His True Colors Novel Chapter 2902 – 2903

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Chapter 2902


twelve people were all horrified, and their faces were full of horror.

The twelve of them attacked three times together, and they couldn’t even kill this guy, which was enough to cause great shock and fear in their hearts.

After all, being unable to kill means being unable to win.

And who will fight a battle that has no chance of winning?

No one wants to, even if they fight, they are completely different in their xinxing and fighting intent.

Right now, some people had no idea of ”‹”‹fighting, and looked at Qinglong hurriedly, not knowing what to do.

The Qinglong couldn’t help but swallowed a sip of water, and for a while, fears arose in his heart.

“Brother, fight with him, afraid he will do what?” Tiger head snorted coldly, and promptly said: “If you retreat, what face is there for the twelve death gods to stand in the desert?”

“Brother Tiger is right. , Brother, fight with him.”

“Although this kid is perverted, don’t forget, our twelve gods of death also have their own stunts, how can we be afraid of him? How can we not help him, how can he do it for us?”

Mad Dog and Ma Tau and others were also in solidarity at this time.

Qinglong hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily.

“It seems that this guy is extraordinary, and we can’t hide it.” Qinglong glanced at all his brothers: “Don’t play, fight with him.”

“With the power of our twelve brothers, we must deal with it. In his words, even if we can’t break this guy’s ghostly defenses, we will use perverse actions and it will cost him too much energy.”

With the Qinglong stabilized military spirit, the rest of the people who wanted to retreat regained their stability and reopened. Stance.

And at this time, George Han, already holding the chaotic air in his hand, accompanied by the sky-fire moon wheel, as if he was going to kill the world.

“Come here.” George Han didn’t say much, and his whole body suddenly moved!


The figure is decayed, changing thousands of times, already carrying the power of the thunderbolt, and suddenly attacked!

The sky moved with thunder, seeming to be distorted by George Han’s strange power!

“Do it!”

Qinglong was also dignified by this terrifying offensive. He knew that George Han had already moved to kill him. He didn’t dare to be careless at the moment. With a cold voice, the twelve players set up their formation and put George Han in a group. At the same time they were surrounded, the symbolic marks on their bodies also appeared on the body of each character simultaneously. The

twelve brothers nodded to each other to make sure everything was ready.

boom! ! !

George Han’s huge attacking spells have already struck.

“Reverse action!”

Almost at the same time, the twelve people made strange uniform postures on their hands at the same time, and silently recited the method in their hearts.

They knew that George Han had been beaten by them three times, and had already suffocated a bit of energy. This attack naturally went all out, very powerful, and it would be extremely difficult to carry it bluntly with their power, so they almost didn’t even think about it. The two also directly sacrificed their own special skills!

There is no need to hide at this time.

Moreover, while evading George Han’s attack, it can also perfectly consume the real power this guy needs for a wave of attacks. For them, it is a double sword!

Although they don’t know exactly why George Han is defensively perverted, they also know that they have been in trouble for many years. As long as George Han can really be used up, even if this guy is a god, there will only be one result, which is waiting for death. .

Therefore, they are not without chance!

However, at this time George Han smiled sternly, did so much, and finally got what he wanted.

After being beaten three times, is George Han really as simple as reciprocity? Obviously this is not the case.

Everything is nothing but George Han’s bitter tricks, the purpose is to make these guys feel terrified, at the same time, believing that once they attack, they will have no reservations.

I didn’t keep it, and obviously this group of guys wouldn’t keep it, so they should do their best to deal with it.

And when they deal with it with all their strength, they will naturally have no reservations about their ultimate ultimate move!

What George Han wanted was this group of guys who were completely acting against him!

“It’s now!”

George Han sneered, his hands suddenly moved, and he shouted angrily.

“Phaseless magic!”

“Reverse performance!”


Almost at the same time, George Han also flashed silver light on his body, and suddenly attacked the twelve people present…

Chapter 2903


Numerous runes were suddenly released in the silver light!

The twelve people over there were also flashes of silver light at the same time.

Light burst vs. light burst!

Not only Amelia Su and others in the window could not open their eyes for an instant, even George Han and the Twelve Death Gods were blinded by flash, closing their eyes one after another.

But almost at the moment when the twelve deaths closed their eyes!




Only twelve muffled sounds were heard. In the next second, twelve figures flew out suddenly, and then they slammed heavily on the ground. All of a sudden, it was yellow sand. fly!


Almost immediately after landing, the twelve people collectively sprayed blood, and their eyes looked at George Han with full of horror.

Reversal Shi Mingming has been used, but why hasn’t it had any effect? !

At almost the same time, several people in the cabin saw this effect after opening their eyes. After being slightly surprised, they burst into endless cheers.

“Three thousand won.”

“Three thousand he won.”

Qin Shuang and Amelia Su couldn’t hide their excitement. Only Su Yan was still in a sluggish state at this time.

After all, she is a person in the desert world, she is naturally familiar with the name of the twelve gods of death, and also knows the brilliant record of the twelve gods!

But the reversal method that has never been broken, even called the forbidden technique of the gods by the desert world, was broken at this moment.

This… how can this not let her fall into sluggishness?

“Well, how is this possible?”

“Could it be that our perversion has failed?”

Thinking of this, the tiger suddenly became angry and stared at all the brothers who fell on the ground: “You, it’s you, say, which one of you is as timid as you The rat of the rat? It must have been the time when it was released at the same time. Some of you were timid and did not simultaneously cast the spell.”

Although the Tiger’s words smell of gunpowder, the few people headed by Qinglong still agree with this view. After all, reversal can make Looking back, there can never be any accidents.

Unless, it has not been completely released at all.

Naturally, this situation can only happen to their own people.

Someone must have been frightened by Han’s Three Thousands of Three Ways, so he was afraid of the head and tail and even collectively failed. But a bunch of people just look at me when you look at me, and when I look at you, they all regard each other as a suspicion.

“Could it be Junkrat?” Someone suddenly guessed.

This is as timid as a mouse, isn’t it just a mouse?

“It’s your rabbit again?” The Tiger also stared at the rabbit fiercely.

Junkrat was immediately dissatisfied: “Although Lao Tzu is a rat, it does not mean that Lao Tzu is timid.”

The bunny man also had blood red eyes and was angrily not

looking at it : “How many years has our brother been up and down, and Tiger, you dare to doubt me?” Twelve people disputed me, George Han laughed slowly at this time.

Seeing George Han smile, the twelve people immediately stopped arguing, and they all focused on George Han.

“It’s really a dog biting a dog. It’s a hairy mouth. I thought that the so-called twelve trash, how smelly and united, now it seems…” George Han stopped talking when he said this, but he smiled better than him. Saying anything is even more ironic.

“Asshole, what the hell are you talking about?” Tiger roared angrily.

“I’m not interested in talking about you, I just want to be a peacemaker.” George Han smiled.

“Peacemaker?” Qinglong frowned: “Will you be so kind?”

George Han smiled and shook his head: “I’m never sorry for scums, especially you scum. However, this is most of the night, desert. There is nothing, and the barking of dogs when you quarrel is really annoying to the people.”

Hearing this, the tiger was struggling to get up from the sand. Holding it, Qinglong resisted his anger and looked at George Han: “What do you mean by this? What do you want to say?”

“It’s very simple. It’s just to tell you the truth, or to help you find the culprit of the perverse failure.”

Hearing this, the twelve death gods looked at each other and looked at George Han simultaneously.

However, George Han did not speak at this time, but moved slightly.

At almost the same time, Su Yan in the cabin suddenly woke up from the sluggishness, and the whole person jumped directly…

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