His True Colors Novel Chapter 2127 – 2130

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Chapter 2127

“Now, I finally understand why Qin Shuang is so affectionate for George Han. George Han is worthy of being a man in public or private. But I waited, but I was fooled by lard. He was blinded by prejudice, and he didn’t know the good people. On the contrary, he blamed all the mistakes on his head.” Sanyong sighed deeply, regretful.

The second elder also lowered his head: “If I were him, I am afraid I would want to kill all of us to vent our hatred. Why do we still take the risk to save us today?! Three thousand is really a chivalrous righteousness. Think about us as elders, ashamed. ,

I am ashamed.” “Such a loyal and filial disciple, who possesses unique skills, is ruined in my hands. When this matter is over, I shall retire from office. What face do we have as elders and heads?” Also shook his head uncomfortably.

After speaking, the four elders glanced at each other and turned to Amelia Su: “Three thousand is not here,

Amelia Su, you are his wife, just say it for us, sorry.” After speaking, the four of them kneeled halfway and deep. Bow his head deeply.

Seeing that the four elders were all kneeling on the ground, a group of Void Sect disciples also knelt down quickly.

Regarding George Han’s affairs, they felt that they were guilty.

“You all get up.” Amelia Su suppressed the excitement in her heart. She had never been jealous that George Han paid for Qin Shuang, because she knew George Han too well.

He is to repay his gratitude, but also for the relationship between his senior sister and brother.

Pretending to be herself, she would do the same.

Therefore, she is even more happy and satisfied with what happened to George Han, because George Han is a real man.

The heart is saved, the punishment is merciless to the evil, and there is always more kindness to the non-evil.

“I think George Han will forgive you.” Amelia Su said softly.

“Three thousand Ni Lin is Amelia Su. Conversely, Amelia Su said that three thousand will not blame you, and three thousand will definitely not blame you, all get up.” Seeing everyone afraid to get up, Lin Long couldn’t help but interject. .

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and finally stood up slowly.

“What are you doing in a daze? Three thousand are worried that you will die in vain, but you can’t do nothing, right?” Lin Long said coldly.

A group of disciples immediately understood something, and one after another took out their own strange beasts, and then asked the strange beasts to come to help.

Outside the Void Sect, looking at another group of strange beasts to help out, many Yaoshen Pavilion disciples showed embarrassment. The strange beasts suddenly killed out of the periphery have caused them to be in chaos, and they have not stabilized. This is another reinforcement.

Wang Slowzhi also looked anxious.

He didn’t expect that George Han would suddenly have so many strange beasts attacking their rear area, so that their army was in chaos and countless casualties.

If this situation continues, the battle will be extremely difficult.

He brought so many troops over, if it was just such a situation, it was obviously something he didn’t want to see. What’s more, how could he tolerate George Han being so presumptuous in front of him?

“Why? Do you have strange beasts?” Wang Yanzhi’s expression was cold, and then he shouted: “We have them too.”

“The order goes on, everyone summons our strange beasts and gives me the strange beasts to block them, the rest People, don’t let up the offensive against George Han.”

“George Han, have you fought with me? Did you fight me?”

Wang Slowzhi’s whole expression became very hideous, and with his order, ten Tens of thousands of disciples immediately sacrificed their own spirit beasts.

For a time, the scale is huge, and just looking at it makes people feel scalp numb.

“What to do?” Ming Yu kicked a rushing person away. At this time, she leaned to George Han’s side and frowned.

“Although there is no one, there are at least seven to eighty thousand, which is not easy to deal with.” Ming Yu continued.

George Han frowned, his expression cold, and then suddenly smiled.

Seeing George Han smile, Ming Yu was a little weird, including Lu Ruoxin in the distance. A hundred thousand people are already annoying enough, and now there are seven or eighty thousand more spirit beasts, which makes people feel suffocating.

But George Han still laughed at this moment?

If you are not a lunatic, you must be a fool.

“What the hell is this guy thinking? It’s this time, he still laughed out?” Chi Meng really didn’t know what George Han was going to do, it was beyond ordinary people’s understanding.

Wang Wanzhi saw George Han smile, and he was very disdainful: “It’s about time, are you still laughing?”

George Han laughed and looked at Wang Yanzhi, and said, “Of course you can laugh. I am about to die, how can I not laugh?”

“Yellow mouth boy, I am about to die? Are you afraid that you have lost your heart?” Wang Shuzhi shouted coldly. The situation in the field is already clear. Needless to say.

George Han has Qi Beast to help, don’t he have it? !

Naturally, even more.

“Is it mad, or you are blind, you’d better look back and see, let’s talk.” George Han smiled slightly, and then motioned him to look behind him with his eyes.

In the next second, when Wang Suzhi looked back, he saw another scene where he was almost suffocating.

Chapter 2128

“Three thousand, three thousand!” Fu Mang and the others were also very excited, cheering one by one.

George Han fell slowly, and everyone immediately surrounded him.

“George Han, awesome, he directly repelled the hundreds of thousands of Yaoshen Pavilion army, and it was personally led by the new god Wang Changzhi.”

“Haha, Conferred God of World War I, Brother George Han , You are too strong.”

“Brother George Han, take my knees.” A

group of people roared loudly, their admiration for George Han was beyond words.

But George Han’s eyes always stared at each other with Amelia Su, and never had any contact with others.

“Thank you.” Amelia Su looked at George Han’s eyes, full of love.

“No hard work.” George Han smiled softly: “After all, I promised my reward for you.”

Upon hearing this, Amelia Su was taken aback and turned to blush.

“Hahahahahaha.” Although Fu Mang didn’t know what Amelia Su’s reward was for George Han, he immediately understood Amelia Su’s red face.

With a roar of Fu Mang, a group of people also roared, making it lively for a while.

Only Qin Shuang lowered his head silently with a sad expression.

Sanyong glanced at the second and third elders and Lin Mengxi at this time, and after nodding affirmatively at each other, they walked together in front of George Han, and the four of them knelt directly in front of George Han.

“What are you doing?” George Han frowned.

“Three thousand, I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, when we treated you that way, you still helped us regardless of the predecessors. If it weren’t for you this time, our Void Sect might have been destroyed and replaced by the bastard Ye Gucheng.”

“Hey, you are our benefactor, but we should treat you that way. It really shouldn’t.”

The four people bowed their heads heavily, deeply regretful. There were some tears in his eyes, and it was hard to let go of the big mistake he made.

“Get up.” George Han said calmly.

For Sanyong and the others, George Han just thought they were stupid. Since they are stupid, why should George Han care about them? !

“Look, I have said that Amelia Su forgave you, and 3000 will forgive you, get up.” Fu Mang smiled.

Sanyong and the others looked at each other, then looked at George Han, then slowly stood up.

“You guys get up too.” George Han looked at all the kneeling disciples of the Void Sect.

The disciple of Wu Wuzong also stood up.

“No one is perfect. Everyone will make mistakes. I just hope that I can make you understand a truth. Don’t look at anyone with colored glasses. It’s enough to treat anyone with a sincere heart. Otherwise, once others become prosperous, you will not only be because of this. Throw away some things that you might have gotten, and you will even get jealous and get yourself into trouble.” George Han said indifferently.

“You are magnanimous, and you have such a sense of consciousness, three thousand, in fact, the waste is not you, but us.” Sanyong laughed bitterly.

“Yes, until today I finally understand that the difference between a master and a slave is not the appearance or even the strength, but the character of a person.” The second elder also agreed.

“No matter how strong a person is, his character is not good, and it is difficult to make a great cause, let alone a master. Ye Gucheng and George Han are like this. Now they look at it again and judge it.” Third Elder Also Road.

Sanyong nodded: “Yes, we also wrongly believed in Ye Gucheng this bitch at the beginning, so that my Nothingness Sect had today’s catastrophe.”

“Meng Xi, you go to the kitchen to prepare a banquet, today’s big victory, celebrate one Fan, besides, I have important things to announce.” Sanyong ordered.

“Yes.” After

Lin Mengxi left, Sanyong respectfully said to everyone: “You guys have worked hard for me, Void Sect, please rest in the hall.”

At Sanyong’s invitation, George Han brought everyone back to the hall to rest, but within half an hour, the banquet was already set outside the hall.

At this time, the Medicine God Pavilion.

After the defeat from the mountain, he immediately returned to the base camp of the Xianlingshi Tai front line battlefield. Because the Yaoshen Pavilion army retreated, the Fuye family also retreated in time.

The spiritual master dragged his exhausted body and returned to the camp. In this battle, the Medicine God Pavilion had the upper hand. It is a pity that a lot of people were mobilized in the middle of today, which caused a huge turnaround in the battle. The disciples knew The number was not enough and the confidence was not enough. Facing the stronger Fuye coalition forces, they were retreating steadily. Although Xianlingshi was too brave, his two fists were hard to beat by four hands. In addition, the opponent also had many masters entangled. This battle was really difficult. .

However, fortunately, the army retreated, which allowed her vanguard to finally take a sigh of relief, and the long-awaited victory was just before her eyes.

But as soon as the account was paid, everyone was full of sadness.

Wang Suzhi’s face was cold, and his head half-down, his anger could not disappear.

Seeing that Master Xian Ling was back, he slightly raised his head: “Master is back, it’s hard work.”

After speaking, there was no more words.

The spiritual master glanced at the people too strangely, and finally came to Ye Gucheng gently: “What’s the matter?”

Chapter 2129

“The Void Sect was not attacked.” Ye Gucheng replied softly in irritation.

Hearing this, Xian Lingshi was too stunned: “What? The Void Sect was not attacked? How could this happen?”

Given the number of people and Wang Yanzhi himself sitting in the battle, the word failure is almost never considered by Xian Ling too. Among.

Although Xian Lingtai was surprised when she learned of George Han’s identity, as Wang Shuzhi led the army to arrive, she really did not doubt the outcome of this incident.

But where did I think, I lost.

How did it fail? !

Ye Gucheng glanced at Wang Suzhi. At this time, he stepped forward: “Honorable Lord, George Han can allow so many strange beasts to help. I think it may be related to the forbidden land of the undead in Wuzong.”

Then, Ye Gucheng I told Wang Yanzhi about the golden body of the Beast King and the rebirth of the Beast King who had been suppressed by the dead.

After Wang Suzhi heard it, he pondered for a long time: “So, George Han might control the Beastmaster, right?”

Ye Gucheng nodded.

“Honorable Lord, even so, in fact, we don’t need to be discouraged. George Han’s victory is actually because we don’t understand his way, so that everyone can take out the strange beast, but inadvertently strengthened his combat effectiveness. , Those are contract beasts, as long as our people break the contract…” someone suggested.

“That’s right, we killed and injured many disciples this time, but the disciples died and his strange beast died along with them. Everyone lost the same amount, but the ones who are alive only need to break the contract, and George Han will be in battle. All of our strange beasts will die, and the balance will be tilted toward us.”

Wang Slowzhi nodded: “Okay, immediately order, everyone will destroy their contract and let those behind George Han All the contracted beasts are dead.”

“Yes.” One of his subordinates quickly retreated.

“How long does it take for the people from the Immortal Sea to arrive?” Wang Wanzhi raised his head and asked.

“Tell the Lord that we can arrive tomorrow evening.”

“In other words, we still need to persist for one day.” Wang Shuzhi frowned and said: “Gucheng, you lead 50,000 disciples to guard the foot of the Wuwuzong Mountain to prevent them from raiding. The spiritual master is too ahead of the

front force, blocking the Fuye two, and before the reinforcements arrive, don’t take the initiative to attack for now.” It would be frustrated by the front and back, and Wang Changzhi arranged corresponding strategic adjustments at this time.

“Yes.” After

deploying the general direction, Wang Changzhi only breathed a sigh of relief.

“Also, Wu Yan, you can hire someone for me.” After saying that, Wang Changzhi handed a token to Wu Yan’s hand.

Seeing the words on the token, Wu Yan was taken aback, followed by a mean smile: “Yes, Lord.” When he

got out of the tent, Wu Yan looked at the sky and said coldly: “George Han, you think you are true Is it invincible?”

At this time, Wuzong.

It is very lively and full of voices.

George Han and his party were arranged at the main table, and Wu Wuzong’s disciples took turns to toast George Han.

Mingyu, who played with George Han, was also grateful. However, she didn’t touch any alcohol. Everyone had to say a word of thanks to George Han after respecting George Han.

Seeing that the time was almost time, Sanyong slowly stood up and raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

After people were quiet, Sanyong smiled to himself: “Everyone, be quiet, I will announce one thing.”

After saying that, Sanyong glanced at everyone embarrassedly: “I have been in charge of Nothingness School for a hundred years, and I wanted to work hard. He led the Wu Wuzong to glory, but his ability was limited. Not only did he miss the traitor Ye Gucheng, but because he believed his slander, my sect lost three thousand generals like this.”

“This is my lack of ability. I apologize to all the disciples of the Void Sect.” After saying that, Sanyong bowed deeply.

“At the same time, it also shows that Sanyong is incapable of leading the Nothingness School. Therefore, from today onwards, I will officially resign as the head of the Nothingness School.” After speaking, Sanyong laughed bitterly.

“However, the leader order has been taken away by Ye Gucheng and others. If you still recognize me as the leader, then I will announce the next leader, okay?” After an

order, everyone looked at each other.

Sanyong was still alive, and the disciples in the door naturally supported the head. In the next second, all the disciples shouted in unison: “Okay!”

Sanyong smiled heartily.

“Well, then I will declare the new head of the Void Sect.”

“The new head must be George Han, and only he is qualified to be our new head.”

“That’s not true , there are three one thousand when our head, since we were also afraid of nothingness? even the god of medicine, the Court of us are not afraid! ” “

Yes ah, anyway, I was eating bastard weights bent to follow South Korea three thousand. “

disciples Excited.

However, the more they were like this, the more embarrassed Sanyong and the elders became. Now that the matter is, how can the Void Sect invite George Han to be the head of the Void Sect? !

However, for the future of Wuzong, San Yong and the elders thought about it, and finally thought of a more appropriate candidate.

And this person not only has her own abilities, but most importantly, she will pull in the relationship between George Han and Xu Wuzong.

“I declare…”

Chapter 2130

“I declare, Qin Shuang, the new head of the Void Sect.”

When Sanyong announced this decision, the elders had already expected it. After all, this was the result of their deliberations. .

But a bunch of disciples were very surprised, but after another thought, it was reasonable.

Among the most outstanding disciples of the Void Sect, Ye Gucheng of the Three Jie had already led Lu Yunfeng to defect, and Qin Shuang was the only one to choose. The position of the head fell on her, it was really just a matter of time.

“Congratulations to Senior Sister Qin Shuang.”

“Senior Sister Qin Shuang leads us to the Void Sect. I believe that the Void Sect will inevitably rise to a higher level in the future.”

“Come on, Senior Sister Qin Shuang, we support you.” The

disciples soon gave it to you. With Qin Shuang’s great support, they shouted excitedly one by one.

“Congratulations, Qin Shuang.” Fu Mang also smiled.

“Qin Shuang is calm, and I also think that it is the blessing of the nihilism to let such a young man take care of it.” Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng also had a lot of contact with Qin Shuang, and my sincere wishes to Qin Shuang as the head .

“It seems that you will have another helper in the future.” Amelia Su smiled and said to George Han.

George Han smiled helplessly, he didn’t care whether Qin Shuang could help himself in the future, he also really felt that Qin Shuang was indeed the most suitable person to provoke the burden of nothingness.

Qin Shuang works calmly, is smart, and has potential in his cultivation. If he is the head of the Void Sect and wants to pass on his position, she will naturally be her first choice.

However, George Han knew that Sanyong’s passing of the throne at this time was not just as simple as feeling guilty. The most important thing is that he is using the method of changing heads to give Wu Wuzong a brand new future. And this future, visible and tangible, is exactly oneself.

But George Han knew this, but he still fulfilled Sanyong’s wish. Although Sanyong was suspected of joining in the fun, Qin Shuang was always his good friend, a good sister, and it was impossible for George Han to ignore her. .

Thinking of this, George Han nodded: “Congratulations, Senior Sister Qin Shuang.”

Qin Shuang looked at George Han, a little embarrassed: “Do you even say that? But… but I am still young, how can I? Take this heavy responsibility?”

Sanyong saw George Han nodding, and he was already very happy, because for him, with George Han as the protection behind him, it doesn’t matter who the Voidzong actually chooses.

“Shuang’er, believe in yourself, since everyone supports you as the head, that is what people want, don’t let everyone down.” Sanyong smiled.

Elder Ersanfeng’s behavior was also very strange. He first glanced at George Han, and then said to Qin Shuang: “Yes, Shuang’er, don’t refuse.”

Qin Shuang looked at George Han and then looked at it again. Amelia Su nodded finally: “Okay.”

Qin Shuang agreed, and everyone was in joy, because they are more familiar with Qin Shuang, and the Qiu Shui Poetry and others behind George Han also felt happy for her sincerely.

“If this is the case, then I declare that from today onwards, Qin Shuang will officially become the head of my Nothingness Sect, and we will assist Qin Shuang in an elder manner without participating in any political figures.” Sanyong said.

Sanyong’s move was obviously to show favor to George Han, not to participate in politicians, but also to tell George Han that they would no longer intervene in any matters of Nothingness, so that George Han can rest assured that Nothingness is Qin. Frost’s Nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, Sanyong took Qin Shuang and everyone in front of the ancestors and ancestors to perform the handover ceremony of the head.

George Han originally wanted to take Amelia Su out for a walk, as if they were alone, and as if to show her where he had stayed before, but he couldn’t hold back that Sanyong had to go to the ceremony.

This viewing ceremony was not so much for the disciples to see, it was better for George Han to see. However, Qin Shuang does need a fair and honest ceremony as the head, and George Han is not easy to refuse.

When the sunrise approached, George Han had time to take Amelia Su around, ushering in a rare time for the two. Knowing George Han’s mind, Fuli took Nian’er to play early.

“It’s a good trip to the mountains and water, I’m afraid, some people are not so simple, right?” After walking for a long time, Amelia Su saw that George Han was almost accompanied, and at this time couldn’t help but laugh softly.

“Oh?” George Han was taken aback.

Amelia Su suddenly joked, and a violent chestnut knocked on George Han’s head: “Pretend to be? Deliberately let Fuli take Nian’er away. Do you think I don’t know what’s wrong with you? But just by the way. I’m just out for a stroll, don’t you think I don’t know?”

George Han touched his head embarrassedly: “You are so smart, I can’t hide my private money anymore. If you leave Nian’er away, can’t it be other things Don’t forget, you can promise me, as long as I return triumphantly today, some people want me to do anything, hey, this barren mountain…”

After finishing, George Han pretended to be a rogue kind.

“Oh my God, George Han, you shameless fellow.” Amelia Su Jiao groaned, and then grabbed George Han by the collar: “Come on, this lady is afraid that you won’t dare.”

George Han was taken aback, unexpectedly. When Amelia Su turned against the general, he immediately turned into a melancholy: “Okay, okay, I was wrong. I will fight again at night and fight again at night. Now in front of others, I am embarrassed.”

After that, George Han said. Only after tidying up his clothes, he returned to his true colors.

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shuang also happened to fly over slowly in the distance.

When he came to George Han and Amelia Su, Qin Shuang couldn’t help but wondered at the expressions of the two of them. “Do you…know that I am coming?”

George Han and Amelia Su smiled at each other, and Amelia Su shook his head helplessly: “You just asked three thousand about this.”

“With your cleverness, you can naturally see San Yong’s intentions, so after finishing your work, you will definitely come to me to apologize.” George Han smiled.

Qin Shuang nodded, and smiled embarrassedly: “I knew I couldn’t hide it from you. However, the master master…”

“It doesn’t matter, you are my senior sister and one of my best friends, although Sanyong has Use my suspicion. But, can I refuse this matter.” George Han smiled.

Qin Shuang nodded and smiled softly: “Then I, the new head of the Void Sect, still has the same position in the Mysterious People Alliance, right?”

George Han laughed, “No change.”

Qin Shuanghe Amelia Su also smiled at each other, and then Qin Shuang said with a serious face: “However, before joining, I am afraid there is one more thing that must be done.”

“Clean the door!” the

three said almost in unison.

The disciples of Shoufeng and Wuliufeng are a source of disaster.

Although all their peak palmers had already escaped, the desires of the disciples of the three peaks were really unpredictable.

If there are traitors in this group, and they can spread the news from the Netherworld Sect in time, then to George Han and the others, this would be tantamount to disaster.

“But how do you clear it? It’s impossible to expel all the disciples of Sanfeng?” Amelia Su frowned.

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