His True Colors Novel Chapter 2059 – 2062

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Chapter 2059

the center of the crowd in front, there are two sedan chairs, which are extremely luxurious.

After the guy said a few words to the man on the side of the sedan chair, the troops stopped. In the first sedan chair, a man poked his head out slightly. The son was like jade, but he looked handsome.

After glanced at George Han, he nodded, and that guy waved to George Han’s group.

George Han walked over with a few steps.

After looking at George Han, Young Master Zhang showed disdain. He glanced at Fu Mang, still unhappy in his eyes. Finally, after his eyes fell on Amelia Su and Qin Shuang, Young Master Zhang smiled slightly: “Okay, keep it

Right .” After speaking, Young Master Zhang threw a bunch of amethyst on the ground, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

“What are you doing in a daze, haven’t you thanked Young Master Zhang?” the man hurriedly urged.

George Han glanced at the amethyst on the ground, which was considered arrogant, and he shot ten thousand.

Of course, these are nothing to George Han.

However, George Han also smiled and stooped to pick up the amethyst on the ground.

“How about? My son Zhang is generous, ha ha, follow my son Zhang, and enjoy the glory and wealth.” The man smiled proudly.

George Han didn’t speak, the troops also set off again at this time.

“My name is Niuzi, you can follow me from now on.” The man came to George Han at this time and said as he walked forward.

After walking for a while, seeing George Han still not speaking, Niu Zi suddenly walked over and said mysteriously: “Actually you just saw the pride of my son, how does it feel to take 10,000 amethyst?”

“Not bad.” Han Three thousand laughed softly.

“Hehe, as long as you can make our son Zhang happy, let alone one hundred thousand, one million or even ten million will be caught by hand. Let me tell you directly, the group of beautiful women behind you like my son very much, choose a few to send to him, Zhang son I will never treat you badly.” Niu Zi patted George Han on the shoulder and looked at George Han with a very ambiguous look.

“Not interested.” George Han said.

“You kid, don’t you toast and not eat or drink? We, Young Master Zhang, can look at you for this kind of waste, it is to give you face, otherwise, with your looks like a waste, can you have a chance to get ahead?” Niu Zi suddenly Shouted very dissatisfied.

“Haha.” George Han smiled bitterly, and didn’t want to refute, he naturally didn’t have the interest to care about such people.

Niu Zi shook his head speechlessly, ignoring George Han.

The group of people set off in the vast Chaotian Lake City.

In the evening, Niuzi visited Young Master Zhang, and when he returned, he called George Han angrily, saying that Young Master Zhang wanted to see him alone.

George Han smiled noncommitantly, and signaled that Amelia Su and the others don’t need to worry, so they followed Niuzi alone and went to the center of the large army.

A thick blanket was spread on the ground, and the sedan chair just fell on it. In addition, the sedan chair was originally like a small palace and looked extremely luxurious.

The sedan chair is surrounded by light white gauze, and when the breeze blows, it can be seen that the sedan chair is a huge and luxurious round bed with exquisite counters and various decorations.

Young Master Zhang leaned slightly in front of the bed, and there was a thick plate of amethyst on the small counter in front of him, and Young Master Zhang was playing with a few amethysts in his hands.

Next to Zhang Gongzi’s sedan chair was another sedan chair, and inside was a beautiful woman with a perfect figure. Although she was just a little girly, she still couldn’t hold back her beauty.

When George Han was taken to the front of the sedan chair, Niu Zi gently stepped back.

Zhang Gongzi glanced at George Han and smiled softly, “Do you know how much money I have on it?”

George Han shook his head: “I don’t know.”

“I do n’t know. It’s right, because it’s so many that you don’t know how to count it. For you, it should be an astronomical number.” After speaking, Zhang Gongzi smiled high. Reaching out and pushing, the amethyst on the counter was pushed directly out of the sedan chair.

Looking at these piles of amethysts, many guards next to them couldn’t help but gulp their saliva.

Just considering the area alone, this pile of amethysts is not less than 500,000.

For many people, this is a huge sum of money, but to George Han, it is not counted.

Spend a night in the auction house and not only spend these amounts.

“Master Zhang, what do you mean?” George Han didn’t squint, he didn’t even look at the amethysts.

“I like the women around you very much, Niuzi should have told you about it.”

“I said, but I also replied, not interested.” George Han said calmly.

“Not interested? All the rejections are due to insufficient chips. Here is half a million amethyst, you think about it.” Zhang Gongzi smiled gently, as if he was done well.

“I won’t answer the same question a second time.” George Han said.

Hearing what George Han said, Niu Zi wanted to rush to beat George Han in anger. This was half a million amethyst, so don’t be too ignorant.

“Interesting!” Zhang Gongzi was not angry and clapped his hands. Several servants slowly walked over with a few large boxes.

Then, they opened the box, which was full of dazzling purple crystals. There were three boxes of amethyst, not to mention ten million, but at least five million.

This amount, let alone an individual, is a huge sum of money even for many wealthy families.

Young Master Zhang smiled, still very arrogant: “What about now?”

George Han smiled helplessly, without even looking at the amethysts, turning around and leaving.

Niu Zi immediately stood in front of George Han, and the muscular hunks around him also stepped forward at this time, looking very bad.

“Stop! Brat, are you enough? Our Young Master Zhang has given you a lot of face. You know, five million amethyst coins can buy a lot of women.”

“Bring so many women out, make it clear It’s just a little white face. I rely on women to eat soft food. Now that I have given you so much money, I will accept it when I see it.”

“That’s right, I’ll give you five million, you can find a lot of women, brat. , Apologize to Zhang Gongzi.”

Niu Zi led a group of strong men and shouted coldly.

“Brother, it seems that you have met an opponent.” In the other sedan chair, the beautiful woman laughed softly. To her, George Han is a little white face who depends on women for food. Although she often has some good-looking little white faces, George Han’s physique is obviously not what she wants.

After finishing speaking, the woman gently waved her jade arm, opened the gauze in front of the sedan chair, revealing her extremely beautiful facial features, looked at George Han contemptuously, and said with a smile: “Take off the mask.”

“Have you heard, Zhang? The young lady asked you to take off the mask, shit, the man who is still wearing the mask, how long ago is the old script.”

“Why take it off?” George Han couldn’t help but laugh.

“If you are okay, this young lady can consider. These five million amethysts plus this young lady will accompany you all night to replace your women.” Miss Zhang smiled confidently.

George Han suddenly laughed with disdain, “Okay. But are you sure you are qualified?” After speaking, George Han took off the mask.

Chapter 2060

When George Han took off his mask, that determined and handsome face appeared in front of everyone.

Ms. Zhang’s disdainful eyes suddenly stared at George Han, and then, all eyes flashed with peach blossoms.

George Han’s appearance was completely beyond Ms. Zhang’s expectations, and even shocked Ms. Zhang’s heart.

Although she is somewhat mentally prepared, after all, the “duck” that can make a group of women go around, if the figure is not particularly good, at least the appearance is very good.

But, I didn’t expect George Han to be so handsome!

Although the figure is a little worse, it doesn’t fit the muscular macho type that Ms. Zhang wants, and it may be almost in that respect, but for the happiness of her younger brother, she doesn’t mind too much.

“Okay, it’s okay, you can go to the sedan chair.” Although Miss Zhang said faintly, she had some expectations in her heart. After all, for her who prefers muscular men, she can make her appearance break her choice. A standard person gets on the sedan chair. Obviously, she likes this look very much, and it will break the rules.

George Han showed a trademark smile, then put on the mask.

“Sorry, I said, you are not qualified.” George Han finished speaking, turned around and left.

“Bitch, what are you talking about?” After Miss Zhang was stunned, her whole body was full of anger.

There has never been a man who can reject herself. George Han does this. Where is her face? !

“Could it be that what I said is not clear enough?” George Han stood slightly and turned his head.

“I warn you, you’d better think clearly before answering, I am the eldest lady of the Zhang family, the body of ten thousand gold, not comparable to those women, it is your honor to be able to be seen by me, and waiting for you In the future, there will be endless glory and wealth. These are far more than those women gave you.” Miss Zhang resisted the anger and shouted coldly.

George Han laughed blankly: “Okay, then I’ll say it again.”

“I am not interested in a woman like you. In my eyes, not to mention that you can compare with them. Even if you compare with other people, it is worthless. Do you hear clearly?” George Han said coldly.

These words were like a huge slap on her face. Miss Zhang was so angry that her back teeth were almost crushed, and her slender fingers burst into clenched fists, wishing to swallow George Han alive.

“Smelly boy, you are too fucking too much. It doesn’t matter if you refuse my Master Zhang. Even Miss Zhang will refuse. I order you and apologize immediately.” Niu Zi was angry.

George Han was introduced by him. If George Han angered the son and the young lady and blamed Niuzi himself, he would not be willing.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to jump out at this time.

And almost at the same time that Niuzi’s anger was facing each other, dozens of brawny men beside him also stood up at the same time, and the anger in that eye was to prevent George Han from punching to death.

Looking at these tall and strong men, George Han smiled disdainfully.

“Smelly boy, if you don’t want to be beaten, behave, go to the lady’s sedan chair.”

“Otherwise, don’t blame us for being ruthless.” After finishing speaking, several big guys twisted their shoulders while grinding their fists and making bone collisions. The sound.

See this posture, Miss Zhang suddenly disdain lengheng:. “I beg the lady, the lady obediently to the bar when a male dog, you see the long good part, which I still have the chair for you”

dozens A big man, not only has a very strong figure, but also has a fairly high cultivation base, and is Zhang Gongzi’s right-hand man. Obviously, if Young Master Zhang’s subordinates are not capable, how dare he respond to the recruitment of Fu Ye Family? !

Therefore, the people present couldn’t help but sneer at this moment. For them, George Han had only two choices, either, being beaten to death by this group, or going back to be a dog obediently.

“You have long been told to be obedient, you must not listen.” Niu Zi pretended to be helpless and sighed, but his eyes were angry at George Han.

After all, George Han broke his original plan.

“Only you?” George Han sneered with disdain.

“Oh, when death is imminent, the duck’s mouth is hard. This skill is learned by cheating women? However, this trick may work against women, but it does not work for fists.” A big man said coldly.

“What a woman needs is a soft tongue, not a hard mouth!” Ms. Zhang said mockingly and wildly.

She never concealed her desire in this area, and even took pride in controlling countless men, because it could not only meet her physical needs, but also was a strong evidence of her appearance.

The corners of George Han’s mouth twitched, and suddenly he pressed slightly under his feet.


I saw several afterimages standing directly on the spot. A dozen big guys didn’t even reflect, they suddenly felt black in front of them, and then there was a sudden pain in the chest, and the body even flew straight under a strange force. Tens of meters.

boom! Boom!

More than a dozen big men instantly smashed on the ground like a dozen big discus, rumbling continuously!

The team leader who left the big man, his cultivation base was higher, and there were those people who became flesh shields, he suddenly saw George Han rushing towards him.

He hurriedly raised his fist, and directly smashed George Han with his full strength, which was 10,000 catties!

George Han, who rushed forward, also raised his right fist and blasted directly!


“Ah!!!” The

giant man’s arms were as thick as thighs. After hitting George Han’s fist, he suddenly slammed into the boulder like dead wood, exploded directly from the inside, and then separated from the giant man’s arm. The bondage, turned into a pile of meatballs, and flew backwards!

Chapter 2061

“Pop!” A pile of rotten meat, mixed with scummed bones, quietly fell several meters behind the giant man.

At this time, on one arm of the giant man, the muscles that had been torn apart were exposed, and blood continuously flowed out from the tear like a pillar.

Everyone on the scene was stunned!

Fist to fist!

A giant, facing a “weak” who was like a child in front of him, didn’t imagine the situation where the opponent was bombarded into meatloaf, but he himself was bombarded by the opponent!

It’s like holding a toothpick, but directly breaking the tree.

The bloody scene of adding a fist to the flesh shocked everyone at the scene.

What kind of power disparity caused such a bursting spike scene!

Niuzi stood on the spot, looking at George Han with his legs, he had already urinated his pants completely uncontrollably, and his legs were shaking constantly!

What has he experienced just now?

Rub shoulders with death? !

Damn, I thought I was about to watch a clown show, but who the hell wanted to be that clown?

Patting the dust on his fist, George Han smiled disdainfully, leaving behind a group of dumbfounded people, and turned and left.

At this time, no one dared to stop him, even they forgot to stop him!

“This…this…” Looking at George Han’s back, Zhang Gongzi couldn’t speak for a moment in surprise.

“Oh, Young Master Zhang, yes… it’s not good to be small, not good to be small, it’s not good to be small, it’s a blind dog, and I found such a person.” Niuzi threw himself and knelt on the ground.

George Han can’t afford to offend, what else can he do, just begging for mercy with his master.

For him, George Han humiliated his son and young lady one by one, and now his men are still killed and wounded. If the son is to blame, he doesn’t know how many deaths he has died.

However, Niu Zi burst into tears but did not get a response, Zhang Gongzi still mumbled and looked at the direction of George Han’s departure.

“Bang!” With

a loud noise, the giant captain whose arm was blasted off suddenly felt the pain in his arm. He fell directly to the ground, covered the wound with his hand, and opened his eyes in pain!

This loud noise woke up Young Master Zhang. He glanced at Niuzi, angrily, but then smiled: “Niuzi, good

job , get me such a master!” “Ah?” Niuzi was taken aback.

Young Master Zhang’s face was full of joy. George Han’s performance just now shocked his heart, but at the same time it made him very happy.

With a master like him, how about going to Tianhu City to compete for the official posts of the Fuye Family? !

“This guy, the strength is so ridiculous, Lao Tzu’s eighteen arhats can’t even support a face, Niu Zi, what the hell are they doing? Hurry up and bring me the amethyst.” After speaking, Zhang Gongzi was excited. He ran off the sedan chair and ran in the direction where George Han had left.

Niuzi was stunned for a moment and also reflected, greeted the servants to carry the box and quickly follow Master Zhang.

After everyone left, Miss Zhang still looked at the direction where George Han had gone.

Then, her body couldn’t help but a slight blush appeared on her face: “I really underestimate you. You are so handsome and so powerful. It seems that you will make me very comfortable. I treat you too much. Satisfied.”

After she said, she clenched a fist gently, her eyes were full of charm: “I’ll eat you.”

“Come on, take out the tulle from the bottom of my box, and the best paint, I Put on a good makeup!” After speaking, she laughed and put down the white gauze around the sedan chair.

At this time, George Han, after repairing the mobs, had returned to Amelia Su and the others, and was leading them to leave. At this time, Zhang Gongzi also rushed over with a group of men and women.

Seeing these people, George Han didn’t panic, and smiled lightly: “What? Haven’t played enough yet?”

“No, no, no, brother, you misunderstood, I…I didn’t come to you for revenge. “Young Master Zhang quickly avoided subconsciously and waved his hands desperately.

Seeing that George Han hadn’t moved, he hurriedly ordered his servants to lift things up, and smiled.

Niu Zi hurriedly said: “Brother, my son is not here to seek revenge, but to reward you.”

“Yes, yes, that’s right, although we were unhappy just now, but, these teeth and lips are inevitable. I can fight.”

“My son doesn’t mean that instead of revenge, he rewards you with 5 million amethysts, and at the same time, promotes you to our chief guard.”

“Yes, yes, that’s what I mean.”

Zhang Gongzi and Niuzi changed their previous attitudes and smiled, for fear that they would offend George Han.

George Han was a bit funny. Although Ji Nu and Fu Mang didn’t know what George Han did just now, they obviously guessed what happened through the dialogue, and couldn’t help but secretly laugh.

“Then since someone gave five million amethysts, it doesn’t make sense not to, right?” George Han looked at Amelia Su mischievously.

Amelia Su secretly smirked and nodded.

“Then you agreed?” Niu Zi asked suddenly with joy.

Chapter 2062

Seeing George Han nodded, Young Master Zhang and Niu Zi were overjoyed. They had to drag George Han to the center of the large army on the spot, and drank and celebrated together.

However, this was rejected by George Han.

“Good, low-key, low-key, I understand, I understand.” Young Master Zhang laughed loudly, and then told Niu Zi: “Since my brother doesn’t want to go, you should take care of him for Lao Zi.”

After finishing, he rushed to George Han After Qian paid a salute, he gritted his teeth and told Niu Zi: “If my brother is a little bit of a mistake, I want you to come and see you, do you know?”

“Yes!” Niu Zi was very frightened, and he trembled and trembled. .

As soon as Young Master Zhang left, Niu Zi immediately ran up to George Han, his attitude completely reversed, and how angry he was before, how humble now he is.

“Brother, are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something to eat? Or find two servants to help you massage.” Niu Zi showed a smirk and smiled wretchedly.

“No need!” George Han glanced at everyone and couldn’t help but smile.

“Then do you want to rest? I’ll find someone to get you a sedan chair, or do you have other needs?” Niu Zi still asked persistently.

“I just need you not to disturb me.” George Han said.

Niuzi suddenly froze in place.

As soon as the sky dawned, the troops set out again towards Tianhu City.

At about noon the next day, the sky-high city walls of Tianhu City reappeared in front of George Han.

For George Han, this is a special place for him. It can be regarded as the starting point for his first entry into the arena. Now when he comes back, his identity and status are different. It’s just that when you revisit the old place, you can’t help but think of the old man and don’t know how Xiao Tao is doing now?

Follow her cousin, how good is it? !

Being in a trance, the hustle and bustle of the noise brought George Han back to reality, the voices of the people in Tianhu City were very lively, and the scene of the old Dew City seemed to be present.

Obviously, the Fu Ye family’s momentum has had a lot of effect, and many people from the community have come here admiringly.

After entering the city, following the crowd, George Han and others slowly walked towards the main city.

In the central city of the main city, the Fuye family set up a huge venue with thousands of tables. Each table is made of top-quality solid wood. The tablecloths are covered with gold and jade. The delicious food shows that the Fuye family is rich and powerful, and they are powerful.

In the front, there are several rows of VIP areas directly presented by jade tables and golden bowls. Up from the VIP area, there is a large rectangular stone platform.

At this moment, on the stone platform, Fu Mei was wearing flowers and flowers, her face was full of amorous feelings, and her eyes were even more energetic. For her, she had hit so many detours and found so many dragon husbands, and now she is finally a kick Into the rich, the status rises sharply.

Next to her, Futian and another ugly-looking young man sat on both sides, standing behind some high-ranking members of their respective families, and the ugly young man was naturally Ye Shijun, the son of Ye City Lord.

Although ugly is a bit ugly, but, after all, he is the lord of the new Nintian Lake City, otherwise, why would he be attracted to Fumei? !

As one of the important bosses, Zhang Gongzi was invited to the VIP table. Sitting beside him was also a high-ranking official or hero with similar specifications.

“The patriarch, everyone is here, don’t you go up and say a few words?” Fu Mei took a sip of the wine, her lips lightened, her appearance was different.

For today’s scene, Fu Mei used nearly ten servants to dress herself up in the middle of the night last night.

This is far larger than the scale of her marriage to Ye Shijun!

Some people may wonder why her operation is so abnormal, but for Fu Mei, this is normal.

Marrying Ye Shijun is a chance to ascend to the sky one step at a time, but today, it is precisely in the sky, when the king is over the people, it is self-evident which is important.

Marriage is to get ahead and make people envy. Now is the time to play.

As soon as Futian heard this, his face suddenly showed embarrassment. As soon as he saw Fumei’s dress today, he knew her intentions. How dare he say more? ! “Meier, you are making a joke of me. Why am I going to go up there when there is so much attention?”

“Yeah, Meier, the patriarch is right. If we help the family because of you, what When there is such a scenery as today? So, if someone is required to

speak , no one is qualified except Meier.” “That’s right, Meier, you are our hope and future for helping the family, you Who doesn’t speak.”

A group of executives couldn’t wait to put their faces in their crotch to praise Fu Mei at this time. Since the last time there was no word in the heavenly book, Fu Jia has been aggravated by the snow, and the days have been difficult.

My self-confidence can seduce George Han’s Fumei, and it has also become the point of the family’s helper, but an unexpected encounter makes Fumei see the new diamond king.

But this time, Fumei succeeded, and Fujia has also risen with the tide. How can we not treat Fumei like an ancestor? !

“Don’t say that, there is an appetizer. If I don’t make it in advance, where can I have the confidence to speak? Patriarch, I don’t know what your appetizer is?” Fu Mei just sneered at these compliments. China is full of dissatisfaction.

“Futian, talk about it.” Ye Shijun said in help.

Futian smiled, very proud, and said to his subordinates: “What are you still doing in a daze? Bring me things.”

“Yes!” The

subordinates took orders and quickly stepped back.

After a while, the subordinate ran over with two spiritual positions.

On the tablet, one reads the spiritual position of George Han and the other the spiritual position of Fuyao.

Seeing these two tablets, Fu Mei sneered at the corner of her mouth.

Futian stood up, walked a few steps to the center of the stage, looked at the thousands of people under the stage, waved his hand, the audience suddenly became quiet.

“Everyone, I am very glad that you all come to participate in the selection meeting of our Fuye family. Here, on behalf of the Fujia and Yejia family, I welcome everyone to come. However, before we start, there is one thing that I have to first Do it.”

After speaking, Futian waved his big hand, and his subordinates took two spiritual positions to the stage.

A group of people looked at each other. What does it mean to suddenly hold two spiritual positions on this great day?

“Huh? Isn’t this the spiritual position of George Han and Fuyao? What is Fujia doing? Is it possible to worship these two couples?”

“I don’t know which Futian is singing.”

Sitting in front The people in the VIP table could read the words on the tablet clearly. At this time, they were all amazed. I wonder what Futian is doing? !

But just when everyone was amazed, another subordinate came up with a barrel of the stinking wooden barrel and put it beside Futian.

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