His True Colors Novel Chapter 26 – 30

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Chapter 26

“Brother Gang, people are here.” In the

restaurant, one of the men ran up to Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang, who knocked the peanuts, brightened his eyes, clapped his hands, and said: “Mei Jiao Niang is finally here, I have to meet him in person.”

“Brother Gang, there is a man with me .” his subordinate reminded.

“Man?” Cheng Gang paused, then laughed, and said: “It’s not that scumbag is gone, that guy has humiliated our man. If he dares to come, I will let him kneel today. They are leaving.”

George Han and Amelia Su were taken to the restaurant. Cheng Gang’s lustful eyes flowed over Amelia Su. He was indeed a stunner. I don’t know what it is like after going to bed.

Looking at George Han again, Cheng Gang joked: “This is…”

“My husband, George Han.” Amelia Su said.

As soon as this word came out, everyone including Cheng Gang burst into laughter. have to say. George Han’s reputation is indeed loud, and almost no one knows it in Basin City.

“Tsk tusk tusk, it looks decent, how can you be a waste, you will not be an eunuch?” Cheng Gang teased.

“Brother Gang, this guy has humiliated our man, let me teach him a lesson.”

“I’ll see if he can take my punch.”

“This kind of weak chicken, I just use one hand. It can be done.”

Cheng Gang waved his hand as he looked at the group of angry little brothers. Said: “What are you doing, people are timid, don’t frighten people, in case you get urinary incontinence, the scene is so ugly.”


There was another roar of laughter.

Amelia Su gritted her teeth. Said to Cheng Gang: “I’m looking for you to discuss business matters, not for you to humiliate my husband.”

“Well, talk about business, let’s talk first.” Cheng Gang sat back in his seat and stopped looking at George Han any more, because this kind of uselessness was not worth his attention at all.

“How are you willing to trouble Su’s family?” Amelia Su asked.

Cheng Gang peeled a peanut, threw it into his mouth, and said, “Well, I’m just asking for money, and I just give a billion to you. Not only will I not trouble the Su family, but I will also protect you. How about? “


Amelia Su’s face changed, and the total assets of the Su family weren’t that much. He spoke loudly, obviously there was no talk.

“Why don’t the Su family have so much money for you, what on earth do you want to do, the Su family has no grudges against you, why are you targeting us?” Amelia Su said.

“What? I’m making trouble for you. I have to give you a reason, what is the Su family?” Cheng Gang frowned, looking at Amelia Su with an unhappy expression.

Amelia Su took a deep breath, tried to calm her emotions, and said: “I am looking for you sincerely, and I hope you can show your sincerity.”

“En.” Cheng Gang nodded and said: “Here is one The room is nice. I have asked someone to put the bath water for you. Whether you are sincere, it depends on whether you are willing to go to the room.”

Upon hearing this, Amelia Su turned pale in an instant, and she did not expect Cheng Gang to suggest this. Unreasonable request.

“Cheng Gang, you can’t target the Su Family for no reason. Someone secretly instigated this matter?” George Han asked.

“What kind of stuff are you, what qualifications do you have to talk to me.” Cheng Gang looked at George Han with disdain, and said: “I made it clear. If you want to solve this matter, your wife has to let me go. , How useless, do you dare to say nothing?”

As soon as Cheng Gang’s voice fell, the little brothers behind each stepped forward, looking like a deterrent to George Han.

Amelia Su was taken aback by this scene and unconsciously hid behind George Han.

“Hiding behind this wimp, can he protect you? Follow me, I’m Cheng Gang in Basin City. I am covering you, absolutely no one dares to touch your hair.” Cheng Gang said.

Amelia Su clutched George Han’s clothes tightly, and the farmhouse was from Cheng Gang. It was obviously too late for them to run.

“You let me go, I’ll give you as much money as you want.” Amelia Su said.

“Let me tell you this. Since you walked into this farmhouse, you were destined to be taken by me. I wanted to leave. There was no door.” Cheng Gang dug his ears and asked the little brother: “How do you say something,” Rebel against something or something.”

“Since you can’t resist, then learn to enjoy it.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Cheng Gang looked at Amelia Su with a smile and said: “Learn to enjoy. After three years of marriage, you are like a widow. , I have never tasted what it is like to be a man. I made you feel comfortable today and satisfied you.” At

this time, George Han was already full of murderous intent and sat down directly in front of Cheng Gang.

Seeing this situation, a certain younger brother immediately exploded: “You are so useless, you are also qualified to sit in front of Brother Gang?” As

soon as the voice fell, the fist and wind whizzed toward George Han’s face.

An icy smile was outlined at the corner of George Han’s mouth, Yun Danfeng gently stretched out his hand, and directly grasped the menacing fist.

The fists came to an abrupt end, and the man was taken aback. Unexpectedly, George Han could catch his fist so easily.

Before I came to remember the time to reflect to him, George Han kicked out abruptly, and the man retreated dozens of steps and fell to the ground.


“f*ck, is this useless so bad?”

“How is it possible. Isn’t he a waste!”

Amelia Su had grown up with her mouth. She only saw George Han being bullied and resigned. I had never seen George Han still have such a strong side, and he was shocked.

“George Han, do you know that this is Lao Tzu’s land, the person who hurt me, don’t want to leave here alive.” Cheng Gang gritted his teeth and said, although George Han’s strength surprised him a bit, but I have to say I’m afraid, I can’t talk about it, after all, he has enough people to fight again. Are two fists more than four hands?

“Give you a chance to explain this matter clearly, and I will save you for your life.” George Han said lightly.

“Hahahaha.” Cheng Gang looked at George Han grimly: “You f*cking joking with me? Look at these people around you, but they are all my men. I let you die. Can you live? Threatening me brazenly.”

“Oh? Then look at it again.” George Han said.

There was a series of rapid footsteps, hundreds of people crowded in from all directions, and the restaurant was instantly crowded.

Cheng Gang’s face changed drastically. These people are not today’s guests. How could this happen.

At this time, Lin Yong walked out of the crowd.

When Cheng Gang saw Lin Yong clearly, he asked coldly: “Lin Yong, what do you mean, these are your people?”

“Cheng Gang, your f*cking brains are so funny, anyone dare to provoke “Lin Yong said lightly.

“What do you mean?” Cheng Gang looked at Lin Yong in a puzzled manner. Could this guy collude with the Su family? But Harry Su obviously cooperated with him. If the Su family moved, how could Harry Su not know?

Lin Yong walked to George Han’s side. Before he could speak, George Han said, “Bring my wife back to the car.”

Amelia Su grabbed George Han’s clothes and refused to let them go. She was completely stunned. Why did so many people suddenly come out again, who are they? What is it for?

“Wait for me in the car, I will come soon.” George Han said.

Amelia Su bit her lower lip and refused to let go.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, don’t you believe me?”

Hearing this sentence. Amelia Su only let go of George Han.

After Amelia Su left, Lin Yong asked respectfully: “Brother Three Thousand, how do you deal with Cheng Gang?”

Cheng Gang laughed suddenly, and still laughed loudly, and said, “Lin Yong, are you crazy? , You actually called him brother, you’re a f*cking person with me anyway, don’t you know that he is the trash son-in-law of the Su family.”

Lin Yong’s body didn’t straighten up, just raised his head and sneered. He said, “Cheng Gang, do you know how to write dead words?”

Cheng Gang didn’t care. Although Lin Yong had a lot of people, did Lin Yong dare to move him? If you dare, you would have moved.

“Lin Yong, don’t you f*cking scare me, I don’t know that there is someone at my disposal. If I have a long and two shortcomings, you will not end well. I advise you, don’t be nosy, this is Lao Tzu’s business.” Cheng Gang said with disdain.

Chapter 27

In the past, Lin Yong did not dare to move Cheng Gang. Without George Han’s order, and because Cheng Gang did have some background, he moved his whole body. Without George Han’s protection, Lin Yong could even kill Cheng Gang. , He could not escape the charge.

But now it is different, George Han is going to turbulent Basin City. Lin Yong put all his considerations behind him. He believed that George Han’s ability was spurned by Basin City’s tens of thousands of people, but Lin Yong knew that his son-in-law was not a small man.

Lin Yong stopped talking because he was not qualified to speak here.

When Cheng Gang saw Lin Yong not speaking, he thought he was scared, and said proudly, “Lin Yong. Since I know that Lao Tzu has a background, if I don’t bring you people out, do I have to blow you out?”

George Han stood up suddenly at this time and walked towards Cheng Gang.

Having seen George Han’s skill, Cheng Gang took two steps back unconsciously, and asked vigilantly: “What do you want to do?”

Several subordinates stood in front of Cheng Gang, looking like they were ready to go.

George Han kept walking, and Cheng Gang’s men took the lead. But no one can keep the pace of George Han, even for one second.

Looking at the unstoppable George Han, Cheng Gang scolded in his heart that it was the f*cking bastard who said that George Han was useless, if his skill was useless. Isn’t All Cloud City all waste!

Several of his subordinates were knocked to the ground and wailed. Cheng Gang said to George Han with a pale face: “George Han, compared with my backstage, the Su family is a three-year-old kid. I advise you… …”

Before he finished speaking, George Han punched Cheng Gang at the door.

With nosebleeds gushing, Cheng Gang covered his face with his hands and screamed in pain.

If this scene were seen by the Su family, all of them would have their eyes widened and couldn’t believe it. After all, in their perception, George Han was a useless person who could not fight back or scold him. How could it be so powerful?

At this time, Cheng Gang even suspected that the George Han in front of him was not the same person as the George Han mentioned by the outside world.

For three full years, Su Jiazhui’s son-in-law George Han was buying vegetables, cooking, and washing clothes. How could it be so tough.

“Did someone instruct you behind the scenes in this matter!” George Han asked.

Cheng Gang shook his head and said falteringly: “George Han, you have the ability to kill me, otherwise, tomorrow will be your corpse!”

“Call me until you say it.” George Han returned to his seat and said to Lin Yong.

Lin Yong raised his hand, and a few people walked up to Cheng Gang, punching and kicking.

Cheng Gang’s subordinates were already scared and stupid. They looked at Cheng Gang who was beaten, and at George Han, who had an indifferent expression. Is he really useless? Whose rumors came out of the news, how can there be such a powerful method for the useless.

“Lin Yong, please remember to Lao Tzu that you can’t mess with my backstage.”

“Lin Yong, aren’t you afraid of my revenge? If you let them stop, I don’t need to pursue it.”

“I… I said, I said. Stop calling.”

Cheng Gang’s tough attitude was still unable to withstand the pain of the flesh, and he compromised in less than two minutes.

Lin Yong smiled coldly, and said, “You don’t have to endure hardship if you said it earlier, why bother.”

Cheng Gang looked at Lin Yong with sinister eyes, and said, “Lin Yong, are you really afraid that I will settle accounts after Autumn?”

Lin Yong waved his hand indifferently and said, “If you have a chance, you can come to me, I’m afraid you won’t have the chance.”

“Let’s talk about who is planning this behind the scenes, without leaving a word, with the slightest concealment. Let your backstage help you collect the body.” George Han said coldly.

Cheng Gang was not afraid of Lin Yong, but he had a strange feeling. He was afraid of George Han, as if George Han was more terrifying than Lin Yong.

After a trembling, Cheng Gang said: “For the Su family, it was Harry Su’s idea, and he came to me.”

Harry Su.

It really is him!

George Han had guessed that this matter was related to Harry Su, otherwise, how could he help Amelia Su kindly?

“There’s more.” George Han continued to ask.

Cheng Gang lowered his head unconsciously. Because he didn’t dare to look directly at George Han, what would happen to Amelia Su’s plan if George Han knew about it. He dare not think!

“If you don’t say it, just keep playing.”

“I said, I said.” Cheng Gang said in a flustered tone: “Harry Su also wants me to have a relationship with Amelia Su, and then expose this incident in Basin City. He wants to use this incident to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family.”

George Han clenched his fists suddenly!

It is only for the West City project. George Han could let Harry Su go, but he used his thoughts on Amelia Su, which was a capital crime.

The scales are untouchable!

George Han did not allow anything to hurt Amelia Su.

“Close it.” With these three words behind, George Han left the restaurant.

Cheng Gang clamored for offending him, but after a few fists, he calmed down.

Back in the parking lot, Amelia Su sat in the car nervously. After seeing George Han, she couldn’t wait to get out of the car.

“Three thousand. How are you, are you okay?” Amelia Su looked at George Han nervously, looked up and down, and was relieved to confirm that George Han had nowhere to be injured.

“It’s okay.” George Han said with a smile: “Unexpectedly, you still care about me.”

Amelia Su blushed instantly when she heard these words, took two steps back and said: “I…I’m just afraid of wasting medical expenses.”

George Han nodded, did not delve into this matter, and said, “Let’s go. Go home.”

“Go home?” Amelia Su wondered: “But the trouble hasn’t been solved yet. Going home now, how can I explain to grandma tomorrow.”

“It’s solved, let’s go.” George Han said.


Amelia Su looked at George Han with weird eyes. Cheng Gang was not a good person. How could it be solved so easily, and who was the sudden appearance of so many people?

After getting in the car. Amelia Su looked hesitant to speak, and wanted to ask what happened.

George Han saw her doubts and said: “The process is not important, but the result is important. You can tell grandma that it has been resolved tomorrow, and I will take care of the rest.”

Harry Su, George Han will not let go. But he will find an appropriate time to expose everything Harry Su has done.

Amelia Su nodded.

That night, Harry Su was holding his mobile phone at home and walking around the room, looking a little nervous and excited.

The phone page is Cheng Gang’s number. As long as he dials it out, he can know the current situation, but he is a little worried in his heart. What if this fails?

After hesitating until ten o’clock, Harry Su finally couldn’t bear it anymore and pressed the dial button.

No one answered the phone, could it be that Cheng Gang was busy?

An irresistible smile appeared on Harry Su’s face. At this moment, Su Yihan called him.

“Harry, how is the situation?” Su Yihan asked impatiently.

“I called Cheng Gang just now, but no one answered, so I should be busy.” Harry Su said.

Su Yihan on the other end of the phone couldn’t stop laughing, thinking that Amelia Su was being ravaged by Cheng Gang at this moment.

“This time she’s done, she’s really a sl*t. A man actually went outside to steal people. Tomorrow, she must let her grandma know.” Su Yihan said with a smile. Even if she knew the facts of this matter, she still gave Amelia Su something unnecessary. Charge.

“There will be a family meeting tomorrow morning. I will tell my grandma about this matter when that happens. She will just wait to be swept out.” Harry Su hung up the phone and lay in bed comfortably.

This day has finally come. From then on, there is no need to see Amelia Su in Su’s house anymore, and the person in charge of the Chengxi Project will also fall into his hands.

“Amelia Su, Amelia Su, I still have to thank you. Without your help, the cooperation of the weak water real estate is not easy to get. But who made you offend me Harry Su, this is the end.”

Early the next morning, Harry Su arrived at the company very early and sat in the meeting room waiting for other relatives to arrive. Now he can’t wait to tell others about Amelia Su’s scandal and ask the old lady to drive Amelia Su out of Su’s house.

Su’s relatives showed up one after another, even the old lady came, but Amelia Su did not show up for a long time.

“Amelia, why haven’t you come yet.” the old lady asked.

Su Yihan fiddled with the nails he had just done, and said, “Maybe in which wild man’s bed, I haven’t gotten up yet.”

Chapter 28

“Yihan, what are you talking about.”

“Grandma is here, how can you talk nonsense.”

“It’s really nonsense and nonsense.”

Although the relatives present did not have a favorable opinion of Amelia Su, they knew how much the old lady paid attention to the issue of family style. It was normal to run on Amelia Su, but it was not enough to talk about such things.

Su Yihan also knew the old lady’s attitude towards this kind of thing, and she would definitely not dare to make a joke about it before. But now, Su Yihan thinks that he has evidence, and Amelia Su must have been planted in Cheng Gang’s hands. What’s wrong to be honest?

“What anxious eyes, can I make a joke about this kind of thing?” Su Yihan said lightly.

Upon hearing this, the other relatives were shocked from ear to ear.

No kidding, is that true?

Amelia Su did such a thing with a wild man!

“Su Yihan, what do you have to say clearly.” The old lady asked Su Yihan with a gloomy expression. She would never allow the Su family to have such a corrupt family. If Amelia Su really did such a thing, even if she didn’t want the cooperation of weak water real estate, she would have to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family.

“Harry knows this too, and knows it better than me. If grandma wants to know, just ask Harry.” Su Yihan said.

Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes focused on Harry Su. This is no trivial matter. Once it is confirmed, the Su family will definitely sever ties with Amelia Su.

“Harry, you say. What the hell is going on.” the old lady asked.

Harry Su glanced at Su Yihan. He should have started this matter, and it was better to wait until Amelia Su to raise it. He didn’t expect Su Yihan to be exposed so soon.

“Grandma, in fact, it was Cheng Gang who dealt with our Su family. It took me to get through Cheng Gang and let Amelia Su and Cheng Gang talk about reconciliation, but I heard that Amelia Su was at Cheng Gang’s farmhouse last night. Didn’t return all night.” Harry Su said.

Who is Cheng Gang? He is a gangster in the gray area. If Amelia Su stayed at the farmhouse and didn’t return overnight, it would be self-evident what happened.

The Su family’s relatives were all surprised, but they didn’t expect to see a serious Amelia Su, they would do such a thing.

“Harry. Have you checked this out?”

“Yeah, you can’t talk nonsense about this, this is the reputation of our Su family.”

“Yes, yes, before you are sure, it’s better not to talk nonsense.”

All the relatives seemed to be helping Amelia Su to speak, but in fact they were changing to remind the old lady.

It was such a good opportunity to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family, they wish it were true.

The old lady said in a deep voice, “Harry, are you sure?”

“Grandma, I don’t know exactly what she is doing at the farmhouse, but she hasn’t returned all night, and she is still with someone like Cheng Gang, this…” Harry Su deliberately seemed hesitant to speak.

The old lady slapped angrily on the conference table, gritted her teeth and said: “If she really does such a thing to discredit the Su family, I will never forgive her!”

“I didn’t expect Amelia Su to please Cheng Gang in this way. It’s really hateful.”

“In the past three years, how much she has made us lose face. I didn’t expect to do this kind of thing now. It is really unfortunate for the family.”

“This matter should be resolved by Harry. With Cheng Gang’s temperament, he might be able to publicize this matter. The Su family will become Basin City’s joke again.”

Listening to these words, the old lady’s face became more and more ugly, she was already pale.

At this time, Amelia Su finally arrived in the conference room.

“Grandma, Brother Zhong asked me to sort out some documents and send them to him, so I was late.” Amelia Su said.

“Is it to sort out the files or to sort out the others? Have you taken a bath? It’s a bashful smell.” Su Yihan looked at Amelia Su disdainfully, and deliberately fanned her hands in front of her nose.

“Su Yihan, what do you mean?” Amelia Su looked at Su Yihan slightly angrily.

Su Yihan chuckled, and looked at Amelia Su for a while and said, “What do I mean. You know that you are such a nasty woman. Why can’t the man in the family satisfy you? You even went outside to steal someone. “

Steal people!

Amelia Su suddenly became angry, unnecessarily slandering, and still insulting her innocence.

“Su Yihan, what did you eat with this mouth, your words are stinking.” Amelia Su said angrily.

Su Yihan stood up. With a straightforward look, he said, “Dare to do it or not? Then you just talk about it, has the trouble solved?”

“Of course it is solved.” Amelia Su said.

“Humph.” Su Yihan said with a cold smile: “How to solve it, how much did it cost?”

“No…no money.” George Han handled this matter. As for how it was done, Amelia Su herself didn’t know, but it was certain that she didn’t spend a penny.

“Hahahaha.” Su Yihan laughed. Said: “You can solve it without spending money. You are really capable. You used other tricks.”

“Amelia Su, the other party is Cheng Gang, a person in a gray area, you can solve this matter without spending money?” Harry Su can be sure of what happened to Amelia Su and Cheng Gang last night, otherwise she can’t solve this matter, but He did not expect. Amelia Su turned out to be a bitch in the bones, and even when she slept with Cheng Gang, nothing happened.

Poor George Han, the green prairie above his head is really a personal tragedy.

“Amelia Su, what is going on, you can tell me clearly.” The old lady said in a deep voice.

Amelia Su looked at Su Yihan, and then at Harry Su. It was obvious that something happened before she came. The attitude of the old lady towards her is bitterly cold!

“Grandma, the trouble has been resolved.” Amelia Su said.

“How did you solve it? Just tell us.” Su Yihan said impatiently.

“You didn’t leave the farmhouse last night, we can’t control who you want to sleep with, but the reputation of the Su family cannot be corrupted because of you.” Harry Su rebuked coldly.

After listening to Harry Su’s words, Amelia Su didn’t get angry. It turned out that they thought they had just slept with Cheng, so they solved the trouble.

“Harry Su, where did your news come from? Is there any evidence? I went home very early.” Amelia Su said.

“Go home. What evidence do you have to prove that you went home?” Harry Su asked back, falling into Cheng Gang’s hands. He didn’t believe that Amelia Su could leave unharmed.

“There is a lot of evidence. I went home and bought water at the commissary downstairs. I also ran into my neighbors, and asked if you would know. If you really don’t believe me, the commissary still has monitoring to see.” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su saw that Amelia Su was so right and arrogant. Could it be that Cheng Gang really let him go? How could it be possible? With Cheng Gang’s character and methods, the fat sheep in hand would never let Amelia Su fly.

“Amelia Su, you didn’t go to the farmhouse at all, right? I finally found someone to get through the relationship, and you were wasted!” Amelia Su did not fall into Cheng Gang’s hands. There is only one possibility, that is, she didn’t go at all. .

“Harry Su, are you confused? Did you forget what I just said, I have solved the trouble? If I don’t go, how can I solve it?” Amelia Su smiled.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!” Harry Su said in disbelief. In his heart, there were only two endings to this matter. One was that Amelia Su was fucked by Cheng Gang, and then the matter was resolved. The second is that she did not go and the matter was not resolved.

“Amelia Su, how did you solve this matter, tell me honestly.” Seeing the trouble, the old lady couldn’t tell but she had to ask herself.

Amelia Su looked embarrassed, she didn’t solve this matter at all, and she didn’t know the process.

“Are you still hiding from me? Or, you and Cheng Gang are sleeping together.” The old lady said coldly.

Amelia Su was shocked. If she was misunderstood in this way by the old lady, she couldn’t explain it clearly after ten mouths.

In desperation, I had to tell what happened yesterday.

But George Han came forward to solve the trouble, and no one believed that Harry Su’s face even showed a sneer.

“Amelia Su, do you treat us as fools and just push a trash out as a shield, thinking we will believe it?” Harry Su said.

The old lady did not believe it, but at this time, the door of the meeting room was kicked open!

Chapter 29

Two people walked into the conference room, one of them was Lin Yong, and the other was with a sack, and they couldn’t see who it was.

Although the Su family is not a big family in Basin City, it never allows anyone to make trouble in the company. He asked coldly: “Who are you, dare to come to my Su family to make trouble.”

After Lin Yong glanced at Amelia Su, he said, “Old lady, my name is Lin Yong, you must have heard my name?”

Lin Yong!

All relatives of the Su family in the meeting room became restless. This guy is not a small figure in Basin City, and he can’t afford to provoke him with the ability of the Su family, but how could he come to the Su family to make trouble?

“It turned out to be Brother Yong. I don’t know what’s the matter when you come to our company?” The old lady’s tone changed suddenly, and she called Brother Yong in awe.

Social status is not determined by age.

The old lady holds high authority in the Su family, but for people like Lin Yong, it is not worth mentioning. The old lady is very self-aware.

“I helped the Su family solve a problem. By the way, come and get some oil and water.” Lin Yong smiled.

“If you really helped me in the Su family, I will definitely not let you come here for nothing.” The old lady knows that such people are difficult to deal with, thinking that Fang has a lot of excuses for asking for money. Come forward, how can the Su family survive the disaster without going bankrupt.

“Old lady, this money is definitely worth your money.” Lin Yong finished speaking and tore off the headgear of the person next to him.

When Harry Su saw that person, his face instantly turned pale, isn’t this Cheng Gang. How could he fall into Lin Yong’s hands!

Lin Yong kicked Cheng Gang and said, “What have you done, don’t tell the old lady.”

Cheng Gang’s nose and face were blue and swollen, and he was waited on last night. After a few severe beatings. I was very afraid of Lin Yong, and said quickly: “Old lady, Harry Su asked me to do everything.”

“You are talking nonsense.” Harry Su stood up suddenly, pointing at Cheng Gang angrily, “Don’t slander me, I don’t even know you.”

Cheng Gang raised his head and looked at Harry Su grimly. If it weren’t for this bastard, would he have ended up like this? Although he didn’t know why Lin Yong dared not take his backstage into consideration, his backstage has not appeared since yesterday’s incident, which shows that he is likely to be abandoned.

If you want to survive, you can only do what Lin Yong said.

“Harry Su, you f*cking open your eyes to Lao Tzu and talking nonsense, if it weren’t for you, how could I target the Su family for no reason.” Cheng Gang said.

Harry Su panicked completely. Once this matter was known to the old lady, his future would be ruined, let alone coveting the position of chairman, it would be difficult to stay in the Su family.

Originally thinking of sweeping Amelia Su out. It is very likely that he is being swept out now!

“Amelia Su, this is all your ghost, is it because you made him slander me.” Harry Su pointed at Amelia Su, his face full of anger.

Amelia Su said coldly: “You helped me to contact Cheng Gang. How could I collude with him, Harry Su, is it not clear what you have done yourself?”

“Grandma, don’t listen to her nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with me, I don’t know anything.” In a hurry, Harry Su walked to the old lady, looking aggrieved.

The old lady’s face was as sinking as water. She knew that Cheng Gang would not slander Amelia Su for no reason, and she also asked about this. No one knows who is targeting the Su family, why Harry Su knows and can help Amelia Su connection.

I thought that this matter might just be Harry Su’s luck, but I didn’t expect it to be like this!

“He also asked me to attack Amelia Su, and then expose the incident in Basin City, so that you could embarrass the Su family and drive Amelia Su out of the Su family.” Cheng Gang continued.

These words made Harry Su face ashamed. He never thought that his seamless plan would actually kill Lin Yong halfway. But how could Amelia Su know Lin Yong!

The Su family’s relatives knew that Harry Su’s affairs were revealed, and the old lady would certainly not be merciless. If she was still standing with Harry Su at this time, it would be death.

“Harry, you are too much, how can you do such a despicable thing?”

“Why Amelia is also from the Su family? How can you harm her.”

“It’s in vain that I still believe you so much, it turns out that all this is your ghost.”

Su Yihan’s face was so good that she couldn’t see where she was. She had known this matter a long time ago. Although she didn’t do it, it was a sin not to report it. If she was blamed by her grandma, she would not have a good life.

“Grandma, I don’t know anything. This matter has nothing to do with me.” Su Yihan said to the old lady.

“Mom, this matter is a momentary confusion for Harry. Don’t blame him too much, I will educate him.” Su Guolin doesn’t want to see Harry Su lose power in the company. Other relatives dare not speak for Harry Su, but he Can’t help but.

The old lady’s expression is stiff, and the matter is so violent, how should it end? Without giving Amelia Su an explanation, she seemed too partial, but she really wanted to drive Harry Su out of the Su family. The old lady can’t do it.

Although Amelia Su has brought a lot of benefits to the Su family, in the eyes of the old lady, Amelia Su is no better than Harry Su, and the future Su family can only be inherited by Harry Su.

“Brother Yong. This matter is within our family. I am very grateful to you for helping me. Please speak up as much as you want.” The old lady said to Lin Yong.

Lin Yong’s fishing for oil and water was just an excuse, this matter was ordered by George Han. He just acted on orders and said, “Since the old lady is so upright, I’m Lin Yong, and I’m not an ignorant person. When you handle this matter, I’ll come to you again.”

After that, Lin Yong took Cheng Gang and left the company.

There was silence in the conference room, and Harry Su knelt in front of the old lady, not daring to breathe.

Other relatives also kept silent. After all, Amelia Su is the person in charge of the city west project. What kind of height can the Su family develop in the future. It all depends on this cooperation with Weak Water Real Estate. Harry Su did such a despicable thing at this juncture. Even if the old lady was biased, she might have taught him a lesson.

“Amelia, since he killed you, it’s up to you to decide how to deal with this matter.” The old lady said to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su Bingxue is smart, if the old lady really wants to punish Harry Su, how could she let her decide, she said. Obviously reluctant.

Moreover, Amelia Su knew that if she made an excessive request, grandma would not carry out another statement, and she would definitely remember it for her.

“Grandma, it’s up to you to make the decision.” Amelia Su said, even if she was unconvinced in her heart, she could only bear it.

The old lady nodded naturally, and said to Harry Su: “You won’t be using the company during this time, go home and reflect on it.”

Harry Su lowered his head and gradually smiled at the corners of his mouth. After such a serious incident, grandma only asked him to reflect on it. It seems that my position in grandma’s mind is still unshakable.

“Grandma, I know I was wrong. I must reflect on this during this time.” Harry Su said.

“No one is allowed to mention this matter in the future.” The old lady said to other relatives.

Naked and guarded, and without the slightest concealment.

Amelia Su took a deep breath and looked at the old lady of the Su family and thought in her heart that one day I will prove it to you. Harry Su is definitely not the best candidate to inherit the Su family.

After the old lady left the meeting room, the other relatives smiled.

“Harry, don’t mind what we said just now. In that case, if we say good things to you, it will irritate the old lady.”

“Yes, you don’t know the temper of the old lady. The more you speak for you, the more she can’t hold her face.”

Harry Su stood up, without the slightest sign of reflection on his face, and looked at Amelia Su proudly and said: “Amelia Su, you are lucky this time and let you escape, but next time you will definitely not be so lucky.”

“Grandma favors me, you are very angry, no way, who makes me the person that grandma values ”‹”‹most? This is the gap between me and you.”

Listening to Harry Su’s super proud tone, Amelia Su squeezed her fists, the mud bodhisattva also had a three-point anger, let alone her.

“Amelia Su, haven’t you seen it yet? You just use tools in Su’s house. If it weren’t for the cooperation of weak water real estate, you would not even have the qualifications to enter the meeting room. You want to fight with us and save yourself.” Su Yihan Deliberately walked to Amelia Su, Yin and Yang said strangely.

Chapter 30

At 4:30 in the afternoon, George Han showed up at the commissary, but the commissary still did not open. This gave him an inexplicable premonition. Could it be that something major happened at home? Otherwise, how could the door be closed silently.

After receiving Amelia Su, watching Amelia Su’s cheeks bulging like goldfish, she was obviously sulking, and she smiled and asked: “What’s wrong. The trouble is solved, didn’t grandma praise you?”

Amelia Su snorted coldly, and said: “Today Lin Yong brought Cheng Gang and exposed all the things Harry Su did, but grandma turned out to just let Harry Su go home and reflect.”

Upon hearing this, George Han sneered.

In his opinion, although grandma would favor Harry Su, she had to be demoted no matter what. At least I have to show it to others, and the two words of reflection on this matter seem too ridiculous.

Moreover, the old lady is not just as simple as being partial to Harry Su, she has not put Amelia Su in her eyes at all, because she has never considered Amelia Su’s feelings on this matter.

After eating Amelia Su, he is not afraid of her and the Su family tearing apart? What an arrogant old thing.

“By the way, I didn’t know until today, that person yesterday. It turned out to be Lin Yong, why should he help me?” Amelia Su looked at George Han questioningly, and this matter was clearly related to George Han.

“Uh… I spent some money, please Lin Yong to come forward.” George Han said naturally.

“Spent money. How much did it cost?” Amelia Su asked curiously.

“One hundred thousand.”

“One hundred thousand!” Amelia Su exclaimed and looked at George Han. This prodigal man actually spent another hundred thousand! This must be her salary for a whole year.

But if I don’t want Lin Yong to come forward, she may have fallen into Cheng Gang’s hands yesterday, and she will be tarnished by Cheng Gang, making her feel better.

“Rich people are really rich.” Amelia Su’s mouth narrowed, with a sour taste.

George Han smiled helplessly. What is this trivial little money? If Amelia Su knows the string of numbers in his card, he won’t be scared of heart disease?

When he arrived downstairs in the community, George Han had just parked his car and happened to ran into Lily Jiang and Wilson Su who were about to go out.

Seeing George Han driving an Audi, isn’t this the one parked next to their car?

I guessed who bought it before, but it turned out to be my own!

Lily Jiang walked up to Amelia Su angrily and said, “Amelia. Wouldn’t you buy another car?”

This matter will be revealed sooner or later, it is only a matter of time. After Amelia Su glanced at George Han, he nodded and admitted: “Mom, I…”

“You’re really not afraid that your grandma will know, and what do you have to do with two cars?” Lily Jiang glared at George Han, and continued: “It won’t be what he asked for you. Right?”

Amelia Su waved her hands again and again and said, “This matter has nothing to do with George, it’s my idea.”

Lily Jiang didn’t believe it, and asked George Han: “What kind of Ecstasy did you give my daughter? Do you know if the old lady doubts her, once the account is checked, how serious the consequences will be, are you doing it for your own face? , Don’t welcome Xia’s safety?”

“Mom, don’t say anything, aren’t you going out, don’t leave yet.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang looked at the time, the movie was about to start, and then said: “Wait for me to come back. You explain this to me clearly.”

After the two elders left, Amelia Su sighed, looked at George Han complainingly and said, “Why didn’t you tell them about the car purchase?”

“Even if you say it, will they believe it? And I don’t care about other people’s opinions.” George Han didn’t care about it. If he paid for these two cars, Lily Jiang and Wilson Su would not believe it, so why waste their words.

In the past three years, George Han never cared how others viewed him. The most important thing was how Amelia Su viewed him.

“It seems to be the same.” Amelia Su looked helpless, even telling them the truth was useless, and would never believe it.

Back home, George Han said to Amelia Su: “I’m going out tonight. Is it okay?”

“If I say no, will you not go?” Amelia Su asked back.

George Han nodded without hesitation.

“If you have something to do, go, but…” Amelia Su’s words stopped abruptly.

“But what?” George Han asked curiously.

“Nothing.” Amelia Su hurried back to the room. She wanted to say don’t let George Han go to find a woman, but this kind of words made her feel a little strange.

Although the two are husband and wife, there is no real husband and wife after all, and they intervene in George Han’s private life. Amelia Su is still not used to it.

Sitting on the bedside, Amelia Su lifted the pillow, hiding a pair of scissors underneath, which was placed here three years ago.

the first year. Amelia Su would sleep with the scissors every night, until later did she gradually relax her vigilance, and now, she felt that it was time to put the scissors away.

“I don’t know how to face a big beauty like me. How did you endure it.” Amelia Su said to herself, without noticing her red cheeks, and then put the scissors into the closet.

Standing in front of the mirror, Amelia Su looked at her figure, with slender and white legs, a proud and tall upper circumference, and a delicate and flawless face. Could it be that he was really not tempted?

“Bah. What am I thinking about.” Amelia Su’s face was red, and she was ashamed.

There were only two people in the family at dinner. Since Amelia Su became the project leader, the family’s financial conditions were ample, Lily Jiang and Wilson Su often did not eat at home.

But this was also a good thing, and provided George Han and Amelia Su with a space to be alone.

After dinner, when George Han was preparing to clean the table and wash the dishes, Amelia Su stood up and said: “If you have something to do, go out first. I’ll wash it and come back early.”

George Han was taken aback, and his heart was full of joy, and said, “No, I will get it done soon.”

Amelia Su glared at George Han and said, “If you let you go, there is so much nonsense.”

George Han smiled and put down his bowl and chopsticks. Said: “Then I will go, and I will be back soon after the matter is over.”

After leaving home, George Han got into the car and dialed Lin Yong’s number.

Since the commissary had not opened for a few days, George Han intuitively felt that something might have happened to the boss. So I asked Lin Yong to check it. When I got home just now, I received a message from Lin Yong, so George Han would tell Amelia Su that something needs to go out tonight.

“What’s the matter?” George Han asked.

“Brother George, this matter is unclear on the phone. I’m here to see you?” Lin Yong said.

“No, I will go to the magic city immediately.”

After arriving in the magic city, after George Han and Lin Yong met, Lin Yong said directly: “Brother George, the person you asked me to check is named Mo Yang.”

“Mo Yang?” George Han frowned and asked, “This name sounds familiar.”

Lin Yong nodded and said: “In the past, there was a boss in Basin City called Mo Yang, but five years ago, his voice suddenly disappeared, and his power collapsed overnight. No one knew what happened. I Suspect, he was Mo Yang five years ago.”

George Han looked surprised. The owner of the commissary turned out to be Mo Yang, who made a sensation five years ago!

With Mo Yang’s position back then, how could he become the owner of a small shop.

George Han suddenly thought of a sentence Mo Yang had said, for a woman. It seems that he, the hero, is also doing everything for the beauty.

Being able to forsake everything for a woman in his peak period is impressive.

“Have you found out what’s going on with him now?” George Han asked, dating for three years. Now that he knew about this, George Han would not ignore it.

“It is reported that I have seen him in the underground casino, which is Chang Bin’s site.” Lin Yong said.

Chang Bin, he owns half of the illegal casinos in Basin City. He does not have Lin Yong more than his subordinates, but he has more financial resources and personal connections. Chang Bin can crush Lin Yong, but because Chang Bin is only an underground casino business, right He doesn’t dabble in other aspects, so he seldom conflicts with his fellows.

“Brother George, this Chang Bin is not easy to provoke. Although he is not well-known in Basin City, I heard that he has a deep friendship with many big people. I think it is better not to interfere in this matter.” Lin Yong reminded.

“When is it your turn to make a decision?” George Han said coldly.

Lin Yong quickly bent down to apologize: “Brother George, I didn’t mean that.”

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