His True Colors Novel Chapter 1751 – 1754

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Chapter 1751

Amelia Su looked cold: “I will never do anything to betray George Han, remember, always! If I choose to do this, what is the meaning of you and Fu Mang?”

Amelia Su’s words clearly understand that everyone is a cooperative relationship. If the other party can’t help, then this cooperation has no value.

Fuli naturally understood what Amelia Su meant, and was about to speak. At this time, there was a hustle and bustle at the entrance of the lobby, and Fuli quickly drew away and left quietly.

In the main hall of the Fu clan, Futian returned happily. When he heard that the patriarch had returned, a group of senior executives from the Fu family, regardless of age, hurriedly greeted the hall.

At the front door, Futian asked a young man three steps and one request. The young man was handsome, well-dressed and extraordinary.

Behind him, there were twenty middle-aged people dressed in weird clothes, one by one, all in awe, helping his family hardly need to think about it, knowing that these people are not young.

Entering the courtyard, Futian shouted loudly and cheerfully: “Come here, have tea, and watch the seats.” Then, he made a respectful gesture of invitation.

The young man nodded lightly, looking at Fujia’s senior executives standing on both sides, his eyes full of disdain.

“Everyone, let me give you a grand introduction. This is the third son of Immortal Sea, Ao Yi.”

Upon hearing this, the Fu’s executives suddenly smiled, and even more so, they started flattering on the spot.

“It turns out that this is the famous third son of the Immortal Sea. It’s really not as well known as meeting. The third son is really a talent.”

“That’s not the case, the third son is handsome and looks like a dragon and a phoenix!”

“San Gongzi, when you are a guest at our house, please be casual and treat Fujia as your own home. Don’t be polite.”

The people in Fujia were very happy, and the three sons of the Immortal Sea had all come, which also showed that Futian’s purpose of this trip had been achieved, and Fujia’s hopes for the future were rekindled.

Futian was also very happy. Despite the twists and turns in the immortal waters, he finally reached a cooperation.

In fact, Futian, the steward of the Ao family, was so succumbed that day. He thought he was going to see the patriarch of the Immortal Sea, and he would have to suffer in the future. But the result was unexpected, and the cooperation was very smooth and the negotiation was concluded.

Of course, the price and the bargaining chip are not without. The Fu clan pays taxes and gifts to the immortal sea every year, which is equivalent to bowing to the immortal sea in the way of serving.

However, this is what Futian is willing to accept. After all, this is only a formality, and the Fu clan is nominally independent.

Facing everyone’s flattery, Ao Yi smiled lightly, walked to the top of the hall, and sat down on the leftmost position.

A group of Fujia executives was taken aback, because the position where Ao Yi was sitting was basically the head of the family, the head of the family. Obviously, it is impossible for Ao Yi to grow up in a big family like the Immortal Sea without understanding the etiquette of the host and the guest. He did this, showing that it was intentional.

In the presence of everyone in the Fu family, Fu Tian was a bit unable to get off the stage, and said with a grin: “Three young masters, this is your seat.”

Ao Yi waved his hand impatiently: “Hey, stop talking nonsense, I just like to sit here, didn’t you guys also said it, whatever, then I’m very casual.”

Futian felt angry, but he could only smile awkwardly, and sat down on the guest seat, which made the main hall of the Fu family a bit strange for a while. The guest sat in the main seat, but the host sat in the guest seat. Who is it for?

Isn’t this very ironic?

“Meier, come here.” Futian said with a strong smile at this moment.

Fu Mei nodded, walked to the main hall, saluted, and glanced at Ao Yi quietly, pretending to be a gesture for a while.

“The Third Young Master is here to help our family. We may live for a long time. You and I will serve the Third Young Master for a long time with the four golden flowers of our family. Don’t neglect, you know?”

Fu Mei suppressed the excitement in her heart: “Yes! Fu Mei must be good for serving the Third Young Master.”

Although Ao Yi is unhappy, she looks good, and most importantly, Ao Yi is the third son of the Immortal Sea. If she can get along with him day and night, with her own appearance, she would not believe that he is not hooked.

Once on the hook, for Fu Mei, she flew on the branch and became a phoenix. Although she is not as capable of gestating true gods as Amelia Su, she can still help her family and even the entire Bafang world by virtue of her name as a wife of the immortal sea. Famous everywhere.

At that time, how will Amelia Su compete with herself?

She can also step on Amelia Su!

Fu Mei raised her eyes and found that Ao Yi was also looking at herself, and her eyes were obviously seduced by her own beauty, and her heart suddenly became even more proud.

Chong Ao Yi smiled softly, and Fu Mei stepped aside.

“Okay, it’s very well arranged, Futian, it’s not too early, I’m going to rest.” Ao Yi was very satisfied with Futian’s arrangement and finished happily, but his eyes looked at Fumei’s golden light, and he got up. To go.

If the color is bright today, how can there be any rest? Obviously, what he called rest meant something else.

Chapter 1752

Fu Mei smiled lightly and waved, and the four beautiful maids walked in slowly from the outside of the hall door.

Each of these four women has its own beauty, each with its own style, delicate, tender, sexy, sexy, and lovely.

Ao Yi’s straight eyes cast golden light, and her big hands kept rubbing, making her look anxious.

“In spring, summer, autumn and winter, you send the third son back to the room first.” Fu Mei ordered softly.

Ao Yi was taken aback, obviously a little disappointed, but this disappointment only lasted for a short time, because the four golden flowers of Fu Jia really got the title, each of them was beautiful and moving, which made Ao Yi very Can’t hold it.

Fu Mei knows the hearts of the people and deliberately caught Ao Yi’s appetite. She understands that the more things he can’t get, the more he wants to get it, and the higher her bargaining chip. If it is easier for him to get it, she will only Was quickly abandoned.

When Ao Yi left with his group, someone suddenly said with a cold face and dissatisfied: “Patriarch, this third son Ao is too presumptuous, right? What does he think of our Fu clan? He can sit in the position of the patriarch. ?”

“Yes, patriarch, although my Fu clan does not have a true god, it was once one of the three big families. Ao Yi is so rude and damned.”

A group of executives were filled with righteous indignation, but when Ao Yi was here just now, they accompanied each other with smiles, and no one dared to say anything.

After all, these old guys, without the true god, are still unwilling to withdraw from their previous roles.

“Hu Luo Pingyang was deceived by a dog, who told us that the Fu clan had no true god? If there is, who dares to be so presumptuous? So in the final analysis, it is Fu Yao’s fault.”

“That’s right, if it weren’t for Fuyao to follow the route we had set, why would we come from the Fu clan.”

At the same time, these people still have a common problem, that is, it doesn’t matter if they can’t get out of it, and they often like to put the responsibility of not working hard on others.

Futian waved his hand, and then sat back on the main seat again, looked at all the executives, and said with a serious face, “Speaking of Fuyao, has George Han been here during the time I left?”

“Patriarch, George Han has not been here. We have also checked the records of Tianmen, and there seems to be no difference,” someone reported.

“Hmph, how dare George Han’s trash come to us to help the family and save people? It’s estimated that this tortoise will not know which corner of the Xuanyuan world is hiding tightly!”

“Fuyao is really stupid, and it’s a laugh to count on that trash to save her.”

“I heard that she still vomited blood today, I guess she was pissed off by herself.”

A group of executives sneered and said that they all hated Amelia Su. If it weren’t for her, their helper executives could still dominate the world in all directions.

It is not surprising that Futian, this is also in his own expectation, he knows how dare George Han’s trash come to the world.

The news of Amelia Su’s execution is actually more of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If George Han can be forced to show up, he will naturally be so happy, but if not, it’s okay, at least it can deter Amelia Su and let her That heart died to George Han.

It is Futian’s most ruthless means to kill and punish the heart.

“Has Amelia Su still changed his mind?” Futian said coldly.

The executives shook their heads.

“Huh, what an ignorant idiot. My Fu family made her lose her face. She really thought that she didn’t want to, and I couldn’t help it? If she was toasting and not eating fine wine, Then don’t blame the old man for ruining the flowers, it’s hard!” Futian said coldly.

Seeing Futian getting up angrily, Fumei hurriedly seized the opportunity: “Patriarch, I will go with you.”

While Amelia Su was sitting in the house, Futian had already led Fumei and a few executives directly into the door.

“Fuyao, the third son of Ao has arrived at the mansion. This means that Immortal Sea is willing to help us. If you are willing to follow my arrangements and plans, once the marriage is successful, we will be equivalent to two big families behind us. The family will rise soon.” Although Futian was very angry, he chose to temporarily suppress his anger.

Amelia Su snorted coldly: “What does the rise of the Fu clan have to do with me?”

“Asshole thing, as the Fu clan, how can you say such shameless words?” an executive suddenly shouted angrily.

“Now, our Fu clan has no true god, do you know how much we are looked down upon, and no one will give us face? Fuyao, stop clinging to it.”

“I earn the face by myself, I have never heard that I need to rely on others.” Amelia Su said coldly.

Then, she glanced at Futian, and said coldly: “If you have anything to say straight, why bother?”


Suddenly, at this moment, Fu Mei slapped Amelia Su’s body with a slap. Then, she smiled without a smile, her eyes were full of mockery and condescending expressions: “Fuyao, this is for peace Is the patriarch’s manner of speaking? What? Really think you can’t do without the help of the family? I tell you, it’s okay if I help Mei with me!!!”

Chapter 1753

Fu Mei’s confidence in saying this comes from Ao Yi, who has just arrived in Fu’s home. She believes that she can win Ao Yi. Ao Yi’s eyes have explained everything. Moreover, she is also very confident in herself.

Therefore, in her heart, Amelia Su has begun to be no match for herself, she is the best woman in the Fu clan.

Touching her face, Amelia Su looked at Fu Mei coldly: “Fu Mei, this is your second slap on me. Amelia Su swears, I will make you double the return!”

Fu Mei smiled coldly: “I’m waiting for you.”

Futian was very happy with Fumei’s slap and smiled and said, “Fuyao, doesn’t it feel uncomfortable to slap a slap? In fact, you could have been a sedan chair from the sky. Everyone in this Fu family respects you and loves you. I dare to disobey you, and even if you follow my plan, in the future, in this world of all directions, no one dare to offend you. For the waste of a blue planet, why bother?”

“Yeah, Fuyao, you’re pretty self-willed. Be obedient. You have to do it for the Fu clan.”

“The patriarch has talked to you over and over again, it is enough to give you face, you have to know what is enough to stop.”

Amelia Su sneered coldly, and didn’t bother to talk to them at all. It was just for her own benefit, and Amelia Su couldn’t get any good impressions of people who had no regard for her.

“Well, if you have to force me, you can.” Futian snorted, then walked out of the house angrily.

Once outside the house, Futian said to Fu Mei in a cold voice: “If you are free, come and see Fuyao. In addition, give her the energy medicine. After a month, I will ask the other party to come and use the strong one in person, no matter what she wants. I don’t want to, I have to swoop into the true god.”

Fu Mei sneered coldly. The so-called more come and see, naturally Futian allowed herself to abuse Amelia Su, which just met Fu Mei’s vengeful heart.

People are really refreshed at happy events. First, there was Ao Yi, and now there is Amelia Su who can be abused. Fu Mei felt excited that the day to help her family seemed to have come.

And within the Void Sect.

After a day and a night of searching, the Void Sect gradually developed from Lin Mengxi with dozens of disciples to thousands of disciples. He also searched the area of ”‹”‹the Four Peaks where George Han had fallen, including the Void Region, but George Han was like The world has evaporated, and there is no news.

Along with the missing person, there is the little chef of Sifeng, Xiao Tao.

In the middle of the night, it rained heavily.

On a small hill a hundred meters away from the vegetable garden of Sifeng, Qin Shuang knelt in front of a new grave with beautiful hands full of mud and blood. In front of the grave, stood a simple wooden stele with a few carved on it. Big characters: Tomb of George Han.

Under the heavy rain, Qin Shuang remained unmoved, just kneeling like this, kneeling…

At this time, in a cave, outside the cave, two flying horses, one large and one small, were quietly hiding under the big tree, waiting for the end of the heavy rain.

At the cave, it was pitch-black almost invisible.

George Han’s corpse was lying there quietly, Xiaobai and the green-eyed jade python both transformed into their bodies, and together with the missing Xiaotao, they stood by his side. The wounded Linlong leaned against the corner of the cave, panting heavily. With roughness.

Just now, he and Silong almost fought their lives, and now they are almost collapsed.

But even so, Linlong was still full of murderous intent. He was not reconciled. If it weren’t for the short time he had returned to the world, the heart of the dragon clan had not been greatly supplemented. Otherwise, today’s Void Sect would be full of blood.

“Senior, can he still save it?” Linlong finished speaking, and the whole dragon threw angrily on the stone wall, banging loudly.

“Blame me, if I prevent him from returning to the world of all directions, he won’t be like that. I’ll all be blamed for what nihilism has brought him to face such great danger!”

“It’s not to blame you, if it’s to blame, blame me.” Xiaotao cried and shook her head: “If it weren’t for my broom star, Young Master Han would not die. It was me. I killed him.”

“This has nothing to do with you. Blame it, all the beasts of Wu Wuzong, who killed my apprentice, I, Zhu Ying, will make them pay for it.”

“A bunch of people who claim to be righteous all the time, but in the end they do things that are not as good as beasts. I yeah, Wuwuzong, will never die!”

Inside the cave, Zhu Ying, who had been silent, said angrily at this time.

After the war, when George Han’s body fell, the big Pegasus that had attacked George Han broke through the sky and brought George Han’s body to the ground. After that, a group of people came together and came to Ciyun Cave.

Zhu Ying is the master of the world of George Han. For Linlong, it is the safest place for George Han. Therefore, they came here.

“No, Senior, it’s all Xiao Tao’s fault. Tao has been a lone star since childhood. Everyone who treats Xiao Tao well has no good end. Do you know? The night Xiao Tao was born, my grandparents and father My mother suddenly died suddenly. Even the village that helped me died out in a disaster. Gongzi Han, because he helped me yesterday,…that’s why I was wronged!” Xiaotao was sad. Crying.

What she said was the fact that almost anyone who was good to her could not escape death in the end, so she naturally thought that George Han’s death was also caused by her.

“You said, good people, why is there no good reward? God, it’s really unfair!” Xiao Tao cried.

Zhu Ying laughed and said: “How can a good person get rewarded? You need to know that no matter how evil things are, evil is not a human heart! How can a good person survive this greatest danger? Therefore, it is not that a good person has no reward. , But the wicked are too evil, and the good can’t wait for the day when the reward is good!

After speaking, Zhu Ying slowly walked out of it. When Xiaotao saw Zhu Ying’s true face, she couldn’t help being shocked. Since entering to the present, she has been staying next to George Han’s body. I thought there was someone in the cave, but I didn’t expect that Zhu Ying was a human and a ghost.

Zhu Ying looked at George Han on the ground, and then asked Xiaotao to help him up, and then directly facing George Han’s back was a burst of energy. When she was shaking her head and sighing, Zhu Ying suddenly found George Han’s There was an axe mark on his forehead. Although it was fleeting, it was too bright in the dark.

Zhu Ying gently pushed Xiao Tao away, and the whole person simply sat cross-legged on George Han’s back, directly with more energy coming in, but this time, George Han did not respond.

At this moment, Zhu Ying suddenly frowned, grabbed Xiao Tao, and then poured energy into it. Sure enough, George Han’s forehead slowly lit up that little mark!

“It’s weird, how could this be?” Zhu Ying was very puzzled and looked at Xiao Tao in disbelief, and almost at this time, the tattoo on Xiao Tao’s arm began to light up slightly.

Chapter 1754


Zhu Ying saw this, and the whole person was even more confused. Xiao Tao and George Han had one arm and the same brain. Why would the mark light up whenever there is energy to stimulate?

What is the relationship between the two???

“Senior, one thing, George Han has a Pangu axe in his body!”


Upon hearing this, Zhu Ying was shocked, Pan Gu Axe? King of all tools???

“How is this possible? Pangu axe is the number one divine weapon that opened up the world. Except for the great god Pangu, under the world, he can control it during his lifetime. Even the true god doesn’t bother to recognize the lord. How can he recognize George Han as the lord?” Tao.

Linlong smiled bitterly: “Although I can’t understand it, this is the truth, but unfortunately, even though Pan Gu Axe recognized him as his master, San Qian has been unable to comprehend the power of it.”

After a moment, Zhu Ying nodded: “No wonder when I passed the gong to George Han, I always felt that there was a strange and very powerful force in this kid. It turned out to be Pangu axe.”

Speaking of this, she suddenly raised her head and laughed: “It’s worth it. My apprentice of Zhu Ying turned out to be a person with a Pangu axe. It seems that God, I still haven’t forgotten Zhu Ying!”

“Then this little girl’s body…? Is it possible that there are two Pangu axes?” Zhu Ying frowned when she thought of this suddenly.

Then, she and Linlong blurted out almost at the same time: “Could it be that Xiaotao is a descendant of Pangu?”

“Ah? I’m a descendant of Pangu?” Xiaotao was taken aback when she heard this.

“I understand, I must have injected energy into George Han’s body just now, so that the Pangu axe in George Han’s body that fell asleep because of George Han’s death was awake, and when Xiaotao touched George Han, Pangu Axe sensed her existence, so the situation just now appeared!” Zhu Ying suddenly wanted to understand.

Linlong nodded excitedly. This is how things should be. Only in this way can we perfectly explain the phenomenon just now: “That is to say, three thousand he is saved?”

Zhu Ying shook her head: “My life’s skills have basically been passed to George Han. Even if Xiaotao is there, I can’t do anything to awaken Pangu axe.”

“Senior, aren’t we here? If it doesn’t work, there are thousands of strange beasts in the forest of beasts.” Lin Long said.

“A strange beast in the forest of beasts?” Zhu Ying was taken aback.

Linlong barely squeezed a smile: “Don’t you know, George Han’s pet, Xiao Bai, is actually the Beast King of the Forest of Beasts.”

“Beastmaster?” Zhu Ying looked at Xiao Bai incredulously.

Zhu Ying suddenly couldn’t help but let out a long wry smile, what’s the situation? Inexplicably accepting an apprentice, I wanted to think that he had some fate, but I stayed here and couldn’t get out, wasting his cultivation base, but wherever I wanted to, he accepted an apprentice who was full of treasures.

The Pangu axe is a weapon, and the Beastmaster is a spiritual pet. Zhu Ying really felt that all the suffering of staying in this kind of cloud for half a life was gone in an instant. She thought that she might wake up with a smile when she fell asleep.

This is clearly a treasure.

“Let’s not say that he is the disciple of my old mother. Even if it’s not, my mother will scold him for the 18th generation of the ancestor of the nihilism. If you put such a big treasure, you can’t cherish it, and you still mark it like this? George Han, don’t worry, you, master Even if I lose this old life, I will save you and make him regret to hell!” Zhu Ying snorted and stood up.

At this time, Shen Xuzi, who was far away in the sky, suddenly sneezed.

“Little Dragon…”

“It’s Linlong!” Linlong said awkwardly.

“Whatever, I don’t know your name anyway. You asked a few high-level strange beasts in the Forest of Hundred Beasts to come over. In addition, a few of you dragons also help.”

“it is good!”

After the order was completed, in less than half an hour, Silong had quietly led a few high-level strange beasts into the cave. According to Zhu Ying’s request, seven of them were selected, united with the five dragons, and the sky Kun’s formation, after everything was ready, the twelve beasts faced George Han’s corpse, Xiao Tao and George Han sat together.

As Zhu Ying drank all his life, the twelve beasts lost all the energy in the body to George Han.

A warm light shrouded George Han’s body, and the Pangu axe mark on his forehead began to slowly appear at this time, turning from weak to full, and the green mark on Xiao Tao’s body gradually glowed with a strong light.

After half an hour, except for the Linlong, almost all of the twelve beasts were pale, sweating like rain, and the long-term energy output, even the high-end strange beasts were completely overwhelmed.

On the other hand, George Han, although the imprinted light on his forehead exists, after a short period of glory, it gradually faded.

The King of Ten Thousand Weapons is indeed the king of Ten Thousand Weapons, and if you want to wake it up, Zhu Ying knows that this is far from enough just by relying on the energy of the twelve high-rank beasts.

Zhu Ying gritted her teeth, looked around, and chuckled softly: “Little dragon, in the future, remember to help my old lady blow more outside, saying that George Han is the old lady Zhu Ying’s apprentice.”

After speaking, Zhu Ying smiled sullenly, and suddenly slapped a palm on her stomach. For a moment, with the black blood in her mouth, a golden golden body also flew out!

“Senior, don’t!”

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