His True Colors Novel Chapter 1703 – 1706

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Chapter 1703

Therefore, the patriarch of the immortal sea area deliberately ignored him after learning that Futian had come to visit him, and suddenly gave him some hope when he completely lost his patience. But this hope is the hope that completely destroys Futian’s dignity.

The immortal waters turned passive into active, and it must be said that it is a good game.

At this time, Futian was completely suppressed by the steward Ao Yong, and he wanted to reach cooperation with the Immortal Sea even more urgently, completely entering a passive situation.

“The true god at the top of the Blue Mountain is the strongest of the three gods. Believe this, Manager Ao knows it very well, right?” Futian said.

Ao Yong nodded. This is an indisputable fact. After all, Xuanyuan World was created by the top of the Blue Mountains.

“Nowadays, the top of the Blue Mountain is already clearly supporting another big family under its own power. Simply put, the top of the Octagon world is now the war between you and them. But the world and you and I know that, The top of the Blue Mountain is the most likely to win the big win family, how to stand in the team, everyone knows well.” Futian said. “If the Immortal Sea does not give the hope that the world sees, I believe that in the near future, most of the forces in the Octagonal World will be on the top of the Blue Mountain, and at that time, the Immortal Sea will be embarrassed on all sides.”

“So what? Does the top of the Blue Mountain really scare us in the eternal sea, don’t forget, we have a true god in the eternal sea.” Ao Yong laughed.

“A true god is indeed invincible in the world of Bafang, but no matter how strong the true God is. Facing the siege of another true god leading the world of Bafang, is there a chance of winning?” Futian said softly.

Ao Yong naturally knew this truth, the strong would not pity the weak, and as long as the blue mountain top dominated the world, he would not let the immortal seas go.

This is also the fundamental reason why Ao Yong is willing to come to talk.

Seeing that Ao Yong did not refute, Futian said with a serious face: “Although the Fu clan has no true god, we still have the future star of Fuyao. If the eternal life clan can join hands with us, the three clans will stand together in the future. At that time , We are partners, we can continue to maintain the status quo, or be exclusive.”

Exclusivity naturally means excluding the top of the Blue Mountains!

“But I heard that Fuyao doesn’t seem to want to be a true god, and you can’t control her, Chief Fu.” Ao Yong smiled.

Futian didn’t think so: “Fuyao is the Fu clan after all. Even if she doesn’t want to follow the instructions, she is also a member of the Fu clan. Secondly. If she is really difficult to discipline, I can recreate Fuyao.”

“So, your condition is. The Fu clan will become our subordinates in the immortal sea area, right?” Ao Yong said at this time.

In fact, he had already thought about everything before coming, and he also knew the current situation of the three major families and how to go next. Cooperation with the Fu clan was their best choice.

However, he must make the Fu clan obediently obey the immortal clan.

Futian gritted his teeth. This of course was not what he wanted to see, he just wanted to make an equivalent transaction, and the Immortal Family would help and support himself. After the Fu clan’s strength grows up, they will once again divide the world. Then they can help the immortal clan more. At most, they are the master and their own supplements, and the blue mountains are the last!

But Ao Yong’s condition is. Let Fu Shane be their pawn, subordinate, this is the two concepts of complete union and slavery.

“Manager Ao. If you really don’t want to cooperate with us, we can take refuge on the top of the Blue Mountain.” Futian got up, and was about to leave.

Both sides have their own abacus, Futian can give up face and the immortal sea area peace talks, even without dignity, but he can not let the Fu clan have no interests. Otherwise, what is the significance of what he did as the patriarch?

“As the chief of the clan, how could he act so impulsively? Since you don’t want to be our eternal subordinate. Then let’s change the way.”

“Let’s talk about cooperation. Since it is cooperation, I want to know what benefits the immortal family can get?”

“It depends on your needs. As long as it is not too much, I can help someone to do it.”

Ao Yong smiled lightly: “Okay, I can go back to report the matter to the patriarch and let him finalize the details with you. However, the patriarch and his elderly are very busy. If I report this matter, I will not be able to discuss this matter. Ao Yong can’t afford it. , In other words, Patriarch Fu must show your sincerity. Let me believe in you.”

Futian was taken aback: “Director Ao Yong, what do you mean?”

Thinking of this, he quickly took out a few top quality materials from his bag and put them on the table: “Manager Ao Yong. Is this sincerity enough?”

Ao Yong laughed: “If you want to say that Patriarch Fu is the chief of the great clan, he is really a smart person, and it’s all right. But on the face of it, Patriarch Fu is sincere enough, what about it?”

After speaking, Ao Yong slowly raised his foot, turned his foot to Futian, and smiled disdainfully: “My shoes are a bit dirty.”

Futian’s face suddenly looked filthy, but after hesitating for a moment, he squatted down and was about to raise his hand. Ao Yong smiled: “Patriarch Fu has misunderstood. I don’t want you to pat it clean, but to lick it clean.”

Chapter 1704

Hearing this, Futian’s whole body was trembling slightly. A dignified patriarch of the Fu clan asked him to lick the shoes of a district chief. This is going to be spread out, where is the dignity?

“Since the patriarch Fu is not sincere. Then please.” Ao Yong sneered, got up and walked outside the door.

“Wait.” Futian’s complexion turned blue, and his anger hit his soul. He glanced at Ao Yong, walked quickly, closed his eyes, and licked hard against Ao Yong’s upper.

“Haha, hahahahaha!!!” Ao Yong laughed loudly. Leaving with a wild laugh.

Futian punched the ground viciously, his heart full of anger, but he could only send out this anger in private.

Leaving the inn, Ao Yong was in a good mood. Of course, he did not expect the Fu clan to give in completely with just one cooperation. This is just the first step in their cannibalization of the Fu clan. One day, the Fu clan will never have their dignity before the immortal clan.

Completely reduced to their slaves!

“Go, go back, report to the patriarch and arrange our second step.” Ao Yong smiled coldly, and walked quickly toward the eternal patriarch hall.

At this time, in the ruined temple!

“Destiny is heaven and earth, vast and prosperous, the earth seizes the white tiger, the moon is like blood!”

Shenxuzi’s whole body is full of golden light. The entire temple was illuminated by George Han’s golden light, and the powerful aura made Shen Xuzi feel exceptionally fulfilled.

Obviously, this is not excess, but a kind of absorption of energy.

That’s right, he needs George Han’s energy to supplement his remnant soul power!

After a day and night of replenishment, the remnant soul of Shenxuzi has reached the most sufficient critical point.

Shen Xuzi let out a sigh of satisfaction, and looked at George Han: “Master, enough.”

George Han’s whole body was sweating like rain, and his face was even paler. His uninterrupted exercises made him consume a lot, but the innocent George Han didn’t know Shenxuzi’s little abacus, and he was always very serious about “Super Duty”. “Revenant.

At this time, he put away the phaseless magic, and his whole person suddenly collapsed to the ground.

“Master, are you okay?” Shen Xuzi saw George Han tired. Feeling a little guilty in my heart, he hurried forward and asked.

George Han shook his head: “I’m fine, where’s the golden body of the Beast King?”

Shen Xuzi nodded. He stood up, made a strange gesture, and said a spell in his mouth. Suddenly, George Han felt that the mountain was shaking, and at the same time he hurriedly got up, at this time, the temple also began to collapse.

The dust was flying for a while, and Qin Shuang and Linlong, who were outside the temple, noticed an unusual movement. At this time, they also hurriedly stood up.

After the dust passed, the temple was no longer there. In front of George Han, there was a large pile of graves, above the pile of graves. There is a red long sword.

The sword fell into the soil for seven points.

“Three thousand!” Seeing George Han standing there, Qin Shuang’s worried eyes were finally replaced by joy, and he walked quickly towards George Han.

The temple had collapsed and all the forbidden curses had disappeared, and Qin Shuang soon came to George Han.

“Below the Demon Suppression Sword is where the Beast King’s golden body is. But once the Demon Suppression Sword is pulled out, the demon energy accumulated on the Beast King’s gold body will instantly leak out and go straight to the sword.”

at this time. Shenxuzi also reappeared again.

Seeing Shen Xuzi, Qin Shuang suddenly became nervous, and George Han shook his head at her, indicating that it was all right.

George Han continued to ask: “What will happen then?”

“I don’t know what will happen, maybe, you will die. Maybe, you will be fine.” Shen Xuzi embarrassed.

This is something Shen Xu Zi cannot avoid. The predecessor of the Beast King killed too much and had a very heavy demon energy, so the Demon Suppression Sword was needed to suppress it, but once the Demon Suppression Sword left, its powerful demon aura would erupt instantly.

Shen Xuzi didn’t know how strong that power was, although he believed that George Han would be fine.

“Three thousand, I don’t want it.” Qin Shuang said at this time.

She looked at George Han very resolutely, if she wanted to save herself with a golden body, but if George Han faced such a danger, she would rather not.

“What if I’m here to pull it?” Xiaobai stood up and said.

The golden body of the Beastmaster belongs to him, he should not be affected, right?

Shenxuzi shook his head: “The Zhen Yaojian is the most masculine thing in the world. Not to mention you a beast, even a woman, it is absolutely impossible to pull it. The one that can pull him. It must be a man.”

“But…” Xiaobai was about to speak.

At this time, George Han said softly and firmly: “Don’t say anything, this sword. I’ll draw it!”

As soon as he said this, Qin Shuang was shocked. He took George Han by the arm and shook his head desperately at him: “Three thousand, no, no.”

George Han did not speak, and gently took Qin Shuang’s hand away, and slowly walked under the Demon Sword.

Taking a deep breath, George Han directly held the Demonic Sword.

Suddenly, the color of the wind and clouds changed, thunder and lightning flashed, and the temperature suddenly dropped to a minimum. The cold wind blew through and entered the bone marrow, and then the earth was shrouded in darkness.

George Han violently pulled up the Demon Sword Sword. At this moment, in the gap below, the silver light vented wildly. George Han felt an extremely powerful force rushing into his body madly. Under the silver light, George Han Facial distortion!

Chapter 1705

As the silver light passed, the ghosts and wolves howled, countless silver lights turned into ghosts, madly jumping around George Han, testing, and even attacking.

The red light on the town demon sword was flourishing, from the tail to the top of the sword, it suddenly spread. George Han’s hand holding the handle of the sword was also swallowed by the red light.

He went all the way up, and finally turned George Han’s whole body into blood red.

George Han felt that the anti-Buddha-prevention was in the molten slurry, and the intense high-temperature anti-Buddha prevention was about to melt his body completely, and the pain of the heart was transmitted from every epidermis of the body to the brain.

“Ah!!! Ah!!!”

George Han roared crazy and loudly, and at the same time exhausted all his strength to madly pull the Demon Sword up slowly.

Seeing George Han doing this, Qin Shuangxin had already raised her throat, and her beautiful eyes were both worried and distressed.

“The sword draw is too slow. If this continues, he will be burned to ashes by the fire.” Shen Xuzi shouted worriedly.

Xiaobai and Linlong looked at each other at this time, and then walked towards George Han simultaneously, trying to help him. But just close to Han’s 3,000 meters, the intense temperature reflected the blush of the two people, and the clothes on their bodies instantly burned. Just as they tried to exert force, a few silver lights wrapped them around and surrounded them.

“Silver is the demon energy, and red is the energy on the Demon Sword. What George Han faces is the simultaneous attack of two forces.” Shen Xuzi said anxiously.

“What do you do then?” Qin Shuang said anxiously.

Shenxuzi shook his head: “No one can help him. Everything depends on him. It’s life or death, just between thoughts.”

Hearing this, Qin Shuang’s eyes softly shed worry tears. Standing in the distance, she could already smell the blistering smell of George Han.

Whether to surrender or rise, George Han has only one choice.

“In this world, no one can make me succumb!” George Han gritted his teeth, there is only one thought in his mind, that is, he can’t die!

Amelia is still waiting for herself!

“Get me up!”

George Han roared, and immediately afterwards, his whole body vigorously!

An inch!

Two inches!

Three inches!

The sword body has moved away from its original position more and more, and George Han’s hands are getting heavier and heavier. He can’t tell whether the Demon Sword is getting heavier. Still my own strength is getting smaller and smaller.

Above the air, the wind and clouds suddenly rushed away more eagerly.

At this time, all the peaks of the Void Sect, all the disciples also walked out of the temple, looking at the sky’s great change, at a loss, and talking.

Above the main hall, the Void Sect also awoke from entering concentration at this time, with doubts on his face, and his hands pinched crazy mental arithmetic, but people can’t count heaven, he has no clue or result.

Wu Yan walked up quickly and reported in the hall at this time: “Report to the head, there is no sky in the Void Sect, and the wind roars away. It seems that there is something abnormal!”

Wu Yan’s heart was unusually uneasy, and the forest of beasts in the mountains behind the four peaks had just undergone an abnormal change. Now, the entire Void Sect is a strange sight. I have to worry about it. “Head, could it be that the Beastmaster of the Forest of Beasts went to the forbidden area of ”‹”‹the dead? Broken the restriction?”

If this is the case, for the entire nihilism. It is disaster.

The head deeply raised his frowning brows: “The dark clouds cover the sky, especially the top of the four peaks. I think it is indeed an accident in the Forbidden Land.”

“The senior brother, what should we do? If we let the Beastmaster get back the golden body. He can at least recover half of his strength. Even so, it may not be able to cause any harm to the Void Sect, but it will inevitably be a major disaster in the future.”

“The Necropolis has a unique entrance restriction from the Netherworld Sect. The restriction is even more protected by the remnant soul of the ancestors. Even if the Beastmaster succeeds in reincarnation, he is still in a weak state and should not break through the restriction. Maybe, something happened because of other reasons, and we were too worried. “The head is extremely confident in the prohibition of Wuzong.

On the one hand, the Secret Method of Nothingness is extremely strong. On the other hand, it is also guarded by the remnant souls of ancestors, not to mention the reincarnation of the Beast King, even the Beast King in its heyday, wants to break through the prohibition. It is also extremely difficult.

Wu Yan nodded, convinced of this.

Besides, there is the Demon Sword in the Necropolis Forbidden, even if someone can break through the restriction, the Demon Sword is not something ordinary people can take.

“Well, Wu Yan, you immediately send elite disciples to Sifeng to check what is going on and what news is there. Let me know as soon as possible.”

“Yes, the head.”

Having said this, Wu Yan quickly retreated.

The head sighed for a long time at this time: “I hope it’s just a small problem.”


At this time, the Zhenyao Divine Sword followed George Han frantically to mention it. The sword body had already been pulled out halfway through, and almost at this time, the red light on the Demon Suppression Sword had become more intense, even the sword body was full of huge red and blue flames.

In an instant, George Han was completely swallowed by the fire! !

Suddenly, the whole world is quiet!

Quiet needle fall can be heard!

Qin Shuang was taken aback for a moment. After a while, he cried out loudly, “No…No. Don’t!!!”


Everything returned to normal, the silver light disappeared, the red light disappeared, even the fire that had just been swallowed. Also disappeared in an instant.

With a loud noise, a black body suddenly fell.

George Han fell to the ground like charcoal at this time, motionless!

Qin Shuang rushed forward, and as soon as he reached out and touched his body, she instantly felt that her hand touched an extremely high temperature, and she quickly retracted back when she was hot.

Qin Shuang flicked his tears, looking at George Han who was motionless on the ground with great sadness.

“He…he is dead.” Qin Shuang knew for the first time what kind of experience heartache was. It was more uncomfortable than uncomfortable.

It turned out that the ice and snow in her heart would melt gently.

Shen Xuzi looked at George Han in shock, but it was not George Han that he looked at, but the Demon Sword in his hand that was still faintly red!

as well as. At the sword pit, there was a faint faint silver light.

He succeeded!

He really succeeded in pulling out the Demon Sword and found the golden body.

However, he also failed. At the cost of life!

He shook his head helplessly: “The deceased is dead, girl, I will put the golden body of the Beast King on your body for you, and achieve his last wish.”

Finished. Shen Xuzi slowly chanted a spell, and under the sword pit, a silver skeleton slowly rose into the air.

Looking at this pair of bones, Xiaobai’s eyes were full of complexity, he did not pay attention, Shen Xuzi had been staring at him vigilantly.

“No, I don’t want it, I don’t want any golden body, I only want George Han to survive.” Qin Shuang shook his head gently, only quietly looking at George Han in his sad eyes, even looking at the golden body. Don’t take a look.

Chapter 1706

“He used his life in exchange for you.” Shen Xuzi said calmly.

Qin Shuang’s eyes were dumb. At this moment, Shen Xuzi slowly walked to Qin Shuang’s front, urging the spell, and the silver golden body slowly flew over Qin Shuang’s head.

Only for a moment, with the operation of Shenxuzi. The silver golden body slowly released a powerful silver light, and finally flew towards Qin Shuang.

After the silver light, Shenxuzi whispered: “The golden body has been absorbed by you, and your abilities will be greatly improved, but you are a woman, and your body is Yin. The golden body of the Beast King is also brutal and extremely demon because of the previous life. It’s heavy, so. You have to practice more on weekdays, and you have to learn some masculine spells as much as possible to control the demon energy in your body.”

“Now that the golden body has just entered the body, you first enter the concentration to be compatible with it.”

Qin Shuang didn’t go into concentration as Shen Xuzi said, but just sat beside George Han’s body like this. Looking at him quietly.

For her, her cultivation is not important, even her own death or not. What’s important is that she can only accompany George Han now.

George Han’s body was almost covered by all kinds of charred black matter, and the whole handsome face was completely invisible. He had no breathing and no heartbeat.

The body began to cool down rapidly.

Shen Xuzi sighed for a long time. This was something he expected, but it was also unexpected.

He does have a different idea about George Han, but he also knows the huge risks of taking the golden body of the Beast King. Judging from my own knowledge of George Han, this matter is half and half.

But he did not expect that George Han would fall on top of the other half after all.

Although this somewhat disrupted his plan, it was not entirely true. At least, he had already been freed, and Qin Shuang, the most promising disciple of the Void Sect, also got better because of it. This was a great fortune in misfortune.

Xiaobai glanced at Linlong with some discomfort. At the last moment, he also forcibly pressed down his desire to snatch the golden body.

At the beginning, he did think about getting the golden body back by himself, after all, how could he willingly hand over the results of his years of cultivation to others.

Surrendering to George Han is more of a stopgap measure.

As long as he gets the golden body, he can have the capital to resist.

and so. After entering the temple, Xiaobai wanted to rush in and snatch it because of the golden body, but George Han in the temple wanted to save him. He rushed forward without hesitation, Xiao Bai will always remember this.

When the golden body came out. He had been restless in his heart and was attracted by the familiar taste, but the scene when George Han was saving himself suppressed all this.

“It seems that I am indeed an unknown beast. I have been like this in my previous life, and I have just confessed to the Lord one day in this life. The owner died.” Xiaobai smiled bitterly, and there was endless sadness in the eyes of the red rabbit. Qing’s loss.

Linlong didn’t know what to do. When George Han died, the three-year agreement between himself and him seemed to have ended.

But for some reason, I didn’t feel happy at all, on the contrary, there was a trace of sadness.

Aren’t you Xiaoqiang who can’t kill you? At first you could not die like that, but today you left unexpectedly?

suddenly. Linlong smiled.

Seeing Linlong’s smile, Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed with resentment, just as he was about to get angry. Xiao Bai has already said aloud: “What are you laughing at? This is the time, you still laugh?”

Linlong smiled and nodded: “It’s this time that I laughed out.”

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Linlong looked at Xiaobai: “I ask you, do you feel any strangeness in your body?”

Xiaobai felt his body strangely, and was very puzzled: “No. What’s wrong.”

Suddenly, just after Xiaobai said these words, he was shocked all at once: “You mean…”

“Yes.” Lin Long smiled.

Immediately after. Xiaobai laughed suddenly.

Seeing the two spirit pets leaning back and laughing, Qin Shuang finally couldn’t bear it, and rushed over in angrily, a cold light flashed on his body, and an attack instantly blasted both of them.

“Have you laughed enough?” Qin Shuang’s face was like frost, and his killing intent was full.

She couldn’t do anything for George Han, but at least she had to maintain the dignity of George Han after his death.

Linlong flashed fast enough, watching the Frostbolt that was half an inch past the tree next to him in shock, if he accidentally took this trick, he would not die or be half disabled.

He didn’t even think that Qin Shuang would suddenly do something, let alone that Qin Shuang had been suppressed by poison and locked his meridians just now, but he was just an ordinary person. But in a blink of an eye, he quickly recovered his strength after absorbing a golden body.

“Well, Senior Sister Qin Shuang. Listen to me. It’s not what you expected.” Lin Long quickly explained: “George Han is not dead, so…that’s why we were so happy just now.”

“George Han is not dead?”

Linlong glanced at Xiao Bai. The two beasts nodded together: “We are his spiritual pet. Logically speaking, if he is dead, we will never survive as contract beasts. But don’t you see that we two live and live? This means that George Han does not have Die!”

not dead?

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