His True Colors Novel Chapter 2087 – 2090

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Chapter 2087

George Han meant that he wanted to release Twelve Ji. After all, although they look gorgeous, their lives are miserable, but they are regarded as money-making tools and puppets.

This idea of ”‹”‹George Han was supported by everyone. George Han left this matter to Qiu Shui and Shi Yu.

As for Huazhongyu, the Fumang gang naturally left because they knew that if this kind of thing were to be given, it would definitely be given to Amelia Su.

“Actually, Huazhongyu was not given to me, right.” After Amelia Su sent everyone away, she closed the door with Nian’er, and turned back to George Han.

George Han smiled and stretched out his hand, holding Amelia Su in one hand and Han Nian in the other.

Without waiting for George Han to speak, Amelia Su nodded George Han’s forehead: “Well, I know you owe someone else, and you want to return it to someone else. If you don’t have someone else’s face beads, you can actually make up a flower jade. “

Amelia Su knows George Han so well, and naturally knows what George Han thinks.

Husband and wife, sometimes they don’t need to say much to know what is in each other’s hearts.

George Han nodded heavily, Shen Yanzhu was lost inexplicably, although he went to the auction house to buy a lot of things, trying to compensate. But George Han never gave the things out. The main reason for this was that George Han always felt unable to get it.

Although the things in the auction house do cost a lot and are considered good things, after all, Shen Yan Zhu is to Baguio Palace, but the inheritance of the patriarch, the treasure of the sect, is sometimes not equivalent.

However, this Huazhongyu is actually similar to Shenyanzhu in some respects. If you use it to add those items from the auction house, George Han feels that the value of these things has far surpassed Shenyanzhu, it should be. Something that can really be made out now.

“However, I can always take a look?” Amelia Su said with a smile.

I heard George Han said that Hua Zhongyu’s growth process is very strange, so Amelia Su is also very curious about this rare thing.

“Anyway, there is still some time to go back to Xianling Island. You can play with it first.” George Han smiled, and then George Han reached into the space ring.

But soon, George Han frowned.

Then the more wrinkled, the tighter!

Seeing George Han’s appearance, Amelia Su suddenly felt a little cold. Looking at George Han, she asked tentatively, “You…you won’t tell me…Is it lost again?”

George Han did not believe in evil. Rumbling in the space ring again: “No? I remember I was in the ring. How could it be gone?”

Amelia Su was really speechless when she heard George Han’s words, and she rolled her eyes. Even turned up the sky.

“If you do this again, I really doubt if you raised a little lover outside, huh? Just give the good things out like a mouse, little by little, and then come back and tell me if I lost it, right?” Amelia Su is angry again funny.

The appearance of George Han throwing things is very cute. She rarely sees the appearance of George Han, but on the other hand, she is very angry, because this guy has lost things for the second time in a row.

Besides, this guy seems to be cheap and not to lose.

Although George Han was embarrassed to find something, he couldn’t help but smile when he looked at Amelia Su’s appearance: “I also want to hide the Jiao in Jinwu, but it’s a pity that the old man is old.”

“No one is serious!” Amelia Su’s face suddenly faded. Red and white gave George Han a glance. “Hurry up and find it, a full basket of nonsense.”

George Han nodded. This time, he used more spiritual knowledge to search in the space ring, and at the same time, he tried hard to recall and confirm again that he really put the flower in the jade. In the ring.

However, after searching for more than half an hour, I still found nothing.

“It’s weird, is it possible that this spatial ring will swallow my things?” George Han touched his head, but it was wrong. If he swallowed things, those jewelry and other things in the spatial ring, George Han didn’t know. How long it took, there was no accident. This is true even now.

Therefore, the space ring is impossible to swallow.

“Could it be that God also thinks that my method is too mean? So it was collected for me?” George Han was puzzled, thinking about it and didn’t think of a reason.

It is true that it is impossible for the Space Ring to steal anything.

However, George Han didn’t notice that the body of the Five Elements God Stone, at this time, had another faint stripe beside the original one.

Early the next morning.

Before Futian had a good rest, he was yelled by his subordinates. After returning last night, he instructed everyone under him not to spread the night’s affairs. He turned over and over in bed depressed, the more he thought about his dumb loss, the more depressed Futian became. After being tricked, he also lost a handful of rice, which made Futian, who was not very wealthy, undoubtedly Yu Xueshang Jiashuang.

It wasn’t until dawn that Futian went to sleep, but after a while, he was called out, saying that Fumei and Ye Shiyou had something to summon him. When they went to the temple, the people were whispering. Everyone who saw him, Can not help but secretly laugh.

This makes Futian very depressed, what’s the matter?

Chapter 2088

“Qin Shuang, don’t talk nonsense.” Lin Mengxi snorted coldly.

Although Lin Mengxi couldn’t understand the appearance of Ye Gucheng and the elders and villains, it didn’t mean that she agreed with George Han.

For Wu Wuzong, George Han is the shameful past of Wu Wuzong.

“Am I wrong? If George Han is still there, why does the Void Sect have today? Why would anyone dare to bully my Void Sect and make them such a gang of rats so presumptuous in front of my Void Sect ancestors?” Qin Shuang Answered coldly.

With George Han’s current ability, would anyone dare to make a mistake here? Don’t say he has one Ye Gucheng, even if there are ten or one hundred, what can he do? !

“Slap!” With

a crisp sound, Qin Shuang touched his flushed face and looked at Lin Mengxi bitterly. After Lin Mengxi shouted and shut her mouth, she also looked at the slap she slapped with regret. .

“Don’t mention that rubbish anymore. Isn’t he harming you enough?” Lin Mengxi herself was more sad than her when she hit Qin Shuang. It was her own daughter.

But she really didn’t want Qin Shuang to mention that person at all, even including his name.

Had it not been for George Han’s appearance, Qin Shuang would not have fallen into love, and naturally would not have gone where he is today.

Qin Shuang touched his face. Even though he was very sad, he still held back the tears, but looked at Lin Mengxi silently but dissatisfied.

“Puff, hahahahaha!” Ye Gucheng suddenly laughed out loud, followed by Wu Yan and other elders, can’t help but sneer.

“Hey, some people are still thinking about the rubbish even today. I really doubt that Senior Sister Qin Shuang gave the rubbish the first time you gave it, or why don’t you forget it?”

“Hehe, an outstanding disciple of the Void Sect , In the end it was a little slut.” Elder Shoufeng couldn’t help but sarcastically said.

“You can insult me, but please don’t insult him.” Upon hearing these words, Qin Shuang looked at Ye Gucheng and the others angrily, and the anger in his eyes even expressed unabashedly that he wanted to kill them.

Ye Gucheng suddenly clenched his teeth and was extremely angry.

He didn’t allow or accept it, Qin Shuang, a big beauty in front of her, boasted of the good of others! Even if you don’t even care, you have to protect him!

Ye Gucheng is the best in the world!

The corners of his eyes shrank sharply, and Ye Gucheng said coldly: “I want to insult him, so what? I want to insult you as well. I tell you Qin Shuang, when the void city is opened, I will break you. The day.” As

soon as he beat the bench, Ye Gucheng got up in anger, looked at Sanyong, and snorted coldly: “Sanyong, when the sun first sounds tomorrow, if you have not lifted the prohibition of the Void Sect, you will wait. Let the Void Sect be annihilated from now on, by the way, there are thousands of disciples of Void Sect to be buried!” After

leaving a sentence, Ye Gucheng shouted: “Let’s go!”

Wu Yan and others glanced coldly at Sanyong and Lin Mengxi The others, following Ye Gucheng, left proudly.

Lin Mengxi chased after two steps viciously, but finally stopped.

“Hey, it’s really unfortunate for my teacher. This is a disciple of Wuzong, obviously a jackal.” Elder Erfeng couldn’t help but sighed, shaking his head.

Sanyong sighed and shook his head.

“Senior Brother Sect, things can no longer be delayed until now. You need to make the next decision. I think Ye Gucheng is here for real.” Elder Sanfeng frowned at this time.

Sanyong nodded heavily and raised his head silently: “Then what do you think?”

“Yao Shen Pavilion heard that there are hundreds of thousands of troops. Although Ye Gucheng is arrogant, what he said is not without reason. It doesn’t make any sense, I think…Let’s surrender.” Elder Erfeng sighed, shaking his head.

“Yeah, even though the Fuye family has risen up, what is it to compare with the Medicine God Pavilion?” Elder Sanfeng said.

“You…” Lin Mengxi couldn’t help but look at the two elders who had always been on the same front as her suddenly change her mind.

“Junior sister apprentice, he gave up the struggle, useless.”

“Yes ah, we are not thought to resist, but we send a signal to those who have passed many days and our good relationship ally, someone to do?”

Sanyong A wry smile: “When they knew our two opponents, they were afraid that no one would dare to come. This is also expected. We really seem to have no way to go.”

“Who said there is no way to go.” Qin Shuang’s complexion was firm, looking at Sanyong, his whole body was unusually firm.

“What way?” Sanyongdao.

“Have you heard of the Masked Man?” Qin Shuang said, “If we ask him for help, the Void Sect will be saved!”

“The Masked Man?” The second elder was taken aback for a moment: “I’ve heard of it. He seems to have come to Tianhu City recently. , And joined the forces of the Fuye Family. However, Qin Shuang, the Masked Man is nothing more than posing as a mysterious person after all. Even if he joins the Fuye Family, he is still inferior to the Medicine God Pavilion. It’s so far.”

“Yes, there is the support of the Immortal Seas behind the Medicine God Pavilion, what are they doing? The Fuye family will not become terrible because of a masked person. “The three elders also agreed.

“Who said it’s not terrible?” Seeing the second and third elders’ babbled denial, Qin Shuang was anxious: “You don’t think it’s terrible. That’s because you don’t even know that the masked person is a mysterious person. It’s George Han!”

Chapter 2089

“Hahahaha, it is estimated that Futian has already drawn countless circles on the ground to curse you, I will help you count this way, at least ten sneezes.” Fumang laughed. Tao.

“I can’t help it, Futian simply caused the leader to harm him miserably. If his things are gone, he will still be humiliated by him. If he goes back, he will be reduced by the number of people in the family. Leader, you are simply too bad.” laugh.

It was indeed George Han who let Jianghu Baixiaosheng release the Futian matter.

If George Han did this, it was bound to make them bite the dog.

“In this way, Futian will inevitably lose people’s hearts, and Fumei will be regarded as the supreme savior by Fujia executives. But, will Futian be willing to give up power? Will Fumei converge in front of power?. “Fu Li pointedly pointed out the most acute problem in it.

Although the two families of Fu Ye seem to be a combination of pearls and curtains, the coalition forces have never won battles. Throughout the ages, the alliance of the six countries has not been able to destroy the State of Qin, and the alliance of Wushu has never replaced Cao and Wei. The reason is that the coalition seems to be strong on the surface. , In fact, each has a sense of interest, as long as they eat a little bit, they will be jealous.

What George Han has to do is to break the barrier of trust on the surface.

Fumei’s harem caught fire, and Futian swept the ground with majesty. Not only did the relationship between Fuye and Fuye break the ice, but at the same time, the relationship between Fumei and Futian also began to become more subtle due to their different situations.

However, at the moment of the enemy, the conflict between Fu Ye and the two families will be temporarily put down. This is what George Han can guess. George Han does not expect it, or even hopes that they are dead now, but temporarily planted a thunder for them.

Its explosion, at least, should come slowly after dealing with the Medicine God Pavilion.

It is different from George Han’s group of laughter along the way.

The Void School at this time was dead.

Yaoshen Pavilion and Fuye coalition forces fought on both sides, and the Nothingness Sect at the center was full of dangers.

No matter which one wins, it doesn’t make any sense to Nothing.

There are only two ways to survive.

Either fight to the end and defeat the two enemies, but this possibility is very small. With the strength of the nihilism, even if sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, it is absolutely not qualified to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Or, it is choosing to join any of the two forces, but this behavior is also very risky, because once standing in the wrong team, it is equivalent to the disaster of extinction.

Besides, even if you stand in the right team, will it be a good thing for Nothing? !

Because of the special geographic location of the Void Sect, even if the side of the team wins, their Void Sect will be focused on defense, and the Void Sect was only a dead end at the time.

In the past few days, the weather is almost the same as the expressions on the faces of many people, and it is overcast.

On the Hall of Void Sovereign Peak, Master Sanyong sat frowning at the position of the head. On the left hand side, a huge golden chair stood there. On the chair, Ye Gucheng stepped one leg on the chair with a dull look. Some female slaves were shaking fans, some were feeding fruit, and some were massaging. They were like emperors.

In such a serious place in the main hall, in front of the ancestors of the emptiness, I am afraid that only Ye Gucheng can be so proud.

On the right hand side, Lin Mengxi led Qin Shuang and several other elders, looking at Ye Gucheng with deep grievances.

Above the main hall, Ye Gucheng made such an insult, which is simply a shame to the ancestors.

“How about it, Master, one day has come, should you give me an answer?” Ye Gucheng didn’t care about the eyes of Lin Mengxi and others, but was even more proud.

“Brother Sect, the Void Sect will have a future only if you obediently join the Medicine God Pavilion, what are you thinking about?” Standing next to Ye Gucheng, Elder Shoufeng laughed coldly.

“Could it be that you think that our Nothingness Sect has the ability to resist?” Wu Liufeng elders followed closely and laughed.

Master Sanyong frowned and said nothing.

“Huh, join the Medicine God Pavilion? I am afraid that the front foot of the Void Sect will join. The back foot here is the military powerhouse of the Medicine God Pavilion in this area. Then, there will be a foothold of the Void Sect here?” Lin Mengxi Leng Looking at Ye Gucheng coldly, he said sharply.

Hearing Lin Mengxi’s words, Ye Gucheng’s expression suddenly became cold. Obviously, what Lin Mengxi said was exactly what he thought.

Sanyong nodded slightly. In fact, he also agreed with Lin Mengxi’s views, but he was also afraid of making a mistake, and should not offend Ye Gucheng rashly: “This matter is very important, so let me think about it for a few days.”

Sanyong As soon as the voice fell, Ye Gucheng immediately picked up the fruit plate next to him and threw it directly at Sanyong.

“Old stuff, I will give you face and call you Master Master, do you really take yourself seriously?” Ye Gucheng shouted angrily.

Although San Yong was not hit by the fruit plate, he just dodged in a hurry and was in a panic.

When Lin Mengxi saw this, she was immediately dissatisfied and screamed: “Ye Gucheng, what are you going to do?! In front of the ancestors, you are so rebellious?”

“Hmph, it’s just a ruined master of the sect. , Do I need to be polite to Ye Gucheng?” Ye Gucheng laughed coldly.

“My Gucheng is now the leader of the Yaoshen Pavilion, let alone hitting the old thing with a fruit plate, just riding a pee on his head, why not?” Elder Shoufeng said in disdain.

“Sanyong, if you are old and useless, just get out of here, why are you still occupying the pit and not shit? You also know how incompetent you are. It was even more so that George Han made my nihilism. The vitality is greatly hurt, the chickens and dogs are restless, and now, are we going to lead us to the destruction of the void?” Wu Yan also shouted coldly at this time.

“If there were George Han in the Void Sect, there would be no today!” At this moment, Qin Shuang couldn’t help it anymore and said aloud.

Chapter 2090

“Qin Shuang, don’t talk nonsense.” Lin Mengxi snorted coldly.

Although Lin Mengxi couldn’t understand the appearance of Ye Gucheng and the elders and villains, it didn’t mean that she agreed with George Han.

For Wu Wuzong, George Han is the shameful past of Wu Wuzong.

“Am I wrong? If George Han is still there, why does the Void Sect have today? Why would anyone dare to bully my Void Sect and make them such a gang of rats so presumptuous in front of my Void Sect ancestors?” Qin Shuang Answered coldly.

With George Han’s current ability, would anyone dare to make a mistake here? Don’t say he has one Ye Gucheng, even if there are ten or one hundred, what can he do? !

“Slap!” With

a crisp sound, Qin Shuang touched his flushed face and looked at Lin Mengxi bitterly. After Lin Mengxi shouted and shut her mouth, she also looked at the slap she slapped with regret. .

“Don’t mention that rubbish anymore. Isn’t he harming you enough?” Lin Mengxi herself was more sad than her when she hit Qin Shuang. It was her own daughter.

But she really didn’t want Qin Shuang to mention that person at all, even including his name.

Had it not been for George Han’s appearance, Qin Shuang would not have fallen into love, and naturally would not have gone where he is today.

Qin Shuang touched his face. Even though he was very sad, he still held back the tears, but looked at Lin Mengxi silently but dissatisfied.

“Puff, hahahahaha!” Ye Gucheng suddenly laughed out loud, followed by Wu Yan and other elders, can’t help but sneer.

“Hey, some people are still thinking about the rubbish even today. I really doubt that Senior Sister Qin Shuang gave the rubbish the first time you gave it, or why don’t you forget it?”

“Hehe, an outstanding disciple of the Void Sect , In the end it was a little slut.” Elder Shoufeng couldn’t help but sarcastically said.

“You can insult me, but please don’t insult him.” Upon hearing these words, Qin Shuang looked at Ye Gucheng and the others angrily, and the anger in his eyes even expressed unabashedly that he wanted to kill them.

Ye Gucheng suddenly clenched his teeth and was extremely angry.

He didn’t allow or accept it, Qin Shuang, a big beauty in front of her, boasted of the good of others! Even if you don’t even care, you have to protect him!

Ye Gucheng is the best in the world!

The corners of his eyes shrank sharply, and Ye Gucheng said coldly: “I want to insult him, so what? I want to insult you as well. I tell you Qin Shuang, when the void city is opened, I will break you. The day.” As

soon as he beat the bench, Ye Gucheng got up in anger, looked at Sanyong, and snorted coldly: “Sanyong, when the sun first sounds tomorrow, if you have not lifted the prohibition of the Void Sect, you will wait. Let the Void Sect be annihilated from now on, by the way, there are thousands of disciples of Void Sect to be buried!” After

leaving a sentence, Ye Gucheng shouted: “Let’s go!”

Wu Yan and others glanced coldly at Sanyong and Lin Mengxi The others, following Ye Gucheng, left proudly.

Lin Mengxi chased after two steps viciously, but finally stopped.

“Hey, it’s really unfortunate for my teacher. This is a disciple of Wuzong, obviously a jackal.” Elder Erfeng couldn’t help but sighed, shaking his head.

Sanyong sighed and shook his head.

“Senior Brother Sect, things can no longer be delayed until now. You need to make the next decision. I think Ye Gucheng is here for real.” Elder Sanfeng frowned at this time.

Sanyong nodded heavily and raised his head silently: “Then what do you think?”

“Yao Shen Pavilion heard that there are hundreds of thousands of troops. Although Ye Gucheng is arrogant, what he said is not without reason. It doesn’t make any sense, I think…Let’s surrender.” Elder Erfeng sighed, shaking his head.

“Yeah, even though the Fuye family has risen up, what is it to compare with the Medicine God Pavilion?” Elder Sanfeng said.

“You…” Lin Mengxi couldn’t help but look at the two elders who had always been on the same front as her suddenly change her mind.

“Junior sister apprentice, he gave up the struggle, useless.”

“Yes ah, we are not thought to resist, but we send a signal to those who have passed many days and our good relationship ally, someone to do?”

Sanyong A wry smile: “When they knew our two opponents, they were afraid that no one would dare to come. This is also expected. We really seem to have no way to go.”

“Who said there is no way to go.” Qin Shuang’s complexion was firm, looking at Sanyong, his whole body was unusually firm.

“What way?” Sanyongdao.

“Have you heard of the Masked Man?” Qin Shuang said, “If we ask him for help, the Void Sect will be saved!”

“The Masked Man?” The second elder was taken aback for a moment: “I’ve heard of it. He seems to have come to Tianhu City recently. , And joined the forces of the Fuye Family. However, Qin Shuang, the Masked Man is nothing more than posing as a mysterious person after all. Even if he joins the Fuye Family, he is still inferior to the Medicine God Pavilion. It’s so far.”

“Yes, there is the support of the Immortal Seas behind the Medicine God Pavilion, what are they doing? The Fuye family will not become terrible because of a masked person. “The three elders also agreed.

“Who said it’s not terrible?” Seeing the second and third elders’ babbled denial, Qin Shuang was anxious: “You don’t think it’s terrible. That’s because you don’t even know that a masked person is a mysterious person. It’s George Han!”

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