His True Colors Novel Chapter 2410 – 2412

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Chapter 2410

Xiaoer Xiao Er chirped, and the whole person was shocked.

Fortunately, he just grabbed the handrail of the stairs when he asked, if he grabbed his own arm.

I drop a good boy!

This is so life-threatening.

Thinking of this, Xiao Er couldn’t help feeling that the bones of both arms were chilling, rubbing his hands on his arms, and turned to close the door.

At this time, George, his body had already turned into an afterimage, and it flashed quickly in the dark night. Its speed was so fast and its shadow was so small that it made people not even aware of it under the dark night. .


The wind stopped slightly.

On a small bridge, three women were slowly walking forward. When the wind stopped, George’s figure was already standing in front of the three women.

The sudden appearance of George really made the three girls stunned, but there was no hint of panic on their faces. He calmed down quickly, smiled slightly, and the three girls bowed and bowed, dignified and elegant, as if they had expected it. George will chase after him: “I have seen Shaoxia Han!”

“Is this handkerchief left by you?” George took out the handkerchief, his expression condensed slightly.

“Yes!” The leading woman smiled slightly: “This handkerchief was indeed given to me by my owner, and I gave it to Xiaoer from the shop to Han Shaoxia. I wonder if George would like to have a drink with my owner now?”

“Your owner? Who the hell is it?” George shouted coldly, his hand holding the handkerchief clenched slightly.

“Han Shaoxia, you will know it when you arrive.” The leading woman was also indifferent, and after bending slightly, she smiled at George.

George frowned slightly, apparently thinking seriously.

Although the woman in front of her did not have the slightest level of cultivation, the degree of calmness was by no means comparable to others, and this calmness was obviously not a pretense.

If it is an ordinary woman, facing the menacing herself, she dare not say that she is frightened, but at least it is impossible to be so calm.

Therefore, the three women in front of them are bound to be famous.

But what kind of fame can this small border town have?

Even if they did, how could they have anything to do with this handkerchief?

“Good!” George hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

“Then Shaoxia Han, I will show you the way!”

After speaking, the leading woman walked ahead and set off for George .

Following her footsteps, George and his party walked slowly towards the direction of West City in the middle of the city.

I don’t know how long he has been walking, passing through layers of shops and houses, George suddenly smelled the fragrance, and his divine consciousness subconsciously spread to the surroundings.

At this time, George naturally had to be extremely cautious.

However, apart from the sound of piano and water, no one was ambushing around.

Soon, a group of four people stopped in front of a mansion, and the sound of water and piano came from inside. The mansion was not big, and even the simplest decorations such as stone lions did not exist.

However, for minor reasons and the decoration is very unique, it has a kind of alternative atmosphere.

Judging from the perception of divine consciousness, there are many people in the mansion in front of them, but most of them are scattered freely, rather than gathered. This also shows from the side that there is no so-called ambush in the mansion.

Upon finding this, George’s momentum was slightly reduced.

At this time, the woman clicked on the door of the mansion, and within a moment, the door was opened, and what was imprinted in her eyes was a scene of a paradise.

Although it was late at night, the main hall in the far part of the house was also very bright, like fireflies in the night.

And with the light in the house, George can be seen vaguely, spreading from the gate of the mansion all the way to the hallway of the main hall, it is full of flowers and green plants, and many flowers bloom with a nice fragrance even in the night. , Walking in it, as if in the realm of nature.

In the main hall of the room, the sound of a Weiweiqin sounded, and George walked all the way, but his brows furrowed tighter.

Because the songs of the Qinsheng…

turned out to be… the songs of the earth.

How can there be songs from the earth in the Bafang world?

This made George breathe a sigh of relief just now, and couldn’t help mentioning it again.

When they arrived at the main entrance, the three women just made a request, and then retreated.

Looking around, the main hall is elegantly furnished, and there are many white curtains hanging down everywhere, and the sound of the piano is faint. It is completely unexpected that there is such a unique and exquisite mansion in this house.

George sat in the guest seat that had been arranged for a long time. There was a tea table made of mahogany in front of him, with a fine wine and a fruit plate.

On the top of the guest table, above the main seat, two maids swayed gently with their fans, and in front of them, a woman dressed in Qingyi gently touched the piano and played.

The sound of the piano was bleak and self-beautiful, even George couldn’t help being a little drunk.

But in the next second, George suddenly became sober!

He suddenly realized that he had such a tiny gap just now, completely lost in himself, and lost his will. If his will is strong enough and his cultivation level is high enough, he might have been attracted by the sound of the piano just now.


George moved slightly, and the wooden coffee table in front of him suddenly made a noise.

The sound of the piano suddenly became a little messy, and after a few more tails, the music ended.

“Han Shaoxia, the so-called scene of a good day, delicious food, should be the best time to relax and enjoy yourself, why is it so angry?” As soon as the voice fell, the woman put down the piano in her hand and slightly raised her eyes to look at George.

Although there are a lot of white curtains to hide, the woman is wearing a transparent gauze scarf, but only her beautiful eyes and the outline of her face are enough to make people shocked, secretly sighing, this is superb beauty.

“What you play is clearly a song on earth, who are you?” George said coldly.

With this familiar and slightly sad melody, George, as an earthling, would not remember one of the divine songs of this earth?

However, people from all directions can play, but George has to be very strange and very vigilant.

“You man, it’s just impatience.” She smiled softly, her eyes narrowed into a crescent because of the smile, it was so sweet that it was almost life-threatening.

“George, you have come from afar, and I will toast you a glass.” After speaking, she gently raised the glass and respected George.

George didn’t know what medicine she sold in the gourd, but when he came, he was calm and gritted his teeth, George lifted the cup and drank it.

Putting down the cup, she smiled softly and said, “Is it okay that the earth song is just now? It should be out of date. After all, the classics will always be circulated, I think you will like it?.”

George’s face was slightly cold , Frowned slightly, and said: “You are also a human being on earth, right.”

Chapter 2411


woman smiled lightly, did not answer, and said: “Introduce yourself, my name is Luo Xi.”

After finishing speaking, another glass of wine toasted.

George’s eyes were always on her, he hadn’t moved a bit away, he was watching carefully, trying to find the answer to his own question from her body language.

But the woman chuckled calmly from beginning to end, without any flaws.

After a toast, George suddenly put down the wine glass and smiled tightly: “I thought that I was the only one on the earth who had ascended to the world of Bafang. It seems that this is not the case. I should not see your flaws from my eyes, but from Feel it in my heart.”

“We are all foreigners, so naturally we should feel kind.” George smiled.

Luo Xi smiled faintly, raised his glass and respected George.

“Han Shaoxia relies on her own ability to soar into the world. Luo Xi is different from you, so naturally she dare not compare it!” Putting down the wine glass, she said softly.

“Three glasses of wine are over, should Miss Luo return to the subject, why would you have her handkerchief?” George’s smile released a faint coldness.

“Han Shaoxia is still impatient!” Luo Xi finished, and looked at George: “People who have her naturally have her handkerchief. Does this need to be asked more?”

“Impossible, how can you have her handkerchief, let alone There may be hers, you are Lu Ruoxin’s?” George said coldly.

“I told Han Shaoxia that your ascension depends on your own ability, but I and you are different.” As soon as the voice fell, the white curtain in the room moved quickly.

In the end, all the white curtains gathered in the center of the room, and almost at the same time, in the center of the curtains, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in it.

However, the limbs are all entangled by the curtain, and they can’t move anything.

When the familiar figure was stunned for a moment and found George sitting on the ground, his timeless eyes were filled with joy.

“Three thousand!”

“Senior Sister Qin Shuang??!” George also abruptly stood up from his seat, his eyes full of horror!

“Where is Amelia?” George turned around and glared at each other.

Perhaps, the mandarin duck pattern on the handkerchief George might not know that it was Amelia who was waiting for George from Xuanyuan World to come to Bafang World at the Fu’s house.

Therefore, George desperately chased from the restaurant, and all the way to here.


how … but where did you know that the person who appeared would be Qin Shuang?

However, despite his surprise, George was at least certain that the woman in front of him had both Qin Shuang and Amelia’s handkerchief in her hands, so naturally, everything was still worthy of the title.

Luo Xi just smiled slightly and looked at Qin Shuang on the curtain faintly.

No matter what, George suddenly has a capacity, Amelia is naturally the most important, but Qin Shuang is also a friend of George, can save one is to make money, a slight bend under his feet, the whole person turned into a streamer and rushed directly to the curtain Qin Shuang on top.

George’s speed is extremely fast, and the distance in the house is not far away. With George’s speed, it takes almost a few tenths of a second to arrive. Seeing that the other party has no time to reflect, George finally breathed out a little.


But just when George’s hand touched Qin Shuang, with a soft sound, the entire delicate Qin Shuang suddenly fell to the ground like ceramics, and instantly exploded into countless fragments. Scattered in the air.

George was shocked, how could this be?

How could this be a phantom?

This is absolutely impossible. With George’s ability, it is impossible for him to tell if it is a Phantom. He can be sure that the talented Senior Sister Qin Shuang is definitely not.

Looking back in disbelief, George couldn’t understand what was going on. He stretched out his hand and tried to grab some fragments, but the fragments that looked like ceramics disappeared when they fell.

“What the hell are you doing?” George shouted coldly, his eyes filled with endless anger.

Luo Xi smiled softly and said: “Han Shaoxia, I have been telling you since you entered the house, don’t be too impatient, but unfortunately, you just didn’t listen.” As

soon as the voice fell, her hand moved, those white joints He quickly retracted toward a place far away from George, and Qin Shuang’s figure appeared again.

However, unlike last time, Qin Shuang already had blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Moreover, the blood was obviously very fresh, almost certainly, but only the blood that had just flowed out.

“Don’t try to save her anymore, unless you want to kill her.” Luo Xi reminded at this time.

“Every time you approach, it is equivalent to hurting her. Did you see the blood on the corner of her mouth? That was caused by you just now.” Luo Xi said coldly.

“Three thousand.” With a smile in his eyes and tears, Qin Shuang shook his head desperately at George, and signaled George not to fly over to find her again.

George gritted his teeth, and the person was right in front of him, but he couldn’t save him. How could he not be anxious, and said angrily: “What the hell is going on? What do you want to do?”

Chapter 2412

“Ancient people often said that drinking can hurt the liver and get angry. It seems that this is true, Han Shaoxia, you are very angry.”

“There are two ways to reduce fire. One is medicinal herbs. One is artificial. Although Luo Xi does not have medicinal materials here, there are a lot of maids. Or, how many will

Han Shaoxia choose?” In the face of George ’s anger, Luo Xi’s response was this cold voice of comfort. ridicule.

George gritted his teeth and shouted coldly: “Answer me!” As

soon as the voice fell, George suddenly moved his hand, and the heart of the earth fire suddenly emerged. The entire hall suddenly turned into a sea of ”‹”‹flames, and Luo Xi and the two maidservants suddenly lightened their eyebrows. wrinkle.

She was okay, but the two maids behind her were extremely uncomfortable. Fragrant sweat continued to flow down her forehead. Even if she forbeared her, her face was still full of painful and hideous.

“George, if you are going to mess, don’t say anything about Amelia, don’t want to know it, even Qin Shuang, you don’t want to see it.” As

soon as the voice fell, the white curtain suddenly caught fire and kept going up. Burned away, as the fire spread, Qin Shuang’s figure at the top of the curtain also began to erratic.


George Mu Ran, he was a bit at a loss for a while, because he knew in his heart that Qin Shuang’s situation at this time was very special. Just touching it would cause her to be injured and bleed directly. If so, God knows what the result will be.

What if she is seriously injured as a result?

Moreover, more importantly, George finally had a clue to Amelia until now, so how could George feel at ease if he lost it in vain.



The ground fire dissipated instantly, and the hall resumed as usual.

The two maidservants behind Luo Xi felt relieved for a while, let out a sigh of relief, and fell directly to the ground.

Even Luo Xi’s face was quite uncomfortable. He grabbed the wine glass, drank it, and said coldly, “George is worthy of George. You can tell if you have it as soon as you take it.”

“To a certain extent. , You are really the representative of our planet.”

George was lazy to care about her. Seeing Qin Shuang’s figure on the opposite side returned to normal, he asked concerned: “Senior Sister, are you okay?”

Qin Shuang shook hard. Shaking her head, the whole person looked very haggard. Looking at George, she had joy in her eyes, but she was soon suppressed by sadness: “I didn’t expect to see you again. It’s just…”

“Just …” What face do I have to see you again, three thousand, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, if it weren’t for… If I didn’t insist on going back, Amelia would not deliberately want to go back to Xianling Island with me just to make you agree. , And more… there will be no accidents later, three thousand, sorry, I killed me, you kill me. Uuuuuu…”

Qin Shuang’s tears flowed, sadness was hard to hide, and she couldn’t cry. .

Even George could not help but feel distressed when he saw it: “Sister, what are you talking about? This matter has nothing to do with you. To blame, I can only blame myself for my inadequate consideration and my inability, even myself.

His wife and children are not well protected.” Lu Ruoxin is the master behind the scenes, and her goal is herself, so even without Qin Shuang, there will be the next unexpected sudden.

Blame is only to blame myself for inadequate consideration and improper defense.

“Three thousand, don’t comfort me anymore, I know

I blamed this thing, if it weren’t for…” “I really don’t blame you, ginseng baby is our good friend, it will be worthless to be used as any person. Try every means to save him, so you will be no exception.” George said seriously.

Even, from a certain point of view, George still needs to be grateful to Qin Shuang, because although the death of Ginseng Baby made her feel a little overwhelmed, but it was also invisibly helping George to do what he was supposed to do. Trying every means to save the ginseng baby is to help George fulfill George’s responsibilities as a ginseng friend baby.

Hearing George’s words and seeing George’s sincere eyes, Qin Shuang’s mood slowly stabilized from the collapse.

“Are you okay?” Seeing her emotional stability, George cared.

Qin Shuang shook his head and nodded again: “I’m okay, it’s just a ginseng baby…still, still the same, Ying Xia… Ying Xia is also missing! However, she should be in the same place as me.”

George nodded, Lu Ruoxin caught them, and they would naturally be held in different places, but they should all be in the same area.

Then, George winked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang nodded quickly, and

seemed to notice that the two were making some eye contact. Luo Xi suddenly said coldly: “I think, it’s time for you to meet.” As

soon as the voice fell, the curtains dispersed in an instant, and soon recovered. The original appearance.

“You!” George glared at Luo Xi with anger in his eyes.

“Why? Do you want to spend all your time on your senior sister? Don’t want to see your wife and children?” Luo Xi smiled calmly.

Hearing this, George’s entire anger was immediately crushed by half.

“Bring Amelia out!” Luo Xi suddenly said coldly.


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