His True Colors Novel Chapter 2866 – 2867

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Chapter 2866

“On the way, I came a little bit late, how about? The wedding has been completed, right?”

“With the power of the Fang family and the saint, the true god can be born. Uncle Fang, your Fang family has a promising future Ah.” While saying this, Lu Ruoxin looked at Fang Biao lightly.

Fang Biao lowered his head, sweating profusely on his forehead, and his face was extremely embarrassed: “Miss Lu, the wedding has been cancelled.”

“Canceled?” Lu Ruoxin asked knowingly, pretending to be extremely surprised: ” Why? Is it possible that the saint introduced by the Lu family does not fit the Fang family’s intentions?”

“By the way, what about Fang Kun?”

Fang Biao’s brows wrinkled even more and his head lowered deeper when he heard this.

Liu Tao stepped forward and saluted slightly: “Miss Lu, Brother Fang is embarrassed to say, I will speak for him. The saint arranged by the Lu family is naturally liked by the Fang family and very grateful, but the problem is to kill on the way. An ice god named George Han came out. Not only did he force my elder brother to kill Fang Kun, but at the same time, even the saint woman was taken away.”

Lu Ruoxin showed a sense of discomfort and looked at Fang coldly. Biao, Fang Biao felt ashamed over there and buried his head deeply.

Then, Lu Ruoxin retracted his gaze and smiled coldly: “Even the saint can be thrown away, Uncle Fang, if you don’t tell me in advance how you will explain to my father, you are the people of this desert world. I am afraid that you, the patriarch of the first family, will also Can’t explain it?”

Fang Biao immediately raised his head when he heard this. Obviously, Lu Ruoxin was trying to expand the matter, holding the Lu family and pressing her again: “Miss Lu, this…”

“Uncle Fang, don’t fight. Being wronged is because of cowardice, and the Lu family has no such friends.” Lu Ruoxin said coldly: “Besides, it is the cowardice in the cowardly that

I dare not even avenge the murder of a child.” “I was originally . I regret that I was late, but now it seems that this ruined place does not matter if I don’t come.”

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Ruoxin got up and left.

Liu Tao hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, and at the same time looked nervously at Fang Biao: “Big Brother, Fang Lu’s family has been close for generations. If you break the relationship between the two families, are you worthy of your Fang family’s ancestors?”

Fang Biao now I was completely panicked, and came to Lu Ruoxin a few steps: “Miss Lu, please calm down, what do you want me to do?” “Naturally, I need to ask me if I want to find the place back?” Lu Ruoxin said in a cold voice.

Did he do this again?

Isn’t this the same as the previous request of the man in black?

Fang Biao didn’t think about it. After all, in order to save his son, who would have expected that George Han suddenly let go of such gods as Jade Bingzhu when he left, so Fang Biao’s originally strong heart was shaken again.

In particular, both he and Lao Chai can use Jade Bingzhu. If they draw someone to seek George Han’s revenge, it means that Jade Bingzhu is likely to be obtained by Mr. Chai.

His Fang family had sacrificed too much for an ice god, and he could no longer lose other things that might help the Fang family grow.

Therefore, he even made a secret decision, whether Fang Kun can be reborn is not important, but the Jade Bingzhu must be taken.

But who would have thought that Lu Ruoxin would be late at this time.

Moreover, compared to the man in black who used his son’s life as a bargaining chip, Lu Ruoxin directly took the Lu Family to suppress him, and then he was more directly above his seven inches.

The Fang family who has nothing, if even the big tree of the Lu family is gone, in this scorching desert, where should they go? !

“But that person is very powerful. The fire of Liu Family Supreme is defeated by him, and Kun’er’s gang is hard to beat him. With the strength of our family…” Fang Biao said.

“You only need to do your best along the road. You don’t need to worry about other things.”

“But George Han has been out of the city for some time. If he is chasing at this time, this vast desert…”

Lu Ruoxin smiled lightly, waved his hand, and paused. The few people who had just got out of the sand quickly walked into the hall.

“A few of them will lead the way for you.” Lu Ruoxin finished speaking and looked at Fang Biao.

Fang Biao frowned slightly, he really didn’t know what Lu Ruoxin’s arrangement meant? Since it is revenge, how can you do your best?

Fang Biao was really puzzled, but at this moment, he looked up and saw Lu Ruoxin also looking at him, and there seemed to be some weird expressions in his eyes. Suddenly he thought of something and couldn’t help but look at Lu Ruoxin inexplicably.

Could it be…

Chapter 2867

At this time, Lu Ruoxin’s eyes slowly turned to Chai Rong.

Fang Biao suddenly realized that, his hand suddenly turned over, and the token that the man in black gave him was directly held in his hand.

With Lu Ruoxin’s eyes cold, Fang Biao directly shot energy into the token and aimed it at Chai Rong.

“Boom!” A

sky fire spurted directly from it, its fire was only big, its flames were pure and fast, even a master like Mr. Yu Chai could hardly resist for a while, not to mention, Chai Rong hadn’t expected it at all. Fang Biao would suddenly attack himself at this moment.

He hurriedly backed away and resisted, but at about the same time, Lu Ruoxin also moved suddenly!

“Xuanyuanjian!” Looking back at Lu Ruoxin who had attacked, Chai Rong couldn’t help exclaiming in a moment of chaos.

We need to know that Xuanyuan sword is an ancient magic weapon. Who doesn’t know it, and who doesn’t know its power? In a hurry, Chai Rong couldn’t look after the front, and couldn’t look after the front.

Almost just for an instant, he waved his big hand, shook his long sword, and chose to resist Lu Ruoxin’s Xuanyuan Sword, while the token fire of the opponent’s watch chose to resist with his body.


It was strange to say that it was a small fire left by the flames, but after Chai Rong was behind him, it burned suddenly and quickly. Even though Chai Rong could really try to resist in a hurry, he couldn’t. Live the intense pain of this raging fire.


Chai Rong shouted in pain, and the fire on his body completely turned into a sea of ”‹”‹flames, spreading crazily and swallowing it.

Looking slightly through the fire, Lu Ruoxin on the other end didn’t seem to have moved, but just stood there indifferently.


Almost at the same time, Chai Rong also felt a sudden pain in his back. When he looked back, Fang Biao had already plunged a sharp sword into his chest fiercely!

“You!” Chai Rong looked at Fang Biao unwillingly in the midst of the fire.

Despite the dispute between the two, Chai Rong had never thought that Fang Biao would be so cruel to him, and he had never even thought of killing him himself.

Fang Biao smiled coldly and looked at Chai Rong viciously. With a movement of energy in his hand, he directly volleyed out the jade ice bead that had just been temporarily placed on Chai Rong’s body. “Bang!”

With the last muffled sound, Chai Rong’s body hit the ground heavily, letting the fire burn, turning his body into ashes.

Fang Biao smiled sinisterly, and then, his face changed, and he respectfully saluted Lu Ruoxin: “Thank you, Miss Lu, for helping me solve my worries.”

“You killed Chai Rong, it has nothing to do with me, from the beginning. In the end, I haven’t moved.” Lu Ruoxin said this and smiled coldly: “So, you don’t need to thank me.”

Fang Biao was taken aback, but then nodded happily. Does it matter who kills or not? unimportant!

The important thing is that Jade Bingzhu now belongs to another party.

However, how could Fang Biao think that Lu Ruoxin would help, so how could he not charge the corresponding price? When he thrust a sword into Chai Rong’s body, he was destined to never want to jump off Lu Ruoxin’s boat.

“Slay the respected seniors in the desert world, if you let the people in the desert world know…” Lu Ruoxin smiled coldly, looking at Fang Biao gloomily.

Fang Biao was taken aback. If this incident spreads out, the Fang family is afraid that this desert world will be pointed out by thousands of people.

“However, the Fang and Lu family are so friendly, naturally, I will mention you to keep this secret.” As soon as the voice fell, Lu Ruoxin looked at Liu Tao and other people with the surname Liu and several other nobles in the desert world, Fang family Several high-ranking guests and a group of servants who have not yet been sent away.

Fang Biao nodded, and stared at Liu Tao, and in the next second, he took Fang’s elders and walked directly to those foreign guests and inferior servants.

Along with the screams in the temple, blood flew everywhere, and then everything returned to calm…

And at this time, George Han, how did he know the bloody events that took place in the desert city, accompanied by the sunset, the desert land Into a hotter night.

And in the flower boat.

George Han slowly opened his eyes on the bed…

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