His True Colors Novel Chapter 175 – 178

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Chapter 175

Jiang Tao walked up to George Han with a smile at the right time, and said with surprise, “Oh, I just watched a garbage sorting program recently. You should have been a dry garbage, but now you have been spilled alcohol, right? Is it wet garbage?”

“Jiang Tao, what kind of rubbish is wet or dry? Isn’t it just a pile of rubbish?” the man said with a mockery.

George Han wiped off the drink on his face. Facing the two who mocked him, he said lightly: “Give you a chance, kneel and apologize to me.”

The laughter of the two stopped abruptly and looked at George Han incredulously.

“Let’s apologize? I heard it right?” Jiang Tao deliberately digs his ears, suspecting that he has auditory hallucinations.

“What the hell are you, let us apologize to you. You don’t even know what the place is, just get in?” the man said loudly.

Such movement quickly attracted the attention of others. Most of the people present knew Jiang Tao, so in their eyes, George Han was like a jumping clown.

“Now these incompetent guys are getting less and less eye-catching. They got into the party and even dared to offend Jiang Tao. Isn’t this looking for death?”

“Maybe it was a new move these guys came up with. The sword went slant. It deliberately caught our attention.”

“Hehe, just this kind of rubbish, what can we do if it attracts our attention, can it be in our circle?”

Some disdainful voices sounded in the crowd. They all regarded George Han as the second generation who got into the party.

Some women even showed a strong contempt after looking at George Han.

The fact that these women can participate in the party is not how high their status is, but that they can please the rich second generation here because of their flesh. To put it ugly, they use their bodies to exchange the glamour and beauty of the moment. Each of the famous brands is exchanged for sleeping with you.

“Jiang Tao, he told you to kneel down, you won’t just let it go.”

“With your temper, Young Master Jiang, don’t beat him up yet and perform for us.”

“Yes, if you dare not even fight this kind of waste, I will look down on you.”

The crowd began to booze.

Jiang Tao was driven to the shelves by the duck, and he couldn’t retreat even if he wanted to.

Originally, he didn’t intend to make too much noise at Kong Wu’s party. But now with so many eyes watching, if that’s the case, where will his face be? If this matter is spread out, you still can’t be seen as a joke.

“Shabi, you are unlucky today. Since everyone is so high in Yaxing, how can I let them down.” Jiang Tao said to George Han with a grim face.

He stretched out his hand and greeted George Han with his fist.

The crowd started crying and howling, as if they were cheering Jiang Tao.

These elder brothers of them are never too big to watch the excitement, and in their eyes, it is just a rubbish, and how much noise can be made, right should be to add some stimulus to the party.

The noisy sound suddenly stopped.

Because George Han grabbed Jiang Tao’s fist, everyone was stunned for the first time seeing that George Han had not been beaten.

But after a while, the noise continued.

“Jiang Tao, what are you doing? Don’t beat this trash to the ground.”

“You can’t even beat this kind of garbage, it’s a joke.”

“Is anyone willing to help Young Master Jiang? It seems that Young Master Jiang can’t fight this rubbish.”

Hearing these words, Jiang Tao’s face became extremely ugly, but no matter how hard he tried, his hands were dragged tightly and he couldn’t get them back.

“Trash, you f*cking let me go.” Jiang Tao gritted his teeth.

“I said, I only give one chance.” After saying that, George Han kicked out like lightning and kicked Jiang Tao on the knee of Jiang Tao’s left leg.

With a crisp sound of bone cracking, Jiang Tao’s left leg was bent backwards abruptly, showing a scalp-numbing arc.


“This…this is. Did he kick Jiang Tao off his leg?”

“f*ck! Who is this guy who makes his shot so cruel.”

The expressions of all the onlookers changed drastically, and the person standing next to Jiang Tao had a feeling of soft legs, because he was among the people present and heard the sound of the broken bones most clearly.

Jiang Tao yelled in pain, and a heart-piercing pain came from his left leg when he lowered his head and saw the condition of his left leg. His eyes widened with fright.

“You… you fucked broke my leg!” Jiang Tao said to George Han in horror.

“It’s just a leg, what are you worried about.” George Han showed a devilish smile on his face, and then kicked again.

Jiang Tao fell to the ground, his right leg bent backward again. Shows a strange arc that makes people unable to speak.

This time, those who watched the excitement no longer changed their faces, but all had scalp tingling.

They directly scrapped Jiang Tao’s legs, and they never dreamed of it. It was George Han who knelt down in front of Jiang Tao to apologize, but now it is Jiang Tao who suffered such a tragic end.

“And you.” George Han didn’t seem to want to stop there, turning his head and said to another person.


Many people took a sigh of relief, and it was not enough for Jiang Tao’s legs to be abolished, and they even had to attack another person.

Who the hell is this guy, is he really the trash that got in?

Didn’t he know that today’s party is Kong Wu’s home court? Are you afraid of Confucius’s responsibility for making trouble here?

The man heard what George Han said. His legs were so frightened that he knelt directly on the ground.

“Sorry, sorry, I just did what Jiang Tao said, it has nothing to do with me.”

“You can say sorry, but I won’t forgive you.” George Han stood up and kicked the man’s face.

The man’s face suddenly became bloody.

People who saw this scene. They all felt incredible.

The shot is too ruthless, they have never seen such a ruthless peer, and they are so reckless!

George Han stepped forward, stepping on Jiang Tao’s face with his right foot, and said: “Remember what I said, if my car is damaged at all, you’d better think of a compensation plan that satisfies me. “

Jiang Tao’s heart trembled, and the car had been hit beyond recognition. But before the crash, he didn’t know that George Han was so cruel.

“I’m going to kill you, do you know who Jiang Tao is in Basin City? How dare you treat me like this.” Jiang Tao said.

“It doesn’t matter who you are. The important thing is, Basin City, there is no one I can’t afford.” George Han smiled faintly.

The girls who despised George Han before, after hearing this sentence. They showed obsessive expressions one after another, this is what a man should say.

No matter if he is bragging or really capable, at least at this moment, his image is as majestic as a mountain, making people feel a suffocating strength!

After hitting two guys who didn’t have long eyes, George Han looked at the other people. Just now, these guys were often advocating on the sidelines.

“You, anyone else has an opinion on me?” George Han asked faintly, wherever he looked at, all those people lowered their heads, and no one dared to face George Han’s eyes.

What is called waste?

What is called garbage?

In the entire gathering, there were more than twenty people, and they were so crushed by the aura of George Han, there was no one who retorted it.

They all saw Jiang Tao’s end in their eyes. Although they didn’t know who George Han was, who would like to fall on them with such consequences and bad luck?

Don’t worry, after Kong Wu comes forward, he will naturally teach this guy, anyway, it is not their protagonist tonight, why bother to take this trip into the muddy water?

“This is the upper-class circle you pride yourself on?” George Han said mockingly when no one dared to talk to him.

“Kong Wu is here!”

“Kong Wu is here? Are you here.”

“Brother Wu, Brother Wu.”

“Someone was making trouble at your party and interrupted Jiang Tao’s leg. You came at the right time, so hurry up and teach this arrogant fellow.”

Everyone who didn’t even dare to breathe, after seeing Kong Wu, they found their confidence one by one and pointed at George Han angrily.

Kong Wu just squatted into a big squat and didn’t know what was going on. But when he heard what those friends said, he looked at Jiang Tao’s situation in front of George Han, shaking his whole body and hurriedly moved towards George Han. Go.

Those people’s faces showed arrogant expressions again, and Kong Wu came forward, can this guy show his true shape immediately?

Chapter 176

“Brother Wu is here, let’s see how he ends up.”

“This guy dared to make trouble in Brother Wu’s place, he is dead.”

“Damn, if this wasn’t for Brother Wu’s place, I would have come forward to teach him.”

“Yeah, this kind of rubbish, if it weren’t for Brother Wu’s face, I could also teach him.”

The person who dared not speak, said brazenly at this time, and the arrogant expression on his face made no secret of it. It’s like they can trample George Han under their feet.

But these people, how can they understand Kong Wu’s desire to die at this moment?

It was hard to invite George Han, but this kind of thing happened because of a large size. If Kong Wu had known this would happen, even if he was suffocated, he would not go to the bathroom.

While everyone was waiting for Kong Wu to teach George Han, Kong Wu walked to his side, bowed his head directly, and said, “Brother Han, I’m sorry.”

“This is the party you invited me to?” George Han said lightly.

Kong Wu shivered with fright. With a pale face, he said, “Brother Han, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that such a thing would happen.”

Among the crowd watching the excitement, those who were talking big words with an arrogant expression on their faces instantly seemed to be frozen, and their hearts were overwhelmed by shock.

Kong Wu!

Even Kong Wu has to sigh in front of him!

Jiang Tao’s legs were broken. Kong Wu not only didn’t avenge Jiang Tao, but he also apologized.


The hearts of those people suddenly collapsed like the Yellow River burst.

Who is this guy? Kong Wu actually bowed his head in front of him.

Those who were talking big words before, regretted that their intestines were all blue.

I was so quick to speak for a while, but I didn’t expect the face slap to come so quickly.

If even Kong Wu dared not provoke this person, what would they be?

“You’d better let people go out to see my car, if my car is damaged at all. You and them…” George Han stopped.

Kong Wu was so frightened that he didn’t know what had happened, but with Jiang Tao’s temperament, it might have caused a catastrophe.

A good party, a great opportunity to establish a relationship with George Han, did not expect to be ruined by Jiang Tao.

Kong Wu sullenly, walked to Jiang Tao, gritted his teeth and asked in a cold voice: “Jiang Tao, what have you done to Brother Han’s car!”

Jiang Tao was still in pain, but the fear in his heart was even stronger.

This person, being able to suppress Kong Wu’s head, is an offense.

The Audi car was not only damaged at all, it was almost scrapped by him!

“Brother Wu, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know that he is your friend, please help me.” Jiang Tao, a big man with his nose and tears, cried like a maiden.

Heard this sentence. Kong Wu’s heart sank to Ice Valley, and it was clear that Jiang Tao had done something irreversible.

He kicked Jiang Tao fiercely in the face, and Kong Wu wished to kill this guy with no eyesight.

“Jiang Tao, you f*cking killed me, what qualifications do I have to be Brother Han’s friend?” After speaking, Kong Wu stepped on Jiang Tao’s stomach.

Jiang Tao’s desperate and painful cry echoed in the courtyard.

Everyone present was in cold sweat at the moment, and no one thought that the outcome of things would be like this.

This unfamiliar face was not only because Kong Wu dared not provoke him, but obviously his status was higher than that of Kong Wu.

Could it be that they belong to the heavenly family?

However, Kong Wu called him Brother Han. Obviously he did not have the surname Tian, ”‹”‹but they really couldn’t think of anyone else in Basin City who deserved to be feared like Kong Wu besides Tianjia.

At this time, there were already cowardly people kneeling on the ground, making atonement for their arrogant words just now.

“Brother Han, your car, I will replace you with a new one. As for these two people, you can solve it whatever you want.” Kong Wu said to George Han.

Jiang Tao has been abandoned, but the other person only hurt his face. Hearing Kong Wu’s words, he knelt down at George Han in horror, and kept kowtowing: “Brother Han. I was blind. I made a mistake, I can give you anything, please let me go.”

George Han sighed, a good party, inexplicably, became like this.

Jiang Tao’s leg is dead, and there is no need to pursue it any more, and Kong Wu has no loss when he compensates for a new car.

“You shouldn’t have invited me.” George Han said to Kong Wu, and then walked outside the clubhouse.

Kong Wu knew that although this matter was resolved, his chances of developing a relationship with George Han in the future would become very small, and all this was messed up by a fool like Jiang Tao.

“Starting from today. Jiang Tao is my enemy of Kong Wu, and you, if anyone dared to reveal anything about tonight, Kong Wu will never let it go.” Kong Wu said to everyone.

Although there was no chance to establish a relationship with George Han, Kong Wu didn’t want this incident to be known by the people of the Heavenly Family. If Tian Linger knew that he upset George Han, the entire Kong family would be dragged down.

When he came to the parking lot, George Han couldn’t help showing a wry smile when he saw his car hit beyond recognition.

That fellow Jiang Tao is really cruel. No more Porsches.

“How about, I have reminded you a long time ago, you are not qualified to park here, don’t believe me, now regret it?” The waiter walked to George Han proudly. Continue to say: “Jiang Tao is a real rich man. Millions of Porsches don’t care. You are nothing.”

George Han shrugged and said, “Hundreds of thousands, it really hurts.”

The waiter looked at George Han with contempt. This is the gap between rich people. People don’t even care about Porsche, but he feels distressed for an Audi.

“Who told you not to listen to advice? This is what you asked for. You deserve it.” The waiter said.

“En.” George Han nodded undeniably. Since the car can no longer be driven, he can only walk home.

After George Han left, the waiter smiled and sighed and said to himself: “There are so many people who don’t know what is good or bad now. If you don’t listen to me, this is the end.”

After a while, an ambulance stopped at the entrance of the clubhouse, and the waiter looked puzzled, but Kong Wu had left the clubhouse tonight, how could an ambulance suddenly come?

Could it be that what happened inside?

While the waiter was thinking, Jiang Tao was lifted out on the stretcher, and he was dumbfounded.

This is Jiang Tao, how could he be injured for no reason, and it seems that he was hurt badly!

Kong Wu calmly walked to the waiter. Asked: “Where is that Audi?”

The waiter was taken aback, and quickly said: “Brother Wu, the car is still in the parking lot.”

“Take me over.” Kong Wu said.

The waiter was a little puzzled, how could Kong Wu care about a broken Audi that was crashed and scrapped.

Taken to the parking lot, Kong Wu took a deep breath when he saw the crashed Audi. The degree of damage to this car was the relationship between him and George Han.

“Brother Wu, I have warned that guy. Tell him not to park here, but he doesn’t listen to me.” The waiter said to Kong Wu.

Kong Wu sneered coldly and kicked the waiter’s belly. He was angry, and the waiter still said this. Isn’t it a fight?

The waiter looked dazed and didn’t even know why he was beaten.

“You’re just a f*cking waiter, even those who drive Audi look down on it. What kind of car do you drive? Is there a car here that has anything to do with you?” Kong Wu said coldly.

The waiter did not understand why Kong Wu was angry, but this situation. Just apologize: “Brother Wu, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“In the eyes of rubbish like you, is the only big person driving a luxury car?” An angry Kong Wu, no matter who the Cayenne next to him is, kicked up to vent his anger.

Seeing Kong Wu leaving the back, the waiter clutched his stomach, stood up with difficulty, his head echoed the words of Kong Wu just now, and suddenly he stood on the spot as if he was struck by lightning.

Are only the people who drive luxury cars big people?

The waiter suddenly looked at Audi, his expression terrified.

Could it be… Could it be that the person just now was the real big shot?

Jiang Tao was injured, it might have something to do with him too!

Thinking of his previous attitude towards him, the waiter suddenly felt like he was left behind.

Even Jiang Tao was beaten into the hospital. What qualifications does he have to show off in front of him?

Chapter 177

Mountainside Villa.

As the Dragon Boat Festival approached, Lily Jiang received many phone calls from her hometown asking when she would go back this year. During the period, those relatives did not mention George Han because they thought Lily Jiang would not take George Han with him. In three years, George Han only went back once. The relatives in Lily Jiang’s family knew that he was a waste, so they didn’t care about George Han at all.

But Lily Jiang, those relatives especially want to see this year. After all, Amelia Su is now a high-ranking person in the company, and all of those relatives want to seek benefits from them.

Amelia Su also received a call from her cousin Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan was a little older than her, and talked about a boyfriend with good family conditions. Because of this, she often showed off in front of Amelia Su and compared her boyfriend with Amelia Su.

Amelia Su knows Jiang Wan’s personality, so every time she mentions these topics, Amelia Su is very perfunctory.

“By the way, when will you get home for the Dragon Boat Festival, I will let Liu Zhijie drive to pick you up. He just bought a new car this year. You can just give it a try. Even the seats are made of leather. You may not know these. What does it feel like sitting in the car, really comfortable.” Jiang Wan said with a smile.

Amelia Su smiled helplessly and said: “We may drive back, so we don’t need your boyfriend to pick it up.”

“Hey, so far, how tired it is to drive, and your car. What if it breaks down halfway?” Jiang Wan pretended to be worried. In fact, the old car in Amelia Su’s family was too dilapidated.

“Cousin, don’t worry, we just changed cars, how could it break down.” Amelia Su said.

Changed car?

Jiang Wan was a little unconvinced. I have long heard that Amelia Su is doing well in Su’s company. It seems to be true, but even if I change the car, what good car can I change?

“That’s it, that’s okay, when you come, I will take you to Liu Zhijie’s house to see. They built a foreign-style Villa in the country for two million, and they are far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, compared to resorts with those scenic spots Even better.”

Between the lines, they were all showing off, Amelia Su felt helpless. At this time, George Han came back, Amelia Su was a little surprised, didn’t he go to Kong Wu’s party? How come back so soon.

“Cousin, I won’t tell you anymore, let’s talk when I return to my hometown.” Amelia Su said.

“Okay, you come back early. Play for two more days, Bin County is different now, there are many interesting places.” Jiang Wan smiled triumphantly, she guessed that Amelia Su must be envious, so she didn’t want to talk more with her.

But after Amelia Su went to Bin County, she still had many opportunities to show off, so Jiang Wan was not in a hurry.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Wan said to Liu Zhijie beside him: “Since I was a child, I like to compete with Amelia Su for winning or losing. Now that I find you, she can’t compete with me for the rest of my life.”

After speaking, Jiang Wan Xiaoniao snuggled in Liu Zhijie’s arms.

Regarding the Su family, Liu Zhijie heard Jiang Wan talk about it a lot, especially the wimpy named George Han. Every time he mentioned him, Liu Zhijie would laugh and make his stomach hurt.

“Your cousin married to this kind of trash, how can you fight with you? Don’t worry, when she comes this time, I will definitely give you a face and let her know the gap with you.” Liu Zhijie smiled.

“Well, but, she is my cousin after all, so she still has to save her some face. I don’t know if that wastefulness will come. If he comes, you don’t need to give him face. This kind of wastefulness doesn’t need face.” Jiang Wan said.

Liu Zhijie nodded triumphantly. He is a young handsome man, and now he is also the boss of his own business. The company is not big, but the annual profit is also a lot, enough to step on the waste of eating soft food.

Amelia Su can probably guess Jiang Wan’s thoughts and predict what will happen after returning to Binxian, but she doesn’t care.

Walked to George Han and asked, “Why did you come back so early, didn’t you go to the party?”

“I went, but it’s not interesting, so I’ll come back early.” George Han didn’t dare to tell Amelia Su what happened at the party, because Amelia Su asked him to make friends, but in the end he obviously had no friends. And it can’t be said that there will be more enemies.

“How could it be meaningless? Kong Wu’s gatherings of the rich second generation must have been attended by rich brothers. There are a lot of beautiful women.” Amelia Su said.

This is a woman!

George Han clearly heard a hint of cynicism in her tone, but Amelia Su obviously asked him to go to this party.

“This…I am not sure.” George Han said.

At this time, Lily Jiang hung up and said with a dissatisfied expression: “All the relatives made the phone calls, but your uncle’s family didn’t even have any news. It’s really annoying.”

Jiang Guangguang’s family borrowed 200,000 yuan, but lost the money before they got home. The family of three was so angry that the family of three has not been relieved so far, of course it is impossible to call to care.

Although they didn’t plan to pay back the money at the beginning, they were afraid that Lily Jiang would mention it.

“Mom. Don’t you know who the uncles are? He wants you not to go back now. He must be afraid that you will pay him back.” Amelia Su said.

Lily Jiang also knows this truth. Although the family has money now, there is no shortage of that two hundred thousand. But now I think about the cost of 200,000 for a breath, I still panic.

“No, this time I go back and I have a chance to pay them back. This is 200,000 yuan,” Lily Jiang said.

George Han smiled, Jiang Guangguang’s family of three are rascals, and let them pay back the money. Isn’t this a foolish dream?

Fortunately, the two hundred thousand were not spent by them, and George Han was still able to accept it.

“I’ll go back to my room and rest.” Amelia Su didn’t want to worry about these messy things, she has been busy enough recently.

George Han saw a trace of fatigue between Amelia Su’s eyebrows. Asked: “What’s wrong? Did Harry Su embarrass you?”

“It has nothing to do with him, and he doesn’t dare to embarrass me now. The manufacturers that cooperate with our company have had some headaches recently, but it’s not a big deal, I can solve it.” Amelia Su said.

Hearing what Amelia Su said, George Han didn’t ask any more, after all, Amelia Su himself needs to grow up, and he can’t rely on him to accomplish everything.

Early the next morning, after the two had a morning run. Amelia Su didn’t ask George Han to send her to the company, so George Han returned home by himself.

Although He Ting does all the cooking and laundry work now, George Han also does some when he is bored.

When I went to the room and looked at the sheets, it was almost time to change them. Only then did George Han realize that the red line on the sheets was gone!

Has this changed the sheet?

George Han was not sure, but he did something enough to make Amelia Su collapse.

In order to prevent Amelia Su from thinking too much, George Han manipulated the needle and thread, and even sew the red thread again!

I don’t know how Amelia Su will feel when she sees this situation when she returns home.

Su’s company.

Soon after Amelia Su arrived in the office, Harry Su, the chairman of the board, arrived. And he went straight into the office without knocking on the door.

“Amelia Su, have you not solved the manufacturer’s troubles? When is this, Chengxi is still waiting for building materials? Do you know how much loss to us if the construction period is delayed for one day?” Harry Su questioned his attitude towards Amelia Su. Said.

trouble. In fact, it is a matter of money. Several manufacturers feel that the Su family can make a lot of money on the Chengxi project. They naturally hope to take the opportunity to get more oil and water, but the maintenance of the Chengxi project requires a lot of funds. If the manufacturer raises the price, it will be a very large expenditure for the Su family, and it will satisfy them for the first time, and there will be a second and third time in the future, so this matter makes Amelia Su very distressed.

“I have made appointments with the bosses of several manufacturers, and I will meet this afternoon, hoping things will go well.” Amelia Su said.

“Hope?” Harry Su smiled coldly and said: “Amelia Su, how can you get things done with such an attitude, I warn you, this is a group of wolves who are not fed enough, and you can’t give them more. Do it yourself.”

Amelia Su took a deep breath and said: “You are the director of the company, of course you have the final say, but if they no longer cooperate with us, you have to figure out a solution yourself.”

Chapter 178

Amelia Su’s words irritated Harry Su, but he originally intended to use this matter to make things difficult for Amelia Su, so he had such a violent reaction.

Angrily said to Amelia Su: “Amelia Su, you have always been in charge of the Chengxi project. Do you say this now that matches your current identity?”

“Harry Su, are you expecting me to leave or do you want me to retire?” Amelia Su asked calmly. She had expected Harry Su to find a way to target her, so it wasn’t a surprise.

Mention this issue. Harry Su gritted her teeth even more. How could she have such a position in the company if she hadn’t relied on the cooperation with weak water real estate.

“Amelia Su, don’t be complacent. Weak Water Real Estate cannot always value you. When they know that you are not competent enough, they will naturally let you go.” Harry Su said.

“You can try, try to let Zhong Liang replace me, dare you?” Amelia Su said.

Harry Su was so angry that he vomited blood, if he had the guts to try. I’ve tried it a long time ago, so how come you talk so much nonsense with Amelia Su?

From the experience of the previous two times, Zhong Liang’s attitude was very determined, so Harry Su did not dare to act rashly.

“Amelia Su, wait and see for me. On the day you regret it, it’s useless to kneel down on me.” Harry Su said.

Amelia Su sorted out the information in her hand, glanced at Harry Su nonchalantly, and said, “Nothing else, please go out. Don’t disturb my work.”

Harry Su turned angrily and left, closing the door with a loud bang.

Amelia Su sighed. It doesn’t make any sense to compete with Harry Su to win or lose. Now she is facing the issue of several manufacturers.

Although Harry Su was suspected of making things difficult for her, what Harry Su said. It is not unreasonable to raise prices for manufacturers so easily. If this happens again in the future, is it possible to raise prices again and again?

In the afternoon, Amelia Su left the company and rushed to the teahouse where he had agreed to meet with the manufacturer.

After arriving at the place, none of the people in the appointment box showed up. Amelia Su knew they were putting on airs on purpose, so she ordered a cup of tea and waited quietly.

It wasn’t until more than two hours later that the owner of the manufacturer was late and came together. Obviously, they had an appointment together.

“Miss Su, I’m so sorry, I’m late.”

“Recently, there have been many cooperations, and many companies want to sign cooperation with us. It’s really a bit hard to get away.”

“Now the market situation of the construction industry is getting better and better, and we manufacturers can finally make a fortune.”

Several people entered the box. Just a triumphant boast.

The few people with big bellies and the secretaries around them are all tall beauties with big long legs and proud busts, and the attitudes of the secretaries are all high.

“Miss Su, I’m not afraid to tell you the truth. If the Su family cannot raise the price for us, several of our companies will terminate the cooperation at the same time. If you want to bring a lawsuit against us for breach of contract, you are not afraid. I have already consulted a lawyer. This lawsuit It’s not a problem to delay for three to five years. I don’t know if the Su family can afford it?” Kang Ling, as the biggest boss of several companies, has a strong voice, so his words basically represent the attitude of other companies.

“Chairman Kang, the Su family has been cooperating with you for so many years, and you also know that the Chengxi Project requires a huge investment in the early stage. Don’t you just talk about this kind of sentiment?” Amelia Su said.

“Affection?” Kang Ling shook his head disdainfully: “In this world, who still talks to you about love, money is the most important thing. If you have money, you can do things well. If you don’t have money, let me kill you. Is it a fool?”

“Yes. I heard that the Su family only borrowed one billion yuan. It would not be too much to raise the price for us. It is the Su family who makes the most of the money. We are just a fraction of the money. If Miss Su’s small request cannot satisfy us, , What else is necessary for cooperation?”

“I have the same attitude. I came today not to discuss with you, but to ask you for a clear answer.”

Amelia Su’s head was as big as a fight, and she thought she could still discuss it, but she didn’t expect that these people had colluded long ago. With such a firm attitude, there was obviously no room for negotiation.

“Several bosses, our chairman said, raising prices will definitely not work. But I have a way, I don’t know if you can accept it.” Amelia Su said tentatively.

“Except for money, no other talks.”

Kang Ling looked at Amelia Su, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said: “Miss Su, your husband is a wasteful man. I heard that for so many years, he hasn’t let him touch you. It feels uncomfortable. “

Amelia Su heard this. His face suddenly sank, and he asked: “Mr Kang, what do you mean by this?”

Kang Ling said with a smile: “What do I mean, you should understand, after all, everyone is an adult. If you are willing, this matter can be discussed.”

Amelia Su gritted her teeth, she was here to talk about cooperation, not to betray her body.

“President Kang, please be respectful. Cooperation is a good thing for both parties, please don’t insult me.” Amelia Su said.

“Insult?” Kang Ling said coldly: “If you think I insult you, then stop talking about it today. Do you really think I can’t live without the Su family? Now there are many companies willing to cooperate with us, and the Su family is a fart .”

“Kang Ling, when there was an economic crisis in your factory, Su Jia pulled you a hand.”

“The old lady of the Su family is dead, and are you still going to turn over the old accounts? This is useless to Kang Ling. The businessman only cares about the profit. And you should be clear about the current situation. The Chengxi project is suspended for one day, and the loss will be great. , And it’s hard for you to explain to Weak Water Real Estate. What does a little money count?” Kang Ling said.

A little bit of money is really nothing, but Amelia Su knows that these people will definitely make money, not just a price increase request.

Seeing that Amelia Su didn’t speak, Kang Ling’s mind started to haunt her again.

After all, Amelia Su is a famous beauty in Basin City, and Kang Ling is also curious whether she has not been touched by George Han after three years of marriage. He wanted to verify it personally.

If you can make use of this matter to let Amelia Su go to bed with him, it will make a lot of money.

“Amelia Su, you can think about it and sleep with me. As long as I’m happy, maybe…”

Before Kang Ling had finished speaking, a cup of tea was poured on his face.

Amelia Su was extremely angry and gritted her teeth and said, “Kang Ling, who do you think of me.”

Kang Ling wiped off the tea on his face and stood up with sullen eyes. He grabbed Amelia Su’s hair and said, “What the f*ck, you’re just a woman, dare to be wild in front of me. Don’t think that you have a bit of beauty, I can’t bear to destroy the flowers, I just want to see if you are It’s not just a place, Tsundere what?”

Amelia Su’s scalp was sore that she struggled and said, “Kang Ling, let me go. Let go of me quickly.”

Kang Ling smiled grinningly and said: “How about, I’ll open a room tonight, you accompany me, don’t worry, in your capacity, I will definitely book the best hotel in Basin City.”

“Don’t think about it, let me go.”

Kang Ling let go and Amelia Su fell directly to the ground.

“Women are guilty, you f*cking pretend to be a white lotus with me, in the end, you are not asking me to cooperate with you.” Kang Ling said.

Amelia Su touched her aching scalp and said in a deep voice, “I don’t believe in the entire Cloud City. No one can cooperate with me except you.”

When Kang Ling heard this, he smiled triumphantly. The reason why he dared to be so arrogant is that he has capital. Now in Basin City, several manufacturers have reached an agreement with him, and he is the largest manufacturer. There is no way to compare with him.

Even if Amelia Su found a small manufacturer, how could he afford the entire city west project?

“Amelia Su, when did you figure it out and when you came to me, it’s actually not difficult for you, just one leg. This kind of cheap thing is not so easy to find.” Kang Ling said.

Such remarks were a great insult to Amelia Su, saying: “Kang Ling, don’t regret it, the Su family can save you, and you can step on you again.”

“I’m waiting, don’t let me down. I really want to try what it feels like to be stepped on by the Su Family. It’s really scary.” Kang Ling said with a mocking tone.

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