His True Colors Novel Chapter 21 – 25

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Chapter 21

“No, it is indeed the top floor.” The reception woman said.

This sentence made Shen Lingyao’s eyes straight.

how is this possible! How could George Han’s uselessness celebrate his wedding anniversary at the Crystal Restaurant.

And today, the Crystal Restaurant is clearly reserved.


A crazy idea exploded in Shen Lingyao’s mind like Chunlei.

Could it be… Could it be said that George Han is the mysterious figure who undertook the Crystal Restaurant?

At this time, Amelia Su also looked sluggish. The Crystal Restaurant on the top floor was taken down by someone half a month ago. Even if Shen Lingyao had great face, it was impossible to hold a party in the Crystal Restaurant.

“Yaoyao. Does this matter have something to do with George Han?” Amelia Su thought of a possibility, her breathing became inexplicable.

Shen Lingyao’s brain has lost the ability to think. Although she finds it unrealistic, besides this explanation, are there other possibilities?

“Welcoming Xia, it is indeed George Han who asked me to bring you here.” Shen Lingyao admitted, an inexplicable envy was born in his heart. If it was George Han who prepared this great surprise for Amelia Su, isn’t Amelia Su the happiest woman in Basin City today?

At this time, the elevator reached the top floor, and the two were led into the restaurant.

In front of the piano in the middle of the restaurant, a man in black clothes was sitting, only his back could be seen.

But this figure is too familiar to Shen Lingyao. The strong visual impact made Shen Lingyao grow up!

The little piano prince, George Han!

With the sound of the melodious piano, the sound reinforcement effect of the Crystal Restaurant almost calmed all the crowd watching, and the crowd of tens of thousands of people was strangely quiet at this moment. Everyone’s eyes focused on the UFO Tower, even if they couldn’t see clearly, they could feel the happiness of the heroine tonight.

The surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows are rippling with special effects of red rose petals, dancing with the sound of the piano.

Amelia Su smiled happily at the corner of her mouth, but tears fell from her cheeks like pearls that were broken.

Shen Lingyao also started crying. If this figure belonged to her, it would be a happy thing.

Qu Bi.

George Han turned around and made a gentleman’s salute to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su walked towards George Han step by step with pear blossoms to bring rain.

With every step, a gorgeous rose grows at the foot, and this scene makes those who watch the excitement dumbfounded.

They can’t see the heroine, but they can see the picturesque special effects.

At this moment, all the women felt uncontrollable envy, and people in the hotel rooms could see this scene more clearly. Even more jealous.

Su Yihan frowned. The room she was in was the best place to see, but because of the distance, she couldn’t fully see the appearance of the two in the crystal restaurant, but she had a familiar feeling, especially the woman. , Seems to know.

“Amelia Su!” Su Yihan suddenly flashed a picture in his mind, and couldn’t help exclaiming.

“No, how could it be her, it must be my dazzling eyes.” Su Yihan shook her head. Amelia Su married George Han’s trash, and George Han was qualified to take over the entire Crystal Restaurant. Isn’t this a joke?

Although it is very similar, it is just like.

“Did you prepare?” Amelia Su asked, who walked to George Han at the Crystal Restaurant.

“Didn’t you say that you can’t play the piano, you lied to me?” It should have been a warm scene, but Amelia Su suddenly looked at George Han coldly.

“Three years, you have suffered a lot of wrongs, starting today, you are my woman. No one can bully you again.” George Han looked at Amelia Su sincerely.

Teacher Amelia Su Xing’s expression was full of tears, as if all the grievances broke out at this moment.

“Do you know that, they all say you are useless.”

“Do you know how uncomfortable I am after hearing these words.”

George Han hugged Amelia Su in his arms and said softly, “I know.”

Shen Lingyao on the side was already moved like a tearful person. Only at this moment did she feel that the grievances suffered by her girlfriends were worth it. No matter how George Han did this, at least for now, Amelia Su is happy and able to Make the women of Quanyun City envy.

Just, why, why are you the little piano prince?

Shen Lingyao knew. My dream has been completely broken.

This night, the rose petals of the Crystal Restaurant floated all night. Compared with the sensational courtship two years ago, the only drawback is that until the end, people watching the show do not know who the protagonist is.

That night, when George Han slept on the floor, Amelia Su on the bed suddenly asked, “Is it cold?”

This is the season of early summer. The woman with white legs on the street is like a bamboo shoot after the rain, how can it be cold.

George Han blurted out subconsciously: “It’s not cold.”

After saying these two words, George Han was stunned for a moment, and then he felt regretful. I want to slap myself twice and give the sub-question together, and the answer is abruptly into a proposition, which is hopelessly stupid.

George Han couldn’t breathe with heartache. I missed this opportunity. I don’t know how long I have to wait.

“What did you say just now, I didn’t hear it clearly, should you ask again?” George Han said.

Amelia Su’s face with her back facing George Han had already gritted her teeth, she finally summoned the courage to ask this question, but she didn’t expect George Han, a stupid pig, to answer her like this.

“Go away.” Amelia Su said coldly.

Hearing this word, George Han covered his face in despair, more uncomfortable than missing a business worth tens of billions.

the next day. When Amelia Su arrived at the company, everyone looked at her with weird eyes.

“She is not crazy, how could she be so happy.”

“Perhaps it is. Yesterday’s events must have irritated her. It is also the 22nd. Look at her and then look at others. Goodbye.”

“Who made her so unlucky. Marrying a door-to-door messy.”

What happened last night has caused a sensation in the entire Cloud City. The crystal restaurant where the roses are floating wildly on various social software, some people are envious of Amelia Su at the same time.

Most people in the company even thought that Amelia Su might find an excuse not to come to work today, but she didn’t expect that not only was she here, but she was also very happy.

Su Yihan handed over the documents to Amelia Su and came to Amelia Su’s office. Looking at the corners of Amelia Su’s mouth raised unconsciously, she despised in her heart.

“You can still laugh, do you know how embarrassed our Su family was yesterday.” Su Yihan said coldly, now I look at Amelia Su. It is indeed very similar to the figure of the woman in the crystal restaurant last night, but it is a pity that such a good thing will never fall on Amelia Su. Because her man is a trash, a joke for the entire Cloud City.

Amelia Su was in a very good mood today, and she was too lazy to care about Su Yihan, and said: “Today you go to the west of the city to inspect and see the situation. Come back and report to me.”

Hearing this, Su Yihan’s face was very ugly. Before, Amelia Su did all the hard work on the construction site. When was it her turn? And now the ultraviolet rays are so poisonous, she doesn’t want her skin to be tanned.

“If you want to go, you really think you can order me when you become the project leader?” Su Yihan said.

“It’s okay if you don’t go, I will ask my grandma to change me an assistant, and you can go home and rest.” Amelia Su said lightly.

“You…” Su Yihan pointed at Amelia Su with a green face, and went home to rest! Although the Su family has money, everyone works in the company. Those with higher positions are paid for their jobs. Those with lower positions rely on wages. Su Yihan is the latter.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are Miss Su Family, but the old lady Su Family will not give them any chance to idle.

If this matter really spreads to grandma’s ears, Su Yihan won’t want to have any good feelings in front of grandma in the future.

“Amelia Su, do you really want to do this to me?” Su Yihan gritted his teeth and said.

Amelia Su is not targeting Su Yihan, but this matter really needs someone to do it.

“It’s just running on the construction site, and it’s not very tired. I used to run a lot. Except for heat, sore feet, tired like a dog, nothing else.” Amelia Su smiled.

“Amelia Su, you remember it for me. You will feel better when I marry into the Han family.” Su Yihan finished speaking and left the office angrily. She believed that one day she could ride on Amelia Su’s head. Just wait for the man from the Han family. Just show up.

Chapter 22

Magic City Nightclub.

It was three poles in the day, and there were a few people who looked like scumbags standing at the door, smoking cigarettes and chatting, until sunset Xishan, this kind of place is usually not open, but at this time an Audi stopped at the door.

George Han got out of the car.

Seeing George Han, several bastards stood up one by one.

“What are you doing? It’s not open yet.” One of them said to George Han.

“I’m looking for Lin Yong.” George Han said lightly.

Hearing these words, several bastards looked at George Han with a sneer.

Lin Yong is the boss of Demon City, and a big figure in the gray area of ”‹”‹Cloud City. See you?

“What kind of thing are you? You have to see our boss when you speak. It’s not a small tone.”

“If I want to find something, I don’t even ask my brother’s fists.”

Several people began to lift their sleeves, as if they were about to hit someone.

“Tell him, George Han is here.”

A few people were stunned, and this guy looked like he was awesome, maybe it’s still a human being, but looking at the face, he doesn’t look like the boss’s friend.

One of them was digging his ears. With a puzzled face, he said, “George Han, why does this name sound so familiar?”

Immediately someone answered, “Isn’t the trash son-in-law of the Su family George Han? Isn’t it you?”

“f*ck, there is a celebrity from Basin City? Disrespectful and disrespectful.”

“No, people who eat soft rice can also drive Audi. Just your looks, brothers are not bad for you, how did you marry Amelia Su?”

Several people burst into laughter, treating George Han as a joke, and marrying Amelia Su. It is full of ridicule.

George Han’s eyes condensed, and the corners of his mouth raised toward the door.

“Stop, if you’re damn funny, just get out of here, don’t let the brothers shoot.”

“If you don’t understand human words, let you stop.”

“f*ck. Don’t show you some color, you don’t know how hard Brother’s fists are.”

Several people rushed forward, planning to teach Han three thousand lessons.

At this moment, Lin Yong ran out in a panic.

“Stop, stop!”

“What are you doing, do you want to die?”

Lin Yong scolded several of his subordinates with a panic expression, and a deep fear in his eyes.

“Boss, this kid is looking for something.”

“f*ck, a waste son-in-law of the Su family dared to make trouble on Brother Yong’s site.”

“Boss, leave it to me. I let this kid lie in the hospital for at least half a month.”

Lin Yong looked at a few of his men furiously, and hit them with one punch.

Walking to George Han, he said respectfully: “Brother George, why are you here?”

Three years ago, Lin Yong was just a rogue bastard, and suddenly became the owner of the Magic City Nightclub. He has even won over a lot of thugs. In the past three years, he has gradually developed his own power and has become a big figure in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City.

The sudden fortune that year aroused many people’s suspicion. After all, Lin Yong’s leadership was too fast, and it was full of weirdness. There were also many people who investigated Lin Yong secretly, but they couldn’t find out the truth at all, except for Lin Yong himself. People know how he became the boss of Magic City.

Several of his subordinates were shocked when they saw Lin Yong’s attitude towards George Han.

Lin Yong, Brother Yong!

This is one of the best people in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City, how could he be so respectful to the trash son-in-law of the Su family.

“You guys, don’t apologize to Brother George!” Lin Yong gritted his teeth and looked at his men.

“Brother George, I’m sorry.”

“Brother George, I’m sorry.”

“Brother George, I’m sorry.”

Seeing George Han’s silence, Lin Yong paled with fright, and continued, “Kneel down and apologize.”

As the saying goes, hitting a dog has to look at the owner, and several of his subordinates are completely confused, and kneel down for him, isn’t it just losing Lin Yong’s face? Doesn’t he care about his own face at all?

Face is very important to people like Lin Yong, and sometimes they will fight out because of a little bit of contradiction, but in front of George Han, face is nothing but clouds for Lin Yong. Life is the most important thing.

Three years ago, Lin Yong was living on the streets. It was George Han who found him. It was also because of George Han that he had the status he is today.

The entire Basin City treated George Han as rubbish, but Lin Yong knew that George Han was a sleeping tiger. Once he woke up, he was bound to be a blockbuster.

And now, this tiger is obviously awake!

“Is it necessary to break your legs to know how to kneel down?” Seeing some of his men stunned, Lin Yong continued.

As soon as this sentence came out, those people panicked and quickly knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

George Han walked into the nightclub without seeing a few people.

“You guys, I will settle accounts with you later.”

Lin Yong’s words made several people tremble with fright, but they didn’t understand. Why can George Han be treated like this, he is a famous waste, how can he make Brother Yong be so polite?

In Lin Yong’s office, in the seat reserved for Lin Yong, George Han sat there, while Lin Yong stood aside respectfully.

“I heard about the Chengxi project, someone wants to make trouble recently?” George Han asked lightly.

Lin Yong nodded and said, “I know, besides me, there are a few other big people. I am very concerned about this matter, and I probably want to take the opportunity to make a fortune.”

Basin City is not in Lin Yong’s world alone. Although he is a big man in the gray area, he is not a powerful person, except for him. There are also several people who can be called.

There are too many eyes staring at this big piece of fat. If the Su family is not related to the Chengxi Project, even Lin Yong wants to get a share.

“I have given you three years to prepare. I hope you don’t let me down. Those few people are dead.” George Han said.

Lin Yong’s eyes narrowed and he asked excitedly: “Brother George, what do you mean…”

“Didn’t you want Cloud City a long time ago? Sitting on an equal footing with those people, you have long been reconciled.” George Han smiled and looked at Lin Yong.

Lin Yong felt all his hairs stand up. He had been waiting for this opportunity. He had long been uncomfortable with those guys, but without George Han’s order, he dared not act for a long time. Unexpectedly, the day would finally come.

“Brother George. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Lin Yong said.

When George Han left the magic city nightclub, he ran into Yang Peng at the door.

Yang Peng was a little surprised to see George Han, but he was more disdainful and hated.

“What blood mold was poured today, I saw a pile of garbage when I went out, it was really unlucky.” Yang Peng said with a sigh.

George Han smiled, and instead of paying attention to Yang Peng, he got into the car.

Yang Peng curled his mouth and said with a sneer: “Trash, I don’t even dare to talk back. It’s really boring. But your good days are over, wait for Lao Tzu to give you a green hat.”

Entering the nightclub, Yang Peng went directly to Lin Yong’s office. The two had made an appointment yesterday, so Lin Yong was not surprised to see Yang Peng.

“Young Master Yang, I’m really sorry, something was delayed yesterday, so I can only see you today.” Lin Yong said with a smile, and Lin Yong has always treated Yang Peng, a rich boy. Because in places like nightclubs, if there are no rich people like Yang Peng to consume, one month’s running water simply cannot sustain.

“Brother Yong, I came to you today to trouble you. Do me a favor.” Yang Peng said.

“The word for help is too polite, Young Master Yang said, I will help you handle it right away.” Lin Yong said, patting his chest.

Yang Peng shook his head and said: “It’s just a small matter, you don’t need Brother Yong to go out in person. Just lend me a few people, the kind that you have to be brave enough to fight.”

It was only against George Han, how could it be used by a big man like Lin Yong, Yang Peng didn’t think so much about George Han.

“No problem, people here, you can choose whatever you want.” Lin Yong said.

“Then thank you Brother Yong. After the matter is done, I will invite Brother Yong to drink.” Yang Peng said.

“You don’t need to drink. I may be very busy these days.” Lin Yong thought that he could take all the sites in Basin City soon, his excitement could not be controlled, and with George Han helping in secret, Lin Yong was not at all worry.

Back then, Lin Yong also felt that George Han said that making him the owner of the Magic City Nightclub was a fantasy, but did George Han manage it with ease?

“Oh, what’s the big move of Brother Yong recently?” Yang Peng asked curiously.

This matter can’t be revealed casually, Lin Yong can only say: “Go and choose people.”

Chapter 23

After Yang Peng picked someone to leave the magic city, he sat in the car for a long time.

Just now Lin Yong said that he would be busy recently. Obviously there was some big move, and he would not reveal anything. This must be a big deal.

Yang Peng received the news that there have been many people in the gray area of ”‹”‹the Chengxi Project who want to intervene recently, and some have even organized a wave of workers to intervene in this matter as a foreman, but Lin Yong has been silent on this matter. .

Before, Yang Peng felt that Lin Yong had no ambitions and didn’t want to participate in this matter to avoid hurting the bones. But now it seems that Lin Yong obviously has other plans.

Is it possible…

Yang Peng was shocked. If Lin Yong really dared to deal with other people and take all the gray areas of Cloud City into his bag, then Lin Yong would be a person worthy of his attention.

“It seems that in the future you have to establish a good relationship with Lin Yong. Once this matter is done, Lin Yong’s power in Basin City is unimaginable.”

At the same time, a club.

Harry Su hugged two hot women on the left and right, and there was a rough man sitting in the same box.

“Brother Gang. How are you thinking about the things I told you.” Harry Su said to Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang is also a figure in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City, between the power and Lin Yong.

Cheng Gang looked at Harry Su with a smile on his face and asked: “Harry Su, you can’t play with me? You are from the Su family, but now you want me to deal with the Su family secretly, how can I trust you?”

Harry Su smiled coldly and said: “Brother Gang, you have misunderstood me. Although I belong to the Su family, I am not in charge of the Chengxi project. The woman Amelia Su wants to be in the Su family, if she really lets her do it. When it arrives, it will definitely threaten my status. How can I make the Chengxi project go smoothly?”

“Amelia Su is your sister.” Cheng Gang said.

“Sister?” Harry Su’s expression turned gloomy, and said: “I can’t wait to kick her out of the Su family, what kind of shit sister, how much she loses our Su family by the uselessness of her family, if we can’t find an excuse, she would have been You should get out of Su’s house.”

Cheng Gang smiled faintly, and the incident in the Crystal Restaurant revealed the scandal of the Su family three years ago. To the Su family, it was indeed a shame, but Cheng Gang did not expect that Harry Su would even ignore the blood relationship.

“This wastefulness is really amazing. I have been in the Su family for three years. I heard that we are doing housework every day, which really humiliates our men.” Cheng Gang shook his head in disdain.

Harry Su never missed the opportunity to speak badly about George Han. Cheng Gang brought up George Han, undoubtedly gave him a chance.

“Brother Gang, what you know is only superficial. I know exactly how wretched George Han is. He is at home. You have to wipe Amelia Su’s feet with a foot wash. What a man’s dignity, he doesn’t have a cartilage. Understand. And there is no place for him to eat at home. He is not qualified to serve, so he can only hide in the kitchen.” Harry Su said with a smile.

“Bah, it’s a f*cking bastard, if I run into such a person, I can kill him with one punch.” Cheng Gang said cursingly.

“Hey.” Harry Su sighed and said, “He is not worthy of being a man at all, and there is no second person in the world who is so useless.”

“That’s right.” Cheng Gang suddenly looked at Harry Su with a smile on his face and said, “You said, after three years of marriage, can Amelia Su let him touch it?”

“How is it possible.” Harry Su shook his head confidently, and said: “Although Amelia Su has accepted her fate, her relationship with George Han has always been cold, and it is absolutely impossible for George Han to touch it.”

Cheng Gang touched his chin, obviously thinking about something, and a lewd smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying, “I haven’t been touched, it’s kind of interesting.”

Harry Su’s brow furrowed, and he stretched out in an instant. Everyone was a man. He knew what Cheng Gang was thinking.

Although Harry Su dislikes Amelia Su very much, she is a beauty from a man’s point of view. Moreover, he is in a very good shape, definitely a stunner on the bed. Harry Su and Amelia Su are related by blood. He dare not do this kind of thing, but Cheng Gang is different.

If Cheng Gang really had a relationship with Amelia Su, wouldn’t it be possible to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family in the name of corrupting the family?

After thinking about it, Harry Su said to Cheng Gang: “Brother Gang, if you are interested in her, I can help you.”

“Yes, good enough, hahahahaha, don’t worry, I will definitely help you with what you say.” Cheng Gang laughed.

The project in the west of the city has been officially launched, with Sujia as a supplier of building materials. In addition to ensuring the materials used for building materials, it is also necessary to ensure the safety of building materials during construction.

Three days later, a group of people rushed into the construction site to make a big noise, and they beat people when they saw them, making them very arrogant. Moreover, the transportation of Su’s building materials was also forcibly blocked. Although the alarm temporarily solved the problem, those people were like fighting a guerrilla war. They might meet at the next intersection. The Su family’s brains were troubled.

On this day, the Su family urgently convened an internal family meeting. Even the old lady was there, because it was about the Chengxi project, the old lady didn’t want to make any mistakes.

“Do you know who the other party is? These people must make trouble for money.” At the meeting, the old lady asked Amelia Su. She is the project leader. Now that something goes wrong, the responsibility naturally falls on Amelia Su.

Amelia Su shook her head and said, “Grandma, I have asked someone to check it for me. But so far there is no news.”

“It hasn’t been found out yet, Amelia Su, you don’t have the ability to investigate, right?” Harry Su said strangely.

Su Yihan has seen Amelia Su displeased during this period of time. Now there is a problem, it is the opportunity to fall into trouble, and said: “Amelia Su, you are the project leader now. It has been several days. You haven’t solved it. You have been with you all day. Is your girlfriend wasting time in the office?”

Shen Lingyao often goes to Amelia Su in recent days. After learning that the little piano prince is George Han, although Shen Lingyao gave up the idea of ”‹”‹treating George Han as her husband, after all, she had been thinking about it for so long day and night, and could not let it go for a while, so she could only ask Amelia Su to complain.

Upon hearing Su Yihan’s words, the old lady raised her eyebrows and asked, “Amelia Su, what’s the matter? Do you do other things during working hours?”

Amelia Su is very responsible for her work, and Shen Lingyao is also very sensible and never disturbs her during work hours. Su Yihan’s words are slander.

“Grandma. I receive friends during the lunch break. You can ask my colleagues in the company about this.” Amelia Su said.

Su Yihan was not convinced, this incident could not seriously hurt Amelia Su, and could only change other topics.

“How long have you been a responsible person? The family has already changed cars, but apart from negotiating the contract, what else have you done? Have you ever thought about how to solve such a big problem now?” Su Yihan said.

Amelia Su’s change of car had already spread in the Su family. But many people were jealous behind their backs, and when Su Yihan said this, everyone became angry.

“That car is not cheap, hundreds of thousands, really rich.”

“Change cars in a few days. It seems that changing rooms will be fast too.”

“When will we invite us to congratulate the new house?”

The old lady’s face was as sinking as water. She had always felt that although Amelia Su had nothing to do with her, she was still honest, and the old lady was also taken aback when she knew that Amelia Su had changed cars. But thinking of the benefits that Amelia Su can bring to the Su family, this petty profit is nothing, so she didn’t care.

But if Amelia Su can’t solve this matter, it’s another matter.

“Amelia Su, I don’t care how much benefit you make in the company, whether you change a car or a house, it’s fine, but the premise is that you have to do your current job well, and you have to do everything possible to solve all the troubles. “The old lady said.

Amelia Su was anxious when she heard this. She was not greedy for a penny from the company. The car was bought by George Han. But if she said this, no one would believe her.

“Grandma, don’t worry, I will do it as soon as possible.” Amelia Su said with her head drooping.

At this time, Harry Su stood up and said triumphantly: “Grandma, I had expected that Amelia Su would not be able to deal with this matter, so I have asked someone to check it out. I also know who caused the incident, but Amelia Su Since I am the person in charge of the project, I can’t stand for her and let her talk.”

Chapter 24

After hearing Harry Su’s words, the Su family relatives looked at him with admiration.

“Harry still has the ability to find out who did it so quickly.”

“Sure enough, Harry still has to do it. If this Su family doesn’t have Harry, the future will be worrying.”

“Amelia, you have to learn more from Harry. The Chengxi Project has nothing to do with him, but he still cares about this matter. You have to thank him.”

The old lady nodded. Affirmed, and said: “Harry, you have done a good job with this matter.”

“Grandma, although I am not the person in charge of the project, I am your grandson. The Su family’s business is my business. How could I leave it alone.” After being praised, Harry Su said to the old lady pretendingly.

“Amelia, since Harry has already found out for you. You can come forward and talk about it. If he asks for money, he can agree to it within one million.” The old lady said.

Amelia Su replied: “Don’t worry, grandma, I will handle it properly.”


Harry Su’s eyes were filled with a smile, unless he was washed and lying on Cheng Gang’s bed, otherwise, this matter would not be easy to solve.

“I will make an appointment for you tomorrow, the specific time and place, and I will inform you.” Harry Su said.

After the meeting. Amelia Su returned to the office, full of grievances and nowhere to tell that she didn’t take half of the money from the company to buy the car, but it was impossible to explain this matter clearly. And even if they say it, they will only treat it as a joke.

Who can believe that George Han, who has become a family member, can afford an Audi A6?

And regarding the recent troubles, Amelia Su also felt a little strange, how could Harry Su kindly help her, there must be something tricky in it.

After get off work, George Han came to pick up Amelia Su as usual.

When George Han found Amelia Su’s gloomy look, he curiously asked, “Who made you angry?”

“At today’s meeting, Su Yihan said that I bought a car within a few days of becoming the person in charge. He stated that I had embezzled the company’s money. Even my grandma thought so. I couldn’t explain it.” Amelia Su said helplessly.

“What nonsense to these people, it’s fine when they are farting.” George Han said.

Although Amelia Su understood this truth, the harsh words entered her ears, and she wanted to treat her as if she had not heard anything. How could it be possible.

“You didn’t hear those relatives saying that I would change cars in a few days, and I will change houses soon, and you also asked me when I would ask them to congratulate the new house.” Amelia Su said more and more angry. He was innocent and upright. He didn’t take any money he shouldn’t take, but he was slandered but couldn’t explain it.

“Almost.” George Han said lightly.

“What’s coming?” Amelia Su turned her head in confusion and looked at George Han.

“Ahem, I mean, you have to be happy.” George Han said.

Amelia Su rolled her eyes, and was suffocated to death for how happy she was being misunderstood.

“By the way, a group of people have caused a lot of trouble to the Su family recently, and they have also made a lot of trouble on the construction site. I asked a friend to check for me, but nothing was found, but Harry Su pretended to be kind. At the meeting, I had found out who did it. Let me talk about it tomorrow. Do you think there is something tricky about this matter?” Amelia Su asked, and her instinct told her that there must be a problem with this matter. Harry Su is right. Her attitude is fortunate not to harm her, how could it help her.

George Han frowned. He also heard about this, and asked Lin Yong to inquire about it. He even arrested two people and tortured them for questioning, but he didn’t ask anything. The other party obviously did a good job of secretive work, how could Harry Su know.

“When will we talk tomorrow?” George Han asked. There was obviously a problem with this matter, so he was not relieved that Amelia Su was alone.

“I don’t know yet, Harry Su will notify me tomorrow.”

“Let me be your assistant tomorrow and go with you.” George Han said.

Back home, George Han cooks as usual, but in the past there was usually only George Han in the kitchen. Recently, Amelia Su will help a little bit and try to fry a dish, but Amelia Su’s dishes usually don’t make it to the table. , Because it is really unsightly, and it’s so dark that you can’t see the body of the dish at all.

In the living room, Lily Jiang asked Wilson Su: “Wilson. Did you notice that my daughter is different recently.”

Wilson Su can also see that Amelia Su never used to go to the kitchen before, and her relationship with George Han was like a stranger, but now, she will learn to help George Han and talk to George Han. There are more.

“Maybe my daughter is slowly accepting him.” Wilson Su said.

This is the answer that Lily Jiang is most reluctant to hear. He twisted Wilson Su and said, “Accept a fart. Is it possible that my daughter will stay together with this wimp for a lifetime?”

Wilson Su himself is a useless person, so he really is not qualified to comment on George Han, and this situation is a good thing in Wilson Su’s eyes. Without divorce, the old lady will not be upset about this matter.

“What does it matter? Anyway, now our daughter is promising, it doesn’t matter if we raise a stalemate at home.” Wilson Su said indifferently.

Lily Jiang glared at Wilson Su and said, “I have you in the house and you are not enough, so I need another one. Do you know how my mother’s family talks about me secretly?”

Wilson Su moved his butt awkwardly. Said: “Your mother’s family are all long-tongued women, just don’t listen to what they say, and now Amelia is on the rise, are you going to force her to divorce? The old lady knows this, can you let us go?”

Lily Jiang sighed. The biggest obstacle in this matter is the old lady. If she doesn’t agree, no one will dare to call the shots.

Moreover, Amelia Su finally got a position in the company, and divorce at this juncture is obviously impossible.

“One year, I see what he can do after one year.” Lily Jiang said.

“What year?” Wilson Su looked at Lily Jiang suspiciously.

“It’s nothing. It’s not a big deal.” Lily Jiang disdainfully said. She doesn’t think that George Han can have anything to do in a year. Now she is not doing housework at home, it’s just that there is more to take Lily Jiang to get off work every day. Is it possible that being a driver can still counterattack, Lily Jiang doesn’t believe it.

“By the way, let’s go downstairs. In the past few days, there is another Audi, and it is also a new car. Do you know who it is? Stop with us.” Lily Jiang doubted. I haven’t seen anyone buy a new car before. Why did I just buy it at my own house and I got one more car.

“Also, once I opened the wrong door. Both of these were new unlicensed cars, which confuses me, but I don’t know who owns it.”

Lily Jiang just asked casually, without further digging into it.

After dinner, George Han took the lead in taking a bath. Then fill the bathtub with water. During this time, Amelia Su worked very hard, so she would take a bubble bath to relax.

After laying on the floor for less than half an hour, Amelia Su returned to the room after taking a shower.

The snow-white bath towel was wrapped in a tube top dress, faintly revealing an abyss. The crystal water drops on the skin are visible to the naked eye. It’s like a beautiful roll of water lotus.

George Han watched his nose, his nose watched his heart, the season entered the midsummer, and it was another difficult day.

“Shen Lingyao came to me again today and said he wanted to snatch you from me. What do you think?” Amelia Su said to George Han after laying on the mask.

George Han couldn’t laugh or cry. He never thought that unintentional actions would cause such consequences. Of course, Shen Lingyao’s words were just a joke.

“She was just joking.” George Han said.

“Of course it’s a joke, do you still hope it’s true?” Amelia Su’s tone obviously changed.

George Han smiled and said, “The weather seems to have turned cold recently.”

“No, I think it’s very hot. If you feel cold, go to the sofa.” Amelia Su said.

George Han looked at the beautiful legs lying on the bed, knowing that the missed opportunity had to be brewed for a long time, changed the subject, and said, “I suspect that the Su family’s recent troubles are related to Harry Su.”

Even Lin Yong didn’t investigate the matter, Harry Su would know that this was a flaw in itself. George Han had thought about it, and the only possibility was that Harry Su did it.

“No, although he is dissatisfied with me, he won’t do anything to harm the Su family. If grandma knows about it, he won’t be over.” Amelia Su said in surprise.

George Han smiled coldly and said, “Is it right? I’ll know tomorrow.”

Chapter 25

That night, Harry Su and Cheng Gang met.

Cheng Gang was so excited that Amelia Su wanted to come forward to discuss this matter with herself.

Three years ago, George Han had not entered Zuosu’s family. The man who pursued Amelia Su was like a crucian carp who had crossed the river. Countless people wanted to kiss Fangze. This is why the Su family wedding was a sensation in Quanyun City. The desperate man was shouting. I don’t know how many people scolded George Han for eating swan meat.

Now that there is a chance to be upset with Amelia Su, and Amelia Su has never been touched by George Han, how could Cheng Gang not be excited.

“You did a good job with this matter. If you have any trouble in the future, even if you come to me, I will definitely help you solve it.” Cheng Gang said.

Harry Su’s eyes were sinister, as long as Amelia Su was resolved, what trouble would he still have. In the entire Su family, no one can compete with him for the position of chairman.

Thinking of Amelia Su’s triumphant appearance as the project leader recently, Harry Su’s anger was lost, and he changed cars, really unaware of convergence.

“Brother Gang, I have a ruthless please.” Harry Su said.


“Do you mind letting others know about Amelia Su’s relationship with you?” Harry Su asked.

Cheng Gang was taken aback, and immediately understood what Harry Su meant. Said: “Are you trying to use me to drive Amelia Su out of the Su family, so that Amelia Su’s reputation will be completely destroyed?”

Seeing Cheng Gang’s expression was a little serious, Harry Su swallowed, and said fearfully: “If Brother Gang is unwilling, I will think of other ways.”

“Hahahaha.” Cheng Gang patted Harry Su on the shoulder, and said, “Why would you not want to, I wish everyone would know that I was on Amelia Su, this is glory, and it can be seen by George Han’s soft guy. Look, the woman he can’t even touch with his hands is so showy under my crotch.”

“Don’t worry about exposing it. Amelia Su is completely notorious in Basin City. She may not be willing to let Lao Tzu raise her and serve Lao Tzu as a canary.”

Harry Su smiled faintly and said: “Brother Gang, then I will do what you want. After tomorrow, there will definitely be countless men envy you. Amelia Su is a beautiful woman.”

Cheng Gang licked his lips, apparently he couldn’t wait.

the next day. Harry Su arrived in Amelia Su’s office.

“The time and place have been set. I have finally contacted the person. Don’t shrink back. If this matter is not handled well, you should know what will happen to grandma.” Harry Su said to Amelia Su, thinking that Amelia Su will be completely tonight. With her ruin and fame, she can finally get out of the Su family completely.

Amelia Su is wary of Harry Su’s kindness, and George Han mentioned this incident last night that it is likely to be related to Harry Su, so in order to avoid exposing his feet, Amelia Su just responded indifferently: “Don’t worry, I will go and it will be resolved. This trouble. If you want to see my jokes on this matter, you may be disappointed.”


Harry Su sneered, he won’t be disappointed, there are still a lot of good shows waiting to see.

He had even imagined that after Amelia Su’s affairs were exposed, the tens of thousands of people in Basin City spurned it, and the Su family’s grace was cut off.

At that time, Amelia Su is a mourning dog, and the Su family will not wait to see her, the whole Basin City will treat her as a sl*t.

And George Han was useless. Will become the object of ridicule in the National Games City.

He hadn’t touched his wife who had been married for three years, but she got into Cheng Gang’s bed. Such an insult, I don’t know if the insult is acceptable.

“Don’t be late, he’s impatient.”

After Harry Su left the office, Amelia Su called George Han and told George Han the time and address.

In a suburban farmhouse, it was obviously fraudulent to talk about things in such a place. George Han called Lin Yong and asked him to make arrangements.

No matter who the other party is tonight. George Han would make him regret doing this.

Soon after Harry Su returned to his office, Su Yihan appeared sneakily.

“What are you doing?” Harry Su questioned.

Su Yihan didn’t quite understand why Harry Su wanted to help Amelia Su in this matter. With such a good opportunity, he didn’t even seize the opportunity to fall into trouble.

“Harry, are you confused, why do you want to help Amelia Su?” Su Yihan asked.

Harry Su smiled and leaned against the back of the chair, and said: “You are a very smart person, why are you confused about this matter.”

“What do you mean?” Su Yihan looked at Harry Su in confusion.

“Do you really think I will really help her?”

“You mean. Is this a trap?” Su Yihan asked.

Harry Su thought for a while, Su Yihan also regarded Amelia Su as an enemy, even if she let her know about this, she couldn’t tell anyone else.

“I’ll tell you the truth. The person who troubles the Su family is someone I know and I ordered.” Harry Su said.

Su Yihan heard this and looked at Harry Su in surprise: “You ordered it! If grandma knows about this, grandma won’t let you go.”

“How could grandma know? I believe you will tell you about this. Moreover, after today, Amelia Su will be completely ruined. Without any further explanation, grandma will drive her out of Su’s house.” Harry Su said. Happily, this bad breath finally found a chance to vent. Moreover, after Amelia Su was driven out of the Su family, he could naturally become the head of the Chengxi project, killing two birds with one stone.

“What the hell is going on, don’t sell it, tell me quickly.” Su Yihan said impatiently.

“Cheng Gang, have you heard of it?”

“Cheng Gang! Isn’t that a figure in the gray area of ”‹”‹Basin City?”

“He fell in love with Amelia Su. As long as Amelia Su shows up tonight, he won’t be able to escape Cheng Gang’s claws. And I told him. After Amelia Su is fucked by him, the whole city will expose this matter.”

Su Yihan’s mouth grew wide, dumbfounded!

Cheng Gang is about to have a relationship with Amelia Su, and this matter has to be exposed. That is huge news.

Amelia Su is a married woman, but she slept with Cheng Gang. This is not enough to cause a sensation in Basin City.

“Hahahahaha.” Su Yihan covered his mouth and laughed. Said: “If grandma knows that Amelia Su has discredited our Su family, she will only be kicked out of the Su family.”

“Yes, this is my plan, perfect enough,” Harry Su said proudly.

Su Yihan nodded in approval. Although it was a bit poisonous, it was a fatal blow to Amelia Su, and not only would she be driven out of the Su family. There will be no place for her in the entire Cloud City from now on.

“Retribution, this is retribution. Amelia Su actually sent me to the construction site to inspect, and she really regarded herself as a commodity. I want to see what she will do tomorrow.” Su Yihan sneered.

“The thing I want to see most is the face of George Han. After three years of uselessness, his wife has been fucked by others. It must be uncomfortable.” Harry Su said with a look of yearning.

Su Yihan hooked the corner of his mouth disdainfully, and said: “This is a waste, even if it is let him know, does he dare to trouble Cheng Gang?”

“You really value him so much. It’s a waste. The two words Cheng Gang can scare him to the knees. Revenge is something that a real man dares to do, and he is not a man.”

That afternoon, George Han came to pick up Amelia Su from get off work as usual, but when he arrived at the commissary, he found that the commissary was closed today.

In the past three years, George Han has been working hard, and the commissary has never closed. Is it possible that the boss has something to do today?

George Han didn’t think much about it. It’s normal to open the door to do business and close the door occasionally.

After receiving Amelia Su, George Han drove directly towards the farmhouse in the suburbs.

Amelia Su was a little worried, and asked George Han: “George, nothing will happen, right? I always feel that something is not right today, as if something is going to happen.”

“Don’t worry, no one can hurt you with me.” George Han said lightly, with an imperceptible killing intent in his eyes.

After listening to George Han’s words, Amelia Su was a little relieved, it seemed that as long as he was there, all the dangerous factors of instability would be resolved.

After arriving at the farmhouse, someone was already waiting at the door. At first sight, they were not good people, evil spirits, dragons and phoenixes.

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