His True Colors Novel Chapter 2147 – 2150

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Chapter 2147

The team was full of laughter and laughter along the way.

“By the way, lord, you played this trick of virtual reality and reality is simply wonderful, Ye Gucheng was so dizzy by your mind? You said to beat them for a while, but we didn’t go at all, and then you said to beat them again. , But flicked another shot. When they relaxed their vigilance, they suddenly attacked again. It is estimated that Ye Gucheng’s mind is buzzing now.” Shi Yu said with a smile.

During the whole process, even they were kept in the dark, and they had no idea what happened. Only know the final result, one is that the elite troops ambushing Fujia were raided, and the other is that the Yaoshen Pavilion troops at the foot of the mountain were also raided.

Qiu Shui covered his mouth and smiled: “They don’t know which is true and which is false.”

George Han smiled lightly. Sometimes there is an undercover, which is indeed equivalent to having a pair of eyes, which can insight into the enemy’s movements in time, but once The information seen by these eyes is not clear enough, and even the result of being deceived by the eyes is also extremely tragic.

George Han knew that there were traitors, so he deliberately kept confusing his eyes, letting Ye Gucheng see the clouds and mists, and couldn’t tell the truth from the false. It’s like a human being, the subconscious mind may know that this is wrong, but because the eyes see it is true, the subconscious mind will think it is true.

Ye Gucheng would be very cautious after taking the countermeasures. He wouldn’t even believe the information from the undercover agent. After all, he would gain a bit of wisdom.

George Han also took advantage of this, and the second time news came out that he was going to attack him.

From a certain point of view, he was more inclined to disbelieve, but George Han knew that Ye Gucheng had let the elite troops that blocked the home reinforcements be destroyed, and Wang Wanzhi would definitely scold him and let him reinforce the defense at the foot of the mountain.

Therefore, even if he does not believe that he can fight, he will still be patient. If you really fight, George Han can’t actually take advantage of it.

What George Han has to do is consume it.

It was consumed until Ye Gucheng’s patience was completely dissipated.

“So you let the disciples of Wu Wuzong gather for so long, and suddenly went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables and herbs in the middle of the night, just to completely dispel Ye Gucheng’s doubts?” Fu Li smiled.

“That’s right, but I really need herbs, and I can’t find anyone to help.” George Han said.

As soon as these words came out, the group of people were stunned, and they could understand Fuli’s explanation, but George Han really needed so many vegetables and herbs, which made them really unclear.

Amelia Su smiled helplessly. Others didn’t know what these things were for, but she knew best.

Those were all the materials used by George Han to heal the strange beasts in the Eight Desolation Book of Heaven in case the contract was cancelled. As for the higher-level materials, George Han flew around this night for this.

His main purpose is a few auction houses nearby, because he is the senior VIP of the auction house, so he could pre-purchase some good things in advance. The second purpose is Xianling Island.

In that corpse valley on Xianling Island, George Han had planted a lot of good things before, and went back to harvest them one by one.

Then use these things to refine a kind of pill that is specially used to heal wounds and protect the shape of the gods in accordance with the method recorded in the ancient book of Xianlingdao in the Eight Desolation Book.

And he was flying around, in fact busy with his own business, but he turned a bunch of people in Yaoshen Pavilion into a daze, and was even misjudged that he was deliberately harassing him.

Although, this was expected by George Han.

Taking advantage of the time difference of the Eight Desolation Book of Heaven, George Han refined a lot of pills. In order to deal with the fact that the Medicine God Pavilion will tear up the contract at that time, causing the massive death of the strange beasts that signed the contract.

Although George Han used the time of the Eight Desolation Book of Heaven to create a lot of elixirs, it was only a drop in the bucket compared to the huge number of contract beasts.

But at least George Han found a way out, which was a good start.

More importantly, George Han used the time to do his own affairs and achieved his goals, making the whole Yaoshen Pavilion confounded.

After that, George Han quietly touched down the mountain when dawn broke.

The reason why dawn is about to break at this time is because three to five in the morning is actually the most sleepy day for people, and the people in the Medicine God Pavilion also stayed all night, and their mental state has long been poor. At this time, the raid was Is the best moment.

And there is another reason why the raid can be so successful, that is, the Bahuang Tianshu, George Han can approach the enemy quietly, and then suddenly release the strange beasts in the Bahuang Tianshu, the enemy can’t reflect it at all.

“However, George Han, are you really sure that we are okay if we take the big road? You didn’t let Ye Gucheng do everything possible to deceive Wang to set up an ambush on the small road, do you really believe him?” Amelia Su asked strangely.

George Han smiled dumbly: “Is someone like Ye Gucheng worthy of my trust?”

Monk Amelia Su was puzzled. Since he couldn’t believe it, why did he go over the road? Once Ye Gucheng betrayed them, this would be a self-inflicted trap.

So, what is George Han playing?

A group of people looked at each other, but looking at George Hancheng’s chest, it seemed that it was really the case?

“Do you want to know why?” George Han smiled.

Chapter 2148

“A person like Ye Gucheng takes fame, wealth and status more than anything else, and finally hugs Wang Yanzhi’s thighs. How can he give up on it willingly? Without Wang Yanzhi, can he find a better next home? The top of the Blue Mountain and the Immortal Sea are both old-fashioned families. Where can he stand. Therefore, he has no choice.” George Han said softly while riding on Tianlu Pixiu.

“So, he will definitely betray me. After all, for him, my threat is not the present after all, but the future, even the very distant future.” George Han smiled slightly.

“Since the leader knows that he will betray you, why do you still do this? It’s better to kill him, at least eliminate the troubles.” The poetry said.

“Yes, it doesn’t make any sense to let him go back.” Qiu Shui also said strangely.

Basically, everyone has the same mind. Doesn’t this mean doing some useless work? !

“My previous two strategies were successful, what will happen to Wang Suzhi and others?” George Han smiled and said to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su was taken aback, and said: “That will definitely be more careful and plan carefully.”

George Han nodded: “So, they will definitely doubt whether Ye Gucheng’s betrayal is true or not. I deliberately didn’t hurt anyone around Ye Gucheng. People, just hurt Ye Gucheng, just to make them feel that there is a flaw in it. It looks more like a bitter trick played by Ye Gucheng and me. What would they think about Ye Gucheng’s second consecutive win today?”

George Han said, Qin Shuang frowned suddenly: “Do you think they think Ye Gucheng is very likely to be with you? And this can explain why you didn’t hurt other people.”

George Han smiled. I laughed, that’s exactly what I meant.

“Ha, in the end, they are finally smart once, but they have to be smart instead of being smart.” Fuli laughed softly.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, Linlong hovered down, and Bai Xiaosheng drove it to George Han.

“Is everything normal over there?” George Han said.

Jianghu Baixiaosheng nodded: “All proceed according to your instructions.”

“Okay, do things as planned.” George Han smiled, waved his big hand, and the team speed quietly increased, all the way towards the base camp of the Medicine God Pavilion. .

Somewhere on the mountain, Lu Ruoxin smiled slightly, her slender legs curled up slightly, and said, “It seems that this good show is about to reach the climax.”

“George Han is so cheap, so he used some despicable means. “When I saw Ye Gucheng’s miserable situation last night, Chi Meng couldn’t help but remember how he was fooled by George Han. Thinking of this, Chi Meng was so angry that he couldn’t help but said, “There is a kind of anger. Real swords and guns

hurt , such a man.” As soon as the voice fell, Chi Meng suddenly felt a pain in his face. Lu Ruoxin did not move, but Chi Meng’s left cheek turned red with his palm.

“Rawful woman.” Lu Ruoxin sipped coldly: “Go to the army to conquer, and then to confess, and then to confess. You don’t even understand such a simple truth, and you dare to speak out here. A good strategy will be in your mouth. Become despicable? The so-called pawn is not tired of deceit, you can use the simplest method on the field to defeat the opponent without moving one pawn. This is your brain, do you have it?”

Chi Meng gritted his posterior molars, his eyes filled Not convinced, for her, these strategies and talents are only used by the incompetent.

“Miss, the strength of the world is respected by all directions, so it’s nothing to rely on little cleverness.” Chi Meng breathed a sigh of relief, still unable to calm the anger in his heart.

Lu if the core gently disdain smile: “House of God small smart drugs are completely avoided from the outset, have obvious advantages, but the situation now it turns sharply, even as double-teamed and encircled both sides, it is called cleverness???”

Then, Lu Ruoxin’s face suddenly became cold, and he shouted: “If it is, then a hundred Chi Meng is not enough for your cleverness.”

Chi Meng hurriedly lowered his head, even though he was unwilling to do so, he didn’t dare to repeat it.

Lu Ruoxin smiled slightly, and there was a slight excitement flashing in his eyes: “Forget it, for the sake of George Han that makes this young lady so happy, this young lady does not have the same knowledge as you today, come here.”

” Yes ! “

Give Chi Meng a seat!”

Hearing this, Chi Meng knelt down in a panic. When could Lu Ruoxin have such kindness, if he sits down, he might be a catastrophe: “The servant dare not!”

Lu Ruoxin said neither. Angrily, she looked at George Han in the distant mountains with a smile, and said with a smile: “Take a good look, how does the man this lady likes use the cleverness in your mouth to ruin and ruin.” The

voice fell, the scene was on the scene. !

When the Xiaolu Xuwuzong disciple walked less than one mile away from the intersection, at this time Fu Mang suddenly raised his hand, the tens of thousands of people stopped, and all the beasts stopped.

In the direction of Dalu, George Han and others quickened their pace.

A few minutes later, George Han suddenly sounded a drum, and Fu Mang waved his hand. Everyone instantly hid under the grass on the path, and the cat walked slowly! !


Outside the main tent, Wang Wanzhi led the people out to supervise the battle personally. Seeing the spies moving forward, Wang Wanzhi stood up immediately.

“Report to the Lord, the direction of the road really made some noise, but the subordinates have been surveying in the air and found that although the noise on the road is great, there are only dozens of people in the number.” The spy hurriedly replied.

“What about the small road?” Wang Slowly said with an eyebrow.

“Although the road is peaceful, there are too many weeds on the road, and no people can be seen. However, the sky is dusty and there is obviously a large force passing by.”

Hearing the spy’s answer, Wang Suozhi immediately stared in anger. , Gnashing teeth.

“Lord, facts are better than eloquence. Fortunately, the lord is wise. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.” The leader of Chen Da said with a smile at this moment.

“Now that the number of roads is clear, it is obvious that the main road is just a bluff, and the small road is where the heavy army is. Although I have always believed that Ye Gucheng dare not betray your lord, sometimes facts are better than eloquence.” The old book ignited. Adding oil said.

Wang Wanzhi gritted his teeth and yelled angrily: “He Ye Gucheng dares to betray me, so I want him to die.”

“Master, it’s a small matter to clean him up. Right now, George Han has a big attack. Since Xiaolu has discovered that there is Let’s hurry up and set up an ambush for a large number of enemy troops.” Chen Da commanded said.

“Yes, Lord, the path is small, but if we use weeds as a cover to set up ambushes on both sides and extend the route, we can also eat their army.” Some executives also agreed at this time.

“Aren’t they crowded? Then we will put up a giant python and wait for them to enter their mouths and eat as much as they want.” Another executive also exclaimed excitedly.

Wang Slowly thought for a moment, and nodded heavily: “Chen Rongsheng, what are you still doing? Don’t you hurry up to arrange? By the way, stretch the front and tell your people, don’t rush to take action, put them all in. , Then close the door and hit the dog.”

“Yes!” The leader of Chen responded excitedly and hurriedly hurried towards the path.

At this time, when a huge drum sounded on the road, George Han came flying into the sky while riding a brave!

Chapter 2149

Almost at the same time, the grass was swaying on the side of the path, and it seemed that countless figures were skipping below, which made the leader Chen Datong and others ambush on the path itchy.

“Brother Ye Gucheng, thank you.”

Tianlu Pixiu directly skipped Ye Gucheng’s station, and George Han carried the Pangu axe and rushed over, not forgetting to thank Ye Gucheng when he came to the end.

Ye Gucheng was also completely stunned, because from a certain angle, the final result was actually what George Han asked Ye Gucheng to do.

It’s a blunder, it’s right!

Therefore, George Han’s gratitude is not without reason.

Ye Gucheng was stunned for more than three seconds, and then he was sweating profusely. Saying these words in Wang Shuzhi’s base camp is not the same as leaving himself dead without a place to bury him?

Can’t manage that much, Ye Gucheng hurriedly led people to chase after him.

At this time, George Han has fallen in the center of the base camp. Tianlu and Pixiu are shining with golden light, and the Pangu axe on his back is dazzling. The aura of the superior spread to the audience, depressed to rush up to surround his disciples one by one and retreat.

Seeing George Han coming, Wang Su was stunned and turned dismissively with a smile: “I’m quite courageous. I dared to break into my base camp single-handedly. George Han, George Han, should I praise you for being brave? Are you still laughing at you as an idiot?”

George Han smiled slightly: “It’s up to you, but it’s best to praise you, because I’m afraid you won’t be able to laugh.”

“Damn? Are you threatening Lao Tzu or teasing Lao Tzu? Laugh!” Wang Yanzhi was angry and funny: “With your George Han single-handedly entering my base camp? I can’t laugh anymore?”

“Of course it’s not just me.” George Han smiled.

“Those who want to rely on you?”

“Yes!” George Han is noncommittal, after all, this is also a fact.

Hearing this answer, Wang Suozhi smiled suddenly: “Then I’m afraid you can’t laugh.” As

soon as Wang Suozhi’s words fell, the people around him suddenly laughed. In their eyes, a serpentine ambush has been set up on the path. As long as George Han’s men and horses come over, it will be a turtle in the urn.

How come George Han laughed at that time!

George Han smiled, looked at Wang Shuzhi, and said, “It seems that you are indeed old and a little confused. The two armies are facing each other, so you don’t pay attention to details, do you know? This will kill you. It’s like a The big tree, if there is a borer in the middle, it will still be used as a beam, and one day it will not be able to bear it and crash down.”

Wang Shuzhi’s face became cold, and George Han’s smile insisted. The heart of the smile was a little guilty: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Every time I attack, it is the momentum of thunder, fast as lightning. Do you want to know the reason?” George Han smiled evilly, with a trace in his eyes fling in teeth.

Wang Changzhi was disdainful, but before opening his mouth, he suddenly realized that George Han didn’t know what he was doing. Immediately afterwards, countless lights and shadows flew out of his sleeve.

When this group of people returned to their senses, a thousand beasts suddenly stood up on the originally empty field, suddenly roaring to the sky, and shaking everywhere! !

The disciples of Yaoshen Pavilion were frightened by this sudden large group of strange beasts, and the thunderous roar of the beast even prevented the Buddha from breaking their heart membranes, making their hearts extremely cool.

“You think!!” George Han grinned grinningly: “What is a surprise attack?”


“Roar!” The

beasts roared, spread their wings and bury their legs, their bloody mouths widened, and they went to the medicine god cruelly. Ge Dajun rushed.

For a while, the disciples in the entire Yaoshen Pavilion base camp didn’t respond in time, and those who were killed lost their helmets and abandoned their armor.

Wang Shuzhi’s eyes were stunned, and the whole person was completely stunned. And Ye Gucheng, who rushed all the way from the rear to try to support, couldn’t help but stop at this time.

Looking at the large number of strange beasts that appeared suddenly, Ye Gucheng’s shocked eyes were wide.

Such a scene, isn’t it exactly the scene of one’s own frontline troops at dawn? ! Seeing this, the shadow in his heart couldn’t help but cast over again.

Even now, he suddenly understood why George Han attacked so quickly. It turns out that these beasts can be summoned suddenly!

With the support of several executives, Wang Shuzhi backed all the way, and Wang Shuzhi also suddenly reflected at this time: “Don’t panic, don’t panic,

hold on to me, hold on to me!” As he said, he One side directly slapped a giant cow rushing towards them.

“Let Chen Da commander come to support immediately, and let Xian Lingtai also come to support. At the same time, the order goes on and everyone tears up the contract. I want George Han’s strange beasts to die!” Wang Su was furious. Shouted.

“Yes!” Several senior executives took orders and hurriedly withdrew.

But not long after several executives took their orders to withdraw, suddenly, behind Wang Shuzhi, there was a sudden explosion, and the front line troops guarded by the spiritual master was also shouting and killing at this time.

At almost the same time, on the trail in the distance, suddenly the pennant was raised, roaring everywhere!

“Report, the frontline

troops, the Fuye coalition forces suddenly attacked my frontline troops!” “Report, the leader of Chen Da on the small road just wanted to withdraw troops, but suddenly encountered a joint attack by the Wuwuzong and the Fujia troops, and couldn’t get out of it for a while!”

Several spies His face was pale, he ran all the way, kneeling on the ground and hurriedly reported.


Hearing the news, Wang Suozhi looked at George Han, and immediately spouted a mouthful of old blood!

Chapter 2150

The two lines are entangled, which means that you are isolated and helpless with your current self?

“Why? He vomited blood? Didn’t you just smile very happily?” George Han laughed coldly.

Together, why doesn’t George Han understand this truth? When the soldiers came in two main attacks today, George Han had already asked Qin Shuang to let his family give the news to Futian from the Fuye coalition outside.

The drum sound on George Han Dalu might be just a bluff in the eyes of Yaoshen Pavilion, but it was actually a signal for George Han to launch a general attack!

“George Han, you are so deceiving! I’m going to kill you!” Wang Slowly gritted his teeth, shaking his body and shouting violently.

How could Wang Shuzhi be reconciled in the great situation, being reversed by George Han?

The more unwilling he was, the greater the anger towards George Han, until the whole person was trembling with anger.

“A good hand of cards is sloppy? Return to the Medicine God Pavilion? One of the three true god families? I yuck!” George Han smiled disdainfully, not talking nonsense, holding the Pangu axe in his back, Tian Lu Pixiu roared fiercely, and charged straight. Wang Changzhi.

Wang sipped slowly and directly greeted him.

Dozens of executives looked at each other and were preparing to support.

At this time, he heard a roar again, and Da Tian Lu Pixiu suddenly killed the battlefield!

“Fuck, what can I do?” Ye Gucheng was stunned, and he didn’t help or didn’t help.

Help, if George Han wins, then he really has no place to bury him. But if you don’t help, what will Wang Yanzhi do in the future if he has three long and two shortcomings?

While hesitating, Wu Yan glanced subconsciously. I don’t know when, Amelia Su and others who appeared with George Han and others disappeared.

He looked at him for a long time, but he didn’t notice anything. When he turned his head depressed, suddenly, he heard a very small sound coming from a distance behind him.

After George Han left, Amelia Su and others hid in some weeds nearby. It was difficult for Ye Gucheng and others to find out. However, Xing Yao did not leave because of squatting for too long at this time. Carefully twisted his foot, which caused a faint cry of pain.

Ye Gucheng exchanged their eyes, and in the next second, Ye Gucheng led the group of people and immediately rushed over. Qin Shuang and others knew that they had been exposed, and they panicked Amelia Su and fled behind.

Ye Gucheng and others hurriedly pursued them. Suddenly, a circle of water appeared volleyed, and then, a blue and white figure quickly shuttled through the circle of water, and several of the disciples who rushed in the front were immediately hit by the water waves. Meter.

Immediately afterwards, Mingyu stood calmly.

Ye Gucheng’s face looked terrifying, and George Han couldn’t provoke him. If he went to help Wang Yuzhi and was caught by George Han, it would be a violent beating. But his help is to help Wang ease, and Amelia Su is naturally the best choice now, so it is bound to win!

“Give it to me!” With a

big wave, Wu Yan and others immediately besieged Mingyu. Although Hai Nui is powerful, but the fourth elder of the Void Sect and many disciples, Ming Yu is obviously not going to lose any trouble, but it is only a moment that he is directly surrounded and unable to get out.

Ye Gucheng smiled coldly, and rushed towards Amelia Su with the remaining disciples.


Four dragons roared in Qi Tian, ”‹”‹and four dragons suddenly attacked.

Ye Gucheng was extremely annoyed. Amelia Su looked like there was no one, but in fact every step he took was a pit. With a big wave, he sent many disciples to fight, and at the same time he rushed towards Amelia Su.

“Don’t even you two stinky girls want to stop me, right?” Seeing Qiu Shui and poetry in front of Amelia Su, Ye Gucheng was a little annoyed.

And beside Amelia Su, Fuli and Qin Shuang stood!

Ye Gucheng was speechless: “Come together.”

“Xing Yao, take Amelia Su and Nian’er to go first.” Qin Shuang gave a cold voice, leading Fu Li, Qiu Shui, and Shi Yu directly to Ye Gucheng with a sword. .

The three daughters confronted the disciples, and Qin Shuang confronted Ye Gucheng.

It was only when the two played against each other that Qin Shuang quickly fell into the lower class. After all, Ye Gucheng was nothing in front of George Han, but he was also a master of the younger generation against other people in Bafang World.

Although Fuli helped Qin Shuang in the middle, with the ability of Fuli, the effect was very powerful.

At this moment, the silver light flashed, and Linlong landed directly.

Seeing that Amelia Su and Han Nian were about to go up to Linlong, Ye Gucheng gritted his teeth and hit Qin Shuang directly with a palm, and then flew directly towards Linlong.

Seeing that it was too late, Ye Gucheng understood that it was obviously difficult to catch Amelia Su alive and threaten George Han, but if Amelia Su was killed, it could also deter George Han and prove his innocence in Wang Shuzhi.

Thinking of this, he suddenly took a palm in his hand and patted Amelia Su’s back directly.

“Madam, be careful!” Xing Yao shouted and pushed Amelia Su onto Linlong, using her body to help Amelia Su resist Ye Gucheng’s palm.


Xing Yao was full of blood, spraying Amelia Su all over her body, simply, Linlong had flown, Amelia Su mother and son were out of danger, but Xing Yao slowly fell to the ground on the ground.

Ye Gucheng’s face became cold, and he was about to chase him. At this time, a figure suddenly stood in front of Ye Gucheng.

“Hurt my wife, do you want to leave as soon as possible?” came a cold drink.

Ye Gucheng subconsciously looked around, glanced back and forth, but saw nothing. When he lowered his head, he couldn’t help but chuckle suddenly.

A small ginseng baby who lacked an arm stood in front of him, his face full of murderous aura.

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