don’t want it.” Lu Xun knelt down and begged for mercy, constantly kowtow.

“I don’t have a toothpick, so I can only use another method instead, but it feels like it should be the same.” Lin Yong grabbed Lu Xun’s hair and dragged him to the coffee table.

Pushing Lu Xun’s right hand tightly on the coffee table, Lin Yong picked up the ashtray, smashing his fingers one after another, making them bloody.

Lu Xun’s screams screamed from the Villa, making Lu Feng’s hair terrified. But at this scene, he had no other choice but to watch.

“Dad, save me, save me quickly.” Lu Xun shouted at Lu Feng. The whole finger of his right hand was completely gone, and the heart-piercing pain made Lu Xun feel that life is better than death.

“This is the price you should pay.” Lu Feng gritted his teeth. At this time, he could only let Lu Xun bear the result cruelly, or the Twelfth Sabre would take the shot himself, and the price would be even greater.

When his left hand was placed on the coffee table, Lu Xun was desperate, shaking his head in a panic, and said to George Han, “I know I was wrong, you let me go. No matter what you want me to do, I will promise you.”

George Han sat weakly and paralyzed on the sofa, and said weakly, “If you are wrong, you will have to pay the price.”

Seeing that George Han hadn’t let go of his plan, Lu Xun shouted at Lu Feng again: “Why are you a father? Your son is about to be abandoned now. You are still indifferent. Lu Feng, Lao Tzu is the only one in the Lu family. Inheritor, the Lu family wants me to pass on from generation to generation, don’t you do anything?”

Lu Feng’s heart sank. He only has one son. It is for this reason that he will spoil Lu Xun indefinitely, no matter what he does or what mistakes he commits. Lu Feng would take care of the consequences, if he had known that there was such a day, he would never indulge Lu Xun so much.

“I developed your character, but you are also arrogant. This time I should teach you a lesson.” Lu Feng said.

As Lin Yong’s ashtray fell, Lu Feng couldn’t bear to turn his head and couldn’t bear to look again. After all, this was his son, and being beaten like this would eventually become unbearable.

Ten fingers were bloody and bloody, and Lu Xun fainted with pain for a while, but was awakened by Lin Yong’s cold water.

The father and son kneeled together in front of George Han, and all of those men had been driven out of the Villa.

Lu Feng was in a very complicated mood. He couldn’t guess at what price George Han would forgive him.

“George Han, I can give you half of the assets of my Lu family on Bedrock Island. I just beg you to let us go.” Lu Feng said.

George Han didn’t speak, but looked directly at Lu Xun. He couldn’t move now. Otherwise, he would kill Lu Xun himself.

Those who have crooked thoughts about Amelia Su will only end up dead.

This inverse scale can’t be touched even if the king of heaven comes.

Seeing George Han not speaking, Lu Feng continued: “I will give you two-thirds.”

“Do you think I care about money?” George Han said lightly.

“Hundreds of billions are in front of you. Are you not tempted?” Lu Feng said in disbelief. A small amount of money might not matter to George Han, but the Lu family’s industry is amazing. Not to mention the market value, the actual value has exceeded 100. Billion, how could anyone not be tempted?

George Han smiled indifferently, let alone tens of billions, even if hundreds of billions were placed in front of him, he wouldn’t look at it now.

“Lu Xun, do you want to live?” George Han asked Lu Xun.

Lu Xun nodded like a chicken pecking rice. He didn’t want to die, let alone die in the hands of George Han. As long as he survived, he would have a chance for revenge in the future.

For Lu Xun, who is bound to take revenge, even now he still thinks that as long as he is given a chance, he will be able to take revenge.

So what is it that the twelve swords are powerful, spending a lot of money, can’t you still invite a more powerful killer?

“Yes, I think.” Lu Xun buried his head and said with fierce eyes. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, as long as he can survive today.

“Kill him, I will give you a chance to survive.” George Han said with Lu Feng.

Lu Feng trembled and said in horror: “What did you say, you let him kill me!”

“You heard that right. Killing you, do you think your son has such courage?” George Han smiled.

Lu Feng gritted his teeth and said, “How could he kill me, don’t deceive others too much.”

“Too much deception?” George Han looked at Lu Feng coldly and said: “My grievance with him is nothing but an eternal necklace, and I bid for it with fairness, but you feel embarrassed, so you caught me. Who is deceiving too much?”

“This matter. My Lu family did too much, but if you want Lu Xun to kill me, you underestimate the relationship between our father and son.” Lu Feng said firmly.


A dagger fell in front of Lu Xun, and when Lu Feng saw Lu Xun stretch out his bloody hand, his expression suddenly changed.

“Lu Xun, what are you going to do! I’m your father.” Lu Feng scolded.

Lu Xun’s expression was gloomy. If he could only survive by killing Lu Feng, he could only do this.

“Dad, don’t blame me, you are already old. There are not a few years to live, but I am different. I still have a lot of youth. I have to inherit the Lu family. Your old man is in the spirit of heaven. Bless me to get married soon. “As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Xun, who was holding a dagger, took Lu Feng in his arms and hugged him fiercely.

Lu Feng showed incredible eyes, and the pain in his chest told him that Lu Xun did not hesitate to act on him.

“you you……”

Lu Xun pushed Lu Feng away, without looking at his father who was lying in a pool of blood. He lowered his head and said to George Han, “I have done what you said, now you can let me go.”

“I said that I can give you a chance. Now you can leave as long as you have a twelve blow.” George Han said lightly.

Lu Xun suddenly looked up at George Han. Sword Twelve was the murderer in Lu Feng’s mouth. How could he have beaten Sword Twelve.

“You play with me!” Lu Xun gritted his teeth.

“Yes, I was playing with you, from the moment you caught Amelia. You are doomed to die and no one can save you.” George Han said coldly.

Dao Twelve walked up to Lu Xun and said, “Do you want me to give you a chance to resist?”

Lu Xun felt the pressure brought by the huge body of Twelve Swords, kowtow to George Han with a desperate expression, and said, “Don’t kill me. If I die, it will not do you any good. On Bedrock Island, My Lu family is a famous family. If I die, it will definitely cause great fluctuations. Are you not afraid to ask for trouble? As long as you don’t kill me, I can help you cover up Lu Feng’s death.”

“Lu Feng’s death? You killed him. What does it have to do with me? Why did you help me cover it up?” George Han sneered. Support the sofa with both hands.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yong hurriedly helped support George Han.

George Han continued: “In this world, no one can hurt Amelia Su, no one can do it!”

“Whoever it is must die.”

With Lin Yong’s support, George Han slowly walked towards the door of the Villa.

Panicked Lu Xun looked at his leaving back and kept begging for mercy, but he didn’t get George Han’s stay, because in George Han’s heart, no salvation would allow Lu Xun to escape death.

“Big Brother Dao, you let me go, please let me go, I will give you all the property of the Lu family.” Lu Xun could not call back George Han, so Lu Xun had to beg for mercy against Dao Twelve.

Dao Twelve looked at Lu Xun with cold eyes and said, “For someone like you, you cannot understand his feelings for Amelia Su. When you touch this bottom line, it is the countdown to your life. Anyone changes. No more.”

After speaking, Sword Twelve grabbed Lu Xun’s neck and lifted him in the air.

When Lu Xun was struggling in the air, the past scenes in his mind flashed like a marquee. If he were to find one thing he regretted most in his life, he would probably offend George Han.

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