His True Colors Novel Chapter 2862 – 2863

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Chapter 2862

Could it be that the Jade Bingzhu is fake? You took a fake and deliberately led them to fight?” Su Yan was taken aback.

George Han smiled and said, “With Miss Su’s wit, I believe you can guess the answer.”

Su Yan fell into deep thought when she heard this. In fact, even she herself felt that the possibility of this question was extremely low. I’m afraid it’s nothing more than to deceive other people, but there is almost no possibility to escape Fang Biao and Chai Rong’s eyes.

Fighting on both sides is certain, but if something is found to be fake, then all their anger will vent to George Han. Why should George Han make the extra effort to annoy two people at the same time? ! It’s better not to come to them directly!

But, if it is true, why not fight? !

Su Yan didn’t quite understand it, but it seemed that something suddenly occurred to him: “Could it be… on the Jade Bingzhu…”

George Han nodded. George Han didn’t know how to unblock Jade Bingzhu. After all, at the beginning The horse head girl just let George Han instill energy in.

George Han didn’t know what they called the Ice God to Transmit the Ice God. He just drew a gourd in the same way and put their energy into the jade ice bead under the envelope of his own energy.

It is George Han’s outermost energy that illuminates the jade ice beads. As for whether the two of them can be used alone, George Han doesn’t know.

Of course, George Han was not interested in knowing. The only thing George Han knew was that these two guys would definitely have a series of questions and explorations about the use of Jade Bingzhu after they left.

No matter what Lu Ruoxin did behind his back, and what decision the Fang family did, for George Han, he didn’t want to guess, and he was not interested in guessing. It would be relieved by a simple strategy of slowing down and burying the mines to split them. All worries.

“I really didn’t see it, you turned out to be such a black-bellied person.” Su Yan gave a bitter smile, looking at George Han’s back, the more I saw it, the more I liked it.

“The heart of defense is indispensable.” George Han smiled slightly: “This desert of promise is yours, maybe some monsters or killers will emerge from where.” Su Yan smiled helplessly, but admitted that what George Han said was the truth.

“By the way, I have to help and thank you for your help this time. As a rebate, how about taking you to a place?” George Han smiled.

Seeing George Han’s sunny smile, Su Yan was sweet in her heart, both curious and confused: “Okay, but it’s all deserts in the eyes, where are you going to take me?”

George Han was sure that there was nothing left. Later, when he moved his hand slightly, Su Yan only felt that he was wrapped in a burst of white light. When he opened his eyes again, there was no desert in front of him. It was just a world of oasis, incomparably beautiful.

“This…Where is this?” Su Yan looked around in surprise, feeling incredible: “Is it an illusion?”

George Han smiled softly, did not answer her, and led her all the way to the small bamboo house in the distance. .

A few days outside, but for Qin Shuang and others living in the Eight Desolation Books, he no longer knows how many sunrises and sunsets, and how many years of reincarnation.

When they saw George Han coming back, everyone was overjoyed, but when they saw the fairy-like Su Yan behind her again, everyone was taken aback, and many women’s eyes were even more sad.

“Three thousand.” Ningyue greeted him quickly: “Are you okay?”

At almost the same time, Han Nian, who was holding Qin Shuang’s arms, threw into George Han’s arms while shouting his father.

The reunion of father and daughter is a beautiful thing. Su Yan stared at Han Nian blankly. This is the daughter of George Han and Amelia Su, right? It’s quite a bit of the beauty of her mother and the handsomeness of her father.

“I’m fine, by the way, let me introduce you to me. This is my friend, Miss Su Yan.” George Han picked up Han Nian and turned to introduce him.

Su Yan smiled slightly, and said hello to everyone, and everyone quickly responded with a smile.

“By the way, George Han, you come back suddenly, did we walk out of the desert?” Ningyue asked.

George Han shook his head, glanced at Nian’er, and said, “The desert is still a long way away. I’m bringing Miss Su over to play, and by the way, I’ll take Han Nian to see her mother!”


“Welcome to summer?” “

When they heard this, everyone’s eyes widened…

Chapter 2863

“Three…three thousand, you…what

did you just say?” “We heard that right? Did you find the leader’s wife?” A

group of people were shocked and looked at George Han blankly. thousand.

George Han smiled lightly and nodded: “Yes, but she is not very convenient to come in right now, so she can only take Nian’er out temporarily.”

“As for you, you may need to wait here for a while.”

There was a smile on everyone’s faces. For them, how long they stayed is not a problem. The most important thing is that now the leader has found the leader’s wife, this is a great happy event.

“Dad, can Nian’er see mom?” The clever Han Nian looked at George Han excitedly at this time.


George Han nodded: “So Nian’er happy?” Han Nian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, too excited to himself, and even stood on George Han’s body, with his little hand in the same posture as Yeah!

“Okay, since that’s the case, don’t waste time. I will cook first, and after a good treat to Miss Su, I will quickly reunite the family with them. I guess some people are afraid that they can’t wait long ago.” Ning Yue smiled and teased, then turned around to enter the kitchen.

“Hey!” George Han grabbed her and shook his head slightly at her: “No, I will cook this meal myself.” As

soon as the voice fell, George Han turned to the kitchen while holding Han Nian. past.

Ningyue smiled helplessly, she didn’t know how long she hadn’t seen George Han so yaxing, maybe because of new friends, but also because of Amelia Su’s return.

Seeing the cooking smoke from the kitchen soon, Ningyue asked herself slightly, and said to Su Yan: “Miss Su, please go to the inner room for a while.”

Su Yan smiled lightly, nodded, and followed Ning Ning. Yue walked into the house.

Seeing this bamboo house simple but full of life, Su Yan couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.

Ningyue smiled and explained: “This is the place where the usual George Han and Amelia Su family live, but it’s a bit rudimentary.””In Su Yan’s eyes, it has a unique style.” Su Yan said lightly, with envy in her eyes. If there are three thousand companions, she is also willing to abandon her glory and wealth and join him in the bamboo forest. Seclusion.

However, she did not have this opportunity.

“I’ll pour you a cup of tea.” Ningyue smiled.

“Also, look at this.” As soon as the voice fell, Ningyue’s hand was thrown away, and a huge water vapor screen appeared in the middle of the room: “There are thousands of strange beasts in it. Three thousand asked me. Please Miss Su to choose a few. Just take it away.”

Su Yan couldn’t help but smile. The more she came into contact with George Han, she found that the more interesting George Han was, the more she discovered why Bai Amelia Su loved this man so deeply.

“Occasionally, strange beasts are hard to find, but this place has almost become a zoo.” Su Yan smiled bitterly, and with the help of Ningyue, began to select strange beasts.

In the kitchen, George Han was very busy, and Xiao Han Nian was unwilling to “stand by” and became a handyman for George Han, burning fire and washing vegetables, and was very busy.

Although there are a lot of people living here, there are actually only a handful of people who want to eat together. However, George Han still prepares a lot of dishes. After making them, he uses energy to lock the dishes in advance to keep them fresh. Naturally, these are all. It was left alone for Amelia Su.

At this time, Su Yan, who had already pushed Ningyue away and wandered alone, leaned against the door of the kitchen, with tender eyes in his eyes, silently looking at George Han who was sweating in the kitchen.

Who would have thought that the “Ice God” who was still in the Fang family’s mansion was slaughtered a second, and the next second, he was sweating like rain in the kitchen, in front of the man of the house.

“Miss Su, I really envy you, but I also thank you for letting me soak in your light and taste it myself.” Su Yan murmured and smiled.

But at this moment, Su Yan frowned, and a cold chill suddenly appeared behind her…

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