His True Colors Novel Chapter 1943 – 1946

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Chapter 1943

In a word, Qin Shuang’s face became even more flushed, and George was asking for something, at this time, in Qin Shuang’s eyes, it was like teasing her.

Give you? Is it here?

In this case?

Although this was crazy, George spoke, how could Qin Shuang refuse?

Qin Shuang’s breathing was suddenly disturbed, and he didn’t know what to do for a while. Finally, he simply closed his eyes, as if waiting for something.

George’s scalp is numb, this is the time, what kind of nympho is she still committing?

What’s more, George has no interest in Qin Shuang at all, even if she is so beautiful that no man can control it.

“I said the Demon Sword.” George was helpless.

Hearing this, Qin Shuang’s beautiful eyes suddenly widened. In the next second, his entire face became even more red, but at this time it was not shy, but embarrassing.

She can’t wait to find a place to sew and drill down!

Qin Shuang’s hand moved, and in the next second, a long, reddish sword was held in his hand.

“Okay!” George suddenly turned around after receiving the Zhenyao Divine Sword, his backhand was a blow!


With a sword down, a red light suddenly radiated from the Sword of Demons.

The Rainfall Sword itself is a sword technique that harmonizes Yin and Yang. It has a strong function in suppressing evil spirits. If it is paired with the Sword of Demons, the magic weapon that looks at all the evil spirits in the world, it can completely treat any evil spirits. Of suppression.

George suddenly remembered it after seeing Qin Shuang.

Compared with directly exposing Pan Gu Axe, let Qin Shuang know his identity, obviously, this is the best choice!

After the red light passed, the seemingly powerful black energy disappeared in an instant, and the red light suddenly hit the black shadow’s body.

The entire shadow suddenly seemed to be hit by a boulder on the surface of the water, and his figure swayed wildly.

“This… how is this possible?” Sombra murmured, obviously unbelievable.

“I’ll help you.” At this moment, Ao Jun let out a soft drink, and rushed towards George with a sword in his hand.

Although the black shadow did not respond, the figure also rushed towards George at the same time.

Although the Falling Rain Divine Sword cooperated with the Sword Demon Sword to suppress the dark shadow greatly, with the addition of Ao Jun, he violently attacked Qin Shuang.

“Ao Jun, you bitch, your Patriarch taught you to treat guests like this?!” George yelled, tired of coping with double-sided flanking.

For Ao Jun, from the moment he refused to give up Qin Shuang, he attacked George, he immediately stepped into the camp against George.

“Hmph, if you die, for the Patriarch, it’s not in my hands.” Ao Jun snorted coldly.

George is an inconspicuous trash in his own eyes, but suddenly jumped into the dragon gate and was received by the owner of the house. He almost jumped on his head, which made him feel jealous and unhappy, and now he hates him. Before disappearing, he added a new enmity to win the beauty, naturally wishing to kill George.


With a loud noise, George was directly hit by the two of them, and his body was smashed against the wall, and the whole person suddenly spurted out blood.

He really didn’t care about Ao Jun’s attack, but the black shadow’s attack, perhaps because it was an evil spirit, almost made George’s immortal profound armor a little like a display.

Almost all moves made George feel very uncomfortable.

George really didn’t understand, what is this sacred guy who suddenly appeared!

Hei Ying and Ao Jun suddenly sneered. Obviously, under his combined efforts, George was not an opponent at all with an oil bottle.

“You go first.” Qin Shuang glanced at George distressedly, looked at the two approaching people, and smiled softly: “I can see you alive in this life.

After finishing speaking, Qin Shuang took the sword in George’s hand and blocked George’s body.

George sighed, no matter how dangerous and difficult he is, he is definitely not the one who allows women to stand in front of him.

What’s more, Qin Shuang?

“The man belongs to you, and the woman belongs to me.” Ao Jun sneered and attacked directly!

George pushed Qin Shuang away, gritted his teeth, endured the sharp pain in his chest and waist, directly roared, and forcibly blocked another wave of attacks from the two.


With another loud noise, George’s body hit the wall heavily again.

Blood spurts wildly!

“Oh, you are really hard enough, but what about that? You are hard, and today, you have to die here.” Ao Jun’s eyes showed a cold murderous intent, disdain to smile.

Qin Shuang looked sadly at George, who was already seriously injured at this time. She wanted to help but was helpless, especially watching her favorite person die in front of her. She desperately shook her head and looked at Ao Jun. : “Please, don’t kill him, I can promise you whatever you want.”

“Haha, joke, I can’t kill him, I can still do what I want to do with you, little beauty, do you think you are qualified to make terms with me?”

Just when Ao Jun was arrogant, at this time, an old man’s laughter suddenly sounded in the room.

Chapter 1944

“The young man is young, so why should the heart of killing be so heavy? The so-called cultivation of health and health can prolong life.”

I don’t know when in the room, in a corner of the side, an old man dressed in simple cloth, holding a broom, slowly sweeping the ground, while laughing softly.

Hearing this voice, Ao Jun was shocked.

Because there has always been no one else in this room, when did one suddenly appear? More importantly, they haven’t noticed it yet.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw that he was a bad old man, and suddenly Ao Jun completely let go of his vigilance. It may be that during the war just now, he didn’t notice that the old cleaning man came in.

“Smelly old man, there is nothing to do with you here, get out!” Ao Jun shouted angrily.

The old man smiled slightly, shook his head, and swept the ground to himself.

Ao Jun turned his head, looked at the shadow, and said, “Senior, don’t care about that bad old man, your target is that guy, and my target is that woman.”

Soi Shadow looked at the old man quietly at this time, but didn’t take any action. He intuitively told her that the old man in front of her was definitely not a bad old man.

But Ao Jun obviously doesn’t care. He is a slicker. At present, how can he manage so much?

He walked up to Qin Shuang a few steps, and arbitrarily pulled her to his side. Then, he looked at George who was half sitting on the ground with serious injuries full of ridicule: “Grabbing a woman with Laozi? What are you? Do you really think that if my Patriarch appreciates you, you will be lawless? Tell you, in the immortal sea, you are just a dog.”

“And I want to kill a dog, isn’t that easy?”

George smiled slightly: “Who is the dog of the Ao family, I am afraid who knows better? Your master does not eat with the dog, I eat with him, and you?!”

In a word, Zhizhong Ao Jun’s heart, sometimes, the more a person emphasizes something, in fact, it is those who are the weakest and most afraid of admitting.

The most annoying thing in Ao Jun’s life is that others call him his Ao family’s dog.

Especially what George satirized is even more real. He has done his responsibilities for the Ao family for so many years, and has never had the honor to have dinner with the head of the family.

So, in comparison, he is actually more like that dog!

“Fuck, you dog, you are not qualified to call me, I am the captain of the Ao family’s garrison, and you are the dog.” Ao Jun roared with a grin, and he was hysterical.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked George directly, and immediately kicked George to the ground, and then stepped on George’s face with another kick: “You, now it’s a dog, I am a dog. A dog that can step on its feet at any time, bark and bark to me!”

The shadow hasn’t moved, she has been wary of the old man, if there is any trouble, she… wait.

Suddenly, Black Shadow’s red eyes widened, and the whole person was astonished, because she was surprised to find that the old man she had been paying attention to, suddenly…suddenly disappeared!

She can confirm that she has never blinked, so the old man… how could the old man suddenly disappear? !

This is impossible, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible for him to disappear without even that moment in front of him, and he still concentrates on it.

At this time, Ao Jun, who had just stepped on the foot on George’s face, was suddenly lifted by something, and then his body lost his center of gravity and staggered back several steps. After he stabilized his figure, he found that he was away from him. The old man who was far away was now beside George, gently sweeping the ground with a broom.

“On the ground, there is too much blood. It’s not good, it’s not good.” The old man swept his head up and shook his head gently.

Obviously, when Ao Jun was lifted by someone just now, it was clearly lifted by the old man’s broom.

Ao Jun was interrupted by the old man, and he was immediately angry: “Dead old man, do you dare to be nosy?”

As soon as the voice fell, Ao Jun kicked the old man directly with his foot.

The old man smiled, but he only scanned the ground in front of him, without dodge in the slightest, but Ao Jun, who seemed to be inevitable, was almost empty.

Ao Jun became even more embarrassed and furious, and raised his foot again, and continued to kick the old man a few times, but something surprising happened.

Even though Ao Jun was very close to the old man, at the nearest time, the two were separated by no more than a few centimeters, but even at such a close distance, the old man did not dodge at all. He did not even lift his head. Just sweeping the ground, Ao Jun couldn’t hit it anyway.

Every time, it was obviously possible, but every time it was so different.

This made Ao Jun agitated, but his feet were empty for a few consecutive times, and the whole person was panting with exhaustion.

George saw it in his eyes, and was shocked in his heart. The old man seemed to have done nothing, but he seemed to have done everything. Obviously, this kind of extreme exercise technique is obviously impossible to do without a certain level.

“Fuck, old man, do you dare to fuck me? Put down your rotten broomstick and stand now.” Ao Jun roared angrily.

The old man smiled slightly: “Put down the broom, how can I sweep the floor, old man?”

“Sweep your mother, don’t sweep.”

“Hehe, I want to sweep, I want to sweep, here I want to sweep, what is sweeping is rubbish, this heart is also sweeping, but what is sweeping is devil!” The old man smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his backhand and pointed the broom directly at Ao Jun and Sombra.

The two felt a gust of wind blowing across their faces, and the person who was blowing couldn’t open their eyes at all, but when the wind stopped, the two were looking at the place where there was no one else, and the three of them just vanished as if they had evaporated.

Chapter 1945

“Where are they?” Seeing that there was nothing in front of him, Ao Jun was unbelievable and rushed forward anxiously, but what else was there besides the blood of George on the ground? !

Shadow’s pupils shrank sharply, and the scene in front of her was obviously shocked.

If it was said that the old man suddenly shifted away from his face last time, there was still a little bit of it that he was shaking his mind, then this time, it is absolutely impossible.

Because Sombra has already been twelve minutes away from the moment, even if the wind was blowing, she did not stretch out her hands like Ao Jun, but paid more attention to the old man’s every move.

But even so, the old man disappeared, and she didn’t even know how the old man disappeared and where he went.

This is really incredible.

“Have you seen this old man?” Hei Ying Leng Xiang Xiang Ao Jun.

At this time, Ao Jun was angry and at a loss. He tossed so much and paid so much risk. In the end, he ended up like this. But facing the shadows, he didn’t dare to be uncomfortable, he could only grow old. Honest answer: “I haven’t seen it.”

Black Shadow frowned, haven’t seen it?

Who is this old man? !

“Perhaps, just a sweeping old man!” Ao Jun said discouraged.

“You haven’t seen me, otherwise…” The black shadow left a cold sentence. When Ao Jun was about to answer, there was only a dead silence in the room. The black shadow was accompanied by the foul smell of blood. , Suddenly disappeared.

Ao Jun looked at the darkness in the room, nodded subconsciously, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If it weren’t for the blood on the ground still remaining, telling what happened before, Ao Jun even at this moment would feel that this was just a dream.

Everything disappeared too fast and too fast, people have to think so.

And at this time, somewhere.

In a stone house made entirely of stones, Qin Shuang closed his eyes subconsciously after being blown by the gust of wind. When he opened his eyes again, it was already here. The old man was gone. Although Qin Shuang felt Unfamiliar and fearful, but when she saw George who was weak because of the serious injury beside her, she hurriedly crawled to George’s side.

Seeing the large area of ”‹”‹blood on George’s chest and back, Qin Shuang suddenly panicked. Then, without hesitation, she took off her outer gauze, and violently tore it open, bandaging George’s wound.

Seeing George’s shocking wounds, Qin Shuang couldn’t help crying while bandaging.

She knew that he was not a member of the Demon Race at all, let alone a badass, he was still the original George.

She also knew that he would not be so unsympathetic to herself at all, and when she was in danger, he would still stand up, and even spare his life.

Since George’s accident, she has been silently insisting on her initial feelings for George, but this has also allowed her to embark on the whirlpool of public opinion, and has attracted countless criticisms. , But the unavailable cold goddess, became in people’s mouth, the slutty woman who betrayed her teacher because she was a waste, but did not want to eat.

This kind of different treatment can only be understood by those who have experienced it, and only by those who have been so high at the beginning and how painful it is to fall now. Especially, after Lushuicheng George got into the devil, these voices were even more passionate. And unpleasant, but Qin Shuang chose to endure silently.

And these patience, all ending, is that she has gradually been marginalized from the most respected disciple.

But now, she really wanted to shout out to all those who criticized her, George never lost her! !

Everything she has done is worth it! !

After bandaging the wound, in order to make George feel more comfortable, Qin Shuang sat cross-legged, resting George’s head between his legs, and looking at George on his legs, feeling and socializing for a while.

She wanted to remove the mask, even if she just glanced at him.

But she dare not!

Because she knew that George didn’t want to show others in his true colors, and even herself, there must be his reasons.

However, she didn’t know how many days and nights she missed, and she really wanted to see him.

When she tremblingly uncovered George’s mask, the familiar and unfamiliar face, but the handsome face deeply imprinted in her heart, appeared in front of her again, Qin Shuang could no longer control her. Emotions, crying out of tears!

Crystal tears dripped down her cheeks slowly.

When a teardrop fell on George’s face, George woke up!

Seeing Qin Shuang, George immediately lifted his head from Qin Shuang’s legs, and he shrank to the side, keeping a distance from Qin Shuang.

For Qin Shuang, George’s actions were undoubtedly heartbreaking.

“Did I…did something wrong?” Qin Shuangqiang asked pitifully, enduring uncomfortable heart.

“That night, when you were in the tent, you should have seen the woman next to me? She is my wife and my favorite woman in my life. Apart from her, I have no idea about any woman, including you. !” George said seriously.

Qin Shuang was heartbroken when she heard George’s words. Although, when she knew that George was a mysterious person, she had guessed that the woman might be George’s woman, but when George told herself personally At the time, she still couldn’t hide her sadness.

Especially George’s sentence including you, even made her heartache so hard to breathe.

Seeing Qin Shuang’s painful but forbearing appearance, George couldn’t bear it, but he also knew that he had to do this.

“By the way, where are we?” George tried to change the subject.

“Even if you have a wife, you shouldn’t… I mean, you have the right to dislike me, but you shouldn’t obliterate my right to like you.” Qin Shuang obviously didn’t want to avoid it, on the contrary, it was straighter White looked at George.

“I said, I am a member of the Demon Cult. If you like me, it will only cause endless trouble to yourself. You and I will not have any results. Why should you ruin your future?” Han Three thousand said coldly.

Qin Shuang’s tears couldn’t stop flowing: “That’s my business, you shouldn’t come to save me, let me die.”

“Even if you weren’t killed tonight, I will save it.” George said coldly.

In a word, Qin Shuang almost fainted. At this time, George gritted his teeth and stood up reluctantly. He didn’t want to get entangled with Qin Shuang here, opened the door, and when he was about to step out, the scene in front of him shocked him. Up.

Thousands of miles of continuous thin clouds, lightly under the house!

Chapter 1946

Seeing George leaving from the back, Qin Shuang fell weakly to the ground, crying bitterly.

She opened her heart for the first time and fell in love with someone, but she didn’t expect that it would end like this.

At this time, George stood blankly at the door.

He wanted to walk out of the house, but found that there was no open space at all under his feet, it was just a curl of white clouds.

The most important thing is that there is no wind at this time, but the white clouds are rushing under my feet, obviously…

This room is in the air, moving extremely fast at this time!

“This…this…” George was dumbfounded.

He really doesn’t know what is going on, then where is this…? !

“If the heart is free from clutter, and the sky is like wind, how can it get dusty?”

Just when George was stunned, there was a voice. I don’t know where it came from. George looked around, but there were blue sky and white clouds all around, so there were no figures.

“Senior? Is that you? Senior?” George remembered the voice, which was the old sweeping man in Cai Ao Jun’s house.

“Child, since you put it down, you have to learn to pick it up. If you want to get out of here, you should not have distractions.”

Upon hearing this, George nodded, thought for a moment, and smiled: “Senior, I understand.”

After speaking, George smiled slowly and took a fierce step forward. With this step, George suddenly stepped on the air, and his body suddenly fell.

Qin Shuang stopped crying when he heard the old man’s voice. When he looked up outside and was surprised, he suddenly saw George walking out. He got up from the ground in panic and rushed toward George desperately. But when she reached the door, George had already fallen straight down.

In front of him, there is a great sky, deep, and bottomless.

After gritting her teeth, Qin Shuang didn’t think much, she just jumped off, she had no thoughts, just wanted to save George.

At this time, George’s body fell crazily at an extremely fast speed, but he didn’t have the slightest worries, but slowly closed his eyes and felt it quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, he suddenly felt that his body was descending rapidly, and he didn’t feel any more falling. At this time, when he opened his eyes, he was no longer high in the sky, but a house similar to an underground palace.

At this moment, Qin Shuang behind him suddenly realized that not only did he not fall, but he walked flat on the ground.

“All beings are in the same state, the heart is in the same state, and the eyes are in the same state. Therefore, everything is in the same state, and everything is connected to each other. What you see is different because of different minds and different attachments.”

As soon as the voice fell, the two people’s eyes lit up again, and then they were now in a clearing.

Not far away, a tortoise in a bamboo house landed there. The old man I saw in Ao Jun’s room just now was sitting on the bamboo table under the eaves, making tea and pouring water, next to his broom, gently By the chair.

The two looked at each other suspiciously, and then walked over.

“Come here, you are all thirsty.” The old man smiled gently, very kindly, and then placed three cups, each filled with tea.

After holding the cup, George took a sip, and suddenly felt that his tongue was about to explode.

Qin Shuang also took a sip, which was bitter, but there was a hint of sweetness in the bitterness.

The old man smiled and looked at Qin Shuang: “Girl, are you suffering?”

Qin Shuang shook his head and nodded again. Although it was sweet, it was obviously more bitter.

“Bitterness, that’s right, but his cup is more bitter than you.” The old man smiled lightly, and then added tea to the two of them: “I don’t know what other people are doing, how can I know what others are suffering?! Girl, you are so persistent.

“And you, you are not as sweet as she is, how can you know the beauty of suffering and beauty.” The old man smiled at George again.

“Senior, what do you mean…” George said in a puzzled way.

“Old man, I’m just a sweeper. There is no predecessor who is not a predecessor, just as a bystander, expressing some thoughts, everything, if it is fate, then it will go with the fate.”

George nodded. At this time, what the old man said seemed to wake him up. From his point of view, he really did not want Qin Shuang to be the second Qi Yiyun because he thought Qi Yiyun was his own. Maybe the emotional world is a life of sadness.

However, for Qi Yiyun, it may be joy in suffering.

Qin Shuang, maybe so too.

Therefore, fate comes and fate dies.

“If there is no destiny, how can you be persistent? Young man, do you think it is?”

George nodded, sat down and glanced at Qin Shuang: “Sister, sit down.”

Qin Shuang was taken aback when he heard George’s words, but he was very happy in his heart. At least, this means that the distance between himself and George is a little closer.

“But girl, persistence is either good or bad. Some things may not have results. Although you can continue, you should not cause dust. Otherwise, it will only drift away.”

“If you don’t understand, look at it.”

As soon as the voice fell, a lion was chasing an antelope in the open space. The old man’s cup flicked. The lion fled hurriedly, but the antelope was able to save his life.

But the next second, the environment changed, and the lion was lying on the ground dying, looking pitiful.

Seeing this picture, Qin Shuang’s face was distressed.

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