His True Colors Novel Chapter 1947 – 1950

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Chapter 1947

“You can be persistent, but your persistence must not bother others. Otherwise, you can only bring in results that you don’t want to see. Do you understand?”

Qin Shuang nodded, pursing her mouth in a bit of sadness. After a while, she smiled at George: “Brother!”

“Russ can teach, russ can teach.” The old man laughed and drank his cup of tea.

George glanced at the old man gratefully. Although he was shameless, he was quite sophisticated. Just a few words gave George and Qin Shuang a lot of sentiment, and it even broke the knot between the two.

“By the way, I would like to thank my senior for helping me this time. I haven’t consulted my senior name?!” George got up and filled the old man with tea, thanking him.

“Name?” The old man was taken aback for a moment. After a while, he suddenly laughed: “I have lived for too many years, and I have forgotten my name.”

Hearing this, George and Qin Shuang looked at each other, looking at the old man’s appearance, they didn’t seem to be lying or perfunctory.

How young is this to live to forget his name? !

“I can’t remember how long it has been since the day I remembered things. I only remember that the first sun was red and the purple moon was hanging in the sky!” The old man smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Qin Shuang’s face suddenly became frosty and her US contacts were slightly opened.

Then, Qin Shuang looked at George and said incredulously: “I heard Master say that when the heaven and the earth first opened, the sun was red and the moon was purple!”

Upon hearing this, George also opened his eyes wide.

In other words, this old man already existed when he first met from the Bafang World? That distance now…

Isn’t that billions of years, or even… or more? !

However, how can a person’s life span be so long? !

Even the true gods will face the fall, otherwise, there will be no alternation of all true gods in the eight directions, and the exchange of positions of the major clans makes Qishan Temple even less meaningful.

But the old man in front of him always runs through the entire past and present, which is really incredible, even hard to understand.

“Senior, are you kidding me?” Qin Shuang cautiously asked.

“It’s not important.” The old man chuckled, and didn’t care what George and Qin Shuang said. Then, he set his sights on George: “The important thing is you, young man.”

“Me?” George was taken aback, wondering what the old man meant?

“Yes, it is you.” The old man smiled softly.

“Senior, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“It doesn’t matter if you understand or not, because one day in the future, you will always understand. What is your name? Young man.”

George quickly said, “George.”

“Big Thousand World, Three Realms, good name.” The old man smiled slightly.

George was a little helpless, this was the first time he heard someone understand his name this way.

The old man took a look at George, and then said, “Although you have a deep inner strength and a strange treasure, so you can protect yourself with gold armor, but you can’t get out with a golden axe. You don’t have a suitable attack method. You seem to be tough, but in reality it is very threatening. less.”

“A lion can’t have teeth, a tiger can’t have claws. Now you are like this. Even if it looks like bluffing people, it’s actually nothing more than arrogance. It’s okay to hurt some kittens and puppies, but if you encounter a ruthless character, it’s just a hard thing. It’s just the bones, but no matter how hard it is to gnaw, a few more gnaws will also gnaw off.”

The old man said that he was relaxed and freehand, and the clouds were calm and clear, but George was shocked and fearful.

Because the old man could see his true situation clearly and without missing a few glances.

George hides extremely deeply. After entering the Palace of Qishan, he has not mentioned his true identity to anyone, let alone communicated with the old man in front of him, but…

But he can say everything about himself so accurately.

Looking at George’s surprised eyes, the old man didn’t pay attention to it. He glanced at George and said, “Am I right, old man?”

Although I don’t know who this old man is, George is not too vigilant, because he has saved himself and should not do any harm to him: “Senior, you are right.”

“That’s right.” The old man smiled lightly. At this moment, he slowly stood up, stood with his hands and turned his back to George: “Then I will give you a set of steel teeth and a pair of sharp claws. what do you think?!”

George was overjoyed when he heard this, because this was what George urgently needed.

Although he has a Pangu axe, he has no real use, so his power is greatly reduced. Without relying on the Pangu axe, the best he can do so far is only the non-phase magic, but this thing is surprisingly okay. If you really put it on the bright side, even if you use the non-phase magic to the extreme, you will only be strong when you encounter the strong and weak when you encounter the weak.

After all, when George needed to face a truly top-level technical expert, he had no high-level exercises to fight against others, so when he heard the old man’s words, he quickly said, “Senior, are you serious?”

“Old man, I never speak falsely, let alone slander, I say so, that’s the case.”

Chapter 1948

The Palace of Qishan.

In the attic on the top of the Blue Mountains.

Dressed in white, Lu Ruoxin sat lightly at the window, like a fairy.

At this moment, a dark shadow passed by and came to Lu Ruoxin’s face, lightly covering his chest, and leaning slightly: “I have seen my lady.”

Lu Ruoxin’s face was frosty, and people looked out the window without moving, just a finger movement, but at this moment, the black shadow knelt down directly, and the body also moved because of the pain.

“You are half an hour later than I expected.” Lu Ruoxin said coldly.

“The servant girl deserves to die. The servant girl came back late because something happened on the way. Please forgive me.” Not only did the black shadow not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction, but also explained in fear. Domineering, disappeared long ago at this time.

“Let’s talk.” Lu Ruoxin said calmly.

Then, everything that happened in the black shadow general Ao Jun’s room was told to Lu Ruoxin.

After listening to Lu Ruoxin, he faintly retracted his eyes: “You mean, someone is holding George’s sword? Would you admit it?”

“That’s the main body of the slave and maidservant, so naturally he won’t admit his mistake. Moreover, the slave and the mysterious man fought, and the maid even suspected that the mysterious man was George.” Black Shadow said.

“You said that the mysterious man is George?” Upon hearing this, Lu Ruoxin finally turned his head and looked at the dark shadow, his entire face was slightly surprised, and his delicate facial features were intriguing. “This is impossible. The fact that George fell into the endless abyss, everyone knows, how could he still survive?”

“Miss, George’s servant doesn’t share the same spirit with me. Even if he turns into ashes, the servant will not admit him wrong. Judging from the situation of fighting with him, he may indeed be George…”

Hearing this, Lu Ruoxin frowned slightly. Judging from Chi Meng’s familiarity and hatred for George, she is really unlikely to admit the wrong person. Could it be that the mysterious person is really George? !

However, there is a question that is always difficult to circumvent, and that is the existence of the endless abyss.

“What about the other person?” Lu Ruoxin asked. To find out this matter, you only need to find the mysterious person, and everything will be clear.

“Just as the slave maid was about to succeed, an old man sweeping the floor suddenly appeared in the house. This old man was unpredictable, and under my extremely focused vigilance, he just disappeared with people like this.”

Lu Ruoxin suddenly couldn’t believe it: “You mean, there is an old man in Qishan Palace, who can slip away quietly under your nose?”

“The servant girl is useless.” Chi Meng lowered his head in ashamed.

“With your cultivation base, there are probably not many who want to defeat you. It is even rarer that you want to retreat all over your body. It is even more unheard of to leave quietly before your eyes.” Although Lu Ruoxin There are ways to control Chi Meng, but if you don’t need special control methods, if you want to do this, even she will not be able to retreat all over, let alone leave silently.

Could it be that the other party is a true god? !

But this thought, Lu Ruoxin was only a moment.

Because if it is a true god, how can it be a small sweeper? !

But this matter gave Lu Ruoxin a different kind of hypothesis, that is, could George be saved by a master, so he escaped from the endless abyss? Or maybe it’s a blinding trick at all, so the mysterious man is indeed George, but he has the help of an expert!

When he had this thought, Lu Ruoxin’s Frost’s face was even more shocked, obviously startled by his thoughts.

Judging from the mysterious person who suddenly appeared, he had no background but was suddenly so powerful, which seemed to prove Lu Ruoxin’s ideas.

Sometimes things in the world are so ingenious. Although Lu Ruoxin’s alternative conjectures run counter to George’s process, they ran into strangely in the end.

“To find out about this matter, go to Gu Yue to check it, and you’ll know.” Lu Ruoxin finished speaking, slowly stood up, and glanced at Chi Meng: “Go call Shao Xuan and take those three earth They may still be useful if the waste is brought here.”

“Yes!” Chi Meng nodded.

In the Qishan Hall at this time, Gu Yue was playing Go with Gu Ri, tasting fairy tea, very comfortable.

Suddenly hearing the sound of footsteps, the two stopped their movements. When they saw the person, they couldn’t help but were slightly surprised. The next second, they looked at each other and smiled.

“In this Shenfeng Temple, it is really brilliant to welcome two distinguished guests.” Gu Yue smiled softly.

In the audience, Ao Tian led Ao Yong and his party to the left, while Lu Ruoxin dressed in white, always on the right.

After George hadn’t returned, Amelia couldn’t hide his anxiety, and finally approached Ao Tian’s important person. After Ao Tian heard the news that George had not seen him, he was puzzled, so he sent Ao Yong to investigate.

Ao Yong quickly found Ao Jun’s head. Ao Jun was panicked and had to tell the details of the incident. Ao Tian naturally also had doubts about Ao Jun’s rhetoric, but because Ao Jun could not dare to lie to himself , He came to find Gu Yue dignitaries.

Amelia also followed the team, and she had nothing to do with George, she was bound to figure it out.

“Master Gu Yue, don’t talk nonsense. Ao came to ask for someone this time. My subordinate said that the mysterious person of my subordinate was suddenly taken away by the sweeper in the temple. “Ao Tian said seriously.

“I’m also here to find a sweeper.” Lu Ruoxin said coldly.

Gu Yue was taken aback for a moment, and the two big families came together to find the sweeper, which had to surprise him. “But which disciple who sweeps the floor?”

Ao Tian looked at Ao Jun. Ao Jun’s legs trembled and he knelt down quickly: “It’s the over-hundred-year-old old man in the hall with gray hair and plain clothes.”

Hearing this, Gu Yue frowned and looked at Ao Jun: “The brothers who sweep the floor in my temple are all young beginner disciples in vain, not to mention the hundred-year-old, even in their forties, they are hard to find. “

Gu Ri also said at this time: “My rule of the Temple of Qishan, beginner disciples need to sweep three years before they can become formal disciples, so the sweepers are often very young.”

Ao Tian suddenly became unhappy and yelled angrily: “Ao Jun, have you heard it? Now, are you still lying?”

Ao Jun suddenly panicked, “Patriarch, the youngest dare not dare, besides, even Miss Lu Jia, isn’t this also coming to the old sweeping man? This shows that there are people, not the young ones who lied. .”

Seeing this, Ao Tian received a little anger. After all, there is a daughter of the Lu family who is looking for someone, and he is afraid that there will be someone else.

So, what is going on here? !

“Could it be…” Gu Ri frowned suddenly and said to Gu Yue.

“This is absolutely impossible.” Gu Yue categorically denied Gu Ri’s words.

Gu Ri closed his mouth, and Gu Yue glanced back at Lu Ruoxin and then at Ao Tian. He suddenly became embarrassed. After a while, he smiled slightly and had to explain.

Chapter 1949

“In the Hall of Qishan, there have been rumors from disciples before that, sometimes I met the founder of the Qishan Hall and said that sometimes I saw his old man sweeping the floor in the hall. However, these are all rumors. My brother and I went from approving the teacher to taking over the master’s mantle. It has been thousands of years, but I have never seen the ancestor of the ancestor appear before.”

“Besides, the Qishan Temple has existed since the opening of the world in all directions, and it has been tens of billions of years away. The Patriarch, his old man, may have emerged long ago. How could it possibly exist?” Gu Yue laughed softly.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Ruoxin and Ao Tian frowned.

Even the true god cannot live for such a long time, so this may indeed be a rumor.

But if not, who would that old man be? !

Ao Tian naturally believed in Ao Jun’s words, and Lu Ruoxin also firmly believed that Chi Meng was not qualified and capable to lie in front of him. In addition, the two families asked at the same time, which also explained that there was something else.

“Well, the old man will order someone to search my Qishan Temple thoroughly, maybe someone pretends to be my Qishan Temple.” Gu Yue said softly.

Lu Ruoxin nodded, glanced at Ao Tian and others, turned and left.

Ao Tian also glanced at Lu Ruoxin, then at Ao Jun: “Go back and pack you.”

When the group of people left, Gu Ri walked to Gu Yue at this time, and said with a deep eyebrow: “Brother, is it true that the rumors of the disciples are true?”

Gu Yue sighed, not knowing how to answer.

He didn’t believe it, but, as the helm of the Qishan Temple, he knew clearly that the rumor that the Patriarch had appeared was no longer once or twice.

Almost every three years, a disciple will spot him. Although he has never seen it before, he has listened a lot, and sometimes naturally has to doubt it.

Nowadays, the two families of Ao and Lu are coming for “him” at the same time, which has to make him more suspicious. This matter may not be as simple as rumors.

“Brother, in fact, there is a problem with the record book of the Qishan Temple. Our school has always added posthumous titles after the death of the heads of various generations, and is buried in the Qishan Mausoleum at the same time. But I didn’t mention it at all. Could it be that the Patriarch did not die at all? He has always lived in this world?” Gu Ri continued to ask.

“But if Master Patriarch is not dead, why bother living in seclusion and not seeing people?” Gu Yue shook her head.

“Perhaps, it is Patriarch who is afraid of being chased by the enemy?” Gu Ri said.

“Junior Brother, do you know how Qishan Temple came from?” Gu Yue smiled bitterly.

Seeing Gu Ri puzzled, Gu Yue said with a smile, after the eight directions world opened up, there were originally five supreme gods, and one of them was called evil. He was originally the strongest among the five supreme gods. The name is like a person, so what he did was spit on it, and finally fell into the magic way and became the founder of the demons in the world of eight directions.

Among the next four, the ancestors of the Qishan Temple have the highest cultivation level. Under the leadership of the ancestors, the three of them finally sealed the evil after thousands of years of hard work. Since then, the world of all directions has returned to peace.

However, the Patriarch at that time was also seriously injured. For the peace of the Octagonal World, the Patriarch of the Qishan Temple decided to let the remaining three people take charge of the Octagonal World, and he set up Qishan Temple for the elderly in Qishan.

The three true gods also felt the favor of the patriarch, so they set the rules. When the true gods change, it must be the day of worship, and only after they are approved by the temple of Qishan can the three true gods be justified.

Right and wrong, time flies, but this tradition has been preserved.

“Judging from the situation back then, Patriarch is the strongest of the four, so why are you afraid of others seeking revenge?” Gu Yue finished speaking, laughing bitterly.

And somewhere at this time…

George’s eyes were concentrated, his forehead was already sweating profusely, Qin Shuang stood aside, wiping sweat for George from time to time.


At this moment, an extremely difficult expression appeared on George’s face, gritted his teeth, and slowly raised his hands with difficulty.

At this time, George was holding the jade sword in his left hand and the Demon Sword in his right hand, as if using chopsticks, he moved the two sword tips together with great difficulty.

At this time, where the double swords were close, a very small ant was being clamped by George’s double swords.

“Ah!” With a scream of worry and discouragement, when George had just lifted the double sword into the air, he went crazy for a while.

In the distance, the old man sat under the eaves, smiled when he saw it, and drank tea comfortably.

“Ah!” George shouted depressed, the muscles of his hands were already in a state of fatigue at this time, involuntarily trembling from the spasm.

In contrast, what made George even more annoyed was that this method of clamping ants with a big sword was simply a kind of maddening torture.

This thing is simply the existence that makes people’s mentality completely burst, and it is necessary to ensure that the ant caught is not dead, and then it must be obediently clamped into a bowl far behind.

This kind of operation almost caused George to collapse.

“It doesn’t count as if it was clamped to death…” At this moment, the old man said something that even caused George to collapse.

Chapter 1950

Qin Shuang was a little unfair, and he felt sorry for George, and said to the old man: “Old man, these two swords are so big, don’t say don’t kill the ants. It is not easy to catch the ants, It is not allowed to be clamped to death for George Isn’t this difficult for a strong man?”

The old man smiled leisurely: “The old man never overpowers others. If you find it difficult, you can give up at any time.”

George shook Qin Shuang’s head: “Don’t say more, I won’t give up.” After saying that, after having tolerant of the response in his heart and the muscle disorder that was close to madness, George found the ants on the ground again.

“The so-called hardship is just hard for you, it’s like… Others seize your lifeline and want you to live and die, it’s much better if you die. Young man, if you want to practice the ultimate kung fu, you must first learn this principle. Three thousand ants, I want to see before sunset.”

When I looked up, above my head, although the sun had not risen at first, the number of 3,000 ants was obviously an astronomical figure.

Qin Shuang saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. This is simply an impossible task. Three thousand ants, George has not caught even one ant from last night until now. These three thousand are simply It’s impossible to catch it all.

However, George was still looking for ants on the ground very seriously.

For him, the harder it is to do, the more challenging it will arouse his infinite fighting spirit.

Soon, George found an ant again, and then repeated the previous actions, slowly picked up the ant with two swords, and then raised it carefully.

Although this is an extremely patience-testing thing that makes George even feel like being scratched by more than a dozen cats in his heart, he still endures this kind of discomfort and clamps it with a small force. Then he lifted up slowly, then he gritted his teeth and walked carefully towards his bowl step by step.

It only took a dozen steps, but George just spent nearly half an hour, and then he put it into the bowl carefully as an ant.

When the ant entered the bowl, after a brief shock, it eventually moved, which made George breathe out involuntarily.

I finally caught a live one, and at the same time, it greatly encouraged my inner confidence. The so-called everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as the opening is done, the rest is easy.

Thinking of this, George let out a long sigh.

“It’s only one, what’s so happy about, you know, you still have a total of 2,999 left. If you continue at your speed, let alone before sunset, even this time next year, You may not have enough.” The old man laughed appropriately.

George’s confidence that had just been burnt was immediately hit by him. There was not much left, and he nodded. He must rush back before dark. It is a small matter of delaying the game. It is important to give Ao Tian the book of life and death so that he can save Nian’er Big.

Thinking of this, George stepped up and continued to search for ants.

An hour later, George had the first experience. Slowly, he also seemed to have found the real skill, and he was more comfortable with picking up the ants. This made him very happy and even felt that there was hope for completing the task.

But when he caught the ant and went back, a new problem appeared.

There should have been dozens of ants in the bowl, but at this time, none of them were left.

George’s mentality was a bit exploded. After having been tossing for so long, he thought he was already on the right track, but when he thought of it, he had nothing at all.

Even though George had a good temper and was very tolerant, he couldn’t help it at this time.

“Senior, what is this? We obviously have already caught a lot, but… but there is nothing in this bowl.” Qin Shuang saw this, and his whole body was furious.

The old man smiled slightly: “The ant is alive. It wants to run. Can I control it? Isn’t this caused by your stupid negligence? Why do you blame me?”

Hearing these words, Qin Shuang thumped his chest angrily.

George gritted his teeth: “Senior Sister Qin Shuang, you help me look after the ants in the bowl.” After leaving a sentence, George turned around and looked for the ants on the ground, regardless of the profuse sweat.

Seeing George doing this, Qin Shuang felt distressed and wronged. She was really not good at comforting people, because she had never comforted people, but she felt that it was completely meaningless for George to go back and do it.

But at this time, George didn’t care about this at all, searching patiently one by one, and then repeating the previous steps, slowly picking it back.

Seeing George insisting, Qin Shuang could only grit his teeth and take care of every ant in the bowl for George. She has only one belief. No matter what the end is, she must let every ant in the bowl. , All obediently couldn’t go out in the bowl, because George had to work hard to catch each one.

As the two of them lost themselves, the sky gradually dimmed, and it was sunset!

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