His True Colors Novel Chapter 207 – 210

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Chapter 207

When George Han put his eyes on Jiang Sheng, Jiang Sheng was so frightened, he knelt down in front of George Han without any hesitation.

“You are a family of three. I have indulged a few times. I am looking for death by myself. No wonder I am.” George Han said lightly.

Jiang Sheng cried in fright, and said: “George Han, this is not my idea, it is my mother, it is my mother who wants to catch Amelia Su. She also let Brother Long go to Amelia Su, you have heard it, it has nothing to do with me. .”

“Jiang Sheng, what are you talking about, I’m your mother.” Liu Hua shouted at Jiang Sheng in shock. Jiang Sheng’s remarks were obviously to betray her in order to protect herself. This was to send her to the fire pit. Push it inside.

“No hurry, I don’t call the shots on this matter. After all, you are all from the Jiang family. See what Jiang Hong will explain to me.” George Han said.

In less than ten minutes, Jiang Hong arrived in the billiard room and walked into the basement. When he saw Yao Long’s bloody right hand, Jiang Hong was shocked. This Yao Long is a very powerful figure in Bin County. He was even in George Han. Is it the same for Qian in front of him?

“Jiang Hong, Amelia Su. Is it the Jiang family?” George Han asked Jiang Hong.

“Yes.” Jiang Hong nodded heavily. Amelia Su is his granddaughter and of course a member of the Jiang family.

“Since she is from the Jiang family, should she receive fair treatment?” George Han continued to ask.


“Jiang Sheng and Jiang Wan arrested Amelia Su. I will not pursue this point. But Liu Hua actually let Yao Long rape Amelia Su. What do you think should be done to give Amelia Su fair?” George Han said.

Jiang Hong was shocked when he heard the word rape.

Liu Hua actually did such a brutal thing to her niece!

Although she can understand that she hates Amelia Su, how can she be so cruel to her relatives?

“Liu Hua, have you really done such a thing?” Jiang Hong asked with gritted teeth.

Liu Hua regrets it very much now, but this fact cannot be concealed by a single sentence.

“Dad, I was confused for a while, I now know that I regret it.” Liu Hua cried.

Jiang Hong was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, walked up to Liu Hua, slapped Liu Hua’s face one by one.

“You beast, she is your niece, how can you do this kind of thing.” After Jiang Hong was tired, he said to Jiang Guangguang: “Jiang Guangguang, our Jiang family, we cannot have such a woman.”

Jiang Guangguang was shocked. Jiang Hong’s words meant that he and Liu Hua divorce. But how dare he?

“Jiang Hong, this is what you call fairness? If it weren’t for me to show up, Amelia Su has already been murdered. Is it enough to just drive her out of Jiang’s house?” George Han said coldly.

Jiang Hong looked at George Han, took a deep breath, and said, “What do you want to do?”

“Since you are the Patriarch of the Jiang family, in order to show fairness, killing Liu Hua, it’s not too much.” George Han smiled.

Jiang Hong took two steps back in a panic, and George Han actually wanted him to kill Liu Hua.

This is human life, it is illegal.

“George Han, I know you are very angry, but can she make up for her fault with death?” Jiang Hong said.

“Make up? This is an atonement.” George Han said firmly.

Liu Hua’s face was pale, and she said in a panic: “Jiang Fengguang, Jiang Sheng, what are you doing, think of a way to save me, this useless is going to kill me, don’t you hear?”

Jiang Guangguang and Jiang Sheng did not dare to move. Although the family of three had a good relationship, but the disaster was about to fly separately, who would be willing to bear the risk of life at this juncture?

“Yao Long, Liu Hua is not dead, don’t let the Jiang family go.” George Han finished coldly. Leaving the basement.

There was silence in the basement, and it seemed that people could hear a fierce heartbeat.

Jiang Wan walked up to several people in despair, and said to Jiang Hong: “Grandpa, I was wrong, I know I was wrong.”

Looking at Jiang Wan who was kneeling down, Jiang Hong kicked Jiang Wan angrily. If it weren’t for her, how could things have come to this point.

She repeatedly used to humiliate Amelia Su to save herself, but she didn’t know that from the beginning, this road was an abyss, not only would kill her alone, but even the entire Jiang family would be dragged down.

“Your arrogance, it’s time to curb.” Jiang Hong scolded.

Jiang Wan cried and nodded, regretting that it was not in the beginning.

Knowing that he was definitely not George Han’s opponent, Jiang Wan even hoped that time could go back. If she didn’t make things difficult for Amelia Su and didn’t find superiority in Amelia Su, Liu Zhijie would not break up with her.

“Old man Jiang, I have to go to the hospital. You can tell me, Liu Hua is dead, or Jiang’s is dead.” Although Yao Long’s right hand is already numb and unconscious, and he himself knows that his right hand is definitely a waste. Even if it can be cured, it will never be cured. Because George Han has already said that he should be used to eating with his left hand in the future. This is an unchangeable fact.

Jiang Hong said with a calm face, Liu Hua took the blame for herself, and of course she couldn’t hurt the whole Jiang family because of her.

People like Yao Long. If he were to deal with the Jiang family, it would be impossible for the Jiang family to survive.

After Yao Long took the knife, Jiang Hong walked towards Liu Hua and said: “Liu Hua, don’t blame me. This is your own confusion. If you can recite the slightest affection, things will not be like this.”

After George Han left the billiards room, he was not eager to return to the Villa, but was attracted by a fortune-telling stall on the side of the road.

A very young man, wearing a Taoist costume, has the same charm as the Taoist priests he has seen in the photo.

Probably this is a liar, and it feels almost the same.

“Can you tell the fortune?” George Han asked when he walked to the booth.

The young Taoist priest raised his head and glanced at George Han, and said, “I’m fortune-telling. I only look for people who are destined, but you are not my destined.”

“Pretending to be a god, isn’t it just to deceive a few more money? Let’s make a price.” George Han didn’t believe in fate, but he believed that man would conquer the sky. He just happened to think that a word of the Taoist priest brought pain to his childhood. I wanted to reveal the true face of this young Taoist priest.

“It’s not a good thing to have money and life is short,” said the young Taoist priest.

George Han sneered coldly and said, “Aren’t you bluffing and cheating for money? Aren’t you afraid of God’s condemnation.”

“In this world. There is no scourge, but it is karma. Everything has a cause and an effect.”

“Based on these vague truths, you dare to cheat money. You are not brave.” George Han shook his head disdainfully. Although this kind of Taoist priest has no real skills, he must at least have a clever tongue. Lie, but the person in front of him obviously has nothing.

“I wish you the bait, aren’t you just here to give me money? It’s just that I don’t want to eat your little fish.” The young Taoist priest smiled. He started to close the stall, and then he talked to himself without knowing what he was talking about.

George Han stood up and said, “Don’t let me see you in the future, otherwise your stall won’t be able to keep it.”

The young Taoist priest watched George Han walk away. Then he said: “We still have a chance to meet, Master said, you must die, otherwise, how can I go down the mountain? It’s a pity…”

The young Taoist shook his head feebly, and sighed again: “The trail is not your opponent now. But it’s really wronged.”

After George Han returned to the Villa, Amelia Su had apparently told Lily Jiang what had happened, and Lily Jiang was so angry that he didn’t know what to say.

“George Han, what about Liu Hua, this woman with a feminine heart can actually do this kind of thing, you can’t let her go.” Lily Jiang said angrily.

George Han glanced at Amelia Su and said, “Don’t rush back to Basin City, and leave after attending Liu Hua’s funeral.”

Amelia Su and Lily Jiang were shocked when they heard these words.

Lily Jiang wanted to take revenge very much, and uttered a bad anger for Amelia Su, but she never thought that Liu Hua would die because of this incident.

Having seen the scene of George Han dying Nangong Qianqiu with his own eyes, Lily Jiang naturally would not doubt the authenticity of George Han’s remarks.

“Three thousand…you.”

“I didn’t do it, it was Gong Jiang.” George Han said.



Lily Jiang and Amelia Su were stunned again. How could Jiang Hong get involved in this matter, and he killed Liu Hua?

Chapter 208

George Han did not say why, Amelia Su and Lily Jiang did not continue to question.

Jiang Fengguang, Jiang Sheng, and Jiang Wan all witnessed Liu Hua’s death with their own eyes, and their minds were completely blank, but they knew that Jiang Hong did this to preserve the Jiang family, otherwise everyone in the Jiang family must be buried.

The four left the billiard room, Jiang Hong’s hands were still shaking, to him. This kind of thing is the first experience in life, how can you not be afraid?

“Grandpa, why is George Han so good?” Jiang Wan felt like he was afraid of degrading George Han every day. Because all of this was caused by George Han, Tang Zong called him Brother Han. Yao Long kneeled to him, which fully demonstrated that George Han was not easy.

Jiang Hong’s teeth were still trembling, after hearing Jiang Wan’s words. Tremblingly said: “The old man of the Su family believed that George Han entered the Zuosu family back then. There must be a reason. His identity is by no means as simple as we thought. You are not allowed to mention this matter in the future. It has never happened, otherwise Liu Hua’s end will fall on us sooner or later.”

“Dad, Liu Hua is dead. How to explain, how to explain to her mother’s family?” Although Jiang Guangguang is sad, he also has a sense of relief. After all, he has been crushed by Liu Hua for so many years, and even has a chance to breathe. nothing. Now that Liu Hua is dead, his life has also been relaxed.

“Yao Long will deal with it, and Tang Zong will deal with it. We said Liu Hua died of illness.” Jiang Hong said.

The three nodded again and again. There are Yao Long and Tang Zong. The truth of this matter will definitely not be found out. They only need to remember one point, George Han, don’t mess with it!

The news of Liu Hua’s death spread quickly. Tang Zong was secretly controlling this matter. No one doubted this matter, and the hospital also issued relevant certificates.

Three days later, Liu Hua was cremated and buried, and this matter came to an end, but in the hearts of everyone in the Jiang family, this matter undoubtedly became an indelible shadow.

Cloud City.

In Harry Su’s office, since the company was acquired by the mysterious man, Harry Su’s chairmanship has resigned. Now he is an idler without a position in the company. And his fate, only after the real chairman appears, will he know whether he can stay in the company.

Although he is no longer the chairman, Harry Su is still very cheeky sitting in the chairman’s office, obviously nostalgic for this position.

Selling the company is a last resort. Harry Su secretly swore that he will take back control of the company one day. Of course, this idea is ridiculous. He is nothing now, so why did he get back the company? Control it.

“Harry, I heard that the new chairman will appear tomorrow, what do you plan to do?” Su Yihan came to the office and said to Harry Su.

“Who told you?” Harry Su said with a gloomy face. The new chairman will appear tomorrow, which means that after today, he will no longer be eligible to appear in the chairman’s office.

“Du Hong.” Su Yihan said.

Harry Su hit the desk with a punch and said coldly: “If it weren’t for Du Hong, how could I have fallen to this point? I would like to see who the new chairman is and how capable he is. It doesn’t matter at home, what is his ability to bring the company back to life.”

Su Yihan’s expression is tangled, there is a news. I don’t know if I should tell Harry Su in advance.

She knew that Harry Su was very unconvinced, and he even wanted to see the company close in the hands of the new chairman, but this situation is obviously impossible, because Zhong Liang will also appear in the meeting tomorrow. What does this mean? Su Yihan is very clear.

“Harry, Zhong Liang will also attend tomorrow’s meeting.” Su Yihan gritted his teeth and said, even if he doesn’t say it now, he will know tomorrow, it is better to tell him now.

“What!” Harry Su stood up angrily, Zhong Liang would also participate. This made him unbelievable, and said: “How could this happen, Zhong Liang, this damn thing, why should he participate in company meetings? What does it have to do with him.”

Su Yihan sighed. Why would Zhong Liang attend the meeting? How could Harry Su couldn’t guess, he just didn’t want to admit it.

“Harry, this is already the case, you can bear it.” Su Yihan said.

Harry Su raised the table angrily. However, his strength was too small and he didn’t overturn it. It just moved the desk slightly.

But he did not give up, but smashed the computer, what he saw in the office. All smashed clean.

In less than two minutes, there was already a mess in the chairman’s office.

“Zhong Liang, the damn fellow, didn’t he say that he wouldn’t cooperate with the Su family anymore!” Harry Su shouted unwillingly.

Su Yihan shook his head and let Harry Su continue to go crazy and walked out of the office.

This kind of thing is for Harry Su. It’s hard to accept, but it’s a good thing for the other relatives of the Su family. Almost every family member of the Su family was excited after hearing the news, because the company survived the crisis, which meant that they would not lose their jobs and could still rely on As the company makes a living, at best, there are fewer opportunities for fishing.

“Yihan, how is Harry Su’s reaction?”

“He’s going crazy. He smashed everything in the office.” Su Yihan said.

It was not surprising that several relatives of the Su family heard this. It was not long before he became the chairman of the board, and now he has resigned, how could he easily accept it.

“I don’t know who the new chairman is. I can finally see it tomorrow.”

“Hey, I hope he will continue to use us. If we leave the company, it will be difficult for us people to survive outside.”

“Yes, I hope the company will not wash dishes.”

These relatives of the Su family. I have been eating vegetarian meals for many years, and I have no real ability at all. If I leave Su’s company for nothing, I will naturally worry about my future.

But now the destiny is in the hands of the new chairman. Even if they worry, they can only pray for a way out.

Mountainside Villa, after Amelia Su and others returned home, they could finally relax.

Although Liu Hua’s death has brought them a certain amount of psychological pressure, George Han’s performance in front of them is still the same. So there is nothing to worry about.

Lily Jiang now didn’t dare to provoke George Han again, and treated it politely, for fear that George Han would be a little unhappy.

As for Wilson Su, he now doesn’t even have the courage to look directly at George Han, even if he is eating at the same table with George Han, he will feel extremely pressured.

Dinner table. When George Han found He Ting’s hesitation, something seemed to have happened, and Amelia Su was also a little dejected.

He Ting must have something to do with her daughter. As for Amelia Su’s dejection. It must be because of the company. After all, she is a strong woman. If she stays at home all day without going to work, Amelia Su cannot adapt to this kind of life.

“Amelia, do you want me to take you to the company tomorrow?” George Han said to Amelia Su.

Amelia Su smiled bitterly, and said, “I have already voluntarily resigned, so why should I go to the company?”

“Hey, let me tell you that you were too impulsive about this matter. You quit your job. Didn’t you fulfill Harry Su’s wish? He wished you not to work in the company.” Lily Jiang said helplessly, Amelia Su’s decision she never interfered. Because Amelia Su always did the right thing, but Lily Jiang felt that Amelia Su was wrong, and it was wrong.

“Mom, things have happened, what’s the point of saying this now.” Amelia Su drooped her head, in fact, she also regretted it. Now Harry Su should be still laughing, thinking about these things, Amelia Su is upset.

“Actually…” At this time, George Han said, “After you resigned, the Su family’s weak water real estate business terminated its cooperation, and the bank also forced Su family to repay the loan, so now the company is not happy.”

Amelia Su was not as happy as she was down, because what she wanted was not how miserable the company was, but that she could go to work.

Lily Jiang was very happy to hear this, and said: “It deserves it, the importance of Amelia in the company, how can it be replaced by Harry Su, now he should be about to regret it.”

Chapter 209

“But it has nothing to do with me.” Amelia Su said listlessly.

“Ahem… When you returned to Bin County, I bought the company, so you are now the new chairman.” George Han said.

Everyone, including He Ting, raised their heads, staring at George Han with wide eyes.

Acquired the company!

He actually bought the company!

Lily Jiang glanced at Wilson Su unconsciously. This was another big expenditure. Where did George Han come from? How could he be so rich.

After being shocked, Amelia Su said to George Han: “You…you didn’t joke with me, did you buy the company?”

“But Zhong Liang will go to trouble you tomorrow. Moreover, the company may not be able to get back the project in Chengxi, so you have to find a way to get the company through the crisis.” George Han said.

The West City project determines whether the Su family can become the first-line family of Basin City. The old lady was desperate at first, so she faced this dilemma, but as long as she found a way to withdraw from the West City project, use the existing funds to develop other channels and get rid of it. The ambition of the aristocratic family, the Su family is not unable to survive this crisis.

Amelia Su took a deep breath and said, “I won’t let you down.”

Seeing that Amelia Su regained his combat effectiveness. George Han smiled, and said, “I won’t be disappointed or disappointed. I’m willing to do anything that makes you happy.”

Amelia Su lowered her head with blushing cheeks, she was very moved, and even thought of a special way of gratitude, but this way was too shy, and she shouldn’t have taken the initiative, so she quickly gave up.

Lily Jiang glared at Wilson Su, her eyes seemed to say to look at George Han. In order to make Amelia Su happy, even the company has been acquired, what can you do?

Wilson Su buried his head sadly, he didn’t want to, but his strength didn’t allow it. The acquisition of the company, this is a lot of money, how can he come out.

After dinner, the family watched TV in the living room. He Ting finished her work and returned to the room.

“George, Aunt He seems to have something today, do you want to ask?” Amelia Su reminded George Han.

George Han had such a plan. After hearing Amelia Su’s words, he walked towards He Ting’s room.

Knocked on the door, and when He Ting opened the door, he lowered her head slightly, obviously to hide her expression, but George Han could still see the tear-stained cheeks.

“Aunt He, what happened?” George Han asked He Ting.

He Ting shook her head and said, “It’s nothing, three thousand, Aunt He wants to resign.”

“Resign!” George Han was shocked, so good, how could he resign? And George Han knows what He Ting is. She can’t be dissatisfied with the salary.

“I hope you can understand Aunt He.” He Ting lowered her head and said.

“If you don’t tell me what happened, I won’t agree to this matter, and I won’t settle your salary.” George Han said in a strong tone. It must be a big deal to get He Ting to resign. Just one daughter, this matter must be related to her daughter.

He Ting began to panic when she heard this. She had to rely on George Han to settle her salary to find her daughter. If George Han did not settle her salary, it would be useless for her to resign.

“Three thousand, I know you are a good person, but I can’t ask you to help me with everything, you have helped enough.” He Ting said.

George Han sighed. He Ting felt that he owed something and he could understand, but how could He Ting quit her job and survive in the future?

“Aunt He, can your ability help her? Without a job, what will your mother and son eat in the future? If you feel that you owe me, you can cook a few more delicious meals in the future.” George Han said.

He Ting stretched out her hand and wiped her tears, not knowing what to say.

“Let’s talk about it, what is going on.” George Han asked.

“I don’t know, just listened to Yingying. The school asked her to drop out, and I didn’t have time to understand the situation. On the phone, she kept crying and I was very worried about her situation.” He Ting said.

Drop out?

He Ting has said about Jiang Yingying many times, and her words reveal that Jiang Yingying is hardworking and studious. She is a very good girl. How could she be dropped out of school?

“I will go to her school tomorrow, don’t worry about it.” George Han said.

“Thank you, thank you three thousand.” He Ting said gratefully.

George Han patted He Ting on the shoulder and comforted: “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

After comforting He Ting, George Han returned to the living room and told Amelia Su of the situation. Amelia Su also agreed that George Han would go to Chengdu tomorrow. See what happened to Jiang Yingying. As for the company, she told George Han not to worry, and could do it alone.

George Han believes in Amelia Su’s personal abilities. The company has already been acquired. If those Su family relatives are really short-sighted, they can be expelled one by one, and there is nothing to worry about.

While sleeping, Amelia Su used the red thread to remove the red thread in front of George Han. This is the limit she can do. If George Han still doesn’t understand what she means, Amelia Su will have no choice.

Obviously, however, George Han did not understand the true meaning of Amelia Su, and he also explained that he bought some good lines to go home. But Amelia Su was mad.

Such a person, why have a wife!

The straight steel man with cancer, wouldn’t he take the initiative to pounce on him? Wouldn’t he understand my mind for the rest of his life?

“What’s wrong with you?” George Han asked suspiciously when Amelia Su’s expression was unclear.

Amelia Su took a heavy breath. Said: “Nothing, you take it apart slowly, I’ll go to sleep first.”

“Okay, rest when you are tired. I’ll do this little thing.” George Han said with a smile.

Amelia Su lay on the bed in despair, wishing to smother herself with a pillow.

Early the next morning, Amelia Su put on a formal suit, and the beautiful lines of her body made George Han bewildered.

Although other clothes will still make Amelia Su radiant, but this kind of OL clothes is even more exciting. George Han had to suspect that he had subdued control.

“Does it look good?” Amelia Su asked George Han.

“En.” George Han nodded his head without hesitation. It was indeed good-looking. Just looking at it made the population dry.

“You deserve it for a lifetime.” Amelia Su walked out of the room with a cold face.

George Han still didn’t understand what was going on, and why he became angry again somehow.

After walking out of the room, Amelia Su had already driven to work by herself, which made George Han speechless.

“What’s the matter, I made Amelia angry again?” Lily Jiang in the living room asked George Han.

George Han fished out his head and said, “I don’t know what’s going on, maybe the aunt is here.”

Lily Jiang couldn’t laugh or cry. However, she couldn’t guess the specific reason. It is normal for a woman to have such a few days a month.

Su’s company.

The Su family’s relatives arrived early, because today is the day to meet the new chairman, and those who are always late for work usually come here earlier than anyone else.

Harry Su was still sitting in the chairperson’s seat with a faceless expression. Other relatives had some opinions when they saw this.

“Harry, this position no longer belongs to you, you should get up quickly.”

“Yes, I was seen by the new chairman. What if he is unhappy?”

“Get up quickly, don’t trouble us.”

The persuasion of the relatives sounded particularly harsh to Harry Su. This group of people fell in the wind and fell really fast.

“You gang of white-eyed wolves, the benefits that I had in my hands before. Have they been eaten by dogs?” Harry Su gritted his teeth.

“Look at what position you are now, and use yourself as chairman.”

“If it weren’t for you, the company wouldn’t be what it is now, you still don’t know how to reflect.”

“Harry Su, get up quickly. Don’t hurt us anymore.”

A group of relatives did not leave any affection, even Su Guolin did not dare to speak for Harry Su, because Harry Su was indeed responsible for the current situation, and it was not worthy of sympathy at all.

At this time, Zhong Liang came to the meeting room.

Harry Su came up with the case, walked to Zhong Liang, and said, “Brother Zhong, didn’t you say that you won’t cooperate with the Su family anymore? Why do you come?”

Zhong Liang looked at Harry Su contemptuously and said, “Your company will be responsible for the loss of this timeout. Of course I have to come, otherwise, who will lose money to me.”

Hearing this, Harry Su laughed. This is not a gift in the snow, but worse.

Chapter 210

“Sit down, Brother Zhong, sit down.” After knowing Zhong Liang’s intention, Harry Su’s attitude immediately changed, as if licking a dog.

When the relatives of the Su family saw this scene, they were so angry that he lost the position of chairman and did not say anything. He even wanted to drag everyone in the Su family to the funeral. He would not be reconciled unless he saw the company collapse. what.

Su Guolin was Harry Su’s father, even he couldn’t stand it anymore.

The company is here. They can at least eat a bite of food, but when the company is over, everyone will die with it.

“Harry, you bastard, do you know what you are doing.” Su Guolin gritted his teeth.

Harry Su was already distorted in his heart, unable to accept the fact that he had stepped down. He hoped that all those who watched the jokes would fall into trouble with him.

The big deal is that everyone will die together. There are still companions on Huangquan Road. What’s to be afraid of?

“Dad. It has nothing to do with you.” Harry Su said coldly.

Su Guolin was so angry that he wanted to beat the unfilial son, but at this time, there was a loud noise outside the meeting room. It seemed that the new chairman had arrived.

Everyone stretched their heads, and after a beautiful figure appeared, the faces of the Su family’s relatives showed doubts.

Amelia Su!

What else is she doing at the company.

Harry Su rushed in front of Amelia Su for the first time. He went to the Yundingshan Villa area to block Amelia Su, but he failed. Later, Amelia Su went to Bin County. There was nowhere to vent in my heart, and now Amelia Su even dared to come to the company.

“Amelia Su, get out of here, what qualifications do you have to appear here?” Harry Su scolded.

Amelia Su was followed by two bodyguards, Mo Yang’s men. George Han arranged to protect her in order to avoid some conflicts, and it was precisely because of the two bodyguards that Harry Su did not dare to get too close to Amelia Su.

“Harry Su, you are no longer the chairman of the board. It is not your turn to take care of the company’s affairs.” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su’s expression is grim, and he said angrily: “If it weren’t for you, how could I have fallen to this point, stinky lady, you have harmed me.”

“My resignation just fulfilled your wish, how could I harm you?” Amelia Su said.

This statement is valid, but only if it cannot affect the company, Harry Su will accept it.

But now, the company has been acquired, and he has become the most insignificant person in the company, Harry Su Supernatural will put the blame on Amelia Su.

“You already knew the consequences of this, so you left your job, you f*cking deliberately hurt me.” Harry Su roared, and could not help but raise his fist.

The two bodyguards beside Amelia Su each took a step forward. This made Harry Su dare not act rashly.

“Harry Su, if you didn’t force me, how could this happen? And what position do you use to talk to me now, is it the company’s cleaner or security?” Amelia Su smiled.

This sentence completely angered Harry Su. Amelia Su clearly came to see him joke, and he would never let Amelia Su succeed.

“You get out of here, and today the new chairman will come to the company for a meeting. It’s not enough for you to harm me, do you want to harm other people?” Harry Su said.

These remarks obviously meant something, and the other Su family relatives didn’t want to be harmed by Amelia Su.

“Amelia Su, you should leave as soon as possible. Since you have already resigned, why bother to find yourself boring.”

“Yeah, this matter is Harry Su’s fault, but it’s like this now, you still come to pull us into the water, it’s so unkind.”

“Amelia Su, get out now, you are no longer a member of our company, no one will wait to see you. I also brought two bodyguards to pretend to frighten anyone.” Su Yihan said disdainfully.

Amelia Su looked at Su’s relatives, and everyone seemed unwilling to see her, especially Su Yihan’s hostility was extremely strong.

“If I leave, who will give you a meeting?” Amelia Su said.


Meeting today. But what does the new chairman have to do with Amelia Su?

Among the people who were puzzled by the Su family’s relatives, some gradually showed a shocked look.

Could it be said that Amelia Su is the new chairman? Did she secretly buy the company?

“Amelia… the new chairman, is it you?” someone asked.

When this sentence came out, not only relatives, but even the employees were shocked.

After resigning, Amelia Su actually bought the entire company!

how is this possible!

How could she have such a strong strength.

“You… are you the chairman?” Su Yihan immediately persuaded. She is now living like a beggar. If she loses her job, she won’t even be able to eat. If Amelia Su is really the new chairman of the company, what she was just now These words were enough for Amelia Su to expel her.

“Yes.” Amelia Su said.

The attitude of the Su family’s relatives changed drastically in an instant, and they greeted them with pleasant smiles.

“Amelia. I didn’t expect you to be the chairman of the board, okay, so good, going around, the company still hasn’t fallen into the hands of foreigners.”

“Great, Amelia.”

“Amelia is still great, if it weren’t for you, our company would be finished.”

They don’t care about Amelia Su’s money to buy the company, and it is not something they can care about. In their view, since the chairman is Amelia Su, their layoff crisis has also come into contact.

“Amelia Su, grass mud horse, this is the set you set for me, right.” At this time. The furious Harry Su finally couldn’t help it, and shook his fist at Amelia Su.

In Harry Su’s view, this is a bureau that Amelia Su set up for him, deliberately leaving the company, putting the company into crisis. Then she bought the company and took back the position of chairman.

Before his fist fell in front of Amelia Su, Harry Su fell to the ground first.

How could Mo Yang’s two subordinates hurt Amelia Su?

If Amelia Su lost half of her hair, they would not be able to deal with Mo Yang.

One of the bodyguards stepped on Harry Su’s chest and said coldly, “Boy, calm down, otherwise it would be bad if you lack arms and legs.”

Harry Su was frightened and quickly apologized: “Big brother, I was impulsive, sorry.”

Everyone automatically gave way for Amelia Su. After entering the meeting room, Amelia Su sat in the chairperson’s seat.

After the relatives were seated, Zhong Liang said: “Ms. Su, the time spent on the Chengxi project must be lost to the Su family. If you have any questions about this, my lawyer will explain it to you.”

“Brother Zhong, I’m causing you trouble. I have full compensation for the loss of the Su family. I will never have any objections.” Amelia Su said.

Zhong Liang smiled faintly. Amelia Su is indeed a courageous woman, such a small problem is of no use to her.

“Then thank Miss Su, since this is the case, I won’t delay your meeting and leave first.” Zhong Liang got up and said.

The relatives of the Su family are naturally unwilling to compensate for the Chengxi Project, but since Amelia Su is the chairman, who dares to refute what she said?

“Amelia Su. You’re so f*cking shy, if you want you to lose money, you lose money. How long can the company be in your hands?” Harry Su sneered, Zhong Liang’s trouble was solved so easily. This was something he didn’t want to see, but at least it could make Amelia Su bleed, which was pretty good.

“If a lawsuit is filed against the weak water real estate, the company will have more troubles and lose the Chengxi project. It is just that the Su family cannot be made the first-line family of Basin City, but it is not difficult to maintain the previous state if it is to operate normally.” Amelia Su Just think about it. If you give up this goal, the company will not bear too much pressure. If you are not afraid of no firewood, you will not have the opportunity to impact this goal in the future. The most important thing now is to get the company back as soon as possible. On the right track, don’t be too affected by the West City project.

“The loan is one billion. Without the Chengxi project, what would you take to repay it?” Harry Su said.

Amelia Su looked at Harry Su, smiled faintly, and said, “You are no longer an employee of the Su family. It is not your turn to worry about these things, right?”

“You…” Harry Su gritted his teeth, Amelia Su’s words meant to drive him out of the company.

“Is the security guard, or are you leaving by yourself?” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su sneered and said: “Without my Harry Su’s company, sooner or later, it will go to extinction, Amelia Su, wait and see, one day you will come to me.”

“I know that you have a lot of contacts, but don’t forget that the interests of businessmen are paramount. Does anyone care about this worthless relationship now?” Amelia Su said.

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