His True Colors Novel Chapter 2083 – 2086

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Chapter 2083

“With Fumei’s personality, it will definitely be like this.” Fuli knows a lot about Fumei, so he basically has a judgment about this kind of result.

“I wanted to provoke others, but they were counter-provoked by others. Ouch, I’m going to die of laughter, three thousand, you’re really good at using it.” Fu Mang continued to laugh.

“Who told her to scold my wife?” George Han smiled slightly. Amelia Su is the most important person in George Han’s life. Fumei actually dared to say Amelia Su in front of George Han. What is Fumei? ? !

Jianghu Baixiaosheng smiled bitterly, glanced at Fu Mang, and said: “Now, I finally realize why you are thankful that Three Thousand is our friend, not our enemy. A strong person is already very abnormal, but he It’s horrible to be able to crush you on your IQ by changing tricks.”

I wanted to destroy other people’s feelings, but my feelings were confused and provoked.

What George Han said happened to be stuck in Fu Mei’s life, and even many people had psychological shortcomings. If he just refuses directly, maybe he refuses as well. But his sentence is only a pity, but it is really like a thorn in the tip of the heart.

“Futian is also miserable. I took out all the jade from the flowers at the bottom of the box, as well as the twelve Ji of the Ye Family. He has lost his blood, but he has no return. Does Futian have to jump off the building? “Fu Li continued at this time.

“Speaking of the twelve Ji, tut…”

“Hey, I heard that it is beautiful, and the body is very good. Don’t get me wrong, I just appreciate their talent.”

” Right , right, pure art exchange. “

Fu Mang and Jianghu Baixiaosheng are two idiots, and Brother Pig defended each other in general.

Amelia Su’s eyes turned out of the sky: “Actually, I think you should pay more attention to Huazhongyu. After listening to George Han’s introduction, I feel that this thing is very magical.”

“If it can regenerate, it will be a cheat on the battlefield, but I don’t know that it can reach this level. After all, what Futian shows is just regenerating flowers and healing. If it can regenerate people, then it’s not allowed. It’s gone.” Fuli said softly.

“Futian can give it away with Twelve Ji. You don’t need to try it. I know it’s definitely not easy. However, three thousand he gave you so many things. If you don’t want to interfere with our affairs, you won’t Did you agree?” Bai Xiaosheng said at this time.

“Well, how could San Qian agree to Futian?” Fu Mang laughed.

“Do I have any reason for rejection?” George Han smiled.

Hearing this answer, Fu Mang’s smile instantly solidified on his face. He didn’t even think that George Han would agree: “I rely on… No way… If you don’t interfere in this matter, then Futian I will definitely settle the account with me. What shall we do then?”

Just mentioned how happy Twelve Ji laughed, and now Fu Mang is so depressed.

Not to mention today’s Fujia, even if it is the fallen Fujia, Fu Mang is obviously not an opponent.

“Okay, three thousand, don’t scare Fu Mang.” Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng couldn’t help but whisper.

George Han shook his head, “I will definitely do what George Han promises to others, whether it is an enemy or a friend.”

This is a basic question of honesty and trustworthiness. Promise to lie to anyone.

But the group of people in the Mysterious Alliance heard George Han’s answer so earnestly, all of them were dumbfounded.

“Then if Futian comes to the door, what should I do?” Fuli said with a cold expression.

With these people, they weren’t Fujia’s opponents at all, and they were waiting for Futian’s destruction.

A group of people looked at each other, wanting to say a few words about George Han, in order to turn everyone’s lives on deaf ears, this really should not be and irresponsible. However, George Han is the leader after all, and they don’t know what to say about him.

Amelia Su pulled the corner of La George Han’s clothes and motioned to George Han to say something to prevent everyone from being so embarrassed.

At this moment, there were knocks on the door of the inn downstairs.

Fu Mang frowned: “It’s so late, is it possible that there are still guests?”

“The inn has been booked by us, who doesn’t know about Tianhu City?” After Fu Li finished speaking, he got up and was about to open the window to see the situation. At this time, the shop Xiaoer panicked and ran upstairs.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, several uncles, Futian led many big guys into our inn.” Xiao Er shouted in a panic.

Fu Mang and the others turned pale, and as expected, Fu Tian really came over.

“What should I do now? Get out quickly.” Fuli said anxiously.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for you.” At this moment, a smug laugh came.

There was a sound of footsteps in the stairwell, and Futian slowly walked up with a cold face and a large group of masters with an evil smile.

“This downstairs, including the surroundings, has been surrounded by us, Fumang, where do you want to escape?” Futian laughed coldly.

Fu Mang’s heart was cold, and he looked at Futian coldly: “I didn’t plan to leave either. However, what is your grudge against me, don’t involve other people.”

“Humph, Fumang, are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?” After speaking, Futian looked at Fuli, gritted his teeth and said coldly: “And you bitch, you dare to betray me. It will make you better than death.”

After speaking, Futian sneered: “I have prepared a lot of torture instruments for you two dog men and women in the prison of the Ye family. I hope you two will not die so quickly.”

Finally, he looked at Amelia Su: “Fuyao, the endless abyss can’t kill you, you are really fate. Alas, I told you to listen to me obediently, but you don’t listen, but you have to go with a traitor who helps your family. Coming, you disappoint me very much.”

Amelia Su smiled coldly: “When you interact with people like you, you really disappoint the people of the world.”

“Hey, you, your vision is really bad, it’s no wonder, otherwise, why would you like that earth waste? God gave you the opportunity to choose again, but you don’t cherish it.” Futian sneered, after finishing speaking, could not help Shaking his head: “Being able to come out of the endless abyss, you should understand that life is precious, and I have to kill you a second time.”

“Who will die is not necessarily.” Amelia Su said coldly.

“Really?” After speaking, Futian glanced at George Han, nodded and waved his hand: “Then let you see, who will die tonight.”

“Tell me that Qinghai is out. Everyone here don’t even want to give me the fuck, take them all for me, I want to live!”

“Yes!” When the

voice fell, dozens of masters rushed out directly behind Futian and waited for Amelia Su. People rushed over.

But just as these people rushed past, suddenly, the person rushing in the front seemed to have hit something, and a strange force suddenly fell on his back.

In front of them, George Han gently patted the dust on his feet!

Chapter 2084

Seeing George Han’s move, Fu Mang’s heart finally let go, and the whole person could not help but let out a sigh.

But Futian was stunned.

“Her hero…” Futian looked at George Han in confusion.

At noon, hasn’t it already been said?

“Aren’t you trying to make a mistake?” Futian frowned slightly.

“Hehe, the mysterious man is also considered a hero. It turns out that he is a person who is not trustworthy?”

“If this goes out, I am afraid that the whole rivers and lakes’ love for you will turn into contempt.”

Behind Futian, two tall The tube also followed.

If the mysterious people want to help them, then their plan to catch pigs tonight will be a complete failure.

“Don’t worry, this person always speaks for words. Futian, why did I tell you at noon?” George Han smiled.

“You said you would never interfere with me, Fu Mang and others.”

“Yes, did I use my hands just now?!” George Han smiled slightly.

Futian was taken aback. He had made a move just now, otherwise, how could his group of elites suddenly fall? But the next second, Futian suddenly reflected.

He didn’t use his hands, but he used his feet, what he called intervention!

I rely on!

“Puff, hahahahaha!” Behind George Han, Fu Mang couldn’t help but suddenly laughed.

He also didn’t expect that George Han would mean this without interfering.

Jianghu Baixiaosheng and others also reflected what George Han meant, and couldn’t help but laugh at them.

Futian’s beard blowing and staring, the whole person was thunderous but didn’t dare to attack, just kept staring at George Han.

He felt humiliated, even humiliated by IQ.

George Han said he didn’t interfere, but in the end he was a tossing cell and tossing a torture device. Finally, he rushed to the scene with people, but what was the result? !

The executives behind Futian were also angry and embarrassed at this time.

There is really a sense of humiliation and anger of being rubbed on the ground by people’s IQ, but there is a mysterious person on the opposite side. Apart from being angry, who dares to really get angry? !

“Mysterious man, is it interesting for you to play this kind of word game with me? Use these to trick me into Futianhua Zhongyu and Twelve Ji, do you think that if you pass it out, you are a person who keeps your promise?” Futian shouted coldly.

“Then you can spread it out, watch the people in the world laugh at you as an idiot, or laugh at me playing word games with you.” George Han smiled slightly.

Futian was stunned for a moment. He was just threatening George Han, so that he should not interfere under pressure, but if he wants to spread it, he is unwilling, because it is obvious that the whole world will laugh at him as a fool patriarch!

If Fu Jia knew about these things, he must have been quite critical of him.

“Despicable and shameless!” Futian bit his posterior molar, furious.

“What are you staring at me so fiercely? You can eat me but I won’t?” George Han smiled disdainfully: “Look at your look that hates me but can’t kill me. You will only make me happier, you Understand?”


“Why are you so angry? I’m not angry with you yet, are you angry with me?” To

“You took my things, but you played word games with me, and turned around you were angry with me “Futian really feels about to explode. He is the one who has suffered a heavy loss. When it comes to his mouth, it makes him seem to be victimized.

“Humiliate Amelia Su in front of me? If it weren’t for the sake of our alliance, do you think that something like you is enough to compensate for the interest I lost in spirit?” George Han laughed coldly.

“You!” Futian glared with anger, but didn’t know how to refute.

“Before I get angry, get out. Also, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, you don’t want to form an alliance. I still say that, either we will kill Yaoshen Pavilion together, or I will kill you first. Go!” George Han gave a cold voice, followed by a violent stamp of his foot.


A burst of golden energy was immediately released from the feet, and after hitting the ground, the golden waves spread and attacked everyone.

A group of dozens of masters in Futian, all under the golden air wave, as if being knocked over by the waves, all of them turned on their backs, wailing everywhere.

With the support of several of his men, Futian stood up embarrassedly and looked at George Han bitterly. His eyes were full of unwillingness. Finally, he withdrew with a group of men.

“Haha, look at Futian’s eyes, that is, I can’t beat you. If I ever beat you, I might want to wait for your muscles to pick your skin and drink your blood.” Jianghu Baixiaosheng looked at Futian with a dingy After leaving, he immediately happily treated George Han.

“Fuck me, die three thousand, you really scared me to death, I really thought you wouldn’t make a move.” Fu Mang smiled and cursed.

Fuli also smiled: “Yes, George Han’s performance is too real, I thought we suffered tonight.”

George Han curled his lips and shook his head: “Don’t blow the rainbow fart, you look welcome Xia has never been fooled from start to finish.”

Amelia Su smiled bitterly: “Because the whole world abandons me, you will not abandon me, so if you don’t interfere, will I believe it?”

Fuli and Fumang, Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng and the others looked at each other and made a nausea: “Don’t feed the dog late at night, okay? Both?”

… After

returning to the house, strange things happened.

Chapter 2085

George Han meant that he wanted to release Twelve Ji. After all, although they look gorgeous, their lives are miserable, but they are regarded as money-making tools and puppets.

This idea of ”‹”‹George Han was supported by everyone. George Han left this matter to Qiu Shui and Shi Yu.

As for Huazhongyu, the Fumang gang naturally left because they knew that if this kind of thing were to be given, it would definitely be given to Amelia Su.

“Actually, Huazhongyu was not given to me, right.” After Amelia Su sent everyone away, she closed the door with Nian’er, and turned back to George Han.

George Han smiled and stretched out his hand, holding Amelia Su in one hand and Han Nian in the other.

Without waiting for George Han to speak, Amelia Su nodded George Han’s forehead: “Well, I know you owe someone else, and you want to return it to someone else. If you don’t have someone else’s face beads, you can actually make up a flower jade. “

Amelia Su knows George Han so well, and naturally knows what George Han thinks.

Husband and wife, sometimes they don’t need to say much to know what is in each other’s hearts.

George Han nodded heavily, Shen Yanzhu was lost inexplicably, although he went to the auction house to buy a lot of things, trying to compensate. But George Han never gave the things out. The main reason for this was that George Han always felt unable to get it.

Although the things in the auction house do cost a lot and are considered good things, after all, Shen Yan Zhu is to Baguio Palace, but the inheritance of the patriarch, the treasure of the sect, is sometimes not equivalent.

However, this Huazhongyu is actually similar to Shenyanzhu in some respects. If you use it to add those items from the auction house, George Han feels that the value of these things has far surpassed Shenyanzhu, it should be. Something that can really be made out now.

“However, I can always take a look?” Amelia Su said with a smile.

I heard George Han said that Hua Zhongyu’s growth process is very strange, so Amelia Su is also very curious about this rare thing.

“Anyway, there is still some time to go back to Xianling Island. You can play with it first.” George Han smiled, and then George Han reached into the space ring.

But soon, George Han frowned.

Then the more wrinkled, the tighter!

Seeing George Han’s appearance, Amelia Su suddenly felt a little cold. Looking at George Han, she asked tentatively, “You…you won’t tell me…Is it lost again?”

George Han did not believe in evil. Rumbling in the space ring again: “No? I remember I was in the ring. How could it be gone?”

Amelia Su was really speechless when she heard George Han’s words, and she rolled her eyes. Even turned up the sky.

“If you do this again, I really doubt if you raised a little lover outside, huh? Just give the good things out like a mouse, little by little, and then come back and tell me if I lost it, right?” Amelia Su is angry again funny.

The appearance of George Han throwing things is very cute. She rarely sees the appearance of George Han, but on the other hand, she is very angry, because this guy has lost things for the second time in a row.

Besides, this guy seems to be cheap and not to lose.

Although George Han was embarrassed to find something, he couldn’t help but smile when he looked at Amelia Su’s appearance: “I also want to hide the Jiao in Jinwu, but it’s a pity that the old man is old.”

“No one is serious!” Amelia Su’s face suddenly faded. Red and white gave George Han a glance. “Hurry up and find it, a full basket of nonsense.”

George Han nodded. This time, he used more spiritual knowledge to search in the space ring, and at the same time, he tried hard to recall and confirm again that he really put the flower in the jade. In the ring.

However, after searching for more than half an hour, I still found nothing.

“It’s weird, is it possible that this spatial ring will swallow my things?” George Han touched his head, but it was wrong. If he swallowed things, those jewelry and other things in the spatial ring, George Han didn’t know. How long it took, there was no accident. This is true even now.

Therefore, the space ring is impossible to swallow.

“Could it be that God also thinks that my method is too mean? So it was collected for me?” George Han was puzzled, thinking about it and didn’t think of a reason.

It is true that it is impossible for the Space Ring to steal anything.

However, George Han didn’t notice that the body of the Five Elements God Stone, at this time, had another faint stripe beside the original one.

Early the next morning.

Before Futian had a good rest, he was yelled by his subordinates. After returning last night, he instructed everyone under him not to spread the night’s affairs. He turned over and over in bed depressed, the more he thought about his dumb loss, the more depressed Futian became. After being tricked, he also lost a handful of rice, which made Futian, who was not very wealthy, undoubtedly Yu Xueshang Jiashuang.

It wasn’t until dawn that Futian went to sleep, but after a while, he was called out, saying that Fumei and Ye Shiyou had something to summon him. When they went to the temple, the people were whispering. Everyone who saw him, Can not help but secretly laugh.

This makes Futian very depressed, what’s the matter?

Chapter 2086

Seeing George Han’s move, Fu Mang’s heart finally let go, and the whole person could not help but let out a sigh.

But Futian was stunned.

“Her hero…” Futian looked at George Han in confusion.

At noon, hasn’t it already been said?

“Aren’t you trying to make a mistake?” Futian frowned slightly.

“Hehe, the mysterious man is also considered a hero. It turns out that he is a person who is not trustworthy?”

“If this goes out, I am afraid that the whole rivers and lakes’ love for you will turn into contempt.”

Behind Futian, two tall The tube also followed.

If the mysterious people want to help them, then their plan to catch pigs tonight will be a complete failure.

“Don’t worry, this person always speaks for words. Futian, why did I tell you at noon?” George Han smiled.

“You said you would never interfere with me, Fu Mang and others.”

“Yes, did I use my hands just now?!” George Han smiled slightly.

Futian was taken aback. He had made a move just now, otherwise, how could his group of elites suddenly fall? But the next second, Futian suddenly reflected.

He didn’t use his hands, but he used his feet, what he called intervention!

I rely on!

“Puff, hahahahaha!” Behind George Han, Fu Mang couldn’t help but suddenly laughed.

He also didn’t expect that George Han would mean this without interfering.

Jianghu Baixiaosheng and others also reflected what George Han meant, and couldn’t help but laugh at them.

Futian’s beard blowing and staring, the whole person was thunderous but didn’t dare to attack, just kept staring at George Han.

He felt humiliated, even humiliated by IQ.

George Han said he didn’t interfere, but in the end he was a tossing cell and tossing a torture device. Finally, he rushed to the scene with people, but what was the result? !

The executives behind Futian were also angry and embarrassed at this time.

There is really a sense of humiliation and anger of being rubbed on the ground by people’s IQ, but there is a mysterious person on the opposite side. Apart from being angry, who dares to really get angry? !

“Mysterious man, is it interesting for you to play this kind of word game with me? Use these to trick me into Futianhua Zhongyu and Twelve Ji, do you think that if you pass it out, you are a person who keeps your promise?” Futian shouted coldly.

“Then you can spread it out, watch the people in the world laugh at you as an idiot, or laugh at me playing word games with you.” George Han smiled slightly.

Futian was stunned for a moment. He was just threatening George Han, so that he should not interfere under pressure, but if he wants to spread it, he is unwilling, because it is obvious that the whole world will laugh at him as a fool patriarch!

If Fu Jia knew about these things, he must have been quite critical of him.

“Despicable and shameless!” Futian bit his posterior molar, furious.

“What are you staring at me so fiercely? You can eat me but I won’t?” George Han smiled disdainfully: “Look at your look that hates me but can’t kill me. You will only make me happier, you Understand?”


“Why are you so angry? I’m not angry with you yet, are you angry with me?” To

“You took my things, but you played word games with me, and turned around you were angry with me “Futian really feels about to explode. He is the one who has suffered a heavy loss. When it comes to his mouth, it makes him seem to be victimized.

“Humiliate Amelia Su in front of me? If it weren’t for the sake of our alliance, do you think that something like you is enough to compensate for the interest I lost in spirit?” George Han laughed coldly.

“You!” Futian glared with anger, but didn’t know how to refute.

“Before I get angry, get out. Also, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, you don’t want to form an alliance. I still say that, either we will kill Yaoshen Pavilion together, or I will kill you first. Go!” George Han gave a cold voice, followed by a violent stamp of his foot.


A burst of golden energy was immediately released from the feet, and after hitting the ground, the golden waves spread and attacked everyone.

A group of dozens of masters in Futian, all under the golden air wave, as if being knocked over by the waves, all of them turned on their backs, wailing everywhere.

With the support of several of his men, Futian stood up embarrassedly and looked at George Han bitterly. His eyes were full of unwillingness. Finally, he withdrew with a group of men.

“Haha, look at Futian’s eyes, that is, I can’t beat you. If I ever beat you, I might want to wait for your muscles to pick your skin and drink your blood.” Jianghu Baixiaosheng looked at Futian with a dingy After leaving, he immediately happily treated George Han.

“Fuck me, die three thousand, you really scared me to death, I really thought you wouldn’t make a move.” Fu Mang smiled and cursed.

Fuli also smiled: “Yes, George Han’s performance is too real, I thought we suffered tonight.”

George Han curled his lips and shook his head: “Don’t blow the rainbow fart, you look welcome Xia has never been fooled from start to finish.”

Amelia Su smiled bitterly: “Because the whole world abandons me, you will not abandon me, so if you don’t interfere, will I believe it?”

Fuli and Fumang, Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng and the others looked at each other and made a nausea: “Don’t feed the dog late at night, okay? Both?”

… After returning to the house, strange things happened.

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