His True Colors Novel Chapter 2159 – 2162

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Chapter 2159

In the next second, Fu Mei’s whole expression was very hideous. She grabbed the collar of the executive and said viciously: “You mean, the mysterious man… the mysterious man is Han Sanqian. The earth trash of that stinky bitch?”

“Exactly.” The executive was really uncomfortable being pulled, but this fact cannot be denied.

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. How could the bitch Han Sanqian be a mysterious person?” Fu Mei roared in disbelief.

The leisure of the talents just disappeared, and his eyes were full of almost a kind of hysteria!

For Yu Fumei. It is difficult for her to admit that Han Sanqian is a mysterious person, and she is unwilling to admit it. She married Ye Shijun, a cowardly and ordinary-looking man, and sacrificed a lot before she changed to where she is today. She became the face of the helper family and shined for a while.

But if the mysterious person is Han Sanqian, comparing her with Fuyao’s man is a judgment.

Although she may still be the savior in the eyes of the family. However, in the eyes of outsiders, what is she and Fu Yao compared to?

The lord of Tianhu City. In front of the mysterious people who are in the limelight and even circulated as good stories, they suddenly seem so insignificant and extremely small.

“The newspaper prepared by Chief Fu himself, it is clear that Han Sanqian is a mysterious person.” After finishing speaking, the executive took out the newspaper from his sleeve with difficulty and handed it to Fu Mei.

Fu Mei let go of the executives. After receiving the report, the pupils suddenly shrank slightly after just one glance.

“Impossible, impossible, ah!!!”

After she finished speaking, she tore the newspaper to pieces frantically, and the whole person roared in hysterical anger.

Scene after scene, like paintings, appeared in her mind time and time again, staring at her like a child with full of sarcasm.

Seduced Han Sanqian, took the initiative to dedicate himself to a mysterious person, and even tried all kinds of ways to approach him coquettishly, and then he thought he was very clever to provoke them and slander Su Yingxia. At the beginning, she felt how attractive she was, but now, she feels how lowly she is.

How clever I thought I was at the beginning, now I look so stupid.

From beginning to end, it turned out that the clown was herself! !

“Han Sanqian!!!” Fu Mei gritted her back teeth, a pair of slender hands, her nails were even deep in her palms.

On the battlefield.

Cheers everywhere!

Whether Xu Wuzong or the two coalition forces of Fu Ye, or the people around Han Sanqian, at least at this time, regardless of each other, there is no gap between them, everyone cheered, threw their flags and waved their clothes, and was overjoyed.

In contrast, there were a large area of ”‹”‹the dead army in the Medicine God Pavilion on the battlefield, and the trembling prisoners who were captured.

In this battle, even though the Fu Ye coalition lost more than 40,000 people on the front line. The Void Sect also lost thousands of disciples, and more than 2,000 dead and wounded beasts, but it created the miracle of winning more with less and defeating the Medicine God Pavilion. Yaoshen Pavilion would not be able to set foot in this area at least in a short period of time.

However, this does not mean that the problem of supporting the family has been completely resolved.


If Void Sect can open the door of convenience, the distance between Sky Blue City and Sky Lake City will be at least five times or even more than ten times closer in the future. This is very important to Fuye’s joint vertical and horizontal layout.

Thought here, supporting the day provoke subordinates told: “.. People are prepared to arrange the banquet, reward the soldiers addition, people who were invited to nothingness with the scene”

! “Yes,”

Sam Young led the Masters Limbang evening a few people, but also just In the round with Han Sanqian, at this time, an executive from the family hurried over, walked to Sanyong, respectfully said: “Master Sanyong, this time our coalition defeated Yaoshen Pavilion, my family chief decided to give a banquet to the three armies. . Also invite you from the Void Sect to admire your face and have a banquet in Tianhu City in the evening.”

Sanyong smiled dumbly: “I think you made a mistake. The current head of the Void Sect is no longer old, but Qin Shuang. However, she is not here now.” The

executive stunned slightly and smiled reluctantly: “This… But… But my clan leader ordered that the heroes of the Void Sect must be invited to the dinner.”

Sanyong looked at Han Sanqian in an embarrassment. Seeing Han Sanqian nodded, Sanyong smiled softly: “Since I help you The patriarch was kindly invited, so we should respond.”

“That’s simply great.” The man was overjoyed immediately. Then, raising his head slightly, a strange look in his eyes entrained a trace of disdain, and he turned and left.

Han Sanqian smiled slightly: “Okay. You clean up the battlefield, I will go back to Wuwuzong first, and see you at the banquet in the evening.”

“Yes!” Sanyong

and the others nodded together.

After watching Han Sanqian leave, San Yong and the four laughed happily at each other.

The four of them were naturally happy when they came into contact with the nihilism crisis.

“At the cost of a thousand people in my nihilistic sect, I was able to defeat the Medicine God Pavilion with the Fuye two families and shed a good story in the rivers and lakes. This makes me even dare not even think about it.” Sanyong laughed.

“Before we only thought about how to make the Void Sect survive. How can we think of this level.” Elder Erfeng also smiled.

“Speaking of it, I have to thank Han Sanqian for this, if it weren’t for him. How could the Void Sect have this situation today, there are only two results waiting for us, either by directly destroying the Sect by force, or being as soft as Ye Gucheng. Sexual annexation, one is dead in name, the other endures all kinds of humiliation, but dead in name.” Elder Sanfeng also nodded affirmatively.

Lin Mengxi looked at the leaving figure of Han Sanqian slightly, and smiled softly:” This may be Qingfeng’s most proud disciple. I used to hate Shuang’er being implicated with him, and now I am so grateful that Shuang’er has been sincerely treating him, otherwise, the Void Sect will not have the victory now, but the failure of stepping into the abyss. “

“Yeah, if Shuang’er hadn’t had a close relationship with him, he wouldn’t help us in Wuzong. Shuang’er is beautiful, and he fits him well, it’s a pity. He only has Su Yingxia in his heart, otherwise… “San Yong sighed, shaking his head.

A moment later, in Tianhu City.

At this time, the lanterns were already hanging high, singing wildly.

The Ye family set up a feast. The whole city can participate, and the Ye family servants are naturally busy, and there are golden tables and jade bowls in front of the Ye family’s door to the mansion. Very luxurious, the number is about 20 tables. These are the management and high-level positions that contributed to this battle.

The most luxurious place is in the inner hall, where a jade table made of white sacred jade is decorated with gold and silver jewels. It is colorful and dazzling.

This is the position of the biggest heroes and important figures in this battle.

Futian smiled evilly, and Fu Mei walked over angrily at this time.

Seeing Fumei’s expression, Futian smiled triumphantly and patted the jade table: “Why are you so angry? I know you are upset because of Han Sanqian, don’t worry, I have a way to clean up him at the dinner.”

Chapter 2160

Hearing this, Fu Mei’s face looked a little better, and she glanced at Futian, disdainfully said: “Do you have any bad ideas?”

“Don’t blame me for not warning you, you have tossed a few times. In the end, we were all embarrassed.” Fu Mei said dissatisfied.

Futian snorted coldly: “Don’t worry, why would I let Han Sanqian live so well?”

finished. Futian smiled, stood up, and patted Fumei on the shoulder: “I know you are not so happy in your heart. Han Sanqian wants to take the first advantage of this battle? Then we have to ask whether we agree or not.”

Fumei listened At this point, she was obviously moved, because what Futian said was her core idea: to prevent Han Sanqian from showing up.

“Wait, you’ll know at night.” Futian smiled coldly.

On the other side, Han Sanqian, after leaving the battlefield. He hurried back to the void without stopping. Although there is a high probability that Su Yingxia’s mother and son are fine, otherwise Qin Shuang would have come to report, but as a husband and father, Han Sanqian still eagerly wants to know if Su Yingxia and Nian’er are injured and if they are frightened.

All the way back to the Void Sect Master Hall servants. Seeing that Su Yingxia and Nian’er were safe, Han Sanqian couldn’t help but let out a sigh, took a few steps, and hugged the two in his arms.

The three of them embraced each other, although they were speechless, they felt each other.

After a long time, the three of them released, and Han Sanqian glanced at everyone present, but Qin Shuang was the only one in sight, and his brows were slightly frowned: “Are you all okay?”

Everyone nodded, but their faces were full of sadness. , Han Sanqian suddenly felt cold.

Just before the war. There was a huge explosion on the road, and Han Sanqian was not sure what exactly happened.

“Sister Qin Shuang…” Han Sanqian did not ask.

“Senior Sister Qin Shuang is fine, but the ginseng baby… is gone.” Fuli looked at Han Sanqian hard and told the truth.

Han Sanqian’s eyes were shocked, and his heart sank.

“Qin Shuang is in the backyard, go and have a look.” Ming Yu said softly.

Han Sanqian nodded and rushed to the backyard.

Somewhere on the stone table in the backyard, Qin Shuang was sitting there, holding the seed in his hand, and his whole person was extremely sad.

Even if Han Sanqian arrived in front of her, she didn’t even know that Han Sanqian had arrived.

Looking at the seeds in Qin Shuang’s hands, Han Sanqianyi felt heavy for a while.

In my mind, I recalled the various pasts with the ginseng baby, playing and arguing, and talking back to each other. It was sadness from the heart, tears in his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Han Sanqian murmured what he wanted to say most.

Although, it is already a bit late.

“Sanqian. Are you back?” Hearing Han Sanqian’s words, Qin Shuang slowly raised his head in sadness, and then held up the seed in his hand: “I’m sorry. I didn’t protect it, it… it became one. A seed.”

After speaking, Qin Shuang couldn’t help but threw himself into Han Sanqian’s arms and cried bitterly.

Han Sanqian sighed helplessly, and could only hang his hands in the air.

“Three thousand, the ginseng baby has only become a seed, so as long as we bury it in the soil and take good care of it, it will definitely bloom and bear fruit. Then a new ginseng baby will grow, don’t you think?” Qin Shuang cried Tired, then raised his head. Looking at Han Sanqian, he was aggrieved.

Han Sanqian didn’t know how to answer, he didn’t know whether this would bring the ginseng baby back to life or not, but seeing Qin Shuang’s sadness, he could only nod his head: “Maybe, that kid is not that easy to die.”

Nodding, Qin Shuang let go of Han Sanqian. Holding the ginseng baby stood up, trying to find a good soil around.

Han Sanqian sighed helplessly, and walked over a few steps. He grabbed Qin Shuang: “Senior Sister, go back.”

“You leave me alone .” Freed from Han Sanqian’s hand, Qin Shuang continued to bend over, looking for the best soil.

Nodding, Han Sanqian turned and left and returned to the hall.

“Qiu Shui. Poetry, Xing Yao.”


“The three of you will accompany Senior Sister Qin Shuang, what she wants to do. Just let her.” Han Sanqian frowned sadly.

The three women nodded and retreated to the apse.

“Actually, I blamed me this time. If I hadn’t had to go with you, I might not be in danger, and the ginseng baby would not have to sacrifice.” Su Yingxia looked at Han Sanqian at this time, very self-blaming.

“Welcoming Xia, it’s none of your business, and the ginseng baby is just venting for Qin Shuang, so even if you don’t go, the ginseng baby will see Ye Gucheng injure Qin Shuang, the ending will be the same.” Mingyu comforted.

“What the hell is going on?” Han Sanqian asked.

Fuli sighed and told Han Sanqian the whole story.

After Han Sanqian listened. Teeth clenched, this damn Ye Gucheng.

Do not avenge this revenge, swear not to be human!

Just then. Suddenly a disciple hurriedly begged to see outside the hall, and after Han Sanqian nodded in agreement, the disciple walked in.

“Seniors. It’s getting late. Elder Sanyong sent me to urge you to prepare to attend the dinner.”

“Dinner?” Fuli and the others naturally didn’t understand. After hearing the news, they all couldn’t help being surprised.

Han Sanqian let out a sigh: “It’s all coalition forces and they attacked together. It’s normal for people to celebrate their feast. Call Qin Shuang and the others, and let’s go.” After Han Sanqian finished speaking, he picked up Su Yingxia and picked up Nian’er. Walked out.

Chapter 2161

When Han Sanqian and his party came to Tianhu City, the city inside the high wall was already full of lights and colorful lights, it was so lively.

On the street from the moment of entering the city, there are all kinds of large mahogany tables used to entertain the people of the city, almost filling the entire street. On the way. Han Sanqian saw Zhang Gongzi and a group of Mysterious People League disciples who later joined.

They also cheered when they saw Han Sanqian.

Since the last time the inn Han Sanqian suddenly disappeared, they have been waiting in the city without daring to act rashly. They really couldn’t participate in the battle. After all, no one wanted to do this kind of work that would not be recognized by the Fuye family.

But the long-lost wait is always worthwhile. Today there is a gossip that the mysterious man is Han Sanqian. And this battle also depends on Han Sanqian’s subtle layout.

Although Sanyong and others arrived first, they had been waiting for Han Sanqian at the outer street. After all, anyone in the Void Sect knew that Han Sanqian was their backbone.

At the gate of the Ye family in the distance, Futian personally took a few senior executives to wait at the gate. They knew the news that Sanyong and others had entered the city long ago, but Han Sanqian and the new head Qin Shuang had not arrived. I didn’t think too much about it.

After all, Futian knows whether Han Sanqian has any credit or not. It’s normal to wait for him, and Qin Shuang is the new head, so it’s better to wait for her.

After a while, Futian saw from a distance that Han Sanqian and others came over.

“Master Sanyong, admire your name for a long time.”

Above the gate, Futian smiled and immediately led the people to greet him enthusiastically.

“Fu Patriarch, long up for a long time.” Sanyong smiled gently.

“You have worked so hard in this battle, and I also represent the Fuye family. I am grateful. This time, our two families will unite and defeat the Yaoshen Pavilion. It must be a good story.” Futian smiled.

“Hehe, Wuwuzong is also grateful to the two families.”

“By the way, this is the legendary new head Miss Qin Shuang, right?” Futian smiled enthusiastically at this time.

Qin Shuang is so beautiful that he is beautiful, but his eyes are slightly swollen and lacking in spirit, and he is holding a pot of mud in his hands. Even if Futian brought the topic to her, she didn’t even glance at it.

“Exactly, yes, let me introduce it again. This is Han…” Sanyong also noticed that something was wrong, and this Futian welcomed himself as soon as he came up, and then Qin Shuang and apparently Han San. Qian Ge ignored it.

This was a terrible behavior for Mitsunaga. This is simply irrelevant.

“Hey, this one doesn’t need Elder Sanyong to make more introductions, right. Han Sanqian?” Futian finished speaking, glared at Han Sanqian, and emphasized his tone in front of Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian smiled helplessly. Although I know that Futian must have a flower trick, I really don’t know what this guy wants to do at the moment.

Seeing Han Sanqian nodded, Sanyong couldn’t say anything.

Futian smiled triumphantly, and led the people to the Ye Family Mansion.

In the inner courtyard, a group of senior executives from the support family and the Ye family were sitting there, chatting and laughing one by one. It was full of excitement, and for them, Yaoshen Pavilion was a big defeat. It’s a happy event.

“Master Sanyong, head of Qin Shuang, these are the souls of my Fu Ye coalition army. There are brave generals and far-sighted advisers. They all made great contributions to this battle.” Futian Happy introduction.

Everyone quickly got up one by one. Smiling and saluting one after another. In fact, the Ye family didn’t know much about Han Sanqian’s appearance, but many Fu family members were surprised.

For them after all. Although many people didn’t know that the mysterious man was Han Sanqian, they were very surprised that Han Sanqian “resurrected from the dead”.

Futian was cold-eyed, and his family suddenly asked 10,000 in shock, and suddenly closed their mouths.

“Come on, elders, Qin Shuang’s head. Please come inside.” Futian smiled softly and made a gesture of request.

Obviously, the white god jade table in the innermost hall. Is the real theme.

However, just after two steps, Han Sanqian and Su Yingxia were stopped.

“People and dogs who are not important for this battle are not allowed to enter.” The guard next to Han Sanqian said unceremoniously to the family of three.

Upon hearing this, Sanyong felt wrong and hurriedly lost his color: “Three thousand is…”

“Hey, Master Sanyong, this battle is between my allied forces and your disciple of the Nothingness Sect and thousands of strange beasts. After the teamwork is completed, the three thousand are just people from a small alliance in our coalition. According to the rules, they can only sit in the outer hall.” San Yong said with a smile at this time.

He naturally didn’t know what happened to Wuwuzong, after all, at that time. They were still blocked by Yaoshen Pavilion, and Sky Blue’s Fujia didn’t even know where it was.

and so. He doesn’t know the truth, and he doesn’t want to know any truth. He just wants others to know the truth in his mouth.

These words are very loud. It also allows everyone present to hear clearly.

Han Sanqian smiled dumbly. He thought, he roughly guessed what Futian was going to do. It’s just that this guy is by no means that simple. He wants to see what happens next in Futian’s play!

Chapter 2162

There is nothing wrong with Han Sanqian, but Master Sanyong is anxious. This matter was directed by Han Sanqian from the beginning to the end, and Fuye United Army and Wuwuzong are here. It’s just a delay in some aspects, it’s nothing they have done together.

“Patriarch Fu, you are wrong…”

“Master Sanyong, I know. I know that you please inside, please inside. Below, there are still important things to discuss with you, this may be related to our part. Region, the plan for the next ten years or even a hundred years.” Futian interrupted, enthusiastically inviting Master Sanyong to go inside.

Master Sanyong glanced at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang lowered his head and said nothing, always caring and sadly looking at the potting soil in his hands, as if he didn’t even hear what they were talking about.

Sanyong quickly set his sights on Han Sanqian. He couldn’t do these things.

Fu Mang and others gritted their teeth, angrily. The whole person was about to rush up to beat the sky in anger.

Obviously, it was Han Sanqian who was fighting for his life on the battlefield, and it was also Han Sanqian who sacrificed the most. But in Futian’s mouth, it was worthless. Such a shameless and shameless person is really a wonderful thing in the world.

It’s just that Han Sanqian has always been in the forefront, with obvious intentions. Don’t let them act rashly. Therefore, although the Fumang people were annoyed, they did not dare to defy Han Sanqian’s order.

Han Sanqian smiled softly, pulled Su Yingxia and walked back: “It’s just a meal, you can eat anywhere.” As

soon as the words fell, the three of Han Sanqian’s family randomly found a table with fewer people, and helped Mang and others can only follow them.

Sanyong and several elders of the Void Sect immediately wanted to keep up, but they were caught by Futian. Futian smiled slightly and gave a look. The guard who had just stopped Han Sanqian walked to Han Sanqian and so on. In front of people.

“This gentleman, the inner hall is also a senior executive of the Fuye family. You can’t sit here.”

Upon hearing this, Fumang suddenly slapped his palm on the table:” Fuck, you guys are enough. “

Fu Mang’s angry beat, the movement was not small, attracting the attention of many other table guests. Some of them helped their families and stood up even more directly and unceremoniously.

The whole joyful scene suddenly felt a bit of tension.

At this moment, Han Sanqian waved his hand, smiled lightly, and asked, “Where shall we sit?”

“Sanqian, why bother to them, fuck, these bitches are so shameless, this rice? , You don’t need to eat.” Even though Han Sanqian had said something, Fu Mang was still at odds.

“That’s right, it’s as if they are the main force. They really have to be so capable so that they won’t be trapped in front by a frontline force.” Fu Li also sarcastically said.

“Hey, why don’t you have a free meal?” Han Sanqian smiled softly to the people in Fu Mang, and continued to ask: “Brother, you haven’t answered me yet.” The

guard snorted coldly: “According to the rules, You can only sit outside the house, but you can choose the location outside the house.”

“Yes!” Han Sanqianyi smiled. He stood up and pulled Su Yingxia and walked out.

Before leaving, Han Sanqian glanced at Sanyong and smiled at him to show that it was all right. It’s Fu Mang and others. After an annoyed look at Futian, angrily followed Han Sanqian and walked out.

“Guests, it doesn’t matter, it’s just that the little people haven’t found the right place for a while.” Futian smiled softly.

His series of operations. Obviously, it was deliberately trying to conceal Han Sanqian’s achievements in this battle. After all, from the perspective of Futian and Fumei, how could they be willing to let Han Sanqian show the limelight?

However, this is all on the surface, covering everyone’s mouth and concealing the truth, but in fact, to complete this step, it is the Elder Sanyong and others around him.

After listening to Futian’s words, the Fu Ye family sat down one by one, and the Fu family who knew Han Sanqian let out a sigh of relief. Many of them did not participate in this battle, and they did not know the truth. Only know that it is Han Sanqian. So, what was curious was how he came alive, but Futian wouldn’t let them ask more. Now Futian deliberately belittles Han Sanqian. Let them at least have comfort in their hearts.

No matter how he died and was resurrected, it was still rubbish anyway, that would meet the minimum standards in the minds of the family.

“Master Sanyong, please.” Futian glanced at Fumei proudly, and said respectfully to Sanyong and others.

Fu Mei smiled suddenly, and Futian’s move made her very satisfied.

Sanyong sighed and shook his head. Can only follow Futian into the inner hall.

After a few people sat down, Futian called several senior executives from the Fuye family to come and sit with them. They were all the kind of people who looked like dragons and tigers at first glance, and their intention was obviously to show that they were strong and strong.

After Sanyong sat down with Qin Shuang and the three elders. Quite embarrassing, I don’t know what to say for a while.

“Come on, Master Sanyong, on behalf of the Fuye

family , I would like to offer you a glass.” Futian and Ye Shi are equally seated around Sanyong’s gang. Futian is very enthusiastic, but Ye Shijun, who sits by the side, has a light eye after sitting down. Staying on Qin Shuang’s body all the time. He was astounded by her beauty. He grew up so big that he, as the Lord of the City Lord, had seen many beautiful women, but Qin Shuang was a top-notch beauty who had no dead ends at three hundred and sixty degrees. He really hadn’t seen it.

Not only him, but also the young executives of the Fu Ye family nearby, deliberately or unintentionally turned to Qin Shuang.

Although Qin Shuang had been staring closely at the potting soil in his hands from beginning to end, he hadn’t even glanced at them at all.

Master Sanyong and several elders raised their wine glasses and drank it awkwardly, which was considered to have responded to Futian’s request.

“Actually, now that our two have joined forces in the Great Po Medicine Pavilion, the area around this area is obviously in the world of peace. However, you know, Elder Sanyong, the old roads of our Tianhu City and Skylan City are extremely difficult to communicate with. If you pass, you can save five to ten times the time. “Futian put down the wine glass, not nonsense, and straight to the point.

Sanyong nodded.

Futian smiled: “We work together, and you have also seen that Yaoshen Pavilion is not our opponent, and if the two cities of Tianhu and Tianlan are connected, we will be able to fight all battles in the future. In view of our cooperation this time. Happy, I know that people don’t talk secretly.”

“Can the Void Sect join our Fuye Family and conspire together to become the overlord of this side?”

“Or. The Void Sect and my Fuye Family form life and death. Alliance, from now on, we will live and die the same, coexisting in the same line. What do you think?” Futian asked directly and continuously in one breath.

Hearing this, Sanyong and the elders looked shocked, but Futian, Fumei and others had a confident sneer on their faces.

Is this openly pulling yourself into the group? ! Seeing that they are confident, have they forgotten a very important thing? Han Sanqian is the master of the Nothingness Sect.

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