His True Colors Novel Chapter 2876 – 2877

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Chapter 2876

The huge impact generated by the explosion and the huge flame it detonated not only directly swallowed George Han’s whole person, but even swallowed George Han completely within a radius of tens of meters.

In the towering fire, under the swaying light of the fire, the gloomy person was now facing the raging fire, grinning frantically.

“Haha, hahahaha!”

“My surname is Han, and meeting an old man, do you really think you are so amazing?”

“Ginger, it’s still spicy!”

“Burn it, burn it endlessly.”

Responding to his madness In words, there is only the sound of the flame burning.

In the flames, George Han was almost stunned by the powerful explosive force. The Immortal Mysterious Armor and Frost Jade Armor flashed with the body’s light at this time. Together, the golden light on George Han’s body was steady. The guardian of George Han.

A faint black air flows slowly within George Han’s body, and the Five Elements Divine Stone also emits a few streams of light, quickly moisturizing George Han.

Suddenly, George Han opened his eyes suddenly!

Looking around at the sea of ”‹”‹fire, he frowned, and slightly raised his hand to support his temple.

It was careless, he hadn’t really thought that this ghastly guy would have such a weird trick, let alone that the so-called bronze armor and iron corpses that surrounded him were not going to besiege him, but instead blew himself up!

The explosion was too sudden, and without any preparation, this huge energy made him as strong as George Han a little too much.

Looking at his burnt black and charred skin, the Five Elements Divine Stone is releasing its repairing energy and is constantly repairing its own internal injuries. It is too late to treat the outer epidermis.

This sordid old monster has some ways and deeds, although he can’t say how powerful, but his insidious degree is simply another person’s point.

With a slight movement in his hand, the so-called stone powder has completely lost its effect and is able to move. It is naturally a good thing for George Han.

Immediately afterwards, George Han forcibly turned on the power of chaos in his body and circulated it all over his body to help the Five Elements Divine Stone to repair himself, and at the same time let the power of chaos help him quickly restore his energy.

However, when the whole body recovered, George Han smiled slightly.

Sinister old man, now it’s time to let you taste how good I am.

as soon as George Han was lucky, the black gold on his body suddenly spread, and the person was like a missile, directly speeding up on the spot, and rushing out of the fire.

The gloomy man was smiling presumptuously, but suddenly saw a stream of light flashing in the fire, and raised his eyes in a hurry. At this time, a golden light rushed towards him directly.

The gloomy man’s pale face suddenly became more like paper, and a trace of fear flashed across his pupils.

“Bang bang bang!”

A blast of black gold directly hit, and before the gloomy person had any reaction, with him as the center, there was a continuous explosion in a circle within a few meters, and the gloomy person was directly trapped in place.

“What!” The

gloomy man looked around, drank in fear for a while, and hurriedly raised his eyes, only to see that George Han was already standing in the air in front of him at this time.

“Is it unexpected?” Although George Han’s complexion was extremely ugly, and his body was completely burnt like black carbon, he looked very embarrassed and embarrassed.

However, hidden in the face like carbon black, there are eyes that are as piercing as eagle eyes!

The gloomy person was obviously taken aback, but then he sneered softly: “You George Han shocked the Central Plains, ran to our desert world and suddenly turned into an ice god. The battle in the Fang family’s desert city shocked all the heroes. Guests of the Fang family Almost all the famous masters in the entire desert world gather, but they are forced by you, let alone fight back. Even if you make a sound, you are not afraid.”

Speaking of this, the gloomy person smiled and said:” You said, is such a peerless master really so easy to be injured by my little copper armor and iron body?”

He shook his head helplessly: “You are alive. Although unexpected, it is within my expectations.”

George Han smiled contemptuously: “Since you are so predictable, how about you now?”

Hearing George Han’s words, the ghastly man raised his head slightly, staring at George Han with a pair of eyes, but there was no trace of fear on his face, and even a hint of provocation in his eyes.

“What do you want me to expect?” He chuckled…

Chapter 2877

George Han smiled and said, “Naturally, it is your life and death.”

Although it was a smile, his words hit people’s hearts like a dagger. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be cold and sweat straight on the spot!

But this ghastly man in front of him was not like that. Hearing George Han’s words, he just smiled evilly: “Well, since Daxia Han has requested, the old man dare not neglect.”

After speaking, he gently picked up his bones. Ru Chai’s long hand, pinched thin fingers, then pretended to shook his head, shook his head, and looked at George Han with a serious face, and said, “According to today’s celestial phenomenon, according to the old man’s seal hall, Han Daxia, the old man’s cover of evil , I’m afraid there is only one result.”

“That’s death, right?”

George Han nodded, old stuff, count you as acquaintance!

“Now that you know the result, you choose. I will send you on the road? Or do you do it yourself?”

“Han Daxia, this rabbit has to bite and struggle before dying. The old man is still a thousand years of practice. Today, if you just cut yourself off like this, wouldn’t it have ruined your thousand years of deeds and insulted Han Daxia?”

“There is no water in the desert. After the old man sent himself on the road, his hands were too dirty to wash, so I still ask Han Shaoxia. Don’t worry about it.” As

soon as the voice fell, this guy smiled evilly .

George Han nodded: “In that case, I’ll give you a good time.” As

soon as the voice fell, George Han moved his hand, and the sky fire moon wheel burst into a powerful blue and red power instantly, and the flower boat had gone far away. Besides, George Han Although he rushed out of the fire, it did not mean that he was completely fine.

With the impact of the explosion and the extreme high temperature, George Han’s body was also severely damaged. Although the five-element sacred stone and the breath of chaos were briefly adjusted, after all, his injured body needed urgent treatment. In addition, for so long, Huazhou has traveled a long way. Under the high temperature of the desert world, if you drag your injured body for a long distance, even if there is no other enemy attack, the drought and high temperature alone will already cause it. George Han turned off completely.

Therefore, at the moment, a quick fight must be made without wasting any time.

With George Han’s capacity, the light of the Skyfire Moon Wheel became more and more powerful, and its power suddenly gathered, and the surrounding air jumped and trembled frantically because of this!The

ghastly man also smiled evilly, and between waving his hands, the long claws and black air entangled, and the feet were tightly piled on the ground, and the body was strengthened!

The ground under his feet suddenly cracked, and the ghastly man’s hand suddenly moved, and the black gas in his hand turned into a giant ball, which suddenly attracted him, and rushed directly to George Han.

The Skyfire Moon Wheel was also faintly waiting under the control of George Han.


George Han shouted angrily, and the Skyfire Moon Wheel rushed towards the black ball with great power.

boom! ! !

The desert was trembling, and there was an earthquake in thousands of miles. With the explosion of two energies, the entire dark sky was completely re-lit at this time, just like the day.

Huazhou, who could hardly see any trace, also felt the huge explosion of this energy, because at this time the hull was also pushed skewed by the aftermath.

On the deck, Amelia Su and others watched the explosion in the distance and became more anxious for a while.

Watching over there, Amelia Su burst into tears, and at the same time she was anxious and hated herself for not being able to help George Han at all.

She hated her incompetence, she could only watch George Han encounter danger at this time, and even dragged Qin Shuang and others from helping her.

Amelia Su bit her lips tightly…

and the other end at this time exploded and roared for thousands of miles, and what was left was deathly loneliness.

After the collision, the red and blue light of the skyfire moon wheel held on to the black ball for only a few seconds, and the next second it was like a sky thunder falling to the ground like a bamboo. Meter.

After that, the skyfire moon wheel disappeared, leaving behind…

the ghastly man was standing in place at this time!

However, at this time, he was completely settled there, motionless, even breathing completely…


A hot wind blew in the desert suddenly, and when the wind passed, the gloomy body was like broken porcelain. , Collapsed suddenly.

George Han was about to leave, but at this moment suddenly noticed that the gloomy human body was disintegrating, a jumping thing, and the whole person frowned…

something was buried, and it was beating slightly at this time. Through the ashes, George Han could vaguely see the crimson red it exposed!

“What is this?”

George Han frowned. Could it be that this ghastly fellow hasn’t completely died yet? !

Or is there something left?

Out of curiosity, or for safety reasons, George Han flew up and fell beside the ashes of the ghastly body!

Because of the close distance, George Han could barely see its shape roughly through its outline at this time, but because of the clear view, George Han’s brows became tighter!


What this guy left in the ashes of his body was actually a heart about the size of a cow’s heart!

The strangest thing is that it is beating very regularly at this time.


Suddenly, just when George Han was wondering, the jumping bull’s heart suddenly moved, and the whole body suddenly turned into a stream of black water. Before George Han could react, it suddenly followed George Han’s feet suddenly got in.

George Han hurriedly used his true energy to quickly search in his body. This guy was so fast that he made several circles in George Han’s body almost instantly.

However, George Han did not wait any longer, two forces quickly flanked him, and then, with a slight force, the blood was immediately forced out by George Han directly in the air.

Just when George Han started with a burst of energy to directly destroy it, it suddenly turned into a ball, and then with a soft bang, this guy actually exploded directly in the air!

As if a big blood bag suddenly exploded, countless blood sprayed out directly.

The distance was too close, and George Han’s attention was completely attracted by this completely phantom heart. He didn’t expect this guy to explode suddenly. Even if he hurriedly reached out to resist, there were blood spots on his arms and body. .

You can feel the stench of the blood almost without smelling it, but what irritates George Han more is, what the hell is this? !

No matter how George Han rubbed it, even if he rubbed his skin, it was almost broken, but the blood on his body remained as new as it was on his hands, unmoved at all!”Fuck, I was tricked again.” George Han let out a gloomy cry, but saw a dark shadow passing by and running in a further direction.

The fake body is another fake body!

This guy has never been close here from start to finish, and has always used the same method to replay the old tricks, but it happened that he kept using the same method, which just made him as smart as George Han, and he was quite overwhelmed!

“Hahaha, George Han, you are too tender to fight with me.”

“However, it’s not early today. The old man has to go back to rest now. There is no time to pay attention to you.”

“I will leave some memories for you, so as not to You have forgotten the old man, the mountains do not turn around, and you wash your ass and wait for the old man. The old man will come to you at any time.”

“Haha, hahahaha!”

As the guy’s arrogant laughter floated from a distance, his figure He also hides in the darkness more and more, until the echo is rippling, and the figure is gone.

“Damn it.” George Han punched his palm depressedly, and was run away by this guy.

However, the poor were not chasing, and there was no time to chase them. Seeing that the time was delayed a lot, George Han endured the discomfort inside his body and the stench of the blood outside his body, and flew towards Huazhou with an acceleration.

However, almost shortly after George Han left, in the same place just now, a figure who was exactly the same as the ghastly man turned out. Looking at the back of George Han away, he bloodthirsty licked himself. His lips revealed a dark sneer: “George Han, hum!”

Above the flower boat!

As the explosion in the distance dissipated, after confirming that there was not much danger, Su Yan finally ordered Huazhou to slow down and wait for the return of George Han at a slow speed.

Under Qin Shuang’s pull, Amelia Su still unwillingly grasped the railing beside the ship with her hands, her beautiful eyes staring at the endless night behind her almost eagerly.

She was waiting, waiting for the figure in her heart to appear sooner.

But half an hour has passed, and an hour has also passed. All that was left to her was endless disappointment.

But when her heart was about to break, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance…

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