His True Colors Novel Chapter 2099 – 2102

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Chapter 2099

Wu Yanying finished, and there was another movement in his hand. Suddenly the entire golden energy shield turned into countless tortoise shell-like things, piece by piece firmly connected together.

Outside the barrier, George Han frowned.

Immediately afterwards, with a movement of energy in his hand, a burst of golden energy blasted directly from the hand, hitting the entire restriction.

But this time, the energy did not directly make the whole enchantment tremble like just now, but suddenly disappeared on the golden tortoise shells, and then disappeared into nothing.

It was strange that the entire golden tortoise shell suddenly flashed, and before George Han could reflect, a beam of extremely strong golden light suddenly shot out from it, and then quickly tied George Han directly like a silk.

George Han wanted to break free, but these beams were like cowhide plasters. They couldn’t break free at all. Even if they were torn apart by chance, new energy would soon repair it instantly.

“Well, this guy touched the defense system of the forbidden formation. The defense system used his own energy to restrain him, so no matter how hard he used it, it would be difficult to break free, because this is his own spirit. The strength and energy, even if you use more strength, are equal.” In the hall, Sanyong felt bad.

Seeing this, Ye Gucheng smiled with satisfaction: “I thought he was capable, he turned out to be just a fool. It’s interesting to be a cocoon.”

“Fun, what’s next?” Wu Yan smiled coldly.

Immediately afterwards, there was another thought to the token.

The entire defensive energy shield made a roar for a while, and then the golden turtle shells suddenly turned into golden swords, with tens of thousands of them, aimed directly at the trapped George Han.

“Don’t rush to let it go, let that guy struggle enough, don’t you find it interesting?” Ye Gucheng smiled indifferently.

Wu Yan nodded: “The prohibition of the Void Sect is originally the ancient great formation created by my ancestors. It has both attacks and strong defenses. If you want to break the formation, even if people who do not understand the method are killed on it, they will not This guy is struggling on it, just like a worm struggling on a spider web.”

Wu Yan’s words are not unreasonable. In this regard, even Wu Yan and others are well aware of the prohibition of the void, but they want to break through. , It also takes tens of thousands of people and a lot of time. Otherwise, they would not negotiate with Sanyong.

But if people who don’t understand the method want to break it hard, it’s just harder.

No 10,000 people have sacrificed, I am afraid I can’t even think about it.

Qin Shuang looked worriedly at George Han in midair, his eyes full of anxiety.

Seeing Qin Shuang’s eyes, Ye Gucheng didn’t hit him with anger: “Are you so nervous about him? Qin Shuang, don’t you like him?”

“Yes!” Qin Shuang nodded firmly.

Hearing this answer, Ye Gucheng was furious: “You are not qualified to like anyone, you can only like me, because only I am worthy of you!”

“You compare with him, even his toe No, you can save it.”

“Okay, when you liked that George Han, I was in front of you and mobilized the Void Sect’s 10,000 disciples to kill him. Today, if you like that masked person, I will still be in front of you. Kill him in his face,” Ye Gucheng threatened coldly.

Qin Shuang gritted his teeth: “You didn’t kill George Han last time, and today, you are the same.” Qin Shuang said coldly.

“Then give it a try, Wu Yan, kill him for me!” Ye Gucheng roared angrily.

Wu Yan nodded and moved his hand. At this time, Wan Jian stood upright.

Then, Wan Jian pierced George Han straight away, like a rain of arrows in the sky, without any gap.

“If he doesn’t break free, he will be banned from ten thousand swords.” The second elder hurriedly said.

“I can’t break free, there is no chance.” Sanyong shook his head helplessly.

As the head, he knows the power and uniqueness of this prohibition better than anyone.

At this time, outside the barrier, Amelia Su and the others, looking at George Han in midair, couldn’t help squeezing the powder fist, and the palms of their hands were even more tense with cold sweat.

George Han in mid-air, looking at Jian Yu from the sky, felt a strong sense of urgency.

But helpless, those golden energies that bound him were really hard to break free, even if he tried hard, there was no way after all.

What should I do? !

George Han looked like a torch, thinking desperately in his mind.

That’s too late!

George Han suddenly stopped struggling. Then, his left hand condensed energy slightly, and the palm of his right hand opened slightly, making a grip at any time.

Just when Wan Jian was getting closer and closer to George Han, George Han suddenly used his left hand, and suddenly wiped out the energy constraints of his right hand. Taking advantage of the timing of Qian Jun’s shot, his right hand gripped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden energy suddenly gushed out from George Han’s right hand.

No matter outside the barrier or inside the barrier, at this time, I only felt that George Han was very golden, and a strong pressure was released from him.

“What is this?” Fu Mang frowned, and the huge pressure even made him feel a little difficult to breathe.

And the golden energy in George Han’s body suddenly skyrocketed at this time, and then, a golden giant axe was suddenly held by George Han’s right hand.

Chapter 2100

The entire Void Sect was blown by a breeze.

It was the fresh breeze of the outside world, with the fragrance of earth, and the taste of nature. Nothingness has known for how long, I haven’t smelled this not so simple but full of natural flavor.

The entire nihilism is quiet.

There was no sound, even the breathing stopped. The anti-Buddha area is generally a no-man’s land, and the silence is scary.

Ye Gucheng and the others looked cold and stared at the sky in a daze.

For a long time, for a long time, I couldn’t get back to God.

Sanyong, Lin Mengxi and the others were equally stunned.

How… it

will be like this! ?

“Am I dazzled?” Wu Yan wiped his eyes and tried to retry the commander in his hand to stimulate the formation, but obviously, the commander’s command at this time was just a piece of scrap wood.

Elders of Wu and Liufeng retreat almost invariably for a few steps, this is their subconscious action driven by their inner fear.

Sanyong reflected, grabbing his hair with both hands, he only felt his scalp hairy.

The most proud defensive formation of Wu Wuzong stands tall in all directions. It has not fallen for hundreds of thousands of years since it was sent to the mountain, but today, it has been destroyed.

He didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, happy or sad.

“It’s impossible, it’s impossible. The Void Sect’s forbidden spell cannot be easily broken without the power of ten thousand people. This is absolutely impossible.” Ye Gucheng murmured and shook his head, obviously unable to accept the reality in front of him.

“It seems that the legend is true.” Qin Shuang smiled at this moment.


Above the hall, everyone looked at Qin Shuang in unison, waiting for her answer.

“George Han has a Pangu axe.” Qin Shuang said naturally with a smile.

Pan Gu Axe?

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

“Shuang’er, you mean…” Sanyong looked at Qin Shuang incredulously.

“No, no, it’s not right. You said that the masked man is a mysterious man, and the mysterious man is George Han, but how can George Han have a Pangu axe? Pangu axe is only available to George Han from the family. That’s right.” Elder Erfeng shook his head resolutely, it was really hard to understand.

The three elders also nodded at the same time.

“You are the one who made it very complicated. You have to think that George Han of the nihilism is pretending to be Fujia George Han. Haven’t you really thought that they are the same person? Wearing colored glasses to see people and engage yourself Dizzy, isn’t it ironic?” Qin Shuang laughed.

“You…you mean, George Han is George Han?” Sanyong’s face was pale.

“I said it yesterday.” Qin Shuang said calmly.

“But, isn’t he dead?” Elder Erfeng said.

“He didn’t die, but lived in another way.” Qin Shuang smiled.

Elder Sanfeng sat down on the ground, his whole person dumbfounded: “Mysterious man!”

“That’s right.” Qin Shuang smiled.

In fact, Qin Shuang was absolutely unwilling to disclose any identity information of George Han, except for the momentary urgency. However, when George Han had already taken out the Pangu Axe, she knew that George Han no longer needed any secrets. Up.

“You mean, the one who fought against many masters at the top of Qishan was…George Han? The person who got the Pangu Axe was also…George Han, they, they were all one person from beginning to end. “San Yong’s mentality is about to explode.

“Yes!” Qin Shuang said calmly.


Sanyong couldn’t help it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out like no money.

“Haha, hahahahaha, I… what did I do in Sanyong? George Han, mysterious man, Pangu axe!!! Hahahahaha!”

“My ancestors, I am in vain. I’m a human being, I’m weak at George Han, only take one scoop, hahahaha, it turns out that it refers to George Han. But I…but I think he’s just…but just a waste, right from the beginning. He is full of discrimination.”

“Am I qualified to discriminate against him? He is a god, what am I? But an ant.”

Sanyong smiled madly, looking at his hands, the whole person laughed more than crying Ugly: “My Sanyong pretends that everything is for the sake of nothingness, and even amusingly thinks that I must be the person of the ZTE sect. Actually? I’m just a sinner. I ruined everything.”

“How can I live in What about this world? But, when I am dead, why do I face my ancestors?” Sanyong knelt on the ground in a decadent manner.

Elder Ersanfeng opened his eyes wide and looked at each other, shocked.

Lin Mengxi’s eyes were also dull, three thousand weak, and only took a scoop, ancestors meant that they would be wrong, and it was a big mistake by hand.

Sanyong is a sinner, how can she be!

“Impossible, impossible, that trash, how could that trash be George Han, and… how could it be a mysterious person?” Ye Gucheng’s eyes were extremely flustered, and his heart was extremely unwilling.

The person who caused him abnormal and even distorted psychology at the top of Qishan, how… how could he be a waste that he has always looked down on? !

He is just rubbish, how can he be qualified to compare with his master? !

At this moment, he raised his head hesitantly, in mid-air, George Han had entered the realm of Nothingness!

Chapter 2101

In mid-air, George Han was holding a giant axe and wearing a mask.

The whole person is not angry and prestigious, even if it is far away, all the people in the main hall can feel the extremely strong oppression he brings.

Ye Gucheng and the others looked at each other, staring at each other, they were all shocked for a while.

“What the hell are you doing? Block it for me!” Suddenly, Ye Gucheng reflected and shouted angrily.

However, when the order was given, the group of people couldn’t help but look at each other, and no one dared to step forward even half a step.

After all, that is a mysterious person, who has the courage to confront him? This is no different from looking for death.

“Go on.” Ye Gucheng roared angrily.

The Twelve Poison elders looked at each other, and then they affirmed each other, and then rushed directly towards George Han.

Wu Yan was not idle either. He drew a blank picture in his hand, drew a big circle, and then used the method just now to directly pass on all the disciples of Yaoshen Pavilion who came in to meet the enemy.

Seeing the welcoming twelve poisonous elders and the crowds rushing from Ersansifeng, George Han smiled disdainfully, looked at the Pangu axe in his hand, and smiled softly: “I know you are holding back too hard. Just let you relax.”

Pan Gu Axe flashed with golden light, as if responding to George Han.

“Sky fire, moon wheel!” With a

shout of anger, the red sky fire and purple moon wheel turned into two golden lights, and directly attacked the crowd on the three mountain peaks, and George Han was also very simple, lifting Pan Gu axe and rushing directly to the twelve poisonous old men.

The two waves quickly approached, but the closer they were, the more flustered the Twelve Du Lao.

“This guy, what the hell, what a strong aura!” First Du Lao couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable while pushing forward with strong energy.

“I don’t know, but with the twelve of us joining hands and the nearly 10,000 disciples who came here, how afraid of him?”

“Let him taste the power of our twelve poisonous old men.” As

soon as the twelve poisonous old voices fell, suddenly only a golden light struck, followed by… a

spike! !


Above the hall, Wu Yan was shocked. He was about to observe the battle, but suddenly discovered that the twelve poisonous elders who had just rushed up were gone after a flash of golden light!

Not to mention the corpse, not even a scum!

Ye Gucheng’s eyes were almost open until Tianling was covered, and he couldn’t believe what he saw before him.

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, there were two more loud noises.

A few people hurriedly looked around and saw the 10,000 disciples who had just assembled in the air at Ersansifeng, and there were two huge explosions.

While the flames blazed into the sky, the purple light was turbulent again and again, and the tens of thousands of people were smashed out of two huge holes. Under the holes, only vague residue was left.

“My goodness.” Erfeng elders stared blankly.

What kind of battle is this, but a one-sided gorgeous slaughter, like a performance.

Sanyong sat on the ground blankly, speechless for a while.

“Quick…Go!” Wu Yan hurriedly shouted at Ye Gucheng.

But at this moment, the golden light flashed in the hall suddenly, and George Han’s tall and slender figure was already standing in the hall.

Ye Gucheng’s group of people immediately moved closer together and kept backing away, without the courage to fight.

Seeing George Han approaching step by step, Ye Gucheng felt very unwilling. He was the man who ruled the world, but at this moment, he was scared by a person and stepped back.

But the powerful aura radiating from George Han’s body made him unwilling to bite and swallow it.

One step, two steps, three steps, as if death were moving closer to them, the elders of Wuliufeng already felt that his crotch was wet, and his feet were shaking violently in disobedience.

Ye Gucheng couldn’t help shrinking behind the crowd at this time, the previous arrogant and arrogant arrogance had already ran out of Jiuxiaoyun.

“Great, great.” Ersanfeng elders immediately rejoiced with each other.

Fortunately, George Han is here, otherwise, the Void Sect will always live in a never-day environment.

George Han came to Qin Shuang’s front, Qin Shuang smiled slightly: “I knew you would come.”

“How could I not come? You are my senior sister.” George Han smiled lightly.

Qin Shuang nodded, just trying to explain something, but George Han shook his head: “No need to explain, I know, of course I respect their choice.”

After speaking, George Han set his eyes on Ye Gucheng, Ye The lonely city shivered suddenly.

“Don’t be so scared, I’m just taking Qin Shuang away, do you have an opinion?”

Ye Gucheng was taken aback for a moment. What did he mean? !

“Let’s go.” George Han looked at Qin Shuang and said.

“But…” Qin Shuang looked at Lin Mengxi, Sanyong and others with dismay.

“They are adults, and adults are responsible for their actions. Whatever they choose, let them pay for it.” After that, George Han turned around and was about to leave.

As far as George Han is concerned, Qin Shuang is kind to himself, and he does have the feelings of his sister and brother. Qin Shuang has something to do, so George Han can’t sit idly by, but for others, George Han has no feelings. I didn’t seek revenge from them, it was considered as benevolent and righteous, and I was in the same class.


As soon as George Han’s voice fell, Elder Ersanfeng’s laughter instantly solidified, and he sat down on the ground, even Lin Mengxi couldn’t help but retreat, and Sanyong’s heart suddenly became extremely dark!

Chapter 2102

Qin Shuang felt uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do for a while.

George Han’s words really make sense. Sanyong and others have the current consequences, and they are indeed responsible for themselves, but the other disciples of Wuwuzong are innocent.

She didn’t want to watch her fellow seniors suffer the scourge of Ye Gucheng.

At the same time, Lin Mengxi is her own mother.

“Are you really George Han?” At this moment, Lin Mengxi gritted her teeth and stopped in front of George Han.

George Han’s brows were slightly unhappy: “Is it or not, it has nothing to do with you, get out!”

“If you are George Han, don’t you want the Void Sect to hand me over? I’m here, I want to kill and kill. , I listen to you, but…”

“Are you begging me?” George Han frowned.

Lin Mengxi gritted her teeth and finally turned her mind: “Yes, I beg you!”

George Han was stunned for a moment, and then a golden light shone directly from his body, shaking Lin Mengxi several meters in front of him: ” It’s okay to ask for help, but do you expect a demon to help you? How can a demon help people?”

After speaking, George Han stepped away.

At the beginning, when you waited to see me as a demon, that demon would never pass.

“By the way, save her life, she must die in my hands.” George Han glanced at Ye Gucheng coldly and shouted coldly.

Being stared at by George Hanyi, Ye Gucheng couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva. He was a ghost and nodded in fear.

“George Han!” With

another shout, George Han turned his head slightly. At this time, Sanyong slowly got up, facing George Han, in the surprised expression of elder Ersanfeng.

With a bang.

Kneeling heavily on the ground.

Sanyong bowed his head: “I know that you hate Nothingness School, but thousands of mistakes are all my mistakes as the head.”

“I also know that you have given Nothingness School a chance, but I do The heart of human beings saves the abdomen of a gentleman, I am full of thinking that the lonely city will be like the same family, but you… may avenge your personal revenge, but wherever you can think of it, things will be like this, I say no more, I just want to ask you, Please save Wu Wuzong, okay?” Sanyong said in a difficult way.

“As the head, you beg me, it might be useful before. However, if a man’s knees kneel too much, it would be worthless.” George Han snorted coldly.

Sanyong was speechless. He knew that George Han was mocking his humbleness. After kneeling others, he came to kneel again. He didn’t bother at all.

Glancing at Qin Shuang behind him, George Han saw that she hadn’t followed, took a deep breath, and looked at Ye Gucheng: “I have no interest in intervening in the matter of nihilism, but if Qin Shuang loses half of his hair, I I want you Ye Gucheng to never

live beyond life.” Hearing this, Ye Gucheng’s body didn’t feel trembling. He obviously didn’t do anything, but with a word, a look in his eyes made him tremble.

George Han knew that Lin Mengxi was Qin Shuang’s mother, and that the Void Sect was also the place where she felt the deepest affection. She could not decide to give up her for a while. Therefore, George Han gave in and let her stay longer. He walked silently to the outside of the hall.

After only a few steps, the two figures, one fat and thin, bumped into each other in a daze like a frightened bird. Finally, they passed by George Han and knelt on the ground with a plop.

Looking at these two figures, George Han slightly took a foothold.

“Oh, Brother Ye, oh no, Grandpa Ye, Grandpa Ye help me.” Zhe Xuzi’s chubby body knelt, as if throwing a gas tank on the ground, he just slipped on the ground. A few steps away.

Next to Zhe Xuzi, Xiao Heizi was kneeling, still so thin, but his face became more fierce.

Seeing George Han stopped slightly because of the arrival of Zhe Xunzi and Xiao Heizi, a trace of panic flashed across Ye Gucheng’s face, and then kicked Zhe Xunzi and Xiao Heizi to the ground for fear that George Han would notice. What: “Get out of here.”

“Oh, Grandpa Ye, you can’t control us. Now Sifeng is full of your subordinates. If you see a man, you will kill, and the girl will be insulted. If the two of us are not hiding It’s good, they have already been in a different place.” Zhe Xuzi rolled over and rolled over, crying like a dead mother.

“Yeah, Brother Ye, we took advantage of those people’s sudden flying away, and hurriedly fled to this side, please cover us a little, but don’t flood the Dragon King Temple.” Xiao Heizi begged while looking at him. Ye Gucheng seemed to remind Ye Gucheng something in his words.

Maybe in normal times, Ye Gucheng would eat Xiao Heizi, but the question is, George Han is here. Isn’t this one of the pots and the other ones? !

“Go away, I’m not familiar with you, don’t talk nonsense about what shouldn’t be said.” Ye Gucheng shouted angrily, his eyes wishing to eat the two of them.

“Grandpa Ye, what you said is wrong. If we didn’t help with George Han, would you be successful? Normally, the two of us are tight-lipped and never reveal anything. There is no credit and hard work, you We must be saved.” Zhe Xuzi pleaded crying more miserably when he knew that George Han was there.

Ye Gucheng really wanted to choke this damn fat man to death, but why George Han was here, he killed him, and George Han made a shot!

“Grandpa Ye, you don’t have to wink at us, what can’t you say about this now? Now that Wu Wuzong is all under yours, what if they know it?” Zhe Xuzi continued.

“Yeah, Yeah, Grandpa Ye, we did our best to help you die.” Xiao Heizi also hurriedly said.

The tragedy of the Four Peaks has long frightened two people who are greedy for life and fear of death. The two keep mentioning old things, wanting Ye Gucheng to spare their lives in their old love, and even if they want to get it, it is even more happy. .

“How to bow down and die, let’s talk about it.” George Han smiled slightly.

Seeing George Han speak, Ye Gucheng was shocked, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Then, he looked at Xiao Heizi and Zhe Xuzi angrily, trying to warn them not to say anything with his eyes, but because of the fear of George Han before seeing Ye Gucheng, the two of them determined that George Han was Ye Gucheng’s boss. At this time, he had already focused his attention on George Han.

“Hehe, this grandpa, it would be wonderful to talk about that. I thought that Brother Ye Gucheng was very uncomfortable when I saw a slave in Sifeng, so we used a girl to frame him. In the end, the guy was besieged by the whole school. Die.”

“Yeah, at the same time, we all have a plan. Even if things are revealed, we will find another backer. In short, this matter will never have anything to do with Senior Brother Ye Gucheng. , You said, are we reliable?” Xiao Heizi also hurriedly said.

At this moment, George Han smiled slightly, and Ye Gucheng covered his forehead with one hand, extremely depressed, these two idiots!

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