His True Colors Novel Chapter 2075 – 2078

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Chapter 2075

“What are you doing in a daze? Can’t you see our Miss Fumei driving here? Get away.” The

person here is Fumei!

A group of people heard that it was Fu Mei, and then looked at the group of people behind her with very high cultivation bases and extremely vicious subordinates, and quickly gave up a way.

Fu Mei’s face was cold, she glanced at the “garbage” in front of her, got up and walked into the inn.

Seeing Fu Mei coming in, Fu Mang and Amelia Su couldn’t help putting down their work and staring at her closely.

Fu Mei looked at Amelia Su coldly. From the time she entered to the present, she never looked away: “The bitch is really dead. I didn’t expect you to be alive!”

Amelia Su looked unhappy and replied: “I Of course you have to live, and live to see how you died.”

Fumei didn’t get angry and smiled: “Look at me dead? Are you afraid of idiotic dreams? Well, live well, at least you can take a good look at how I treat you. Step under your feet!”

“I want everyone to know who is the best woman in Fujia!”

Amelia Su didn’t bother at all. The best woman in Fujia had no interest in her at all.

“What are you laughing at?” Seeing Amelia Su smiling, Fu Mei was immediately dissatisfied: “Are you qualified to laugh in front of me?”

“Fu Mei, don’t be too much, Fu Yao is the goddess of the Fu family, what are you?” Fu Mang suddenly dissatisfied.

“Yes, in terms of character and beauty, we Amelia Su are not better than you, and we don’t know where your self-confidence comes from, bragging here!” Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng also sneered coldly.

“Confidence? I have self-confidence, this lady is not talented, Ye Shijun’s wife, the wife of the city lord of Tianhu City.” Fu Mei sneered disdainfully: “As for her? Goddess? A joke, I think it’s just a slut.”

Qiu Shui and poetry There are not many people who are ruthless, and they are not very good at quarreling with others, but if someone offends their wife, they will only draw their swords!

Fu Mang hurriedly motioned to the two women not to mess around.

After all, it is now an alliance!

Seeing the two women put down their swords in depression, Fu Mei became even more angry: “A slut who can only climb the flames, can’t help climbing when she sees a good man. I don’t know if someone sees herself under the yellow spring. That green hat on the top of the head. “

Fu Mei, a super confident woman, never thinks about it when she slaps others in the face. She always hits herself unintentionally.

Saying Amelia Su’s words is actually more like talking about herself!


Amelia Su suddenly slapped Fumei’s face, her beautiful eyes filled with disdain.

“Fuyao, do you dare to hit me?” Touching her hot face, Fumei was shocked and angry.

“I’m just a dog, a double-standard dog!” Amelia Su sneered without showing weakness. “Remember, this is the first time I slapped you back!”

“Fuck you!” Fu Mei was furious, her expression was very hideous, and she raised her hand to slap Amelia Su directly.

But at this moment, there were footsteps from upstairs, and George Han walked slowly.

Seeing George Han come down, Fu Mei was stunned for a moment, but in a blink of an eye, the hideousness on his face disappeared completely, and what he waited for was gentle and dignified.

“What’s wrong?” George Han glanced at Fu Mei and then at his own people. It was obvious that the slap print on Fu Mei’s face indicated that a small-scale conflict may have erupted just now.

However, seeing that Amelia Su did not suffer, George Han simply pretended not to know anything.

“Haha, it’s nothing, Fuyao is the one who helped the family. After knowing that she is still alive, we came to visit her.” Fu Mei laughed softly. “By the way, I invite you to gather at Zuixianlou at noon.”

“What’s the matter?” George Han said indifferently.

“Hehe, we are in an alliance. In order to facilitate future cooperation, we all know each other. However, Chief Fu said, I only ask you to go there.” Fu Mei smiled.

Only invite George Han over?

Subconsciously, Fu Mang felt that this might be a banquet, so he hurriedly gave George Han a gesture to stop him from attending, so as not to disadvantage him.

Although Fu Mang believed in George Han’s abilities, his two fists were hard to beat four hands. What’s more, the Fu Ye family had many elites and many masters.

Qiu Shui, Shi Yu and others also looked at George Han very anxiously.

“Yes.” George Han replied with a smile.

George Han didn’t know what Fumei and the others wanted to do, but one thing he could be sure of was that they would definitely not dare to give themselves a grand feast.

Even if they have that confidence, they dare not.

At present, the enemy, do they dare to waste huge financial and manpower on other things?

George Han believes that it is impossible.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing to see what medicine they want to sell in the gourd.

When Fu Mei heard George Han agree, she was very excited because she wanted George Han to go to the banquet alone. From her perspective, this would be closely related to the success rate of the Futian Project.

“Then Fumei will lead the way for you.” After speaking, Fumei smiled at Amelia Su triumphantly, and swore her victory directly to her.

Chapter 2076

On the way to Zuixianlou, Fumei and George Han walked in the forefront. Fumei was so happy that she could get along with the mysterious person so close. , Is simply the best opportunity.

Along the way, Fu Mei approached George Han gently, intentionally or unintentionally, in an attempt to make some casual contact.

Men are all physical animals. As long as they are moved by sight and touch, even gods can’t bear the inner impulse.

“By the way, I don’t know what mystery brother usually likes? Meier is not talented, knows some music, knows some water paintings, if mystery brother is interested, Meier can find a quiet place after dinner , And enjoy the world with eldest brother.” Fu Mei laughed softly.

She spoke very tactfully and spoke softly. People who didn’t know her thought she was a gentle lady, but George Han didn’t really know her.

George Han scolded the sorrowful fox secretly, but smiled: “That’s not good, right? Ye Gongzi might have misunderstood something, right?”

Speaking of Ye Shijun, the smile on Fumei’s face solidified, and she always thought of being Ye Shijun. She felt disgusting when such an ugly man was pressed on her body, but Ye Shijun was obedient and regarded herself as a goddess, plus a good family background, so Fumei gave up and hugged this thigh.

But in Fu Mei’s heart, Ye Shijun is just a tool man, an accessory that can enhance his status.

“Haha, in fact… this is a long story…” Fu Mei deliberately acted like hesitating but stopped. George Han knew that she must tell the misfortune of her marriage.

As expected by George Han, Fu Mei sighed: “Actually… Ye Shijun and I are in name only, and we are in distress. In order to help our family, there is no way…”

After finishing, she looked at George Han, because Usually at this time, the other person will comfort themselves, then sympathize with themselves, and even feel that it is rare to sacrifice themselves for the family.

But George Han!

No! !

“Hehe, let’s eat after dinner. I don’t like playing the piano, and I don’t really want to draw. I like Amelia Su to be with me quietly.” After speaking, George Han glanced at the Zuixianlou in front of him and started off. Walked in.

Hearing George Han’s words, Fu Mei froze in place, clenching her fists: “Fuyao, Fuyao, Fuyao again!” When we

arrived at Zuixianlou, Fujia had already booked this place and went all the way to the second floor. Inside the Accord, there are three jade tables, and a variety of gold utensils are used to fill the extremely rich food, which looks extremely luxurious and a dazzling array.

Fu Mang sat at the main table in the center. There was no one beside him. The other two tables were filled with rich and well-trained masters. When George Han arrived, Futian immediately greeted him with enthusiasm. The guests at the two tables all stood up.

“The rare guests, the rare guests, the mysterious heroes coming here really make this place shine.” Futian laughed.

George Han smiled and didn’t laugh. If he took off his mask, Futian knew that he was the low-level creature in his mouth, and he didn’t know if he could even say such flattery.

“Come on, you guys, let me introduce this. This is the great god and mysterious man on the top of Qishan. I believe you have heard of his heroic deeds, so I won’t be too nonsense.” Futian smiled.

A group of people immediately rushed to George Han to hold their fists and salute, and they were very polite.

At this time, Fu Mei walked up from downstairs and digested the anger on her face. She walked in with a smile as if nothing happened to the Buddha just now.

“Mysterious brothers, these are the elites of my Fuye family, or the wealthy one, or the cultivation base and ability are extremely outstanding, and a few are masters in the realm of evil.” Futian smiled to Han. While explaining, George Han invited George Han to sit down at the main table.

George Han sat in the center, Fumei and Futian on the left and right, accompanied by guest seats.

After Futian’s congratulatory speech, the banquet officially began.

During this period, almost every guest present would come to the main table to offer Korean three thousand wine.

One is that no one wants to be able to get close to the mysterious person at this time, and second, this is Futian had already ordered long before the banquet began.

After thirty years of drinking, at this time, two beautiful women dressed in cheongsam walked up slowly.

The two beautiful women smiled softly, and then, a screen was moved to separate the three tables, and the table in the middle instantly became a small room.

At this time, two more beauties of the same figure and face as those two women walked in. The beauties in blue on the left looked like a fairy from the dust, and the beauties in green on the right were like elves. They were the best in the world.

The beauty in blue holds the pipa in her hands, and the beauty in green caresss the xylophone.

Then, the two cheongsam beauties came back. The difference this time is that there are beauties in the same clothes behind them, and everyone is holding a jade bottle of jelly.

What is this going to do?

Chapter 2077

Flick the pipa, the xylophone follows the strings, and a meandering song came into being. Although the two beautiful women did not sing lyrics, they hummed with the melody, which made people prevent the Buddha from being in a fairyland.

The beauty of the cheongsam embraced the jade bottle of jelly, slowly walked to the table, stood behind George Han, and poured fine wine for him.

Immediately afterwards, as the song style changed slightly, the lightness was lost, the enthusiasm changed, a group of beautiful women dressed in red tulle with a mysterious body and fair skin quickly walked in. The red tulle is matched with white skin. Ten thousand kinds. They wear scarves on their faces, leaving only charming eyes, and they dance with them to the melody.

Time is like a phoenix in fire, and time is like a peaceful virgin, causing a strong visual impact.

“Brother, how about this song and dance.” Futian said happily.

George Han didn’t deny it, and said with a smile: “People are beautiful, music and dancing are also beautiful.”

George Han exaggerated from the facts, but in Futian’s different ideas, he has different opinions.

“It’s fine if you like it.”

Futian smiled, and the dance of that group of beautiful women reached a climax. As a series of difficult movements were displayed, the woman with the best figure in the center held a flower in her hand in a dance movement. The beautiful flowers were presented to George Han and ended.

George Han was stunned, and he did not expect that when the dance finally ended, it would be this action.

While hesitating, Futian motioned with a glance, and George Han followed his gaze to look at the flower, only to find that there was a green jade bead about the size of a tennis ball in the stamen.

Like a piece of emerald, the green is shining and translucent, and the innermost pattern is complicated but seems to be a very clever pattern. From any angle, you can see completely different things.

The most important thing is that although this bead is not big, the aura in it is quite sufficient. Even if there is a distance from it, George Han can still feel its aura.

“What is this?” George Han looked at Futian in confusion.

Futian smiled: “Hehe, throughout the ages, this grass can blossom and trees can bear fruit, but the hero has ever heard that flowers can grow trees, can trees bear fruit?”

“Oh?” George Han frowned.

“This is the jade in the flower. The legend is that a strange flower that is rare in millions of years produces a stone tree after blooming, and then the stone flower blooms from the stone tree. After millions of years, it finally condenses into a high-grade god stone?” said After that, Futian suddenly took out the dagger. Just when George Han was a little wary, he suddenly picked up the dagger and opened his sleeves, slashing a line on his arm.

The blood ran down the wound immediately!

George Han frowned, what is this guy doing? are you crazy? Why do you harm yourself? !

George Han glanced at Fu Mei who was aside, but she was different from herself, with a faint smile on her face.

Just when George Han was unthinkable, Futian gently removed the green stone from the stamen, and then used it to gently wipe the wound.

A magical scene happened.

The cut arm recovered its original intact appearance at this time, the blood flow disappeared, and the wound was completely non-existent. Even to the naked eye, Futian’s arm seemed to be whiter than before.

At the moment when George Han’s eyes were wide open, Futian folded the flower in the hand of the dancing beauty into two again, and after throwing away one of them, he placed the stone in the remaining half of his hand.

In just a moment, the broken flower appeared in Futian’s hands again intact.

George Han couldn’t help being amazed. If the healing is not too rare, the speed and efficiency of its healing are amazing.

And more importantly, Futian uses it to regenerate the flower in his hand.

This is obviously not a simple treatment, but regeneration!

In a sense, treatment and regeneration have similarities, but there are also huge differences between the two.

If the former is the earth, then the latter is the sky!

Because obviously, regeneration is much more difficult, and the effect is tens of millions of times stronger, and even at certain critical moments, it can be the key to turning the tide of battle.

Therefore, George Han was very interested in this stone.

“How about heroes?” Futian smiled softly.

“Yes, it’s interesting.” George Han said realistically.

“The hero likes it!” Futian smiled, and then pointed to the beauties present: “Yes, I haven’t introduced them yet. These girls are all eighteen years old and prosperous, and they are all proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. And both the figure and the face are the best.”

“They are the twelve gorgeous girls in Tianhu City. The one who presents you flowers is the most beautiful dancer in the twelve girls. The piano player is the piano player. Pipa’s is Fu Ji, and the one who just pulled the screen for us is the two Li Ji. With a few beauties behind them, the twelve Ji Ji Zong Zongyan.” Futian smiled.

In fact, George Han had heard of these twelve Jis. Before entering the city, Fu Mang and Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng hadn’t mentioned it intentionally.

These twelve girls have heard that each of them is gorgeous and beautiful, not only looks wonderful, but also has a graceful figure, each with its own personality and temperament, forming twelve beautiful scenery lines, and they are also the most famous existence in Tianhu City.

However, Yan Jue Twelve Ji has always been a performer and never sells herself, which has disappointed many people, but at the same time, it has also made many people eager for it. The less you can get, the more attractive it is.

Countless noble princes have paid sky-high prices, and they want to kiss Fangze, but it is no regrets that they can only have twelve Jis singing and dancing.

For many people, the Twelve Ji is the top girl group in the world!

It’s just that many people don’t know. In fact, Twelve Ji was trained by Ye Wuhuan, the original member of Tianhu City. The facts have proved that Twelve Ji was very successful. Not only did he win the appreciation of the world, he also amassed a lot of wealth. .

After Ye Wuhuan’s death, Ye Shijun inherited these “legacy”. However, although he coveted the beauty of the Twelve Ji Ji, Ye Wuhuan suddenly passed away. Ye Shijun was also in danger and was unsteady. Therefore, he never dared to forget his father’s teachings. they.

However, today, it was taken out by Futian.

“Just want to appreciate them playing the piano and dancing, those sons smashed at least tens of millions of amethyst a year.” Futian smiled.

“So, they are the mobile treasure of Tianhu City.” George Han smiled and stood up.

“That’s natural, but if the hero likes the so-called gift of swords to heroes, the Twelve Ji is yours, of course, including this.” After speaking, Futian put the green jade bead in George Han. Hands.

George Han was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly smiled dismissively: “Patriarch Fu, what do you mean?”

Chapter 2078

Futian smiled: “It doesn’t mean anything, but I want to help you hero.”

George Han smiled dumbly: “Help me?”

Isn’t this a bribe? What does it have to do with help? This really makes George Han a little hard to understand.

“Yes, I am helping you, the hero.” Futian smiled, and then offered a 3,000 cup to Han before slowly saying: “I also know that Fuyao is indeed very beautiful and has a very good body. It also made many men in Bafang world eager for her. From a man’s point of view, I would be fascinated by her.”

“But, after all, she married someone, do you know? And? , Or marrying a waste of the earth. Before I met you, he loved that man very much, but it was a pity that the man was a waste and was dead. She took a child and couldn’t live anymore, so… “Futian nodded and stopped, deliberately not saying more.

But the meaning is obvious, that is, George Han is clearly a spare tire.

“Actually, if she takes a child and really wants to live with you, it doesn’t matter. After all, she is my family supporter, and we also wish her happiness. But…” Futian took a sip of wine and was unwilling Go on.

There seems to be something unspeakable.

At this time, Fu Mei continued: “But the problem is that Fuyao is not as pure and kind as you see. On the contrary, she is a very vicious woman, and her desire for power can be described as horror.”

“If I guess. Yes, Fu Mang should have let you save it, right? She might even lie to you that Fu Mang is the real patriarch of the Fu family?” Fu Tian shook his glass and murmured, “These are just that vicious It’s just a woman’s strategy.”

“Fu Mang is just her pawn. After all, she is a slutty woman who has no good reputation. It is politically correct to hold a puppet to support the family again. Then, use your skills as a hero , Help her lay down the country, and from then on, to the pinnacle of life.”

George Han listened to the two of you, not only not angry, but very funny.

“But as the saying goes, the hornet’s tail needle is the most poisonous to a woman’s heart. I am afraid that then, heroes, you will work hard to lay the ground for her. If it fails, you are the scapegoat. She can retreat at any time, but if it succeeds Now, as the greatest hero, how will you end up?”

“In all ages, how can a hero end well? Even if you barely get a good end, how can you survive? Her daughter is already very big, for your stepdad What a good attitude? In the end, even if you die, it will be a bleak night scene.”

George Han almost laughed when he heard Fu Mei’s words, and it was really interesting that the two people sang and provoke the divorce.

However, the two of them were afraid of dreaming, but George Han himself sat in front of them.

For George Han himself, these seemingly seamless separations are extremely retarded.

“So what do you mean?” George Han suppressed a smile, deliberately pretending to be thoughtful.

Seeing that George Han was like this, the two not only didn’t realize that George Han played them deliberately, but thought that their provocation was successful.

“It is really difficult to give up a beautiful woman, but what if it is a group of beautiful women in exchange? The best way to forget a relationship is to start a new relationship. If a new relationship is not enough, then twelve ways.” Fu Tian looked at George Han proudly.

“The twelve Ji are all pure virgins, and your feelings are bound to be like glue.” Fu Mei smiled softly: “I think, these are far better than the young woman Fu Yao?”

“I also know what Yi Shaoxia is. There is no shortage of money, so I will not give away such tacky things like gold and silver jewelry. I specially send you Huazhongyu. At that time, you can not only escape from the vicious 38 of Fuyao, at the same time, you will be proud of your love and add wings to the battlefield. You can even wear a cuckold to Ye Shijun. Life is like this. Isn’t it going to the top?” Futian laughed, and after speaking, looked at George Han Nunuu.

George Han followed his gaze and looked at Fumei. Fumei just bowed her head and pretended to be shy: “Although Meier is a woman, she can give the hero a different excitement. If the hero likes it, Meier It’s the same sentence when I came here, in the wind and rain, walk with the king.”

Such red apricots are regarded as capital by the two of them. Sometimes people are shameless and can indeed be invincible in the world.

“It seems that you are really good to me.” George Han couldn’t help being defeated by the shame of these two.

“Hehe, as long as the hero is happy, what are these trivial things? Even, as long as the hero is willing, I will help the two hundred thousand army of Yeh to be the commander, and you and I will make it in the eight directions. How?” Futian smiled and raised his glass.

Fu Mei over there also raised the glass at the same time, with a touch of peach blossom and pride in her eyes.

George Han looked at Futian from the left, and Fumei from the right, thinking fast in his mind. After a while, George Han suddenly laughed.

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