His True Colors Novel Chapter 1775 – 1778

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Chapter 1775

The three of them hurriedly followed George Han and walked all the way from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor. Apart from the neatly arranged tables and chairs, the lobby on the first floor was empty and completely dark.

The quiet needle fall in the entire hall was audible, and it was a bit creepy.

From the inn, the four came to the street.

The night breeze was rustling, the fallen leaves were flying, and the whole street was completely shrouded in the night, with no entrance or end in sight.

A cold wind blew, Wang Simin’s frozen whole body shuddered, holding his arms, and said strangely: “Sick chicken, why are you taking us to the street? Why, go shopping, but I’m sorry, everyone is closed. , Let’s go back quickly, it’s cold to death.”

“Find someone.” George Han smiled, then walked quickly to the door of a family, and then looked at Wang Simin.

Wang Simin was taken aback, seeing what George Han meant was to let himself knock on the door.

“Knock, the master in this room will tell you the answer.” George Han smiled.

Wang Simin glanced at George Han, and walked to the door half-believingly. She felt like being tricked by George Han, but thinking of knocking on the door to find the owner and knowing the answer she wanted in her heart, she finally knocked.

Wang Simin’s hand even touched the door, and the whole person creaked and opened it gently. Inside was a small courtyard and three small houses.

The courtyard was pitch black and there was no light at all. Standing at the door, it was a bit gloomy. Wang Simin glanced at George Han: “No one!”

“You didn’t even go in to see, you knew no one was there? Scared?” George Han smiled deliberately.

Wang Simin suddenly snorted: “Cut, will this lady be afraid?” After speaking, he walked in a few steps.

However, the more he walked in, the more scared Wang Simin was. She was completely agitated by George Han and walked in with her scalp. The more she walked, the more scared she became. The courtyard was too quiet, and the quiet people panicked.

In fact, she is also a cultivator, theoretically she is not afraid of ghosts, but for some reason, she always feels guilty in her heart when she gets to this place.

Finally, he reached the door of the three houses. Wang Simin stood in front of the door for a long time. Finally, he closed his eyes and knocked directly on the door. However, like the outer door, the inner door was not locked. The door opened.

“Anyone?” Wang Simin shouted, then turned and walked back.

At the door, Wang Simin’s face returned to its previous arrogance, and said to George Han, “No one.”

George Han nodded, and led the three of them around to a room next to him, and his eyes were on Wang Simin again.

“It’s me again?” Wang Simin pointed to himself in surprise.

“I’m telling you, the dead chicken, it’s best not to play with Miss Ben, otherwise, you won’t be able to eat and walk around.” Wang Simin drank angrily. With the experience of the last time, Wang Simin was more courageous this time. Just walked in, and within a moment, she walked out and shook her head: “There is still no one.”

A few more rooms were connected, but the result was almost the same as the result in the first room. The door was unlocked and opened with one knock, but there was no one in the room.

When Wang Simin finished investigating the last room, he finally couldn’t help it. He stared at George Han angrily, with his hands on his hips: “Sick chicken, I tell you, don’t go too far, this lady’s tolerance is There is a limit! How many houses did you let me find in one night, and you said that there was an answer in each house. What about the answer?”

George Han smiled: “Actually, they have already given you the answer.”

Wang Simin was taken aback, the answer, what answer???

Qin Qingfeng said strangely at this time: “Three thousand, this is too weird, why is there no one in every room? Logically, there is no one on the street. They should also go home, but why Is there no one in this room?”

George Han said, “This was in my expectation. Follow me to a place and you will know why there is no one in the house.”

When Wang Simin heard this, he gritted his teeth angrily: “George Han, what the hell are you going to do?”

George Han ignored her and led the three of them towards the innermost part of the village. When the three of them stopped in front of a large building, Wang Simin was immediately puzzled: “George Han, you are going to die, let’s Why are you here?”

George Han smiled, got up and pushed the door open, and then strode directly into the middle of the big house, and on the big house plaque above his head, the word ancestral hall was written impressively.

George Han raised a spell, which immediately illuminated the entire ancestral hall, and suddenly the entire ancestral hall appeared in the eyes of the four people.

“Do you know where the people you were looking for just now went?” George Han looked at Wang Simin.

Wang Simin frowned and shook his head: “Where did you go?”

George Han smiled and pointed at the dense rows of gods in the temple, his eyes were like torches, and he said coldly: “They are all there!”

Hearing George Han’s words, Wang Simin looked fiercely, and his whole person was suddenly shocked. He looked at the densely packed gods in fear, and was completely speechless for a while.

They… he… they are all dead???

Chapter 1776

The three of them hurriedly followed George Han and walked all the way from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor. Apart from the neatly arranged tables and chairs, the lobby on the first floor was empty and completely dark.

The quiet needle fall in the entire hall was audible, and it was a bit creepy.

From the inn, the four came to the street.

The night breeze was rustling, the fallen leaves were flying, and the whole street was completely shrouded in the night, with no entrance or end in sight.

A cold wind blew, Wang Simin’s frozen whole body shuddered, holding his arms, and said strangely: “Sick chicken, why are you taking us to the street? Why, go shopping, but I’m sorry, everyone is closed. , Let’s go back quickly, it’s cold to death.”

“Find someone.” George Han smiled, then walked quickly to the door of a family, and then looked at Wang Simin.

Wang Simin was taken aback, seeing what George Han meant was to let himself knock on the door.

“Knock, the master in this room will tell you the answer.” George Han smiled.

Wang Simin glanced at George Han, and walked to the door half-believingly. She felt like being tricked by George Han, but thinking of knocking on the door to find the owner and knowing the answer she wanted in her heart, she finally knocked.

Wang Simin’s hand even touched the door, and the whole person creaked and opened it gently. Inside was a small courtyard and three small houses.

The courtyard was pitch black and there was no light at all. Standing at the door, it was a bit gloomy. Wang Simin glanced at George Han: “No one!”

“You didn’t even go in to see, you knew no one was there? Scared?” George Han smiled deliberately.

Wang Simin suddenly snorted: “Cut, will this lady be afraid?” After speaking, he walked in a few steps.

However, the more he walked in, the more scared Wang Simin was. She was completely agitated by George Han and walked in with her scalp. The more she walked, the more scared she became. The courtyard was too quiet, and the quiet people panicked.

In fact, she is also a cultivator, theoretically she is not afraid of ghosts, but for some reason, she always feels guilty in her heart when she gets to this place.

Finally, he reached the door of the three houses. Wang Simin stood in front of the door for a long time. Finally, he closed his eyes and knocked directly on the door. However, like the outer door, the inner door was not locked. The door opened.

“Anyone?” Wang Simin shouted, then turned and walked back.

At the door, Wang Simin’s face returned to its previous arrogance, and said to George Han, “No one.”

George Han nodded, and led the three of them around to a room next to him, and his eyes were on Wang Simin again.

“It’s me again?” Wang Simin pointed to himself in surprise.

“I’m telling you, the dead chicken, it’s best not to play with Miss Ben, otherwise, you won’t be able to eat and walk around.” Wang Simin drank angrily. With the experience of the last time, Wang Simin was more courageous this time. Just walked in, and within a moment, she walked out and shook her head: “There is still no one.”

A few more rooms were connected, but the result was almost the same as the result in the first room. The door was unlocked and opened with one knock, but there was no one in the room.

When Wang Simin finished investigating the last room, he finally couldn’t help it. He stared at George Han angrily, with his hands on his hips: “Sick chicken, I tell you, don’t go too far, this lady’s tolerance is There is a limit! How many houses did you let me find in one night, and you said that there was an answer in each house. What about the answer?”

George Han smiled: “Actually, they have already given you the answer.”

Wang Simin was taken aback, the answer, what answer???

Qin Qingfeng said strangely at this time: “Three thousand, this is too weird, why is there no one in every room? Logically, there is no one on the street. They should also go home, but why Is there no one in this room?”

George Han said, “This was in my expectation. Follow me to a place and you will know why there is no one in the house.”

When Wang Simin heard this, he gritted his teeth angrily: “George Han, what the hell are you going to do?”

George Han ignored her and led the three of them towards the innermost part of the village. When the three of them stopped in front of a large building, Wang Simin was immediately puzzled: “George Han, you are going to die, let’s Why are you here?”

George Han smiled, got up and pushed the door open, and then strode directly into the middle of the big house, and on the big house plaque above his head, the word ancestral hall was written impressively.

George Han raised a spell, which immediately illuminated the entire ancestral hall, and suddenly the entire ancestral hall appeared in the eyes of the four people.

“Do you know where the people you were looking for just now went?” George Han looked at Wang Simin.

Wang Simin frowned and shook his head: “Where did you go?”

George Han smiled and pointed at the dense rows of gods in the temple, his eyes were like torches, and he said coldly: “They are all there!”

Hearing George Han’s words, Wang Simin looked fiercely, and his whole person was suddenly shocked. He looked at the densely packed gods in fear, and was completely speechless for a while.

They… he… they are all dead???

Chapter 1777

How is this possible?

When I knew the sky, I saw them with my own eyes. How could I die?

Qin Qingfeng and Xiao Tao were also both scared and unbelievable at this time.

“Young Master Han, don’t make a joke about this.” Xiao Tao said a little scared.

“Yeah, three thousand, those people are fine during the day, and we have all seen them, and we can all be sure that they are human, not like ghosts.” Qin Qingfeng said.

George Han smiled, got up and walked in front of the spiritual position, and then glanced at the spiritual position without saying a word.

The three of them looked at him puzzledly, what are they doing?

Soon, George Han looked cold, and then pointed to a spiritual position in the corner of the seventh row. The three of them looked around and were shocked.

“Woyou Village, the spiritual position of Cheng Niu!”

“This…Is this the second person in that shop?”

“How could this be?!”

George Han’s face was blue, and he was right!

George Han is not sure about the answer tonight. Everything is just speculation. He also needs facts to prove it. Since entering Ding last night, he suddenly felt strangely peaceful and he had noticed that it was wrong, especially Wang Simin once said that they went upstairs. At the time, the shop Xiaoer still had half of his things left unpacked, but after only a few words, the downstairs was silent.

Coupled with a series of things today, it made George Han vaguely feel that this is strange and weird, until Wang Simin reminded himself of the clothes, it made George Han suddenly think that maybe the people on both sides are not in the same world.

Only this kind of explanation can explain these weird and weird things perfectly.

And there is another point that supports these explanations, that is, Qin Qingfeng slaughtered this place back then. Three years later, there was a busy and prosperous city, which was impossible.

So, everything is an illusion, or they have entered another virtual world!

“Summer clothes, summer melons, even no one knows Xiaotao, but Xiaotao clearly exists here. All of these have already shown that we and them are not in the same world, but in the same space. That’s it.” George Han said.

It’s like two parallel lines suddenly intertwined. Except for the intersections where each other intersects, other places are still separate worlds.

“You mean that Wuyou Village is where this meeting point is?” Qin Qingfeng frowned.

George Han nodded.

Wang Simin seems to understand: “So in this place, we are always at odds with them, but many times we have intersections with each other, which makes us feel that some of them are not right, and some are right. This also makes us feel Very strange place.”

George Han nodded: “That’s right, so I have been guessing what their world is like, related to the unusualness of last night, and when we came to the village chief in the ancestral hall, we saw so many spiritual places here. , All makes me suspect that what they call the world may actually be a world of wronged souls.”

Qin Qingfeng nodded heavily. Up to now, he also agrees with George Han’s statement, because although three years ago, he was not sure whether he killed all the people in the village, but one thing is certain is that he did not kill. Few people.

George Han’s words are the most consistent with all the explanations of that period of history. Wuyou Village was not prosperous at all, but it was slaughtered and turned into a more withered situation.

Even, none of them survived. Instead, they gathered here and became a concentration camp of resentment.

Thinking of this, Qin Qingfeng couldn’t help lowering his head. When he first came here, seeing the excitement here, he thought that this place had been restored to its original state, and the guilt in his heart was reduced a lot. But now, he has to be heavier.

Because obviously, his debt is heavier.

Little Tao looked at George Han with joy: “Young Master Han, you are so smart, you can also think of that.”

Hearing Xiaotao’s compliment, Wang Simin glanced at George Han disgustedly: “It’s just a beating.”

“Miss Simin, if Han Gongzi can think of subtle things so thoroughly, how can he just behave in a crooked way? It’s all because Han Gongzi is smart.” Xiaotao has never liked to argue with people, but she must Stand firmly on George Han’s side.

Because George Han was able to piece together all kinds of tiny fragments into an extremely large and complete event, relying on this observation and powerful thinking ability, people have to sigh.

Wang Simin was about to speak. At this moment, the entire ancestral hall was shaken. Then, the ancestral hall fell apart and the roof collapsed.

George Han hurriedly transported the energy, covered the four people, and looked at everything outside the cover coldly.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the entire ancestral hall fell completely, and the dust rose up for a while. After a while, the dust cleared. In front of George Han, there was no ancestral hall. Looking around, there was darkness, four people. Where it is, it is a wasteland.

At this time, the yin wind blows, making people shudder.

Wang Simin subconsciously squeezed George Han’s arm sleeve with his hand and looked around in panic. But unlike Wang Simin, it was Qin Qingfeng.

Compared with them, Qin Qingfeng’s fear at this time is truly written on his face and engraved in his heart.

Because here, it is the place that he lingers in his nightmare.

Seeing Qin Qingfeng’s pale face and trembling body, George Han almost didn’t need to ask, and knew that this place must be the place where Qin Qingfeng slaughtered the villagers back then. That’s why he was so frightened and afraid!


Suddenly, at this moment, a miserable roar suddenly came out in the night, and a figure slowly crawled out of the wasteland in the distance.

Then, more and more, in all directions with George Han as the center, countless figures climbed out from the ground. They squatted, carrying axes, big knives, etc., and their mouths exuded oooooooo. Towards the four, slowly approaching!

“This…” Wang Simin was shocked.

“It’s the undead of Wuyou Village!” George Han said sternly. After speaking, he glanced at Wang Simin. “I am in charge of the front and you are in charge of the back.”

Wang Simin nodded, drew out the long sword from his back and leaned back against George Han’s back.


With the roar of an undead in front, hundreds of undead suddenly accelerated and attacked directly.

Wang Simin drew his sword to meet the enemy, and George Han also directly drew the jade sword and attacked the undead.

The war is about to start!

But these undead army seems to never live or die. With every cut, they are instantly shattered, but they are regrouped instantly. As time goes by, the two of them not only did not kill even one undead, but instead allowed the undead to advance completely. People are completely surrounded!

Chapter 1778

“Sick chicken, it won’t work anymore!” Wang Simin shouted anxiously.

Hundreds of undead completely squeezed into a huge encirclement, tightly surrounding the three out of the four.

George Han gritted his teeth, the power of the Dragon Heart in his body is really poor. The only way is to use the mysterious power before the coma, but it has been temporarily settled at George Han’s dantian. Know what the consequences will happen if you use it rashly.

If it were still running rampant, George Han would undoubtedly face the enemy in front and back, which was extremely dangerous.

But this is the only chance.

“Step aside!”

George Han’s expression became cold, and then he forced the mysterious force in his body, which was a lot of dreams. What George Han wanted was a one-shot kill.

Therefore, he directly urged the mysterious power to awaken the Pangu Axe, and then, on George Han’s forehead, the golden seal of the Pangu Axe suddenly shined, and the whole person’s body instantly burst out with a golden breath.


The golden light swept across like light, and when the undead touched it, they would be wiped out instantly, turning into dust.

Wang Simin couldn’t think of looking at George Han, who was wearing golden light at this time. At this time, George Han looked like a sick chicken, but he was more like a god of war, dressed in golden light, looking around.

Looking at the undead who were so exhausted that they could not kill them, but in front of George Han, Wang Simin’s face suddenly turned red!

Thinking of how he looked down on him before, but now he is trying to save everyone, Wang Simin can’t wait to find a place to get in.

It now appears that when George Han was not a sick chicken, he was very manly, and he was pretty good.

But when Wang Simin’s heart was first moved, George Han frowned at this time. He was both excited and very anxious. The excitement was that Pangu axe still couldn’t use it, but it just woke up slightly. The energy radiated is so invincible, how can it not be exciting?

If you could use him, what power would it be?

But what was anxious was that the stubborn mysterious power was like a bison being awakened, and once again, it was completely uncontrollable and madly rushed in the body.

If it continues like this, George Han will really be killed by it.

But the enemy is currently, George Han has to rely on it!


Suddenly, at this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in the darkness. Then, he leaped forward and slowly walked out. Almost at the moment when he came out, the fierce undead suddenly turned light and shadow. ,Disappear.

George Han hurriedly collected all the energy, forced the chaos in his body, and coldly looked at the people in front of him.

The man was covered in black cloth, and he couldn’t see what his figure was or what he looked like.

“Boy, let me ask you, what is the golden light on your body,” the person said coldly.

George Han frowned: “Who are you again?”

“Me? You can’t control this, I just ask you, what kind of magical weapon is on your body!” Come to humanity.

George Han didn’t know whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend, but most of him still thought it was the former, because obviously, he might be the leader of these undead legions. “What does it matter to you?”

“Of course it’s my business!” He said anxiously. Then, after thinking for a while, he answered George Han’s question: “My name is Xu Hai.”

“Xu Hai?” George Han glanced at Xiao Tao, saw her eyes wandering, knowing she didn’t know her, but Qin Qingfeng suddenly frowned, “Your father is the head of Wuyou Village, Xu Furong?”

Hearing Qin Qingfeng’s words, the visitor obviously took a step back in a panic, and said in shock: “How do you know my father? You…who are you?”

Qin Qingfeng suddenly bowed his head in regret, he really didn’t know how to answer.

George Han said at this time: “So, you are also a villager in Wuyou Village? Okay, then I will answer you. The magic weapon in my hand is what you think.”

“Pangu Axe?” The visitor suddenly raised his head. In fact, when he saw Qin Qingfeng’s reaction, he was already full of murderous aura, so after confirming the identity of the other party, George Han simply admitted that he was straightforward. , But also temporarily resolve Qin Qingfeng’s crisis.

George Han did not answer, but his attitude has already explained everything.


The visitor suddenly knelt on the ground, the black cloth on his head covering his face, his hands that propped up his body trembled slightly, and there was a bit of sorrow but a quiet cry in his mouth.

“Father… Pangu’s legacy, my child is finally finished.”

After speaking, he raised his head violently, and the black cloth on top of his head fell off instantly. Under the moonlight, under the black cloth was a head without a face, just a layer of skin on it, looking terrified.

Wang Simin and Xiao Tao were immediately frightened by his appearance, their bodies couldn’t help but back up a few steps, and tightly grasped the clothes on George Han’s back.

“All come out.” He shouted.

Suddenly, countless undead climbed up from the ground again, but unlike before, they slowly knelt down in front of George Han!

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