His True Colors Novel Chapter 2063 – 2066

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Chapter 2063

The stench in the wooden barrel made all the people close to the scene pinch their noses. Some people even saw that the dung in the wooden barrel was about to vomit out on the spot.

But at the same time, everyone was even more stunned.

This is when the banquet is set up, what is the purpose of making a bucket of dung water? !

“My Fuyao declined before, and even fell down from the altar. It was all because of my old man, I had no eyes, and I had always placed hope on Fuyao. However, it turns out that this Fuyao is just a piece of waste material and cannot be carved. It is also because of this that I helped the family. Only then will I be dragged down by these incompetent people, so that the family will fall into the middle of the family.” Fu Jia said.

“The patriarch is right. Fu Yao is the goddess of my family supporter, but she hooked up with an earth bastard, not only ruining the future of my family, but also discrediting my family.”

“Like this kind of mean woman, she wo n’t be able to live. It’s so dead, and there will be no peace after death.”

“The couple should be announced to the world.”

Following Futian’s voice, the executives of Fujia echoed in indignation.

They pushed all the sins of Fu Jia to Amelia Su and George Han.

“So, starting from today, I officially announce that I will drive this couple of dogs out of my help house.” After speaking, Futian directly lifted the bucket of dung water and poured it directly on the tablets of George Han and Amelia Su.

The whole person Amelia Su was watching from the periphery squeezed her fist violently, almost trembling with anger.

I have seen shameless, but I have never seen such shameless.

Even if you are “dead”, helping your family members have to let them come back to help their families. With such a family, it is really better to have two more enemies!

Under the mask of George Han, his expression was indifferent, and he couldn’t be said to be angry at what Futian had done, because he had no affection for his family for a long time.

Besides, George Han had let them go many times, and had done his best to them.

Looking at the humiliated spiritual position, she smiled happily.

This appetizer, although it looks nauseous, is really appetizing for her.

Kicked Amelia Su and his wife’s spiritual position down, Futian smiled coldly and said loudly: “Everyone, although Fujia has fallen because of this pair of dogs and men, but God bless me to help the family. If there is a phoenix, it will spread its wings and help me. It is the golden phoenix I helped the family, and because of her, I will help the family sweep away the previous decline and regain the power!”

“The patriarch is right. Here, I confess my mistake to Fumei on behalf of the family. In the past, we underestimated you. You are the real phoenix of our Fu family. We were blinded by the dog and looked at Fu Yao.”

A group of executives also hit the iron while it was hot, kneeling and licking Fu Mei.

This appetizer was carefully arranged by Futian. It can not only give Amelia Su all the past of Fujia, but also humiliate the two of them to vent their anger. Most importantly, they can show their hospitality to Fumei. Shows the status of Fumei today.

“You have to be consumed by them if you die. You have this kind of family, and it is really bad for eight lifetimes.” Bai Xiaosheng smiled bitterly, and said to Amelia Su.

“My family is only my husband and my daughter.” Amelia Su, who was angry, is now even more relieved.

“They are too disgusting? Are they used to humiliate the dead?” At this time, Wang Simin mumbled dissatisfiedly in the VIP table.

Although she did not know Amelia Su, the name of George Han was still fresh in her memory. Since the dead and sick chicken was left in Wuyou Village, he heard the news that he had fallen into the endless abyss and died. Wang Simin was sad for a long time and couldn’t help himself.

“Simmin, don’t talk too much.” Wang Dong drank his daughter in time to stop her talking nonsense.

To George Han, Wang Dong’s thoughts are actually very complicated. At first he was very angry when he learned that he took the pill, but after Wang Simin returned, he explained everything clearly, and soon after the news that George Han had fallen into the endless abyss and died, Wang Dong In fact, the anger towards George Han has disappeared.

It was a pity instead.

After all, for him, the Wang family lost the quality son-in-law his father said. If his original methods were a bit more mean, maybe his life could be rewritten.

It’s just that there is no if in this world. Apart from pitying him, how to live now, or how to live.

The power of Tianhu City has changed, and as a party, he can only follow the trend.

Wang Simin was annoyed and glanced at Futian on the stage with hatred: “I really don’t know how you would sell your life for this kind of scum, father.”

Wang Dong sighed and stopped talking.

At this moment, Fu Mei, accompanied by Ye Shijun, gently got up and walked over slowly.

Glancing at the spiritual position on the ground with disdain, Fumei looked at Futian, and laughed softly: “Patriarch Fu doesn’t have to apologize, how can I be angry because of a pair of trash dogs.”

“That’s right, my wife is The arrogant girl of the sky, will he care about those cats and dogs?” Ye Shijun also said in a cold voice at this time.

“Husband, don’t say that. Actually, I’m not too delicate, but compared to Fuyao that slut, I have a more accurate vision to find the dragon and phoenix among people like you.”

“Hehe, madam. No matter what, I’m just plain. It’s my blessing to marry a beautiful and smart lady like you, Ye Shijun III.”

The rainbow fart between the husband and the wife caused the audience to fall off the ground. Amelia Su was even more angry and funny, looking at George Han, and said.

Chapter 2064

“Does she have blood and deep hatred with me? Show off her affection and pull me down?” Amelia Su said quite speechless.

George Han laughed and said, “I have been suppressed by you for so many years, and finally came up with a head. How can I give up bragging in front of so many people?”

Amelia Su was speechless to the extreme.

But what George Han said is indeed true.

Fu Mei finally had this day, and she wished to trample everyone under her feet.

It looks like a show of affection, but in fact they are flattering each other.

Satisfied with her humility, Fu Mei pretended to be shy, then raised her head and smiled slightly: “Okay, husband, let’s not delay everyone.”

“Okay, madam, you come to announce.”

Fu Mei is very satisfied with Ye Shijun’s. Behaved, nodded, stepped forward, looked at everyone present, and said, “I won’t say too much about being polite. I will ask everyone to have a good meal later. After the meal, we will compete for the two official positions of Fuye. , You may go to the battle in person, or you may send your own men to the battle. The arena is a chaotic battle. Anyone can take the challenge until no one challenger is automatically elected as the head of the garrison department of my Ye family and is in charge of my Ye family 100,000 Elite soldiers.”

“And the Shenwu Zhonglang general of Fujia will continue to follow this method. The winner can lead me to help the 30,000 elite soldiers. Do you all understand?”

Fumei is very happy with the feeling of being a worldly mother. , Even some do not want to step down.

After seeing everyone yelling to understand, she returned to the table on the stage with nostalgia.

“Everyone, I will toast you a glass first, and I will give you a good knife, but after drinking this glass of wine, we will see real kung fu on the stage after a while, and then I can’t blame someone for not telling face.” On the VIP table, A big man stood up and toasted.

Although it was a toast, the arrogant tone and attitude seemed to threaten everyone, staying smarter, and it is best not to compete with him, the most important garrison chief.

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately raised the glass of dissatisfaction and took a sip, then slammed the glass on the table, disdainfully said: “Then I will do it first. After all, I’m afraid you will not give it. I have a chance to toast.”

“You can’t say that. Next year Qingming, I will still toast you at your grave.” Another person also said coldly at this time.

A bunch of people are not convinced by anyone, who dare to come here, who doesn’t have two brushes? !

Who doesn’t stare at those two positions? !

Under the couch, where can others sleep soundly?

Seeing this group of people with great confidence, even aggressive eyes, Zhang Gongzi did not speak, smiled slightly, raised his glass and took a sip of wine.

“What? Young Master Zhang seems to be silent? Afraid?” Someone noticed his actions and couldn’t help but mockingly.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Gongzi laughed without anger: “Fear? I am indeed afraid, but I am afraid that your subordinates will die too soon.”

“Master Zhang, what you said is a bit too much. Are you arrogant?”

“Yes, Master Zhang, it’s normal for us to blow each other down, but your qualifications here are the most shallow, and there are some kinds of big talk? Are you not afraid to laugh at everyone’s big teeth?”

“A year ago, there were people who were beaten by me alone to find teeth!” A

group of people all sneered at Zhang Gongzi’s rhetoric. Zhang Gongzi can mix the rivers and lakes, in fact, it is more dependent on strength. It is the wealth of the family, which is naturally very contemptuous for some other more capable people who rely solely on their families.

“Our son Zhang, it seems that we don’t rely on money to collect people anymore, but we rely on our mouths, anyway!” After a

group of people finished speaking, the hall roared with laughter.

Zhang Gongzi’s angry face was pale, and he slapped his palm on the table: “Laugh, laugh, I’m afraid you can only cry

later .” A group of people were taken aback, and then laughed again.

George Han also sat down with Amelia Su and a group of people. It was really hard to go on the night, and it was not bad to enjoy the fun of food.

Seeing George Han and Amelia Su picking up food with each other, the more Qin Shuang ate, the more he felt that the food in the bowl was not fragrant.

“Junior Brother.” Putting down the dishes, Qin Shuang suddenly said.

“What’s wrong?” George Han raised his head strangely.

In fact, he also found that Qin Shuang was very depressed every time at this time, and sometimes felt sorry for her, but being pitiful did not mean taking action. On the contrary, he would only continue more firmly and let her know the difficulties. Retiring is also a good thing.

“I want to…return to Nothingness.” After speaking, Qin Shuang put down his bowl and chopsticks, got up and left.

Amelia Su hurriedly got up to chase, but was stopped by George Han: “Follow her, besides, her mother is in Wuwuzong. It is not a bad thing for her to go back and have a look.”

Amelia Su looked at Qin Shuang’s leaving back. I don’t know what to do with time.

“Cold-blooded, merciless!” Ginseng Baby cursed George Han, and hopped after Qin Shuang.

Fumang and Fuli, who did not know, were all stunned at this time. What happened? !

When he was about to ask, Niu Zi hurried over: “Brother, Zhang Gongzi asked you to come to him.”

Chapter 2065

George Han looked back and saw that many people stood up and walked towards the VIP area.

George Han smiled, stood up, followed Niu Zi, and walked over.

The VIP area has already eaten, and began to prepare in the war preparation area.

When George Han walked over, the group of people were already talking with each other, showing off their strength.

Their team of men are extremely strong and powerful, like a huge mountain of muscles, some of them are slightly shorter, but the muscles are more rigid, even emitting a shiny copper light.

When George Han walked over, his slender figure might be considered good by ordinary people’s normal standards, but compared to these people, he looked like a child.

“Puff, hahahahaha, Zhang Gongzi, is this the fuck you call a master? You didn’t drink a lot at noon today, how are you talking like this?” Someone saw George Han coming over and just looked at it. Suddenly roared with laughter.

“Young Master Zhang seems to be at the end of the battle. He couldn’t find a good helper, so he started to refill his

count .” “It’s such a small man, Dashan in our family can smash him into meatloaf with a punch. Think about it, it’s really cruel. Ah.”

“Big brother, no, I can stab him with just one finger.” The man named Da Shan responded immediately. After speaking, he gave George Han a provocative look, and then moved himself. His muscles are showing off to George Han.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Zhang Gongzi’s face became cold and a little unhappy: “If you have the ability, you will know if you are going to fight. Brother, take care of them for me later. Don’t be merciful.”

George Han smiled and said, “I didn’t say I want to fight. Ah.”

Young Master Zhang was stunned for an instant, not fighting? !

He regarded George Han as his trump card. Now, George Han suddenly told himself not to play?

” Hahahaha, I’m


so hard, I’m laughing so hard .” ” The so-called master Zhang bragged about just now has leaked stuffing and escaped , hahaha.” “Master Zhang, your so-called master, is it an escape master? “

I’m such a small guy, I’m so scared to see us with so many muscular guys, what else can I do if I don’t run away?”

Faced with the ridicule of everyone, Zhang Gongzi’s face is like pig liver, and the whole person is about to go. Angrily, looking at George Han’s eyes, it seemed that they were about to swallow George Han alive.

But Young Master Zhang was someone who had seen George Han’s ability, and even if he was so popular, he wouldn’t dare to touch George Han.

“If it’s okay, I’ll go back first.” George Han finished speaking, abandoning Young Master Zhang, who was surprised and angry, turned around and left.

Behind him, a roar of laughter broke out again, Zhang Gongzi trembled all over his body, wishing to find a place to sew in.

And almost at this time, there was a drum blast on the ring, and as Fu Mei announced loudly, the game officially began.

George Han was rare to be leisurely, and he took Amelia Su and others to stand in the crowd and admire it.

However, what disappoints George Han is that these people’s fights are almost like pediatrics.

It wasn’t until the latter half of the time that the game started to become a little more exciting with the players in the VIP area. However, this also made the battle heated up.

The giant mountain that mocked George Han just now, after he came on the field, he was shocked in all directions, rushing with the power to destroy everything, and on the ring, several consecutive challengers were all easily brought down by this guy.

“Bullish, Dashan.” In the audience, boss Zhu, Dashan’s eldest brother, was very happy at this time.

Dashan had already defeated seven or eight people in succession on the stage. If there were no accidents, the two largest garrison headquarters in Fuye might be in the bag by Boss Zhu.

“Father, isn’t it? It’s fine to follow these scum like the Fu Ye family. If I want to be directed by this group of people, I would rather die.” Wang Simin said angrily at this time.

Wang Dong gritted his posterior molars, and his expression was distressed at this time.

Of course he also wants to be a lucky winner, not being a king, but at least he wants to be less than one person and more than ten thousand people, but the problem is that the strength displayed by the mountain makes him daunting.

This guy is not only very powerful, but also very skilled in actual combat, it is really difficult to defeat him.

In fact, most people agree with Wang Dong’s views. Many people even plan not to challenge this round at all, leaving the strength to play the second round, and it’s not a bad idea to be a Zhonglang god of war.

Therefore, none of the people came to power for a while.

“Fuck, there is no one who can fight, are you all a bunch of rubbish? Huh? Fuck, I think there are masters fighting for such an important official position. It turns out, all fucking rubbish.” Dashan is extremely arrogant, his eyes Looking at everyone present with contempt and boredom.

“Damn, stinky man.” Wang Simin still didn’t change her temper. She was completely irritated by Dashan’s playful provocation. She lifted the sword and flew directly to the ring.

“Simine…” Wang Dong wanted to pull, but found it was too late.

Wang Simin suddenly took the stage, stunned everyone for a while, and also stunned Da Shan, but after seeing that she was a daughter, a group of people looked at each other.

Dashan snorted even more, clutching his stomach and laughing wildly: “Puff, hahahaha, damn, I have been waiting for a long time, I thought I could come up with a master? As a result, the damn is a chick? The long one is really damn. It looks good, but with your small body, did you compete with Lao Tzu on the bed?” In a

word, the lower part of the room burst into laughter.

George Han shook his head helplessly, this girl, even this is going on, but this is her personality.

“Do you know her?” Amelia Su had guessed that George Han knew Wang Simin without looking at the expression under George Han’s mask.

George Han nodded, and Amelia Su deliberately rolled her eyes: “I know a lot of beautiful women. It seems that I should also meet a lot of handsome guys?”

George Han smiled helplessly.

On the stage at this time, Wang Simin had already furiously attacked the giant mountain.

However, Sorayou’s anger is obviously not enough. The difference in strength between the two sides is too large. It is only a few rounds. Although Wang Simin does not let the woman be shaved, and uses his swift figure to cause a lot of trouble to the mountain, it also completely angers the mountain. With all his strength, Wang Simin’s defeat was suppressed.

Da Shan repulsed Wang Simin with a palm, and then hit her abdomen with a punch.

This unbelievable weight, once hit, the consequences will not be considered!

Wang Simin’s face was full of despair, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly stood in front of him, and a hand suddenly wrapped the big fist of the casserole from the mountain.

Chapter 2066

“Bang!” There was a loud noise, but everyone was surprised to find that this loud noise was not the voice of Zhongda Shan beat Wang Simin.

Instead, the mountain suddenly seemed to hit some steel plate, and then retreated with inertia, but because the inertia was too strong, the hind foot directly stepped heavily on the stone platform.

Dashan raised his eyes in surprise, but saw a man standing in front of him, his right hand gently wrapped around Wang Simin’s waist, and his left hand held his fist with one hand.

“Is it your kid?” Da Shan was extremely surprised. Obviously, this man was George Han who he had just laughed at.

“It’s my kid!” George Han smiled slightly, and gently let go of Wang Simin, and said to her: “Go down, leave it to me.”

Wang Simin looked at the masked man in surprise, no Knowing why, he didn’t know this man, but he could always feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity from him.

For some reason, in front of this guy, she wanted to refuse, but she couldn’t speak directly to her throat.

Before Wang Simin could reflect, George Han had already sent her slowly from the ring.

Although I met Wang Simin for a very short time, in order to help herself, Wuyou Village used her life to resist Ye Wuhuan. Therefore, in George Han’s heart, this savage and willful but kind-hearted Miss Wang’s family is in her own Friends ranks.

“Damn, who is that guy? That is not before the man Zhang Gongzi men do?”

“Zhang Gongzi, skill ah, just say no Health Warning is acting for us to see it? The purpose is to paralyze us is not?”

Gang Seeing George Han on the stage, one by one couldn’t help but look strangely at Young Master Zhang. There was a calm and awkward smile on Young Master Zhang’s face, but a group of people panicked.

He doesn’t know what this guy is doing? ! Is he also completely dumbfounded? !

“A bit capable, this guy can actually take Dashan’s punch with a palm!”

“Hehe, what? Dashan just sees that the other party is a girl, so Lianxiangxiyu, he didn’t make a cruel hand at all, and now he replaced it with It’s that kid, hehe, he’ll have to die with a punch.”

“That’s right, and that kid made a trick, and he suddenly went up again. Dashan didn’t reflect it. If you really want to do it, that guy counts. Mao.” A

group of people continued to disdain. They naturally couldn’t catch George Han’s appearance. After all, Dashan’s performance had completely conquered them.

At this time, Wang Dong hurriedly started to take over Wang Simin, who was put down from the stage, and looked left and right, for fear of his daughter’s injury.

“Father, that person seems to be a sick chicken.” Wang Simin couldn’t help muttering as he looked at George Han’s back on the ring.

Wang Dong smiled bitterly: “Silly girl, don’t talk nonsense.”

Above the stands, Fumei and Futian, including the Fujia group of executives, all frowned.

“Um…that guy, is it the guy who came to our home to help?”

“I don’t know, the masks seem to look alike, but there are too many people posing as masks recently.”

“Moreover, My support for my family is different now, and that guy still dare to come and die at this time? I think he should be a guy who is trying to catch his reputation. He has a little ability on his own, so he pretends to be forceful and gives these rich bosses a hand at the moment. It’s just eating.”

A group of executives only relaxed a little when they heard this.

In the stands, Da Shan was not as relaxed as the others. On the contrary, cold sweat was already on his forehead at this time.

The fist held by George Han suddenly became very painful. The anti-Buddha will be scummed by George Han’s hand. He tried to withdraw it. It made a lot of strength but it was basically To no avail, George Han’s hand stuck his fist like a vise.

“This is impossible, this is impossible, how can you have such strength?” Dashan looked at George Han’s hand incredibly.

In the next second, he didn’t care about the image, and directly used his full strength to try to get his hand out.

As he pushed hard, his feet even cracked the stone platform, which was enough to see how strong Dashan was, but even so, his hand was unable to move by Han’s three thousand calories.

Dou Da’s sweat beaded continuously along Da Shan’s forehead.

It’s hard, it’s too hard.

“Want to go out so? Okay, as you wish.” George Han smiled suddenly and loosened his left hand.

swing! swing! swing!

Dashan’s whole body suddenly lost its inertia because of too much force, and he retreated dozens of steps. Then with a bang, the whole body fell on the stone platform like a mountain!

“Ah, brat, you dare to play with me, you fucking succeeded in angering me.” The smashed mountain, annoyed at this time, hit the stone platform, causing the force to crack directly. The whole person stood up abruptly, looked at George Han angrily, and roared.

George Han smiled slightly and looked at the mountain jokingly. He looked at an ant in a defensive manner: “Then what do you want?” After speaking, he suddenly compared an international middle finger.

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