His True Colors Novel Chapter 2027 – 2030

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Chapter 2027

But Yamaguchi was still controlled by Fu Mang. Although Fu Mang was only one person, none of those people dared to cross the line forcibly.

Because they know what kind of death they will face if they mess around.

“Well, we want to join you.”

“Yes. I also signed up!” A

group of people were excited to sign up. Seeing that the remaining thousand people in the middle of the field were dividing up the gods, some of them had already got them. The favorite magic soldier, shining under the sun, a huge energy faintly flowed out from the stream of magic soldier, the eyes of these people were full of greed.

If it hadn’t been for Fu Mang to stop him, this group of people would have rushed in and grabbed it.

After all, for them, little people like them with a low cultivation base. There is no talent and no attention, the only way to improve oneself is to rely on pill and magic weapon.

But precisely because of the limitations of their status, it is difficult for them to get the only effective thing for them.

Nowadays, with a windfall in the sky, how can we keep them from going crazy? !

But when these people were looking at those things with greed and greed, Fu Mang slashed the knife at this time: “Sorry. We are no longer accepting people, so hurry up. Whoever dares to take a step in, don’t blame me. You’re welcome to help someone.” The

big knife was cold and light, and a group of people immediately looked at each other. They are not afraid of Fu Mang, terrifying George Han.

Although George Han at this time had already entered the main hall of Baguio Palace, and no one was outside, his deterrence was still so strong that no one dared to take another step.

A group of people were suddenly very upset, and some even beat their feet and chested. Regret almost crazy!

The opportunity to make a fortune overnight was lost in front of him in vain.

At the mountain side intersection, grief is everywhere!

In the hall at this time, George Han was invited into the main hall, Ningyue sent someone to bring a cup of tea out, and when it was handed to George Han, the female disciple was obviously very excited.

“Don’t drink tea anymore.” George Han smiled and said, in fact, his main purpose in coming in was naturally not to drink tea and chat.

Baguio Palace is one of his primary goals.

Ningyue smiled slightly: “Shao Xia, Baguio Palace has a history of more than 19,000 years since the establishment of the school. At the beginning of its establishment, the ancestors have always upheld a neutral position and did not participate in any party’s forces or participation. Any struggle, so… “

George Han’s heart sank. But he nodded.

Although he did want Baguio Palace to join, he never forced it if others didn’t want it. Nodded, George Han stood up: “That’s OK, then I’ll leave.”

Finished. George Han got up and walked out. As soon as he arrived at the door, Ningyue suddenly said: “Young man has helped us so much, but he can’t get what he wants. Is it reconciled?”

“The twisted melon is not sweet And besides, although I am not a good kind, I am definitely not a scum. What is injustice in the road. What are the willingness and unwillingness to help with the knife?” As

soon as the voice fell, Ningyue smiled: “If this is the case, please trouble Shaoxia and drink tea. Let’s go again.”

“Thanks a lot. I have something to do and come back another day.” After George Han finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

“The leader doesn’t drink the tea of ”‹”‹his subordinates. Isn’t that justified?” Ningyue smiled.

Hearing this, George Han was stunned for a moment and turned around. Ningyue smiled and said: “Palace Master Ningyue, what do you mean? Be neutral for a while, then join us again?”

Ningyue smiled bitterly: “I didn’t know the leader before. I don’t know whether the leader is good or bad, so I said it deliberately. If you don’t join, just want to see how you will react.”

After finishing speaking, before George Han could speak, Ningyue nodded lightly, and a group of female disciples from Baguio Palace knelt down at George Han gently.

“I have seen the leader.”

Although many disciples do not know the master’s intention to do so. But still shouted.

“Get up.” George Han hurriedly said.

None of the disciples got up, they turned their heads to Ningyue, waiting for her next instructions.

Ningyue frowned. Suddenly there was some dissatisfaction: “What? Are you deaf? Can’t you hear the words of the leader?”

“But the palace owner, the ancestral precepts of Baguio Palace have always been…” Some disciples couldn’t help but boldly said.

“Yes, palace lord, please think twice.”

Ningyue smiled bitterly, how can she not know the ancestral training? As the head, she actually wants to strictly abide by these rules, but the current situation has made it impossible for her to comply.

He abides by the rules, and others have already broken the rules and attacked the neutral camp. Even today, Baguio Palace is fortunate to get out of this battle. But what did Fu Ye and Master Yao Shen use to avenge them? !

If they want to survive, they must have powerful protection.

George Han was gracious to them, and in the Ningyue test, George Han thought he was pretty good. This may be the best choice for Baguio Palace today.

After Ningyue finished this, she looked at George Han: “Although the disciples of Baguio Palace are girls, they have strong personalities. They are also smart and smart, but sometimes they are not very obedient. I hope the leader will take more care.”

See George Han nodded, and Ningyue looked at all the female disciples present, and said painstakingly: “You have to obey the leader’s orders in the future, do you know?”

The disciples nodded obediently.

A wry smile appeared on Ningyue’s beautiful face, then she closed her eyes slightly, and dropped her head on the chair.

“Palace Master!”

Seeing Ningyue collapsed on the chair, a group of female disciples rushed over.

Holding on to Ningyue’s side, they tried to shake, but found that Ningyue had no reaction at all.

Immediately afterwards, Ningyue’s body began to bulge slightly.

The disciples of Baguio Palace cried suddenly, because they obviously knew very well, what happened to Ningyue?

Seeing Ningyue like this, the Baguio court lady disciples burst into tears, and George Han frowned: “What’s the matter?”

“Leader, the palace lord hit the reversal yin and yang of the four Yaoshenge disciples, and they have now been poisoned.” A disciple close to George Han sobbed sadly.

The other female disciples also nodded, with sadness on their faces and tears in their eyes.

“That’s it?” George Han smiled slightly.

Seeing George Han smiling at this moment, the female disciples of Baguio Palace were both puzzled and slightly angry.

“Help her up.” George Han said.

Several female disciples looked at each other, and finally helped Ningyue up from the stool.

George Han bit his middle finger and put a drop of his blood directly on Ningyue’s mouth. A group of female disciples were stunned when they saw this situation. After all, they had all seen the power of George Han’s blood.

But just before they had time to stop them, George Han did another thing that made them incredible.

Chapter 2028

George Han pulled out one of his hair fiercely, and then stuffed Ningyue’s mouth.

It is enough to use poisonous blood to poison the moon, but also use your own hair to feed it!

What is this operation? !

“Leader, although the palace owner let us obey you before he dies. But… the palace owner is dead, what do you mean?” These disciples have a very close relationship with Ningyue. Yu Gongshang is their master, Yu In private, it was their sister again. Seeing that Ningyue was dying and yet to be so humiliated, she also screamed at George Han with a mortal heart.

“Yeah. Lord, you are doing too much.”

George Han was not angry at all, smiled slightly, and looked at Ningyue on the chair.

The crowd followed his gaze. Suddenly everyone was dumbfounded.

She had already begun to experience swelling before, but at this time, there was no swelling, and the skin on her body seemed to be fresh and soft.

In the next second, Ningyue sat up suddenly, and then a mouthful of black blood came out directly.

“Is the palace master awake?” someone shouted excitedly.

Ningyue hurriedly walked in front of George Han and knelt down directly: “Thank you for your life-saving grace.”

“You have to give you some interest after drinking your tea.” George Han smiled.

“However, leader. How would you solve the poison of reversing Yin and Yang?” Although Ningyue was very cover-up, George Han could also see the vigilance in her eyes.

“I can’t solve it, but my poison is stronger than them, so I feed you with my blood, let my poison swallow the poison in your body, and then solve my own poison.” George Handao.

George Han’s poisonous blood can be fused with any poison, so in the end, the poison of George Han is also George Han’s poison. It can detoxify.

This also verifies that Ginseng Baby’s words are correct.

sometimes. George Han is really wondering what the ginseng baby comes from. Sometimes this guy will always say something strange. But it will always fulfill what it says, this is not once or twice.

A group of female disciples suddenly realized, feeling that George Han was wrongly blamed once again, and they lowered their heads embarrassedly.

Ningyue nodded slightly at this time.

However, George Han still saw her doubts and smiled slightly. Take off the mask gently.

When the mask was taken off, George Han was delicate and determined. With a somewhat handsome face, it was directly exposed in front of everyone.

When a group of female disciples saw George Han’s handsome appearance, they all moved in their hearts.

Young, handsome, and able to watch the world. Destroy the world between shots, for any woman. Isn’t this the prince charming whom you have always dreamed of and longed for? !

Which girl is not pregnant? !

It was just how much the desire suppressed, but the appearance of George Han completely disrupted their suppression.

“So handsome. My God, I didn’t expect our leader to be a handsome guy!”

“Yes. Handsome and able to fight, I’m really captured by him.”

“Lord, are you married?” Yes The female disciple asked directly on the spot.

It’s not that they are not reserved enough, or even that they are more reserved than most women. There is no other reason. Baguio Palace itself only accepts female disciples. Most of those who are willing to stay here are people who have a very indifferent attitude towards men and women.

But keep this thing reserved. Sometimes it exists only because the heart is not enough.

Ningyue is the head. But after seeing George Han’s face, his heart still thumped. Originally, she should prevent the disciple from asking such questions, but at this time she didn’t, because even she herself was looking forward to the answer.

“It’s over, and our children are not young anymore.” George Han replied decisively.

Upon hearing this answer, countless female disciples were heartbroken. Sure enough, good men are not in their turn.

Ningyue also shook her heart, and a trace of disappointment flashed through her mind.

“Since it’s my own, I don’t hide it anymore.” After saying that, George Han put on the mask and hat from the tournament.

When the mask was put on again, some female disciples quickly recognized the familiar mask.

Legends of mysterious people are everywhere, and there are naturally some rumors about some records on the faces of mysterious people, and George Han’s current mask is indeed exactly the same as the legend!

“Are you really a mysterious person?”

“But, didn’t the mysterious person have been killed by Wang Yanzhi?”

“Yes, the mysterious person was killed, but many people have seen it with their own eyes. How can it be resurrected?

” Lord, we are all our own. Are you a mysterious person? We are following you now. Besides, you have saved hundreds of lives in our Baguio Palace. We are all loyal to you. , Your identity, just say it straight.” Ningyue also reminded softly at this time.

“Hey!” George Han smiled bitterly, took out a waist card from his waist, and threw it to Ningyue.

When she saw this waist card, Ningyue’s eyes burst into incredible shock.

Mysterious man, the seal of Qishan!

“You…you are really a mysterious person!”

Chapter 2029

The badge given by George Han is the identity badge given by Qishan Hall during the tournament, after entering the Qishan Hall!

When I saw this waist card. Ningyue can basically be sure that the man in front of him is a mysterious person in the legend of the rivers and lakes!

Hearing Ningyue’s affirmation, the group of female disciples in Baguio Palace became even more boiling.

Although the mysterious man died unexpectedly, many people in the rivers and lakes talked about his legends, and the people in Baguio Palace have naturally heard these.

Originally, they just listened to them as legends. But where I can think of it, one day, the mysterious person will come into contact with them so close.

What is even more unexpected is that this mysterious person is still their leader.

“Oh my God. This means that the mysterious man is really our leader?”

“Unexpected, unimaginable, all said that the mysterious man is extremely brave and can fight against the heroes. Just now… just now, he turned over tens of thousands of people and destroyed it… The legend is true!”

The female disciples of Baguio Palace are boiling! !

When George Han was talking outside, they were actually the same as most people outside. They all felt that George Han was just borrowing the guise of a mysterious person, or had a little relationship with the mysterious person.

But now that George Han’s identity is established, their surprise is obviously hard to hide.

“Now, do you believe that I have nothing to do with Yaoshen Pavilion, but have enmity instead?” George Han smiled at Ningyue.

Ningyue nodded embarrassedly: “I’m sorry, lord, please give the order, our next plan, Ningyue and the Baguio Palace disciples are bound to live and die together.”

“Pack things, we will leave here the day after tomorrow.” George Handao .

“Leave here?” Ningyue was taken aback.

Baguio Palace’s Wannian Foundation is here. Ningyue never thought of leaving here.

“The people of the Medicine God Pavilion have lost the battle here, and they will surely come back. Will they still be able to live here? But you don’t have to worry too much. When we are strong enough, I will definitely let you Baguio Palace return. Here!”

Hearing George Han’s words, Ningyue also fell into contemplation, Yaoshen Pavilion is now flourishing, and it is the time to reap the people. The battle of Baguio Palace today made them faceless. It is inevitable to find the scene and restore one’s reputation. At that time, the Medicine God Pavilion would definitely make all the best. Baguio Palace may face a completely overwhelming attack with no chance of winning.

At that time, how could Baguio Palace be kept? !

Whether to survive in name or to stay in the green hills, this is a huge choice before Ningyue.

Ningyue was silent for a long time, finally. She gritted her teeth: “Okay! But, the leader. Why is the day after tomorrow?!”

“I have something to do tomorrow.” George Han smiled and said, “The day after tomorrow, we will see you at the foot of the mountain! I have something to do, leave first, right? The silver dragon is called Linlong and will always be waiting nearby. If you have anything to tell it, it will come to me immediately.”

“Yes!” Ningyue nodded.

“Shiyu, Qiushui, you go with the leader, take care of the leader.” Next, Ningyue looked at George Han and said: “Shiyu and Qiushui are my two most respected disciples, if the leader doesn’t dislike it. I want them to follow you and serve you. It doesn’t matter if you learn something from you.”

After speaking, the two young female disciples beside Ningyue quickly stood up. One looks sweet and the other looks cold, but they are two nice beauties.

“Ningyue, you are too suspicious.” George Han smiled helplessly.

“Leader, you misunderstood.” Ningyue smiled lightly, Chong Shiyu and Qiu Shui nodded, the two women immediately looked at each other, and then squeezed each other’s fingers, and hit each other with a spell.

When the two spells met in the air, bursts of dazzling light were emitted from the middle point.

In the light, a small white dot suddenly appeared in the center.

As time goes by, this little white dot gets bigger and bigger, and finally stabilizes at the size of an egg.

In the light, the beads are shining, white in green, green in white, seemingly transparent, seemingly non-transparent!

George Han frowned and looked at the small dot that looked like a luminous bead between the two inexplicably: “What do you mean?”

“Hehe, lord, this is the treasure of the Zhen Yanzhu I sent. “Ningyue said.

“This is Shen Yan Zhu?” Han Shaoqian asked in surprise.

Although the stone is small, George Han can indeed feel a very special powerful force contained in it.

“Yes, Shiyu and Qiushui are the two keys to mastering Shenyanzhu. When they work together, they can make the eyes of God appear. With the two of them by your side, Shenyanzhu can always take care of It’s yours.”

Good deed, it seems that I have seized the abdomen of a gentleman with a villain’s heart. Ningyue did not send someone to monitor him, but was equivalent to giving himself a gift.

“Shen Yanzhu not only can make people live longer, in fact, it also has one of the most important effects.” Ningyue smiled gently.

George Han was a little strange, wondering: “What else is there?”

Chapter 2030

Ningyue smiled slightly, helped by the disciple, got up and went outside the hall.

Outside the palace, Fu Mang is reorganizing the newly recruited league disciples.

Ningyuechong Shiyu and Qiu Shui nodded, and the two women summoned Shenyan Zhu in the same way again, but they each used the remaining hand to aim at Shenyan Zhu with energy again.


Suddenly, the little face bead spouted a jet of water fiercely, and then a steady stream of water blew out.

George Han was dumbfounded, but the thumb-sized bead sprayed out of a water column with a diameter of more than one meter, alive like a water dragon.

In just a moment, the outside of the temple was already watered for 100 meters.

Ningyue smiled slightly, and when her hand moved, the water column suddenly doubled again.

boom! ! !

Like a flood, the water column of water rushed out frantically.

Seeing George Han dumbfounded, a group of female disciples in Baguio Palace couldn’t help but laugh.

Ningyue moved her hand to withdraw her energy, and then gently stretched her hand, Shen Yanzhu obediently flew back to her hand.

“If the energy is stimulated, the more energy the water column erupts.” After speaking, Ningyue shook her hand lightly, and Shen Yanzhu flew towards George Han.

After receiving the Shen Yan Zhu, George Han carried the energy in his hands, and then directly aimed at it and penetrated with energy.

boom! ! !

The little god Yan Zhu suddenly made a huge wave!

The waves were tens of meters high and several meters wide, and they rushed.


Fu Mang, who was a few hundred meters away from George Hanzu, was sorting out his newly compiled alliance members. Suddenly the flood hit, and a group of people were directly turned over by the rushing people.

Even struggling in the water, but he was completely submerged by the water!

Fortunately, Linlong reluctantly shook his head in mid-air, fell quickly, and flicked the dragon’s tail, abruptly interrupting the subsequent water waves, and the group of Fu Mang finally lost the impact. When the water waves came, they were washed like a chicken. The people stood up scattered.

“Damn, what are you doing?” Fu Mang shouted at George Han bitterly.

George Han was embarrassed and hugged his head. He didn’t expect that the bigger Shen Yan Zhu would emit such a huge water column when he entered with energy.

In fact, the energy released by oneself is not too much, if it is too much, it can really even come directly to the flood.

Thinking of this, George Han glanced at the Shenyan Bead in his hand. It was really hard to imagine that such a small bead could release so much water. Could there be any special mechanism in it? !

In order to see more clearly, George Han raised the Shen Yan Zhu to an angle of forty-five degrees and looked up at the sunlight.

But it was empty inside, nothing!

This made George Han both confused and interested in this gadget.

“Theoretically, the amount of energy used by Shenyanzhu will release as many columns of water. The first teacher once told Ningyue that the release of water energy by Shenyanzhu can even be the most exaggerated. The sword goes straight for thousands of miles.” Ningyue couldn’t help but explain with a little pride watching George Han look like a curious baby.

Shen Yan Zhu is the treasure of their Baguio Palace. It is not only as simple as making Baguio Palace women’s faces glowing, but also can be used for attack and defense to a certain extent.

Although these were in George Han’s expectation, after all, no sect would use beauty as a treasure of the Zhenpai, but the Shenyanzhu also exceeded George Han’s estimate.

Because it is so small, who would have thought that a small bead the size of a glass marble could release a huge wave!

“It’s interesting.” George Han smiled and handed Shenyan Zhu to Ningyue as he spoke.

Ningyue gently pushed George Han’s hand, and shook her head with a smile: “Shen Yanzhu has the functions of nourishing beauty and keeping youth. Since the leader has a wife, why not take it back and use it to moisturize the leader’s wife?

” How can this be? This is the treasure of the Baguio Palace!” George Han was taken aback.

“You and I are an alliance, and to save me and the whole palace disciples from crisis, we should have repaid our lives. We should have repaid ourselves. The previous Ningyue tempted the leader only because of the responsibility of being the lord of the first house. And the obligation, now that it is confirmed that the leader is not a bad person, Ningyue should naturally show his heart.” Ningyue smiled slightly.

George Han’s heart was warm, although he really didn’t need the face beads, but the behavior of surrendering to the full moon still made him very happy.

“Yes, lord, this is also our intention, you can accept it.”

“Which woman does not love beauty, the same is true for the lord’s wife.”

“Yes, as a man, if you love her or not Are you happy to miss her?”

“Besides, so many of our girls will follow you from the leader. If the wife of the leader can’t stay young forever, we can abduct you after being careful.”

A group of female disciples at this time He laughed and joked.

“Well, since you say that, I can’t accept it if I don’t accept it, but, Ningyue, aren’t you afraid that I will eat your face beads in the dark?” George Han also joked.

George Han was willing to accept it temporarily, in fact, he felt that what they said was reasonable. He would not dislike Amelia Su’s old Zhuhuang, and even regarded her old Zhuhuang as a testimony of mutual love.

For George Han, that is sweet!

However, he is willing to do things that can make Amelia Su happy.

Ningyue smiled slightly, and being able to lend the Shen Yanzhu to George Han naturally believed in George Han’s character. After all, he could tell himself the identity of a mysterious person, but what could he believe in him? !

But Ningyue probably couldn’t even think of it in her dreams, George Han’s crow’s mouth has become an idiot, and it’s really not enough!

Coming down from Baguio Palace, Fu Mang couldn’t figure out his mind, hesitated and stopped along the way.

All the people accepted by the alliance, Bai Xiaosheng will temporarily be arranged on the mountainside of Baguio Palace, not to disturb the Baguio Palace, but also to let the people of the alliance take a rest. Fu Mang will go to training later, but before that, he will go down the mountain with George Han to buy something.

George Han didn’t know that the little Shenyan Bead in his arms at this time was placed in the space ring together with the Five Elements God Stone. The little Shenyan Bead was slowly touching the Five Elements God Stone.

Then they slowly tested and blended with each other, and finally, the Shen Yan Zhu body turned into water and slowly penetrated onto the Five Elements God Stone.

As for the Five Elements Divine Stone, which was infiltrated by water, while slowly absorbing the moisture from the divine face beads, one-fifth of itself also began to have a faint water color.

Back to Qinglong City, when approaching the city gate, George Han stopped and looked up.

Above the city wall, Lord Fu obediently put his underwear on his head, while closing his eyes and shouting loudly: “I am Superman, I am Superman!”

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