His True Colors Novel Chapter 2055 – 2058

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Chapter 2055

Fu Mei found a thigh.

And these thighs are not bad.

George Han’s former “antagonist” was Ye Shijun, the son of Ye Wuhuan.

After Ye Wuhuan’s “death”, Ye Shijun naturally inherited everything left by his father, sitting on Tianhu City with a hundred thousand soldiers and horses and a lot of wealth, and he was considered a rich man.

The Fujia backed by this big tree, naturally overjoyed, and Futian even threatened that from now on, the Fujia and Yejia will join forces and regain glory.

In fact, this trick did have some effect. With the combination of the Ye family and the old-fashioned supporter, this force attracted many people to join.

There are even more rumors that the top of the blue mountain is very interested in Yefu Alliance and intentionally put it into the sphere of influence.

In the face of interests, there are no eternal friends or enemies. Seeing Ye Fu’s strength at the top of the Blue Mountains, naturally his views are no longer the same.

Facing the ever-expanding power of the Immortal Sea and the Medicine God Attic, the Blue Mountain Peak certainly wanted to win over all the powers that seemed good, and fight together.

However, Futian is a cunning old thing, neither rejecting nor accepting the top of the Blue Mountain. Turning his head, he seems to be close to the immortal waters. Obviously, he is playing the game card, because Futian himself still has ambitions.

In order to realize his ambitions, Fujia planned to move and moved to Shuilan City next to Tianhu City, wanting to rely on each other with horns on both sides.

But this does not mean peace.

On the contrary, the undercurrent is even more volatile.

And the whirlpool center of the undercurrent is the martial art “Nothingness” that George Han stayed in.

Wuzong is located in the mountains where the two cities meet. For the Yefu family, occupying Wuzong can completely open up the hub of the two cities and realize mutual support.

At the same time, if the two cities are stuck in this position, once the two cities support each other, they can show a vertical mode, and even develop slowly, controlling the entire southeast area.

The Medicine God Pavilion also coveted the Void Sect.

Because Ye Fu’s family can see such an important position, how can the people of Yaoshen Pavilion not see it? Moreover, once occupying this position, it can also jam the Ye Fu family’s throats, not only make them so strong, but also can disintegrate the blue mountain top and swallow the hearts of the Fu Ye family, so that the Ye Fu family can only choose themselves.

Therefore, Wuzong seems to be peaceful now, but in fact the battle seems to be about to start at any time.

Xu Wuzong has also been desperately looking for allies recently, trying to survive.

When Jianghu Baixiaosheng drove the boat made in the alliance and the map that George Han drew according to the route in his mind, and came back with these news, he was about to report to George Han when he heard a huge explosion in the backyard.

When everyone hurried to the backyard, they saw that the alchemy room that had been good had been blown to pieces, leaving only one frame standing in place.

In the same place, a dark person stood there, holding the lid of the tripod in his hand, stupidly by the tripod.

“Damn, lord, what’s wrong with lord?”

“Haha, isn’t it because the alchemy killed him?”

Damn , would it be too easy to die first?” A bunch of allies are all stupid The silly faces looked at each other, and then joked, thinking that something was wrong, and it turned out to be like this.

However, they were able to joke because they had all seen George Han’s ability, and naturally knew that the explosion of Xiaoxiao’s pill would not hurt him at all.

“Ha!” Sombra opened his mouth, and a white smoke came out of his mouth.

Apart from George Han who has been practicing alchemy, who else could this shadow be? !

“Oh, I’m so ashamed.” Amelia Su rolled her eyes silently, rushed over with a towel and wiped George Han’s face.

“I told you to go back to the underground palace to practice, and I have to run to the alchemy room with confidence. It’s all right.” Amelia Su was really angry and funny.

Sometimes George Han is very mature and stable, even coldly killing people, sometimes naive to cute.

Of course, Amelia Su knew that only in front of her would George Han favor the latter more.

At this point, Amelia Su is happy in her heart, because only in front of the people she loves can people show their naive side.

“Damn it.” George Han suddenly split his mouth and smiled and pointed at Amelia Su.

Because his face is too dark, his teeth are extremely white, and he smiles like a crescent.

Without waiting for Amelia Su to reflect, George Han had already picked up Amelia Su and went around in circles.

Poor Amelia Su’s clean clothes were instantly blackened by someone, and the whole person was even dizzy by George Han.

When George Han stopped, Amelia Su also knew that many people were watching, and she pointed at George Han’s forehead with a finger: “So many people are watching, is your brain blown up?”

“I am. “George Han stared, and shouted with excitement.

“What is it? Oh, my husband, let me go down. Many people are watching.” Amelia Su blushed and said softly.

“Dan, Dan is done!” George Han laughed, his mind moved.

Suddenly, in the double dragon cauldron, a dazzling light shot straight into the sky!

Chapter 2056

Looking at the shocking red light and the majestic aura in the cauldron, the Alliance disciples who were still joking all were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a jade-colored pill about the size of an egg flew out slowly, hung on the cauldron, exuding a charming breath.

“Shang… the top-grade pill?”

“Oh my god, our leader is not making fun, but… but making big goods.”

“That’s impossible, the top-grade pill is extremely valuable. And the cherished ones are generally not master-level alchemists, and it is impossible to refine them.”

“Yes, maybe our leader is a master-level alchemist?”

Just now, a group of people thought that George Han was a god-level alchemist. How funny the performance is, how shocking their hearts are now.

Using the bronze operation, he just hit the king’s game!

How is this not so shocking? !

Even Amelia Su was completely stunned at this time. At this time, she had no concept of shyness. Let George Han hold her, all her attention was attracted by the pill.

“Damn, what kind of genius is this guy? Even pill can be practiced?” Fu Mang looked at Fu Li depressed, his eyes full of incredible.

Is this really an earthling?

Doesn’t it mean that all on earth are low-level creatures? That is an existence even lower than the Xuanyuan world created by the Blue Mountain Peak.

However, in George Han’s body, not only did Fu Mang fail to feel the slightest sense of superiority as a member of the Octagonal world, but he also had self-doubt. Could he be wrong in order? The earth is the highest level, and the Bafang world is inferior?

This is not to blame for Fu Mang’s lack of self-confidence, but the fact that in Bafang World, there are many people who can be super aggressive, but they are often martial idiots, because they need to have absolute focus on martial arts. This is superb, but often this kind of people also ignore other aspects of research, such as auxiliary alchemy, pharmacy, or refining.

After all, human beings are human beings. One aspect is limited energy, and more importantly, talent!

No one is perfect!

But George Han, a low-level race, kept hitting Fu Mang’s face all the time, doing something special for a long time, he was more like a low-level species.

Fuli was also shocked, and for a while, he really didn’t know how to answer. As far as the quality of this pill was concerned, it was simply top-grade. Even when Fu Jia was brilliant, there were not many pill of this level.

“Amelia Su… Amelia Su is too good at it. Finding a man is too strong!” Fuli murmured.

Ginseng Baby glanced at Qin Shuang next to her and sighed. Her beautiful and stunning face was shocked, but her eyes were full of sadness and sadness.

For Qin Shuang, the more outstanding George Han is, the more obvious it will move her heartstrings, but it is obvious that George Han’s excellence will never have anything to do with her, but Amelia Su.

How can this not hurt people? !

Putting down Amelia Su, George Han took the pill in his hands.

I glanced at everyone present, and finally smiled gently: “All are a little bit of the world, don’t be fussed, there will be a lot of these things in the future, as long as I do my best for the alliance, or the disciples with outstanding cultivation, I will send it. This is the first one, so reward the most meritorious one first.”

After that, George Han set his sights on Bai Xiaosheng in the rivers and lakes.

In an instant, Bai Xiaosheng suddenly became the focus of the audience, and everyone looked at it with envy.

After all, this high-grade pill is really a godsend, countless people dream of.

Jianghu Baixiaosheng was also completely stunned. When George Han took the pill and handed it to him, he still did not reflect it, because he had never thought of such a valuable thing in the first time. It’s your turn.

“Three thousand, how can I ask for this thing?” Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng said a little embarrassed.

“As the deputy leader of the alliance, there are good things in the alliance, so naturally it is your turn. What’s so embarrassing?” George Han smiled.

“But…” Bai Xiaosheng looked at Amelia Su with embarrassment.

To turn, it should be Amelia Su and Han Nian.

“It’s nothing, the alliance was first established, and you have done a lot of effort.” George Han smiled, Jianghu Baixiaosheng was about to talk, George Han had already slapped Dan into his mouth with a palm.

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

Although the first medicine has nothing to do with most people, it is clear that George Han’s actions won the hearts of the people. He made it clear to everyone that as long as you are willing to pay, you will definitely gain.

And this also greatly encouraged everyone’s enthusiasm.

“In the future, I will make a lot of pills. Anyway, as I said just now, as long as you have done meritorious service or made a major contribution, or your cultivation level has risen quickly, everyone is eligible to take it.” George Han smiled. Then, “Amelia Su, first take the first-level pill I practiced before to Jianghu Baixiaosheng, and let him share it with all his brothers and sisters, as a consolation for everyone during this period of hard work.”

Amelia Su smiled and nodded, of course she did not She will be angry because George Han gave the first thing to outsiders, because she knows her place in George Han’s heart.

As long as she is willing, George Han will give her even his life, let alone a small high-grade pill?

She supports George Han’s approach, because if it were her, she would do the same. The alliance was first established, and it was the great man to stabilize people’s hearts.

At noon, three members of George Han’s family were eating, but Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng came with Fu Mang and Ningyue.

According to George Han’s prediction, Jianghu Baixiaosheng should be practicing and digesting the medicine.

“What’s wrong?” George Han asked strangely.

Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng told George Han about the great changes that have taken place in the outside world. He didn’t dare to neglect these things, for fear of delays.

After George Han finished listening, his brows wrinkled slightly and he fell into contemplation. After a while, he smiled slightly: “It looks like the situation is chaotic, but what do you three think?”

Seeing George Han’s eyes, Fu Mang’s original words swallowed directly into his stomach, looking at George Han embarrassedly: “You don’t want to take this muddy water, do you?”

Ningyue looked at George Han’s eyes, and the whole person couldn’t help feeling shock.

“It’s boring, it’s boring.” George Han shook his head boringly, patted his stomach, and stood up: “I’m full!”

Then, he walked towards the backyard and only took two steps. George Han suddenly turned his head, looked at the three of them, and said with a smile: “What are you doing in a daze? Pack your things and prepare to set off.” The

three were dumbfounded!

“Ah? Where to go?!”

“When you are full, go to Tianhu City to exercise and help digestion.” George Han smiled mysteriously.

Is he crazy? ! Why are you going there? Then there is an army of 100,000 Fu Ye, and there is the Medicine God Pavilion looking forward to it, isn’t this going to find death?

Chapter 2057

Obviously, George Han’s so-called exercise is not simple exercise, but wants to go to this muddy water!

Therefore, to Fu Mang, George Han’s behavior he did not understand.

Whether it is the Medicine God Pavilion or supporting the family, it is an enemy to the Mysterious Alliance.

Yaoshen Pavilion is worried that he can’t find the mysterious man alliance to export the evil anger!

And Fu Jia needn’t say much.

But George Han has to go at this time!

If this is not careful, it is very likely that it will be sandwiched by the forces on both sides.

Especially when George Han came out and let Fu Mang be the leader of this time, this made Fu Mang even more bewildered.

Had it not been for George Han to save himself, he really felt that George Han was using himself as cannon fodder.

Even from a certain angle, Ningyue felt so.

George Han only took Qiushui and Shiyu out, which was what he strongly requested, and the other female disciples, including a large number of disciples under Fu Mang, all stayed at Xianling Island.

Isn’t this what to use Fu Mang as cannon fodder? !

Ningyue even thought, when Fumang shouted: I am the left leader of Fumang of the Mysterious People Alliance, and then he was pierced by a thousand arrows and shot into a scene of a hedgehog.

But George Han had his own abacus.

Regardless of the situation in Tianhu City, whether the Fu Ye family won or the Medicine God Pavilion won, they will all be their most difficult opponents to deal with.

Therefore, he wants to make this muddy water more muddy, only in this way, in the troubled times, he can be sure of winning.

And once he wins, he can kill two birds with one stone and instantly disintegrate the future of the two enemies. While he is the gainer, there may be unexpected gains.

For this, George Han prepared a big game of chess.

“I said three thousand, let’s really take this person? And, do you really want Fu Mang to lead the team?” When the

boat crossed the sea and was about to dock, Fu Li finally hinted in Fu Mang’s crazy eyes Among them, George Han was asked about their most concerned question.

On the boat, apart from Qin Shuang, Ginseng Guo, and George Han’s family of three, there were only Linlong, Jianghu Baixiaosheng, Xing Yao, Qiushui, Shiyu, and Fuli.

But the other party is a huge army of nearly 100,000 or 200,000 people. Others really can drown a few of them with one spit.

George Han smiled while looking at the sea: “Don’t worry, why would I let Fu Mang die? Don’t worry, when we get to Tianhu City, we will just borrow from Futian.”

Hearing George Han For Qian, Fu Mang almost fell into the sea with a somersault, borrowing troops from Futian?

I was afraid that Futian would only lend himself a knife and let himself hurry up.

“You go to the fishing village and wait for me first, I have something to do.” After finishing speaking, George Han glanced at Fu Mang: “Take care of my wife and my daughter!” As

soon as the voice fell, George Han moved his hand and summoned Xiao Tianlu. Pai Yao flew straight to the sea in the distance.

Fu Mang was about to cry in his heart, and George Han had to take care of his wife and daughter before he left. Damn, he is the cannon fodder who needs to be taken care of the most now! !

Qin Shuang shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of sadness.

But she quickly withdrew her eyes, because she knew that Nothingness Sect is now in critical condition, and she can no longer always think about her children’s personal affairs.

At this time, George Han, with the help of Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao, had flown tens of thousands of sea miles.

“Enough!” Suddenly, George Han ordered Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao to stop, his eyes staring at the sea below.

“Roar, it might have been drawn too far last time.” George Han finished speaking, and after feeding Xiaotian Lupi Yao a bunch of jewels, Xiao Tian Lu Pi Xiu suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared! !


George Han smiled, not in a hurry, he rode on Xiaotian Lu Paixiu’s back, and waited slowly.

One hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Until a few hours later.

The sea was calm and the waves were calm, but the next moment, the current suddenly rushed, and under the sea, there was a huge black figure swimming quickly.


With a long roar, a huge figure suddenly burst out of the sea and attacked George Han directly.

George Han didn’t move and didn’t leave, watching the dark shadows faintly.

The black shadow rushed towards George Han, but when he was less than half a meter away, George Han suddenly lifted a red stone with his right hand, and the black shadow also stopped instantly.

“I am the new owner of Xianling Island.” George Han smiled.

If Fu Mang and others were there at this time, his face would definitely be pale in fright, because the huge black shadow standing in front of George Han was the big Tian Lu Pai Yao.

Da Tian Lu Pixiu was stunned for a moment, a pair of huge eyes like longan staring at the red stone in George Han’s hand.

In the next second, he withdrew abruptly, about four or five meters away from George Han, slowly half-released his wings, and lowered his head.

George Han smiled slightly, the story on the stone wall was indeed true, and things were as he had guessed.

However, Da Tian Lu Pai Yao’s eyes were always looking at Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao, which made George Han frowned: “Is it your son?”

Chapter 2058

Da Tian Lu Pai Yao nodded under George Han’s gaze.

“No wonder you are so hostile to me.” George Han was helpless. It should be Da Tian Lu Pai Yao who sensed the changes in Xianling Island, so he came to help and left Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao who was only an egg.

But never thought that Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao was discovered by humans because he was left unattended and sold to the auction house.

And George Han happened to buy this small Tian Lu Pai Yao, and then met the big Tian Lu Pai Yao here.

Da Tian Lu Pi Yao regarded George Han as an intruder, and Xiao Tian Lu Pi Yao was still taken by him. When it was determined that Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao was his son, he naturally refused to forgive George Han.

“It’s really an interesting fate.” George Han shook his head helplessly: “Xianling Island has passed, you can go back, as for Xiaotian Lupai, I will return it to you.”

After that, George Han held his hand. With a move, he withdrew the agreement between himself and Xiao Tian Lu Pai Yao, patted his little butt, and let it return to Da Tian Lu Pai Yao’s place.

Xiaotian Lu Paixiu turned his head in three steps, and looked at George Han reluctantly. He walked abruptly for several minutes at a distance of only a few meters.

However, when Xiao Tian Lu Pixiu and Da Tian Lu Pixiu came together, after tentatively smelling each other, they hugged each other and became intimate.

“Let’s go.” George Han smiled and waved at them.

Da Tian Lu Pixiu glanced at George Han, then lowered his head, as if thanking George Han, and then jumped into the water with Xiao Tian Lu Pixiu.

Xiao Tian Lu Pixiu looked at George Han reluctantly, and finally, under the care of Da Tian Lu Pixiu, with the cheerful beast cry, he wandered into the distance.

Seeing two figures of different sizes cuddling together and leaving far away, George Han was a little sad, but more of a happy emotion.

Although Tianlu Pixiu has been fighting side by side with him since birth, and the relationship between one master and one servant has always been good, but because of this, George Han was reluctant to separate other people’s mother and child.

After finishing all these tasks, George Han flew back to the fishing village. When he heard George Han said that there would be no monsters to disturb them fishing in the future, seeing that George Han and others returned by boat, the whole fishing village was very happy. , Had to leave George Han and others to eat.

Unable to hold up their enthusiasm, the group of people ate a meal, and then, with the fishermen’s farewell, rushed all the way towards Tianhu City.

For the first two days, a group of people walked day and night, everything was considered normal.

But the closer to Tianhu City, the situation is getting worse.

Along the way, many people are toward Heaven Lake City to catch, three thousand Han stopped a man and asked: “? Brethren, would like to ask, why is this the way a lot of people toward Heaven Lake City to”

that People looked at George Han, but saw that he was wearing a mask. When he was about to ignore him, he saw Fu Mang and many beauties behind George Han, and his eyes lit up: “Did you not hear, God? The two families of Yefu in Lake City are recruiting troops, and the positions of the military commander and the head of the Yejia garrison in Fujia are vacant.”

Hearing this, George Han couldn’t help but smile. Fujia is really interesting, Zhonglang Shen General, isn’t this the position Futian gave him before? !

I didn’t expect it to be taken out so quickly to recruit soldiers.

“Is that good?” George Han smiled.

“That must be good, but the competition is also fierce. It’s better for people like you to join in the fun less.” The person said calmly.

George Han smiled and shook his head: “I’m not interested in these positions.”

“For example, you know a little bit of your own name. Although the Fuye family gives you excellent treatment, there are only two positions, so people like you No need to think about it.”

“Really?” George Han smiled.

“That’s necessary. If you want to sit in these positions, it should be our son Zhang. Are you also going to Tianhu City? Pretending to ask me what happened to Tianhu City. Forget it, look at the strong man behind you. Ability, or, should I pity you and take you to see our Young Master Zhang?” The man glanced at George Han disdainfully, his face full of arrogance.

He regarded George Han as that kind of little person, deliberately looking for a topic to get close to him, of course, the purpose is to eat with his master.

When Fu Mang heard this, he looked stunned, but he became a dog in panic. Look at me? Are you afraid of blinding your dog’s eyes, so the biggest one here is the masked person in front of you? You just take it for my sake?

However, when Fu Mang was talking, he was stopped by George Han. George Han smiled and said, “Yes.”

The guy glanced at George Han disdainfully: “Okay, then you come with me.”

After finishing speaking, he proudly led the George Han gang and walked forward.

In less than ten minutes, a group of people rushed to the large army in front. There were a total of two to three hundred people around the team. Among them, there were many burly men who looked fierce and vicious, and strangers were not close.

“Okay, wait, let me report to the young master. After all, Young Master Zhang is not something you can meet casually.” After that, the guy ran to the crowd ahead triumphantly.

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