His True Colors Novel Chapter 2031 – 2034

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Chapter 2031

city ”‹”‹wall was full of people, looking at the city wall and talking about it, but Lord Fu made a laugh.

Fu Mang also looked at Fu Ye’s appearance, a little uncontrollable, watching him repeat the stupid action like a fool.

“Hehe, a few days ago, Fu Ye, who was arrogant and walked with wind, was so arrogant that he didn’t expect to be like a fool today.”

“I heard that he was killed when he was attacking Baguio Palace. I killed the group, so it’s crazy.”

“I think it’s the opponent who deliberately humiliated him. Isn’t he behind the medicine god pavilion? I see where the old face of the medicine god pavilion is put.”

“The medicine god pavilion is in the limelight recently. Sheng, the people under his staff are so humiliated, Yaoshen Pavilion will suffer. It seems that some people are dissatisfied with Yaoshen Pavilion.” A

group of people talked a lot, but they all sneered at Fu Ye on the wall.

“Now, do you understand why I want to let him down? He is not a tiger, but a clown. It’s easy to kill, but it’s hard to kill the heart!” George Han smiled slightly.

Although Fu Mang had been imprisoned, he was not stupid and understood what George Han meant.

What he did in this way was equivalent to hanging Tianding Mountain on the wall of shame, letting people spurn and ridicule, and as the Medicine God Pavilion behind Tianding Mountain, his face was naturally dull.

The Yaoshen Pavilion had just taken over, and the people under his hands were so humiliated by others. This is equivalent to self-destructive prestige!

As the instigator, the mysterious alliance will also rise to fame!

This game of chess is wonderful!

“However, in this way, the Medicine God Pavilion will inevitably mobilize the power to retaliate. This is very dangerous for us.” Fu Mang worried.

“Do you think I will face him upright? He thought, I won’t give him this opportunity, and set off to Xianling Island the day after tomorrow, so that they have nowhere to be angry.” George Han smiled relaxedly. Moreover, for George Han, he still has a very important ultimate move, the Eight Desolation World.

It’s really critical, he can use it. It’s just that there are too many people at the moment, it’s not suitable to go there.

“Why don’t you leave tomorrow?”

“If you leave tomorrow , the outside will feel that we are afraid of them. We stay for one day and announce to everyone here tomorrow that the people from Yaoshen Pavilion dare not come, and they will have to go. Bright.” George Han said.

Fu Mang was taken aback, not that he couldn’t reflect, but was surprised by George Han’s move.

If you follow George Han’s script, then Yaoshen Pavilion is holding a breath but there is no place to spray it. He punches the meat buns. It is estimated that the depressed person will die, and the most annoying is still to come. If you can’t find your face, you will be ashamed again!

With a bad mentality, it is estimated that he can be blown up on the spot.

“However, this trick is clever. The core question is, are you sure that the people in the Medicine God Pavilion will not be killed tomorrow?” Fu Mang said.

Soldiers are more expensive. Although George Han’s plan is perfect, it also has fatal flaws. Once Yaoshen Pavilion arrives tomorrow, all the plans will be completely ruined. At the same time, George Han did not prepare for the challenge in advance and rushed to deal with it. At that time, the loss will only be more severe, and even into a desperate situation.

This is also the danger of soldiers’ dangerous moves. One thought becomes a god, and one thought becomes a devil.

“No.” George Han smiled confidently.


“What is the most important thing about Yaoshen Pavilion now? It is to build prestige, and what is the purpose of building prestige? To attract talents! Although Wang Yanzhi is already a true god, he must have talents to sit firmly on this chair. Help him, so collecting people and spreading prestige is his most important thing at the moment, but doing so will make his people very scattered.”

“We made such a fuss for him this time, not only failed, but also To be humiliated, he will inevitably become angry and find his place. Therefore, for him, this battle can only be won and undefeated. To do this, he must be elite.” George Han said.

Fu Mang understood: “So, it takes time for the current Yaoshen Pavilion to form a large number of elites.”

“Yes.” George Han nodded affirmatively.

Although this will make Wang Yanzhi hate him even more, and will punish himself once he seizes the opportunity, but for George Han, it is not a problem at all.

Anyway, Wang Yanzhi knew that he existed and would not let him go, so there was no difference in the fundamentals.

“Damn, George Han, ah, George Han. Fortunately, Lao Tzu is not your enemy. It’s damn if you can fight that way. You are so good at calculations. If you are an opponent, fight But if you are tortured to death by you, if you beat you, you will be mentally broken, and your mentality will burst. You are so fucking non-human, perverted, perverted.” Fu Mang said with fear.

With such a person as an opponent, Fu Mang really squeezed a sweat for the opposite person.

There is nothing but bravery and fierceness. If he is still scheming, it is really anyone’s nightmare.

However, this is a good thing for Fu Mang at the same time, because with such a person as a teammate, he can almost lie down and win.

After returning to the restaurant, George Han took Amelia Su back to his room after a few greetings with everyone.

“What good stuff do you want to give me? It’s so mysterious.” Amelia Su gave a helpless and sweet smile when George Han pulled back to the room.

Chapter 2032

“Yeah, Dad, what good things do you want to give mom? Anyone?” Han Nian was pulled by Amelia Su, and said with her innocent face.

George Han smiled mysteriously: “Amelia Su, adjust your breathing, I’m afraid you can’t control yourself.”

Amelia Su’s eyes are almost rolled out of the sky: “If you don’t hand it over, let you taste what our mother and daughter have. Peerless Scratching Pig Technique is mysterious.”

Han Nian smiled and stretched out two small hands to make a scratch.

When George Han saw this, he fell to the ground and yelled in pain: “Ah, Nian’er is so powerful, I was knocked down.”

Han Nian suddenly smiled brightly, regardless of George Han falling to the ground, he charged directly Going up, riding on George Han, a pair of small hands threw at his father.

Seeing the father and daughter fighting together, Amelia Su showed a happy smile.

The family no longer knows how long it has not been for a good reunion to enjoy the happiness and warmth of home. Now, the clouds are finally seeing the sunrise.

“Nian’er, catch him, mom is here.” Amelia Su shouted with a smile, and joined the family melee.

For a while, the room laughed and laughed.

Qin Shuang just listened to Fu Mang’s wonderful narrative describing the battle of Baguio Palace and went upstairs, with a smile on her mouth. She could think of George Han’s image of the god of war angry with thousands of troops on the battlefield, which also throbbed her girl’s heart.

When I just passed the door, after hearing the laughter in the house, his smile finally solidified, a trace of envy and sadness flashed in his eyes, and he returned to his house.

“Ah, I’m exhausted.” Amelia Su turned over and lay sideways next to George Han, panting.

Han Nian still rode on George Han, riding him as a horse.

George Han laughed happily while teasing Han Nian.

“By the way, what kind of gift to give, husband.” Amelia Su asked strangely.

George Han smiled and stretched out his hand to take out the Shen Yan Zhu from the space ring.

But as soon as the divine consciousness entered, George Hanfang was gone, where was Shen Yanzhu? !

Seeing George Han’s expression, Amelia Su sat up in a daze: “You… won’t tell me, did you lose it?”

“It’s impossible, how can you lose something in the space ring?” George Han At this time, he also sat up from the ground, and his divine consciousness spread again!

Damn, still nothing!

What’s the matter with this special lady?

Could that thing still be invisible? ! Or is there anything strange about George Han that he doesn’t know about this Shen Yanzhu? !

He magnified his divine consciousness again. This time, George Han was basically certain that the divine face beads were gone.

George Han was dumbfounded. Things were lost inexplicably, but they were indeed lost. What should I do now? Amelia Su here is good to say, how does Ningyue have a relationship with people? !

Tell people to put things in the space ring and then disappear? !

What’s the difference between this and when I was on the earth, telling people that the money of the mobile phone fell on the ground when I was walking? !

Don’t talk about persuading others, others are afraid that George Han is fooling others as fools!

Although, this is true!

“What the hell is it, how can I lose it?” Amelia Su asked strangely.

Although she felt very funny, she still believed what George Han said.

“Shen Yanzhu, Baguio Palace’s Zhenpai treasure, Ningyue loaned that thing to me and let me use it for a few days, so that you can stay youthful. I want to surprise you. , Suddenly disappeared?” George Han explained depressedly, while continuing to search with divine consciousness.

Amelia Su was stunned: “No, you lost something so important from others?”

George Han was also very depressed. He asked Jianghu Baixiaosheng to inquire about the nearby situation many days ago, because George Han had decided that if the Medicine God Pavilion wanted to attract people, war would inevitably occur.

Therefore, the three days when the Jianghu Baixiaosheng disappeared was actually to look for these situations for George Han in advance.

Finally, in many battles, along with the Baguio Palace’s reputation for many years, George Han chose Baguio Palace.

The so-called Dongfeng in his mouth refers to this opportunity and after understanding the person of Fu Ye, he deliberately let the three daughters show their faces, so as to make Fu Ye put on the set and ensure the humiliation.

But he did his best and succeeded at the end, but he didn’t expect that he would overturn a car at this meeting.

Ningyue gave such an important thing to herself, and she really lost it to others, what would they think? !

Distrust is inevitable. The most feared thing is that George Han will lose Baguio Palace. Wouldn’t it be a waste of water in the basket? !

“Damn, it’s really gone, what should I do now?” George Han was all right now, a little at a loss.

“Could it be that you have too much stuff? Didn’t find it for a while?” Amelia Su said.

George Han shook his head. Although things are small and difficult to find, they might not be found by mortals for a while.

“Damn, I wanted to make you happy. I can keep it warm tonight, but I don’t know if it’s warm. I only know that my heart is cold.” George Han looked at Amelia Su helplessly.

Chapter 2033


A long whistle suddenly sounded sharply.

When George Han looked back, in the VIP area, on a large leather chair, at this moment, sitting on a gorgeous man with his back erect, he looked a little handsome.

Behind the man’s chair stood seven big men and a bald old man who was skinny as a monkey. The man had thick arms, one arm was as thick as George Han’s legs, and all his eyes were fierce. Although the bald old man was thin and thin Even the clothes are dissatisfied, but a pair of eagle eyes is always revealing ferocity.

Seeing George Han and the others turning around at this time, his face suddenly showed an extremely dull smile.

“Oh, by the way, let me introduce, this is our distinguished guest Zhang Xiangbei,” Yingbin explained quickly.

George Han glanced at him, then turned around and said to Yingbin: “Okay, it’s okay, you go and do your job.”

Yingbin nodded and left.

George Han also took Amelia Su and walked towards the general area.

“Three beauties, following this idiot can only sit in the normal area, why bother?” Just when George Han turned to leave, the person suddenly cursed.

These words made George Han stop.

Of course George Han knew what the whistle meant. He didn’t want to cause trouble, so he had chosen to be patient, but he didn’t expect this grandson to be shameless!

“With the beautiful fragrance of the three beauties, you must sit in the VIP area.”

Shi Yu and Qiu Shui immediately turned around and were about to do it, but they were blocked by George Han and smiled slightly: “What? VIP Is the area great?”

“Haha, this idiot asks me who came?” Zhang Xiangbei pretended to be crazy and smiled with a group of people behind him, and the group laughed suddenly when they heard this.

After laughing enough, Zhang Xiangbei slapped his chair fiercely: “Of course it’s amazing! The chairs in the VIP area are made of leather!”

Then he joked: “However, you don’t understand such a stupid comparison with you. After all, you are not qualified to sit in it.”

“Master, what you said is wrong, why don’t people understand? If people don’t understand, why would they bring three beauties here? But it’s a pity that I don’t have enough status to enter here. I was stopped by the greeter just now.” The sly bald head behind him sneered. Tao.

George Han just didn’t like high-profile, so he didn’t want to go to the VIP area. He didn’t expect to be interpreted like this by the confident interpretation of this group of people.

“So, three beauties, I have to remind you that beauty is your capital, but you must invest in people, otherwise, you will lose money if you ruin yourself.” Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

“Our young master is the righteous master of the three of you, don’t waste your youth with that silly girl.” The poisonous bald continued.

Just when George Han was about to speak, Shiyu and Qiushui didn’t do anything, and he had to draw his sword on the spot.

“If you dare to insult our leader again, I will kill you!”

“Yes, can our leader be stupid and curse each bite?”

Originally, George Han was kind to them, and George Han was today. The act of shopping made them feel that they were valued by George Han, so they felt very warm. Now that they saw others ridicule George Han so much, George Han couldn’t stand it, these two girls were already completely on fire.

When the two women lifted their swords, the seven sturdy big Hans behind Zhang Xiangbei suddenly stiffened and remained vigilant.

“Hey, relax!” Zhang Xiangbei waved his hand indifferently, turned his head and looked at Shi Yu and Qiu Shui, and said amusedly: “Leader? He is your leader? My slot, when will it be a fool when can the chief?! ” “

Yes, ah, little girl, what are you people to be brainwashed, right? ” “

you’d talk about, what the AU ah, I promise we will not laugh. “

a group of people is Hong Tang laughing out loud.

The face of the poetic tone was flushed: “I’m afraid to scare you to death!”

“Yes.” Qiu Shui also said coldly.

“Yo yo yo, scare me to death, scare me to death.” Zhang Xiangbei deliberately made a look that I was very scared, but his eyes were full of jokes when he looked at Qiushui and poetry.

“Tear off your dog’s ears and hear clearly, Mysterious People Alliance!” Poetry shouted angrily.

“Mysterious people alliance?” Zhang Xiangbei and the eight people behind you looked at me, I looked at you, and were stunned for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter, and a group of laughing people turned on their backs, kicked their legs and cupped their belly.

“Hahahaha, fuck, I’m laughing so hard, Mysterious People Alliance!”

“Oh, I thought I could hold back the laugh, and as a result, I couldn’t help it fucking, hahahaha.”

Poetry and Qiu Shuiqi If it hadn’t been for George Han to reach out to stop them, they could not wait to rush over and chop these bitches into meat foam.

“Is it so funny?” George Han couldn’t help but frowned.

“I’m silly, this silly

girl asks me if I am funny, haha!” “Fuck, it’s a silly hammer, shit, I’ve seen pretending, but I have never seen such a stupid pretending, still mysterious person The leader of the alliance? Oops, I was so

ridiculous .” Then, Zhang Xiangbei suddenly stood up with a group of people, everyone’s face was covered with mockery, and then they stood in a row strangely.

Chapter 2034

already night. Although it was still early, the surroundings were completely different.

The cold wind was sluggish, empty and silent.

On the ground, the leaves and dust were picked up by the cold wind and drifted around, adding a touch of desolation to the already cold night.

“Come out.” George Han smiled slightly and said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the surroundings seemed to be more peaceful, but in the next second, a few dark shadows suddenly flashed past slightly in the darkness.

Shi Yu and Qiu Shui suddenly drew their swords to alert.

George Han smiled slightly and protected Amelia Su without panic on his face.

“Come out as soon as you come out, do you think Lao Tzu is afraid that you won’t make it?” came a cold sigh of disdain.

Then, nine people quickly emerged from the alley ahead.

When seeing these nine people, the three women were obviously surprised and angry.

Because it is Zhang Xiangbei and his eight men.

“Why? I am not addicted to pretending to be a masked person. Do you want to be a dog now?” George Han sneered.

“What do you mean?” Zhang Xiangbei was taken aback.

“Master, he laughs at you, the dog doesn’t stand in the way.” The bald old man whispered.

. “Fuck you,” Zhang Han to be see is three thousand connotations, immediately to the gas explosion, with cold eyes shouted: “?! I dare you dog stay I will put you labeled as a dog,”

“alone, You?” George Han said.


Two slaps, suddenly, a group of thugs jumped out from all directions on the ground, surrounded by George Han and his party, there were a lot of people, there were seventy or eighty people.

“There are a lot of people, you really look at me.” George Han said with disdain.

When faced with 10,000 people, even 50,000 people, George Han didn’t even blink his eyes. With only 70 or 80 people, how could George Han look at him? !

Even to a certain extent, this is not only not scary, but just a joke.

“Hmph, do you think you are a trash, I need so many people? I only need a finger to kill you, just for the sake of three peerless beauties.” Zhang Xiangbei smiled.

Then, looking at Amelia Su and the other three, he said: “Three beauties, you also saw my Zhang Xiangbei’s strength at the auction. According to me, you have followed me. You can enjoy endless prosperity and wealth. Why follow? What about this kind of fake other people’s waste?”

“You are the waste.” Amelia Su couldn’t bear it, and shouted angrily.

She didn’t want to cause trouble anymore, and kept persuading George Han, but this person didn’t know what was good or bad, and it was fine at the auction house. What was even worse was to stop people directly, and it was endless.

“Fuck, stinky lady, I kindly rescued you, you don’t know what the hell is good or bad. Also, women like you don’t get to sleep a few more times and don’t know the sinister society of this society! Give me a hand! Female Stay, kill the man!”


Everyone took the lead and attacked George Han directly.

“Husband, he scolded me, what are you going to do?” Amelia Su was also angry.

“Death!” is just one word, but it is full of killing. Amelia Su is the person George Han can’t bear to make angry. These sluts have given them a chance, but they don’t know how to cherish it.

As soon as the voice fell, George Han suddenly disappeared.

Next second!

Bang bang bang!

A series of ringing!

A group of people rushing to George Han directly slammed them everywhere, and they were killed in seconds before they even shouted in pain! In the next second, the shadow hit Zhang Xiangbei directly.

Zhang Xiangbei, who had been extremely proud, suddenly his expression jumped!

What the hell is this? !

“What are you doing in a daze? Come on.” Zhang Xiangbei yelled in fear.

The bald old man didn’t talk nonsense, and led the seven big men directly to George Han.

The seven big men are like giant cows, the ground under their feet is cracked and the teeth are cracked, and the rumbling sound is like an earthquake.

It’s just that the seven giants who seem to be extremely majestic, only persisted for less than a second!

“Bang!” The

black shadow killed the center of the seven directly, and suddenly red and blue light flashed across the shadow.

As soon as the black shadows passed, George Han was already standing behind them, and the seven figures stood still, motionless.

The seven big men looked as usual, and the anti-Buddha defense just stopped suddenly.

But the next second…


The seven people are like seven hills, their bodies are cut into several pieces, and then they step on their feet!

Among the seven men as strong as cows, there were only countless pieces of meat scattered on the ground in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the complacency on Zhang Xiangbei’s face has long since disappeared, and it is full of shock and horror!

The bald old man who rushed forward saw this shocking scene when he turned his head and looked at George Han incredibly.

“Well, how is this possible, you…you are just a meager mid-term cultivation base, how can you…can kill them instantly?” The bald old man couldn’t help but Microsoft at this time.

Even though he had done a lot of bad things with Zhang Xiangbei and killed a lot of innocent people, but such a bloody spike still scared his legs weak.

“Who told you that I was in the middle of the ethereal stage?” As

soon as the voice fell, the bald old man hadn’t reflected it. Suddenly George Han disappeared again. After a second, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, followed by dozens of bangs. He hit directly on the chest, and a strange force made him fly several meters upside down, hitting the ground heavily.

Zhang Xiangbei just wanted to run, but saw an extra black figure in front of him: “No…no, no, you can’t kill me, do you know who I am? I am a masked person. If you kill me, you will Many people will get revenge.”

“No, you are not, I am!” George Han smiled evilly.

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