His True Colors Novel Chapter 2179 – 2182

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Chapter 2179

Pangu Yin.

In the center of the pothole, the shining mark turned out to be the Pangu seal on his forehead.

George Han had seen this kind of thing except for the descendants of Pangu like Xiaotao. I never saw it again.

Is it possible that this thing has any connection with Pangu? !


At this moment, Mr. Wang collected it from his hand and withdrew the energy back. He didn’t know if George Han could hold it any longer, he only knew that he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Don’t look down on this little dragon plate. But to turn it, it requires a great amount of internal force.

Almost all of his life’s skill was wasted on this.

Although he retracted his hand, the surprise on George Han’s face remained unchanged.

But think about it carefully. The Wang family was in Tianhu City, and Wuyou Village was in Tianhu City. It seemed normal for the Wang family to get something about Pangu by chance.

But what exactly is this dragon plate? George Han has never heard Xiaotao and others mention it, and even in the world of Bafang has never heard any legend about it.

If it is a fetish, how can there be no story? !

But if it is not a fetish, then what is the explanation for its Pangu Seal? !

“The old man guessed well. It really has the same root as your Pangu axe.” Mr. Wang smiled lightly and ordered Wang Dong to put the dragon plate away.

After Wang Dong collected it, Mr. Wang pushed the wooden box in front of George Han.

“Senior, what the hell is going on, how can it…”

“You ask me, I don’t know. Even though we have got it for many generations, we are ashamed to say that we don’t know much about you. We don’t have any other information except the power of dominance. I have spent my whole life. . I only found this mark. I checked a lot of books and it took a lot of effort. I knew this was the mark of Pangu. So, after knowing your identity, I knew that you might be its owner. “Mr. Wang smiled.

“The thing is yours, and you are the master.” George Han shook his head quickly. Although this thing looks ordinary, it does have many mysteries in it. The Wang family has collected it for many years and has done research, which is understandable. But such a precious thing. George Han could not accept it.

“This thing has been in my Wang family for many years, if it is really my Wang family. Why wait until now?” Mr. Wang laughed.

George Han shook his head: “Whether you can untie it or not, it is not a mortal thing after all.

” Since I got it, every head of the Patriarch has devoted his entire life to research after training the next generation of Patriarchs. But in addition to dragging my Wang family. In fact, no benefit was obtained. “Mr. Wang gave a wry smile and shook his head: “No matter if it is a treasure. To say that it is a thing, to my Wang family, it is just a cumbersome. “

“Actually, I gave it up completely five years ago. something. Take as much as you eat, day is destined. This thing does not belong to my Wang family. There is no need to waste my royal family’s efforts and waste its value. So for many years, I have been looking for a suitable owner for it. “Mr. Wang said.

Wang Dong also nodded at this time: “Although we can’t solve it, but we are afraid that we will be unfair to others. If it is taken by bad people, it may become a disaster in the world, so although we have been looking for it, But there is no suitable one. “

“But George Han is the most suitable candidate. “Mr. Wang affirmed.

George Han waved his hand ashamed. He is a suitable candidate.

” The quality is good. You have a Pangu axe and its imprint is similar, this is the bottom of the world. Besides you, George Han, who else is there? “After Mr. Wang finished speaking, he picked up the wooden box and put it into George Han’s hands.

“If you have a guilty heart, it is not easy to receive a gift. Then you will fly to the top in the future, don’t forget my Wang family. The old man only has one son, and the grandson of Mind. I will use this thing as I exchange them for the rest of my life. Prosperity and wealth, destiny is the top priority, what do you think?” Mr. Wang smiled.

George Han smiled bitterly. Even without this so-called dragon plate, only relying on the five elements golden pill, dragon and phoenix poison, and Wang Simin’s death to save his life, George Han would never treat the Wang family wrongly.

“Good!” George Han nodded.

“This is a good boy.” Mr. Wang smiled softly.

George Han nodded and put the wooden box into the storage ring. And Wang Dong also handed the two keys to George Han.

After chatting for a while, George Han came out of Wang’s house. Wang Simin originally insisted on giving it away, but was rejected by George Han. Mr. Wang also advised Wang Simin not to disturb George Han, because apparently tonight will be George Han’s sleepless night.

It was night, George Han sat on the bedside, staring at the dragon plate in the wooden box, always in a daze, wishing to use his eyes to see through the mystery of the dragon plate directly.

Nian’er had been coaxed to sleep by Amelia Su, and Amelia Su looked at George Han’s focused stupid look, got up and poured him a cup of hot tea.

After receiving the hot tea, in George Han’s mind, he was always thinking about the pothole where the Pangu seal was hidden in the center of the dragon plate. The size and shape of the pothole seemed to be seen somewhere!

But what is that? For a while, it seems that I can’t remember it again! strange!

Chapter 2180

“What’s wrong?” Amelia Su gently sat next to George Han, and then gently massaged his shoulders with her hands. She was very gentle and gentle.

George Han smiled and turned around. In this world, I am afraid that only Amelia Su will make George Han so calm when he is interrupted when George Han is completely thinking about it.

“It’s okay.” “It’s okay.

After coming back from the palace, you have been holding this thing to study and study. Even Xin’er told you good night Dad, but you didn’t return her.” Amelia Su grinned and complained.

George Han touched his head in embarrassment, glanced at his sleeping daughter, and apologized: “I’m sorry, maybe I was too concentrated just now. When my daughter wakes up tomorrow, I will apologize to her.”

“Alright, Nian’er I didn’t mean to blame you, knowing that you are busy. Before closing my eyes, I told my father to tell my father to take care of my body.” Amelia Su smiled.

George Han’s heart was warm, saying that his daughter was his father’s little padded jacket, and it was true.

“Well, what is it? You have been staring at this thing in a daze since you came back from the palace. I really don’t understand, what is there to study about this thing? It seems to look. It is just a very old bronze iron block. Ah.” Amelia Su asked softly.

In fact, when George Han watched it, she had also seen it, but she really didn’t know that with this glance, she could see exactly what fascinated all the little things.

Because before the energy is completely injected, the entire dragon plate is indeed like a pile of broken objects wrapped in mud and bronze rust. At most, the naked eye can only see a small hole in the middle, and the inside of the hole There is a faint trace. If it weren’t for George Han’s true appearance after seeing the bright light before, just by what it looks like now, there is really no way to link any of its images.

” After the mark was bright, it was actually the same as that of the Pangu clan. At present, the things I know have Pangu seals, except for the Pangu axes, they are descendants of Pangu like Xiaotao and his cousin, but there are also such things, so I doubt if it is also related to Pangu? “George Handao.

“What did the Wang family say?” Amelia Su asked.

“They also don’t know. They only know that it is an ancient thing, and they also say that there is a mastering power in it.” George Han frowned.

“The power of dominance?” Amelia Su frowned. She had never heard of this kind of power. She had never seen this kind of power. “The Bafang world has never heard of this kind of power.”

George Han nodded, and shot a burst of energy in his hand to light up the dragon. , When the azure dragon revolved again, the central part also reignited light, and the pothole and imprint reappeared in front of Amelia Su.

Amelia Su was also extremely shocked by the sight in front of her!

“However, to say so, I don’t know how to use this thing until now, let alone anything else.” George Han said depressed.

Although the heart of the dragon clan continues to provide energy, it is as strong as George Han, and he also knows that the absorption capacity of the dragon plate in front of him is too strong, and he is extremely strenuous.

“Actually, this dragon disk. I don’t understand it. However, three thousand, I always think it’s amazing. Obviously it was just a pile of scrap iron, but now the dragon disk is spinning, the most important thing is. I can really feel it. It contains a very strong power.” Amelia Su also agreed.

George Han nodded, he also knew this extraordinary thing, the Wang family treasured it for a long time, naturally it was unique.

“Actually, what I have been thinking about before is the hole around this mark. I always think it appears abrupt and strange, what do you think?” George Han asked.

Amelia Su nodded, in fact she also felt this way. A good disk, already has two layers inside and outside. The inside can be moved. But in this case, there is an inner hole at the most center, if it is a pure round inner hole, nothing more. The joint inside and outside on both sides, at least looks like a three-circle overlap. But the problem is that this is an irregular circle.

“I also find it very strange.” Amelia Su nodded:” It’s as if it appeared where it shouldn’t be. However, existence is reasonable, and it should have its effect. “

“Yes, and. I always think it’s this strange outline like I’ve seen it somewhere.” George Han touched his head, but for a while, he really couldn’t think of it.

exactly. After thinking about it all night, he didn’t think of it. I just think this thing is very familiar.

“There are some things that you can’t find, I don’t think you should be too impatient.” Amelia Su gently left a kiss on George Han’s face: “Go to sleep, maybe once you get to sleep, your mind will suddenly become bright. “

George Han nodded. A bitter smile.

Then, followed Amelia Su and lay beside Nian’er.

Although he fell asleep, George Han did not close his eyes.

“Are you still thinking about it?” Amelia Su gently approached George Han. Snuggling his head on his shoulders.

“No.” George Han said softly.

“Don’t think about it, that hole is so strange, how can I know what it is for? Maybe, it’s because it has been corroded for too long, or maybe, then maybe it will be a keyhole?” Amelia Su laughed.

“Why do you say it is a keyhole?” George Han felt very strange to Amelia Su’s idea.

He would never think about it anyway, because the shape of the key is obvious.

“Isn’t the shape of the dragon plate resembling a combination of a natal chart and a compass? If it is not unlocked, does it mean that it is locked? And the outline at the center is hollow, doesn’t it look like a key needs to be put in? It’s like the yin and yang gossip eyes on the wooden box.” Amelia Su said softly.

George Han frowned immediately, Amelia Su’s seemingly absurd and casual whimsy. But when you read it carefully, it seems reasonable.

The disk in the middle of the dragon disk can be moved by force, but the outermost and innermost backbone has never been moved.

and. There is a sign of Pangu Seal in the pothole in the main center, which seems to indicate that there may be a very important, even core area.

Will it really be what Amelia Su said? After opening there, the dragon plate is really opened?

Although, even with this idea, George Han didn’t know what this damn seemingly familiar key was.

However, at least I have a thought, a new direction and idea.

“Amelia Su, how did I find you are smart?” George Han smiled.

“Hehe, if the little girl is not smart, how can she marry our handsome George Han.” Amelia Su also joked.

George Han gently hugged Amelia Su into his arms, and then fell asleep comfortably.

Early the next morning, George Han’s door was knocked. When George Han got up and opened the door, he was surprised when he saw someone coming.

Chapter 2181

The Medicine God Pavilion Palace at this time.

The palace built with huge funds occupies thousands of acres, and at a glance, it looks like a royal palace.

It’s just how brilliant the palace that was just established at the beginning. How desolate it is now.

Yaoshen Pavilion suffered a major defeat!

Although it is not fatal, it hurts the bones and bones, and the reputation is even worse.

Today, outside the main hall of the God King of Medicine God Pavilion, a large number of elites from the eternal sea area gather outside the hall.

In the hall, there was a sound of tables and chairs smashing.

Ao Tian was furious, and his whole body jumped like thunder: “Wang Yanzhi, Wang Yanzhi. What do you want me to say about you? The entire army of 300,000 yuan is defeated in a battle, that’s it? You too? Is worthy to be one of the three true gods?”

“What is your opponent? Well? A gang of mobs. It doesn’t matter if you lose, what are you doing to impede my immortal waters?”

Ao Tian personally took over hundreds of thousands of immortal waters. The tribesmen went to support. But when he was about to arrive on the battlefield, the defendant suddenly told him he was lonely.

Yaoshen Pavilion was defeated.

Wang Shuzhi led a team of men and all his men out of the battlefield!

Wang Slowly lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

He was not reconciled in this battle, because the loss was a complete mess.

“Do you know how the patriarch of the Blue Mountain top died one day?” Ao Tian said coldly.

Wang Wanzhi lowered his head and said nothing, but an executive said in an insensible voice: “The patriarch on the top of the Blue Mountain is dead? This is our great opportunity.”


Ao Tian’s backhand was a slap in the face of the talkative executive. Angry and funny, he gritted his teeth and said, “Yeah, it’s dead, you guys laughed so hard to die.”

The executive immediately covered his mouth and dared not speak, and Ao Tian’s irony made all Yaoshenge’s subordinates silent and afraid of screaming.

“Patriarch, although these people are stupid, they can’t ignore the fact that the mysterious man is still alive. The most important thing is that he was originally the waste son-in-law with a Pangu axe, George Han, who helped the family.” Ao Yongzhen When speaking softly.

Ao Tian retreated a little. Nodded: “This is indeed unexpected. This kid does have a lot of abilities. In addition, if he is George Han, it means that he still has a Pangu axe in his hand. “

The patriarch, the most amazing thing about this kid is that he can summon tens of thousands of strange beasts to help in an instant. The most damning thing is that we also let out our strange beasts to respond. But where is it? I know, even our strange beast suddenly turned to help him.” Wang Suzhi hurriedly defended at this time.

“Can you find tens of thousands of strange beasts in an instant?” Ao Tian frowned.

“Even if the storage ring is large, it is okay to hold one or two living creatures. It is necessary to put a thousand heads of strange beasts in it. Let alone whether it can hold it, even if it can hold it. The living space inside is limited. How did George Han do this?” Ao Yong asked strangely.

Ao Tian didn’t answer, the matter was really strange.

“And those strange beasts are so strange. We were able to cope with it last time, but it was extremely difficult for the next match. Those strange beasts seemed to have soared their cultivation base suddenly.”

“And Han Three thousand this kid is like a big tortoise. He was once trapped by us with eighteen blood monks. Almost a group of us beat him for a long time. But this kid was only seriously injured and not dead at all.

” It doesn’t matter if you don’t die. It takes less than half an hour to go back, and it looks like a okay person. Chief Ao, although we did lose this time, it was not as persuaded as you thought. But it is really the kid George Han, time and time again. The magic is simply speechless, and it makes us demoralized. So that they will be counted one after another. “

Several senior executives of Yaoshen Attic also took the opportunity to explain. Ye Gucheng broke free from Wu Yan’s support at this time, and then knelt on the ground: “Patriarch Ao, in Xia Ye Gucheng.”

“Ye Gucheng, you defeated army, this time our Medicine God Pavilion lost, and a large part of it is Because you idiot is being played around by George Han, do you dare to speak out?” Chief Chen Da yelled suddenly dissatisfied.

Ye Gucheng frowned and said coldly: “Yes, the failure of the rear troops was indeed caused by my mistakes, but, Chen Rongsheng, what about you?! Where were you during the civil war in the base camp? Back then, if you believed me, Setting up an ambush on the road, can his George Han go so smoothly? I don’t know who will die.”

The leader of Chen Da became angry, but he couldn’t refute it.

“Enough, do you want dogs to bite dogs now?” Ao Tian yelled, and then glanced at Ye Gucheng dissatisfiedly: “If you have any farts, just let them go.”

“Yes, tell Patriarch Ao, I know George Han Why can Qian suddenly come back full of blood when we are seriously injured. That’s because there is a strange ginseng baby beside him.” Ye Gucheng said.

“Ginseng baby?” Ao Tian frowned.

“It’s also the first time I saw that stuff.” Then, Ye Gucheng told Ao Tian and the others all the process of the battle with Ginseng Baby.

After listening to this, not only the senior executives of Yaoshen Pavilion were stunned, but Ao Tian and Ao Yong also looked at each other.

They really have never heard of this stuff.

“Patriarch, these things, I am afraid you have to ask your father, we are the true god of the immortal sea.” Ao Yong thought for a while, and whispered in Ao Tian’s ear.

Chapter 2182

Ao Tian frowned slightly: “Is it necessary to alarm his old man?”

“George Han has too many weirdness. If we don’t cut the grass and roots, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles.” Ao Yong reminded. .

Ao Tian nodded. Last time George Han didn’t die, this time the Medicine God Pavilion he carefully cultivated was thrown to his grandma’s house in shame, the next time. It may be his immortal sea area.

Some things have to be guarded against.

At this moment, Ye Gucheng suddenly said: “By the way, Patriarch Ao, although we were defeated roughly this time, we weren’t completely defeated.”

“Why, when will the trend be overwhelmed, and the strategy of not letting go That’s it?” When Chen Dagui heard this, he suddenly sneered.

Ye Gucheng gritted his teeth. But he did not dare to attack.

Wang Changzhi was also quite dissatisfied.

Ao Tian glanced at all these things, glanced at the crowd, and then looked at Ye Gucheng: “What bad idea do you have?”

Ye Gucheng glanced at the crowd lightly, meaning that he just wanted to tell Ao Tian, ”‹”‹Wang Suanzhi Immediately he was about to shout, but Ao Tian waved his hand impatiently. Instructed Ye Gucheng to finish.

Ye Gucheng stood up and said softly: “Now that Fuye has won a big victory, Tianhu City is celebrating lively. However, something more exciting happened in the middle. I heard that George Han humiliated Futian and Fumei in public.”

“This So what?” Ao Tian frowned.

“Haha, Gucheng has an immature idea.” After speaking, Ye Gucheng leaned into Ao Tian’s ear and whispered a few words.

After listening to this, Ao Tian frowned, thought for a long time, and finally nodded: “How confident are you?”

Ye Gucheng smiled slightly, “80%.”


Wang Shuzhi’s heart suddenly tightened, and at the same time, the whole person looked at Ye Gucheng uncomfortably.

Wang Shuzhi really didn’t know what Ye Gucheng had said to Ao Tian, ”‹”‹so that Ao Tian would behave like this to him.

“Patriarch Ao, I am against it.” The leader of Chen Da stood up dissatisfied for the first time.

Although Ao Tian was quite authoritative, how could he be reconciled when he watched Ye Gucheng go to the top? “Patriarch Ao, I am not questioning your arrangement, but worrying about the future of our Medicine God Pavilion and the Immortal Sea, and even more worried that you will be deceived by some spies.”

After that, the leader Chen Da continued: “As everyone knows, this Once our Yaoshen Pavilion really lost a great deal. However, comparing our strength with George Han’s strength, shouldn’t we really lose? It may not be true!”

“Ye Gucheng’s series of mysterious operations, We have successively lost a troop that ambushes the sky blue city to support the family, and a troop that resists the foothills of the Void Sect. Is George Han really powerful? Thinking about some people retreating with their master, is this suspicious ? “

” Secondly, Han three thousand flying into the stronghold of the time, but thanks to the good Ye Gucheng, which is, all of you here should have heard of it. “

Chen guide’s words, attracted a lot of people nodding, after all, is really three thousand Han Said.

“That’s obviously George Han’s divorce, Chen Rongsheng. You wouldn’t even believe this, would you? Besides, the base camp was attacked, but we and Gucheng desperately fought George Hanfang. Three thousand disciples were nearly killed and injured. Two thousand, Gucheng and I were also seriously injured. It is much better than some people taking tens of thousands of soldiers to ambush in the trail and finally retreating all over, right?” Wu Yan sarcastically asked.

Chen Datong was anxious and was about to speak, but was stopped by the old scholar next to him.

The old scholar smiled softly. Said: “I’m sorry, Patriarch Ao, we didn’t intend to do this. But it is really wrong to give such an important position to someone who looks suspicious.”

” I think Ye Gucheng’s method can be tried. “Ao Tian shook his head, rejected the old scholar’s proposal, and then waved his hand: “Go and do as instructed. “

Ye Gucheng suddenly smiled triumphantly: “Yes.”

“Also, Ao Yong. Give him some pill, and I am afraid that it will affect the plan.” Ao Tian finished. Turned around and left the main hall.

“Thank you patriarch!” Ye Gucheng was overjoyed immediately, and led Wu Yan and others to follow Ao Yong and went out to get medicine.

As Ao Tian and the others left, the entire meeting finally broke up, but the group led by Chen Da did not leave.

“Fuck, what’s all this.” As soon as they left, the leader Chen Datong said angrily: “Honorable Lord, it’s not that I said, but that Ye Gucheng is too much. A traitor can actually get Patriarch Ao. the appreciation. “

” Oh, appreciated or not is not important. it is important, as Ye Gucheng Lord’s people, but eating a bowl of watching the pot. this will also magnify the Lord looked down on it? “aside , The old scholar suddenly said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Wang Wanzhi’s expression was still okay. Suddenly it was extremely ugly, and the words of the old scholar hit Wang Shuzhi’s heart.

At this moment, his face was cold.

As for George Han, when he saw someone coming, he couldn’t help but smile: “Is something wrong? So early?”

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