His True Colors Novel Chapter 2948 – 2949

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Chapter 2948

the top of the attic, under the blood cloud, the cold wind is blowing slightly, and one person stands slightly on the roof. Although there is not much movement, he is a little stunned and a little proud.

The fatty man frowned, and he drank coldly, like Hong Zhong: “Are you George Han?”

George Han swept under the building, the armored man was like a tide like an ant. : “Exactly.”

“Little human race, making trouble in my Youming City, have you ever asked me?” The fatty man said coldly.

Han three thousand contemptuous smile, simply do not want to waste time on such a personal interpretation up, because obviously without the slightest explanation of the role: “You are to back that frog and turtle people to take revenge?”

“Dog owner also see, toad Both the turtles and the turtles are the deity’s subordinates. You killed my people, but you just asked if you didn’t put me in the eyes?” the fatty male said coldly.

George Han smiled disdainfully: “Let’s not talk more about the gossip. In your demons, do you still need to find a reason for killing? If you want to come at me, come at me. Why do you need a basket of nonsense?”

Wen George Hanzhiyan, the fat man is naturally very happy. Although the demons do only kill and don’t care, the human race often deals with them, so they always have to live with them, but I never thought that this George Han was simply neat. This is true. To his liking.

“You are so arrogant. Today, I will teach you how to be a man of the Demon Race. Come on.”


As the fatty man yelled, the tide-like soldier did not answer. , But Qi Qi drew the spears in his hands to the ground, causing the entire building to be shocked for nearly a thousand meters.

What is different from the human world is that in the houses around this building, even though the doors of each house are closed, you can still see from various gaps that various eyes are stealing the sights.

George Han sneered, indifferently.

In the next second, as soon as the Sky Fire Moon Wheel came out of the whole person’s hand, holding the jade sword, he jumped down.

“Kill!” The

fatty man pointed at George Han with both hands, and tens of thousands of soldiers swarmed in an instant.

With the sound of the weapon handover between the two sides, a bloody battle officially kicked off.

George Han moved like thunder. Although he was only alone, he was like a dragon entering the sea, sweeping the entire sea of ”‹”‹armored men. Among the dense crowd of armored men for a time, everything George Han passed was overwhelming.The

sky is burning, the moon is entwined, and the fire is intermittent for a while, and the circulation is continuous!

On the other side, countless soldiers moved abruptly, rushing towards George Han like a tide.

Thunder was thundered on the ground, fireworks burst out, George Han carried energy in his hands and exploded wildly, so that the night under the blood-red cloud became a little brighter.

“This son, it’s vigorous.” Sitting on the mahogany chair, the fatty man couldn’t help showing a slight smile.

Chairside, previously reported that the man surnamed Dizhaonaodai, softly:. “The few human-like” ,

“Over the years, the Central Plains human inferno I will press to sacrifice the long corner this far north, from now on forever may not step into the Central Plains Half a step in the region. This is also because, although the human race looks incomparably small, the energy it contains is enormous.”

“Order to go down, give priority to life, I would like to study the reason why it is in this small body I can dominate the world better than my demons.” The fatty man finished with a grinning grin.

“Sword formation!”

And almost when the fat man finished speaking, George Han flew away from the crowd, the jade sword volleyed into the sky, and turned into ten thousand swords. After that, the sword fell like a star and tilted down suddenly.

Boom boom boom!

Under the attack of Wan Jian, all the soldiers around George Han suddenly turned into black smoke and disappeared into the air.

However, even if ten thousand swords descended, there were still a steady stream of soldiers coming forward, filling the vacancies of those dead soldiers in an instant.

Looking around, George Han frowned for a while.

Even if he sacrificed the Xuanyuan Sword Formation that Lu Ruoxin had taught him, it seemed that the effect was not as good as expected.

I thought that George Han was condensed in the sky at this time, with a heavy look on his face, and the fat man on the mahogany chair could not help but smile contemptuously at this time, and his eyes were full of mockery.

Next to the red chair, the informant also lowered his head and chuckled.

Obviously, George Han’s confusion at this time seemed to be expected in their eyes.

At this time, George Han was also holding his breath. After a while, he suddenly discovered something wrong: “No!”

Suddenly, he suddenly turned his eyes back to the fat man who sneered over there!

Chapter 2949

George Han confirmed his conjecture when he saw the fat man’s expression.

It’s not that the Xuanyuan Sword Array has a weak effect, but it’s clearly that this group of soldiers is completely inexhaustible to kill, and it is inexhaustible to kill!

Every time one dies, it seems that more will emerge from other places.

If you kill like this, when will you be the head? !

“The Demon Clan’s Yin Soldier is born of the killing aura. If one is cut, the killing aura will dissipate, and then re-condense, and then re-consolidate, and fight with them. It’s just a waste of energy.” The fat man sneered softly. .

“Unfortunately, the Ten Thousand Army is overwhelmed, let alone he is alone, even if he has the same people, what can he do? Can he break out of the siege and take us directly? Knowing that he can’t do it, but he has to do it, I’m afraid it is. The greatest despair of a person, right?” The person chuckled softly.

That’s right, even if there are the same people, but facing this inexhaustible and inexhaustible armor, let alone protruding the encirclement, even if you want to advance a few steps, it will be difficult. Therefore, it is even more difficult to get the head of the opponent’s leader.

However, at this moment, George Han also laughed.

Ground fire!

Xuan Lei!


Suddenly, the ground fire burned, the sky thundered, and the thunder dragon wandered, the sound was heavy.

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, some were taken aback by the situation, but for only a moment, he saw that there was no huge reaction, he couldn’t help but smiled: “What is this kid doing?”

The person who reported the letter also shook his head, somewhat unclear. so.

Although the flames are on their feet, the soldiers don’t even say what they are injured, even if they are not affected by their actions, what the hell are they playing? !


However, almost at this time, as the armored men moved, the thunder of the stratus clouds in the sky began to blast down.

With a thunder, several soldiers were wiped out in ashes, with great power!

However, compared with the army of tens of thousands of soldiers, the lightning damage is severe, but at this moment it seems to be a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, even if it is the dead part, there is still a steady stream of follow-up supplements.

Therefore, the fatty man quickly showed a mocking smile again: “It seems that he is really a fool. Using so much energy to prop up these unattainable Dafas, in addition to wasting his own real power, but also What’s the effect?” However, how do they know that although Xuan Lei is an attack, Earth Fire does not rely mainly on attacks, but instead makes a living by supporting it.

Since your soldiers can be resurrected continuously, isn’t this an obvious energy absorption base for George Han?

Since you can continue to regenerate with the killing aura, so can I!

Sure enough, with the support of Earthhuo, George Han couldn’t help feeling fatigued at this time. Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought, and the skyfire moon wheel accompanied him, step by step towards the fat man.

Although the pace was slow, but one step at a time, it came here steadily.

“What?!” The fatty man’s teasing disappeared, and he frowned at this moment: “That kid is not exhausted? After playing for so long and releasing so much energy, he still… still wants to kill us. Come?”

“I’m getting more and more interested in him.” After finishing speaking, the fat man moved his hands, and the surrounding armor changed in an instant, and most of them gathered in the position of the fat man, waiting for George Han’s attack. Come.

George Han glanced back at his back. Although a large number of soldiers had been transferred to the front of him, this was obviously not enough to raid the rear.

“It seems that if this continues, it really won’t work.” George Han smiled wryly.

At this time, he suddenly stopped the offensive and slowly stood in place.

Seeing that George Han was not attacking, the fatty man also moved his hands. Suddenly, a large number of soldiers also slowly stopped.

“What’s the matter? You can’t move anymore? You want to give up?” The fatty man hummed softly.

George Han smiled: “No, I just want to ask you a question.”

“If you have any questions about dying , just say it.” The fat man said without caring.

George Han looked around coldly: “Do you want the entire city to die? Or, the entire Youming City is destroyed?”

Hearing this, the fatty man frowned and said angrily: “Are you sick? Just rely on you?”

“Either it ends here, or it’s the result I said, you choose one!” George Han looked back at the fat man, firm and confident, and he didn’t even allow any doubts. .

But the question is, what other big kills does George Han have, so confident?

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