His True Colors Novel Chapter 2872 – 2873

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Chapter 2872

In the next second, Han Qianqian held the jade sword in his hand and looked blandly at the group of black-clothed people who had surrounded themselves.

“The people of the Fang Family of the Desert City?”

“People from the Liu family?”

“Another or Lu Ruoxin’s people?”

The words fell, Han Qianqian cloudy and clear.

Dozens of people in black looked at me, I looked at you, and the next second, without saying anything, leaped up, each hand pulled out a dagger like a snake’s mane, presenting the eight gossip position, directly surrounded Han Qianqian.

This kind of person, how Han three thousand will worry about? The jade sword was flung across the hand, directly to meet it.


Almost at the same time, the thousand-legged monster insect also roared, dragging a huge body fiercely attacked.

Han Qianqian’s face is cold, Taixu divine step plus 72 ways sword technique, a time to wield freely, attack like a fierce tiger and guard like a fast rabbit, only the lightning sword, jade sword has swept the crowd several times in a row, cut in the body of the thousand-legged monster insect also have a dozen of the blade.

However, let Han Qianqian swim in the time, but also more Han Qianqian surprised, because these people in black, as a rule, under their jade sword simply can not have still alive and kicking, but ……

This group of guys and the millipede almost the same, sword on the body, as cut in iron, in addition to the fire constantly, is not hurt in the slightest.

With their own strength, plus the jade sword with the Heavenly Fire Moon Wheel enchanted, not to say invulnerable, but at least cut iron like mud is, but these guys?

What the hell is this?

Thousand foot monster insects still have armor strong, but understandable, but these guys, but black clothes wrapped in body, completely light clothing, and how can so carry?

Just when Han Qianqian was lost in thought, the thousand-legged monster insects behind him had already killed.

Although Han Qianqian hastily resist, but this guy is really huge, despite resisting his attack, but the powerful force driven by the inertia still let Han Qianqian the whole person can not help but retreat several steps, was hit by the right arm is also vaguely numb.

What the hell power?

Seeing Han Qianqian was hit, dozens of black-clothed people’s eyes immediately flashed a cold light, the next second, even the horizontal total slam fiercely attacked Han Qianqian again collectively.

Both sides once again fought into a brawl, a time of dust and smoke, sand constantly.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)These

guys are invulnerable. If they can’t find this way to break the enemy, in terms of the temperature at this time, George Han, who has lost the jade ice beads, will be consumed over time and in physical strength. Gradually consumed the essence.

“It’s not a way to go on like this, but these guys…” George Han carefully looked at each of the people in black around him, trying to see what was happening from them!

But what makes it difficult for him to understand is that these guys are quick in their body skills, cooperate extremely well, and there are almost no flaws!

His grandma’s, what should this be? !

George Han was very depressed, but he still held the Skyfire Moon Wheel in his hand, and cooperated with the 72-way Excalibur that Jade Sword played to resist with great speed.

In the desert lonely night, one person fights against the heroes, swords and swords shadows, laminar flow rolling, yellow sand flying wildly.

On the one hand, although George Han attacked swiftly and violently, but the group of people were like blood cows, completely unharmed. On the other side, although dozens of people could not resist George Han’s attack, even the attack could not even touch George Han. , But also as mentioned earlier, relying on shameless defense and desperate abandonment of defense to completely attack, so that George Han, a master, has a headache for a time and is tired of parrying.

As time went on, George Han’s body was sweaty like beads, his body began to sluggish due to overheating, and his physical strength continued to be lost. The sand on his feet was like having been boiled in an iron pot at this time. You can feel the scorching heat of the sand across the thick shoes.

But looking at the opposite side, this group of people seems to be unaware of the heat, tireless, and still fierce.


Even people from the desert world, George Han also understood very well that they are only heat-resistant, not heat-resistant. Otherwise, why would it be necessary to put Xiaoyu ice beads on the flower boat? Why is it necessary for an ice god and a big jade ice bead to almost engage in a Fengruo god? !

But the guys in front of me…

what happened? !

Just when George Han was confused, his eyes shrank slightly, retreating as progress, and he had a novel idea…

Chapter 2873

Since the general attack is not enough, let’s use spells!

Thinking of this, George Han stepped back and flew directly into the air in just a few steps, shaking his hands, the sky fire moon wheel suddenly flew out of the jade sword, transformed into a fire dragon and a blue phoenix, and plunged down suddenly.


One dragon and one phoenix, one fire and one electricity, the power is breaking the sky!

When the fire moon wheel shot directly at the group of people that day, the entire sky also faintly changed color because of the huge energy. In the light of the fire, facing the encroachment of the sky fire moon wheel, the actions of the dozens of people in black were indeed hindered, but the thousand feet However, the strange insect shook his body suddenly, without fear of the soaring light, a roar, and suddenly attacked George Han.

“What?” George Han frowned.

The fire of the sky burns all things and the moon wheel swallows thousands of things, but even such a fierce method is amazingly powerful against those masters in the Eight Desolate Realm. Why is it that it has almost no effect in front of this gang of weird monsters? !

Is it so strange? !


George Han turned sideways to avoid the attack of the monster with a sword, and his body technique retreated several meters, the whole person still staring at these guys inconceivably.

How could this be? !

But when George Han was very puzzled, suddenly, his eyes were fiercely certain, amidst the blazing fire, he faintly discovered the strangeness.

“Could it be…” George Han said softly, this time he no longer backed up, but dived straight down and plunged into the crowd.

In the next second, the sword rose, and the two sides once again fought into a ball.

However, if the previous George Han was mainly on attack and defense, then George Han suddenly completely changed his style at this time.

He just kept using the footwork mystery of Taixu Shenshi, quickly and frequently clinging to the group of people, and then quickly evacuated to dodge. Looking at it as a whole, George Han was like a cat playing with a snake.

Keep harassing and keep enough distance!

Although the consumption of doing so was unusually large, it made George Han, who was already extremely tired, even more tired at this time.

At this moment, somewhere, seeing George Han doing this, a person sneered softly.

The heat is annoying, and if there are more irritating things happening at the same time, then it is undoubtedly extremely disheartening for anyone.Once this person breaks down emotionally, everything he does will become hysterical and out of order!

Obviously, today’s George Han is on the brink of collapse!

However, is this really the case? !

Almost at the same time this person sneered softly, an imperceptible smile flashed across George Han’s face on the other end.

“The eyes of the sky open the way!” With a

shout of anger, George Han turned over one by one, urging the Taixu Shen step directly under his feet, enlightening and transforming eight golden bodies in his body, suddenly pulling away, and then, the eight golden bodies shifting the shape and shadow suddenly rushed there. Behind the group of people, the jade sword was held horizontally, thrust into the air, and then swiped towards the sky.

“Bang bang bang!” A

few muffled sounds, a few pieces of string-like objects stretched directly out of the sand with the sword picking up, driving layers of yellow sand to fly!

George Han slid his body, grabbed the few string-like things directly, and flew back and flicked it back.

Suddenly, an extremely strange scene appeared.

I saw the dozens of people in black who were fierce and fierce and the millipede weird, suddenly stopped all their movements, and as George Han suddenly pulled the rope-like things, these guys were instantly as if they were just like paper. George Han tugged and flew by.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

As a loud noise rang out, the batch of “things” was directly concentrated and smashed dozens of meters behind George Han. The yellow sand flew into the sky, and there was another explosion, and a figure was suddenly exploded. Out!

“Crooked door and evil way.” George Han smiled coldly, and said softly as he watched the flying figure.

And the people in black and the millipede worms who were thrown to the ground by George Han were piled up motionless like a pile of scrap iron at this time, there was no way to speak of their bravery.

Soon, after flying across the sky one by one, the next second, he suddenly appeared behind George Han. He stretched out his black tongue and licked his purple lips slightly, and a ooze formed at the corner of his mouth. Human smile, then, he stretched out his slender but bone-like hand and gently patted his palm.

“Interesting and interesting, very interesting.” A

cold and evil voice sounded behind George Han. At this time, George Han retracted the eight golden bodies into one body, and slowly turned his head…

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