His True Colors Novel Chapter 2425 – 2427

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Chapter 2425

His right hand was dark and angry, and his left hand stood on his back. Even for these four unbelievable, even the phoenix that brought him strong pressure, the night demon only had a slight discomfort of being violated.

Because in this field, the position of dominance gives the Night Demon endless confidence and arrogance.

“Ants!” As

soon as the voice fell, facing the four white phoenixes, the night demon’s black qi instantly transformed into a black dragon and attacked the white phoenix.

“In this world, yang is dominant, yin is secondary, male is heaven, female is earth, dragon is above, and phoenix is ”‹”‹below. So, what do you Baifeng do?” Ye Mo sneered.

“Roar!” The

dragon roared!

The four phoenixes over there mingled together and chanted loudly.

Dragon vs. Phoenix!


There was no imagined battle scene of thunder and fire. Although the black dragon was extremely vicious, it approached Bai Feng and directly opened his mouth to bite his neck!

But when the black dragon bit a white phoenix’s neck, the white phoenix in that mouth was like a bubble, suddenly turned into a Qi shadow and disappeared.

A few meters ahead, Bai Feng, who had just been bitten, suddenly appeared again, reunited with the other three phoenixes, transforming into four figures and rushing towards the night demon.

“What!?” The

night demon’s expression was slightly taken aback.

The huge black dragon actually rushed to Sifeng directly? !

“How is this possible?!”

With her own strength, it is impossible for that girl to fight against herself.

How can the four little white phoenix resist their own black dragon? !

This is impossible!


Almost at this moment, the four white phoenixes that were not blocked by the black dragon attacked the Night Demon at the fastest speed.

“Do you think you have won after breaking through the obstacles of my black dragon? A joke, in my eyes, what kind of sh!t are you?”

Ye Mo smiled coldly. Even so, he didn’t panic at all, even with a trace. Silky disdain.

What is dominion!

That is absolute dominance on both ends of offense and defense!

Without the suppression of offense, there is also an absolute lead on defense!

“Garbage!” He

shouted angrily, and the black air instantly entangled the night demon’s body.

The four white phoenixes also rammed the Night Demon directly.

Night Demon wore a confident grin on his face.

boom! !

After the four white phoenix collided with the black qi, they immediately dispersed and turned into four white qi. They exploded violently with the black qi on the night demon, and then fought together!

However, in just one second, the four white qi slowly disappeared into the black qi.

Everything seems to be calming down.

“Haha, hahahaha!” The Night Demon laughed unscrupulously.

Even if the night demon is very strange why this girl in the distance will cause a certain shock to herself in her own domain.

But that’s not important anymore!

The important thing is that you are the master here.

Even if an ant is accidentally added, so what? !

“Little sister, the long one is pretty good. You said that George is your favorite. That’s right, George will be my slave, and you will be my forbidden. Little sister, am I right? You are fine? Just like that, I have to make you a pair of desperate mandarin ducks, haha, hahaha!” The Night Demon smiled presumptuously.

“You ba5tard, don’t think about it!” The four monsters scolded coldly, humiliating his sister so, how could he bear it?

He immediately got up from the ground and was angrily trying to teach the night demon, but here, the night demon only needs to tap his finger gently, and the fourth monster in Jiangbei will fly several meters across the field, vomiting blood!

“Trash!” Ye Mo smiled slightly, how arrogant and disdainful.

“I am lucky to be a mandarin duck with him, but I can die, he can’t die, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Zi Qing’s eyes were firm, looking at the night demon, and said in a cold voice.

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Qing closed her eyes slightly, silently chanting some strange spells in her mouth.

Night Magic reluctantly shook his head: “girl, if I were you, this will not do unnecessary struggle, there is this strength in this frustrating, and I might as well keep a good time in bed with it.”

Having , The Night Demon looked up and smiled again.


But just when he was laughing very crazy, his voice suddenly got stuck in his throat, and his arrogant smile instantly solidified…The

faint black air around him appeared strange at this time. White gas.

He also felt his body faintly aching.

Although the pain point is very low, but when all acupuncture points are scattered and integrated, it still makes the night monster very uncomfortable.

“Why… how could this happen?” Ye Mo was very confused in his mind.

Here, as long as he doesn’t want to, no one can cause any harm to him, as long as he doesn’t want to, no one can leave any negative state on him.

But right now…

what does this mean? !

“You…what did you do to me?” He straightened his head suddenly, and the night demon looked at Zi Qing angrily.

“It’s just washing your dirty heart.” Zi Qing suddenly opened her eyes.


followed her nice voice.

“Bang, bang, bang!” The

night demon’s body was instantly lit like a firecracker, and he burst into explosions.

Blood burst directly along the various acupuncture points, the scene was extremely cruel and bloody!


“Oh my God, Seventh Sister…”

“Seventh Sister actually injured the Night Demon!”

“How is this possible, Seventh Sister can’t practice spells at all, let alone any cultivation skills. Even…” The

four monsters, the five monsters, and the sixth sister Liu Sha were all dumbfounded. They knew what the situation and abilities of this sister who had been with each other for more than ten years in their eyes was better than anyone else.

But at this time, this Seventh Sister suddenly became extremely unfamiliar, extremely ignorant…

“That pretty little girl, can she actually hurt the Night Demon? This is even George and the evil glutton. The devil that can’t be dealt with, how could she…”

“Yeah, this is simply impossible.” The

seven monsters did not understand at all, and the outsiders obviously did not believe it, looking at this surprising scene in front of them. , Anti-Buddha is dreaming.

The Night Demon wouldn’t be Lianxiangxiyu, did it deliberately? !

Don’t say they don’t believe it, even the Night Demon himself doesn’t believe it!

After all, this is his site, he really can’t understand why it became like this!

Not to say how powerful this Ziqing is, but there is a problem with the domain’s rule!

As the master, he said that one is one, and that two is two. But now, when he says one, it may be 0.9999, and when he says two, it is 1.999. Although the difference is minimal, from a certain perspective, it is a loss It’s a thousand miles away.

“Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!” Ye Mo stood up from the ground staggeringly, eyes full of incredible!

But the next second, his eyes shrank suddenly: “What’s your secret? I’m afraid, if I don’t play with you today, I have to wipe you out!”

Chapter 2426

This woman…

not only looks good, it’s very fun, it’s so simple!

The important thing is that her unique place may be even more eager for the night demon!

There is a BUG in his field, and once this BUG is figured out, his field is destined to become stronger!

“Take off your clothes first!” With a cold voice, the night demon rushed towards Ziqing in the distance with a blood hole all over his body.

“Seven sisters, be careful!” Wu Wei and Liu Sha said in a hurry.

It was too late, it was fast, just in the blink of an eye, the Night Demon had directly attacked Zi Qing.

A hint of urgency flashed in Zi Qing’s eyes, she forcibly closed her eyes, and quickly chanted an unknown formula.

Almost at the same time, Zi Qing’s body was filled with white air, and she was spinning frantically around her at an extremely fast speed, and it was this white air that instantly blocked the advance of the Night Demon.

Ziqing was right in front of him, but the night demon was blocked by the white gas, and in the seemingly calm white gas, there was even a tornado-like strong wind pulling him desperately!

The face of the Night Demon being blown out is hideous!

“Fcuk me, break it!”

Ye Mo only felt that his self-esteem was challenged, and he shouted angrily, his body was black and angry, and suddenly the whole person’s strength rose infinitely!

Black and white, magic and righteousness!

The two strands intersect, and there is no end to fighting!


Suddenly, with a loud noise, the black Qi suddenly increased several times, and the white Qi that was fighting with it suddenly disappeared suddenly.

In a rush, there was not much white air left, and he retreated several meters with Ziqing.


Ye Mo was holding a rag in his hand, which was a corner of Zi Qing’s clothes.

“I said that I want to strip you off, so I want to strip you off! You want me to excite you. I strip you off in front of so many people, or do you honestly take it all away, let’s change the place. Play?” After he got it, the arrogant aura of the Night Demon returned again.

Although there is a slight loss, it doesn’t seem to be important at the moment.

Zi Qing’s face was slightly shocked, although the white breath filled her with energy, but in the confrontation, she still had to secretly sigh the power of this Night Demon.

However, even if it is strong, Ziqing has no intention of fear at all.

Although she has no cultivation base, even though she is protected everywhere, and despite her courage, she will never retreat if she can stand in front of her relatives and the person she loves!

“Hmph, you chose the road.” The night demon already knew Zi Qing’s answer, and his black energy opened wide, and suddenly accelerated towards Zi Qing again.

“No way, although Seventh Sister really has the so-called fairy body in the master’s mouth, the problem is…but the problem is that Seventh Sister has nothing else except this so-called fairy body.” Seeing that she was fighting again, the four strangers Anxiously said in a hurry.

Yes, although Ziqing burst into a holy immortal body when she was desperate and angry, but after all, she only had the holy immortal body.

In the face of such a powerful enemy as Night Demon, how long can he support it by relying solely on his body?

“Don’t talk about spells, mental methods, this girl has never even fought under our care since she was a child, she dared to stand in front, it is only because…” After speaking, Liu Sha glanced lightly. George who is no longer moving in the black bag.

But because she likes George.

As the only woman among the Seven Devils, she naturally knows more about her sister’s boudoir words than anyone, and she also knows how much she is obsessed with reading Yi George.

Just like tonight, seeing George she couldn’t fall asleep in excitement, but she was just a sentence, she could dream of George when she went to bed, and she could obey George’s words very much. Ziqing couldn’t be so early today. Just fall asleep, let alone encounter the situation today.

She liked George so much that she, who was always protected by the six monsters, had the courage to stand in front of everyone at this moment.

The courage is so much, not to mention the experience…

“Seven sisters don’t talk about fighting with others. In normal times, even if an ant kills her, she will choose someone who detours, but now she is fighting against such a vicious person. Together.” The four monsters also worried very much.

“Hey!” The five monsters were so anxious that they didn’t know what to say.

Especially now, when the Night Demon is attacking with all his strength!

And almost as the Three Monsters thought, Zi Qing’s appearance was indeed an unusual uproar, so much so that many people were surprised, but the momentary surprise was more due to her body’s capital.

But these can’t support her for long.

The lack of methods has created her constant passiveness, and she has full firepower in the face of the Night Demon. Although she gritted her teeth and insisted on fighting hard, resisting is not the same as being undefeated!

After only a few rendezvous, Ziqing over there began to retreat steadily, and the sound of torn strips of cloth in the sky continued to sound.

Zi Qing’s clothes were constantly being torn off by the night demon with cloth strips.

From the unimportant corners to the important ones, the gauze on Zi Qing’s body has begun to become less and less…

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up.

It’s George! ! !

Chapter 2427

No one noticed when George moved, and no one noticed when he suddenly broke through the black bag.

Because at this time, everyone’s eyes are focused on the vicious fight in the sky.

Although Zi Qingmei’s indispensable things, if the men present at other times would like to spy on her mysterious figure, at least at this time, no one has such a dirty idea.

They only have one belief, and that is to pray that Ziqing will be fine.

But obviously, the situation is very bad.

In just a few minutes, Ziqing will ruin her clothes!

“Little lady, this is what you asked for!” Ye Mo smiled coldly, and the victory made him extremely arrogant. At the same time, increasing his strength is also bound to win for Ziqing!

With the black air around the hand, the night demon re-executed it and stretched directly to the important parts of Ziqing.

Even after the fight, Ye Mo became more presumptuous and ignorant of Zi Qing. Although she was a little surprised before, now she is just a plaything in her own hands.

Play as you like!

Zi Qing’s expression was panicked, even though she had been gritting her teeth and insisting, but helplessly, the Night Demon was too powerful.

Several consecutive reluctant parry, so that she was exhausted and her mentality collapsed.

Now facing the even bigger blow of the Night Demon, she really couldn’t fight it anymore.

The only thing that can be done is to stare at the Night Demon and do whatever he wants.

“Dmn, who is that?”

Suddenly, someone saw a figure in the sky flying straight towards the two at this time. The speed was staggering.

“It’s a black air, it’s hard… Is it the night demon’s helper? Does that guy still have a helper?” someone suddenly cried out in surprise.

“No, that group of black qi is not only black qi, but also golden light!” There were also more sharp-eyed people who discovered the clearer facts and shouted at this time.

“It’s black gas and golden light again, this feeling seems to… I have seen it somewhere.” Seeing the golden light in the sky, someone asked strangely.

But the next second, someone suddenly remembered something, and couldn’t help but sit up: “There are golden lights and black lights? Dmn, this… isn’t this George’s exclusive?”

“Yes, gods and demons, Golden light and devilish energy, this…this is exclusive to George.”

When they thought of this, everyone looked back and saw that there was nothing about George on the lawn not far away. The figure, only a black energy that has been damaged is still left in place.

“George, that guy is George! He is not dead yet!” someone exclaimed.

In the next second, more people also noticed this fact, turned their heads in surprise, and looked forward to the figure in the air with excitement.

Like a meteor, chic and galloping!


Almost at the same time, the Night Demon was bound to gain a claw, and suddenly felt a strong force coming!

A huge explosion!

Mengmo retreated two steps, looked at his paws with surprise, and looked at George who had retreated several tens of meters with Zi Qing, and his eyes were full of murderous aura: “So it’s you. The ba5tard is

doing bad things for Lao Tzu!” George panted, adjusting his breathing as best as he could, while shielding Zi Qing slightly behind him, looking at the night demon, sneered disdainfully.

“When this beautiful girl came, I ignored you. However, this didn’t kill you. You are really the famous Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed.” Ye Mo sneered uncomfortably.

Zi Qing’s sudden runaway and strange operation made the night demon focus on her body, especially during the vicious fight just now, the night demon used all his strength to deal with Zi Qing, so much so that she ignored George. Over there.

And it was this opportunity that gave George a respite.

Although suffocated in the black bag for a long time, as the black energy suppressed and absorbed George’s body energy, George’s state slowly improved.

However, at this critical moment, George can appear in time.

“But what’s the use of you here? It’s just my defeat.” The night demon grinned grimly.

From the perspective of the world, George naturally does not know how many grades are better than Ziqing, but here, in the eyes of Mengmo, George can’t compare with Ziqing at all.

After all, Ziqing is somewhat different, and George is completely within his control.

“I want to kill you, it’s just a matter of my mind, you are also worthy of appearing in front of me?” The Night Demon said with disdain.

Hearing this, George didn’t get angry, he smiled lightly, and said, “Then you think you are in front of me, it can be a troublesome thing?”

Ye Mo’s face became cold: “Why, you George has begun to learn to brag, right? Kill me? What qualifications do you have?

“I, George, never brag, only tell the truth. Do you really think you are invincible in the world? A joke, but only one ant. If you refuse, let’s try? “

Grass your uncle, try and try, can I still be afraid that you won’t succeed?” I can kill you once, and I am not afraid to kill you twice! “As

soon as the voice fell, Ye Mo rushed directly, but George was not moved at all. Instead, turned his head to Zi Qing and showed a smile that was almost fascinating to her!

“Do you know what my name is?” “

” Han three thousand? “

No, the ancestor of all spirits!” “

” Ah? “

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