His True Colors Novel Chapter 2035 – 2038

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Chapter 2035

Looking at George Han’s evil smile, Zhang Xiangbei suddenly felt a large area of ”‹”‹his crotch wet, and a warm liquid followed his crotch all the way to his feet.

The seven big men and the bald old man are the best weapon and capital Zhang Xiangbei has used to show off his might.

After all, this group of people are very powerful, and Zhang Xiangbei basically used them to violently plunder and rely on them many times.

However, against George Han, he was instantly killed almost instantly, which directly broke Zhang Xiangbei’s heart.

“No, you are not, I am, you… you really don’t want to come here anymore, I’m going to get you, you know, I only showed my power in Baguio Palace yesterday.”

Zhang Xiangbei finished, fearing Sitting on the ground, his teeth trembled when he spoke.

George Han shook his head amusingly: “By now you are still dead, but are you so interested in impersonating me?”

“Why would I impersonate you? I’m really a masked person, or… Otherwise, let’s make friends, and in the future…you can pretend to be me in the future, and we can also join hands to create a career. What do you think.” Zhang Xiangbei showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

He is indeed not, but now, he can only let the other party be jealous and save his life if he holds himself tightly as a masked person.

“You are really confused and confident.” George Han shook his head speechlessly.

The sky fire and moon wheel in his hand moved up gently, because he didn’t use his full strength, his left hand was just a little red, and his right hand was just a little blue.

When he saw the red and blue light, Zhang Xiangbei’s face was completely pale.

The figure was too fast just now, he hadn’t felt that now George Han was in front of him, left red and right blue, wouldn’t this be exactly the same as the masked man in the legend of Qinglong City when he killed Sifang? !

He… he is really the masked man who slaughtered thousands of people with his hands!

Zhang Xiangbei felt that his heart was not beating anymore, crying on his face was uglier than smiling, and smiling was uglier than crying. He was really going crazy and his mentality exploded.

Because he didn’t know whether to say his luck was good or bad. The first time he pretended to be a celebrity,

he tried to lie to some girls, but wherever he wanted to, the girls met, but… but he…he actually met Deity! !

“I didn’t bother to

kill someone like you, but you dare to scold my wife. So, cry as much as you want, bark, and then…” “Go to hell.” The

evil smiled, snorted, and then followed. A pair of ghosts slammed the door with both hands, and the red, fire and blue light instantly pulled the red and blue currents and attacked directly towards Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei’s eyes widened in fear, full of regret, waiting for death to pronounce.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and then, a beam of light suddenly hit George Han’s hand.


George Han felt a sudden strange force and shook his hands directly. Then, a white-skinned woman dressed in blue slowly walked out.

Although she is dressed in blue, her skin is fair and tender, her figure is slender and jade, with three-dimensional features and a unique exotic beauty. A pair of sky-blue eyes are inlaid on her gorgeous eyes like gems, which is quite a sea. Elf feeling.

George Han looked at his hand, still leaving some blue marks.

“Another one?” George Han smiled coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, George Han’s figure suddenly disappeared.

The blue-clothed beauty’s jewel-like eyes shrank slightly, and a circle was drawn in the volley in her hand, and a circle of blue sea water was drawn directly in front of her.

“Boom!” The

water swayed, and the ghost of George Han was directly blocked by the water ring.

“It’s interesting.” George Han cracked a smile.

His Taixu God step is unpredictable, but I didn’t expect that this blue-clothed beauty could spy in advance and predict the location of George Han, which really made George Han quite interested.

“Come again!”

George Han yelled, and directly raised the energy to 80%. The whole figure was directly transformed into countless afterimages, all over the left and right.

Immediately afterwards, rushed towards the beautiful lady in blue.

The blue-clothed beauty Liu frowned slightly, facing countless phantoms that George Han rushed up, just at the moment of his death, the hand was volleyed again, an oval-shaped aperture formed and then turned into a circle of water.

Immediately afterwards, Oumiao’s slender body walked directly towards the water circle!

The place has disappeared!

And almost at the same time, George Han’s figure was also killed.

It’s empty!

On the other side of the water circle, the beautiful lady in blue slowly walked out and appeared behind George Han.

Interesting, interesting, and really interesting!

This really made George Han’s fighting spirit boil, and the blue-clothed beauty didn’t panic, but she perfectly avoided her attack every time!

“Come again!”

George Han directly urged all the energy to the peak state, and then suddenly attacked.

Because of the proximity, George Han’s anti-kill distance is very short, it is impossible for her to have time to draw the water circle like just now.

Almost at the time when George Han’s palm peak met, the blue-clothed beauty suddenly fiddled with the blue gem on her neck.


Sure enough, George Han walked away with a palm and hit her front. With the sound of the water, George Han passed through her body at the same time.

And her body, at the moment George Han hit, turned into countless drops of water, and the sky was scattered!

But the next second, these drops of water suddenly condensed, and her body gathered again.

George Han was so surprised that he turned around and looked at this beautiful blue-clothed beauty. Since learning how to be too imaginary, George Han has never met a person who can completely defend himself perfectly one-on-one. People under.

Although Lu Ruoxin can resist as well, she more completely uses offense to overwhelm her imaginary moves. Simply put, she is not able to defend, but uses a stronger offense to suppress George Han and force George Han. Don’t be too imaginary.

But the beauty in blue dress in front of her was completely resisted by herself.

“It’s interesting, but don’t you look down on me if you just don’t offense on defense?” George Han smiled.

“Young Xia is misunderstood. Young Xia’s steps are magical, and his figure is illusory. Mingyu is just barely resisting with a small skill. How can anyone look down on Young Xia? Besides, I don’t want to be an enemy of Young Xia.” The blue-clothed woman smiled lightly. .

“Don’t want to be my enemy?” George Han asked slightly strangely. “You’re not from that guy?”

He thought he was Zhang Xiangbei’s helper. Could it be that he made a mistake? !

The blue-clothed woman shook her head: “I don’t know that man.”

This made George Han even more strange.

“Young man, can you give Mingyu a thin face and give that person to Mingyu to deal with? Or, look at the face of Tianhai Palace?” The blue woman smiled slightly.

“Daughter of the Sea?”

Suddenly, the poetry behind him and Qiu Shui were surprised at the same time.

Chapter 2036

Hearing the exclamation behind him, George Han looked back strangely.

Daughter of the Sea, what is it? !

Amelia Su nodded to George Han, indicating that the identity of the other party can be trusted.

“What do you want him to do?” George Han asked.

“Save people.” After saying that, Ming Yu greeted George Han slightly and thanked him, and walked to Zhang Xiangbei a few steps, and looked at Zhang Xiangbei coldly: “I saved you, you shouldn’t explain Where did those women go?”

“Girl…what girl, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Zhang Xiangbei shook his head in panic.

Mingyu drew lightly, and another water circle hovered in the air. Then, with a shake of her hand, a water whip lifted Zhang Xiangbei up and was about to go inside the water circle.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, in… in my house, but… But that’s none of my business, it’s my father, it’s my father.” Zhang Xiangbei shouted.

The water circle disappeared and the water whip was removed. Zhang Xiangbei immediately fell directly to the ground, feeling dizzy.

“Just to save people, I rushed to offend Young Xia. Please forgive me. At the same time, I would like to thank Young Xia for giving me this person. I will thank you for those more than forty girls.” Ming Yu rushed to George Han smile, very grateful.

Hearing this, George Han frowned: “What do you mean? More than forty girls?”

“You tell me, I passed by here a few days ago, and I lived in a farmer’s house and got the enthusiasm of the farmer and his daughter. With help, the farmer asked his daughter to buy some wine and vegetables to entertain Ming Yu, but unexpectedly, he would never return.” After he finished, Ming Yu cast a cold glance at Zhang Xiangbei.

“So I came to the city to look for people. After several days of exploration, I found that the farmer’s daughter was co-authored by more than 40 other women who were collectively imprisoned. The messenger behind this scene was related to the dog thief. I thought He took him, but I didn’t want Young Xia to be a step ahead of me.”

Hearing this explanation, George Han’s brows frowned tightly.

Is the group of girls missing again?

Isn’t this very similar to the original Dew City? Could it be that this is also implicated there? !

Just thinking about it, Ming Yu had already picked up Zhang Xiangbei and flew directly towards the east of the city.

“Husband, why don’t we follow along and take a look, just in case you get a help.” Seeing Ming Yu leaving, Amelia Su hurriedly went to George Han’s side.

“Yes, lord, saving people is important, let’s go and see.” Qiu Shui and Shi Yu also said.

George Han nodded, in fact, he also meant it. If this matter is related to Dew City, it may be far beyond his previous imagination, and there may be more women victimized. Secondly, keep up, in case Mingyu Lost, I can also help save people.

Thinking of this, George Han and his three daughters hurriedly followed Mingyu and flew all the way to the east of the city.

“By the way, what is Tianhai Palace? What is the Daughter of the Sea?” George Han asked strangely on the way.

Amelia Su was about to answer, Qiu Shui and Shi Yu pointed at a huge mansion in front of them almost at the same time and shouted: “Leader, they are fighting.”

Under the mansion in front, Ming Yu has rushed in.

Facing dozens of famous artists, her left and right hands quickly volleyed out a circle of water, and with her light hand pushing, the circle of water suddenly attacked those people.

Those water circles drawn by her can be moved arbitrarily by her, change their shape at will, or conceal their traces like against George Han. The four water circles are forcibly played out by her, she is like one in the water The dancing painter is average, drawing by stroke, faintly moving, which is dazzling and unpredictable from time to time. It is simply breathtaking.

If George Han’s moves and styles are mostly open and close, swallowing all directions, and overbearing, her offense is more like a white horse spear, calm as a virgin, and like a rabbit.

Seeing more and more people from the mansion gather towards her, George Han no longer thinks too much. The sky fire in his left hand and the moon wheel in his right hand fly straight down like a god of war.

“Bang bang bang!” As soon as the

sky fire moon wheel arrived, the entire mansion exploded everywhere, and countless soldiers and family members instantly turned into powder.

“You go to save people, leave it to me here.” George Han stood in front of Ming Yu and drank coldly.

Mingyu nodded, grabbed Zhang Xiangbei, and rushed towards the backyard under Zhang Xiangbei’s explanation. At this time, Shiyu, Qiushui, and Amelia Su also swooped down and landed around George Han.

George Han directly blocked the way Mingyu was going, and yelled coldly: “The one who approaches, die!”

“Come to the Zhang family mansion at night, you guys are so brave, give it to me!”

A man dressed in plain clothes The old man yelled, and countless soldiers rushed to George Han once again.

“Ants!” With

a soft drink, George Han’s hands once again overlapped with the jade sword, and rushed directly to the center of the crowd.

boom! ! !

With a huge explosion, countless soldiers turned the dust again, and at the same time, George Han used Tianyin technique in his hands, black air around his hands, and the whole person stepped into the crowd again, rushing into the crowd, frantically harvesting people.

The whole person is like a god of death.

Chapter 2037

George Han’s figure is stable, there are mountains of corpses in the Nuo Da Mansion!

The old man in plain clothes looked at the situation in front of him with extreme fear, and a mansion, in an instant, became a veritable purgatory on earth.

The corpse is like a mountain, blood is like a river, sorrow is everywhere!

“Who…Who are you? Why do you bloodbath my Zhang Mansion?”

“Mysterious man!” George Han said quietly.

“Mysterious man? Are you still selling Guanzi at this time?” The old man drank slightly, but the next second, he was suddenly stunned: “Wait, you mean, you are… you were the one who carried the Baguio Palace yesterday A mysterious person whose mask claims to be a mysterious person?”

George Han smiled slightly.

The whole face of the old man in plain clothes suddenly turned completely pale. The masked man who killed the square… actually killed Zhang Mansion? !

“Go… Go and inform the master!” The old man in plain clothes rushed to a soldier who was not dead beside him and shouted softly.


After taking the order, the soldier looked at George Han timidly, and then ran towards the front hall as if he fled.

In the front hall, Master Zhang had just put on his pajamas under the wait of the maid. Two minutes ago, he suddenly heard the noise in the backyard, and it seemed that someone had committed the crime. So he ordered the housekeeper to take someone to check it out. Then, he slowly got up and changed clothes.

When I was about to check, suddenly the door broke, and a soldier rushed in full of blood: “Master, no…no, it’s not good.” The

blood scared maid Hua Rong turned pale, and Master Zhang was immediately dissatisfied. Angrily shouted: “Why panic?”

“Master, someone…someone came in, you…” The soldier panted. After getting the order from the housekeeper, he rushed in desperately, and now he’s tired. Take the breath.

“Someone went to Zhang’s Mansion to make trouble, I know that the soldiers in the apse are guarded there!” Master Zhang said, there are 800 soldiers in the backyard, who can easily break in.

“Dead…dead.” The soldier panted for breath.

“Dead? Then let the front hall come to support.” Master Zhang continued. The front hall has 1,600 soldiers, and they are elite.

“Dead too…” The soldier was crying anxiously.

“What!” Master Zhang was taken aback!

“Tell… the butler just asked me to inform you and let you run away. It is… the masked man has killed.” The soldier finally had enough rest, and shouted in a hurry.

Upon hearing this, Master Zhang almost staggered and fell to the ground because of fear. After he slowed down, he kicked the soldier in front of him and ran out of the house in a hurry.

But as soon as he arrived at the door, Master Zhang stopped, and stepped back step by step.

“Where to go?” Above the door, George Han’s figure stood there, but the mask he was wearing was like a mockery of ghosts, deeply reflected in Master Zhang’s eyes.

George Han walked in slowly with the three girls.

Master Zhang kept retreating, all the way to retreat, and finally leaned against the corner of the wall with his butt soft. The soldier was also soft on the ground at this time. He wanted to run but found that his feet were not at all. The maid shivered. Dare not move.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, young hero spare your life, at most, at most I will give you money, how much do you want, how much do I give you, okay?” Master Zhang was terrified and said tremblingly.

“Are you begging me?” George Han sneered.

“Yes, yes, I’m begging you, or I’ll kneel down for you?” Although Master Zhang had some cultivation skills, he knew that he could not resist at all when faced with the frightening mask man.

Although he and most people in the city felt that the masked man in Baguio Palace was likely to be a mysterious man, but the power of this masked man should not be underestimated.

Even though those are legends, but his more than two thousand soldiers did not hold on for a few minutes, but it is the best proof.

Without thinking too much, Master Zhang directly knelt in front of George Han.

“When you assaulted those girls, they knelt down and beg you, did you spare them again?” George Han’s voice was very low, but it was extremely cold, and everyone present chilled in the back.

Master Zhang’s body trembled, how could he not understand what George Han said? !

“Young man, I…I don’t know what you are talking about.” Master Zhang reluctantly squeezed out an ugly smile to conceal it. These things he did were extremely hidden, how could he be discovered? ! Therefore, he took a trace of fluke.

“Still pretending to be confused? Your son said everything.”

Upon hearing this, Master Zhang’s face was ashamed!

“I… I was also forced, hero, forgive me, I don’t want it either.” Master Zhang said, slammed his head quickly.

George Han smiled coldly: “Who forced you? If you say it, I might consider letting you go.”

Upon hearing this, Master Zhang was stunned, hesitated for a moment, he suddenly shook his head: ” No…, no, don’t, don’t force me, I…I won’t say it, if I do, I, I…I will…” As

soon as the voice fell, Master Zhang fell to the ground in horror. People are stunned as if they hit a ghost.

Chapter 2038

George Han frowned slightly, and Master Zhang suddenly stopped at this time, but there was a trace of blood red in his eyes.

“Haha, hahahaha!” He suddenly laughed incredibly grinning, laughing wildly.

Guiyin is like a god, like a sea like a tide, God bless me, and be born again in blood!

Master Zhang uttered a weird sentence, and the next second, he pointed a finger on his forehead, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

“No, he wants to explode!” George Han snorted coldly, with a fierce energy in his hand, forcibly propped up an energy wall in front to protect the three women.

“God bless me, God bless me.” Master Zhang roared ferociously.

boom! ! !

As his body exploded suddenly, the blood was low!

The huge impact caused all the furniture in the entire house to shatter, and the soldier and the maid were blown to death in place, their eyes widened before death, full of fear and unwillingness.

After removing the energy shield, George Han shook his head helplessly.

“Is this guy crazy? Don’t even want his life?” Amelia Su frowned.

“It’s probably brainwashed.” Qiu Shui said.

George Han smiled bitterly: “It’s okay to die. At least his method of death makes me sure of my guess. This is not easy.”

If it’s just a pure trader, this guy shouldn’t be guilty of that. It took his own life so decisively.

After all, it’s just for making money. Compared with life, money is just a foreign object. How can it be so extreme?

“Perhaps, there are some ulterior purposes hidden behind this.” George Han said.

And the rain at this time.

He has been led by Zhang Xiangbei to the Zhang family’s sky prison.

The Zhang family’s sky prison was newly built, but on a large scale, the cell was built underground, and the entrance was unusually concealed. It was hidden in the middle of a well.

If Zhang Xiangbei hadn’t personally led the way, I’m afraid Mingyu would never think that the entrance would be in such a place even if he wanted to break his head.

From the half-person-high pothole of the water well, you enter into it for about three times. You can walk down the stairs, and you can see a vast underground space.

There are cells on all sides, in four rows.

Seeing Mingyu pulling Zhang Xiangbei up, many women’s calls for help soon came from the cell!

“You beast!” Seeing those women locked up in the cell, one by one was extremely miserable, Ming Yu’s anger came from his heart, and he patted Zhang Xiangbei’s back with a palm.

Zhang Xiangbei was immediately beaten to the ground, struggling to turn over, looking at Mingyu in fear: “It’s none of my business, it’s none of my business.”

Mingyu glared at him angrily, and his hands were gently frozen. Draw a circle, countless waves move at will, jade hand gently sway, the waves are broken into thousands, towards the surrounding cells, flying away as if consciously.

When the waves gently touched the iron lock on the cell door, the iron lock snapped and opened directly.

The women who had been locked up pushed open the cell door and ran out of the cell.

“Go out.” There was another painting in Mingyu’s hand, and a unicorn made of water came out: “Follow it, and you can leave here safely.”

A group of women nodded gratefully, and everyone rushed to her. Slightly bowed and saluted, and then followed Shui Qilin towards the entrance of the well.

Mingyu stood there, watching them leave one by one, and counting the number of them.

“Forty-three…” When

everyone left, Mingyu murmured a word, then raised his eyes slightly, looking worriedly at the cell inside.

In a cell in the innermost corner, although the light was dim and it was a bit unclear, Mingyu still found a corner of the white clothes that was exposed.

Ningkong was another water circle, directly enclosing Zhang Xiangbei inside. Zhang Xiangbei was completely immobile, and Mingyu walked quickly to the corner cell.

When he came to the cell in the corner, Mingyu was stunned.

The scene in front of me can only be described as extremely miserable. The dry grass on the ground was trampled and scattered, and there were even some mottled bloodstains in some places. A young woman shrank in the corner of the wall disheveled, shivering, and her long hair seemed Like weeds on the ground, piled messy on the head.

Through the cracks in the hair, I saw those beautiful eyes, but at this time it was completely occupied by fear, panic, and pale.

Mingyu stared at the place blankly, tears rolling in his eyes slightly.

At this moment, the footsteps sounded slightly, and George Han led the three girls. After seeing Shui Qilin and the group of escaped girls outside the courtyard, he followed the direction and went into the dungeon. He saw Mingyu standing in the cell in a daze. Before, they walked slowly over.

However, when George Han and his party came over, the girl’s pale and godless eyes suddenly became frightened and fearful, and her body couldn’t help but shrank tighter and trembled even more.

“She seems to be afraid of you?” Amelia Su gently reminded George Han one sentence, and then blocked George Han behind her, trying to calm the girl’s emotions.

George Han nodded noncommittal.


Ming Yu gritted his teeth, a trace of hatred rose in his tears, and he drank loudly and moved his hands. The eyes of Zhang Xiangbei who were far away flashed panic, and the whole person flew directly to Ming Yu together with the water circle on his body. In front of.


The whole person was wrapped in a water ring and slammed heavily on the ground, turning over several times before stopping.

Before he could scream, Zhang Xiangbei quickly took advantage of the broken water circle and got up. He glanced hurriedly at the woman in prison, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: “Fairy, it’s none of my business, it’s my dad… That beast from my dad did it.”

“Is it just him?” Ming Yu looked at Zhang Xiangbei coldly.

Zhang Xiangbei shook his head desperately, but his eyes deliberately avoided Mingyu’s cold stare.

Although this woman named Xing Yao is a village girl and peasant woman, she is not only the most perverted and beautiful girl among the forty-four women, but also the prettiest girl that Zhang family father and son have met over the years. Can you escape the clutches of the father and son? !

However, Mingyu and George Han are here, in order to save their lives, how dare Zhang Xiangbei admit it!

“Xingyao is kind by nature and has a dignified appearance. Although she is a humble background, she will surely find a good husband and son in the future, marry a good son and live a good life, but it is all ruined by you, a beast. You, faceless facing Xing Yao, and faceless facing the world’s thousands of people.” With a cold voice, Mingyu pinched a finger, and a small water ball flew towards Zhang Xiangbei’s forehead.

“Wait a minute!” At this moment, George Han suddenly said.

But the water ball had already flown halfway, but when Mingyu suddenly turned his wrist at this time, the water ball suddenly turned into water vapor and disappeared!

“Uncle, uncle.” Seeing George Han, Zhang Xiangbei squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying, and Fangfo saw the straw.

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