His True Colors Novel Chapter 203 – 206

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Chapter 203

A commercial vehicle stopped at a distance of less than ten meters between Amelia Su and her mother.

Almost all the people living in Bilin Village are widows and elders, with no children under their knees, so the appearance of this car makes Amelia Su a little strange.

Is it because the person who recognizes relatives is here?

It wasn’t until the people in the car got out of the car and walked towards them that Amelia Su felt that something was not right.

“Mom, run quickly.” Amelia Su whispered to Lily Jiang.

Lily Jiang hadn’t noticed any danger yet, and said puzzledly: “What’s wrong?”

Amelia Su didn’t have time to explain, she took Lily Jiang’s hand and ran wildly, and those people saw it. Immediately chased up.

Lily Jiang ran slowly, which also dragged down Amelia Su, and was stopped by those people before entering the village.

“I still want to run, beautiful girl, good figure, or go back to play with my brothers, we will definitely entertain you.” The leader looked at Amelia Su’s figure and said with a lustful smile.

“Who are you?” Amelia Su asked.

“Of course it’s a man, do you want to try it?” As they said, several big men surrounded Amelia Su.

Only then did Lily Jiang understand that these people were looking for trouble. Blocking in front of Amelia Su, she said: “Don’t move my daughter, do you know whose wife she is?”

“Bapo, go away, don’t block your uncle’s good deeds, or you will be killed.” The leader threatened Lily Jiang.

Lily Jiang now knew about George Han’s abilities, so he wasn’t afraid at all. No matter who these guys were, they definitely didn’t have the high status of Tang Zong.

“I advise you to think clearly, otherwise…”

Lily Jiang didn’t finish her words. The leader walked up to the front and knocked Lily Jiang down with one kick, and then the opponent said: “The little one grabs the car and the old one has a fight.”

Amelia Su had no resistance at all in the face of several brawny men. After being taken into the car, he watched Lily Jiang be beaten.

Lily Jiang wailed in pain, and could only be passively beaten with her head in her arms. It was not until the group of people left cursingly that she sat up in a panic and took out her mobile phone.

“George Han, Amelia was taken away in Bilin Village.”

At this time, George Han was still in Tang Zong’s office. Hearing the news, a hostile spirit rose suddenly. Tang Zong, who was sitting next to George Han, felt an oncoming murderous intent.

“I see.” George Han hung up the phone and said to Tang Zong with a gloomy expression: “Someone has arrested my wife.”

Tang Zong was shocked, who was so courageous to touch George Han’s woman!

“Brother Han, I’ll have someone to investigate right away.” Tang Zong said.

George Han took a deep breath and calmed down his inner emotions. Jiang Wan did not do this matter, or Jiang Sheng did it.

After leaving Tang Zong’s company, George Han drove Tang Zong’s car. Arrived downstairs at Jiang Sheng’s house.

Jiang Sheng’s family of three nestled at home. This is the normal state of their family. No one wants to go out to work. They think about tricky ways to make money. This time they didn’t succeed in blackmailing George Han, and they were also given by George Han. It made Liu Hua hate her heart. She reluctantly cut the meat and spent 10,000 yuan to find Brother Long for help.

“It took 10,000 yuan. Can you tell Brother Long, let George Han kneel down and apologize to us?” Liu Hua asked Jiang Sheng. If it was just a lesson to George Han and Amelia Su, Liu Hua felt that money was spent. Too much desire, how can you have to look at George Han’s miserable condition to dispel the hatred.

Jiang Sheng made 20,000 yuan in this matter. It doesn’t matter what Amelia Su and George Han will end up with. He just hopes that it will get dark soon so that he can go to the nightclub and pretend to be rich. .

“Mom, are you stupid? Can Amelia Su know that we did this thing?” Jiang Sheng said.

“You bastard, isn’t it worth 10,000 yuan to spend so much? If you can’t see them being beaten with your own eyes, you can go and give me the money to get it back. You can’t let him help.” Liu Hua said.

“When you get the money in Brother Long, you still want to come back. Don’t you die? Anyone in Bin County can provoke, but if you provoke Long Brother, our family of three won’t be able to keep their lives.” Jiang Sheng said.

“Wife, this matter can’t be messed up, don’t you know who Long Brother is.” Jiang Guangguang reminded him that he didn’t want Liu Hua to do such a mess.

“How good he can be, if it’s a big deal, call the police, and you can’t get caught by him.” Liu Hua said.

Jiang Guangguang sighed and said, “You think things are too simple. Isn’t Long Ge’s bad deeds in Binxian less? If there is evidence to arrest him, he would have been arrested a long time ago. Will it be necessary to wait until now? I caught him. There are so many people under him. Come to trouble us, what can we do.”

“Mom, you took the initiative to take out this ten thousand yuan. Now it is too late to regret it. Don’t think about it. You might as well think about the fate of Amelia Su falling in Long Ge’s hands. This will make you happy.” Jiang Sheng comforted.

“The more miserable Amelia Su is, the happier I am of course. It is best if Brother Long can look at her and rape her. But how can such a woman be worth ten thousand yuan?” Liu Hua said angrily.

Hearing Liu Hua’s words, Jiang Guangguang was a bit speechless. Amelia Su was also a niece, so a lesson is enough. How could she have such a vicious idea?

However, Jiang Guangguang didn’t dare to refute Liu Hua’s words, otherwise it would definitely be a curse.

When the family of three was hungry and was about to steam some buns to fill their stomachs, there was a knock on the door.

Usually no one will come at home. So when Jiang Sheng went to open the door, he was very strange. Could it be that he was collecting utility bills again?

“Who, if you charge water and electricity bills, go quickly, our house does not need electricity, you just need to cut off the electricity.” Jiang Sheng said rascally.

“Express.” said the voice outside the door.

Online shopping is now popular, and Jiang Sheng often buys things, but his online shopping consumption usually returns after malicious bad reviews. And they shamelessly demanded compensation from the merchant, but the online shopping account has been banned for a period of time. How could there be packages delivered to the door?

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the Jiang family to take advantage of it, even if it is given by mistake.

Jiang Sheng opened the door and saw George Han, his first thought was to close the door quickly.

But before he could close it, he was kicked away by George Han, and then another punch was greeted in the face.

“George Han. What are you doing? Run to the house to beat me, and there is no King Fa.” Jiang Sheng covered his face and shouted at George Han angrily.

“Did you find someone to arrest Amelia Su?” George Han’s eyes full of killing intent were extremely cold.

For someone like Jiang Sheng who tells lies every day, lying is just a basic skill. He said without hesitation: “How come Amelia Su was arrested? And she has been arrested. Why don’t you go find her and ask me.”

At this time, Liu Hua walked out of the kitchen. Looking at George Han angrily, but because of the previous incident, he didn’t dare to get too close to George Han, and said, “George Han, our family is so bullied, isn’t it? You even came here.”

“I’ll ask again, did you find Amelia Su arrested?” George Han asked with a frosty face.

“George Han, who am I, don’t you know? Do I have this ability, and it costs money to find someone. With this money, I might as well eat some good stuff.” Jiang Sheng said.

George Han really knows how stingy this family is. Hearing Lily Jiang’s description, those who arrested Amelia Su should be in a gray area. If you ask such people to help with things, you must have money.

“If this matter has anything to do with you, I will make you die ugly.” After that, George Han left Jiang Sheng’s house. Since Jiang Sheng did not do it, then the only possibility falls on Jiang Wan. .

After George Han left, Jiang Sheng quickly closed the door and locked it back.

“Mom, nothing will happen, right?” Jiang Sheng said a little worried. Just now, George Han’s eyes looked like he was about to kill him. If he hadn’t been fooled by lies, Jiang Sheng would not dare to think about his fate.

Liu Hua looked like she didn’t see the coffin without tears, and said, “What can be done? Brother Long did it. Could he be better than Brother Long? I now hope that Brother Long will put Amelia Su up. What can I do with this mess.”

Jiang Sheng thought for a while, nodded and said: “This is true, and a big figure like Long Ge should not betray us.”

Chapter 204

Jiang Wan’s house.

Jiang Bo looked painful, as if he had been beaten.

Xu Fang’s eyes were red, and it was obvious that he had just cried.

Jiang Hong’s face was as sinking as water. Just now, a few people suddenly came to the house and forcibly took Jiang Wan away. Without knowing the details of these people, Jiang Hong didn’t dare to call the police for fear that the incident would make things worse. .

“It must be George Han, except him. Who else arrested Jiang Wan? He wants revenge, Dad, you have to help Jiang Wan be the master.” Xu Fang couldn’t help thinking of her good daughter being taken away. Tears were left.

Jiang Hong also guessed that this matter was related to George Han, but if George Han did it, what would the Jiang family do to deal with it!

And this time, it was Jiang Wan who took the blame. Jiang Hong tried to use his elder status to suppress George Han. It was impossible.

“Did Jiang Wan do something behind my back?” Jiang Hong asked. The previous matter has actually been over. In Jiang Hong’s view, George Han would not come to Jiang Wan’s trouble afterwards, unless Jiang Wan did something that angered George Han again.

“Dad, who is Jiang Wan, don’t you know, she has been dumped by Liu Zhijie now, what else can she do.” Xu Fang said.

Jiang Hong certainly knew who Jiang Wan was, and it was precisely because she was dumped by Liu Zhijie. Will revenge George Han and Amelia Su.

“Jiang Bo, do you know what Jiang Wan did?” Jiang Hong asked.

“Dad, she…”

“Say it.”

“I heard her call, she should have been looking for revenge.” Jiang Bo didn’t dare to hide this, he was worried that Jiang Wan would really have an accident.

“Confused.” Jiang Hong was furious. Unexpectedly, Jiang Wan dared not listen to him and went to trouble George Han. Isn’t this an egg hitting a stone?

People like George Han are superior to Tang Zong, and Jiang Wan’s tricks for small people like Jiang Wan are simply seeking their own death.

“This is your good daughter. She is not willing to kill the Jiang family.” Jiang Hong took a deep breath and took out her mobile phone. Although it is a bit shameless to contact Lily Jiang now, Jiang Hong is the elder of the Jiang family after all and cannot be allowed to do so. As the situation continued to worsen, he had no choice but to admit it even if he was asked to apologize to George Han.

Before the call was made, the door of his house was blasted, and George Han rushed into Jiang’s house alone.

Seeing George Han, Xu Fang rushed to George Han, clutching George Han’s clothes in both hands, and roared: “George Han, where did you catch my daughter. If she has three long and two short, I Desperately with you.”

George Han frowned. Tang Zong’s people moved very fast. He didn’t expect Jiang Wan to be taken away in such a short time, but he must see Jiang Wan now. Only Jiang Wan knows the whereabouts of Amelia Su.

“George Han, we are just a little bit internally contradictory. You let outsiders come to intervene in the affairs of the house. Are you willing to kill you?” Jiang Bo said to George Han.

“I just hate not killing Jiang Wan faster, otherwise, Amelia Su will not be arrested.” George Han said coldly, looking for someone to arrest Jiang Wan, not afraid they would know that this relationship is George Han had already broken in his heart, what about torn his face?

Anyone who wants to hurt Amelia Su has only one fate in George Han’s hands, and that is death!

“George Han, she is your cousin.” Jiang Hong said with gritted teeth.

George Han sneered and said: “As a cousin, someone arrested his cousin, Jiang Hong, is this the rule of your Jiang family? Only bullying the small with the big?”

Jiang Hong’s expression was extremely ugly. It was true that Jiang Wan had made the mistake first, and the contradictions from the beginning to the end were all provoked by Jiang Wan. He has no words to refute George Han, but George Han is now killing Jiang Wan, and he can’t just watch Jiang Wan die.

“George Han, if you let Jiang Wan be released, Amelia Su will be safe. This matter is regarded as my Jiang family sorry to you. Afterwards, you want me to apologize to you. Jiang Hong has nothing to say.” Jiang Hong said.

“Jiang Hong, you put your status so high, have you ever thought about yourself qualified? In my opinion, your apology is worthless, it’s a shit.” George Han said.

“You…” Jiang Hong was very angry, pointing at George Han’s hand constantly shaking.

“Amelia Su lost a hair and everyone in the Jiang family will die.” George Han finished coldly. Leaving Jiang’s house.

Jiang Hong was so old that he was so scared that he sat on the ground, his eyes blank.

He originally thought that after Jiang Wan married Liu Zhijie, the Jiang family would usher in a new life and be able to take the Jiang family to the Huang Tengda. He even put all his hopes on Jiang Wan, but now, because Jiang Wan’s irresponsibility is almost harmful The Jiang family was on a dead end.

Jiang Hong couldn’t imagine that if Amelia Su was really surprised. What kind of turmoil will be caused by George Han’s anger.

Perhaps the Jiang family is just a bunch of ants in his eyes.

“Dad, what should I do? He wants to kill Jiang Wan. You must find a way to save Jiang Wan.” Xu Fang cried and knelt in front of Jiang Hong.

“Jiang Wan’s personality has always been very arrogant. She feels that Amelia Su is inferior to her in all aspects, so she has to suppress Amelia Su from all aspects. I know that she deliberately showed herself in front of Amelia Su. She was not convinced that Amelia Su became the Su family company. The person in charge, she wants Amelia Su to know that no matter what status Amelia Su has now, she can live better than Amelia Su, but in fact, as early as three years ago, Jiang Wan had already lost, lost to all of us. Useless.”

“George Han is the one who can really determine Amelia Su’s status. How can he be a wasteful person? The Su family’s old man. How can a wasteful person be taken into the Zuo Su family?”

“I’m so stupid, I should have thought of this a long time ago, how can this old thing, a shrewd world, be confused about this matter.”

Speaking of the end, only a sad smile remained on Jiang Hong’s face. He looked at Xu Fang who was kneeling, and continued: “This is the fate of your connivance to her. You take responsibility for it, not worthy of mercy.”

Xu Fang’s face was like ashes. The meaning of Jiang Hong’s remarks is obviously not going to care about this matter, but how could she watch Jiang Wan die in George Han’s hands?

“Jiang Bo, your daughter is going to die now, don’t you want to think of a way?” Xu Fang walked to Jiang Bo, punching and kicking, yelling.

Jiang Bo did not dare to resist, even dare not to say anything to refute.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hong smiled helplessly and said: “This is waste. Real waste.”

In the radiant billiard room, both Amelia Su and Jiang Wan were thrown into the dark and damp basement. There was only a dim light, not enough for them to see each other clearly.

Jiang Wan kept talking about catching the wrong person, in her opinion. It must be Jiang Sheng’s expression that was wrong. It was obvious that she spent the money. How could she be caught?

Amelia Su didn’t yell, but she felt strange when she heard Jiang Wan’s voice. Why was even Jiang Wan arrested?

In a short while, Long Ge brought a group of younger brothers to the basement.

“Brother Long, you caught the wrong person, why would you catch me? I spent 20,000 yuan to get you to catch Amelia Su. I am not Amelia Su.” Jiang Wan said to Brother Long in a panic.

Amelia Su was furious when she heard this, and it turned out that Jiang Wan was looking for someone to arrest her!

“Twenty thousand yuan? Why did I only get ten thousand yuan for Nima.” Long Ge said.

“It’s Jiang Sheng, he must be greedy for 10,000 yuan, Long Brother, you let me go, I will go to him immediately.” Jiang Wan said, she hates Jiang Sheng now in her heart, this guy, unexpectedly greedy her 10,000 yuan Block, and let Brother Long catch the wrong person.

“For this ten thousand yuan, I will definitely let Jiang Sheng spit it out, but you, I didn’t catch it wrong, just stay there.” Long Ge said, walking towards Amelia Su.

“You are Amelia Su.” Long Ge asked.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Wan was shocked!

Amelia Su!

Is she locked here too? Didn’t Amelia Su hear what I said earlier?

“Jiang Wan, I didn’t expect you to spend money to find someone to arrest me.” Amelia Su said.

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Jiang Wan was not afraid to tear his face with Amelia Su and said in a cold voice, “If it weren’t for you, how could Liu Zhijie break up with me? How could I be ashamed. Amelia Su, you are dead. Only when you die can the hatred in my heart be solved.”

Amelia Su took a deep breath and said to Brother Long: “Now let me go, you still have a chance to redeem your sins.”

Chapter 205

Amelia Su’s words made the younger brothers behind Long Ge laugh, and even Jiang Wan couldn’t help but mockingly said: “Amelia Su, you really think you are something, you dare to threaten Long Ge.”

Long Ge squatted down, holding Amelia Su’s chin in his hand, and said, “I advise you to listen to Jiang Wan. She is very smart. She knows that Laozi is not easy to mess with, so tell me harsh words. Do you think your life is too long?”

“My husband is Tang Zong’s friend.” Amelia Su said.

Tang Zong!

This sentence made Long Ge’s scalp numb. Quickly let go of his hand.

Tang Zong’s friend’s wife, can this the f*ck be messed up casually?

“Brother Long, don’t listen to his nonsense, she is just scaring you, she is my cousin, Jiang Sheng’s family, don’t you know what?” Jiang Wan said.

Who is Jiang Sheng? Brother Long has heard the puppy say, a trash, and even the whole Jiang family is a worthless thing. How could people from this kind of family know Tang Zong?

“Grass mud horse, stinky lady, you dare to scare me.” Long brother pulled Amelia Su’s hair and continued with grinning teeth: “You look pretty good, you look much better than Jiang Wan, if your man can’t make Lao Tzu satisfied. Money, you can be a junior for me, as long as I am comfortable, I will not embarrass you.”

Jiang Wan thinks he has an advantage over Amelia Su in appearance. Unexpectedly, in Long Ge’s eyes, she was not better than Amelia Su.

But at this time, Jiang Wan wouldn’t care. If Amelia Su really slept with Brother Long, it would be too late for her to be happy. She even couldn’t wait to see George Han’s expression after learning about it.

“Brother Long, she has a better figure, don’t you want to see it?” Jiang Wan said, fanning the flames.

Brother Long touched his bald head with a coveted expression, and said, “It’s not bad to look at it, anyway, you won’t suffer.”

“What are you trying to do, don’t come over.” Amelia Su said in a panic. Even George Han hadn’t touched her. How could she allow her body to be touched by other men?

“Don’t be afraid, I’m very gentle, and it’s just a look, what’s important.” Long Ge said, reaching out to Amelia Su.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

“Cao Ni Ma, who is so f*cking unsure, call me at this time.” Long Ge cursed and took out his cell phone. After seeing the caller ID, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

“President Tang, I have done everything you explained.” Long Ge said.

“Where are you. I’ll see you right away.” Mr. Tang said. Now that Amelia Su’s whereabouts is unknown, he can only find Jiang Wan for more information.

“In the billiard room, are you coming over now?” Long Ge asked.

“right now.”

Tang Zong hung up the phone, Long Ge reluctantly glanced at Amelia Su, and said: “If you are lucky, I will go to meet the big man now, and I will play with you later when I come back.”

After speaking, Long Ge left the basement with his little brother.

Amelia Su sighed heavily. If she was really tainted by Brother Long, she would never have a relationship with George Han in her life, she would feel that she was not worthy of George Han.

“Amelia Su, don’t worry, Brother Long will be back soon. When that happens, he will definitely entertain you.” Jiang Wan said with a sneer.

Amelia Su wasn’t worried at all, because the President Long who called on the phone just now was probably Tang Zong. If Tang Zong came, what danger would she have?

“Jiang Wan, Tang Zong is here, do you think George Han is not here? You still think about your situation, I will tell George about this matter, and I will never help you intercede.” Amelia Su said.

Jiang Wan’s face changed. Given the relationship between George Han and Tang Zong, if Tang Zong really came, it would not be Amelia Su who suffered, but her.

“Amelia Su, this matter was proposed by Jiang Sheng, and it has nothing to do with me.” Jiang Wan said in a panic.

“It’s late, it’s too late.”

In the billiard room, Tang Zong showed up after a few minutes, and George Han.

Brother Long gave George Han a weird look. Where did this guy come from? If he were Tang Zong’s assistant, he wouldn’t be able to walk in front of Tang Zong.

“Ms. Tang, Jiang Wan has been caught, what else do you have to order?” Long Ge asked.

Tang Zong glanced at George Han. Then he said: “Go and ask if she made someone arrest Amelia Su. Amelia Su is Brother Han’s wife. If there is any skin trauma, you have to go around with it.”

Brother Han!

Amelia Su!

These two keywords made Long Ge’s legs soft.

Amelia Su was arrested, and he was arrested. In the basement just now, if Tang Zong’s phone were not interrupted, he should be admiring Amelia Su’s figure now.

Brother Han!

What kind of fairy is Nima, even Tang Zong would honor him.

If you let him know what he did to Amelia Su, he would have to be skinned even if he didn’t die!

“Han. Brother Han, I know where Amelia Su is.” Brother Long’s scalp went numb, like an electric shock.

“Where?” George Han asked nervously, George Han can deal with anything calmly. Only Amelia Su, he couldn’t calm down.

Long Ge swallowed and said, “Yes, in the basement.”

“Did you arrest Amelia Su?” Tang Zong was furious, this damn fellow.

“Ms. Tang. It has nothing to do with me. I don’t know who she is. It is Jiang Sheng. Jiang Sheng came to me and asked me to arrest Amelia Su.” Long Ge said in a panic.

Jiang Sheng!

Hearing these two words, George Han gritted his teeth.

“Like me?” George Han sneered on his face.

When Long Brother saw George Han’s expression, he lowered his head in horror. He felt a suffocating sense of oppression in George Han. This was the aura that the uppermost possessed, and Long Brother couldn’t help being curious. Who on earth is he, how could he have a higher status than Tang Zong?

“Catch the Jiang Sheng family of three, I want to see how much they can treat their relatives.” George Han said.

“Yes, I’ll send someone to go right away.” Long Ge replied, and personally took people to Jiang Sheng’s house.

The family of three who were still eating steamed buns were a bit at a loss for the sudden appearance of Brother Long.

Brother Long knew that he had been miserable by Jiang Sheng this time, and this guy had swallowed 10,000 yuan, but no one had ever dared to pluck his hair.

“Jiang Sheng. You are so courageous. Give me a shot.” Long Ge said.

The younger brothers beat Jiang Sheng vigorously without saying anything. For a woman like Liu Hua who is usually aggressive, she is not afraid to breathe at this time. She is also a target for acting. In front of people like Long Ge, he is looking for death. .

“Brother Long, what’s wrong, what I did wrong, why did you beat me.” Jiang Sheng said puzzled.

“You took 20,000 yuan, and only gave me 10,000. You are so courageous, you even dare to eat my Long Brother’s money.” Long Brother walked to Jiang Sheng and punched him in the face.

With blood gushing from his nose, Jiang Sheng covered his face and shouted in pain.

How could he know that there are 20,000 yuan, is it betrayed by Jiang Wan’s stinky lady?

But how could she come into contact with Brother Long!

“Brother Long. If you want money, I will give it to you, please let me go.” There was blood flowing out between his fingers, Jiang Sheng knelt down and begged for mercy.

Liu Hua is very sensitive to money, she only gave Jiang Sheng ten thousand. Why is there now another 20,000 yuan?

“Brother Long, is there any misunderstanding? I only gave him 10,000 yuan.” Liu Hua was worried that she would have to post the money, and felt that this matter must be clarified.

“There are still ten thousand, that is thirty thousand?” Long Ge sneered.

Jiang Sheng was about to cry. He still had a chance to earn 10,000 yuan. Liu Hua was so talkative that he couldn’t earn a penny.

“Bad boy, where’s the 30,000 yuan? What the hell is going on.” Liu Hua walked to Jiang Sheng, not caring how badly Jiang Sheng was beaten, and asked Jiang Sheng by his ears. Life is vivid and vivid.

“Mom, it is Jiang Wan. Jiang Wan gave me 20,000 yuan and asked me to find someone to teach Amelia Su.” Jiang Sheng said.

Liu Hua couldn’t help but work harder. Jiang Sheng hadn’t mentioned the 20,000 yuan. Obviously he was going to embezzle it. How could Liu Hua accept this kind of thing?

“You still don’t take the money out.” Liu Hua said.

“It belongs to me if you take it out. What does it have to do with you? Go away.” Long Ge said.

Liu Hua was taken aback for a moment, regretting her intestines, knowing what stupid she had done.

“Brother Long, ten thousand yuan to teach Amelia Su is enough, thirty thousand yuan is not needed.” Liu Hua said with a pitiful look.

“Thirty thousand yuan, let you witness Amelia Su’s end. It’s worth the fare. Let me go.” Long Ge was seemingly nonchalant, but he was already scared to the extreme. What he is doing now is what George Han requested. He knew that when George Han dealt with these people, bad luck would fall on him.

Chapter 206

Isn’t that what Liu Hua wanted to see Amelia Su’s end?

She said before that she couldn’t see it with her own eyes. She felt that 10,000 yuan was not worth it. Now it is 30,000 yuan, and she can’t get it back if she wants to. If there is a chance, how can she miss it and watch a good show?

“Brother Long, you can go and see, but can you stop Amelia Su from discovering us?” Liu Hua asked.

Seeing the smile on Liu Hua’s face, Long Ge’s cursing in his heart was really a lifeless thing. I don’t even know who I’ve gotten into.

“Of course you can, you paid, of course I have to arrange for you.” Long Ge said.

Liu Hua smiled and said, “That’s what it is, let’s go.”

Jiang Sheng felt a little strange, Long Ge is not such a good talker, how come he suddenly feels amiable?

When he came to the billiards room, Long Ge brought a family of three to the basement.

Jiang Wan and Amelia Su are in different corners, apart from the two of them, another corner. Two figures were standing.

But Jiang Sheng’s family of three didn’t care about those two people. In their opinion, they were Long Ge’s men.

“You can speak with confidence, Amelia Su’s ears are blocked, and I can’t hear what you are saying.” Long Ge said to the family of three.

Liu Hua hesitated, fearing being discovered by Amelia Su, she called out tentatively, “Amelia Su.”

Seeing that Amelia Su did not move, Liu Hua let go of her courage and said to Brother Long, “Brother Long, we gave you 30,000 yuan. You have to make us feel that these 30,000 flowers are worth it.”

Brother Long sneered and said: “Value, of course, value, why don’t you pay attention?”

Liu Hua had thoughts before, which could make both George Han and Amelia Su painful. It was to let Brother Long go to Amelia Su. In this way, Amelia Su was dirty and George Han was also given a green hat. It can be said that it has the best of both worlds.

“Brother Long, how do you think Amelia Su looks like?” Liu Hua said.

“Liu Hua, what are you talking about?” Jiang Guangguang scolded. He was just talking casually at home before, so he didn’t bother to refute Liu Hua’s words, but now, how can he say that in front of Brother Long? Does she really want Was it reconciled to watch Amelia Su being played by Brother Long?

Liu Hua glared at Jiang Guangming and said, “Jiang Fengguang, there is no place for you to speak. Did you forget that George Han almost killed me with that rubbish, and even beat your son, even if he was dead? I vent my hatred, I want to let him know that Amelia Su was played with and made him suffer.”

“Liu Hua, Amelia Su is your niece. How can you be so cruel.” Jiang Guangguang said.

Liu Hua hummed coldly, and said, “Niece or niece, she hasn’t given me Liu Huanhuan for so many years. Do I have to sympathize with her and pity her? You are not the one who is choked. Talking cool words.”

After Jiang Guangguang released his fist, he sighed heavily and said, “Liu Hua, she is called your aunt.”

“Being her aunt, I feel embarrassed.” Liu Hua didn’t bother to talk nonsense with Jiang Guangguang, and said to Brother Long: “Brother Long, don’t you want to try?”

When Brother Long heard the conversation between the two people, he was already scared into cold sweats. He secretly glanced at the two people in the corner and said, “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure, I don’t blame Liu Hua for being ruthless, I can only blame George Han for being too hateful.” Liu Hua gritted her teeth.

At this time, the figure in the corner came out, and the closer he was, the better he could be seen.

“George Han!” Liu Hua was shocked. How could George Han be here.

“Auntie, I didn’t expect you to hate me so much.” Amelia Su, who was sitting in the corner, also stood up and walked towards Liu Hua.

Liu Hua’s face was pale, when she was about to question Brother Long what was going on. Found that Long Ge was already kneeling on the ground.

“Brother Han, I have fulfilled your requirements, please let me go later.” Long Ge said to George Han, knocking his head.

“George Han, this is what you gave me!” Liu Hua heard this and finally understood what was going on. Long Ge didn’t show them Amelia Su’s end at all, but George Han deliberately Arrangement to induce her to say those words just now.

“Liu Hua, I gave you the set, but I didn’t ask you to say those words just now. In your eyes, you probably don’t care about this relationship at all?” George Han said lightly.

Liu Hua didn’t know what George Han wanted to do, but she could detect that George Han would not let her go easily.

“What if I said it. What if you don’t care, do you dare to kill me?” Liu Hua said recklessly.

George Han took a deep breath and said to Amelia Su: “Amelia, let Tang Zong send you home first.”

Although Amelia Su was very angry and annoyed, Liu Hua was a living person after all.

“Three thousand, I…”

“This time, listen to me.” George Han’s expression was gentle, but his tone was irresistibly firm.

Amelia Su knew that even she couldn’t change George Han’s decision this time.

“En. I’ll go home first.”

After Tang Zong left, Amelia Su asked Tang Zong at the door of the billiard room: “Do you know what George Han will do?”

Tang Zong didn’t know George Han deeply, but he could feel George Han’s killing intent, and if this kind of thing happened to him. He would never give Liu Hua lightly.



After Liu Hua said those words, these words became extremely ridiculous.

“Miss Su, I don’t know, but Brother Han decided for your own good. So no matter what happens, you should not blame him.” Tang Zong said.

Amelia Su nodded, and said: “Of course I don’t blame him, I blame Liu Hua for not thinking about feelings, and the blame is on her own.”

There was silence in the basement. Liu Hua looked directly at George Han, Jiang Sheng and Jiang Guangguang. They lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. There was Jiang Wan in the corner. The same atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

“Which hand did you use to touch my wife?” George Han asked Longge.

The kneeling Brother Long trembled all over, and he didn’t expect George Han to find him first.

Stretching out his right hand, he said, “Brother Han, this one.”

“From now on, get used to eating with your left hand.” George Han said lightly.

“Okay.” Brother Long bit his head and said: “Don’t bother Brother Han to do it yourself, I’ll do it for this little thing.”

Brother Long took out a butterfly knife from his pocket, held the knife in his left hand, spread his right hand into a palm, and placed it on the floor. With a sudden force on his left hand, he stabbed it from his palm.

One knife and two holes, blood is flowing like a shot!

Seeing this scene, Liu Hua and the three were shocked.

Brother Long is a big man in the gray area of ”‹”‹Bin County, and now in front of George Han, he actually wants to self-harm and apologize!

When the knife went down, Long Ge’s body trembled, but there was no sound in his mouth.

After raising his eyebrows and looking at George Han, Long Ge drew a knife and stabbed again.

Liu Hua’s family of three. Frightened to death, he sat on the ground and his eyes were blank.

George Han was clearly not satisfied with this and looked at Brother Long quietly.

Brother Long gasped, almost on the verge of collapse in his heart, and said: “This is the fate of offending Brother Han. Yao Long, I will definitely remember it in my heart.”

When the words fell, Long Ge drew the knife again, repeating the action again and again, until the whole right palm became bloody and he dared not stop.

Jiang Sheng was already scared to pee, for a coward like him. This kind of thing will make him feel scared even if it happens in the movie, let alone happen in real life.

Liu Hua said before that George Han did not dare to kill her, but now she was so scared that she could treat Brother Long like this, even if she killed her, it was nothing.



Useless son-in-law?

At this moment Liu Hua felt these titles were ridiculous to George Han.

“George Han, I’m your aunt, and I’m your aunt.” Liu Hua knelt on the ground, shaking her head constantly, already scared of consciousness, repeating a sentence.

Jiang Guangguang didn’t dare to say a word for Liu Hua. Even if George Han wanted to kill Liu Hua, she deserved it, because of her proposal, even Jiang Guangguang couldn’t stand it.

Now Jiang Guangguang can count on George Han to let him and Jiang Sheng go. As for Liu Hua’s life and death, he doesn’t care.

In the corner, Jiang Wan didn’t know what had happened, but the increasingly strong smell of blood in the air made her hair stand up.

“Almost.” George Han said to Yao Long.

“Thank you Brother Han, thank you Brother Han.” Yao Long kowtowed in gratitude, crying bitterly!

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